HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-6-15, Page 1‘171.]EICI.417 W. T. COX, Editor and Proprietor.; The Greatest Posisiblo Good to the Greatest Possible Number." $1.50 P.ER ANN. INADVANCE (GODE1UC110C. )V.. THURSDAY, JUNE 15,1865. ;VOL. -XVIIL-NO 20 1.1uotttr.9 I. A. Ittctlougos11 CCiNS[LTED CP TO 10 A.M., at his residence on North Street, seat dour at& ofth•rendenceol Hey. Mr.Etwood. leril - Willassiton. II1•13-• P111NICI AN, St; kc., GOD salon, C. W. 13:40-ly _ - Thor. 11`. Melleonn. M. 13.• 1011111YSICI.t N, SURGEON, kc., (Late -IL House Surgeon, King•ton Hot:past).- orrice -Al Anaur(•lioardmg /Iowa feertiOvraj lioderiei,C. W. --- Dr. Coles T ATE OF STANLEY-CLINTON, HD AI sr Road. ()b. Thpraitreleformer Store hilt 1, MI. D11. A. WORTHINGTON, TstaNicutsr, suttoEux, ac. will et - A. tend, parteculsriy. diseases ul and &wool "perm:oat epos the eye. °wit a V Am a. Dee. I). Init. (w47 -Iv Ira Lew.., 1114 R RI ST E Ft AND ATTORNEVAT. Soh:•itaron4.:Isserery, County Crows Attornev,Hoderturi,::•••ilaWeet. "Cot • illourt Hama, • ir14e4t1 _ ?i. C. essiateron. BARIIISTElIk AT rutmv, CONYEY• sac's, ki: . :gigaton streotodetich,C.W. J. lncIlr & Woikee. ARRI3TE144, .SOLICITURS, CON - can, Rs. Odice, over the Store ut Melee 34 Son, Hotlerwh. Mew elf e aka TEA,. AT l'u Y - AT - LAW JO filet les Puntio, ate., W•st Street, Lloikr 101 jait1ttraiTEi 1.1 is Chancery. Cornier oi Klageo - _ oho 1.1strount. ATTvnx EY, sommoit e Otace, Market ,,,,, reet,(1, derm h.. 0:42 . . _ _ linotrtir inikRRIST ENS, A IL/ NOVIIIIIMP, Conveys. 'Rat's &Jeer, West Street. -• - • .1tittn !IL if4o l'atteroon. iiltNEYS-AT LAW, Ae. Odor Me munch. 9:43 on. TTORNEY-AT.I..kW, 4 ICITOR IN • Notary Pot.144-1 'oat...veneer, Its., Ste.. Hodence, tain•d•V..4 offe-e-ms natal/ sole of Wen Stree %Mudd r trtau the C eurt-House Square. - . Witham a• t TToltNEY-.ArT.L kW, Si) ICITO IS o Itc. rehhe.17on Vertrer,31,4, •derich,,C W. --04,c, over ILO* :nee& I 111 leaner, 4 ' Roney to Lead on Real Priperty. - - ethane A TTORNEY, Gobi- socir,e. V. -Orrice : Op$is.r. Wat•ou'• Ratik, West .1.; entrance Vint Door wen oi 6 'ago w House. 'I`ont. a Misiorm: rro nvi St11.11 row:. ke., 4;,4e melt, C. W. Od.ie - kit AWIS'a NEW &LOCK a•tr r ston. Lawlor Noes.. nmalenelt. usual ID& awI443er31 IS. 1.. !Sept.,. CTOICSTEli, •1011.1t:1 rOte he.. OFFICE Crebte• New Illoek.Oriderick • r• W. ' .15ewnAly .1. W. CA/MADY., D. D., IC• Codno. Mmanial tVli IN TAIWAN, SUROEOM AND AC. .1. COCAtillr,S, 011kw-At the' WINO. Court Oen. Diingiummt, C. W. wIT _ . .11. Y. IICIwrood. n‘RRISTkit, AT ToRN EY, CONVEY- "-, sweet, ke., ()felon. +1 ne•-• Is .l000 suollt artnr Poet ode. itIoNEY To ,LEN D. ilfToltVEY.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN (lanteury, Conveyancer. do:. Welle-ree, C • Annie. vhist5cly Frederick Proudfoot, 1 tutini rElt. ATTORNEY -A r -LAW, • • t; • , :Sonnet/ PI, SLic.3re. Scotia Angt...n, Ca. fira,e. j w13 -6m0 ttn •Vv•ovIter:t1,1, As:11 l'ili)VINC,IAL V level 'turves...to Pire and Kendence, 11. rillon S,reet I .51645 - lloy. I )ROYINCI AI. I, ANDil:ILVEYOR ANI) Chem Kagowe • Cant m hey I I. - . 4r- Business nit ectorn. Berth British and Mercantile InsuranOs OIL, in Mr. Cordon'. Law Chpaibers: JOHN IIALDAN, Jr., AC" CloderaM.October I3.IMS.sumier JOHN BRETT, Tin, Sheet -Iron, and Copper Smith, EGMONDVILLE, C. W. Stoves, Cultivators,, do., for Sale. Wanking Done at Short Notice. - - NE INSURANCE. Brills American Insurance C Or 00. .• 1 Marine Dr..,:lrtment. . GEOICUL It 1: 31 11 AL L. Agent. GoJerich. April TM, 150: wITO British American Assurance Co, FIRE & MARINE. JOHN ESSO. Arent. Hayfield, C. W., April 16, 1845. w12 P. Wilson Ross, IL A., ARRISTElt, AT1ORNEY• AT•LA Sommoron-Cliancery, Notary Palau., ,..I L..1 Lead Agera, , Scc., Kul,. Arthur, 'minty Brunt. vr+ w12-ly MAITLAND HOTEL, GODERICH iloSICER. PROPRIETOR. THE • above is mast plassantly a:Mated on emanate ISO lest nigh. overtookirig tee Hnrha and Lake Hanoi ,-cood th+lisrda. Hanlon. •nd Aural Walks attached. Board Si peroe.ilaitoy'..1:41. write& Reds. /5 Cent.. DAYS' HOTEL WROXETER iffsm•ated on the oravel rottnole front 1 31emort1. to .onthatiplon, 4.,,,•• r aorta wItere it leadsoil to 0/roamer, atia any one trav• elaag to Belmore, Walkerton, Southampton, jr any.place, n that direct ese. wc1 fled serootono• dation e0.•5 es he omit expect•to &d at MIS ulam ell.* bolsi% in ad imiticata. ICE ALWAYS ON HAND • VoltIllIA Trout -Fishing Friends o1 V4,014.4,Vt.it A I ryqrs A NIHILD 'IND FIFTY FEET! CliAbl.k-S DAYS, wit -1. Proprietor. CiesisusericlallBotet 31114hcIlit'.11 Jom; HICKS, Proprietor. This is the targestand host Country llotel n Wewern Canailsoliad elarges & moderate •• ny fl mire tortlitchell. Phase Propraitir. ()oed g l.leerior 140 Hones. Hon& aad il.' *nag& foe Ifn, on be Shortest Note.* . 14 --/-- GI` C7.01:01ili 'ELI CIX CABINET WAREHOUSE 11. lisamtInv CtVti, IlYGNEE't AN() eritVEYOR Land Ageat aad Convey , Kimmel:at it: Jt1EM., t4 _A. 1 1 AR,ONITILCT, • PLANS ANIS wrecadelt:ATION4 Rudd - tar, 44.;roit ie •nr•I and correct Attie. the lluroa Ati: tom Mart, Kon* OR, Obvert. frivr e1n714ly , • .M. 'i'itiTIMAN LAND ADROIT, Barkot Square, Goderioh. Ts rot 'Very Wedeesday ,f roils II .m te lp.i. • 111:10 - - f11011801( & HAZLEHalifit (IASI •4114.ILL Se vonsciov,) Motion di Commission Merchants, CON68,0mili Iftwk, Margate* NI., Ihsesraela r And next Door to Strong's note 56 10 AV() WV 11. m If 41,r..4. Waggnnot C't at Inv owl, ron•r• SIOttrdny al noon l'Ariirular •ito•tosa paid ihe Ante or Ilankrnel ?noon rern. Pinola. he. (hob advaneed on 4,04. 