HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-03-24, Page 13• s a A A 4 .s •!: lit 4 4 4414 -': • 44.111**1114414040 THE TIMIESADVOCATE4 EXETER, ONTARIO" THURSDAY MORNING MARCH 344 195 . .• ti • l'Aftitit,`,41. •;1,, KINSMEN MARK BIRTHDAY—Exeter Kinsmen observed their fifth anniversary Friday night. Since tlie club was formed in10 it has r*ed and spent over $10,000 in service. work in the coinmunity, The Xinsmen's major project is its ehildren's playground but it has also conducted campaigns for caneer and flood relief, spongored housenumbering, minor sports and other projects. Vice -President Sheldon Wein, President Les Parker. and Deputy - Governor Ken. Pennington, of Goderich, view the birthday cake .which helped celebrate the event. —T -A Photo Income tax was unknown in Canada prior to 1919. $11 CANADIAN PROPANE GAS APPLIANCES GRATTON & HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend • Talks On Hobbies, Roses Interest WI M Crediton Agriculture and Canadian In- ,dustrces was the themis" o Cred- iton Women's Institute meeting held in the .Community Centre on Wednesday evening. 'Representatives were appointed to' attend Guelph. Conference. Nominating committee- compris- ing Mrs, Gerald Zwicker and Mrs. 8. King will bring in the 1065 slate of officers at the April meeting. ' Mrs. Jas. Mawhinney .presided .Phone - Write - 'See Geo _I • & Sons Limited Hensall Phone 103 FOR -A Malting Bailey 0 CONTRACT • Don't Wait , Limited Amount Of Seed Available E WE ALSO SUPPLY FERTILIZER I SAY WOULD YOU LIKE THIS ? No thanks very Muds. V,Ve know you provide for the winter by accumulating a hoard of nuts, but with,peOple it's different. They have it mote advantageous...way, they invest iti 31/2% GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES • Authorized investment for trust -funds • Short fettn...five years • ill's% yearly interest, payable half -yearly In just 5 Yeark an Investment of $4/0.36 accumulates $500.00 for you. frrik Jr free desoriptive /b/der today. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION • HAD °Ma akANcH Orricl 172 Buy 5t. Yeressisi '1-$ Dunlop 11., Witt - • La 1 for program when the motto "Life is a garden, what- are you planting?" was prssented by Mt. Lorne preszcater. A, vocal du t by Doris Schwartz and Beverly Neil was followed by a paper on "Minig" given by Mrs. S. King. ' Readings were given by Mrs. Earl Neil and Mrs. L. Geiser and' a paper on "The Culture of Roses" was prepared by Mrs. H. Yearley a xi d read by Doris Schwartz. Mrs. Silverthorne gave an interesting talk on "My Hob- bies."' - Evening hostesses were Mrs. S. King, Mrs. Earr'Neil, Mrs. Al- lan Pfaff; Mrs. Harry Yearley, Mrs. Lawrence Hrill and Mrs. James Mawhinney. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rees and family of Ailsa Craig were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid. Mr. and Mrs. William Gilmart- in and son,- Danny, of Lambeth, .visited on Friday with Mr.. and jos. Woodall. Group Captain B. R. Johnson of Quebec visited on SUnday ev- ening with Mr: and Mrs. Sam King. G/'0 _Mr Mrs. Johnson re- sided in !Credlton for several years, and have many friends here. • 4 'Mr. and Mrs. Stan Beifiel of Elmira visited on Saturday- with Mrs. -Beisers parents, Rev. and Mrs. Eh N. Mohr. Mr. and Mrs.. Howard Haist .and daughters of Fenwick spent Sunday with relatives. here. Mrs, Heist's mother, Mrs. W. IL. Fink- beiner accompanied them to Fen- wick where she will spent same time, Mr. Ronald Wein' and friend of Detroit spent the weekend at the liome sof Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wein. Mr. Edwin Wein, who spent severaiweeks in London Hospital, returned home on Friday. - Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Beaver visited on Sunday with Mrs. Beaver's sister, Mrs. Lydia' Hux- table, who is a patient in Ham- ilton Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brand of London spent Sunday with Mr. and 1VIrs. Chas. Green. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Poole and son Carmen of Waterdown were Sunday visitors, with Mr. and Mrs, .William IVIr, Gordon' Haviland and daughter Heather of -Toronto vis- ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Haviland, ,IVIrs. John Bishop is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. . Crediton East Mr. and 1‘/Lrs. Aldewin Coiling - wood of Hamilton spent SatUrday with their aunt and 'uncle Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz. Mrss Sam Bonham, whO Under- went an operation in St, Joseph's Hospital, London, on Saturday is improving nicely. ;Mr. taynhara spent Saturddy with .her and vis- ited her 611 Monday. 'Mr. Mark Mitchell has return- ed to Exeter after a few .days visit with his nephew Mr. !ChaS. Anderson. IVIr, and Mrs. Bailey and sons Who have been living in one of. Mr. Murray Neil's cabins have molted to the lt:C.A.P. Station. Mount Carmel •Jack McNair is visiting with Mr. and 11irs. Alet Voisin Jr. Mrs, Vali Hyde is visiting her daughter Mrs. Maw 'McCarthy, +Miss Ann tiletrich, London, spent the weekend at her home. At a dance in Mt. Carniel Hall on Thursday night Mrs. A. Hart, men and 0111 McCann won chaird and Mrs. LaWrence MoCann won 810 in a draW, Hay Awirds Contracts. 