HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-04-07, Page 6THE TIMESrADVOCATE,, EXETER, ONTARIO,, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 7, 19$0 thnouncernents Mirth, oe,ath: and Marriage Notices. i&ra• hit* rted, fres of :charge^ card* at Thanks, .cost 75c, In M,,w':iorlanl. Not.iese 755 for single verse, 25e 'atm for •each additional verse•; end Engagement Notices are 753x. BIRTHS rarrz--&[r. and Mrs. Eric Fritz, Ex* eter, a:4001010G the birth of their coag. Charly,. at South xlitron Hos. �'�pitel March 31, 1955. RODGINS--Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth llodgins.. Cantrell% announce the birth of their daughter, MarikaY, a.t Seetif Huron Hospital, April 2. HOVVUS•-•';'14r. and Mrs. Jacob I io - vius, Exe#ex'announ e the birth of their eon,.Aafke, at South Huron Hospital, April 3, 1955. OSTL R—b4'. and Mrs. Robert P. ()atter (nee Pearl Dunn) Exeter, an- nounce the birth of their son, John '9tobert, at South Huron Hospital, MMaerch 31, 1955; a;brother for Jim - DEATHS WEIN .A.t South Huron Hospital. on Sunday. April 3, 1955, Maleeta Esther Wein, daughter of the late Jr. and Mrs. Gottfried 1Vehl, of Crediton, age 49 years. S tDE--it his late residence, near Dashwood, on Thursday, March 31, 1955, William Stade, In his seventy- second year. A TOHEN'--firs, Fannie (Allemand) Kitchen died at the home of her son, Arthur Allemand, Dashwood,. Thursday, March 31, 1955, in her :eighty-ninth year. ENGAGEMENTS Sir .and Mrs, Howard Lemmon. of Varna, announce the engagement •of their youngest daughter, Marion Viola, to 1,1r. Robert Harrison Ken - lake, son of Mr. Arthur Kerslake and the late Mrs. Kerskake; the marriage to take place in April. 7' ANNOUNCEMENTS Mrs. Thomas Gilmour is having a trousseau tea in honor of her daugh- ter, Edna Elizabeth, on Wednesday. April 13, from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9, 7* CARDS OF THANKS Edwin Wein wishes to thank all those who so kindly remembered him with cards, treats, flowers and visits while a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, and .since returning home. 7• I wish to thank all my friends, neighbors and relatives who so kind- ly remembered me with cards, flow- ers, gifts and visits while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London; special thanks to the bled donors, also Rev. Slade and Dr. Kipp.—Mrs. Ernest Vodden, Woodham, Ont. 7* Mr. Fred Wells wishes to thank those who remembered him with gifts and cards while he was a pa- tient in Westminster Hospital, 7* •Mrs. Stade and family wish to express their sincere thanks and ap- preciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for the many kind expres- sions of sympathy shown during their sad bereavement; many thanks for floral trlbues, for the sympathy cards; many thanks to those who donated. at the church, and to the Ladies' Aid of Zion Lutheran Church, who served the meal; special thanks to Rev. Higeneil for his message; to the organist and choir; to Dr. Gulens and the Harry Hoffman funeral home, and to those who loaned cars; also pall bearers. We wish to say thank - you to all of you. Mr. and Mrs, Sam Baynham, 70f Crediton, wish to thank all their friends and neighbors for their cards treats and visits while Mrs. Bayn- ham was a patient in ' St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and also since re- turning home. I wish to thank all who remember- ed me while a patient in Westminster Hospital, London with cards, fruit and flowers.—E. London, Grand Bend. c I wish to thank all my friends who remembered me in any way while I was in hospital in Toronto and since returning home. William Sweitzer, -,rand Bend. 7c IN MEMORIAM FAHRNER--In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Lydia A. Fahner who passed away 11 years ago, March 81, 1944. Though your smile has gone forever And your hands we cannot touch, We shall never lose sweet memories Of the one we loved so much. Loves •:greatest gift—remembrance. — Sadly missed by husband and fa me rAHNER-JIn loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Rosina Fahner, who passed away one year ago, April 10, 1954. We sit and think of you each day, And think of how you died, To think you could not say goodbye Before you closed your eyes. Our heart still aches with sadness, Our eyes shed many a tear. God alone knows how* we miss you, As this ends the first long year. Always remembered by husband and family. 