4.44 an t; ,,,,,, nmaew. rieed• appraimol. detain cAllerled. 16444110nP• overran% 1 0.0044.4..,,1(•,•AerrIn•r41 halo*, rante4 i•aara ov. $.14, .1the Uraiirk Man,Sleafivolt,•teryTboroday. creamy .4.4.4 mes..44 ed• raasparde cowl iledenen. lehr ilia. Ilea. • _ 1). Melrlenarral, LJCENSED AUCTIONEER. HAYFIELD, az essay -a, Wenn. "Soleil ot village er ...entry w artesint 'menden; to. /AM vr114 Ariz. teandley. T MESSED AUCTION EER for HURON and Reties. Se& paactually attended ht. Mdrew. &whim P0.. I vr$0 John Ortrnot Git ER L COMMISSION AGENT COMISONIOner in queee's Hench, tor t•k e. &e. °Ince on Rroad w▪ ae.lfultaireeMincardine.C.W. 49 Pater litt'llate. FORWARDKR AND COMMISSION Mereliant, I 0004, C. W. Note. and Aneolanto *Minded. Business of any kind ea - rioted to bun will receive prompt ititenime. *40-4 ells& UNTI rr I IL "kr • Dr. PIIIILIPM, aR5SURGICAL & MRCHANTr Dv vrirt, (reerram te T. K. Moro gnmery,) thwench, C. W. Zee= ever Ir.F. Jordaa'sDrar Coro January I Sr. VW. sw1101-vIr ,totin (101DitiS5%IRiNSR IN THE COURT OF Qatute(a Ileaeh,Onarseasher, are. A Rint rare k..c.c of Parra a& Town hors lot Sole; par - SW bowleg :en& wale, or desiring to purchsse end pled& wad fall parterre liasagaanne,reh, 10. 1.0.3'?. (THE 01.Dr:ST IN Tiff. CorNTY. D. GORDON 'A I tl I: l' NI 1% 1 :It AND UNDERTAKER, ‘1•44.11not0ren •n41 0,01 note •414 hAnd 4 rinnplete io urn,irre, al hal Wn WEST STREET, GODERICH, ..ct If A Sala, Pilfers, Table+, fiedatearle, Heir, Cane arel ttr.,02 seatrell'hairs, Gift Moulding and ‘oolcing Glares, in variety. nIt Home Manufacture and Imported!! D. G. haft sleeve on hand e 41044.4044. 54. eortment corium AL., immtsEs To it I lig. rje !Anther and Cordwood taken in ex- change for Furniture. floderieh. 0140 Ceti .1063 _ BUNK BOOK*00S BOOK -BINDING.- IlartNo msde arrangement. woh Mr. B. I 1 McGREGOE, Rook -hinder and ManiiAn•- tonne Stationer. (who hes leIrIy rethrne.1 from Pieta .1phia wall a large work Hoohne and rtheri"firrial), 1 ion prepared to Fornmh Monk - Rooks of MI mid title. .it and with ont Protted !teatimes, n. len eer cent cheaper then Toronto Mr.,. All eintisof fleibtivie I ant,a'aelion Will be repaired free of charge. sti46w211. JOHN liCTLEft. GODERICH E MARBLE WORKS; • . C. TRELEAVEN r. • Mono- Head - stories ---- merits a; Th Tombs, Tablets, Table - &c. GODERICH, C. W. ea. se 2 B115illeiY3 Dirrri0111. ROYAL Insurance Comp'ny FIRE AND LIFE. *, CAPITAL -TWO MILLION DOLLARS. Acrunsurated Fends Aand,15,000,000. Annual Income Exceeds $2.500,000. Inaitr•neea elro.ted it ob. LQIVE.S1 a. te.tl'ES wala •ofety Llf* Insurance -Int le See3rIty. wing graers AVD kir trilFER THAN! Mor4T ENti I. I Losses Promptly Seittled Without Referenc- to a Board of Directors CHARLES PLETCHER, Agent. Goder.eh, May. 1,t,4. *15 INSURANCE. WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, • v Woods America Aaseranim Company; Head ofitre"Tra0100 Manna, Pee sad Lefellasuranoes .004.tedow favorable terns. rp• O 040 Wr.J. B. (ami notes Law Cras- hers. JOHN IIALDAN, Jr., Ago. Iledrinek. Now .24. II& CD S:= Tcrlry. HEMIGNIAM. )111;.:11C04.4,ISCI. Warm, loving, dimpled, slight as anitele are, A gentle bird who !melted herself to sleep! Her beart a hedeen, her soul • Cxed sue, fit it not sacrilege' to sob and weep! Nursed et the tender tneroory of love, Wen d 10 b,, ripe tu join seraphic bands, , in grace, the softly soared ahnve. Cli d our bosoms lotus hold our hand,: Goue--t the grove; gone -to the higheet heavet These deep 'n earth, and op to God's own. . throne, - Such is the Ides Circling eternity Most %dewed of girth°. Bow down year beads is gone N C EARSON. Gederirli, June 7. 011 (0 darling given, knows no torn ; and even ten sliAnis a bieliel there have cOUNT1 Eel 'COIF Nell., been ruiued by tlie fall. The pre,ident uf Gatemen, June fah, 114115. The United Comities Council uiet to- day -for the transaction of gemeral bush 0011S 'Present, the Warden, Ro . Gibbons, Esq., presiding, t,lessrs. gh, Dal- ton, J. Whitehead, Spence, Ford, M :cDonald; Leckie, Fmel „ War; wick, Gibson, Perkins, (in t,Inee of !1lr. Strong, deceased) Elliot, Dolt 414", C. Whitehead, Brown, A. Johnston, C on, Sweet, Parsons, Spree, Menet, Bishop, Creary, Currie, Farquharson, Kribe; Lutipsden, Brocelbank, %Vinton, Fisher Bret Echoales, Rose, Gillies, , slentine, Corrigan, 11. Johnstou, Martin, J P. McIntyre, Sutton, Perin, Wallace, Adair. The minutes of last day of se..ion being read and signed, The Warden elle ssed the Council. He said it was his sod duty to autiounce tho death of a member of the board Owe last meeting, -Win. Strong, Esq., Deputy Reeve of llowick,-who was much re- peeted by his fellow-m=11.ra, Ind whose ss lowould be dett deeply regreed. The Equalization Committee appointed by the Vounch had mat at the regular time and Heir report would he laid before the Beard. He could only $ay, al outt44 the Committee, that every elfin had been made use of to do justice to the oily of thr op river packet COIL vas WS 44,44.4 4.9 bast one hundred thoesand dorsi" by depre- ciation of prices and unitize 4o grain. Five years since *hunt on the Upper Minnesota wais worth fres' fifty rents to one dollar and thirteen cents per bullet, in gold. At preeeet MIMI of gram mid nieichandiee the humeral are been': a 14(4(4. 