HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-03-31, Page 60 THE TIMES -ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 31, 1955 1 s Good Auction Season - Watch The Sales In The T• -A FOR SALE. J!tLFALFA .SEND--Cleeened. ready to p 'w. Steve Hasa, R,R. 1, Ciendeboye, Iiamite Exeter 881-W4. 31:7* BLANKETS -New' Fairfield blankets. do a variety of colors including :pastel shades, satin bound, ate.. from $5 to $8. APp1Y to Mrs. Oscar Brine, Wood- burn, phone Kirkton 32-14. 31* 3 STEERS, Shorthorn and Hereford, leas than year-old. Apply Gordon Morley, R.R. 3, Ansa. Craig, 31* aleaRS--'49 Ford Coach, 2 -tone green; '40 Desoto ,Sedan, new paint (green). Both above average. Don't buy until u axe a z Glenn'sAuto •o h seenthem. Wreckers, phone 418, Exete r. 31e FOR SALE MIXED FEED OATS, $48 ton; ground screenings, $52 ton« Cann's UM Ltd. TYPEWRITER, Underwood. rebuitl, in good condition, $35. Rev. Schroeder. 243 William St., Exeter, 31* ROBS) A:RII1Y TRUCK, complete with 65 -bus, grain box. power take -off match and buck rake; also 1 -ton Dodge Piekup box, with fenders, in geed Condition. Apply Carlyle Taylor, phone 52-r-19 Grand. Bend. 31:7 KITCHEN CABINET, ivory, porce- lain tons in gond condition, price $15; white enamelled steel sink, 36x24. taps included, Perfect condition, price $6. Phone 245-W Exeter, 31* t lillrA'S SPRING COAT, royal blue, FERTILIZER DRILL, Cocksbutt, 11- run, and 1 dump rake, in good con - size 6, Also large metal crib. Apply dition. Apply Alton Isaac, phone720- Mrs. Harvey Hyde. phone I77 -r-4.. W3 Faxeter. Ole Exeter. 31* HEAT LAMPS. white, $1.10; red, 12.53; 1 -gal. chick founts only 11.05. Cann's Mill Ltd. LADIES' SUIT, navy, pencil stripe, size 18, $15. Can be seen at Brady's Cleaners. 31* L 1SED PARTS for all makes of cars and trucks; axles and wheels for wagons or trailers; used pipe and steel. Glenn's .Auto Wreckers, phone 418 Exeter. 31:70 GALORE SEED BARLEY, from reg- istered seed, Apply Gordon C. Ford, Piscine 41.r-3 Kirkton. 31c GIRLS' COAT, navy, all-weather, size 11. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 31* MAY, ALFALFA and Timothy, about 400 bales; also quantity of straw. Ap- ply Robert Pfaff, R.R. 3, Dashwood, phone 40-r-15. 310 LARGE BABY CRXB, Phone 432 Ex- eter. Ole WOOD TURNING LAr'k±L, used, 36" bed, with chisels, $20, Fisher's Hard- ware, Exeter. 31c LADIES HOME JOURNAL subscrip- tion value -20 months $4.00. SATUR- DAY EVENING POST and JOUR- NAL, one year each, only $7.50 -you can't beat that! The Exeter Times - Advocate, phone '770. 31:7:14:21' BETTER FARMING subscription bar- gain -20 issues for $1.00. Offer good until April 30 only. Exeter Times - Advocate, phone 770. 31:7:14:21* SATURDAY- EVENING POST sub- scription special -70 issues only $6.95; 90 issues only $8,55; limited offer. Ex- eter Times-Adovaete, phone 770. 31:7:14:21* ELECTRIC BROODER new, 500- chick, Buckeye. Reduced from $45 to clear at $35. A real bargain. Cann's Mill Ltd. STARTED PULLETS, 10 weeks old April 20; Rock-Leghorns, Foreman White Leghorns. Apply Hubert Miller, phone 57-r-7 Dashwood, attic c NATIONAL CASH REGISTER that registers to $29.99. Apply at Times - Advocate. t -a 1111111H1gi1iliN111111111111/111111111 Contract Barley We Are Now Taking Orders For 1955. Centralia Farmers' Supply Centralia, Ontario SINGLE BED, steel panel, walnut finish, spring -filled mattress, ribbon flat springs, new condition. Phone 52-r-26 Grand Bend. Ole PEDLAR'S STEEL ROOFING on hand. Qualified men to put it on your building. Stock fence. bard wire and steel posts. See us before you buy. Scott's Elevator, Lucau' phone 63. 81c WASHING MACHINE, Monitor, apartment size, in good gondition. Apply Mrs. H. Bierling, Maio Street, Exeter. 