HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-03-31, Page 134 4 4 40' • 4. 4 4. 4 4 • o THE T1ME5*ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, 'MUMMY MORNING, MARCH 31, 1905 Legislature Report Ready To Help By TOM PRIDE It could be said. that Govern the. ProvincialHonse, who are Meat le more abused and esit used than any other Institution, and the purpose of these articles has been to 'explain sortie of the proceediego of a Legislative S00 - slop, illVery person in, Canada should realize that he has two Members of Parliament, one in the Federal House and one is shipped at Use PLANT A, HEDGE order Now - FREE-3 perennial liabylirsati Flouts for 11ABLT orders. " Most Quality OW • PraPer Planting III0o. CHINESE ELM -Easiest and vastest Growlag-9.1nch else, 100 for $1.119; 12.190h elm 100 tar 54.10; 154stelt stsr. 100 for 55.150; 114nob sin. 100 for $11.95; else, 25 for 43.94 or 519.00 per 100; 3.1t. sin, 25 for 110400 or 525.00 per 100. PRIVET-- "Anourense" earl t o,777".'".4 growth -4h, only hardy landi Who., 25 roof $3.98 or 915.90 per 100. ROSA MULTIFLORA- .1,14ture, ledge or Hardy iteses"-18-in., bushy, lronePlanled, 25 tor $3t49 or 911.9S Per 100. , RED BARBERRY.- maroon -red' oU season -9.1n., 100 tor $12.95; 12 -in.. 25 for $5.98 or $22.00 per 100. 'PAEONY ROOTS-(EZanon she) nee, white or pink, 3 fog SIAM. FREECana Wlth EFYilf4 Order urea Gorden Guide Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries BOWAIANVILLR, ONTARIO _ Phone Dpy or Night: Markel 3.3345 ready to assist Om With any • problem they Might have with any Department of Oovernment. The member Topregieutshis. constituents at'the seat of govern - Input and. .reakes representatiOn ; on their behalf and in the general interest of the, riding He also :represents the government in his 's riding and must make every et, fort to explain and popularize government policy amongst bis •constitueate. Haste To rillisu Before the end of March, the 1955 session of the Ontario UMW- lature will be prorogued, meking a session of _eight weeks duration, This is the usual length of a spring session, Although every session of the Legislature starts in a leisurely manner, there is always great haste and hurry to- wards the end. During the early part of the session, many mat- ters are laid over for further consideration and study, and thee all seem to pile up at the end, when they must finally be dealt with, During the session, situations, always arise which de - mend or require new legislation. Matters which were not previone. ly • anticipated often require im-' mediate • attention. For this rea- son, new legislation has to be introduced during the very last hours of the session. The close of a session is al - 'OK ME 'HAVE IT ALL FIGURED OUT FOR. YOU "1 'Here's the smart way to make money. Simply invest in 334% Guaranteed Trust Certificates. Here's what you get: ' • 31/2% yearly interest, payable half -yearly Authorized investment for trust funds • Short term -5 years For' example, $420.36 of your money accumulates to $500.00 in just five years...We/refer the descrOve 'Wee tight away.' • THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION HEAD OFFICE • BRANCH OFFICE 372: Bay Si., Toronto 3 •unlo* Bartle • Picture of a map improving his community • 4w.i,;,ifthai444*; Whether he's working or playing, eating or sleeping, this man helps to develop Canadian communities in many important ways, How can he do this? • Simply by owning life insurande. You see, every time he makes a payment on his policy, the Money is invested for him in sound smithies, And these sectirl- ties, in turn, finance the building of many new homes, utilities, public works and induskial plants. Even the security his family enjoys with life insurance also bene- fits the &Immunity. For if anything happens to him, his hived ones Will not have to depend epon others for,their suipport4 in all of thee wayS, million* of life insurance policyholders ar• belbing to make Canada a better land to lie in. P,S. FRoM YOUR LIFE INSURANCE MAN HAll Ass. InVestment1 earn interest that mattes h pos. foible for you and your family to enjoy h� benefits of life insuonce, at such low etior. If you have any ques- tions about how to make life insurance fit your own seeded neigh, rtive me a call, It be glad whelp youl• THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA Citittlerisid$ Mord than SO Canadian, British and United State* 'Complete* "If Is Good Cittleothig to own Life littotooto" kW. 0 . • . most like the tinfoil of a school year .as the members wind up their work and return to their va,riotts ridings. The attendants, who are required only during the term of the session, must seek other employment. , The page boys return to school. The organized groups of school children, who visit the chamber 'daily during the session, no long- er throng through the corridors end hallways; the numerous visitors no longer clinib the stairs to listen to the debate or the passing of a