HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-6-15, Page 2moemeirmeromites.........orereesoossereaseresselorninseells........eamoraerter Ariallksteliewerweeneweee.
M(1•04i by Mr Lumsden, seconded by resolution ; we furtber recommend that I Keyed he Mr Oolisa. wooded by Mr R. Rumanian, S. Pent, W. H. Orace, sad the
be 'required to communicate with the 1•3111wnt °f "" unPate0ted l'attla be La oufutAirratir sit; k.::::lersrs'Ittenh"Oustetroefulb4
Mr Adair, rhat the Wariets and Clerk Mr Harrition'e opinion concerning tIo!Latat:'1'",•0 rheitttille rtainl "! 110° ran" In"ver•
1 he armee; then sdjournm1 eine
member of thee Counties sth1 to the lion. also printed 4,, the minutes. Alexander
Mourn 11'Donsld and SIPhereon. Ms. Ktloattick 5103 to be paid. Several
L. C , requesting their assistance ilt oh- other account, sod a emitter of recounts
Mining from government the rutnediete cortitlid by the County Leemeer were Gravel 'toed Scume under a hieh the Lame
Komi eat he ,traselled me 8200 greeted
payment to the minor niurtirtpalities to . ordered to be paid. The t;'11°•ing ere that:ash-C. i-morotruient of that noel through
these Countiee the sums agreed to be ' the 500111 ta lc raked for the current Greenock at Me January ',warm he expended
aii the Stirred 6th aide lute uf thir tow uship.
allowed front the Laud Improvement Fund ! year :-
at dement „la .342 .14ae.M.1..Fielh:ge: vitli.:711..„1,sf,2.m.h.c.on.deedt. ihin M, irt.W i,al
-Carried. Goateed County purposes's per Trees.
OPPOSITION To AM ALO,'.MATION. Poway ol Hui un irecial,f.tio. do . , 4 t,00it I ''-''' -.--- --.-- "'"''''''''' -'''' :'"-'" --- ' -
I to the overecein r a,KI ex perdue.' of the man last eight by prj Mg open a window, 'nil " Seest thou* a loan diligent iit his heti-
Moved by Mr Bishop, eeconded by hlr ii C•mooj er limo soralusli
stole a considerable quantity of wool frotu nese he.ahall ettnti before Kiegs ; he shall
do do .. 6,0.10 1 oslss. no. gratiled on the boundary betweei
Scir.:.e, That the Wararn and Clerk are 1 7be necessary lay -lure for raising the !Carrie:6 rod Culios-rarried.
Tim building is uot stand before wean men."
I ._.51.iteee.,d 1..,• _adart Itc:Itie,,, soatoded, ly Mt Mr SI sn, some tnent, Ac.
hme:Oltlhaint 3tthruecutcodurt:11 Pei tsittila,t ge:etri: 1 1631;sive IFte.l7ut°11edilewreend :inbeto P:ePc3omrdiu'itteeW ef 1 riWtrhiucteid 7:1, exialmitsebtheCjiMers'4Z"Mati7land
tieCouticil without delay. That some of our citizens do mem
very insecure and shall be attended to by
, • Ira report to the Council et its next triererieg prim., there ie no doubt ; for notwith- • Eur ean News.
..... ,_
the proper elements of *dusky lind enter.
Amalgamation of the Greed Trunk •itti , the...whole on the report, 31r. Sutton to 'Riser near Ainleyville, township of Monet,
Pr° irl° e"et er ''' d i -t.""1"4. read John Dougherty instead of John standing the hurl limes th •y are eitr•rgetic.
SioNti in amendment to No. 27 by hIr. , and the h r
encore : -Thal Monopolies aro, in theinol _
! ! cl! Pc.:it..0. of Jane» Watson Etre, a ol others n__ ,_ , , , .. . , .. As a proof ol this, in several parta of the Hettioni. Jerre 7.seThe steamship Americo,
*elves, always ittjurious, anti also !het We ' • Pence, *wooded by Mr. Mellough, Thet 1
, ....ou se ef hormg • test well for uil ur salt I own we es" see shop, and damning, from Loerporil et ten u•eliiek en the neon-
neenstiet 2etli ult., bee
and that this Coun.. mint. kok. aid .frons Couttliert Loillicil fur the. eeereln, the hitter u...ing a mister .- o,
as a corporatiott having given the 13.1 L. ' the "V! ho altered'
. .
• •.,i.r •cil do grant the sutu of 8a50 for the put. er dote* are tao dile
f 300 000
MILS. received.
even fi om our Own aanctum we can hear i i w
..'4.ore ..lap.)leoll ha. resigned.
the welcome sotm.I of the trowel and the The Post sus th it th prince migned in
sequolue ..; the leiter f the khajeror.
hammer laying the 6noolation and re. con
prinCe Wag edn•
erecting the walls of those buililitios The 11,-°'• "Ye Om I
lately dewroyed by the devourino element. surel t. ir h!li.l.oin i ti:..i.rut tut. r ke sa cileraillT, bet
. n:t ,,e oil tu the depth of 104 &et; or.te a ad the clerk et tee offiete that she sae :mug aceirthing further to in ike ue 010re pros. e o .
7ne°7:rhsTrtirri,"Miue,:iFku7"ke.o.oirbacrtil iri:arri:04"1/4k7i,iy":011.i
I'llii id. SO CO% ellOollritting i but we w Int
(wive the manlier in which the Railway ru" le, "Pe' ed e's thal Pmlita or i
under the auteresendetiee tal the Deputy n
("MALL Pox McDou-
Reeves or rid t000shito-derried.
Moied Ity Mr Valentine, 0.-cotiderl by Mr gall infortus us that the small -pox remedy
Currigne, That in vie• of tbe pr named mentioned by our Hoy corms/AN, tem wuy
be had from the druggists of this town,
wanting id a iittle more cripital and that
said that he has used it with much Nutmeat
the people shoula noarieh those eletuents
in Israel :WWI.
StMealtill with which they are or oayltt
peoplithh:: e accumulating wealth -are they I latter. The rummer of preparing it is by '
standing stationary Or ie their eolith
diminishing 1 We don't like tot think ahour ne.and.lia °ha. If pii14. " A °pewnrsoln0
ittnlasetue •r::04.4.1.kt two 1.11inedealzfithe 1..adog root
ll'oao e8r"ichrepotmgimeseerldsi'la.1114rthve. ottluierTs61 iiiiitiald,i1.,:ail ite*,,:elibriA.,d1"ttn:leal lo::Pies hh.tel,t1ted • 14,11.[77;tteetusci:.'1::
advantages rcquisito to make it • large • few de. vs the sweltirtg".eill-sho4vie udeauset.
and flourishing Town, *nil all that is the fever will be very mild arid »riles •ill
peel 'cif elm how. It will slim preveut
nitti te if proper ears he utherwirt taken.
It is elso a prove -Italie, and people living in
the vicinity ot where llig disease is Mint/
THEFT LAST NIOHT.-Some person . to be endowed. We are told that " The dritik o; die MN& at pleasure, by
or promos broke into the hlarket Ilouee I band of Diu diligent me keth rich," and should
curitinuitig to do so fur a liniti there ia but
iItt • dallier ol ii Go tion,but should Ilse diem.»
he citirtreettel lin ler theca Co1:1411111111UCell It
will be of ay exceedmaly mi'd form.