7' FARP.,ELL—In loving memory of De- vine. Farrell, who passed away one year ago, April 8. There is a home not made by hands, Beyond its golden door Awaits the one who's now away. Not lost just gone before. Andin that home not made by hands The Master will prepare A. place for us, and when He calls We'll meet our loved one there, —Ever remembered by husband, Louis Farrell, and family. - 7* LATTA--In . loving memory of my dear wife and mother, Margaret Latta, who passed away one year ago, April 6. Some day we hope to meet you, Some day we knowwhen. not w en, We shall meet in a 'better land, And never part again. —Ever remembered by husband and fancily. 7* REDDEN—in loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. Catherine Hedden, who was laid to rest three years ago, .April 14, 1952. The timers we place upon her grave, May wither and decay. But the love for her who sleeps beneath Shall never rade away, Anvays remembered by daughter and son -an -law, Grebe. and Carmen, and tawny, 7c MaI5lt—in loving memory of our dear son, Robert Frederick, who Passed away seven years ago, April • Two little hands are resting, A little heart is still, A. little son the loved is Waiting For us just ever the hill. ..--Ever remembered and sadly missed by mom, dad. sisters and brothers. TIEl1AN—In loving neniory of Mrs, ,, David Tiernan, who passed away three Years ago, April 4, 1962, and Mr. David Tiernan, who .passed away one year ago, May 6, 1954. 'While you, dear parents, rest and Your love* memory we'll always keep. tt Ever remembered by children and grandchildren. 7* News of Kirkton `illy MRS. MED Oit lilnbter Nfeeting The Mission Bared Met I#att{r- day afternoon hi the church. The president, Vesta Watson, opened n The Easter Basket slues ere FOR SALE OUTBOARD RUNABOUT, 13 foot. 15 h. Evinrude .motor and. trailer. Will sell as unit only; 12 -gauge pump - action Noble shot gun. Apply Joe i'avkeje, Centralia. 7:14:21' FORD TRACTOR with plow, 1952 model. .Apply Mrs. Frank Lewis, R.R. 1 Lucan, phone 15-r-12. 7* OATS -509 bushel suitable for seed, Phone 547-J9 Exeter, Tom Kooy. 70 REFRj' tATORS—S e v .era 1 used models .in good condition. R. E. Bus. sell, phone 109. Exeter, 7c WASHING MACHINE, M o n.1 t o r, apartment size,, in good condition. Appy Mrs. H. Bierling, 280 Main Street, Exeter. 7* PURINA DISINFECTANT --Makes a safe, sure, economical disinfectant. Costs only 10e a gallon. Cann's Mill Ltd,. phone 736. Exeter. 7e RED CLOVER, No. 2, 534 per bushel. Cann's Mill Ltd., phone 735 Exeter. 70 KITCHEN RANGE; in good condi- ttion. This range has been convert- ed to burn oil, but the parts are all available to reconvert for wood or coal; also 1 45 -gallon oil drum, with tap.Phone Apply C. M. Green, Crediton, • OHEV SEDAN, less than 60,000. miles;. also Model "A" Ford. Apply S. Deet- stra, 3 miles east of Centralia. 7' • SEED BARLEY, Montcalm; also other grain. Apply John M. Bell, R.R. 1 SPINET PIANO, by Sherlock -Man- ning, style Victor, including bench and delivery, 5550. Trade-in your present piano. Apply W. Martine Ex- eter South. phone 43, 7' ALFALFA SEED -6 bushels, APPI i Lloyd Stewart, R.A. 3 Exeter. 7 WHITE -FACE CALVES, started. Ap- ply Jud Dykeman, R,R. 1 Centralia, phone 9-r-11 Kirkton. 7* 2 FERTILIZER DRILLS -1 Massey - Harris 11 -run hoe and 1 McCormick 11 -run disc. These drills are In first class condition. Come and see for yourself and snake us an offer. E. L. Chaffe and Sons. No. 4 Highway and Crediton Road. Phone 548 Exeter. 7c NATIONAL CASH REGISTER that registers to 529.99. Apply at Times - Advocate. t -a LIVESTOCK—Young Yorkshire sows, of registered breeding, with pigs by side and some to farrowo soon; also registered Yorkshire sows with pigs by side and some to farrow soon; also 9 Yorkshire boars of service age 1 registered. Cali 25-r-6 Dashwood be- tween 6 and 8 p.m, 7:13• 3 MEN'S SUITS, in good condition; cheap for quick sale. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners. 7* SHORTHORN BULL, dual purpose. 15 months, T.B. tested and herd on R.O.P. Apply Filmer Chappel Crom- arty, Ont., phone 44-r-12 Dublin. 7' TULIPS, DAFFODILS and hyacinths, potted or cut blooms. Bailey's Flor- ists, phone 276 Exeter. 7c EASTER LILIES—Bailey's Florists, phone 276 Exeter. 70 MAPLE SYRUP, $5 per gallon. Apply N. G. Oud, R.R. 3, Kippen, between Brucefield and Kippen, on Highway 4. 7:14 SUMMER SUIT, grey, size 40-42. Only been worn twice. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners. 7c COLONY HOUSE, 9x12x7, Phone 415- J Exeter. 7c FERTILIZER DRILL, 13 -run; 2 -row corn planter; 4 -row beet and bean Planter. Apply Stewart Treibner, phone 38-r-16 Dashevood. 