HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-04-14, Page 5THE TIMES- DVO1 ATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 14, 100
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Waferloo battle
Breeding Associ:.. ti�n
"Where Better Bulls Are I,Jsed"
Why Are We ,Advertising?
I3edause if you are not using our services now, you,
would be helping yourself by doing so,, as well as strepgat,:
enin • this- ) •owned g co. ol.erative, farmer o��ned :and controlled
organization now serving thousands offarmers.
Many are continuing to use our services and many
new people are starting to use theta. During March 19.510,.
187 new
members joined. th
a T
aterl00 C t
t e Breeding
Association and 668 more cows were breis than during
March 1954,: This is .a 20% increase.
Costs are - modest,
For Service call -the Waterloo Cattle Breeding As-
sociation, Clinton 242,
Between; 7;80 a,m. and 10:00 a,m. week'.aays ,
7:80 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Sundays and Holidays.
- By Reg Armstrong
Ice water, ears and dogs.
I can't think of anything' less con-
nected, biit that's what we're going
to talk about today. Ice water, cars and dogs.
Perhaps iii, a moment it will begin to make sense,
Especially if you have a pooch who comes tearing outafter
your year, or chases. every ear and truck that passes,
The dent clog makes a nuisance of himself, makes you
Jittery at, the wheel and is Iiable to get himself run over
any day.
Mere is a sure • fire cure, ,
Have someone- sit in the back seat with the window
rolled down on the side Fido usually 'chooses for his yapping.
As the dog starts tagging your tailpipe, the friend planted ht
the back seat leans out the window and douses Fido square
in the jaw with a bucket full of ice water. The colder the.
better (but with no ice in it , of course),
it may be an aWful shock, but it's harmless enough,
and is recommended by. a dog -loving friend of mine as a safe
but sure cure for car -chasing pooches.
. 'Course, there's a time when putting on a little clog
is just the right thing. There's nothing like the feel•of good,
sound, looks -like -new car to give you a feeling of safety and
siweness and satisfaction. With new, and used cars turning.
over so rapidly these -days, we have some of the inost•luxur-
t us cars of the last few years on our lot right now, And,
they've !mocked them right out of the luxury price class.
It's quite frue that luxury, if' you Want it, is available for
everyone these days. •
EXETER - ONT. & /.O a gelsd,dthcZtox_
.1111111 Ill ! INIIN11111111N.t11111111011It P111IIIIt111111111/111tllllttlttt IIIIl11111Nt111 iNfllll ll 11/0111111 I Iu,,, l l I IIl111llltl�'
Here is what -r-•
Leading' Agricultural Writers Say About
Sugar Bee
Globe and Mail, March 18,.1955
The .new sugar • beet con-
tract for "growers in South-
western Ontario is 'expected
to have it great influence on
crop •programs of farmers in
that part of the province this
The 1955 'contract per-
- nits growers to plant . as
many acres of beets as they
wash, and guarantees othe
market price for all beets
based on sugar Content.
Tt is the first year that
these conditions have been
written into the contiaet dur-
ing, the 53 years of . ,beet
groiVing in Ontario.
The minimum for average
sugar. content, 17' per cent,
will be $12 a ton, an increase
over recent years. For 18 per
•cent beets the price will be.
Another factor likely to
eontriibute to '`a heavy beet
crop is the "fact that the
agreement calls for the mini-
mum price to be the initial
payment, which means farm-
ers will not• have to wait ,for
their money when the crop is
Later, of course; growers
will get additional payments
/nom the sale of .such 'by •
products as dried beet pulp
• and molasses. And when the
' sugiar is sold, if •sugar prices
have gone up, growers will
benefit from this increase.
Both processors' and grow=
ers- have" bagel the 'contract
as the best in the history of.
beet -growing 4n this Prov-
. ince
London Free Press, April 5, 1955
" . That Sugar beet contract with the guaranteed,
full payment looks much better against a background of cur-
rent .. . factors . . . " .
Farmer's Advocate and Canadian Countryman,
April • 9, 1955
The Sugar ',Company in
Western Ontario declares,
and growers agree, that 'the
195$ sttgar beet cOntMct is
a good one from the produc-
er's point of view. A satis-
factory minimum price ($12
per ton With 17 per cent
sugar content) and full
grower participation in the
sale of sugar and all by-
products creates a partner-
ship without parallel in the
marketing of farm products.