Y°43JirtitulITIN ALLAN.
the 11. L. II. Roilway fir the following , e r• los to the test m trle of reinoviiv the saw. Iresd• In our pollee report of het week • Aerial" •
rue real, when it wax
Stored hy Mr McDougall. seconded by Mr
Whitel- ord. That Although the Council can•
agr•ce 10 the petitilor 'of J.11111e41
• rithr•ts ot the rt.. of GwItri a:h. hut at An impoattr.
the beim &rear of eneourring miterpris s
of so r rluehle • nature to the itihahitants ol Quite • rentectrible looking and well dress -
4 Council graining the run 0,,e oasities grant !Ns mon of 11000 eif wow, Stinnett at ukke of our p•itimpri
he funds of Huron aud to so commit* that wi I *Mk • teat well fur It I
-Mee on Istatlay morning,. • kin ate- hottret
uung Shannon, on charge of stealing • beititz ermtail witii a rapidity which i. "si
cow, him been mut up for ilia' at the en- . ,t• • h . arrive. at tots port.
quite refreshing t ite ot weatner. And later limn !Mere no end
. , ,
that the government by ratifying such a Poet( mentionel in the petition frau Col-
uoion would vie ite the clam it has upon i 'aortae. Loot oil a dirieion.
us on account of the Municipal Loan I Mo by atr. Adair, sewn led by Mr.
Fun 1, 3A We IkOrrOWe I that money and !Fisher. at No. " or the rePorl he
gave it to nu in.lc,tendent Company anti 1 Innatnded ha'
Dot to the 1.1 T. And further, we eon. I or 4100 out o
4 dile h of oil or salt he sormer abhorred, out, end wood he back soon and settle hi r [serous awl tO diapel the gloom emt over an old Itornhav house bas 'Upended, with
wato managed last winter was a violaiion or"iti the t!rerlt of two Compenies commute. hill, as she was g.ing soey iin the 'sent.: us by th. hard tior• of which we coup lishilities rtf £1.1.00 I.'
' the Elora Itoad ditto.. through the
of the Contract on the part of the Rail- , township of Ilowick, ea Ledly a majority int:, tiz.: ou i•• the County uf B. ue. artd the tote.. Tee lade dd ten return *0 the h -tel. plain. We ail limns rho, anions all places Liverpool. M., 27, Evening. Colton sales
of 830. The committee hen rose, and 'l'ielliiiialytda!iiiCX0"tivi iogri lar°.:_°.nr;i:n1!; eabita,.....:. . f..,,, two days; 8,000 balsa ; 014 et ClOsirli
of , the Ward4ii resuming thee r, the re- the wild Cul, die Ate of sinTitie said well he ultiu.h
hot twee Ohltster.11ed 110140,er are.,ther.0 Tble• clerk in Canada for healthful recreation Owl.
place in the 11.:tut7,., jantuuttiii.r.Mie tit:di it:i.te•sy.. 11.reroarlyi.tuffur: quiuja.et
ersy Company, seeing thet the roLioz
'auk which was the actual property ebveitioho lion Mbelr'.1wheeti. idU ;he Ittepsu'i','“e's .nch etaniis furew`nt• :4°
ad port as mended WaS ad pted. left to sosse:mripatent and acteutitie promo, •he mid, and on enquiries ihe real...eke oid Proeince can 'goal it in this ratpect ; yet oudo..i„. '
the la. 1.,. 11. C, . 1611 teikeu off the ro
arrta the sui Coematty to comments nperstiutta not mule at the ufli • she Go med great indi ohrtt have we de" to male" "lie the re•
The Doeves of llowick and
to tarry, foreign produce, an 1 that :it a Wuhin ha-Ceioied urrarrimitusly. nation, etc , bed !toilette was' able to pay sort al our own people at a dietance or of
wero authorized to superinted the e Motet hy Mr Val. -nth», seemed d 1.7 Mr eh.. evieals but bad forJorten to do so iri thy,. our American aousine who year after year Tbe Alabama question- No
lower rate than what they carried the pro-
diture it the $100 on the Elora !Lyn). J Wt. teheod. Te,tt the Eicsonue ikok 44 I- pdOtictlIkir eaS1`. She was eel atipo ed ith k ern away from the Westin' city to " Sem- Escatemiest &scream.
duoe of these Opantin for, which we con- ed haat esurZer e itistretted in the etS ru ery tied paid the hill From informatein
eider a peculiar ease of hardship, the Clerk of the Fear. ea in- he tither iterty.t.d. I itin itel to tele,. three the ivonam eattn.a, other favorite watering MEXICAN .• EMIOit TION'" TO
' • The 8 I 00 granted for the boun.I ary
line of Bruce and Greenock to be .done !.c ..thees et. Court Ilretrie-C irta. STOPPED.
thot we have retularly performed our had eraetir.ed the aame genie ut V411015 r tre - ea° -' in - - c
rc t rel z tan front th
toils of the year ? It is encouraging to
Pn p y• • tb 1 Under the sioperiuteu lence of the reeve knoirthst 0.olerich is gradu .11y beaming,
ARM IR the Municipal Loan Fund. Antal or Gree°°°1‘ dePal reeve or Bruce. premium ur the diggilig for oil or selt ittle boy-, whom she re:latered st her sou. and we predict for her dist she will event- a
we would rurther suggest that the War- I ur inserted t rev Inure in the Leader, Globe She .1 Mit city oil the evening traet. ually become, quite as fatuous as " Sae
the.$140 granted for boundary
des and Clerk would respectfully solicit terms and Kinks. under the auvrin- 10"1,„S'ENai Carried: So seYothe eorr. o: the Loader. laza" or any ot the fashionable springs its
That thra Citerriei do now adjourn to me•t York State. fur a Summer retreat :ill I fur
the reeve of Kiuluss and acts«d to Currie. sec. by Mr
the government to furnish a clear Itate- ; tendence Was it nut lady who borrowed the money
meat as to when our ply ment \to the Mo. acF•tj 4 Cul °se.
S. veil by' Mr Valeetine, seconded h
ri, Th .t thar in.•ti.•.. itn re,zar
Mr ees, and it •01814 ler well tor hotel keepers to
10 a be Ori their guard. files was accominutied 1.7
recuperation. Still the thotight sii.goeets
a4ato km the first in Lrecember neat. Irmo Rev. Mr. ' drei•lerT-Eu. Sio.
I 31oved by air. It. Brown, seeetroled by ' -Car'!' d' itself an 1 we sae, the question. How tunny
nicipal Loan Fund will CQ.Lae-earrie.1. • a. Caimaians are th •re new p icking up their
Moved by Mr Spro-it, seconded by Mr I 31r• -Nteeea. 'Yhat the &vine& be in- I y3.- On Wednesday ening, whtle &child
e 'eted to examine the brtages Leer the 1 ,711 o • of Mr. James kbeseell. of u.,-.1k,fittan, weitylni:
8.v u sti • waggon. the ho.eeiVitt card mei-
tate . dewy el oed on, a al the poor litt1„40N4 1011..w
1,11 oor, h•vakie4 ho neck, Irma te effects
ut silica bodied.
Gibson, That the Coe. Engineer be in•
Muted to advertise the necessary per, ' i Soble river and Black Creek On tho boun- I ("it,
no 'dory line between II iy and Stephen, and I .
previous to the next weetieg of C
and have the toll -gates re lea ,in oftireport tit wet mooting of. Coon eil what 1
. . ;01.11•:Rilli, U. W., JUNE 15,
repairs will be n cessary to pot them in a „..„,...e„,_,,,_ ......,,,,L,,,,. .......,,,,,,,,..,.,
Court HOUSe.`, 00 the second day s sitting
of this Conucil-Carried.
!sieved by Mr Forties, seconded by Mr
Leckie, 'I'llat „tile report concerting the
Fairs be oltired as folloers:-Thot the
said }:88/4shall be held at HowiCk
on tbe 3rd Tuesday of February, October
on.1 December, at Behnote on the 3rd
ral state of rep or.,--tarrted.
By -Law No. el, to r des general County
Goderfcb Petrolesat Cols•
Condos It Strong.