31e WORLD FAMOUS Foreman Leghorns Genuine Foreman Leghorn eggs im- ported direct from Foreman Leghorn Farm, Michigan; available at 4 weeks; hatched March 21• day -olds, April 4 and May 5; started 4 to 10 weeks in standard breeds. Order direct from Lakeview Hatchery Ltd. or Sack Gaiser, phone 180-W, Dashwood. - Lakeview Poultry Farm Ltd. 31e GIRLS' 2 -PIECE outfit, green, size 2, freshly dry cleaned. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners. 31 CREAM SEPARATOR, Viking, with motor, in good working condition; colony house and turkey sun porch; electric brooder (500 -chick size) and several range shelters. Phone 32-9, Mrs. Garnet Miners, Kirkton, R.R. 3. 31* RUBBER TIRE WAGON, heavy duty, John Deere, and beet rack, in A-1 condition. Phone 15-r-23 Lucan. 31* HAY 2,500 bales, alfalfa Ledino Brome. Apply Bill Tuckey, phone 174-r-4 Exeter. 81* TRACTOR DISC, John Deere, 6 ft., good as new, reasonable. Have got bigger tractor. Apply George W. Lee,. Ailsk Craig, 1 mile east of Brinsley, phone 625-r-15. 31* FEED TURNIPS; also Clipper beans for seed. Apply `Wilfrid Shapton, R. R. 1, Exeter, phone 38+r-17, Dash- wood. 31c OATS -452 a ton. Centralia Farmers' Supply. 31c OATS FOR SEED, registered, Car- tier. Apply Joe Zubal R.R. 1, Clande- boye, phone 99-r-2 {Lucan. 24:31* 2 BICYCLES, Sunshine, balloon -tired, 1 gent's and 1 ladies', with parcel carriers; like new. Apply Clarence Down, phone 177-r-2 Exeter. 24:31* CUSTOM CAPONIZING and started capons on order. phone 57-r-23 Dash-, wood or apply Carl Oestreieher. 217-4 7 MILKERS, new and. used. Contact Lovell McGuire, Surge Service Dealer, Wingham, phone 593, about your cow milking problems. We deal in'inilking 50 ACRES-Tuckersmith, house has equipment only, all conveniences, driveshed; barn has 3: 3, 10, 17, 24; 4: 7, 14, 21, 28 good cattle stabling, double deck BUDGIE BABIES -Males •$6; hens $3; henhouse above; water, electricity in breeding stock, $9 and up. Mrs. E. buildings. W. Pearce, realtor, Earl Currie, phone 13,8-J Lucan. Parsons, Fred Cole, salesmen. 24:31:7:14c 1 -FLOOR HOUSE -.Asbestos shingle, 3 bedrooms, full bath, almost new oil furnace; on No, 33 highway near No. 4; vacant; reduced •price. P. thousands of thankful users. Ask Pearce, realtor, Earl Parsons, Fred your Druggist. 934 ,Cole, salesmen. CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less 60c More Than 25 Wolds -- no 1 3t Per 'Word MISCELLANEOUS SEWAGE DISPOSAL ---Septic tanks Pumped and repaired; wells and els- terns Cleaned, For prompt service phone Irvin Coxon, 254. Milverton. Ontario. 3:31 4:7,14,21,28 5:5,12,19,26 CARPENTRY Kitchen Cup b oards Al terati na Re- pairing: - pair1n; Ab e Schout. 28 Victoria St. Phone 410-W Exeter. 31tfc CUSTOM 1 -WAY DISCING. Apply Earl Neil, phone 626-J3 Exeter. 17tIc SPRAYS & BRUSH PAINTING -Ar- range with us early for spring paint- ing. Reasonable rates. Lyman Grat- ton, phone 53 Grand Bend, 10:17:24:31 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls .Are Used" Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of Cattle. For service or information Phone Clinton 242 col- lect, between 7:30 and 10;00 A.M. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. on Sundays. tfc S. S. S, S. Why bother with dull tools. Let us recondition your saws, knives, scis- sors, garden tools, etc., etc. All ma- chine sharpened. Stew's Sharpening Se45rvice, Sanders St. East, pone "STANDARD OF THE WOODS" - McCulloch Chain Saws! All models and complete service (we rent) avail- able at McCulloch Saw Sales, 428 Huron St., Stratford, phone 1061-J. 9-16tfc FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AUTO TRIMMING Slip Covers -Custom made or installed HUGH WILSON Phone 56 Exeter PERSONAL MEN, WOMEN! Old at 40, 50, 60! Want to feel normally peppy, years younger? Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies weak, "old" because lacking iron. Introductory, ' get -acquainted" size only 600. All druggists. 24:31c HELP WANTED ORGANIST and choir leader for Car- mel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, Hammond organ. Apply to Glenn Bell, R.R, 1, Hensall, stating salary ex- Peeted. Applications will be received until April 12. 31:70 TEACHER WANTED -Huron Coun- ty, Usborne Township School Area requires a Protestant teacher for modern school. Apply stating exper- ience, salary expected and former in- spector's name, A. G. HICKS Exeter, Ontario, RM. 3 31:70 REAL ESTATE PAIN OF RHEUMATISM, Sciatica, Lumbago, can be helped by taking R U S4 A C A P S. Recommended by Easter Is At Hand Are You Ready? We Are - Don't Worry GEORGE WRIGHT HAS JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER BRAND NEW SHIPMENT OF pring Suits In Latest Shades Both for young men, the tall ones, the shorts and the stouts. Here is a Sensational REPEAT OFFER all this week -- Genuine Ty Gonda, Gabs, Dacron and Nylon Blends. Reg $39.50, $49.50 2 pr. Pants s29.95 Our made -to -measure department is now complete, show- ing the finest in imported worsted and flannel suitings by Firth's. 1 George Wright The Store With The Suit Stock ,� 50 ACRES GRASS, Lot 7, Concession 6, Hay Township, never failing water supply, Apply Garnet McFalls, R.R. 1, Centralia. 24:31:7* $5400 DOWN, balance long term, low interest rate. New home, forced air oil heat, hardwood, fully decorated and landscaped, garage, rented apart- ment with separate entrance. Owner, 170 Carling St. 24tfe WARTIME HOUSE, 2 -bedroom, in - eluding oil space heater. W. C. Pearce, realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred :Cole, salesmen. 24tfc BRICK HOUSE with bathroom, small barn. over 1 acre land, Stephen taxes. W. C. Pearce, realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, salesmen. 24tfc BRICK HOUSE, large, 2 -storey, and barn on Main Street, Crediton, Good living quarters for two families. Ap- ply Mrs. Ed Hendrick, Crediton, phone 19-r-2 or Gordon Hoist, Credi- ton. 24tfe BIGIiwAY 100 ACRES, well located for schools, churches, canning fac- tory; new barn, water inside, medium size house, 35 acres permanent pas- ture, fall plowing, wheat. William Pearce, realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, salesmen. 24tfc BRICK HOUSE -3 bedrooms; newly furnished; kitchen and bathroom; extra lots; good Exeter location; price $4,900. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 'i'iWWQYN'iWdlYtYll�tiYinN1�111i1111Y�'YIIkIYiiYAiilr,lF1'iMi11i11YY1'I�IIYirYllln,l'iliYnlYYhi'i,fYFiY,pYN1YMinia�,n,11iIH1�lliMtnr INCOME PROPERTY -This Exeter property is showing a very high re- turn on investment. We will be glad to give you details. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 2 -STOREY HOUSE, nice kitchen, 3 - piece bath, almost new furnace, air conditioner, garage, conveniently lo- cated for churches, schools and shop- ping. W. Pearce, realtor; Earl Par- sons, Fred Cole, salesmen. 30tfc. 2 -STOREY HOME, living room, dining room and three bedrooms; modern kitchen and bathroom; good heating equipment; choice Exeter location; possession to suit purchaser, -C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. 1 -FLOOR HOME -This brick house has three bedrooms and is nicely fin- ished throughout and provides ev'ery convenience for comfortable living. Nearly nevi. Very low cash Payment will handle. -C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St, Exeter, WHY PAY RENT? Let us show you this complete 2 -bedroom home. It is I beautifully finished and ready for your Occupancy without further outlay. May be purchased with low ldown payment. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St, Exeter. 2 -STOREY BRICK -This house., wIll provide a home for a large family and an income from a Separate apartment. Each unit is complete with a separate bathroom; kitchen and entrance; oil heated; terms. C, V, Piekard, Realtor, Main St„ Exeter. 100 ACRES Olay loam, suitable for sugar beets; cheap enough far Pas' tura, Stephen, William Pearce, Real- tor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, Salts men. 2tfe NEW ASBESTOS SHINGLE l -floor houile, full basement automatic air conditioned oil furnace, 3 bedrooms, modern kitchen, colored bathroom fixtures. 'William Pearce matter; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole,. salesmen, 24tfc STOCK WANTED ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt and courteous service on all dead or dis- abled farm animals. Phone collect, e er 2nl Andrews, Seaforth 851-r-11, EX - c DEAD, DISABLED STOCK -Sevens day week service for horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, calves. -Glen Kennedy,, 236, one collect ],68-W Lucan or Exeter T .AM IN THE .MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age, -G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter. tfc BAB Y CHICKS FOR R SALE' CONTACT US SOON for+ Bray ,April price list, and let'shave your order soon, It's a busy chick buying month, so select the breed and cross you wish; immediate delivery or later; Canadian approved, from tills well- known hatchery. Agent: Eric Cars-. cadden, Exeter, phone 243-W. 310 FOR RENT APARTMENT -4 rooms, private ent- rance, private bath, furnished, ground itCor, heated hoand cold water. Apply J. A. heated. phone 27, Ex- eter. BRICK HOUSE, 7 -room, modern con- veniences, garage. Available May 15 or sooner. Dave Eestle, phone 210-M. APARTMENT, 2 -bedroom, self con- tained, all conveniences, partly fur- nished, private entrance; preferably no children. Apply 145 Victoria St. W. 31* 2 -ROOM APARTMENT, unfurnished; private entrance. Apply 309 Andrew 4-ROOM APARTMENT, tollet and bath; heated. Apply W. F. Abbott, Exeter, 31 TYPEWRITER -Recent model, Royal portable, 11,00 per meek; cheaper rates apply for longer term. Times - Advocate. FURNISHED APARTMENT -Recent- ly painted ana papered. Apply 68 Sanders St., East. 3-10tfc APARTMENT - Bath, hot •and cold water, two bedrooms, kitchen and living room, full basement, on high- way at Shipka.-Albert Gaiser, Credi- ton, phone 6-J. 9-9tfe FLOOR POLISHERS and vacuum cleaners. Power lawn mowers, -Bea- vers Hardware, Exeter. 7-itfa LOVELY APARTMENT OPENING If you are quick you may get this BRAND NEW DECORATED Apart- ment -FIVE -ROOM with FOYER and Howson British "PAGEANT" BATH- ROOM.. With a VIEW; and just a step to centre of Town; to Lyric Theatre; Stores and Schools. Just in- stalled NEW KITCHEN CUPBOARDS Modern Style - Lrrge LIVING ROOM; Hot Water Tank and SEPA- RATE HYDRO METER, -You can even have your own 'private garden and Parking Space -FREE; Large BRAND NEW FINDLAY OIL BURN- ER installed FREE. -Very LARGE CLOSETS. -Loads of STORAGE SPACE .. , One housewife viewer said: It is cute as a bug's ear and neat as a pin!" NO EXPENSE, TIME OR TROUBLE HAS been spared to make it a HOME AWAY FROM HOME. This is a FOUR STAR Apartment. PHONE 143 EXETER AUCTION SALES HENSALL COMMUNITY SALE every Thursday at 1:30 p,en. Hensall Sales Barn. Usual number of 350 mixed pigs; good offering of calves, cows, feeder and market cattle and mis- cellaneous items. Bring in your stock early and avoid delay. Victor Har- graves and Harry Smith, Sale Man- agers; Alvin -R*alper, Auctioneer. 