With this happy agreement
consttmated, the Canada and
Dominion Sugar COmpany
has set out td'- eontract forty
thousand acres or bust, and
there is no good reason why
this modest 'objective should
not be reached ,
Beets have paid oft a great
ii ny itortgag•es ,,and, if
given 'a eha,nee, they will con-
tinue to bolster up the farm
income. In the 1065 contrn.ct
and in. the erOp itself there
are real opportunities.
Canada and Dominion
Sugar Co, Limited.
' ('outset the fieldnian lit Ant district Or o►1ii'• office,
li !toner Chatham 1254, 'Wellateburg 10
vTniiimilimitimiliflfll,lNfilliliftllfiffflilliiryilatilfil isii11001111i1liffiYi/uiiNifui011NNUiiiiiiiiiiiliifiiiii141014110i47,
ng $tarts
Erc.ury Soars Into 70's
A sudden spurt of summer-
like weather has .advanced the
seeding season several weeks earl-
ier theft usual in this area. -A
considerable amount of grain has
been sown during the past week,
Land dried .off so rapidly dur-
ing the• week of March 26 to
April 2 that some farmers were
able to start seeding on Tuesday,
April 5. Tlie Grand Bend area
a. i sow.
w s
f to
The early start caught many
farmers unprepared without their
seed and -fertiliser requirements.
Temperatures soared into- the
60's early. in the month and a1 -
though tl;e mercury dropped
down to 3.3 on Thursday, April 7,
Junior Farmers
Plan "At Home"
Huron County Junior Farmers
Will hold their annual "At Home"
•dance in the auditorium of the
new Seaforth ,high school Friday
Several hundred young farmers
from the county are expected to
attend the event, which is park of
the yearly program of the Huron
Douglas May and Elaine Hern
are in charge of arrangements
for thesouthend of the county.
The juniors are also planning
their first county poultry barbe-
cue in. Seaforth on Saturday,
June '11. The group plans an out-
door evening meal followed by a
program and dance:
Pea Acreage
Largest •Ever
The largest acreage of peas in
the history ' of the local canning
factory will he sown this year,
Manager H. K. Penhale said this
• Although the company declines
to state total • acreage, Mr. Pen-
hale said it is 200 to 300 acres
more• than last year,
The eompany's-scheduled
planting started Wednesday of
last week, and will spread over a
20 -day period. This method, in-
troduced two years ago, helps to
extend the harvesting period.
Mr. Penhale said the company
has started . to contract for corn
•acid beans but 'it is not known
how the acreage will compare
with last year. "
Data On
Easter Visitors
. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns, of
Sarnia, with Mr, and Mrs. Gil-
bert Johns.
Mr, and Mrs, Earl Coultis and
Neil, of Torontq, with Mr, and
Mrs. Nelson Coultis.
Mr. and Mrs, Donald Parsons
and Susan, of • Henpall, with Mr,
and Mrs. Ross Skinner. •
Mr, Elgin Skinner, of New Td-
ronto, with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Skinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell, Mr.
an 'Mrs. Charles Stephen and
family • attended the Milner -Ford
wedding in Exeter .on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bell and
family, of Toronto, and Mrs.
Thomas Bell, Exeter, with Mr,
and Mrs. Harold Bell, on Satur-
Miss Florence Heywood, Strat-
ford, with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Hubert Heywood,
Mr. Grant Griffin held a suc-
cessful auction sale of household
articles on Saturday before mov-
ing to Toronto where he has
been employed.
Mi': and 1Virs•. Norman Jaques
and family, of Zion, and Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Skinner ` and family..
were, Saturday, evening guests
with Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Skin-
Mrs, Etta Bing and Mr. Bin
King, Mr. and Mrs, Russell
Waun, • of Forest, visited with
Mrs. Weston Borne on Good
Mr. W, 1VIeFalls ,and Leila and
Mr. Hilson Whiteford and Ken;
neth, of Ingersoll; Mr, and Mrs.
Garnet MCFalls and ,Mr. and Mrs.
Percy McFalls, Of .Exeter, with
Mrs. Wes Horne. •
Mr. Bruce Medd, 'of Napanee,
with Mr. and Mrs. William Rout-
ly, on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Williain Routly
with Mr, and Mrs. Cap Howard,
of Lunen, on Monday. •
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long and
family with Mr, and Mrs. Wil-
liam Johns! on Saturday.
Miss Shirley 'Jaques .with Miss
Carol Ann Bell, •
Mill". McLean, of i4ensali, Mrs.