Some time sine., ive puteishrd • report of
• Senst,tion Sleeting " in Brucefi-ld, the
rates Wag read and paral. - :- talije of ehich was lok 'nettle a number of
Ily,242* No, (.8 to. raj,. speci4 rates in IV i now f,w1 ealudel 'het the present o.d.t.o to „pm. th. tr :ipitionsepzio iii 43,,,je._1
Huroo, wag real and panted. summer will:fairly test the question of
that they eantideted effected them. We
\ C:taL °II,. the existanee or abeam of Coal Oil or ioobod . pot, the ,,,,„.t.ua a, hit „f f..„. sea
. Petition cd.l.ines Watoon, El.. Ina a salt iti this section. Our plea people are ,,,,,o,„„ pnnted it •ithrtut "eompunetirrn.
, ---
Oft • Netter to Princ. Napoleon strongly
eta to tg his eunduct in Corsica. Re Sara
Ike • I Napoleon utebliebeil severe dis
el • et the army. and the t itt his limier the
Emperor says te the future he will um deviate
(ruin the mime course.
Latest via Queenstown London. May 2e.
-Prince Nei...term ref igned his, poet in con
sequitcre of the Einierot's
Th• Globe wettest the l'rinc• r censured
for his democratic viers generally, het Indr•
particularly t'or uttering hunt' seutiments
the Emperor's AIL*, kC*0 policy.
United States.
Lee ladicled for Treason.
New You., June 10. ---The Pose • special
despatch says
" Althostlt the Treasury Departtnent is
about et ie ue & lon'ted amount of certilirates
ealehteduse, Ilia p.m emoted 4 grad
malty decruat so the department is 1 tking
tome metered eertilicrtes Oast propeses
The Commerciare specie' despatch *aye :
.• Mr. who trkes Mr. Fields plate
sa Alisounil Secretary of Os Treasury, Ito
beau chief clerk of the Teeasirry for many
years. Aierther experienced clerk, Mr. Hod
Ulan, will tske the position of chief clerk -
"1 h• rertaktkly Gee. Lee aid others
ha» been iiidicted tor treasmi at Norfolk
(mem great exritintent in Wirhindton.
•1* he .teatner- Star of the Union, trotn New
th• earts on the the 14, bu arrived. The
nea Is anticipeted.
The steamer Ariel brusgs Savorinah dates
to the 7lb 0.01.
Tim Herald correspondent save that the
ikreClOra of the Central railroad curnisrny
hare take': the teeth alleateace, and have
been placed in isreserision of the rood. suhiati.t
to the control aid use the milttary author-
ities, when necess.ry, while teinaintier.ie
Georgia There is* prospect bind the rued
E •ill emit Ise put in ramie/ order. Gen.
Berge has emu ried the cc...amid of the ma
trice. Geo. Woodford iS pest coMilialodwok.
'Ile freight depot of the Auguata and
Farther Point, boa 7.
Saeanneh retiree 4, at .4uguste, wad destroyed
Rnir"11.-1 ' the 11'1'4 of ity tiro ott 11. lb. toes, is estimated at
nic""1" ih• 266,t;ir G• Wel" ealred Lord sceenty4burahunaani!
Pe mendue whether Dia govutruseitt had tin 1A1•41 littiliber meamers are now
tette from the United Stun any formal ,otilr,ortylotisr,r.i.:i.ogi boheurend t.rportnbe N je.eru2 orrioke a
deceit demand for compenution to the t .74 sup1.3..1,
Ikkl":1"rarins..6:0'rusn'hieyetiSrttroterr 1°.'el'or:fridiusert:ene'icrUtYseterbe, 1:0„
Ti.sno exledition.
irs Jess I0. -The steamer
alleged he home been toe p.04 in mat Dupont, from New Y fur Fit
Very few humus tun have any just idea
or the real value of adverttatog as a legiti-
mate 'nip in their efforts to suceed. They
are Mkt tk, look on it as etre tool of the ad-
venturer. Ion the toter talasty &I dee le
abuedutly proved. eeperienes of tbou
nem *Ito hai• tried it lergely ie that no its-
verionerti tar profitable can possibly be made.
It the sorest, suttee awl best way tu
increase,: buserese. It Walt be dune with
energy and skill, end great persisteuee,
the reward will be certain. There are always
wine um in every_...eity sed torn who con.
slimily aver that they canrint dried.' in
advertise. Such men are invertahly left be -
hied ns- e.-(Americalt peper.
•rleistas Weird,' Account of
futre"e"ifvsesiteirces CS. rC;s0Milllwinthi4hIlettainy Jjartenu. n Athlet
Nue ot bar faitter primer. We'd been
romping threw the woods, kettle roues and
driving the woodchuck (ruin his Native Lair
(so to speak) witb twig sucks. Well, we sot
than' On the lenge, • swinging our feet leo
arid fro, blushin as red as tbe
skeet heue •heu it was first painted, and
looking very simple 1 make no doubt. My
lett arm was °crimpled ballemen myself ou
tbe Ferree, while me rite was wouridid Wrialf
rouod ber waste. 1 clesred rey thiote, sod/
treinItlingly sed, • (Put, poen, a gaselle.'-
dw1 lc lb' dY I bi e:rve, f rP17hwe* il!lepdr.andrt eecle".".-
. You re a Urea 1' Scs 1, Betsy. I think
very *Burbly of yoo *--• I don•t b'Ireve a worar
you say - tbere now, curial' with whects
uteserveshun she hitched sway from me. '
• iSh there wee wielders iny sole,' said 1,
•si, that you could see WWI of my feeling. -
I here'. tire cud to %sere,' and 1, sinking my
bossism *Ms my fiat. 'to bile all the corm
beef and turnips in the neighborhood.' She
hosed her led clown and commenst chute
the otr legs to 'her sun bouneti ' Ah, could
you limorazise sleepier'. nines 1 worry threw
your account., how willies has seized to be
attrarorn to in., and how my lona has shrank
up. you wouldn't duet me. Gale on this
west., form and their ere sunken cheeks-'
I sh• ulrl have cent er word un se thimbles,»
prohly for 'some time, but unforteitely lost
belheise and telt over into the palter
rematch. teariii my close and severely dare
eget tnyeelf Betsy Jane sprung
n.y assivtattce double (neck time and
&cu.:rid toe 4th. Teen. draw» herself up
to,her futl hoe, she sed : I won't listen to-
y our 'ends no longer. Jets say rite strata
out *list you're dtriu itt.. 11 pu mean get.
!' tin hushed, I'M r 1 misidered that sir
trunks and oulerotse waking pr-paration
o•to sot aunk *ie Mao' erne for ail preetieal peeresses, and we pro-
f.. spend the summer monthe with us hi mils. bird PMraension said currealaorideriec j
hy the Breese Shi Stiult"i'schrotn0a,t ‘,..1.1""411 Plus.""" &ad wail
Guderich ? Do they .1e,ire ike our led been giihig on for torus time between the !1.4" •""l
own aiuntry famous, or will thil contri- 4:0.:,,too„,,..:soro.t,bserov.eloolo or th.
the prig.* talsen by S4'. J"4" N• IL
.Meedfrage ibe States.
bate year after year to the wealth set
opulence of our neighbors and then com. Tim 'bad teen etv witlun the put fes . ception ut lcb"woraitel u"se.
min or hard times at hook ? ne Os toe St Sarralltallrerdlryleblryellthesd
•..,11.11..11ertekkZitutrr..tioiletulkteith....aliotethdeSt.4tes was in.