7c COCKER SPANIEL, female, blond, 3 years old; from high grade stock; papers available. Apply 230 Algon- quin Drive, RCAF Centralia. 7c BUILDING, 14x18; cheap for quick sale; 2 good floors; Rolbrick siding. Apply house 89, Exeter. ' 7' MACHINERY—Massey - Harris 3-12" furrow plow, in gg000d condition, or will trade for 4-12" or 4-14" plow; also 1 set plate International discs, cheap. Phone 25-6 Dashivood between 6 and 8 pan. 7:14' OUTSIDE DOOR, 2-10x6-10, real good, complete with good frame and hard- ware; suitable for heavy duty, $20; also electric fireplace, fumed oak, red tile and bronze with large mirror; ideal for summer cottage; all com- pPlete for 530. W. Morley, Phone 226 4 -STAR SPECIALS ` 1 Used New Holland 66 Baler 1 Two -Year -Old Fertilizer Drill 1 Demonstrator Tractor EXETER FARM EQUIPMENT Phone 508 R. D. Jermyn The Story In, Shipka By MRS. HARRY SHEPPARD Mr. Mansel Hodgins and Miss Maud 'lodging visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love and family. -QVlrs. Mel. Geiser and Jo Ann are visiting this week With Mr. and Mrs. Walt Costello and fam- ily, of Toronto. Mrs, Lasnpont and Tom spent the weekend in Toronto with Mr. and. Mrs. John Lamport. O.S.L.M. bon Love, R.C.N., has returned to H.M.C,iS. Stadacona, Halifax, after thirty day's leave at his home here. Mrs. Roland Neil and Gerald, of Ailsa 'Craig visited recently with 'Mrs. Raker. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Coultise visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold T'inkbeiner and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy and family, of Lucen, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. 11os9 Love. Miss Elaine McNair, M rider- tort, lderton, spent Tuesday with her grandmother, Mr. Lamport. the meeting with the .,;aster call to warship, "Spring Is mere," Baster ioerns were read by Harold Switzer and Marlene Stone sad Grace Alien sang a 8010. Mrs. Anderson read the scripture story of "The 'first Raster". The study book k r eview was. given by the leaders, Mr . Anderson and Mrs. Burgin, Personal Items M198 iV1argaret Oliver, of St. Marys, spent the weekend with Miss Muriel Routly. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mills, Of Auburn, spent the weekend with Hr. and Mrs. Zrie Humphreys. RATES :S NEW .. (Effective Next Wee).0 25 words or less 70c More Than 2i$ Words PO Per 'Word SUc4EIa1)ING INSERTIONS 40f More Than 25 Words fi0 Be r Word • 200 OFF if ad paid with order or by Saturday following the last insertion Senti-Display Classifieds (restricted to one column) First Insertion 984 per inch Subsequent Insertions 84* per inch Classified ass accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at noon. STOCK WANTED ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt and courteous service on all dead or dis- abled farm animals. Phone collect, Ed Andrews, Seaforth 851-r-11, Ex- eter 235. 16tfc DEAD, DISABLED STOCK —Seven- day week service for horses. cattle, sheep, pigs, calves. —Glen Kennedy, ph bone collect 168-W Lucan or Exeter 2. et r I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tic NOTICES AT THE LEGION HALL Wednesday of last week a gent's light gabardine coats with zipper lining was exchang- ed in mistake. Owner please contact Exeter Times -Advocate, 7' DOG OWNERS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Under By -Law No. 13; 1936, of the Town of Exeter, every owner of a dog who neglects to obtain a tag be- fore April 16 of each year shall be liable to a tine of $10.00. Further, under this by-law; ner dog shall be allowed to run at large dur- ing the months of May ,June, July and August in each year. Tile penal- ty under this section of the by-law may be 510.00. Police have been instructed to en- force this by-law. C. V. PICKARD Municipal Clerk 7:14c WANTED PASTURE for, 7 yearling cattle. Ap- ply Harry Jeffrey, .phone 117-r-12 WANTED TO RENT—2 - bedroom house or apartment from May 1. Ap- ply Times -Advocate, Box "11". 7' WONTED TO RENT -50 to 100 acres of pasture good fences, sufficient water supply. Apply Times -Advocate. • LOST BUDGIE B1BD, blue; answers to the name of 'Libby"; on Saturday. Ap- ply 429 Main Street, apartment 5. 