HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-04-14, Page 14
;Eighty -Second Year
Estimate 2,00
Iii Aiea Festiva
An estimated 2,000 people will
take part in the South Hunan
Music Festival in the district
high school next week,
The three-day event, which
starts Wednesday morning, Will
be climaxed by a concert of gel-
ected winners Friday evening;
The Huronia Male .Chorus, un-
der its direaress, Mrs, Alice Stur-
gis, sponsors the annual festival.
• (Close to 40 schools are com-
peting in the ehoru,s numbers.
They are from Stephen, Usborne,
Hay, MoGillivray, and Stanley
:townships; Exeter, Zurich, Park-
hill, Dashwood, Grand Bend and
Largest class of the festival will
be the girl's vocal solo over nine
years. Thirty-six contestants will
sing in this event, Second largest
is the girl's duet lass in the pub-
lic school division. There are 38
-entries taking t art.
Sectiont of the festival include
those for rural schools, graded
sohools, piano, vocal, choral and
lanai ensemlbles, high school and
Dr. G, Roy Fenwick, supervisor
.of music in schools in Ontario,
will adjudicate the testival. He
• 'officiated at the first testival
sponsored by the Huronia Chortle
two veers ago.
Last year's adjudicator, F, W.
Holton, who is supervisor of mu-
sic in Brantford, praised the dis-
Hire Teachers
for Area HS
Commercial and shop teachers
'have been hired for the start of
South Huron District High School
next term, Principal H. L. Stur-
gis announced Wednesday.
Mrs: S. P. Burton, of St. Thom -
ata, Who is now teaching in Port
.Arthur, will take over the com-
mercial department of the local
school from°E. H. Jones, who has
'Mrs. Burton's acceptance of the
position makes it possible for
SHDHS to continue to offer a
,special one-year course in com-
mercial. It had been feared that
this course would have to be
cancelled because of the shortage
of instructors.
Kenneth Ottewell, of Harriston
lias accepted. the shop position.
He will succeed W. A. Ness, who
will move to Port Dover.
Principal Sturgis is still seek-
ing four other teachers to corn -
plate the 1945-56 staff. Five of
the present teachers have resign-
ed and the increase in enrolment
will require two new members.
A home economics teacher, Miss
Joan iGallaugher, of Huntsville,
was hired last week to replace
Miss Anne Nartushyn who has
accepted a position in Dryden.
Principal H. L. Sturgis said no
more resignations have been re-
ceived since the board increased
the salary schedule at Its meet -
Ing last week.
Mr. Sturgis and SILDHS teacher
T. R. Meek attended the Ontario
Educational Association conven-
tion in Toronto this week.
Family Receives -
Awards Of $589
Family ot th late Mrs. Elmer
Klapp, who Was killed in an auto
accident last fall, received awards
totalling $589.10 in an Ontario
Supsame Court judgment Tues-
The plaintiffs, Margaret Kalb-
fleisch and Ethel Hess, executors
of the 'estate, claimed for $10,400
damages. Frank Donnelly, Q.10.,
of Goderich, acted on their be-
Justice Barlow awarded $g30.-
10 to the estate for -expenses and
$250 to Ethel Hess for the loss
Of her Mother.
The defendant was Calvin
BrindIey, of Toronto, represented
by Bell and Laughton, Exeter.
,Safeziy Council
Plans Inspection
'Exeter Safety Connell will
Sponsor a safety inspection of
vehicles in town on May 13, it
was decided at a meeting Thura-
day night.
The council will Work in do -op-
eration with the Ontario Auto-
intabila AssociatiOn and the On,
tario Safety Lemma: on the pro -
Owen Atkinsen, president of the
(mune% announced the next meet-
ing will be held 'on Thiirsdity,
April 28, when Dori Mackay, of
the Ontario Safety League, Will
be preseet,
Start Construction
• Of Two Houses
Constrtetion has Started 011
two, new houses in town.
Heetor Murray ot the Arantrong apartieente, is building on
Huron Street. A. S, ,Sweitter haS
the Contract fee the house.
Gerald Gitodbeltf of Stephen
tOwnship, is building 011Edward
Street. Dill Ventiti is in, Charge Of
trict festival as •one of •the larg-
Ost and best in the province,
"This festival has graduated
.from the small town class and
can take its Place among the
large festivals in the province."
Mr. Holton said at the end of
the '54 competitions.