very at Admires " Galf.s ',Ih•nros.tf,biberr.c°.Ardr.....4.P.uds:‘,"‘"th:nre thba,e/ eaei,,ttj;erit sto8,....7.4:tenn,erwl'aegerePP:wearrle:on:t41.!::11:witierbllars.iffiiitc:lennratutaNtah.::
Pleasure Growth' " end admire its 1114 ar,t1 l'ine .1 relii! I° it' He 1116/ Waelaiir,pon, Jame 10. -get seen lee sr&
1, that corree, in -net ol which each doverto 200 so•diara „„ nu, y
Ile wit I'M hours w ilk through " llosker s •
ht.auties tolier ith the . d ightful ". assisted to arlokere at a Irt;htful mat of 1401
I went bad state its shies or the tem, tee stun...ming peolood o1 rim ward. 1.1/441 e„,i means 1:1004.7 that the frees
II mkt of the tyer Maitland an then
Weeks te iittestel oith the suffrage. Tbie
oestrus lead bee discussed io the moat ' reeled the d.,w;ohetelbo. hon..* arid iippling.
return home so in' • orated witl such 1
a iglu." of health t a 'Bing tnrough is ',Sod y and amicable utter, Mr. Baxter sh"Pe'•-cul" . .°Ik' •"1"rtal 'tad, agate
peeress mdererimeisoloy, attactnig the ir
thee in looking at mates, rit tying theta new,. breaking uo the:.
veins and picturel ie cheek hat h'e es's./ Lord' Pamerston
91:mg hull of rhe matter to a spirit that When the se..rle err» of the Sem N. ektv belying theasekes to liquor and
lieda,,,way of „in, womb, It wro,eto,. number of others reqnesting assiutine, to tistoilidted physician will mem et our tee changed upset °refers 1-. Ameri:a her , !moonset,
the 3rd Thursday of same ruonthe, and bore for oil, 111$4.3.1, .n it Wag in wed must insure success, it It. le really true edam' that we m Oled tn Aruh.field, came to Bands ana • the belmy air n 01.1 liu- or in elodes, sid o.tier out
. ..• hand. it created sin+ a row in the emit'. test. ron " as being .' di•agreealtly h Ithy, ' c., venison, or iu conjunction whh that et the 47;fess',.i,1,it"''..r. ''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
States. would consider- the Pr°1""°1 l bewien ard robbed. 1 hey reitied tor resisi
4 a s.pefdron on the cuestas( Lune 1 mace ant tu nrotect theniselvelt, when a ti..;h1
ly • terminate the slave ride... 1 occurred. thre solders Wan,: revolvers, ar did
Von sei I th t twelve m,rit he ego . 1'1. lb". a'•taeee'eta-
rnment inroad 11 • Governrnent of I
Tbe Road to Wealtb.
atoll te participate in ns mos . -
t east of Afries. but'ditEcel. I, MIT AND ItgalRag or aggraittileo.
1 ef neepace hediemeet A...mu .11 the lis'innees developerets in
at Ainleyeille on the 3r.I Friday of same by Mr. Sutton, seeron led by ale. Creosol, t 46 •' •4 ePoalt 1° on tat try request ol a friend nod or the intermits of „rthopid ada.ze thot NA. c„,,
tias-Referred to Finance Coin. Th ti f hef • th C e'l b feet. At a liege, iiifi talk 1.;atul enthuoi- rood order, we StiepreGat I it 'n toe weekly tare des the- cure but' the do, tor ge of ini„,
laid Orr until to -morrow. astic fleeting held io the Town. Hall lest shim t. roe thought the rilatter word drop • we ham a eon eisimr,
the seheeciptt‘ie , hut e yoskte lady ar great emotion' P tt
Moral by hlr, ILatop, secon lea by ()Ion'.1•1) night, 4'4 tenon uo k copy, and tem isends re en trite• or alreo ly-Sltiong wheat We are pleasul to L
It• I d el • E who has'
The Council met. The aatsa Coon. Mr. Luutsidin, in atn-tcllitiont,- Th tho h d
e_oWe ageorn ate of nver (wa tivatsand coeetwq lijtetas ttuvaat pa fee foe sun,
Gillen present as iu the forenoon, and tha P- Y 4 ' , sr* and we have rho th it eith tne requ.-st illet •01 "rest ,
v. mend I ly brought his fondly. ond enumber uni
Warden presidino. Upon the Yeas an.1 nays being taken th'e as tho times are; a sttfficient ainou'ot. of ""d: . I h.' arli'le."."""IT re
p.o.e. all three. eat. at the risk of offend. u spent! the a sui
' id friend., we understonti, froin,Detroit I
mer in Goderich, Mr. I, "'ea" III*.
I dition L orer Downstrer meetin•
moti-in was carried by a m trite of 4. urge,. will he. tOriped together, with the we nee to delitie the task. At ihe h a ortiviifiat.,at ri,aide,,„ a otor, , ties arose on arwo
• I oghts, which c
By -Law to raise 82g0,000 to Bruce
was road, when it was
Moved by hlr Yal-ntine, seconded by
Xr Gillies, That the Bs -Law be 'not
passed ea it now stands, but that it be
changed u after mentioned in thie tno-
tion :-That before it is published, and
the vote of the ratepayers taken on it, the
views of the various municipal councils in
the Co. be aacertainel turd indicated by
the Reeves to the Prow. Warden. and in
cue of the majority of the said Councils
:Hovel by Mr. Gibaoe, seconded by grant so liberally vut...I by the Coutikei rt.!: d:i,ratai: aat,:ihr, 0'4, a,iai,, ja rpm, diatoms trout the town anl. judoong fro
31r. ilishop, That tise tamrities Treasurer . Council, to bore 1000 feta. A committee or prow, or ob.,. M. p ,ba 4. to b. ,,,,is. his J;lit horses which we every morning
be iostructed to insert the sinking fund h id ball appoiote.1 to loans:tot preiimitiary 1 . •------ '.....---- - - .:.• dee in tow we ore convinoed that he
and his forint), are enjoying lite, that they
rained this year for the gravel roarledsben. busTnese, tool mph° diem . will be made et , . ' Literary Nollk•ett.
-. &was how ttiertkly it. awl by coming to
tom in the purnhase of the new issue of once to the lloy-;rinor. in erennell, 14 secure 11 CRAIIIIKEIS JorlINAL.-Ile May Nu. ofthis thelerieh they show th it then know
debentures of dl0,000, 'authorized to be rOr the Compeity a legal exiitatice.. We 1 nattoch ohl nuturne ie •to .band • frem Mr. schaia to enjoy if. ire want • few more
pored at this preseut session of Council. have examinea maps on which, Oolerich !Moorhouse. It m deteitio its leputatent as dueh 'amities itt our tuidst to mad our
--Carriea ! i, marked down in the oil bearing region orre. ot.the most usefulliad populer uf Britieh 1 town attractive andoto iliee it that ircpu-..
• ' ocl feel 1 III..
a ham. nu weiti 'het %Meese,
ru.ismetilea Wogs, *welders, tovetorate vase.