1.1114.. Thu A of the peat crept, awl the IIM0011 to ' 00104 0(440*014 6 0,004 t Even in cold NeW Eughtod. we are told, and e..a here, .• kerelittle reinsure eau he placed upon agriculture, the huslutudmen are stir grass to 000•1 kneed ; avid thirty days tbe pris-il 04 11.4. groeth of all about tbmu The mowing mint commence. The Orion rapid y Mnlie • ond awl 304 evelence 14 fruit. In the West the crops 1.1 he large Irons the increase 04 talus labor arid 140 g•eut breadth ; of the country wirier cultivatloo. Every availehle yell. of 1,0.1' whca: Imo: or 5044.I1 er":‘rd d'eb, te10 re (161ns:11 rli,e I byFi " b: s rich promiee ot aliundaut .harvest. The return of thousand* asuldiee to their home" will ekeepen.harseat labor, and insure a midi-, cienc7. of help to the crop.. . -1n view ol anew p04, '4114. tte submit that it Is ri tor Western Eirmerli to roam I their Bono -use stocks 40 sti I furll er, 11,4 for railroa4s. to impose. almost ptoliitiitory burdensdo the way of freerlos. Still less is the riming market for the tee days pastres- mutable iu the price uf oreadstoIls. Tke 1211r Burglaries. A PEEP INTO .1 GAMBLING HELL. From em Henan.o, rI;mmenr, nt. On Nforiday afterrittoe,. Detective Gates, cil the Great M'estara Cutistaf toe Ferret, ;accompanied by two young nee, nom Meters Gates et GU.4 aloft., 'mole on examittaticn. under a stitch watraid, of the residence lut.ly occueiel by Jeffrey. - the . Mess., is a very medest looking two storey builrferg on tier; nuith Side Of Market street, between hart and MeNab streets.- tdo the int st side there in. large statile, witch be apparent y beeu tied tot nu other purpose loos Air 011 eirtry to the .garribling Uu Main Num there 4., a Itto,a;e, a room, dhoti, room aii.I ru.on, with bac: kitchen. The froditi.re of thee, rootlet is neat and whaeont would ex Act to tiud it the resideoce ul I reipeciahle mechoeic. the first examination 44 14.4 1,14401 04 Monday ot• good8 eere discover ed, *Lich ',ere rilmillland Pad the IMOvelly ot Got«. C.,.. a Faro tal• v aoith. it 10 iwald,e1.000-tbe were that arse permitted, ttethe disgrace of our ri.y. to be mud, wirier ;ice l'atteno.ii h.. d Cuir Cot el -41,4.11U Ille 1 sir knit semi:wher- eas d.scovered, *oh a mituber of tools, Yee Way morning. about 11 c'e•ocii, the sesrco d. the !loco been, birch riept nue Wh.,0 wider the werzeiii.ince orihr: ice- Mr. l'elre•• Magid:are; Mr Mime, Deputy She l,aod Mr Mitchell, °tie of the Sheritt'n Oh( 4,, addrtea to Detec- tive Gates, Cons/A.M., rris, ktb 41404,4 the tires (Late k Cu., au Le Iteportent fi em tbe city press, beteg presei 1 he tampons'. woo was sery tho:ough and b Set' , that, in additive to theopen burglary, I 441 iCh there were • numbetoot etiderices, an t shape of tools, skeleton antother kevs, • $ry heat hated vice.that a little gii lin the house mad her Pis used tor Ming keys, meaner mid not ,o,t. creme, sjsteni et robbery Mel beeis p.a.:used iu the preutisea... The eXamirilatiori ora tbe first net discovered tome three or four dur,en of liamb.erchicteand ueckties and other dry goode, evidently t. weeded" -041 from some store. In the drawers in the eating mom were found a needier of pitotegrephs and other armlet espetnady prized by the holey. There was the tell awl cup upparateedosided Mee, emu t.tty auto,. te l marked cards, main lo i of in list we lor•iese lire callent" hest ruin,- ail u.ed tor 1.i:4..1,i:4\111e verdant ones *1 444445 and .•ther•gieheriti,.M. But the great business 01 14114' ',Mb 0 Ineut was trai,thcied is what errs ve.ied the cuid tooth. 'This rutint,on second the, nbcut 414 ot tnelve ,feet P 44104 and neatly papered. Itind a most inboteid pearance. bat Lipkin eIM./11.1,4 t1P01. II, • ayst.qa et telegraphs fintl, ie t , errors she had none, *bore& by which the 0410014011(41cnms CUWai Ia s rrieudiy game id -4.10a1,4e4rittswit11 '1'11.4 I's.' of 11'0h:scrip The Presse rout:tins an .r- °".1whir Irr. doly's late scarcies on tobacco in • hygienic point are 1114.1V14 -4I. Dr. Jolv is A declared enemy 41 the " fragrant stheil," aud some of his arguments are certainly telling. 'lbw he oh... thin whin, the tobacco of the Le. van'. Grer•ce, and Ilun,ory dbes hot thritain not hicotint., that of Arabia, Havana ...a Paraguay contain 2 1"r cent, that deleterioue hese • 40.4 ot Maryland rontaine 2.19 ter cent., that tit Kentucky 6.09, and that ef the &Tenement of the Lot nearly N per cent. while the sorts of Aimee, the Pas -de Calais, Ilieet-Villaine and Virginia are mit far remoxed from, the two letter figures. 11 1. evident, therefore, that tobacco is noxious in proportion to the nieutine it 0011. and that it the Turks, (4,','k',, Mill.. garret,* and Brazilians smoke kith impttnity from daybre•k 40 .00161, it is because their tobaceo either. contains no nicotine at all, or at 414,01 very little. Other nations smoke very oinneeat herbs, such as hope, test, aniseed. d, and hence the very different opinions held by medical men cencerning the effects . indiffereot either. John Nieto. in order to promote the custom ot smoking, imported a quantity along hollow reed* firms Lisbon, 4..which 0. attached • silver bowl, not unlike thee now in nee, male ot ineereehauro or Clay. Dutch pipes were introduced next, then the long Oriental ones, he , but the most noxious of all are the short ones, while the rigger is the least objettionabls of Napoleon did not smoke, and Il•r•the says that