7' BARN SCREW JACK, between Clar- ence Davis' and Pop's Taxi, or on the Town Line between Pop's Taxi and Joe Dobbs' farm. please return to' Clarence Davis, R.R. 1 Lucan, phone 9-r-3, 7c TENDERS WANTED RE: CRUSHED GRAVEL Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen for 9,000 cu. yards of 14, -inch crushed gravel to be hauled front Monteith's pit. Flat rate for crushing and hauling any- where in township. Also rate for crushing and loading township truck. • Deposit of 5200 must accompany tender and be in the hands of the clerk on or before Api•11 19. Work must be completed by June 16. Lowest or any tender hot • neces- sarily accepted. • F. 'W. MORLOCK, Clerk 7:14c TOWNSHIP OF HAY The Township of Hay is calling for tenders to supply 500 bags of cement, to be delivered to James Masse's shed on the Blue Water Highway, by May 10, 1955. Tenders to state the price deiivered. All tenders to be in the hands of the clerk .by Saturday, Aprll 16, 1956, Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. 11. W. BROKENSHIRE CIerk Township of Hay, Zurich, Ont. 71140 FOR SALE FORD ARMY TRUCK, complete with 66 -bus. grain box, power take -off winch and buck rake; also 1 -ton Dodge Pickup box, with fenders, In good condition. Apply Carlyle Taylor, phone 52-r-19 Grand Bend. 31:7* SATURDAY EVENING POST sub- scription special -70 issues only 56.95; 90 issues only $8.55; limited offer. Ex- eter. Times-Adovacte, phone 770, 31:7:14:21* CUSTOM CAPONIZING and started Capons on order. phone 57-r-23 Dash - Wood or apply Carl Oestreieher. 2 17-4 7 MILKERS new and Used. Contact Lovell McGuire, Serge Service Dealer, Wingham, phone 593, about Your Cow milking problems. We deal In frlllkking equipment only. 3: 3, 10, 17, 24; 4: 7, 14, 21, 28 BiJDGIE BABIES—Males 56; hells $3; breeding Stock, 59 and up, Mrs. E. Currie, phone 1384 Lucan. 24:31:7:14c BETTER FARMING :subscription bar- gain -20 issues for 51.00. Offer, good until April 30 Only. Exeter Times - Advocate, phone 770. 31:7:14:21' USED PARTS for till makes of cars and trucks; axles and wheels for wagons or trailer's; used pipe and steelGlenn's Auto Wreckers, phone. 418 Exeter. 31:7e LADIES I41O5t1 JOURNAL eubacrlp- tion value -20 months 54.00, SATUR- DAY EVSNTNG POST and JOUR- NAL one year each, on1Y $1.50-youy ou can't beat that! The Exeter Times- nrlrrerats ,phone 770. 81:7 :14:21* ALFALFA ;ABEIS•-•Cleaned, ready to slew. Sieve naso., nat. 1, Clendebbye, Phone Exeter 881'-W4. 81:7* RASPBER:RY` PL A II T S, Columbia (non: Suckering). Pined year Order earl. Apply 7 rn, tenant. 'Carter, No. 4 Highway, 24 mile south of .Exeter, blond 322412, 7:14:210 FOR RENT APARMNedbepoe.modern, e ai , private. nven- lences, partly furnished, priveto ent rance. Apply 145 Victoria St. 7' HOUSE AND BARN. 6 acres of land, 3r,¢ mites from. Exeter. on Highway 83, Apply Silas Stanlake, Exeter. 7* TYPEWRITER—Recent model, Royal portable, 11,00 per week; cheaper rates apply for longer term. Times. v A oat da e. FLC?OR POLISHERS and vacuum cleaners. Power lawn mowers. -Bea- vers Hardware, Exeter. 7.1tfc L ROOM. Apply 46 Main Street, Ex- eter, 7* 4-11OO1if FLAT, furnished, 3 -piece bath, newly decorated, outside ent- rance. Apply 357 Carling Street, Ex- eter. 7c ROOMS—Furnished or unfurnished. A utly. Albert 1Ylitcheli, 585 Main St. MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM POST HOLE DIGGING-- Aipnly Roy Dykeman, R.R. 1, Cen- tralia, phone 9-r-11 Kirkton. 7:14' SEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED—Immed- ryor 103-WLu- can—Butlerservice.198 Bros. 4:7,14,21,28;5:5,12,19,26 GENERAL TRUCKING and loading; gravel fill and top soil. Lorne . R. Becker, Dashwood, phone 118. • 7:14• TO GET MORE and better fruit off your fruit trees, have them :trimmed by an experienced trimmer, Phone Nell Boekhoudt, 784-W, or apply 28 Victoria St„ Exeter. 7c ATTENTION CHICKEN FARMERS! If you feed 500 chickens and you get 800 eggs, what about the other 200? Get your chickens selected by John Brulls. He will select the good ones from the bad ones -45" -Tears exper- ience. Phone 80-M Exeter. 7e PAINTING AND PAPERING s CABINET WORK TILE FLOORS THOS. H. WALKER Phone 653 Exeter SEWAGE DISPOSAL—Septic tanks pumped and repaired; wells and cis- terns cleaned. For prompt service OntaarioIrvin 3 31 47,14 21,28 Milverton. 5,12 19,26 CARPENTRY Kitchen Cupboards, Alterations. Re- pairing. Abe Schout, 28 Victoria St., phone 410-W Exeter. 31tfc CUSTOM 1 -WAY DISCING. Apply Earl Neil, phone 626-J3 Exeter. 17tfc WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For serviceor information Phone Clinton 242 col- lect, between 7:80 and 10:00 A.M. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. on Sundays. tfc S. S. S. S. Why bother with dull tools. Let us recondition your saws, knives, seis- ms, garden tools, etc., etc. All .ma- chine sharpened., Stew's Sharpening Service, Sanders St. East, phone 464. 