't IX, Ac., shall he
inscie voice where thee are not-vosi would
merh prefer that they shunt be disfranchised
*!tele they node ereef the d•tigerous prin.
le4e ol votirig tor the Sheriffs litho might to
isrrest and the Jod,oss who pretend he try
intent." Such the adutselion of II staunch
rs,ablican, which stolid net have been made
"my it served as an incidents! argument to
tritest them wilb the' chief. pririleges oi
eitisenelinn that of the outfrage. We have
al says heard it obteeted to the evert -co of
Me mat are in ahe election of Manstruest.
fib rule mid Jed:es, mat strurk effectively
t toe leereoes, hut in • our c Anal no... but hew" more seutiderfu at the independence rn these otherels, hose
aitereat it wou.ti be to conciliate thetr
present artered Usti things Her %ties. tbs. 'het of Adieritsing. FM18 the sessilest
0,,vere,..,,t 1.4 rt.... 4,(7, ,,, , b.. ,sroo. so b. . „toy .,as roe., end this. he tempted to eatrilice th•
tame mail -puny were tbe lausinbes notices bust about to dawn on the leeple of the United
Pena° , in that serum, wouid erseeteed d PfurUul. (4.4 j....re heel,. I State., for a broudly nehonted that 'Moises*.
watt oveiTpririlege and_ etas -oily which he-, muking op tat 0.1kmate for the year. coui rutfi ii.s, buiriegs, smndrers. ineerate yoga -
Imaged h\friendly nation, atel that further mr•rcial Ileums MCI reit thine ef inelud.ng • •""41, ritro' new ono Air* OHS
tetian Itee bren adei asibeytokeeom,eodepordattihon-;: .r7iiithyht's_hien'seines117:101‘..et°d lornYwo.thIsa:10d'alibs,'. fjlol,trld;:to,n,dlooniske:th.opir
„, when he whaiuist.-red the haw to thou who
haepaThiraedtaneotd, :11.6 %al %/it elweetr.it;.ri
1, he It• n' siipin,erii. led Ine...4411 ar,p..k.k,.4 '4.1' "1 '1.• Jthe llt 100 stme "1 New York
compiam tritti-rly that out of the' large DOW
th'ell tb• , wealth. T the, rinaitiein
&Ninth's. oa ;„ I 14t• liAteted 101 bolakeide So tea Sr, reinsert.
(mere icsiruinent eith whirl] tu cos's.. hie ' erl, soli fewer punished. 'rho modeler
p.Sr.1.614etne hedv8.4nd mthe.ar ittoi.et,i.denbiruvinish,esieweit.i4golinittheis
01 hosts emy in wig 4rI14111., and ea. i"^""'siratiaa or leelielt. • Iasi» that Wen be
he coed hot en, foe'. Isis It tends. Ile vied' readily truer/ to the jtopular election of
posn.r. .11 .o,..s.b.r ,popolar oltr.14,111 to their p.n. This truth is
1.:nited Sta.'s 4anaig the Akeir crawlers
• h oeght to arrest aed thrt Judges
per eentale lor arberten g. A sits ire cent 8141 45
aillieteties no longer ex.sied. .No re
Litton W 414. I the Cub* eoast be
The Council then -adjourned. lel Canada - we have read all about the
SATURDAY • PRuCEEDINOS. !different furinatione, Hamilton, Clinton, . Horst. worn Poem -rho eerie' of Com able, attractive ahd re:operative watering o mu, „ft A. 'As, ; .
and Boit it w;11 become such we iPh:y you'd also ro:clans.1
The Council met, tho Warden io the Corniferous, lee , and what wo now w int "''‘'''' .1.°` the rettP*' et. eltt P“."'--
; rerun, is the rnitisi volume, has h. it begun 110" 0° d"obt if °ill' eadea" crest 01 Cuba. The Loi
chair. k rigorous. united anl intelligent action. hy 1 tom & Ftelas, the greet Boston pu'•
Moved by Mr. Canicron, secon.led by [(successful. le• sholl proclaim to the h
....HI. *0 elkeirer an a'MuSt istkirerS414,111arkel
ser to mike it so and to increase its grows editorial, trusts thst there is it
tug reputetion in this reap.ct, by which
Alvaro» affair which used ea
vote of the ratepayers bete* taken until the The omens we will be the better ilaii: to work
Proving rererahlo to lhe scheme lLat the Mr. A. Johnston, That the SWIti of $.1000 ' Utiited Coun.ies &at Oil is Kin). an.l. for ehear. literature of • lergh clue. some 0( a rupture ekthe• n.1W 44r •t •
thruu.li the h tr.1 times arid to regato tor 1
beigrauted out oe Hayti general. funds to !every landlioll r! wiil tah ire iii the beieats i ;dm or thll WWI if 10 pre.ent the elumeet , ' '-: h 1 t. t' which she forte. "nw' i Tr. ',.'"e,,nce• Ciinii"'fiel °Ai
lernseeie t tat repo 1 14W1 , nide., sower,. out kWh a calamity in
rneral elections in January neet, and t • ail in completing the Baydela harbor, tdeeived, but if the 1009 feet hole spouts ' rot moral. served 7 flocliWr penes hf the
erly bore -1* a pleasant and pimp:roue esteemed, when* Aa• none and t•eding J141
this end that the date for the By -Law to provided .Government give • a grant of triply wat•r, we w tll hare the sitisfiction 16" 1"'•11 10 • i'll'eigI 11'4 'lees" "71°' wid Teen, and we may then h 1
_rope taat *he enters into a coetest eith •ri 11,44.011e an
take effect be changed to the first of 1120.000 fur the sail harbor. Lost 04 • 1 01' knowing that. we have .4/aoh.tc,e4 a , tit the sear time t t a prier so low as to bring wo 111 tiate he wited upon ,,,, dm .. oar,. e Ate,. enemy,
., It et with • clear cains.•ienoe
February, 1866. Upon the yeas and dicision, . . ell of eveirly mhouseLoho.d. top" of ti-. scorn C. ti SI the Govern/nerd, wh'elt deeltned ' iro
il duty which we owe to ourselves an I our ! ii.h.• "ries • iihi'li tee ''..". korllation 10 inte.lere le the War, Sven 1,-, The
nays beiug taken, the motion was lut by otived by nr• Sprint, seconded by Mr. !poelerity. Success to the eoterprise ! '* present vo utne crmtairee • 1% 14. ..tferi of nutjuot ,,,,, now etude on its lerel le pm
le ilow's ehottei poems of • domestic nature.
a majority of 8. Gibrern, That any necestry furniallings I Speed to the drill !! Now for Pidron I „ th eisb,s,..si,,,.. by 1..44,4 Eiszti.e .i.;;;;;..
Oa motion of Mr Sutton the Ity Law monied fir the Court House, be pro- leuan !!!
was ordered to be published in the Review, curet by 11.: Warden and Clerk.
fromevery jurvral 11.111 11104 lotto
•. become Isierelly • bowels .o
51'well knoen. WNsith aleotwa
111 000 retry portion of the mean
I he advertis- d Tear y me
['he nest volutne,-. Song. for ell Seasons."
(which wi.I be issued June II:r) will emu»
fferadd and Advocate wctispapers ; thi!
Moved by Mr. Some, monde(' by Mr. , COUNT If cftie 14T A N la IV:AR- the exquisite 11 rite awl son:, which my sem th . .
first publiCation to take place on the 3o.th Elliot, That the cheek gate att. whet tog _. TE le tetaelletIONS. , 'toed through the ea..es ol Tenneeon. Other . e °pluton .of the BruceLla C.111.14.11 in
in your loot rue to the contrary notwitin
day ot August next--Corried. I silo s - wilt follow, secuidieg to the air
No. 13 toll-gote be pot off at the en I of 7- These Courts opened before His Honor
1 h' .h the -,,,,i standing. Is he one of the Stanley Eni .
Letter front hayfield. ozht. und reuses to make any cum, enaatem aid •
alwa,11 it ball done 1,0 rero..4. The True*. pa *us, H
,. lodges, Sterile end agettrus, in which
the vilest elements cif society play so prom,
nt a path
it, soother editorial ori these elides*. sus that ....tie rid -in t•
very popular now, and it well auerves it
DEAR SIOlSAL : -Your paper is getting e oto :to rpm te,,t c to sew, th..
:relieve, for the allowance or • sinclor emirs "Us spirdle."
leder similar cirrurnitancrs arid nit rule uf I Oiot bright route
esti eej •ios es trr 1.37 f the 166.