a man of genius cahnot cultivate both m his sciice awlpe his letogether; and that if there are a few illustratious exeeptions to the rule, still it is certain that there have always been more learned men teking snuff than smoking. According to Dr. Janes John:nem, :-00.000,000 of men arn•ke ent aorta of toliseco; 4014,000 sineke opera and ita Pore/mewl!! 3140911 hemp and haschiech, lee no0 betel and 40,000 the American plant rent. a. supply of CI ra In at the West. A careful estimate gives the amount of wheat nu hand waiting Evitern market in the country, north, west and northwest of La Creme, at four million bushels, el whrch at leant one million bushels are in the hands of fa farmers. Some farmers up the Chippewa, St. CrOix, and Missouri rivers have three years' ernp stilt in store, waiting for higher prices, which will meet 0)1406.The fnIfooring facts re reported aa reliable : on the Minnesota neer, about St. P, el, wheat le • rime at fifty cents a Mabel. In the storehouse thoneands 141 boahols are weiting traneputetion, nod ,1'1' thoosiand npon thmeiande bethele have 1\_ euffered from dimmest and heating. Some , rj* Th" • 044101-1 that 11*" th. snowman, died at Almont, Mich., h few days ago of accidental poismang. 41,44.101 of disetive-y he rrtost thorrieghly arid iefectually robbed. 1010 entrance tu this I lett was through a sumli dour 04 the torkof the building. ' 110., 1-4114 of the card -room net:peered with wall paper. arid there ere two smelt ler. so neatly ma s to esca;•e detection except Upon a sliest thuruugh ex min:ilium linrue• dottely over. the holes the cyntederate was 471.0.71.aud had a 1i.11 view of the curds In the hairds of the victims. At 4,,, 1441 was • handle of the te.egraph a t:o workeig w h • very nniseless but very clever miAn vtiz4 .. en about two feet Iron, the 41001 VII Mr. 4113 and other of the gentlemen gratified t ir curiosity hy (Terming upon the wove, which e very simple and rile rem ar- g me inoitgagee and other OF, pe,s were also nil, showing Jeffrey to have been so far anccestiful aeCtiOtulatiti4 1160,44 amount of money by hie tete:toes practices. Tule was also a compete ty. P le ut the ' olice ' °smite,' and on a wire a number ut, extracts from the bewepapere, containing police and higher court reperts, tooled/et rewinds 4,,,burg • ' 40 .,ther took were 11011hound • number of twigs. While it is toile clear thst Jefftey had Made bid Mat:rite lithium' a stedy. and was well up all the plant, he had, like many • lee practiced .scuundrel, found it necessary to keep up appear -aim. o, and on hie table was a very fine Copy of Fleetwood't Lite of Christ, Bibles, lc. This discovery will, doehtless, explain to wooly an 'unfortu- nate how it was that " luck was conotantly .agamst hint. Tmte Thebe 'peat atr of surprise is how Rich an establiehrnent could have ben carried on for so great e length uf time entlfout detection. The fact is certaiiily me creditable to our ctty police, who, whether their chief ties heen guilty of., the complicity charged against bint or not, beve 04.0114017 00 th,smatter SliOWn hut poor aptitude 4,., the &scoterp oh these eutragee upon society. • - • - the Rolls of the township of 'truer, in which nine or tett co:taunts have been left unfilled. After careful examination arid comparison, your Cownitte have Arrived at the result in the following schedule :- Muiticipotlily. Acre.. Awerd ml. Mem., 11.- pa, ye ,frikal Tur/trrinulh.. Wag $AWA 231441 Anwar 1140,,1..1- .. . 459i 140,414 40 4,4 tao+25 iookrit hie .. tars nous.. tows 94 41(1 I •1sd4ge 44314 014114 1(1.104 1-4.0.* 3.l14.* 341813 4,1100124 0144 01 Halloo 61746 64 111.03 19005 assas 40pnru WC 3ri8lel SegAn I7++30 /1st . 541a6 614211 .t0o4'r7 111116 14,:14i44na 112.19+ ret*tel 5611011 lin.* n•wmv.h540l 564030 414/00 10114100 %barn -------4.18,0,4 WI ?X. 1111045 120111 Aanteid 0-000. 4.0111 9167+3 12•00 &WNW 341111 L1111447 leillori 11.40,v0 64340 301,14, *AM+, Santa Too... rv) hale 2 o :tot 141411 + *I A au 11,0,0411 lomii , 41 11149 *ARIAS 61111003 t LISIon. ‘ diner 4.i4444 ;fatal lineal Planpm• 3.0510 'nos Arran... 003A Kraal1040 11arr4.4, 4e41,00 MOSS .477.7 I "2 1.61erp4141 sruee.. Moron kl 11.04 . 41. 41.4 .%114 444,4 Mo. at. an. Ve 11,14 teal* Sloan 25*214 94056 Whew 1.1630. 211364 • tr4 19o13.1 • it sue tom esso %towel he Mr. Megoor, seconded by nlr. -1.:1114 1.,k, 4 OU1111,1' Eilgilieer be and , in hereby lustructed furthsith to advertise far Teedees to proiesel with the extension of the i Urevel Heade as described in the schedule.; MitirX0.11.0 the 1.4w adopted, and thnt emitraets ter let le au le or half mile sections , -referred to the Crave" Rotel Citutinittee. Moved hy. Mr. A. Johnatoo, trecoutled by , Cauteren That %hie 0.1.111VII 1144811 11. 11y. 1.44,41 prole:Int:rig persorrs from throwing 01111 mita, pruning. 04 trees, riibliiah, kc.. into the ,hiehea and oft the radon 01' gravel Teeth throughout the Countiee-referred tu 0. It. C-oninittoe.• Memel by Me.seeonded by Mr. Whitehead, That the Comity Eugineer be in. structi•il ie here the impriiachee to die bridge. across the liavtield. 