2tfc "STANDARD OF THE WOODS" n McCulloch Chain Saws! All models and complete service (we rent) avail- able at McCulloch Saw ,Sales, 428 Heron St., Stratford, phone "10614. 9-16tfc REAL ESTATE LOT—Apply Mrs. Henry Rohde, 94 John Street, Exeter. 7 RUG BRICK HOUSE, nearly new, 1 - floor, air conditioned, oil heated; reasonable terms; owner transferred. Make an offer. Open evenings and Saturdays. Apply 493 Andrew Street, phone 506. » 7c TO CLOSE ESTATE—The Charles Cronyn grass farm is offered for sale for the first time; 200 acres, Lot 16 and 17, Concession 18; also Lot 16, Concession 19. Both in Stephen town- ship, Write Charles Cronyn, Clande- boye, or phone Exeter 720-W2. 7:14:21:28c 50 ACRES=Tuckersmith, house has all conveniences, driveshed; barn has gtlcitinldis oar,eetricybuildings. above; C Pearce, realtor; Berl Parsons, Fred Cole, salesmen. 1 -FLOOR HOUSE—Asbestos shingle, 3 bedrooms, full bath, almost new oil furnace; on No, 83 highway near No. 4,•' vacant; reduced ;price. W. C. Pearce, realtor, Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, salesmen. FOR. SALE -50 acres grass, Lot 7, Concession 6, Hay Township; never failing water supply. Apply Garnet AleFalls, R.R. 1 Centralia, 24:31:7• BRICK HOUSE with bathroom, small barn, over 1 acre land, Stephen taxes. W. C. Pearce, realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, salesmen, 24tfo BRICK HOUSE, large, 2 -storey, and barn on Main Street, Crediton, Good living quarters for two families. Ap- ply Mrs. Ed Hendrick, Crediton, phone 19-r-2 or Gordon Halet, Credi- ton. 24tfc HIGHWAY 100 ACRES, well located for schools, churches, canning fac- tory; new barn, water inside, medium size house, 35 acres permanent pas- ture, fall plowing, wheat, William' Pearce, realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, salesmen. 24tfc 2 -STOREY HOUSE, nice kitchen, a- piece bath, almost new furnace, air conditioner, garage, conveniently lo- cated for churches, schools and shop- ping. W. Pearce, realtor; Earl Par. sons, Fred Cole, salesmen. 30tfc. BRICK HOUSE, with six apartments giving high return on investment. Would provide honie with income. C. V. Pickard, realtor, Main St., Ex- eter. REDUCED PRICE, Complete 2 -bed- room home. Beautifully finished and ready for your occupancy without further expense. A moderate down payment .will handle, C. V. Pickard, realtor, Main St., Exeter. 1.1I019L7 LOCATED 2 -storey brick house. This house is divided into two separate units complete with 2 kit- chens, bathrooms and separate ent- rances; oil heatedf easy terms, C. V. Pickard, realtor, Exeter, Ontario. 2 -STORES' HOME with living reom, dining room and 3 bedrooms; modern kitchen and bathrooms; good heating equipment; ohoiee Ideation; poseesion to suit, C. V. Plekard, realter, Exp ever, Ontario. 6-1I00;1t R]✓SIDENCI comfortable, with one cottage and two smaller cabins; hydro and water pressure; well located for year-round rental, C. V. Pickard, realter, Exeter, Ontario. NEW HOUSE, 2- or 3 -bedroom, 269 &Ward St, ,Ix, I'i. Balkik+lll,, _. /tine N8 W ASBESTOS SHtNGLE 141oor house, full baeenlent: automatic air conditioned oil 'Minted, 8 bedrooms, modern kftehen, colored bathroom Ordered. Willletn Pearce, realtor; Fled EMPLOYMENT WANTED FARMERS! Arrange now for your farm help. Experienced Holland fam- ilies. Also wanted to rent -50- to 300- acre farms. Write y Nyhius, R. 3, Exeter, phone 173-r-31. 12*10tfc HELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER for family of 3, no children; preferably sleep out. Phone 147 for appointment, 70 WAITRESS—Call in person at Re- ther's Coffee Shoppe. 7c GIRLS interested in nursing apply to South Huron Hospital. Must be over 18 years of age. 7c ORGANIST and choir leader for Car- mel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, Hammond organ. Apply to Glenn Bell, te,R, 1, Hensall stating salary ex- pected. Applicat{ons will be received until April 12. 