bill. f The representatives of the press write their last reports and say "good-bye" for another year. A few days previous to the close/ the members of the press gallery actmmulate'the bills, reports and hansards, etc„ and shower them from the gallery to the members below as soon as the House Is prorogued, This is a time - 'honoured custom. The final act of .the session takes place when ,the Lieutenant - Governor enters the Chamber and gives Royal Assent to the billi whieh have 'been passed, and which are read by the ' Clerk of the House, Great Province It becomes quite apparent to members of the legislature listen- ing to the speeches of the mem- bers and through conversation with them, that Ontario is in- deed. a province with unlimited resources and capable of great expansion. One fact which be- comes quite clear is that with our modern methods of industrial and agricultfiral production, we can 'produce enough food, goods and services to take care of our needs and still have • some left over. Members of our governments in Canada are working towards a common objective, which 'inchides the desire to see every family in Canada enjoy ehigh standard of living. There are many jobs to be done. We can see to it that every municipality is provided with all necessary services, including sewers end abundant water sup. We need more teachers and, more schools to meet , the needs of our expanding. popelation. We need more trained Muses and doctors, more hospitals, so that the sick can be adequately cared for. We urgently need more in- stitutions to properly take care of the aged and the chronically ill, We need more modern high- ways, to reduce the alarming rate of traffic accidents and death. In our, metropolitan areas we need subways and exprees- ways to relieve traffic congestion. Wd need an expansion of our recreational facilities, such as beaches and parks. When we have done these things, ' we can thing about a shorter work week, we • can think about art earlier retiring age, ' These are some of • the broad aims of our legislatrirs, which will provide a more abundant life, and enable us to live to- gether as good neighbors. Report On -- Grand Bend By MRS. B. ICEOWN 'Miss Beverley novelle, of Lon- don sped the weekend at her home in town. Mr: and Mrs. Norman Turnbull returned SatUrtlay from a trip to Florida. . Mr; and Mrs. Thomas Baird spent the weekend with Mr. and MrS, • Carl Vanner, of London. Mr, Frank Date% spent the weekend in Bracebridge where he Played hockey with the 'brest Bantams. • Mr. Wm. Sweitzer is a patient in the Shouldice Surgery Clinic in karma°. Mrs. Sweitzer is in Tor- onto while her husband is under- going treatment. Mr, and Mrs. Mansell Mason returned from Florida last week, where they spent the winter. Mr. Bruce Bossenberrsr return- ed on Sunday from California, where he spent the winter months. Miss Pat Green, of London, visited at her home over the weekend. Miss • DOrist RaVelle and Mre. 3'ohn Farquhar spent the Week- end itt DetrOlt. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stebbins re- turned ort Seturday from a trip to Florida, 1Virs. 0Iar1okt anore f L00. - don, spent the 'weekend with her 'mother,. Mrs. Sarah .Hamilton, Mr. Btube Han otToronto, is Mid with Mr, and Mrs, W, Aolt on Monday. Ur. ,Taek Whittle, of Saskatoon arrived Erten. ?ranee and is visit.. ing with his sister,. lVirti, Lennea Statton, enroute to SaskatOon. Creditbri Church Groups. Elect Of icers For 55 f. ...bert of the Portae Hand DwliTeSn/I ewtitahtin tahteeweenileibier:toiornoredanid. ton found it necessary to return to Detroit, due to impassable road.. Mr. and Mrs. James Sehroeder, of 1.ondon, who were also expected as guests, were Un- able to reach Crediton. HoweVer, toilette, towpeontctrebdraanytat'egtelrearr,and as i their yearly custom. PlaTnlieSuCnormismeuliinertleYeoath ship met on Monday evening in the. Eve.ngelical Chttrat with. Beverley Neil in charge of the WQrship period. A Wein was read by Ross Wein. The topic on "Tem - Roraima" was given by Rev.Par- "tFtinal arrangements were made, for the Easter Sunrise Service, when breakfast will be served in the Evangelical Church school rooms at 6;30 a.m. Rev. Smith, of Grand Bend, will be .the guest speaker and Mr. Ken Flear, guest soloist, Personal items Mrs. R. Molitor spent the weekend with her son and family Itt Strathroy and was unable to reach home until Monday noon. Keepers ot daily weather re- cords inform us that on March 27, 1945, they opened doors and windows and 'enjoyed the after- noon on the lawn. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lockhart and son, Roy, of Humber Sum- mit, spent a few days this week at the home of Mr.- and Mrs. Al- fred Smith. 444 Ciatlette of the Evangeli- cal Church :School 'met With Bev.: and MM. Mohr at the parsonage pzt Wednesday te 0.410Y a Social yeVeaer.ning elect ottleent Or the Mr. 130y Ratz was ,elented. pretildent of the ladles' class.. Oaten elected' were: vice -peal - dent, Mrs. Emerson Wein; seore-' tary. Mrs. 54 Hendrick, assistant secretary, Mrs ordon. Morlockl treasurer, • Mrs. Albert :Geiger; reporter, Mrs. Irvin Finkbeitteri ,ehorister, Mrs. E. N. Mohr; Pianists, Mr ;S, Dundas, .Mrar J, Finkbeiner. 