'He congratulated members of
the Huronia 'Male Chorus on the
success of the festival and said:
"Larger cities should take a leaf
from your book. you are doing
a wonderful job for your commun.
ity which oannot be measured in
dollars and cents,"
Nearly 30 awards and trophies
are presented at the festival, some
clon'ated by the chorus and others
by well-wIshers and merchants.
Ron Elford is president of the
festival. Lloyd Hodgson, of •Cen-
tralia, is secretary.
Ladies Injured
In Accident
Two Clinton ladies were Ims-
pitalized Tuesday afternoon when
their car rolled out of control in-
to a ditch en No. 4 Highway two
miles south of Itensall.
'Mrs. Harry Bartliff, 73, is suf-
fering from deep shock, severe
lacerations to the face and
broken left ellbow; Mrs. Joseph
Hart, 42, has a fractured right
Another passenger, Mrs. Jule
Steven, 65, received 'bruises and
suffered from shock but was re-
leased from hospital. The driver,
Mrs. C. Crosier, was not injured.
The car was travelling north
when the right wheels slip.ped off
the lip °film pavement and went
out of control, careening into the
apposite ditch. It narrowly miss-
ed another vehicle coming from
the north,
IDoctors W. A. Reed, of Exeter
and W. Oka, of Clinton, adminis-
tered first aid. The Hopper -Hock-
ey and Dinney ambulances took
the injured to hospital.
,OPP Constable Elmer Zimmer-
man, Of Exeter, Said, the cap Was
a total wreck.
Only one accident marred the
Easter holiday weekend in this
A colligion between a car and
a tractor on Highway 84 on Sat-
urday caused shout $400 damage.
Merry Bawden, 19, of London,
struck a tractor and wagon driv-
en by John Soldan, R.R. 1, Zur-
ioh, when he pulled out to pass
another oar driven by John Lamb,
of Grand Bend.
JUBILANT PEE WEES—Cheering their third win at the Young Canada Week tournament at
Goderich Tuesday night are Exeter Pee Wees who advanced into the semi-finals of the large
"13" division. After defeating Hanover 8-1 and Wingham 64,,the locals edged the "13" champ-
ions, Seaforth, in a tight match. The score ended 4-4 but ExOter won with a big margin in
shots on goal. They now meet the "Pocket Rockets" from Statliroy on Thursday morning.
Red Loader and Doug Smith are handling the team which is sponsored by Exeter Legion.,
Front row, left to right, are Rickie Boyle, Bob Marriage, Bill Harvey, Frank Boyle; second
row, Jim. Jones, Don Rennit, Dale Turvey, Bob Jones, ton Cann and Jack Stephan; back
row, Gordon Strang, Bev Sims, Bill Heywood, Robbie Robertson, Ger. McBride. —T -A Photo
Sunny Weekend Weather
Highlights Holiday Visiting
One of the balmiest Easter
seasons in history greeted the
religious holidays over the week-
A bright, _warm sun drove tem-
perature into the •70%. Sunday's
high of '14.4 degrees' was -the
hottest on record at the met sec-
tion of RCAF Station, Centralia,
for the early part of
'Churches were crowded to ca-
plaeity for special services.
The latest In Easter finery and
fashions Was on parade.
'Families took advantage of %e
Weather to visit with friends and
Organize Men's Club
At James -St. Church
Following a banquet for men
in James St. United thumb. Mon-
day evening, ,a men's deb to be
known as the A.O.T.S. club (As
One That Serves) was launched
and a committee was appointed
to recommend a slate of officers
and to make arrangements for an
evening when the charter will be
presented. •
Close to 100 men sat down to
a dinner 'served by ladies of the
Federated Group.
iCarfrey Cann presided for 'the
Meeting. A sing song was led by
Mervin Oudmore with Norm Wal -
per at the piano. Mayor R. E.
Pooley moved a vote of thanks'
to the ladies; replied to by Mrs.
Ken Hockey. •
The speclal speaker for the oc-
casion was Dr. Tames Guest, pres-
ident of the London Dental Soc-
iety, who was ,introduced by Dr.
H. H. Cowen.
Dr. Guest apoke of the. indivi-
dual responsibility of laymen 'in
carrying out the program of the
Cherch. "In too many cases We
sit back and let the Minister do
the work the laymen shanld be
dOing, We pay him to pray for
us and to visit for us and in so,
doing we Miss the blessing and
satisfaction that comes from car-
rying out these duties, The lay-
men are the church andthe min-
isters help us tete that church.'
"The first disciples were men,
but the work of the Clutreh is
new carried on by wbxnen" Dr.