'Beer oes-dhe (1rinvel II'd @ doh a the V 'liege oft'l tenced in on • mat.4 ass ties 0101liitl'alnett is dungerow- et re, ..ns Csrtil" 1. Sfoved hy Mr. (inv.:len, seconded by Mr, was granted at the January meeting to repair N,ehol.ort. That whenes the SUM et $150 rI600 110Ieles' 61 Owe,. Sound road in ch. -r ,w,..hi;. of Arrun, aed it is found that 11.1°.7• -3 said gullets more than sudieient for the per. :104 4:141! re.lui red. be d it resuitethat the Reeve of be e,11;4.1.0r1-.1 4.0411`114 1110 Aurphis • froorthe grtnt in improving or repairing the before meutioneil road Where Ise ray consider tiecensary-Carriert. Total lion* Inthotlal 11.540 212 Moved by Mr billies, --- 1114.4014Sts tided by Mr Wallace, That the report aof the E paali- zation Committee now real be laid over 'until to -morrow evening', All I in the mean- time to be open for iespectieu- arried. • Moved by Mr Lumetien, seam LI by Mr Adair, That the Warden be rel to communicate with the Commis.sione Moved by Mr. Sri% Seconded by Mr. Sproat. That the township of Hellen be credited by the Couneise Treasurer for the 'summit raieed for Bountary line purposes for the year 1461; as the amount has bees said ro ho the unitipality out..f Winship fun it- Cerriert. The repo -t 4 Itisnector of weights and Meaiures *40reed and oidered to he fyled. County Engineer's Hemet was Road and referred to Finance Cominittee. Iio 1..1vr N.). 5 to par over the non.resident •red monies, WC read over and pulsed. of Plan of New litegietry tidos was referred to f. inasice Coontuiti..e. Moved hy Mr. Weser, seconded by 'urrie, That the Eogineer he and is here y i *receded beer eix Melted of gravel laid o th new e0114:11Ik00,111- at the tool' the• VI in ham 1:61,:e iti Turtiherry, to ilreVent 141. 4- ,h from washing •way; and to enable ieirties o get to the gra:el rued Gum the 11 est, th distance beimuixty roads--reter. red to G. . emulsifies". Moved b Mr.. Adair, *Penn/led by Mr. Fisher..Tbat sum of $100 be granted for 4)0 larpnwe o improving that purtMn of the Elora line th ugh the township of 'row- bfeuktt.•o.4ditUichar!ueuuties-reterred to ed to the gene rar Finance C.iinosittee. einAING 1t10 AQVAI. ZATION IMPOST. The debate on I.msin the Elualizetion !tenon was opened in Cum ittee ul the whole et 11 o'cloCk, Mr. Johnston n the clisir.-e- Thie heitig the Mod( imPortan varieus municipalities. fhd Rolls had t , beim ermined mom earasuny 14,5)3 (1041,0r rowu Londe and request th)t. the sum 1000 granted bpgovaerinneutsto imp r o v 01 ebef sell,rew inwih be • before' 4,011, (110 alY eituatiopoittthe boundaryline of Arrau nd reference to Markt of each township•tth u1,ttlodeIy as pot!ble pIaced in the hands of the Ceunties"Preasurer, carefully considered: Ile thought a fair so that the parties who have taken con- conelusien had been tome to, beginning 40 with Tuckersmith and ending with Turn - berry. He had no doubt, however, but, its u.ual, some partite would think thek conteitnents had not received justice. It would be for them to show whet- Ill in- juleme had been done, at the proper time, and if' it could h.e shown that there was any grievous wrong done it would, of ,course, be rectified.' In the Matter of the Ilo(1gins lawsuit he had to report 441,4.1I 001)117143 Ind been done ill the way of a final settlemmt. The Gaol Inspector hal vi.ited the County Gaol and reported that ' it was tow very neatly in a satisfactory 4,14.4,', but some few improvements had been supented aud would be brought beftme the attention of the Council. The Warden clotfed his remarks by stating that he had attended to the various mat- ters confided to him, and, alluding to the ,financce of the Counties, which were, ,oit the whole, in a satisfactory position. Certific-zitc frem Township Clerk of liowick that Mr. James l'erkins waa duly elected deputy reeve, was pro seined, and Mr. Perkins was requested do take his seat. Moored by Mr. qibson, *mewled by Mr. Sproat, ThM at r. Perkins he sp., peinted to all the Committees which his ptelte,ssor was Rio:J.-Carried. Tee letters from P. 0.. Deportment with refo-etice to mail route. between- ' God d S eC.t I an augeen, Itcoduridnied by petition from 1'. iVeL,h were referred to R. and• IL Com. Three offers of lots for the purpose of building a new Registry otfiee, were referred to Finance Com. - \Letter from Capt. Coleman, referring Sealltrih Dill Shed, was referred to 'nonce Com. ommunIc Ilion from the Warden of 1'erth, referring to our indebtedness to the Mitoietpai I. ,an Fund, was read and referred to Finance Com. Moved by Mr. Lundeetn, green by Mr. Sutton, That a Pm ceininittee o,f seven Members be chosen by ballot to examipe arid report -414400 the Assessment and Municipal .*4 now under the con- sideration of the Legislature. The comniittes was declered to consist of Messrs. Lumsden, Flatten, J. Whitehead, Brocelbank, (Hinton, Bishrl) and Sprint. REPoRT OF THE EQUALIRATION COM- ' MITTEE. Members, Messrs. Millough, Spence, Messar, Spent, Bishop, Snell, Parsons tracts on said line of Road may be psi when their several contracts are cow- pleteds-Carried. Circular froin the Warden of the Coun- ties of Ydrk and Peel relating to petition-- - Mg the Legislature on the subject of en- couraging a more fruitful system of Agri- culture, tic., was read aud referred to special coutniit tee. Eight accounts' were ‘referred to coin- mi1(10:1 31ed by Mr Spent, seconded by Mr Gibson, That' this Cowen pass iliy-Law authorizing the Cos". Treasurer to pay over to the different Municipalities the romp. octive sutns that have been paid into his office for non-reeident taxee -Carried. The Council then adjourned until to- morrow morning at 9 o'clock. WEDNF.SDAYM PROM:DINO& 3lessrs. Dobbin, Nicholson, and one or two ethers were present in addition to those composing tic, Council yesterday. After rout:ne account of Mr. Cox was referred to finance cum. Communication with accompanying Az. count was referred to the finance com. Petition of Geo. Parented other of Mi- los' and Cairns' was read aud refereed R. and B. owl. of Bruce. Petition of s'et,,r Robertson and others of Colborne was read and referred to Finance, Com. Moved by Mr. Sweet, seconded by M . Creary, That there be no treasuiers' cotn- mitRou raised iu the•couuties of Huron' mid Bruce for 1.65, but every township pay their own tremener.