Narris, of London, Mrs. Linton,
0f Mitchell, Mr. Ross Dining, of
Toronto, Mr. a nd Mrs, Laurie
Stephen, of London, with Mr. and
Mrs. Austin Dining, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Heslinga and
family, ofWoodstock, with Mr.
and Mrs. Neil Valentyne,
Mrs. Stewart Maxwell and
fainiiy, of London, with her sister,
Mrs. Ted Jackson. '
Mrs, P, Rolth and Harold, of
London, with Mrs, Ted Jackson,
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet johns, of
Sarnia; Mr. and. Mrs. Prod Long
and family, of Atwood; Mr. and
Mrs. -Grant Itatcliffe• and fancily,
of Anderson; Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Fraser and family; Mr, and Mrs,
James 'Grinney and faintly, of
Science 11111; Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Johns and family, 10. and Mrs.
Williams Johne were Saturday
it climbed hack to a record high
over the Baster • weekend,. The
74.4 degrees of Sunday was the
highest on record at IMF Ste,
tion Centralia for the early part,
of April.
This year's early seeding season
is in 'marked contrast to last
year when cold, rainy weather
delayed work on the farm until;
the middle of May,
The early season has •overcome
the handicap which' 'farmers fac-
ed because of the wet, cold fall
last year. They have been able
to catch up on the plowing they
were linable to do before winter
set in.
yields are expected to be down
because of poor plowing condi-
tions last fall but many farmers
hope to get good resultsfront
spring work.
Huron Assistant Agricultural
Representative Harold Baker, of
int n
Cl o satdprogress
o. win
f ter
crops has been good. "Fall wheat
'shows good promise. Some Glovers
have been affected by the frost
but not badly,"
Changes Can Be Made?
. With the mild Easter weather
many farmers are getting along
with the seeding and at the end
of the day come in tired and bone
weary. After supper • they stili
leave approximately two hours of
hare, labour or drudging in the
form of "barn chores". .
It was suggested -by a farm
engineer in a magazine article
we were reading the other day
"that the time to plan the re-
modelling of your stable is in the
-That's the time when minutes
are precious as hours, and after
a long day in fields a couple of
hours chores looms larger than
the whole day on the tractor.
- The • idea sounded common
sense to us. In order to change
the stable plan in most barns it
will be found necessary to do
some "jacking". At no other time
of the year will it be possible to
do this job so easily—the mows
are as empty as they ever will
be. Also he suggested, that if
you had to obtain the services of
a• cement contractor, the odds
were with •you on getting the job
finished in time for the cement
to set before you put the hay in.
The other day we happened to
be talking to a man who spent
approximately $700 in cement
stablingin the form of horse and
cow stalls, water .bowls, etc,
Never have we seen a man . who
was more disgusted with Jiis in-
vestment. At the time he thought
that it was the only thing (and
admits it), tut now he is think-
ing of hiring a •strong, man with
a good sledgehammer. At best,
the chunks• of cement will retake
good fill for that hole in the
;For .years it has been recom-
mended by agricultural author-
ities, livestock is healthier if per-
mitted to 'take daily exercise.
Agricultural engineers recom-
mend that • before you finally
settle on a stable plan that you
investigate, -the advantages of
loose housing. To fist but a few—
low initial `cost, less labour to
feed and care for livestock and
greater flexibility.
It has also been suggested
that the sante capital investment
required to install the conven-
Let Contracts
For Stephen
Three contracts for drains
were let at the April meeting of
Stephen council last week,
' W. G. Campbell will construct
the Haugh Drain for $1;575, and
the Gore Road Draih for $310.
Robert R•oweliffe was awarded
the Flynn Drain at his bid of
'Council approved repair of the
Khiva Drain on Dennis O'Rourk's
Zarin, adjoining the, county road.
'Time for payment of 1954
taxes was extended to April 20.
Council meetings for May,
June, July August and Septem-
ber will be held in the evenings
at 7 o'clock.
Court of revision on the Hill,
Gore Road and Haugh drains was
declared closed,
'Grants authorized by council
included $1,606.47 to the Aus-
-able River iConservetion Author-
ity and $105 to the Hensall Spring
evening dinner guests with Mr.
and Mrs, Gilbert Johns, celebrat-
ing Mr. William Johns' birthday.
-Mr. and Mrs, Howard Otis and
family, of°Itiiigston, with Mr, and
Mrs. Lloyd Johns.