Guest said.
"The ACTS was patterned as
a service dub with the slogan,
every man working and eatery
man 011 ll caninibtee" said the
County Building
Progressing Well.
Panning of the cement rod On
the $7‘00,000 litter' 'County
Courthouse in Goderich will be
completed this week, itekording
to Exeter Retire William 1Weltiglia
ale, chairman Oa the county pro-
perty dontiiittis0.
iConatruetiOn 0 partitiOiiii in
the interior Of the thretagtorey
blinding is expected 10 :gait i111 -
The building, expected to be
completed early in. 1956, la pro-
gressing „"en gehedule," Reece
McKettale said. Ellis -Don Coil.
atreetion COMPanY 'has the eell'
Wm. Eyre, of Sarnia, vice-
president of the AOTS for On-
tario, outlined the organization
and function of the society. Mr.
Eyre was attending his 115th
meeting in the interests ot lay-
men. He announced that if a club
were organized members of the
clulbs from Sarnia and London
would visit Exeter and conduct
Charter Night.
Mr. Len McKnight thanked ,the
speakers and moved that an ACTS
club be formed. It was seconded
by Bruce Oudmore.
committee of Len McKnight,
Mery Cudm.ore, Hugh Love, Clar-
ende Down and Robt. Southcott
was appointed to recommend a
slate of Officers and to make ar-
rangements for Charter Night.
The fee for the clulb Was set at
$3 a year.
Guild At Trivitt
Plans Activities
Trivitt Memorial Guild met in
the parish hall on Thursday when
the cassocks were coMpleted. The
choir is preparing special anthems
as a gesture of thanks to the
Guild. They will be sung at a
special service April 24 when sur-
plices and cassocks and headgear
will be dedicated and the choir
Mrs. Blerling reported that fi-
nal arrangements had been made
with Mr; G. Thompson for the
theatre party to ibe held May 4.
The picture will be Pat and Mike
with 'Catherine Hepburn and
Spencer TraIcy. A bake sale Will
be held in the lobby that after-
.Mfg. G. Wiese wias named trea-
surer to succeed Miss Marion Big -
sett who is Unable to get bedattge
Of !linen In her home. Discussion
took plate on proposed 'At Houle'
for former members during the
Week of the Garden Party*. Mr.
14. aibeld11 presided and Mrs. A.
Platen. and Mrs, T. Ellerington
were hotteggeti.
Blaze banittge Slight
Firemen eXtingiiished a blaze
in the roof a Exeter Grill early
Wednesday Morning,
The brigade reached the fire
before it broke into flames, /1
smouldered under the metal
sheeting above the kitchen. Darn.
age was slight.
relatives. The visitors included:
Mr. and ,Mrs. Claude Blowes,
Sandra and Brenda, of Preston,
with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sweit-
zer for Easter week.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dearing,
Norman and Mervin, of Sarnia,
with Miss Merle Dearing.
'Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Graham
and children and Miss Carol Rule
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clancy,
Sarnia, on Good Friday.
Mr. Gordon Cann, of Newmar-
ket and Miss Jean Whittaker,
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ostler.
air. and Mrs. Harry West, of
Sarnia, with Mrs, S. West.
Wrs. ,Glara Wellington spent
Friday at Inver -Huron,
Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis
have returned after spending the
winter in Florida.
fr. and Mrs. Murray Moore
and family with Mrs. Ella Moore
who returned after spending the
winter at her son's home.
Wm. Smith, of General Coach,
Hensall, was elected vice-presi-
dent of the Canadian Mobile Horne
Association at the annual con-
vention held in "Searboro recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Johns, Ellim-
ville; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bragg'
and Bruce of West Lorne and Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Wilson, London,
with Mr. and Mre. Wm. Pybea.
Mr. and 'Mrs. J. P. Sanders and
daughters, of Wheatley, with
their parents, Mrs, Jessie Sand-
ers and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kydd.
pail Ann Gackstetter, Kippen,
with her grandparents, IVIr. and
Mrs. Horney.
'Miss Ethel Dow, of Woodstock
with Mrs. R. Ellis and Mr. and
Mrs. G. Dow.
Miss Olive Wood, Toronto and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood, Lam-
beth, with Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hennessey,
Harrow; Mr. Pat Hennessey, of
Chatham and Cpl. and Mrs. Allan
Horton and Larry, df Barrie, with
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hennessey.