'Officers for themen's class in-. elude: pr e Olden t, Wellington Heist; vice-preeident, $tephen. Dundas; seeretery-treatturer, Evel- rett :Valtruer, assistant, Gordon .Morlock., The election was conducted by Rey, Mohr, Appreciation was expressed to Mrs. D. Finkbeiner, Mrs, A. /attire and Mrs.- (Rev.) Mohr, teachers of, the ladies' -class; and to Roy Rats, Freeman Morloek and Alvin Finkbelner, teachers of the ,men's. class. . • • Velebrate Birthday Together • Mr. and 1Virs. Itussel .Ctarir, of Detroit, visited over the weekend with the former's parents,. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark. The event Marked the birth.days, onSunday, of father. and son, Glen Clark and friend, Iviiss' M. L. golcreft, of Detroit,' started' out on Sunday morning to be Mrs. Jon Bishop returned Irerac London hospital Monday, after spending the past week week there. Mrs. Lloyd B•rtgland has re- turned front klernia, where she spent several weeks caring for a relative. Mrs. Wesley Sisson and dough, ter lett this week for her home IQ Montreal after spending Bettie time with iter parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1.1pird Zugland• WO John Ayres, of Trenton, visited with Mrs. Ayrand tarn fly at the hole of ilvtr. and Mrs: /13. K. Fahrner during the week- end. (444440444404440040141141444404441444411410,444444P0444141110044441140444044444444410044141400N4444014 WPM. . A Phone 719 Exeter For Sheet Metal Work and Eavotroughint furnace Vacuuming ALF A'NDRUS 493 ANDREW ST. Not ii 4 l 0444141411$ l PO l 44141404144404 l l 4444144444444014444 ll l ll PROMIPA41444141444011444444400440001444 lll 40444404444M1111444.4 "Horsepower" In engines is nay hOrsepower-andit.hz11l One horsepower is the power needed to lift 33.000 1bs. a distance of one foot in one minute (about 1I/2 times the power an average horse can exert). i little-known fact worth reruembiringl O'KEEFE'S BREWING COMPANY LIMITED 3120 4. • ••• •""' • x.$,4*440•Mel'y ll 'giiiIiiiiftgaglaktr ;M.*:M A." • ask•Force / 1 Y4 /, id ••••••••• It's the largest and finest fleet of trucks ever built by the nation's No. 1' truck builder. Whatever your task or trad4 there's a new Chevrolet truck to make or save you money on every job. Come and look 'em over! Now Chevrolet introduces "Work Styling" - an exclusive development in truck design. Plus wew engines - new capacities - new Overdrive and Power Steering - new features and advantages throughout., Here's what happens when Canada's leading truck builder pulls out all the stops! Here are trtickS that are new from the drawing board out l And they have a whole truckload of new advan- tages for you! A new kind of truck styling Fleet, functional styling that fits your job! FOr the first time in any truck line, two distinctly different styling treatments are. offered - one in light and medium -duty models, nether in heavy-duty. 'S'our handsome new Chevrolet truck will be' a profitable C1 -45S5 ..advertisement -on -Wheels for you and your business! A new outlook for the driver Truck driving was never like this ! The completely new Flite-Ride cab is every- thing a driver could wish for, from its big Sweep -Sight windshield to its con- cealed Safety Step that keeps clear of mud or snow 1 The new seat is broader and softer , . nevv instrument panel and controls are the last word in cork- venienee ! New "high-voltage" engines With a new 12-VOlt electrical system ' for qaicker, surer cold -Weather starting and increased generator capacity 1 Plus more efficient cooling and lubrication systems, an improved fuel system, and completely redesigned engine mount- ings. They're the smoothest, quietest, most powerful Chevrolet truck engines ever built! And much more that's new Like the smoother, load -steady ride new High -Level ventilation ... tubeless tires, standard on 1,4 -ton models . . . new, stronger frames of standard width . . . New Power Steering* and Power Brakes* for heavy duty models . new 4500 ib. max-. 0.V.W. in 1700 Series. And there's a new choice of transtnis. sions, standard or automatic. Come irk and. see the newest things in trucks! *Optional at extra cost. Automatic 'transmission on %-, 3/4- and 1-tott models. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE " *AAA llllllll iiiii i ii iiiii OW. ll lllllllll ll l IMMO lllllll ll 10111600141100111WiiillifittitiOnniithOrlitil llll l lllll 1 'Phone 100 . SNELL BR, S. LIMITED. Exeter, Ont. CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE 'CI-IEV TRUCKS : sm.... • oilutoonnioniniinotininsiiineinniohnottelooitiiiiiiinedeillendieiiiiiiionitanotoinneknoOntonoineeiNsinieilliiiiiitertiolhoorthikeibeideollioniorieeeniniiii*Niteilinneileimei ee,MiliftsinikeeendOdeieoilineedelentreelon Onlinoineriontionintorintotrionnoine.