HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-04-14, Page 2Pal. 2 THE TIMES -ADVOCATE, EXETER, 'ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING,: APRIL 14, 1955 This journal shell always fight for progress, reform and public welfare, never be afraid to attack wrong, never belong to any political party, never be satisfied with merely print, ing news, THURSDAY IVIORNING, APRIL 7, 1955 MCI .•., , 1., , • y 1 1, , 1, + • 1 1, 1,, I , • ,` .1 , t 000101A010000000000.0000 l 44 44444444444444444444 4 444 ;;;;;MMIRH 44 #04001100AIMS0 4 411 44 44 / 44 44 ; 44 WIPM 444444444 14111#1Slasomparas 4 I 444 Hos 4 444 ; 44 11.1;11! 44 ;;;;;;;;WO 4 4444444 Boost Your Town For Industry • Worth The Effort Be a booster. NQ matter where you are, or what you are doing, a boost for your community may have favourable repercussions. You never know 'hen your enthusiasm may reach some one whose influence eau help the community. However, being a booster is more thad Spreading the good name of the community— it means help and support in community •en- deavours to progress; it means an interested and informed attitude toward tbe government of the community. Boosting the community involves good citizenship in its many forms. Industrialists know that community spirit and pride are important factors in selecting sites for new factories. Management will not locate in 'a town which leeks an attitude of progress and co-operation. The story of the Schaefer pen company in ,Goderreh is a good illustration of the point: a service station attendant's enthusiasm for his community helped convince a eompany official that the Huron county town would make a good site for its Canadian factory. Keep bposting your community—for indus- try's sake. Your compliments may pay hand- some dividends, This Story Is Fantastic An almost unbelievable story of how a few crackpots can deny millions of Canadian children a proven preventative to tooth de- cay is revealed in the current issue of Mac- lean's magazine. The author, Sidney Katz, tells how the dissemination of lies and scare propoganda by dishonest fanatics has prevented the flu - ordination of water in many Canadian cities and towns. In spite of the fact that nearly every reputable medical and. dental group in Can- ada, United States and Great Britain has endorsed fluordination as a preventative of tooth decay, less than three percent of Can- ada's population is enjoying this benefit. Read these amazing facts: "Within modern meraory, no public- health measure—including vaccination, chlor- ination of water and pasteurization of milk— has. been so unanimously approved. or so thoroughly tested. In • the United States twenty millions are drinking mechanically fluoridated water. .Another three and a half millions live in towns and cities where the water supply is naturally fluoridated. There have been. no ill effects. "Yet in Canada, less than three percent Good Work . The South Huron Hospital Association continues to merit the commendation of the corn munity. The reports at the annual meeting in- dicate the young district hospital is in a healthy condition: its deficit. was reduced • substantially- during the year "(in comparison with many other hospitals in the area, its financi;31 statement is. bright indeed); it has added anaterially to its facilities with the • purchase of new .equipment and the furnish- ing of new rooms. Perhaps most important of all, the 'hospital has maintained and enhanced. its superb reputation for service to the com- • munity. It has continued to provide the best accomodation for the sick. This record is one the members of the Association, the management and staff and the hospital auxiliary can be justly proud • of and the community extends its sincere congratulations. Gardiner Tops Thames Road's James Gardiner is still the best-known federal cabinet minister, a recant Gallup Poll shows. The poll noted Mr. Gardiner was named in his proper post far more than any other member of the cabinet. Other sections of the poll revealed something disastrous: over one-half of Can- adians interviewed could not name any eabi- . net minister; 1 1 percent, taking a stab at itr were wrong; so only about one person in three could name somebody, of the population is., receiving the proven benefits of fluoridation either from natural or mechanical source. Health authorities re- gard this as tragic. According to the Can- adian Dental Associatien, ninety-eight per- cent of our children are suffering with tooth decay; millions of new cavities develop yearly. Although we now spend seventy mil- lion dollars a year on dental work three of four Canadians are stilLusithout_regular den- tal