'Grants were awarded to: ,South. Huron AgricultUral, 'Society 435; Zurich Public Library $40; luArgal, WOO Public Library 420. Vlien receiving notice from In.: euector of Public Sago/4, Q. G. 0ardiner. Goderich, -to equalise the assessment between gay Toweship School Area .and fiteph- en Township School Area, the council authorized George .A.rm-. strong to meet with the Assessors )e fa c8h t hepzen tiop .deter 11114 ° p e r - centage of levy to be raised in !Contracts fr gravel and. war, ble-fly spraying were let by Ilay Council at a recent meeting. The, council. accepted the tender .of B, H.. Jennison, of Grand Bend, .haul and crush. APPrOxlmatelY .5,1:101) enbie' yards •of crushed steno on a flat rate 'beak; of $2 cents per yard .and at 30 cents per yard for crushing and load- ng.* .for Hay Township truck. ae.e.Weptille.Watson's• tender for warble -fly spraying at 1.2 cents per head for each •spraying was Leonard Erb was hired as war. ble4ly inspector at the rate of 20 coats an hour and seven and •.one -halt cents per mile, It, is estimated. that every 254 000 immigrants increase bread consumption in !Canada by 4000,- 000 loaves annually, • • Fair Societies. To Meet Here Agricultural societies in Harm And Forth will be guests of Vxeter Fair Board ;At the district xlanituruaal 2m5.eoting here on Friday, Around 209 men and women are expectedto take part - .ns discussions At the :town bail and a banquet in the 1:40004 Mein - Nall, V. V. IsieGrtgaiti• : assistant manager, Western Fair' Department4ss°Ql94' olic":10:e 1VieTwer t, .tioldman, agricultural and horticultural societies brancb, be guest .speakers, R. D. Etherington, V.R. 1rensall, is !district director, and: Clark fisher; LE. 1, Exeter, la• secreary7treasurer, Paitt11 OMIOMINKAUNIHMIWOMOOMMI01304144404,44“.4444,404W041144110111110001444411101414404014.144400 411 your live poultry before s6Ilins by phoning; COLLECT London -or Henson 7-1330 • • 680.r4 IV Check with' Riverside .Pcitiiltry to make Sure you are receiving TOP PRICES for ‘.411111101 -41 1 ON DISPLAY NOW ir RICHELIEU CONVERTIBLE three superb series ... the Custom series, the Lucerne series, and the completely new RICHELIEU series ll l «O.,,tVgar .2•••:P' • s7 RICHELIEVCOUPE .4,4•.!.:!..44.:I.:?...1!.!.4.,!!!.!!i!,!..,*,!!!iIii.B.isf!ls.iv!.*KeKilkiniggliftiiiMUMaitv„iii• • lanigAr.i4M'AigWaligairiggigMeNgagNangplgralk. the entirely new 1955 CD Ill ric Monarch for 1955 is a dramatic new car, with its entirely new and completely restyled body! More than ever in '55, Monarch belongs wherever people live with excitement, colour and flair! . • Monarch for 1955 is longer, lowerund roomier than ever before. There's a wonderful verve and vitality in its long, lithe lines . a brilliantly imaginative useof colour and texture inits beautifully appointed interiors. Performance is dramatic, too— excitingly responsive and liyely, There, is new smoothness, new steadiness and new ease of steering with Monarch's improved Ball -Joint Vront Suspension. In beauty and performance, in riding luxury and driving ease, Monarch is dramatically new and different. Your dealer invites you to discover it - for yourself—behind the wheel! " rtaaz p &thkaks... 'two new advanced -design overhead-valve V.8 engines -188 -Hp. and 198 -Hp. In busy traffic and on the open road, Monarch's performance is as exciting as its new look, Here are huge reserves of power, at your command at a touch of your toe, with instant and .eager response.. . bringing you a new measure of safety, a new feeling of security, wherever you drive. '''-migWiMr7175177701700W llllllll —rasmesc., here a fin car matters -- Monarch belon Lil DE EDE C:11 '71 • nn LUCERNE SEDAN by the builder of more V*8 engines than oil other manufactures cOmbined (Cellatn featured (llustraled or menetoned ard "Slandare NOW AT YOUR NIONARCH DEAL:ER'S Oitke, Olt dome models, oplidnal at extra Oat oillera.)" "P& -a. 0448 •th, tJatto)attiv-e Exeter, Ont..' LSMFT 14 FORD HAatProis • P_ovver Steering, •Automatic, Redid, Tinted Glititeo Tilrn India/Stare, , Windshield Washer, Whitewall Thee and Only 101000 Attu*, Wei 41.0** llllllll $2,495 15.1. iVIONArttlk SEDAN. . A...utetriatle, Radio si_01 n La rty 5--nt FORD AND MONARCH er Motors — SALES AND SERVICE lllll lllllll hitt llll itii ll i ll l ll l itfitines lll llll l ll ti l !IMO llll l • l lll ll l lll Hifi ll llll I l ll *hi lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l l **mat* 451. FORD SEDAN '36 cHEV SEDAN 550 l -3.......,,,,,, l llllll S450 AUternette, Radio $10695 It Runs llllllll A Deed Oho '62 °NSA/ 06Adli lolr*io Ob. 40*. si0195 'Trucks SEDAN 4s4 Potko plaxuri 51,450 147 DODGE wigs A Steal Pladitt **101, llll Ir llll so. .11., NNW 1 12 FORD 24STAKE - ISO CHEN, SEDAN Si 50 Ntsvv MetTONer $ 0 * 0 4 lllll ici*I.***U•wev*I .!.. • llll *4*.iii .• '50 DODQg 3.1�N STAKE Take lt $325 Away 'Tractors ?so Pont! tgbeh Motor Osaithetirla r • Phone 624 1 l 41 FORD Motor Overhauled 139 CASE "En $225 On ilislatitiN yy:.*Ovog..44 4,now Wittessa ll 11 ll 0,-*Ne**4.1011, lllll $50 'LSMPT