-Carried. Moved by Mr. Satee44 seconded by Mr Bromelenk, Tbal "tele be taken toward, getting tip • gruel road schono fir einte the leading roade in the County of Bruer, MI Well us for the improvement of harbors in eid county, and that the game be referred to the and II. corn. of Bruce.-Carned. Several semunte were referred. Moved by Mr. Gibson, seconded liy Mr. MslInagh, That the award made between the tomiships of Beldulph and Metlillivrity at their separatism beim the County of Heron jri which ft considerable sum of money i* 74) be paid into the fuck ol the United Comities, ought to be taken itsto colisideration by this (-044014, so hall fair blues may be arrived at as to what share each County should re. eons of the money accruiug from said inward. Betio:red to the special 401a461111 00 the monument and municipal Acts. Letter from the Coan,y Trallailrer Weer,. panied with several scliedu:ei, en read Sad referi ell to the FI,Jallee CO111. Moved by hlr. (jellies, seconded by Mr. McKinnon, That ail order be mooed 1111 the 111,1:SUM' 1-114 401111 Of $11/0 10 (31114' 01 I'. and I). Sinceiir, 410114104 40111, said sum having been graieed at lett ITIvetiOR tO sestet tHibbons, Gibeon, Valentine, Sutton, in the erection at • bridge unite the Fisher, Adair, Tfrocelbank, Johnston luta ::Ir'k'rrb..","inthil,le'•.;:adaonnde Saanufle...",,,,,,41-r i .1:sr, lee.' LuT7lirenC•omminee having' carefully ex. witioen,huyotinhe proper perty. Referred to Fie. *mined the Assessment Rolls of She leer!' of the epeeist committee appointed various municipalities, are happy to state Ltd"' „thi 7 :;$1'1. girhae" Uti 4:11 a . t Of I:, i I f 1 'an her i nd that as It whole they are an impmvemest Denny's Mills, in thegyilrage of Southamiltnona.1 upon the Balls offormer years ; but re tilironiniov,... "j"4.....,.ot Om. 4'-------‚‚.‚ . . VOT10E is hereby given that Me tinder tail 3deed$430"( h".11'.'i'lltre"rilatit7d6Indi7tchnafrtirheileCT:;:nit' 1 ratline TeltatlIFXT OT ANINI4I.R.-They never panieh, hence A mule that in the hands of • foreigner would not be only useleee but &term," te every one about it, b....comes in the possession el a Chinamae aa quiet aa • lamb and as tractable ail • dog. We never beheld • runaway,- jibbing, or • vicious mute or pony in • Chinaman's employment : but found the same rattling, cheerful pace maintaine I r heavy Or light ground, 1,y means of a • bar 1-' or 'lick -k,' the boast turning to the right Or left, and etopping with but a hint from the reins. This treatmeat is extended to all the animal* they teem into 141,40service. Often hue I admired the taCt exhibited in getting a large drove 61. fright ened sheep througli the narrow crowded streets and alleys, by merely heving little boy to lead one .11the quietest of the flock in front; the others steadily fohowed withent tbe aid either from a yelping CUT or creel goad. Cattle, pigs and hulls are erialatIly oared for. --(Travels on llorsebaelt in Tar. (halm who bought y•ot sine* et a dollar, we find that several of them are defict in not having the various 'wine on column added up, and then afterwa recapitulated and added up in one go: total, which, it properly attended to wo save your committee a great deal of neereeery trouble. We would ale.) impr upon rusitesenni the duty of asseming petty nearer its sequel value, as by paring the lawaviaed value with the eq' ised value ; some townothips have inerestsed more than 4(11) per cent. o the asaroisment of 11044. We wo further impren upon aitilomnfa the d of being more roomful as to village y perty, placing their value in the pro columns, as they are at present, many them, scattered all over the Rolls, rem ing it almnot imponsibln to arriets at true Value of such pmperty. We h Ilan found great laxity in the as. Then% of perform' pnoperty, Re1110111 ?AI cipalitina having Ruin or nothing of at 1 property, whilo it is investable that th ean nny municipality without et property. We have still partieular a COSMO. ed hy his Crerliinr. Red that on Tuenday, the eighteenth itay of July next. at ten of the Orb ift 'he feeler. or r 000n so euesel document sub. mined to ibe Council during theereseton much intern:et was numotoited in the disCussiciu thut enr w‘iriveraqved in amendment to the Report M by .. C. .W1utchead. seconded by Mr. Curvie, That tire luliowing reductioo be made: Wawanosh 60,000, M.'r,i. 30,000, MeEillop 21.000 and Grey 30,000 dollars, ; Mr. Currie said some al the township, had been risieed ulijuatly. Wawanuah bad been increseed this year e76,400 from.last year, while Ashfield had been only inereued 120,- 000. Ashfield hail more facilsUes and yet occupied • lower position In the scale. They fled • fine block of lend in Wawaiersh, Per minty, but it should tie minemllered that the means of Ingres* mei eeress were extremely deficiont,many of •the farmer, herieg to go a great rowel to 41101 041 &flack of any kind, to say -manlier of gravel reads. This rise in the equelizatiol, 0TWAvrainoli had been gatig oa for some 4)i11/1, 1401 as it wits emit ta lie the committa,. 