31:7e TEACHER WANTED—Huron Coun- ty,UsborneTownship in School Area uires a Protestant teacher for modern school, Apply stating exper- ience, salary expected and former in- spector's name, A. G. HICKS Exeter, Ontario, R.R, 3 • 31:7o NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of • Hugh McMurtrie, of theVillageof Hensel', in tCountof Huron, Retired, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the late Hugh Molliur- trie who died on the 23rd day of March, A.D, 1955 are hereby notified to send them to the undersigned. duly verified, on or before the 23rd day of April, 1955. After the last-named date the as. sets of the said Estate will be dis- tributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ontario, this 30th day of March, 1955. W. G. Cochrane, Solicitor for the Executor In the Matter of the Estate of Ida Grace. Glanville, of the Town of Exeter. in the County of Huron, Spinster, Deceased. All persons having ot&ims against the Estate of thee late Ida Grace Glanville who died on the 26th day of March, A. D. 1965, •are hereby notified to send them to the under- signed, duly verified on or before the 23rd day of April, 1955. After the last-named date the is-, sets of the said Estate will be dis- tributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ontario, this 30th day of March, 1955. W. G. Cochrane, Solicitor for the Estate AUCTION SALES HENSALL COMMUNITY SALE every Thursday at 1:30 p.m. Hensall Sales Barn. Usual number of 350 mixed pigs; good offering of calves, cows, feeder and market cattle and mis- cellaneous items. Bring in your stock early and avoid delay. Victor Har- graves and Harry Smith, Sale Man- agers; Alvin Wainer, Auctioneer, 31c AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture SATURDAY, APRIL, 9, 1955, at 1:30 p.m. V1IILAGE OF ELIJIVILLE Con. 6, Usborne Twp., Part Lot 10, 5.' Miles South of Exeter, Ont. I have been instructed by Mr. Grant Griffin to sell the below -mentioned articles: 3IcClary refrigerator, 9 cu. ft., with full across top deep freeze, 3 years old; General Electric apartment -size electric stove, 2 years old; Beaty washer, 2 years old; maple kitchen suite, china cabinet, buffet, oak table, cabinet radio, studio bed, 1 year old; triiight lamp, 4 Windsor kitchen chairs, odd dresser, full-size bed, com- plete; smoker, hassock, pressure cook- er, electric iron, 250 ft. of clothes line, pots, pans, bedding, garden tools and many other articles. TERMS: Cash, No Reserver G. B. (Gerry) ' MODONNELL, Auct. London — Dial 4-4781 , • • Important AUCTION SALE, OfReal Estate, Truck, FarmM Tractor, Farachinery, Livestock, Poultry, Hay, GrainHousehold & Effet C S On the Premises North Half of Lot 3, Con. 13, TUCKERSMITH TWP, 3% Miles Northeast of Hensall The undersigned auctioneer receiv- ed eceiveed instructions to sell by public auc- tion on TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1955, Commencing at 1 p.m. Sharp REAL ESTATE: Consists of north half of Lot 3, Con. 13, Tuekersmith Township, 50 acres of land, on which Is situated a 2 -storey frame dwelling i nowith red asphalt siding with ail mo- dern conveniences • consisting of new sun porch, ''water pressure system, new furnace, built - in cupboards. Home surrounded with fine lawn and shade trees. Large well-built bank barn, new stabling, water pressure system, large new. poultry house; all in excellent condition. Land very best of clay. loam in high state of cultivation. This is a modern farm. If interested'inspect before sale date. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale; balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a ,reasonable reserve bid, If not previously sold. Livestock DAIRY CATTLE: Holstein cow, milking, due in June; Holstein cow, milking, due latter part of- Septem- ber; Holstein cow, due to freshen April 30; Holstein cow, Milking, due in June; Holstein co*, milking, due latter part of September; Holstein cow, milking, carrying second calf, due in September; Holstein cow, car- rying third calf, milking, dee latter Bart of August; part Holstein. and Durham cow, milking, due In Coto- ber, This is an exceptionally good herd of cows, high producers,and from good" blood lines. HOGS: York sow, carrying first litter, due before sale date; York sow, carrying fourth litter, bred 5 weeks) 11.York pigs, 11 weeks old, • POULTRY; 100 Rhode Island Red yearling hens, TRUCK & TRACTOR: 1940 Dodge t4 -Ton Pickup truck, in excellent den- ditton; John Deere "M" Standard Tractor, equipped with power take- off, hydraulic lift and 2 -furrow plow, tike near. FARii MAiCHINERY d's MISC)".,LL- ANEOUS IT73SES: EI, -H. Cultivator; Dlikeeering'Jmower, rubber tiro 'wagers, , new; 16-ft flat •hay rack, like new; McDeering team manure spread- er on steel, Surge 2 -unit milking ma- chine, cornpletoly equipped With 40 - ft, pipe, like new; cooling tank, Milk pails, tut. -1. cream separator, equip - Ped for electric motor, like new; five 8 -gal. milk Cans. Large stone boat, M.