Mr. and Mra. Norman Floody,
David and Janice, of Windsor,
With Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Linden -
field. Mrs. Floody and children
are spending the week here,
'Mr. Neil Jones and Miss Mari-
lyn Nelson, of Toronto, with Mr.
and aim J. H. Jones.
'Miss Florence SOuthcott, of
Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. J. M,
Miss Marguerite Pickard, of
Hamilton and Meg Trudy Pickard
London, are spending the week
with Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Pickard.
Miss Helen Sweet, of Toronto,
With her mother ,Mr. M. Sweet.
Mr. and ivrrs. . A. Moffatt and
family, London with Mr. and Mrs.
D. A. IVIOffatt, ICIPPen and Mr.
and Mrs. S. L. Kydd.
IMiss 'Ruby 'Wood of Ilidgetown
and Mr. Dill Luxton, London,
with Mr. and Mrs. Sohn 'Axton.
Mr. Fred Ford and Miss .1.
Sandersen, Toronto, with Mrs. W.
I. ?Ord.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Atkinson
and twe Sons, Of tendon, with
and Mrs. 0. S. Atkinson.
Mrs. Georgina Carr, of Bristol,
England, at present in Toronto,
with her tonging, NVm. and Bea -
tried Warren.
IMr. and Mrs, Calvin /leakier
raallodtheir inilY?voeittill111144gitils: Betkierll
Mr. and Mrs. Ssni Sweitter and
Bryan with Mrs. Sweitzer's par-
ents at Tlintling.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Stephan, of
London, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Mr. and Mrs. Oran Moir, of St.
Catharines and Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Frayne and family, of Sarnia„
avith Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne
'Mr and Mrs. Arnold 'Cann and
°Judith, of Thames Road, and Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Dunn,of Centralia
with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann.
aa/0 and Mrs. J. A. Cann and
daughter, Mary Anne, of Ottawa,
with Mrs. Wm. Mair for the week-
end. Good' Friday guests were
Ivan Miller and Austin Dion of
Aurora and Grant Lloyd, of
"Mr. and Mrs. Grant Taylor, of
Sarnia, with Mr. and Mrs, Hector
'Bob Margison, London, and
Francis Skinner, Elimville, wit
their grandmother, Mrs. Edward
Mrs. Thomas Watson of Aner-
vid, Sask., is visiting her sisters,
Mrs. W. Blair and Mrs. James
Wr, Edward Dory and Mrs. P.
Maybee attended the funeral of
Mr. Dorey's father in Deseronto
last Wednesday.
Mrs. Nelson Clarke, Farquhar
spent several days last week with
Mr. and Mrs. M. Quaace-
Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Kydd re-
turned home after visiting in
Wheatley and London.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sanders, Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Moffatt; Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. Kydd and Mr. and
Mit. Marsh attended the Willard -
Martin wedding in Stayner on
bliss Ella Link with Mr. and
Mrs. Ward Fritz, Zurich.
Dr, and Mrs. E. S. Steiner
with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lind,
Kendall, N.Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Insley' with
his parents; Mr: and Mrs. Clayton
Insley, Stratford,
Price Per Coy 7;
Give Polio Vaccine
To AII: Pupils: Unit
Award Contract
For Landscaping
contract exceeding $2,000
for landscaping around the Exe-
ter Public School was approved
by the board at a special meeting
Tuesday evening. Charles Hay, of
Zurich, will do the work.
The landscaping includes .con-
struotion of an asphalt-surfated
tarmac area where Children can
play in wet weather; a coal ramp
and lane; provision for two bicy-
cle rack areas; sodding of the
grounds east of the 1938 build-
ing; seeding of the south west
. Pant of the area was seeded
last year by the board in Co-op-
eration with Exeter Kinsmen who
conduct their summer playground
on the grounds.
Police Chief
Foils Thieves
Exeter Police Chief Reg Tay-
lor foiled thieves in their at-
tempt to rob Exeter District Co-
op for the fourth time Thursday
The chief, ,making his regular
rounds during the night, soared
off the culprits who had gained
entry into the building beside the
An all-night search by the
chief and area provincial police
failed to flush the thieves out.
Spotted Car
Driving west on Wellington
street on a routine inspection of
the town about '2:30 p.m., the
chief spotted a car travelling east
on Victoria Street, one block
south. As he rounded the block
he noticed the opened door of
the Co-op building and discovered
the break-in.
The robbery attempt was the
tenth on outskirt buildings dur-
ing recent months. esides the
Co-op,businesses entered include
Rick's 'Foodland and Exeter Pro-
duce and Storage.