1 WAS the ewe. dist the 00.11111141 .in real value, which seemed *two& Aslifieid Mal the Lake un 0144. side mei a gravel rote; on tire other which was certainly an advantage. Morris had reeeived a ivied hoist too, hut nut equal to Wawa - n osh. (Laughter.) The neeion Was 10St on • division by • majority of 27. Moved by Mr. C. Whitehead, wooded by Mr. Browa, Diet the peeweel. property. of t:,e teen.hip of thcris r,•,hoccd $10,000. Mr. Whitehead oral hie township had not been dealt fafily wiili 11)10 ,0.547401. 11. 1454 net posted in the entiolieg of All the town - S hips, bet taking. Hu:lett as a criterion witti- est injuntice Not loom done. The latter had been settled ler Is or 20 yeers-some of it tor nearly :el .yeare, *bile Monis, 12 years wzo W0 111 the bands ot the irovernment, Kehl and misdeed. Ilullett showed an averaLe clearat14 of ti per cent.., while Mor- ris bud only .4. Toe usessor of Mortis had returned..:.+;(000 nf personal proporty.the asses- sor ot Mullett 56000. 11. didn t thine either 0011•0 telly up to the _neer, but 'Ord they wanted now woo a jolt equelization. Ile daln't exeect to be ahle to breed( up the re. port, mat it might be recorded "4441 tot a lit!Iri. .."(;u"rrie mid he did .101 like that way of - &rile; 'wants, it tieing 114 his reunion absurd to hare it priiited id the inmates that • (nu tints has dist on a diviehm, when in reality there hrel liven no division. That course 44'IUI ptirsuiel laat year when Mr. W. moved with reference to the indebteibiese of Wawmioeh. Mr. Whitehead sad the iess said by Mr. Carrie abinn that the better, it being a shame that his township ,should be 56000 behind, whilst Morris was paying up in lull. Mr. rarrie.-That Shows the Ripener. &IMO), a.f Meta ea to pay on debts.-(Laughterr Mr. Snell remarked that a greet pert ot Hellen was he.d ly the Canal. Company, and Mot the stoma:tee ot the sale of lots bid moth retarded eettlement. Thefts was also touch non resident landin the township. which wouirl operate agaiest the accumulation ot 1Wrel.00411 pi perty. Ilul:ett was, moreover, • smal:er township. Mr. Whitehead said he knew one man in Ilullett who ONn,•41 half am ntuch isogonal property ea the whole rownship wan teemed for. Ile dud 001 wish to he personal, but if Mr. Snell wished ho would mentruo name*. (latughter), The moron was lost no a division. Moved by Mr. Purvis, seconded by Mr. Corrigan, Thnt el 2,000 he taken from the elualized amesarnent ot KI111011.1 and placed on the townthip of Bruce. eon he heard. le witl apply to th• J"dz" , Mr. Corrigan pointed out that injustice hist eerteinly been done Kinker in the natter of in. personal and village property arid that justice n omad be done. the siert Court for • eiSnfirmation of the due e barge thereof effected fa his favor under said Aet. CliAlii.ES W. Plf K roRn, By J A St Ei P. WOOD, '*1044(564. Val 10th. 1541. Ais.im ttnrney. "144 CARD OF THANKS, RICHARD THWAI FES, FAQ., Agent Pravinciel Insurance Co., Clinton, Demi Sta.-I beg tn ,hank the Previte iitt Ineurenee Corrpany of Cansda lb. -our% yoe for the Imre Istmonthle in which that cowman, hiss 'wetted my elaim upon it, for /boners to rny printing materiele names' derieg the late lire is' Clinton, by whleh th. adjoining hoste. ((',ccursisl Viotti& Rotel) was bunted to 04. wined. I am, air, Yoare reepeetfelly. e17 ro. ya rat . • 1, e, itt 1, n, "I b. Several gentlemen. while they Admittee that Kinlovi was too highly *seemed, thought' it eould he unfair to repair the error by saddling the township of Bruce. Mr. Suttoa thought it might be well for the reduction to lie merle as regarded I( inlo,s. Mr. Fisher said it shoeld be added to Kin- cardine village, which, he thought had been redrhad too much. (Laughter.) Mr. Sutton said • very wrong eyetem ef assessing toe') and village property had been pursued in past years, bet het wee glad to know I hat there was now • diapoeition to deal fairly in the matter. Moved by Mr. Lionsden, seconded by Mr. Wallace, That the reductton from Kinloes be added to Greenock. Mr. Corrrgan *eel it eras very like • trieht and he was &Ion:abed thet • geethiman having the ability, experience, and appear- saw of Mr. Lunation week! teakwood to it. (Laugh.er). Mr. Iminsden said it was well.knorn Green- ock Wita rated too low. Mrl Videutiee remarked that it W. very illo,sical to argue 10,4 b,,,-,..Kinlues was rated too high. Greenock should he too low. Moved by Mr. Stamm seowled by Mr. Sills, That Kudos" be reclined e1v,000, CliiitOn5o4,000, and liodericit town $10.000. 1.0st on a disunion by • majority et I!. Moved hy Mr. tine*, 4040544,4 by Mr. Dolibitt, That the equalized valne the township of F:Aeralie be reduced 810,000. Mr. 0. argued that it was ;rudely utast to rats is township hiiher than townehips having uperiur facilities: Lost tor a division. The re ,rt was passed through the Com- mittee 14*14(401.1 amendment, and dimity adopted, w the Warden roamed the chair. 