Mario et by the Alshmee. The Truant.°
I wheCter the Ame i.en government
lel their dory smth adequate vighr 11WIllat
klkeie proir.44.erS. And ekyd if moo 4 'Ostler oar
iart preveitt tiot 'Val -eons end ter consorts
'nen p..tting to serif due evidence a their
warlike equipment coed be Omitted. but
eh se part was it to implore after they had
.irea 011 the a ip T As it wan; the linked
'tales Anointment preferred to meet./ al*
ir itaailabie tl.et iu blockadlog the ertetny's
0..ao, leaving us to guard every outlet of oar
own re beet we could. Seely wreed
aser,ehat unrearniietile, he well as untenalde Bee eapti
in raw. to hohl us heble for every case ill
he/ h
was to dote- toll:tile od
• papers from Geyer i
urn and everywhere 'red
there strnyed tete toe neon d Imre(
, tenor Ione Yellin
tgo ening rel)-
u.ken Owe in IMO latterly lambast
tbe lowinthip of Bermes. On
last, thi• prernewe ef a farmer
rk, who resides a short 44 -
and ebout hall • mile
bum one other Itcare:Neras errterrel by three
N. Y. 1 ether,* offire laaktifOikk.; rrial.Who 'b. „,,,,„ cr..
The Finance committee reported upon
the various • documente submittd. The
following recommendations were made. -
Communication of Capt. Coleman, atnt.
to be paid 1200. Action declined in the
cutter referred to in letter of Warden of
Perth. Mr. Stewart's account to bre paid
8102.7g. Mr DeWitt 3Iartyn's do e.i.
47. Mr Eckfords $127. Mr Nairn's
137.88. T. J. Moorhouse $15.13, Mr
Inglis 11.50 (In future all accounts for
attending either Board of instruction be
eertified by the Secretary of each Board.)
Jaime Flemings 111*.i.h0. duo. M'L iy
83.10. Mr Redden 146.50. George
Dorranco $19. W. T. Cox 159.0d. -
Petition et Peter Robertson and other
from Colborne -prayer of petition be not
granted. Co. Treas. to giveop. treas. 01
Brant credit in Co. rate fur 186k for $493
paid on account of Hanover Bridge. Ao••••
count f or ezcavating Bilkic's Hill, 'same
deliverance, amount 9440. Ac. A. Sproat
for superintending Allen's Bridge am-
ount g to 525.50 to be paal, and account
of Nei ampbell for repairing said brid.s. ,
eertifie4 by A. Sprout, amounting to
$400.00, ornmended to be paid out ol
road and br• applopriation for Bruce.
Ae. of A. Fr 130 and r., Patterson,
amounting to 2 for work done, same
deliveranoe as Han er Bridge socount.-
11400 work done on eeswater Briar,
same delivrrance. teet of County
Treasurer calling &Been to Dm Munici•
plities' Indebtedness fur o. rates, we
recommeod that the Count . Treasurer
Mike mat an um statement of the real
midebtednes of each hlunieipalit to be
printed in the minutes of this of
Council. In regard to the above intlelst.
Anew, your eotutnittee recommend that
velem% the veriotri municipalities levy for
the amounts due by them on secount.of
Co. rates and Non. Res Debentures over
and above the Co. rates of 1865, and pay
tbe sante tan fir ben» the 1st nf Febreery
1860i, ami that failing to do so the Cm.
Trimurti. as htweby Mornoteol to take
begat stets to solloct the said armee, seri
./ba Aso& Clerk is hereby !esteemed to
ilessemmelw fah towoehip Clerks, east.
fai sib mows stti,do., with a esty Or this
the year, Ana that (he Eigineer be in•
strode(' to that effect when releasing the
Moved by Mr\iper, s.eormaed by Mr,
Fora, That 8100 of the boundary line Bell, jr.,• Oahu lark, Dt•i.I Camohelli seamed with deiight Iv the oet.eral reader.
appropriation of the venship of Go lerioh ljebt. Jno. Fiala,. Jno. Fleming, I The mitowitig 1, the splendid *aide of to,
be expended on the B se Line, between 1$ rn. Fowler, ffno. Govenlock, Jim. Jack- ' tents :-Galimies tee Lou•re ; Clusical
Goderich and . Hulle t an.I that the sonalt. B. latidlaw, Jac Mercer, Joao, Learning in •F. once The Ora,' Printers
balanee be etpen e Huron and
tyfiel 1 Heade fo trehasing gravel,
repairing bridges, &c. - 'arriod.
Moved by Mr. Purvis, secdode I b,A R.
Johnston, That this Council graMt t
of 8i0 to improve the boun ry
between the townehips of Heron, gloss,
and $30.to be expended between
Huron and Aslifield, the rem iinieg\830 alien set, and impressed its important
between Kinloes and Aihfiel I, sal 1 Um provisions upon the magistrates and others
to be taken from time fund.' of the Coun present, and also stated that an Act had
of Bruce.-Carricti on a division. been parsed removing doubts as to the
Juke Cooper, to.day clues lay ) at noon. ,
heave lode the attention of ell Hit° wbuse I grant Agents who, in order to giin pope -
The following gentlemen were sworn i hand. :he rolome m iy fall. larity, has been exerting ilionself to in -
it. Booth, Esq., (hempen, Jas. Bell, 11. , Apse
; Ise
is studs y interesting, and will he a noble class, sir. Look at the minutes
leieuox Qemireerv Review, for create our population this year. We are
is Grand Jump .: -
of council published in your idiom of the
lit lust., nearly onr howled names swept
off at the Court of Revision as having.
been illeg illy entered. Whet in the nam,
MctiareAror, Chas. Stewart, N• Smith, I Solemn, ; So Edward Balser Lyttou s Later
Wm. Tiutiale, Hugh Gardiner, Alexi ollected Poems ; French Eh, i of wonder does it mese 7. Coal any
Novels 10./ C
Watt. 1 ration , Our Soles and Guns : their Omuta !urn, pouessed of one ounce of 001041011
irid the Monody ; Bohol, ot la rednit'e Fund ; loons% believe for one moment et eh a .Roll
In al Iresting the Jury, the learned "
C.o. ice: Suhseriptions ; Travels in Ceetrd could pm by the enlightened an I binali-
Juage statel that he found ten c eri to As • ; Libel sod ibe Freedom oi the Pread i gent ritepuere or Stanley. Thanks to
bo tried, and entered iota an 'ex .landtion Parliameetary If f
-eorm 1 th Seult Co. New •he untiring exertions of one of the oldest
of the law bearing npon the mot itnpor- York, T..I. Moorhouse, Goderieh. ,
tint of them. lie alluded to the new
M tee& hy Mr Nichols tn, seeneded by Mr Foreign EnIistment Act applying to title
Dobbin. Thet the sum of 4100,be granted to Province. Honor also aliutiet! to the
ireporve the. townie» bet•eeti Arnie and
Elderslie, eaid.sent to he taken out of the 'death of Mr. Robertson, gaoler, paying •
Bruce funds--Carried. riboto to his worth as is poi citizen
Report of Gard Comtrettee
Mined hy Mr Camernn. secendsd by M,.
A. Juhnsern, That the trum of' 1.50011
grantr.d reit of the [Dion trenerel Fort to
ot corrplethig the liaytievi 1,14r1141,, pro.
tided gut...omen( tram the num of 820,0 tO
to trie seine Harbor -Can ied by • 01 if O. Ity
ef 12.
M teed by Mr Adair. eeeended hy Mr
Louden. Thet the reaabrer be atithorieril
to pay over trom tom. to tone aey SUMS that
may be te his hand., fioln appromiatior,s
fn.& by Bee Coueril or greet. d hy tioyer n•
'nem for the i oproventerit of the town 11,,e
between Arrart and Am thel, tor Cie @mei ion
-4 • bridge at 'teeny.' N1.11 mere moldiest* to
A. Sprnnt, P. I,. oeS ruttsernptiot, be hay
lug been appointed Engineer of said works,
-Cm tied.
