HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-03-24, Page 11ti 1 x 1• r •, t I SUPERIOR. Propane Limited Your Distributor for Propane Goo and AppHumes for Farn, Hew and hubslar7 Csil1 Stratford 4174 IF YO 90117 Sao may you never learn Only those stricken by war, disas- • ter, o`r other tragedies know at first hand how vitally essential Red Cross services are to our na- tion. Those of us who, mercifully, have not learned from grim ex- perience may well .101 t°the • cRoSS //ED., Cheerlully.., Gratefully... Generously! 5501 *5,494,100 is needed this'y ar A. Suggestion that inflationary influences behind the scenes in Canada may be becoming danger- ous was voiced by Elston Cardiff, Huron MP, in a report from par- liament this week, Mr. Cardiff indicated the re- signation .of Graham Towers. as governor of the Bank of Canada could be interpreted as a "red light". Although Towers gave no explanation for his action, he suggested two years ago that his. resignation would be a warning to parliament and to the country that issues of eurrency were be- coming excessive. The Huron MP said; "The fact that our dollar has fluctuated from 10 percent below the Ameri- can dollar to a high of three per- cent over the U.S. dollar and at present time is only worth about 40 cents of the purchasing dol- lar of the 1939 dollar, makes one wonder where we go from here." Allowances Too Low News of Elimville By 1l1RS4 ROSS SKINNER Grace Johns, Grace Routly and Mary Skinner appeared in the skating carnival at the Exeter arena. Mr..and Mrs. Ross Skinner and family were Thursday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs, Clifton Jaques of Zion. • Mrs. Donald Parsons and baby daughter, Susan, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrq. Al- vin Cooper. • Miss Florence Heywood, Strat- ford, spent the weekend with her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Heywood.. Mr. and Mrs, R. Westdorp, who recently purchased a lot from Mr. Harvey Snarling, moved into the community last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford,. of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Melville Skinner. Ilr, and Mrs. Arthur Rundle, of -`Thames Road, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skin- ner. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johns and family and Mr, and Mrs: Gilbert Johns and family visited on Sat- urday evening with Mrs. Edna Passmore, of Exeter. Mrs. Glen Bell and family, of Hensall, visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns, THE TINES*ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 24, VAS Protests against the revised schedule .of allowances for vete- rans are coming from all quar- ters, said Mr. Cardiff, but the requests have been turned down by government, Un er they revised schedule, single veterans will receive $60 instead, of the former $50 per month, and married veterans $1.98 instead of $9Q. The new permissible ceilings move up from $720 to $840 for single veterans and from $1,220 to $1,- 440 for married. "This is far .short of the Amounts suggested by the Canad- ian Legion, They ask that the rate be increased to $60 for single veterans .and $120 for married veterans ,with permiss- ible earning ceiling at $1,000 for single and $2,000 for married veterans." , On unemployment Mr. Cardiff said: Unemployment Ugh "The latest figures indicate that unemployment in Canada has reached a new high of some 600,000. This has been felt 'most severely in the larger cities. Al- most every day we are receiving delegations requesting that im- mediate action be taken to al- leviate the problem. Immediate action to find a solution is not as. easy as one might think. You have to have provincial coopera- tion. A Dominion, Provincial con- ference has been long overdue, and until such a conference is - called, an immediate overall pol- icy is impossible. "Canada is faced with a high cost economy" due to the easy financial polieies of the govern- ment since World War II.. This places Canada in a very unfav- ourable position with regard to world trade. For instance, our average,wage rate is around $1.50• per hour, while Germany;! and Japan's wage rates are from 45 to 55 cents per hour, and that, along with the difficulty in Cana- da of the devaluation of foreign currencies,and the present prem - Meet At Centralia The Exeter Unit of the F.W.T. A.O. • met at the J. D. McCurdy school at Centralia last Wednes- day nig it with Miss Donna Bow- den presiding. Mrs. William. Mair, Miss Donelda Adams and Mrs. R. D. Jermyn were named to present a slate of officers at the May meeting. An evening of court whist fol- lowed the business meeting. EI1STON CARDIFF, M,P. Tum on the Canadian dollar in New York, virtually wipes sant the effect of tarriff rates now existing, "Some think the premiunf on our dollar should be eliminated because this, along with other Report On Grand Bend By DIRS. 1H7, KEOWN Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fading -are visiting relatives Ia Sarnia .this week. Miss Shirley Luther+of London spent the weekend with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. John Luther. Miss Laura Foster of London spent Sunday visitingg friends in town. -Mrs. Elsie Yealland of London is visiting her sister Mrs. Wm. Rendle, and Mr. Rendle for