OPP Constable Ebner Zimmer-
man assisted with the search.
Mr. Wm. Horney visited with
his sister, Mys. Latta Colwill,
Cargill last Thursday.
Hope that all public school
children itt Huron County will re-
ceive the Salk polio vaccine next
year was expressed Wednesday by
Dr. E. M Aldis, director of the
county health unit.
"We're sorry we haven't enough
vaccine to make it available to
everyone right now," he sqd,
• Elated over 'Tuesday's report
which indicated the Salk vaccine
will virtually eradicate polio, Dr.
Aldis sees an end to the epidem-
ics suffered by the county in re-
cent years.
"Every year there has been an
epidemic of the disease in Can-
ada. Huron has had a share in
it," the health unit director said.
The unit, one of the first or-
ganizations in Canada to admini-
ster the vaccine to public school
children, has covered about two-
thirds of the county with the
first three doses for grade one
and two pupils.
The program has been inter-
rupted by the Easter holidays,
but it is expected the second dose
will be given in approximately
two weeks and the third in five
Dr. Aldis said there have been
"exceptionally few" reactions to
the vaccinations already admini-
stered and these reactions were
"very slight".
The health unit began its in-
noculation April 1, the day after
supplies of the Vaccine were dis-
tributed by the provincial govern-
ment. First doses were given in
the Hensall and Zurich areas. Ex -
Hay Council
Grants Loan
Hay township council approved
a $700 loan to the community
centre in Zurich at a recent
The loan was • made to cover
insuranee, coal and miscellaneous
. !Council authorized payment of
the Ausable River Conservation
Authority levy amounting to
alability insurance policy for
$10,090 <coverage on warble fly
and weed Spraying was purchas-
ed from the Prank ,Cowan Co.
Ltd. for a premium of $105.
Reeve EarlaCariapbell presided
for the meeting. All councillors,
including deputy -reeve V. L. Bec-
ker, DelbentaGeiger, L. W. Greb
and L. H. Rader were present.
Ontario Lib
To Address
Hon. Farquhar Oliver, leader
of the Ontario Liberal Party, will
address the Huron nomination
meeting of the party in Hensel].
on Tuesday, April 19.
The meeting•will select a can-
didate to contest the coming pro-
vindial election believed to be
scheduled for June.
GB Pier Contract
Let For $11,000
A $11,000 contract for repairs
to the south pier of the harbour
at Grand Bend has been awarded
to the R. A. Blyth ,Construction
Company, of Toronto," by the De-
partment of Public Works, Ot-
The work calls for steel sheet
piling around the structure of the
pier and the construction at a
cement dap. A centre section of
the pier. made of wood, was
washed away this winter,
LADIES INJURED—Two Clinton ladies were injured. Tues-
day afternoon when this 'car careened into the lith on No. 4
Highway south of Henson Mrs. Joseph Hart and ,Mrs.
Bartliff are in Clinton Hospital with iraettired. limbs. Two
other ladies escaped with only minor injuries. The ear wheels
slipped off the edge of the highway and the vehicle went out
of control across to the opposite ditch, It narrowly missed
southbound ear as it crossed the road. —T -A Photo.
eral Leader
Executive of the local riding
met Wednesday night in Exeter
to lay plans for the nomination.
Ivan Kalbfleisch, Zurich, presi-
dent of the association, chaired
the meeting.
Reports of the progress being
made in the formation of young
Liberal groups in the riding were
given by James R. Scott, of Sea-
forbh; Hugh HaWkins, Clinton,
and Ivan Kalbfleisch, Zurich. ,
Delegates named to the pro-
vincial convention in Toronto on
April 22 and 23, include Ivan
Kalbfleisch G. 'Cochrane, Exeter,
secretary of the association; Roy
Lamont, Zurich; Gordon Ratz,
Stephen Township; Spencer Ir-
vine, Bayfield, and Elmer Den-
nis, McKillOp• Township
Alternates named were Garnet
Usborne Township; Mrs.
Hilt Laing, Exeter; Mrs. Alvin
Kerslake, Hensall; Hugh Haw-
kins, Clinton; William Leiper,
Jr., Hullet Township; Bruce Er-
skine, Goderich.
Elect Exeter Girl
To Huron Office
Miss Mary MoKnight, Exeter,
Was elected viceapresident of He-
ron. Presbytery Young People's
Union at the spring convention
held in Goderich Tuesday night,
She is a former president of the
Exeter group.