Moved by Mr Scheeler eeconded by 'Mr
Fiehar. Tbs.. thre Commit grant tfle sure of
noundary yei unlioiyhed. tartest/1 th.42.50 pirgAllwrimd' "
860 to ant in completinz a portion of tha
township* of Carrick and Colroic , seed •••••• 100 POUNDS !
tO paid out of the funds 01 Orem- Cor Wm. E. GRACE.
nodule», becusher else, '814. esealber
was read and
then en
settler*, it did not pm. I te II you what,
ee, sir, (between ours. Ives,) I would nether
great Convention of delegates from the drive 14 miles throuzh the worst roaas
the Upper Province th in mr•et his
u ea en
varlets Boards of Trade in the United oppouent in Court Yet, sir, he deserves
States and Canada tueets at Detroit early credit, much errdit : h'm action in that
next month, and we would urge the ne. case i. hamorible, to say Clic le..1 or it.
Flo should be clothed in se irlet, have
anesity or Guderich being represented on
the oceasiim. The ititereets of these
Countits are intimately connected with
thou of the Western States, and we think
itliful public servant. The jury
it would be very great oversight to let
red upon the diseharge of its
the Convention paws over without SOWS
gentleuien from this section hiving a
voice in its &liberations. Immediate
action is neorssery.
Foir Sale
1 25 PER BBRL.
I R 0 N!
Mnnef to
of Brace,
to Hon. D.
port of Speriel Committee on Municiral - -
by Mr !lettere reminded hy r ill .-.-........
t the Werden do petition the govern ',num) oo th. b..", ask., Ri,
••41.•(1" en"••eil e•",....km," •I r -...., 5 .0. from Goaerieh, rt. th. 1516
prove the maeGore ill Ina ....anti or ,,,,,,i lut, . ...,03 or pin. saw Lriga,
Hereon, on. .
isreetae•rt Acts was ruff and adore liugueu,r4 vcounrino
*t.' 11•••1" •4`1".' • it"t' Marked I. P. 92. and . The owner to re.
awl Ihckenn. M P P requesting tam; gust" ("1"" Pee'Parlfroref *1Pa°' 115d
tabs dem soul. If sot el sea einhin one
n't.•",h.'"rwita-“Claitosdrrfl•fc...ittes most It from thr diets tteme will be sold by
nod and adopted.
Itoport nf R. & h. Lannert's" nf Haven
wee rea4 an4 salspeed. Ciederieli aserneltip, Mae See; IV& 34t
•• Heel uteri w 00w on t•err
A d breathed Irian every l.,kkgwe
°es kii°1". 1° tb• Puhli• al an eb"-"'" the dwelfww. Clark, the e day, bad geld
a•shif dolomitic R. mehlr, •"'" • Ps•I'' bis la.in tor the above Rum, ehicri he loui
in the Weekiy Tr tbune an woo i semen t o h 16,5.1 the tie, p
• hie l'aPer* Th. P°•1141•1' lo "4 au tr'" betily known to the iltwsiee before they so -
den, III14 told him that it would he •••Ie tcm ter! the n/blregy. At the time the house
mey. it, ,,,,, er. insimed upon hem Ow lam enteied, Clark and los wife were to bed;
sp•ce. and he was chnets I t 11. .0. so,,j .eb ropes. .1sor obit's
lle reee.•id • he reel 11o•el "! len"' tire reeves Cuthrlielleed tO rartellell 1.1111 place,
• N
*rawer and ir.vested every cent in i.e. ad• nd +ere net lung in orcuritig Untoward sif
-,ee'4'11""e"h • No"; raw, i" ralndl• 141"1 h, ty named, which tbey immediately do•
ite mond but use it kipon parr, or in sdr e„. .4 with, an4 here not since been beard
eelitiong, arid timely the fi:ing eannon matter has been perced in the herds
mid we trust moon to hear of
tbs villains.- (leandua Proto-
the Park ran4 out lo the world •hr•t tooter
priye earl 4 r. Tee salute was tired in honor
i.f the .00,000th sulerriker to Me Weekly
of deter
*hire the Coifed., are reente were tao quick led err ard limmer wee • Weellh) Mart..
tor us. For th• am lir itieh su'rjerts .6., del • I .Spildtn; the •',eue m tn," followed it en 1 A Ilset*tirri.
nuns ul the euvernmele, we have not • word Pli'llai." HltIeri made • l'k• aclae•••teet lam winter, Oast -trio
bi iley, hut their MOS wrie not the -cm tar the and 64 Ittee ournherlees miter firms, well .s,,„ gra,,,,rsos hod bow
kneen to the public. . In taro, 70 know of no Issese-4„; 5,7 1 e ii.1; she
desi.tidirt.e.,iswbht.ch.67.4:41febryetihf.:turivna::.»..rdthe...eansip,ri cieteccecceecr at,,,,i.in, b. not p.m....! jam Jodi the etriog iip bi,h.,, 8b
of the A lemitna. The news of the ClIptlIre el Profile. 150- 1% '0 "0! merell 1,,,,Lier-en'll'id, "1 saw *String, which on being pa
del 1)tvis created sem• serration slot anxiety 0411Wit that we would refer ja..----it is a riollee• 1,,t,h, mid she opened the door on t•ct little
tod tne hepe-was gerteraily eepreesed that h« ble fact that ta thouterfent.,minsi,aenicly .emitipiesoyirdhehry- c.i.f., they looked.
sw6h, there hummer irstereste ot every y„,,,,,tues, tittle one, y" raked tae gem,
half naked ehodreri all alone. Very cold and
vt:;;....rvti:ultd,ri.:eers:ttyreesa1;,:sedisi.hi..i.ilitc:1,•15.11,12:itoi,c,i,ntliv7e,49.1.plii.riii:te.ritniwil4kna. ,,,...ethlti.ii.eisnepaveprotegker most w.. ...Id rei,, 10 N00 ...... "God mio. ear. of iii,,, „id the
retire, analog Own purchases for Amerieset,' Yet lt. trurnienee. Spnrigfie.d. Buffalo, anal ' „1,1,0. " Ann are you not eold 1 No fire
'. lks you take etre of
end ules tor the Oermass and Dwoh. f im ..esitneniaitnh:a..teLy suanriissit.irscenalhule iii,:stpareure, isde,T...be..i:
u Pr°bahkr "0 I'llwe in th• e."1"11 ahar• ad very cold, we creep under the quit, and 1 pas
on a told Joy rtee this:* " Oh, when wear*
at: arms around Tommy, end Tommy pate
The coesequence 4 that greet prosperity
the di: inmef 'or disenuni mode. Poe. AdJi attends every department of eaterpou iu that
uote-f dimes et come, Yule with the Bombey ellefhere w anolh.r..7
of advertieing besides
no 1 tele the mid it not yet. ; so I 1111.41.1
rh lost or giving emitter through the &dente/ of
defer at protent, put on any speeiaohs anu -us& ata 1.,,p flied
take notes fur the Sign.d.
Q IN 111E CORNER. end p,„1,ah tl. oe. remelts feel no diaquietede.
Binh here olleerved toward the Ut.ited States
Faasce. -.1.4 f ranee says that the Fru
t.hhe,,pahpeisr...0.1titio4patedsirhoi,41: tnee;0114n tiowtehia,ft
Stanley, ath Juifriete3.
the policy of conciliation, and they have not who is performing his wenderful antics not
re tied to recrive horn there the mrset mode ter huodred miles trorathe Sterne° itin Hall.