care. Unless some wholesale remedy is adopted immediately, •most Canadians can look forward to a premature loss of their permanent teeth and poor dental health generally. "All medical "groups now agree that an obvious solution would be the fluoridation of our Water supplies. Yet, in dozens of com- munities where this proposalhas been put forth by local health authorities it has been bitterly resisted. and defeated." The reason?, A small but noisy and often hysterical minority—almost all of them neither doctors or scientists—has succeeded. ,in. overriding the findings and. advice of the nation's most respected authorities and medical secieties. It is amazing that such a thing should happen in Canada, By distributing literature containing falsehoods and half-truths, by quoting distorted scientific data, by the foulest of misrepresentations, the fanatics tell the public that fluoridation is not health- • ful. And, instead of listening to the author- ities, the voters believe the trip e of the crackpots and. turn. fluoridation clown: It is startling too, to read of the ins- ceptibility of columnists and radio announc- ers for the anti -fluoridation campaign. These influential people have been duped by the dishonest facts of the fanatics. What • is the moral, of this incredible story? We must be more critical than ever of the authenticity of facts and figures that are presented to us by people who have an axe to grind. People in responsible positions,. particularly, must have the courage to quest- ion and challenge the information they re- ceive. Here is a case where Canadian children are denied a proven health benefit because of malicious lies: how vulnerable are we for such campaigns in other phases of our democracy? * * * * In respect to fluoridation, the Huron County Health Unit's annual ,report has this to' say: "The municipal water supplies of Blyth, Brussels, Clinton, Hensall, Seaforth, Wing - ham and Zurich have a fluoride content that closely approxiinates one part per million. This is the concentration recognized by den- tal and medical authorities as being favour- able to the prevention of tooth decay. Resi- dents of those places should be thankful for such a "bonus" suprilied at no extra charge by their local utilities service." Has Exeter considered giving its child- ren the proven benefits of 'fluoridation? •Z!5be (gxeter Iginttoaribotate Time* Established...187S Antalgamated 1024 Advocate Pistribltshrel 11181 Published Each 'Thursday Morning at Exeter, Ontario itaariyeaaest lonstpaper Devoted to the Interests of the Town of grater and ilstriet Authorized as Second Class Mad, Poet Office Department, Ottawa Menther �t the Canadian "Weekly Newspaper Astaiblation Member of the Ontario Division of the OWNA Member of the Audit Burman ot Olrentatimul 19610 AlbOatkada Intramasers Federation National Safety Avratt1 0088 °Markt Shifty Leasers Award 1064 winner a the PI, P. Stephens.* memorial Trophylar Beat trent Page ArnOng Ontario *Weekly Newspaper.' PabloiriAdtgutce Circulation as of Aril 1, 1954 2,547 innosaalptiort RATIOS Owed* (in advance) *8.00 per year VAL OR ettirguice) sgLoo per year Published by The Exeter Tingsts-Advocate Limited Jottings By J.M.S. Makes An Electric I have been interested Ws week Cress and the 1Vianitoba. Hospital the \Technical Vocational echool in reading an article in the Daily Graphic of Portage la Prairie, Man., describing an electric or- gan that has been built as gt hob- by by Murray Prior, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Prior. o that WY. Herman Prier will be re- membered by many of env read- ers as he is an Dxeter Old DeY who learned his trade with the late I. A. Stewart. He went to ivlanitebs, about fifty years ago and with his brother.Nelson con- ducts a dry goods and ready-to- wear store in Portage. Mr. Prior has teken an active Part in church and Sunder School and is one of 'the top ranking of ficers In. the Manitoba Red .4.ssociation as well as the T.'S. •o the Milted Chnrch. Along with a Picture of Wm - ray Prior end his organ the Daily Graphic say: 'Many neOPle 'make many things few make electric or- gans. Murray Prier, of ToreNte, son .