004(1*','PROCLISUMIO11. The Coune;I met et nine o'clock, the War. den in the chai,. " After wane A petition-froni inhabitonts of Wausaceit. asking fur improveinents on Shannun't 11411, was read andrelerreil to R. R. Corn. 110* eeport of the County Aii&tors was read. The auditors stattel that they towel the books of the 1,1114111M, NtIll and correctly kept. Several valuabie euggeetious were eus. bodied in the Report. lielerred to finc . um. Moved by Mr. Mallough, seceneed by Mr. Leckie, That the Ales of 120.00, being the portion accruing to We County of • fine 4500 pawed Upon T. Audenton toe tellies by auc- tion Without Breese Le remitted. Mr, Mal. lough explained the haidthip uf the case.- Carried. Moved by Mr. Parsons I. by Mr. Sweet, Thict h. the eyeat of the Co. Council ot the COlinty Of Middlesex at their next meeting paring a by law for the purpoee of rassinethe Seel of $200 towaids aasiattitg in building the brilge over the Sable Riser on the boom dary line between the townehip of Stephen in the l'ounty of Huron and the township of McGillivray in the Comity of Middleriax, the ('4),Erigineer be and is heretic( instructed to Cannel. By lAw for establiehing two deviations of roads in:the toenehijs ofArrand a aArnabel was read and passed. Moved 1,y 11r. Cameron, seconded by M. Johuston, 'fbet this Council du petitiou 4 loyernment through the Warden and Clerk to grata 120,000 toward" the completioo of Hayfield 1,1mbor. Carried. The Renort of the School Coin. was read and adopted. Moved by11111r Meister, seconded by Mr Whitehead, t the appointineot of Res. Mr Ifergusho, hail Supt. fur Morrie and Turnberry begun ined. Carried. IMPORT 0? 001 ILOaD AND 11510011 001111, 01 Sir CC Members, Mewl. Brocelbank, Va- !entitle, Corrigan, Adair and Suttee. .The following is the portion of the Report nmommending • scheme uf Road aud Harlan, 1mprosemezt 1- lo the matter of road and harbor Ireprove. meets for ti,. (.3 e otinty of Brace. your Com - armee atter careful consideration, aud with a view to the general requirements of the County would recommeed the following scheme of improvensems :- Moods to bc Grawd.-Tb. Road front Ileron street in tbe Village of Southamptou running along IIigh Street 40tie Ooderich and Saugeen road. The Code:khan:4 Ran- goon Itoad from Denny's Mill through the townships of Saugeen, Bruce, Kincardine and Huron to the boundary line between de counties of Hume aud Brace. AM the road running through the village of Kincardine, vis: Broadway, Queen Street and Kincar- dine Avenue to the sold Godench and Saw 1,101. l'ho Elora road from the boundary line be- tween the Ip. of Carrick and llowick to its junction with the Gods:rich and Saugees road MOM! townahip Saucer'. The Durham road tom the boundary line heteeen the 4040,444. of Prey and Bruce W lot :1; the cown„hip of Brant, t brace along the lotrhani Road to its junction with the 1108,1: thence West *long the Elora Road between the 2nd and 3rd coeceesions, 11. to the town line of Greenock, thence slung the Dutham Road to the of Kincardine. The Kinloss Road from the Durham Road through the township ot.leinium, between lots 10 and 11 40 the gravel road at Lueknow, The Cuirass road trom the Durham road through the township of CUIr0.4 between Iota 15 and 16 to the bounden.. line beta een the townships of Colrom and Tarnberry. . The boundary line betWeen Arran rid Amabel from Denny's Mill to its connection with the Owen Sound Gravel road, on the line needy surveyed. Improad Axido. - That the sure of 112000 hv expended in grading and improving each of the following roads:- The Mail Road un the boundary line be. tween Brure apd Kiwardine conti .... in, on the line between the 12th and 13t11 cons. of Greenock 410.1 l'inkerton's Mills to Elora Road. 'the 14841 Road and hoendarr line between Ole township' of Carrick arid tulroaa. The Road between the 10th and 1101 eons. of the township of Brant. The Mail Road between die 6th and 7t14 cons. of rder,lie. '111. Road brtweevi lots 30 and 31, Arran, from Invermay to the boundary lite between Ainahel end Arran. :S1:411 11,0all between lots 20 and 21, township of Iluron. The Mail Road between the Nth and 9t41 cons. of the toe eelep of Bruce to the bout. dary line between lintee and Greenock theme alcog said linbe e tween bit and 2114 cons. of Grecnock to Paisley'. That the sum of $2000 be expeoded on the following Roads in the townnhips of Antabel and Albemarle : Line bets ern /teethed and Keppel, the line between Antabel and Alb*. merle, the .1.41 cons. of Albemarle rod the 150 side real of Aniabel. Aid for the Improvement 0( 110. following Bothers : KincaRline Arbor 510,004 Inverhuroll 3,000 l'ort Elgin " 3,000 Southampton" 6,000 The Report was eowaideredC , in ommittee of the 4.11001s4 (Bruori,) Mr Corrigan in the chair. Moved by efr Gilles, seconded by Mr Lumsden, 1 hat the Cirseel Road Report of Itruee he not adopted, as the projeet named therein woeld only incur heavy expenses ia taking the vote upon the thine sabot's any satiefactory moult, seeing that a Medlar scheme waa rejeetend by • largo majority of the ratepayers of said 004.087 .11 than erte years ago. It is therefore undesirable Ise enter Into each a scheme when sot and fee by the people itemeerned. Alter a spirited the Report wee parted, through 'sellout areetelmeet, and wee confirmed, whim ffk •• 'WM.! taw chair, by the following vote For the Report, Mews. Ertl", 1941011& Itrocelbsak, Hoes, Sutton, fieofV4....1Mer, feistier, &boles. Rons, H John/len. Martin, MeIntyre, IleKtnnesael& Ail6(4•1 II. Kam. Pervis.Lisswo. hen Nieltolatterld&lars, .vmeadee, udvertise for tenders to buil said bridge.-