T..4.41grt, cher Plant.
',Mee that any uatoward esenta •ill occur others et me, IS in profess to do every king
_ rate declarations sod they hsee no reason to Thu " Dodo," fur it can he called be 110
.. Mo. 1; k. M -r ' Office. Galt, 1
etli June, 1143. ,
Falun, •• !Ilitn•I "
DE tut 1:k, -My attention 511 called this
itt their pour .0 thwart the honoreble in8en oith tormendme succeed. Then. D eke a up ,h.
salk- A. emus wormier
of went, otie cold der
• dour in the third
when she heard a
tring op high ;
looked up a id
lifted a
gola chain about toe neck end fed on milk 11. 01 Etielsed dn the 4,Salr reduced di rat,
could mty much more, bet 31.datue Ru -
and honey -all the Mit or hi. life 1 of .114e.olot Duni 44,soci-oor cent., mei fund*
have leen fitinee" motor 164 moveineet. end
Moat or our re Merl, .no doubt, rOMet113• morning to a peragrei h in your correspore
ber thi. poetic effirion which ie so appoli I &nee n tie tovreemp ilsy. asking for
cable at.. the present time when every 'information concernieg the "Pitarber Plsot "
j pe feels iis truth. It is • inclonclooly • id Of ir.re_t nail P tn. As toe petrel*
-fect that tom of our citizens, of all classes
0 and whatever their proferion, trade or
occupation nisy be, have lees elotnye in
'ottani oty are thorou,eily inurement with
tee »needy and ill dikter*, I bass deerood
better to ititlima you by letter, trues» of
threugh the fletertaer, end on that Inc
1 their pocket. this year than for many people 10 your tietotly m ty the sooner %testi
I yearn plot ; sod why ill it SO 7 Atelier Amine •Ivere of the cure. About three yhars
At I people more slothful iu bueinese than nir , llie 0",01-P01 "'"‘ "17 P."1.01". th•
y._,,bra goat ler, Won io country and town, mid quite
formerly 7 Or hey. we in former
'united more capital with more labor with a nurber di•l 0( the dian"" The
arm i ing ewes was the Sarnernia Perpsren
Porber Plant, the lesios a whim 1 es.ed
attributeble to this faet 7 We and that 700 I, Om, 1, in., b. ,..„1,17 (0.1,4. 11
nOnle tOline 6.114/ Oitiell ATM in 011 own i row' ,n moo/ morasses or Swami*, generally
['rotation aro rapidly nomunniating weelth io tele Laciest? I,• Aeon t on marl lanes.
while the wealth of others has firr years
remedy •hich was moat sueeesafel in
greater degree of eetivity than It Ir. •
preaent, and are the dull times no* 0,
stood stationary and in wine instances it
hes diminished. Under whieh of thew
heads gas Ghelerieh be Mooed ? Are lie
oint the prelletst nionth 11» leaves such se
seed min mae he used. If gathered now 504
ied thee et» he presorted ; shoot the
month ol deptmulver the ruts might to he
eellibeted. The drearier harei prefer the
to alter their hietidiy relations. The Paris
urrespolident ihe Tunes says the Paine
tory oarrewly escaped • warning for having
puh ishrd arming news shout »entitle* ie
the Ceti -d Statee for Metico, and trays the
rtely correct tact in it• chrtement thot
minel Lteartt is glee,/ out to reuse Admiral
Huai., and will tot he charged with any ex
r,heem:e.:1,1tgyiat hue:, via, ,edAernt7e,:r
aer2e6ennhttlerl.t:abei 11Ulni i"ter1:5S1,1:1,:pt:wh'soh:nityaktehprieronaceeased(1‘.'ui",irres..'s ea,:rnrde oenn.sehtwozr: af on dr ofidfirryerithis,,eming.nd-
10 molest att. inpU to effect lee,' en hit- Fiery IE Co , proprieters eat. tan, m
undel kirti with the object a prepareig emi• ponmla sterling yearly advertiaing.-
;rant esiledilionS against Mexten.in viniation 11.410**1. agate, sive& nearly, if not more
of Federal laws. Iumrsetheit to this effect than doe le that sum, and it we descend
nue leen forwaresd from Werhington to the lower into the stale of newspapea gorpmter,
Utiitu S•otes ney st New York, who et :::oliun,rdhal.nahieisetnoi•Nemryns traria is:rn.sen.h.
on.* took the neceutry meseures for the corthshu7iitgrs.,ifeatiddszsiere,timdueirem.mil,ftetroge,:tieh.nlimithh:ees;,:n70,tirticetwi.„'
roomy, i•mteutine of Me »me.
speedier the whole of their daje earnings in
placing a with* in the nowepaper. Ad•er-
11111,1;tP se meth the eustom ie France.
many Frenchmen hevirigapeurouleterfllemous
fortunes hy this nne weans • nee. The Met
that adautisleg hes homes' a great ernes
sad weenier, to luaus tbrourbost tee
world and it. rowers are inerossing dail•
fer birthing and, elre something into the
bargain. Tips artifice, h is of short
duretion, and tiniest followed up daily, with
great met,impudence and an immense amount
of • cheek,' Mimi 'br.ose,' id likety to lead to
more kick. than Ulf peneer.•
Pegging from our own r nuntry to others we
find that wive, oung is not a temple Ya kee
inveetion or " dodge." The Britieher em.
luerpool, 2I, brenorg Cotton eel»
eir two dry., M.000 iecluding 1,100
bele. st a ecalaters one •xporteres ; merket
chose quiet and um -beeped. Itmedstall
market is ineettee, hut study. Provisions
quiet and easeer• Beef Illeadd. Lard firm
aed arleanring, quoted et 601. 6d.
Consols dosed at 91 • 911 for muse.
'went na Liverpool London, May. 27,
fismag.- -rise Feeeerer *smiler» bee welt -
los arms Sroiliel ine, and we say Now I lay
mr down to sleep ;' then we get warm," said
the little girl. " And what do you have to
eat, pray r When Orenne comes home
ahe fetches ite eomething. Granny says that
(3,4 hes enough; Oranny calis us Gods
marrows ; and we say ' Our Pettier.' and
• Gi.e iis this d.i, our daily hread,' every day.
CrIxt is nur Fritter." Tuts came into the
,tood wom.m's eyes. She hol a distrusting
spire tereelf ; but thole two little ' spasrows'
eerched to that eold upper chamber, taught
her • sweet lesson of finth and trust which
she .01 never forget.
As termite? or THE Sr. Al1411.1
Ari incident, not generally known, concerning
one of the St. A iben's raiders has recently
come to light. Immediately after lea eerier.
rtne ot the raiders, having little isith in
the jedge's dro 'lien determined 141 Irkere the
01.11,try. It bsmig unsafe to tra•el, unless
dispirited. he lw thought himself for • who..
r he difficeity wed peeplosioe, 661 Um. gras
scarce, if he stepped /111orh longer, he wield
likely he arrested. and there went few ea
guys.* the lynmieyed offi.erni of the law had
not seen thrush. An ides., however struck
him. Hs hired e ­. paying $400'''se se-
curity for its sefe »tem Ile then depute
berserof as • lady and started 6tr H Vex
the chi 4. and for.• greet part of the way had
for an escort the very °Meer detailed to catch
him. He. bnoever, gives the &tem*. •
very :nod reeornmendatinn for pllantry, for
during the trip there eras nethieg eithete billi-
ard, of the Child eteeded diat the neleer of die
law die net pt. fm• them. Ile •rnieed safety
in Hoof.. and took • rump for lump..
toe. The henistere of us greed maims
of Karon Botbeebild's neve mansiow, is Pis
noddle, em ramie of rld awl plebeian.