(tf Mr. and Mrs. Heinen Prior, 507 George avenue„. however has, .accomplished this etupendoue en- deavor. From, the outside to the inside Mr, Prior .assembled it all. "His organ could be well called The international Prior Eleotrie Organ: the parts, timt have been machine made, .such as the 80 tone 'generators, came from (Iall,7 fornia; the vabinet was ..pita.40 at MERRY MENAGERIE By Walt Disney "We'll.teach him to •go poking into our bower • As the "TIMES” co By 50 YEARS AGO A wedding of unusual interest took place when two of our oldest residents were joined in the bonds of holy wedloCk. Mr. Daniel Remick, formerly of 'Us - borne, and Mrs. Martha Breve were married in a ceremony per- formed by Rev. Dr. Hanon at the home of Mrs. Brewer, in the presence of intimate friends, Sugar makers are disappointed this year at the small run of sap. Farmers are taking advantage Of the fine weather to get the spring plowing done. Reports have it that fail Wheat has win- tered well and, with favorable conditions, should :be a good harvest. Mr. C. B. Snell has made an offer to sell the electric light plant and building to the town for $10,000 or, if given a 15 -year franchise, will install a new plant which will • give better satisfac- tion, 25 YEARS AGO About 200 fans witnessed some spirited boxing bouts over the Ford garage. Rev. Duncan McTavish has accepted the invitation of the congregation of James Street 'United Church to remain,as their pastor for a fifth year. A branch of the Canadian Le- gion was formed in Exeter, with a charter membership of 31 ex - servicemen from the district. Dr. G. S. Atkinson was named president. This district was visited by an- otb,er snow storm, accompanied by cold winds. The ground was covered with several inches of snow. Miss Miriam Parkinson, one of Exeter's oldest residents, died in her 90th year. 15 YEARS AGO • Dr. Harry Seidon, who has been on. the staff of Mayo Brothers Hospital; Rochester, Minn„ has been appointed to the permanent staff. IMr, Wllllant Morkin, Blddulph Township farmer, was killed when his car was struck by a C.N.R. train at Lucan, A horse ,and cutter belonging to ,Garnet Hiekti, of ttsborne, were takenfrom the James Street Church shed and the next morn- ing were found standing in the farmyard of August Gregus, a frOM Mr. MAW home. Plod has taket aver the duties of Manager Of the, Bank of Montreal, succeeding Moise, who has been trans- ferred to the Blenheim braneh. Many cellars 'were flooded when a heardownpour of rain proved more than the drains :could take care of. At the dem, the water rose to within a few inches of the top of the cement. Sand bags 'were used to reinforce. 10 YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs, C. L. Wilson have received word that their son, F/0 William H. Wilson, pre- viously reported missing after air operations in May, 1944, is now officially presumed to have lost his life. Members of the midget hockey team were guests of the Lions Club to hear Sportscaster Tory Gregg, from OKI1X, Wingha,m. • Mr. Alexander McPherson,. ane of Exeter's oldest residents, died at the age •of 89. • Mr. and Mrs. James Squire, of Woo:dal:am, ' have purchased the residence Of Mrs. E. Myers, on Byron Street. Mr, Frank Coates died sudden- ly of a heart attack, .Lions Club held' "Farmer's Night' at the aren'a, with an attendance of 200. Rev. Norman Rawson of Hamilton, was the guest speaker. Gracious Living An elderly Scotehman had a whimsical expression: "Children used to be raised oe oatmeal and the 131ble, now they are raised on corneflakes and Eaton's cata- tante." "Gracious Living" of a century ego was mostly frugal, sometimes limited by ecOnomy and often sacriticlal.. But it al- ways included reverence for God, respect for others' needs and reliance on the word of God. Re- member • Robert Burns' oem, "The Cotter' Saturday Night?" Tile father of the home with his [family about him after supper is done, takes daWn the Bible and says, "Le's worship God." Today "Gracious Living" must include a fine home, a new ear, splendid eInthing, sumptuous exciting friends and of antra°, the torrect liquors for the oecitelon, The Bible Would be an unwanted gtiest at a eeektail party. May God forgive us; •every time We a.dvande the liquor traf- fic we dethrone the Bible and Him for whom t Stand's. Advertisement Sb WHOt ,DESSIEJ.(aULle).., OF COURSE I'M GL,40 TO HEAR FkOM YO1.10., In Winnipeg by Mr, Prior three years ago; the keyboard and ped - a1 § °erne from an organ that was in a well known church in, INInni- 1)08: a few parts came from an organ from a church n Toronto; besides small important ineiden- Ws that Mr. Prior bought at dif- ferent times frOin many plates In the United States. TOolt Year And A EAU Mr. Prior started the actual assembling a the organ about one and a half years ago. The cabinet is finished ,in white enamel, Prior'nOw works for Trans- Caneda, Airlines in Toronto In the Reservation Depertngent. "Although Mr. Prior says he has not -had any special training in the electronic field, he was a radio operator in the navy and Department of Transport. Much of his electronic skill he attribu- tes to the 10 year period, during which he had a pain