.H01 SON
Phone 156 Ori le- Bend
tional cowstalls be it either ce-
ment, wood or steel stanchion,
will more than pay for the cost
of a cemented, well -fenced barn-
yard that can be •utilized . for
cattle in the winter -time and hogs
in the summer or as a holding
yard for other livestock,
These are just a few brief sug-
gestions but we have found them
to be sound on our own opera-
tions. It was one of those nights
after a long hard day when we
said "no more of this" as we
pushed the wheelbarrow and
swept the alleyway and never.
since have we regretted making
the big switch,
It will pay you to get those
"tied cattle" that area going to
grass out for exercise in the
barnyard for a few days.
Fix Fence
Spring Flowers
Lambing Time.-
ime,-' Get that early garden in quick.
No great change in crops is
expected, ,in this area, Canadian
Canners has increased its pea
pack by several hundred acres
and corn and bean acreages naay
be up. After the considerable
loss • in white beans last year,.
this erop is expected to be sinal-
A new guaranteeed minimum
in the sugar beet
crap may
crease its size.
Some new varieties of oats are
being planted, Gary, Simcoe and
Rodney tylpes,4whieh have been.
leading the rod row tests in the
province, are being sown under.
contract for seed.
]Members of the Exeter 4-11
grain club are solving Rodney
oats this year as their project.
The seed was obtained from
Cann's Mill Ltd.
4tH Club Program
Largest In Huron
The largest 4-11 program in the
history of Huron County is under
way, according to Huron Ass't
Ag Rep Harold Baker,
Over 400 farm youngsters have
joined the .30 clubs in the county
to slate and more are expected
to sign up immediately.
New clubs this year include
three 4-11 poultry clubs, a 4-11
white beet club and two 4-H
grain clubs.
A -C H 1 NG
MM14M4M4M1.0100. MMI114Pt10111114111111NMIAM111M11400110404.01 0000
Phone 719 Exeter
Sheet Metal Work .and Eavetroughing
Furnace Vacuuming' .
iii11Wy111111t1N;pp 11tttulunNyUullllllll.1!ll .... ..._- .1M11011144P111PMMtPNP .... 1.Ppparn
111 l l!111P11tM10 llll l ll NP1 11111111111410111041P1M1P111111111111111.14111111i11t11.11N111111110101 1❑101111RtNN11111.IJP%
Start Sowing
Better Fields
Right Now!
Y•ou.Can't Work Your Ground Yet
. But You Can Save Time and
Prepare for Better Crops by Buy-
ing Seeds and Supplies from
"Western Ontario's Most Cour
plete Seed Service" Now!
Buy The RIGHT Seed
• Buy The BEST Seed
ones, MacMaughton Seeds Ltd.
Special spring showing
at your Plymouth dealer's
buy_ of the year:
the Ion-glow,
beautiful PILYM
Take a small look at
i The sculptured beauty of motion -
design for The Forward Look puts
Plymouth distinctively ahead in style
-promises to keep its value high for
years to come. It's style that gives.
you extra visibilit 1 extra spacious-
ness, and a new kind of motoring
convenience—with a ride that's
admittedly Unsurpassed.
Take a long look at
Plymouth's 'commanding prestige is
apparent in its full size and eittra
length, sparkling With notion -design
for The Forward Look. More useful
room inside, too—for true luxury
that will amaze you.
Take a fast look at
This year Plymouth offers a far-
ranging choice of power --with
stepped-up Sixes and a great new
V-8.You'll want to try thein on the
road and check their lively action,
luxurious quiet, amazing smooth-
ness. All Plymouth engines deliver
their superb performance on regular
grade gasoline.
Take a close look of
Plymouth's new beauty is more
than skin deep! So be sure to
check Plymouth's advanced
engineering and niechanicalfeatures.
In engines, chassis, suspension, and
body structure, now as always,
Plymouth builds great Carat
You owe it to yourself to see and
test-drive this beautiful new
beauty of the highways—the
longest, lowest, liveliest
Plymouth ever.
You'll find brilliant new colours,
naw being shown for the first tune.
And you'll see sparkling new
Sportone hardtop styling, now
available ori Plymouth sedans
and other body types.
We've made special clans to
let you drive and ride 111 these
new Plymouth models. Don't vita
this special Spring Showing of the
cars with motion -design for
The 1• orward Look!
•See pl.'iMOUTH'S MOTION.t15SiGN
• Manufactured in Canada by
Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited
Come In rtostir to youtr C]'lirrysCor.P•tymouthhitFiiirSo de-tait`aIri
Exeter • Phone 216