'President of the Presbytery
is Miss Gail Manilla& of
Among the presidents of local
unions of the presbytery who at-
tended were: Kenneth Ttrekey.
nensall; Maurice Love, Exeter:
MISS Jean Gill, Grand Bend; 'Miss
Doris Swartz, Crediton and. Jack
Dallas, Bruceneld.
Cancer Society
To Reorganize
the Exeter and District trench
of the Perth -Huron dancer Soci-
ety will be re-orgariiked at,a meet-
ing in South Huron Hospital on
Thursday night, 20111 21,
A 10641 branch Was terined sev-
eral months ago but It lls4
John 11.,Strattort, of Stratford
president of the tWo-noinity unit,
Will address ThurSday night's
oer and other parts of the South
Huron area were comuleted last
Aion of the vaccine until
Many other public health or-
ganizations have delayed adminia
after the PubliCation of the re-
port on its effectiveness. The
Huron unit started irnmedlately,
however, because it was confident
the Vaceine was effective since it
was recommended by the Canad-
ian and Ontario governments.
Vaccination of school children
will cost the county very little.
Provincial and federal govern-
ments are arlitting the expenses
of the serum and supplying It
free of charge to the public
health units. The county bears
only the cost of administration.
Although last year's incidence
of polio in Huron was very light,
the toil in 1963 included 26 cases
and two deaths. The county also
suffered in 1952 when there were
epaigoevcs other parts of tilenaUon, a
Supply Should Be Available
Dr, Aldis said a commerical
supply should be available for
doctors in the county soon but
that it would not be sufficient to
meet the demand. He did not
know what the cost of the vac-
cine would be in Canada but be-
lieved it was $4,00 for the three
shots in the United States.
Many parents are inquiring
about getting the pre-school
children vaccinated, Dr. Aldie
The world was told Tuesday
that it now had an effective wea-
pon to fight crippling polio.
The Salk triple anti -polio vac-
cine, administered last year to
440,000 children in the United
States, bas protected a large per-
centage of the children from the
paralytic effects of polio virus.
Highlights of the evaluation of
the Salk vaccine are;
It is sate, effective and potent.
It is up to 80 to 90 per cent
effective in preventing paralytic
"'There is no doubt now that
children can be inoculated sup-
cegsfully against polio,
In the whole group of nearly
2,000,000 children who partici-
pated in the test, there were 863
cases of diagnosed polio.
Of these, only 113 cases oe
polio occurred among vaccinated
rchallyldsirsen„ with 71 developing pa -
Non -Vaccinated Cases High
But 750 cases of polio occurred
among non - vaccinatea. children
with 445 becoming paralyzed.
The vaccine proved incredibly
safe; reactions were nearly neg-
ligible, with only .4 per 'cent of
the vaccinated children suffering
minor reactions,
"Major reactions" were even
smaller — .004. to .00 per cent.
There were 15 deaths among
non -vaccinated children, includ-
ing four among children getting
dummy shots.
There were no deaths 'among
vaccinated .youngsters except for
one child who hadn't completed
his shots and had a tonsillectomy
during a polio epidemic.
Vaccination protected against
contracting polio from other
members in the family. Only one'
out of 233 inoculated children
developad the disease, while eight
out of 244 getting the dimMY
shots got polio from family con -
Plan Special Day
At Area Hospital
At a meeting of the public re -
lathing committee of the South
Huron Hospital Association on
Wednesday night, it was decided
to hold Hospital Day on Sunday,
May 8. The hospital will be open
to the public from 2 to 6 p.m. for
In connection with this event,
an essay Competition will be spon-
sored among public and high
school children in the area. Prizes
Will be awarded for the best
articles on the importance of the
hospital to the community.
Trip To NY
Thrills 38
Thrilled with the fabulous
entertainments and spectacles of
Naw York, 86 high school stu'.
dents and three teachers arrived
home Tuesday afternoon after a
three-day holiday in the world's
largest city.
The students toured the *United
Nations building, enjoyed 'bread -
Way shows and entertainment in
Radio City IYInsic Hall, heard the
New York Philharinonic Orches.
tra, visited the Museum, ate itt
the Empire State Duilding and
attended Easter services in one
of the largest churches of the
The group embarked Priday
morning from the high school by
chartered, bus and /eft Nelfit York
at midnight Monday.
Prize -Winning litOrar of the trip
by one of the students will up.
pear in The Tittles -Advocate next
Week. The T,A is sponsoring the