radio in Portage, Wihnipeg and Nakino, Ont. "In describing his musical ed- ucation, Mr, Prior said "I haven't what you would call any stand - 1h g in music, just enough for my own enjoyment," Cost About $1,000 Mr, Prier thought that the or- gan parts had cost about $1,000. Within the working mechan- ism of the organ, which is a mass of wires, tubes and coils, are the 80 tone generators consisting of 40 tubes and too many coils to count. Each one of these units, made up of a number of coils and tubes, cost about $50. Mr. Prior declined ,to give an esti- 'mete as to how many feet of wire was in the organ. Besides the tnbee in tlie tone generators, there are large tubes for holding the electric power constant. "The organ which is located in hie parents home, is built on the Principle of the Connsonata elec- tric organ, To actually hear the organ, it sounds as though it was built by an organ making firm. Distinguished Musicians Another son Of Herman Prior is Douglas. Prior, of Vancouver, who is display man for Eaton's where window dressing is an Im- portant eya,rt of the big store. Doug. and his wife are distin- guished musicians, Mr, Prior is organist in West Point Grey Uni- ted church and Mrs. Prior has been featured on Pacific Piano- forte in CBC broadeasts from Vancouver. She isalso a teacher in piano training. Mr. and Mrs. Prior have one daughter, married, and living in Winnipeg: •••••••••••••141...••••••••/!••••••••••••••Myr••••••••• S e S, • • t • Judge: "Are you sure this man was drunk?" Cop: "Well, lie Was carrying a manhole cover and saki he Was taking it home to p1'ay me his hi-fi machine." * * A wedding ring is like a tfour- niquet; it stops circulation. * * * * Mother tb .Junior, returning from first day in school: "Did you learn anything today?" Junior:, disgustedly: "Naw, I gotta go back again temorrOw." May 14• On day avAdee/pdieeziel ' TRULY FINE PORTRAITS The love and the comforting pros= tence of lila family she has raised are best expressed by a portrait of the whole family, that Mother will keep with her always, Calf our itudio for an apnoinlment. veal PHOTOGRAPHER Phone 343 Exeter (*.EXCUSE ME JUST A muNure, Degere... MUS 10 LISTENING IN UPSTAIttSJ rilignattimigillawfigttgatitasstaismotatattitittatialtaiagthatas l l illaggattottgs ll assatgagit l last l ;lump Check with - Riverside Poultry Co, . to make sure you •are receiving TOP PRICES for your live poultry be(ore selling by phoning: London 7-1230 COLLECT or Hensall 680-r-2 T A SERVICES e Bankers Say:' "Advertise" This excerpt from the Ainerl- can Bankers Magazine needs no comment from us: • "No business man in any town should allow a newspaper 'pub- lished in his WWII to go without his name and business mentioned somewhere in its columns, This does not mean you should have a whole, half or even a quarter page ad in each issue of the paper, but your name and busi- ness should be mentioned, if you do not use more than a two-line space. , "A stranger picking up a news- paper should be able to tell what business is represented in 5. town by looking at the paper, This is the hest possible town advertis- ing. The man who does not ad- vertisehis business does an in- justice to himself and the town. The man who insists on sharing the business that comes to town but refuses to advertise his own, is not a valuable addition to any town. The life of. a town 'depends on the live, wide-awake and liberal advertising business man," The Exeter• P.51.511E Times -Advocate • • Do you med... ...then talk to Bable • • FIL -lite fixer, ...his full name is Farm Improve- ment Loan. Give him a chance to help fix up your'farm . . . he's eco- nomical, convenient, ver- satile. He can do almost anything in Making your farm a better farm. • A cream separator — milking machine —culti- vator,— tractor — incubator ...these are just a few of the many modern, time -saving, money- making farm machines and implements you can put to work on your farm through PIL. See your local B of M manager about your farm improve- • Meat loan. BANK OF MONTREAL e4utado4i 7i,r4ft ecuti Exeter Breech.: C. E. SHAW, Manager Centralia (Sub:AgencY): Open Mon., Wed. & Fre Grand Bend (Sub -Agency): Open Tuesday & Thursday Credition Branch: RAYMOND KING, Manager (Opert Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) Dashwood (Sub -Agency): Open Mon. Wed. & Hensall Branch: KENN:MI CHRISTIAN, Manager Loon l3ranch W1ISLIY PARRINSON, Manager 11) WORKING WITH CAN/kJ:HANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE 'SINCE 1817 HEY, MUGGS, GET Ct#P THE 01-10NEI YOU WERE SAYING". E. EXCUSE ME AGAINTOEBBIE.L NOW MUGGS IS LISTENING t,bWNSTAIIt SI: 'wasmanam••••••••im • r". 40 • A • 5 t, '