-1 . root Milner, like new; 2 600.1b, platform scales, 32 -ft. extension ladder, cement lawn Fred Cole, italesrilen, 24tfe troller, colony house, 2 shelters, 500 - capacity electric chicken brooder, bag truck, wheel .barrow, cross -cut saw garden hose, carpenter tools, obeins, shovels, forks; many articles toonumerous to mention. HAY & GRAIN: Quantity mixed grain; quantity choice hay; 25 bales straw. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Westing- house 9 cu. ft, refrigerator, like new; Beach 4 -burner hydro stove; 2 day- beds, 2 -foot stools, sewing machine, metal kitchen table, 4 kitchen chairs, 2 bureaus, complete bedroom. suite, mirrors, end tables, Wilton rug, hall carpet, centre tables, Filt er Queen en Vacuum cleaner, Coffs 1del electric washing machine, kitchen utenslle, sealers, crocks, etc., etc. NO RESERVE -Everything will be sold. TERMS: Cash. FRED BROCK Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk AI.YIN WALPER, Auct, 31:7 Extensive AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate, 'Tractors, Farm Machinery, Livestock, Hay, Grain and Household Effects On the Premises 'Lot 26, Con. 3 USBORNE TOWNSHIP 1% Miles East of Exeter on Highway 83 and 1%, Miles North The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL. 13, 1955 ' Commencing at 12:30 p.m. Sharp REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot 25 ,Con. 3, Usborne Township, 100 acres of land on which is situated a 2 -storey white brick dwelling with all modern conveniences, consisting of 4 - piece bath, pressure system, hard- wood floors throughout, built-in cup- boards; large bank barn and 'straw shed. All in good state of repair, Best of clay loam; 15 acres of hardwood bush, beech and maple; young or- chard; never -failing water supply; farm nicely situated and in good state of cultivation, Terms of Real Estate) 10% on day of sale; balance in 30 days. Sold sub- ject to a reasonable reserve bid, if not previously sold, TRACTORS: Minneapolis Standard Tractor,.Model "Z", used one season, like new; Avery Tractor, Modbl "A", used three seasons, in A-1 condition, equipped with new 2 -row scuffler. FARM IMPLEMENTS: Internation- al' 3 -furrow plow, Cockshutt 3 -furrow Plow. McDeering "F.M" 16 jun double disc, fertilizer drill on rubber, like new; Minneapolis Tamdem disc, 28- plate, like new; McDeering 6 -ft. 1 - way disc, John Deere tractor spread- er, on rubber; John Deere side rake, Avery tractor power mower, 7 -ft. cut, like new; Allis Chalmers bean puller, sugar beet lifter Bissell spring tooth lever harrows, 3 -drum roller, M.-11, stiff tooth cultivator, 5 -section dia- mond harrows, heavy duty rubber tire 'wagon with box, steel tire truck wagon, M, -H. 7—ft. binder, Spray - motor high pressure sprayer, fully equipped, on rubber; Vessoot grain grinder, McDeering hammer mill, 50 - ft. hammer mill belt, circular saw, fanning mill, 2,000 -lb. scales, Mc - Deering electric cream separator, root pulper, set of sleighs, %2 h.p. electric motor, emery, electrlc cattle clippers, 500 -capacity Jamesway elec- tric chicken brooder, chicken feeders, electric time switch for chicken house, 3 shelters, electric fencer, forks, shovels, chains; many articles too numerous to mention. Livestock CATTLE: Hereford cow, carrying second calf. due in May; Durham cow, carrying fourth calf, due in May; black cow, carrying fourth calf, due in May; Durham cow, car4ying fifth calf, due in May; 3 Hereford heifers, rising, 2. years old; Hereford steer, rising, 2 years old; 3 Hereford baby beefs, averaging 750 lbs. each, ready for market; 3 calves.... HOGS: 21 York chunks, averaging 86 lbs. each., HAY & GRAIN: 700 bus. of mixed grain; 75 bus, Beaver seed oats; 250 bus; feed turnips; quantity of mixed hay.•• .HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Wingham cook stove; oil burner Annex stove, oak dining room suite, 8 -piece cheater= field suite; 9 cu. ft. Frigidaire re- frigerator, 'like new; Mason Riche piano, dressers, beds, solid oak dining table, rug, 9x12; Eureka 'sewer lawn mower, etc., etc. This is an extra large sale, every- thing in first class condition, and will start sharp on time. TERMS: Cash. EARL MITCHELL, Prop. GARNET HICKS Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 31:7 Estate AUCTION SALE Of Property, Furniture _and China L -d THE TOWN OF EXETER on Main Street, on SATURDAY, 'APRIL 23 at 12 O'clock Sharp. • Oak dining room suite, including table, chairs, buffet and oval glass china cabinet;umber of upholstered occasional chars, rockers, small tables, 2 couches, number of