31e AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate, Tractors, Threshing Machines, Farm Implements, Misc. Items and Household Effects On the Premises of MATT FINKBEINER, Lot 17, Con. 7, Stephen Twp. 2 Miles North of Crediton The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1955, Commencing at 1 p.m., Sharp REAL ESTATE: Consisting of 181/2 acres of land, more or less, part of Lot 11, Con. 5, in the Village of Credi- ton; all tillable, of good clay loam. Will be offered for sale at same time and place. Terms are 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a. reasonable resez'4ed bid. TRACTORS: John Deere B. R. trac- tor on rubber, in first class condition; Hubert threshing tractor, 20x40, on steel, in good condition; Cockshutt- 60 -row crop tractor, in new condition. THRESJ3ING `MACHINES & EQUIPMENT: Goodison 36x50 all - steel separator equipped with high bagger and cutter, in good condition; Bidwell bean machine with Hart weigher and bagger, in good rumoring order; Birdsell No. 6 clover huller, in good working order; 130 -ft. 7 -inch drive belt; 120 -ft., 7 -inch drive belt, like new; 100 -ft. 6 -inch drive belt, like new; 100 -ft, 1 -inch cable, with hooks, like new; 150 -ft, %-inch cable with blocks; 2, 75 -ft. heavy chains with hooks; 2 extension straw blow- ers, FARM IMPLEMENTS: McDeering 13 -run hoe fertilizer drill; 13 -run disc grain drill; Frost & Wood 11 -run grain drill; 2 flax drills; 2 horse- drawn manure spreaders; Cockshutt 10 -ft. land packer; Bisset 28 -plate tractor disc; M. -H. tractor diSc; John Deere 7 -ft. power mower; Peter Ham- ilton spring tooth Cultivator; 3 -sec- tion spring tooth harrows; 2, 7 -ft. M. -H, binders; 4 -section diamond harrows; 3 -section diamoncl harrows; M, -H. bean puller; International. team scuffier, like new; one-horse scuffler; 2 walking plows; McDeering 10 -ft. dump rake, like new; rubber -tired wagon, like new 16-f t, 'flat hayrack; 2 steel tire wagons; Hurd powr take- off grass seeder; 2 Cyclone erase seeders; 2 sets of new bob sleighs; one-horse sleigh; cutter; light wagon; M.H4 power -driven corn cutter; hay fork; International 1-A cutting box with 40 -ft, of piped, like new; Smalley blower, new; 2 -wheel trailer, MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: Black- smith equipment including anvil, forge, blower, Vice and tools; 28 -ft. extension ladder; 50 -ft. garden hose; steel water trough; large wooden water trough• 6 40 -gal. gas barrels; fire eAtinguisher; hog weigh stales; dolor*" house; steel pig 'trough; iron kettle; 90 -gal, barrel with taps; 250 gal, gas barrels with .taps; 30 -gallon barrel of high grade No, 80 011; block and tackle with extra blocks; quantity of steam cylinder oil; 'wheel barrow: fattening crates; double harness and collard; quantity of lumber, odd belt- ing; chains; forks; carpenter tools and many articles too numerous to mention. Also a quantity of household gold, effecRts.. NOESERVE--Everything will be Ti%ftl41TA Cath. HARRSI TRICK, Prop GARNET HICKS, Clens ALVIN WALPER, Auct, 30 Important AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate, Truck Tractor, Farm Machinery, 'Livestock, Poultry, 'Hay, Grain & Household Effects On the Premises North Half of Lot 3, Con. 13, TUCICERSMITII TWP. 3?f Miles Northeast of Hensall The undersigned auctioneer receiv- ed instructions to sell by public auc- tion on TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1955, Commencing at 1 p.m. Sharp REAL ESTATE: Consists of north half of Lot 3aCon. on. 13,Tuckersm ith Township, 50 acres f land,on which Is situated a 2 -storey frae dwelling with red asphalt siding with all mo- dern conveniences consisting of new sun porch, water pressure system, new furnace, built - in cupboards. Home surrounded with fine lawn 'and shade trees. Large well-built bank barn, new stabling, water pressure system, large new poultry house; all in excellent condition. Land very best of clay loam in high state of cultivation. This is a modern farm. If interested inspect before sale date. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale; balance in 30 days. Sold subject reasonable re r to areserve bid, if not previously sold, Livestock DAIRY CATTLE: Holstein cow, milking, due in June; Holstein cow, milking, due latter part of Septem- ber; Holstein cow, due to freshen April 30; Holstein cow, milking, due in June; Holstein cow, milking, due latter part of September; Holstein cow, milking, carrying second calf, due in September; Holstein cow, car- rying third calf, milking, due latter part of August; part Holstein and. Durham eow, milking, due in Octo- ber. This is an exceptionally good herd of cows, high producers, and from good blood lines. HOGS: York sow, carrying first litter, due before sale date; York sow, carrying fourth th litter, bred 5 weeks 11 York pigs, 11 weeks old. POULTRY: 100 Rhode Island Red yearling hens. TRUCK & TRACTOR: 1949 Dodge 1/2 -Ton Pickup truck, in excellent con- dition; John Deere "M" Standard Tractor, equipped with powertake- off, hycraulic lift and 2 -furrow plow, like new. FARM MACHINERY & MISCELL- ANEOUS ITMES: M, -H. cul€ivator; Deering mower, rubber tire wagon, like new; 16 -ft. flat hay rack, like new; McDeering team manure spread= er on steel, Surge 2 -unit milking ma- chine, completely equipped with 40 - ft. pipe, like new; cooling -tank. milk pails, M. -H. cream separator, equip- ped for electric motor, like new; five 8 gal. milk cans. Large stone boat, M. -H. root pulper, like new; 2000 -lb. platform scales, 32 -ft. extension ladder, cement lawn roller, colony house, 2 shelters, 500 - capacity electric chicken brooder, bag truck, wheel barrow, cross -cut saw, garden hose, carpenter tools, chains, shovels, forms; many articles too numerous to mention. HAY & GRAIN: Quantity mixed grain; quantity choice hay; 25 bales straw. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Westing- house 9 cu. ft, refrigerator, like new; Beach 4 -burner hydro stove; 2 day- bedc1s, 2 -foot stools, sewing machine, molal kitchen table, 4 kitchen chairs, 2 bureaus, complete bedroom suite, mirrors, end tables, Wilton rug, hall carpet, centre tables, Filter Queen vacuum cleaner, Coffield electric washing machine, kitchen utensils,, sealers, crocks, etc., etc. NO RESERVE -Everything will be sold. TERMS: Cash. FRED BROCK, Prof. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auct. 31:7 Extensive AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate, Tractors, Farm Machinery, Livestock, Hay, Grain and Household Effects On the Premises Lot 25, Con. 0, USBORNE TOWNSHIP 1,l Miles East of Exeter on Highway 83 and 11/1 Miles North The undersigned auctioneer re- ceived instructions to, sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 1955 Commencing at 12:30 p.m. Sharp REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot 25Con. 3, Usborne Township, 100 acres of land on which is situated a 2 -storey white brick dwelling with all modern conveniences, consisting of 4 - .piece bath, pressure system, hard- wood floors tnroughout, built-in cup- boards; large bank barn and straw shed. All in.good state of repair, rsest of clay loam; 15 acres of hardwood bush, .beech and maple; young or- chard; never -failing water supply; farm nicely situated and in good state of cultivation. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale; balance in 30 days. Sold sub- ject to a reasonable reseri-e bid, if not previously sold. TRACTORS: Minneapolis Standard Tractor, Model "Z". used one season, like new; Avery Tractor, Model '•A", used three seasons, in A-1 condition, equipped with new 2 -row scuffler. FARM IMPLEMENTS: Internation- al 3 -furrow plow, Cockshutt 3 -furrow plow, 'McDeering "F.M" 16 -run double dise, fertilizer drill on rubber, like new; Minneapolis Tandem disc, 28- plate, like hew; McDeering 6 -ft. I- way disc, John Deere tractor spread- er, on rubber; John Deere side rake, Avery tractor power mower, 7 -ft. cut, like new; Allis Chalmers bean puller, sugar beet.,.lifter, Bissell spring tooth lever harrows, 3 -drum roller, M. -H. stiff tooth cultivator, 5 -section dia- mond harrows, heavy duty rubber tire wagon with box, .steel tire truck, Wagon, M. -H. 7 -ft. binder, Spray - motor high pressure sprayer, fully equipped, on rubber; Vessot grain grinder, McDeering hammer mill, 50 - ft. hammer mill belt, circular saw, fanning mill, 2,000 -Ib, scales, Me - Deering electric cream separator, root pulper, set of sleighs, al h.p. electric motor, emery, electric cattle clippers, 500 -capacity Jamesway elec- tric Chicken brooder, chicken feeders, electric time switch for chicken house, 3 shelters, electric fencer, forks,shovels"chains; many articles too mmerous to mention, Livestock CATTLE: Hereford cow, carrying second calf, due in May; Durham cow, carrying fourth calf, due in May; black cow, carrying fourth calf, due in May; Durham cow, carrying fifth calf, due in May; 3 Hereford heifers, rising, 2 years old; Hereford steer, rising, 2 years old; 3 Hereford baby beefs, averaging 750 lbs, each, ready for market; 3 calves. , • HOGS: 21 York chunks, averaging 85 , ach, 14A3Ylbse&GRAIN: 700 bus. of mixed grain; 75 bus, Beaver seed oats; 250 bus, feed turnips; quantity of mixed hay. ,HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: `vVingham cook stove"; oil burner Annex stove, oak dining room suite, 8 -piece cheater- field suite; 9 0u, ft. Frigidaire re- frigerator, like hew; ldd8on ltkhe piano, dressers, beds, solid oak dining table, rug, 9x12;. Eureka Waver lawn mower, ete., etc, This 18 an extra large sate, eVery- thing in first class cbnditton, and will start sharp on time. TERMS: Cash. GE R.NET CIICHILL, Prop. Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Attctloneer23:T TENDERS WANTED SALE FCH'SDDEDUR HSHE The Trustees of Thames Road United Church will accept sealed tenders until 12.00 o'clock noon, April 2, 1055. for the purchase of Church Shed, 100 ft. long and 24 ft, wide. Also property on which shed stands. The same never to be used for stock or poultry, The highest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Particulars may be obtained by contacting any of the undersigned, FRED DAWSON. RJR, 1, Hensall JAMES ANDERSON, R.R. 3, Exeter LEONARD HARRIS. R.R. 1, Kirkton TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Tenders will be received by the Township .of Stephen for 2,400 cu, yds. of excavation and 2,580 lineal feet of tile drainage on the Haugh Municipal Drain, Tenders must be accompanied with certified cheque deposit and be in the hands of the Clerk on or before the 4th day of April, 1955. Plans, profile and specifi. cations may be seen in the office of the Clerk. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. F. W, MORLOCK, Clerk TOWNSHIP OF USBORNkI Tenders will be received by the under- signed until 3•30 p.m. Monday, April 11,1955,for supply of weedspray mteriafor thepTownship f Us- borne. s born . Thee amount of 100 gallons of 80- onnce Amine to be delivered to Township Garage at Dlimvllle by May 15, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, For further particulars apply to: W. J. ROUTLY Road Superintendent Township of Usborne, R.R., 3, Exeter, Ontario 24:31 TOWNSHIP O3' USBORNE Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 3:30 p.m. Monday, April 11, 1955, for spraying of road- sides in Townshipof Usborne. Township to suplmaterial and price quoted to be per mile for one side of road only, Work to be started on or about May 25, 1955, and to be completed as soon as weather conditions permit, under the supervision of Road Superintend- ent. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further particulars apply to: W. J. ROUTLY, Road Superintendent, Township of Usborne, R.R. 3, Exeter, Ontario 24:31 NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estate of" ' Marcus Wild, late of the Village of Grand Bend, in the County of Lambton, deceased. All persons claiming against the above estate are required to forward full particulars to the undersigned by April 9th, 1955', after which date the assets will be distributed: Donnelly & Donnelly Goderich, .Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 17:24:31 4 EMPLOYMENT WANTED 7 FARM WORKERS, single, arriving on April 18, reasonable wages, con- tact Bax 93, Gadericlt. Ole GERMAN WOMAN wants housework,. Preferably Wednesdays. Apply Times- Advocate. a Ole FARMERS! Arrange now for your farm help. Experienced Holland fam- ilies, Also wanted to rent -40 to 100 - acre farms Write Henry Nyhlus, R. , 8, Exeter, phone 172-r-31. 12-10tfc 9u se WANTED YEARLING CATTLE, 6 or 8, to pas- ture. Cecil Cann, WOOl114a1n, phone nl• Kirkton 22-r-15, WANTED TQ RENT -2- or 3 -bedroom house. Required early in May. Harry Devrles, Phone 779-J. Exeter, Let T.A. Want Ads Steer You Safely To The Best Bargains A/ Check with Riverside Poultry Co. x 9 s . , to make sure you are receiving TOP PRICES for. your live poultry before selling by phoning: COLLECT London or Hensall 74230 680-r-2 Phone - Write - See Geo T. Mickle & Sons Limited Hensall Phone 103 FOR A Malting Barley CONTRACT Don't Wait Limited Amount Of Seed Available WE ALSO SUPPLY FERTILIZER ti STAN FRAYNE'S FIRST It DAY SALE Join us in celebrating our first birthday in business..We are expressing our thanks for your patronage in' the best way .we know how -lower prices. Take advantage of these super prices. Threads Needles Elastic Bias Tape Rick Rack Crochet Cotton Floss Pins Writing Pads Envelopes Ribbons Bobby Pins . Hair Nets Ladles APRONS Reg. $1.00 Sale Price 79¢ Fru Stock HEM -TONE and Gem Glo PAINT Prices Effective Until April 9 Blue & Gold Fancy Peas, 15 Oz. 2/330 Clark's'Pork and Beans, 20 Oz. 2/350 Stafford's Dessert Pears, 20 Oz. ,, 2/450 Sweetened Grapefruit Juice, 20 Oz...,,, 3/290 McCormick's Sodas, 1 Lb. 280 Christie's Ritz Crackers, Pkg. 190 Nabisco Shredded Wheat 2/33¢ Redbird Matches, 3 Boxes ' 250 Maple Leaf Salmon, 7% Oz. Tin 390 Soap Specials GIANT LUX • GIANT TIDE 4 ears CHEER 62c # 29c 62c • 2 Pieces Tea Towelling, 1 striped, 1 checked, 21" wide, reg. 490 yd. -Sale Price 390 Yd. • Cotton Tea Towels -350, 3 for $1.00 • Linen Tea Towels, 550 value -Sale Price 430, 3 for $1.25 • Face Cloths, reg. 350 -Sale Price 250 • Boys' Over Its, size 12, 14, 16, reg. $3.25- Sale Price $1.95 • All Sock and Sweater Yarn -20% Discount Nylons, firstquality,"ze • 60 Gauge sizes 9-11% -980 Pair Complete Stock of Men's Work Clothes, Featuring Haugh's and Kitchen MANY OTHER REAL -BARGAINS NOT LISTED We Appreciate Your Phone Orders Turnip Seed Mangold Seed Nails Fence Staples. Electric Fence Batteries Forks Shovels Hoes Garden Rakes Last% Rakes Block Salt Shirts & Briefs Complete Range Men's & Boys' RUBBER BOOTS STAN FRAYNE Phone 301 GENERAL STORE Exeter