antique o c ea s I on a 1 chairs, rockers, email tables, 6 cane chairs, 12 kitchen chairs, mohogany and walnut tables, butt walnut writing desk and book case, antique walnut bedroom suite, dress- er with marble top, cherry antique bedroom suite, complete 3 -piece mg - dem bedroom Suite,2 other furn ed bedrooms, 2 writing desks, walnut. smokers and wine cabinets, drapes. curtains, drop head sewing machine. oot stools, pedestals 3 feather and wool wreaths, 6 Welton and Axmin- ster xm n ster rugs, scatter mats, 4 mirrors,- porch furniture and swing, Cherry drop leaf table, mantlra- dio, 2 eight-day clocks, 4 -burner elm -,trio stove, kitchen range, Easy Washing machine, 2 tool chests, , trunks, quilt boxes, extension lad- ders, large quantity of fancy and antique china, china vasesand orna- ments, table and bed linens, quilts, wool blankets, hewn mower, garden hose, garden tools. PROPERTY: At same place at 3 p.m., the property will be offered for sale, Situated on corner of Gidley and. Main Streets, 7 -room red brick house, oak hardwood floors 3 -piece bath, new oil furnace; garden and garage, Home is In excellent condition. TERMS—Chattels: Cash. Property: balance a a fold down;:cein d 10,0n 30 y subject to reserve bid, Estate of the late Miss Ida Glen- ville. HAROLD JACKSON, Auct. E, P. CHESNEY, Clerk For further particulars apply to: WILBERT GLANVILLE, Administrator • W. G. COCHRANE Solicitor for Estate 7:14:21 Real Estate• AUCTION SALE Valuable Property ofoerp Y On the Premises Part of Lot 404, VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND, Directly Across from Desjardine Garage, Blue Water Highway The undersigned auctioneer is In- structed .to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1955, at 2:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of Part of Lot 404, 99 ft, frontage by 182 ft. on which is situated a well-built white brick dwelling; • main part of house 35x27, with large living room, dining room and modern kitchen; also baok kitchen, 18x17; second floor con- tains 4 bedrooms and complete bath, newly installed pressure system and furnace; newly built double garage; ample land for building opportunities; fine lawn and shade trees. This is a very desirable property. Inspection invited before day of sale. TERMS OF REAL ESTATE: 10% on day of sale; balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid, Quantity of Household Effects., ISAAC BESTARD, J. W. HOLT, ROSS BROWN, United Church . Trustees ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer • BABY CHICKS FOR SALE. Tliilr7 BRAY .chick -buying month for many is April. We suggest you con- tact us right away for the Bray prigeiist and select the breed or crone you want. Immediate delivery, Mixed, pullets, co o k e r 0 1 5, some started, Agent: Erio Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246-W. 74 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111110011 . Paint Sale Stock Clearance MOORE'S DULAMEL Semi -Gloss Finish For Walls, Woodwork Reg. $1.95 1.39 DART .... . PER Reg. $6.75 PER GALLON $4.95 Wallpaperp Sale CONTINUES 29c - 39c - 49c Per Single Roll -W F,Dougias•. Paints — Wallpapers PHONE 133 ST. MARYS 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIiHIIIIiIIIIII Barley Corn- Soyabeans CONTRACTS ,nnn,w IMS We would be pleased to write your contract now. Good supply of seed available. The very best of facilities for receiving and handling your deliveries in the fall. Our new elevator construction starts after Easter. YOUR FERTILIZER NEEDS SUPPLIED Order Your Seed Grain Now No. 1 Reg. • Oats $1.75 No. 1 Reg. Barley $2.50 No. 1 Cert. Oats ........ $1.130 No. 2 Reg. Barley $2,80 No. 1 Com. Oats $1.50 No. 1 Conn. Barley $2.00 Grass Seeds - At Bargain Prices No. 1 Red Clover $89.00 No. 1 Timothy $14.00 No. 1 Alfalfa 88.00 No. 1 Alsike $25.00 ' Y Gro Gold Fertilizer DON'T MISS THIS Cann's Mill Ltd. Exeter Whalen Corners Away They Go The Best Used Cars In Town Get Yours Today If It's A Car You Want. To Buy, Give Lou Bailey A -Try. '51 BUICK SEDAN, dynaflow, radio, new tires—jest the thing for the man who wants to get into the big car class without spending too nihil motley. '51 MERCURY SEDAN, really clean,, new &es Always Had Army Disciplining. , ^'52 CHEV SEDANS (2)—the best tWo in captivity. '51 CHEV POWERGLIDE SEDAN -man economical way toget 'automatic transmission, AND MANY OTHERS • edrson Motor Sales Your Pontiac --- Buick GMC Dealer PHONE 608 EXETER PHONE 78 ZURIGH 1 r' 1 t 4 A 4 K 4 Y b 4 8 4 w 4 .4 4 4 r A 6 4 9 -i, r r r v