a few days. Mr. E. Keown is a patient in Westminster 'Hospital. Mr. Jack Donnelly of .Cargill visited with Mr. and Mrs. (Harry Bossenberry on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird held a family reunion -at their home on ,Sunday, the occasion be- ing Mr. Baird's. birthday. Miss Shirley Anderson visited with relatives in 'Strathroy over the. weekend. ° Mr. and. Mrs. John McGill of Port Huron, Mich., spent Sunday tactors, improves the competitive position of United States pre - (Ricers by 18% over the Canad-; len industries. ' Wage Costs Jtlmnp "The squeeze conies in with high labour and material Costs .in Canada. The rise in wage' costs has hit the Canadian in-, iustry at a faster clip in the 'post-war period .than that of any competing nation. Regardless of •what the Government does for us, we will have to meet that challenge with blood, sweat and tears, if we wish to hold our present standard of living. "This will require the com- bined efforts of each and every one of us, without political in- terference, and the sooner we start changing the present trend, the better for all concerned. This cap be done but not without a combined effort. "The Government can help by stopping the flow of raw material across the border to be processed and then brought back in the finished product. This creates employment outside of Canada that does not tend to oreate°"jobs for Canadian workers. What we lack here is Government plan- ning. We have the raw material. for years to come. We have been much too slow in directing the capability of the labour force. Money is no longer an excuse. "High taxes have done much to price us out of the market. Why should we in this day and age have to pay from three to five hundred dollars tax on a car. An automobile is -no longer a luxury Nearly everbody drives a car, and it is very necessary they should. The farmers use visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flear, Women's Institute The Women's Institute `met Thursday when the roll call was answered by, a short personal history of the members. It was decided to purchase a clock for the town hall. ` ' Mrs. Harold Walper gave an interesting talk on historical re- search, referring particularly to the different ways of •educating children now than in former days. Mrs. iSmith spoke on the mot- to "Without vision the Nations Perish" indicating d i f f e r e n t countries which have collapsed through material rather than amor- al and spiritual vision: Mrs. Don- ald 'Hendrick gaye a reading on St. Patrick. .' , MP them. The business inen use them. The labourer, in some cases, would never get to work because of distance, if it were not for the car, These tal=es roust be changed, "The people Just can't be ex- pected to pay the same tax' as was paid in wartime, and yet ear taxes have never started to come down. The question is, liow long are we to stand for this sort of thing," HARPLEY Mr. and Mrs, Ted Jones and son, Randy, of Exeter, visited at her parents' home on. Saturday, Mr, Mansell Hodgins and sis- ter and Mrs. Ross Love and Kath- ryn visited with Mr, and Mrs. Clarence hardy, Lucan, Sunday and attended the christening ser- yice in Holy Trinity: Church on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cllen. Hayter, of Sarnfa, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. New- ton Hayter. Mrs. Gordon Ulens, of London, and relatives presented Mrs. Ray Gooding (nee Barbara Hayter) with a miscellaneous shower on Saturday evening.. .1. �! }U/11/lAI11lHMgAI11IIIIA!}AI!!yl!'1lAIllMI;}IIlAl11!lIIIR}Il/14lIINN4!!}!l/IMl�1l1lIM�A li 294 .. DUNDAB iLONDON, O 1T. '141N111 1 1 1 1 111 II YII 1 1 1111 IIIIAI 11111 1111 11 1 14 41,1 1 1 1 I IA14444114041A4444444$ . 1. !. I.A... AA AAA414.141IA 4N... IIU}I14Ml41NMlA4. 1.144444444411A41114$101N144414411111441441114l14111141441411144444111114144111144111111444,111444414111444114444404444441011440. H Aw J. COR NISH &.CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS H. J• Corni;h, L. F. Cornish,• D.:Mitchell Let me help you "fashion" your figure I ani your Spirella Figure Stylist. 1 can 11e1p you "fashion" your figure with a Spirella foundation wardrobe—every brassiere and girdle made to your own . measurments— every garment created for you, and you alOne. Your Spirella Figure Stylist Mrs. V. Armstrong. 89 Anne St. W. Phone 125 SALE CONTINUES ALL NEXT WEEK SALE CONTINUES ALL NEXT WEEK 4, A WILD TORNADO OF PRICE' DESTRUCTION IN OUR. QUITTING BUSINESS SALE. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIII1111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllilllllllllllllllllllllll[Illllilllilillllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllll(111111I111111Illllllllllllllllllf111111111411111(i161lilllfllllllilllllfll611111111111111111111111111111f111illilllllll ONE LOT ' ALL , ALL REMAINING Nylon And Cotton FINAL PRICE SLKNIT HATS BLOUSES WOMEN'S BETTER DRESSES Values To $19.95 $ 00 FINAL PRICE EACH GIR.DLES Final 1 .2 Reduction pRICE Formerly Selling For $1.97 Values To $5.95 Values ON SALE •• To $7.95 .$ 00 • 'FINAL PRICE EACH BED $� 97 JACKETS TERMS CASH! ALL SALES FINAL Nylon Hose BOYS' &' GIRLS' CORDUROY Overalls ° Sizes 5, 6 and 6X Reg. $3.59 .$ 9 7 FINAL PRICE LADIES' . CARDIGAN Sweaters 100% Nylons and Wools Reg. $5.95 . e - 917 FINAL PRICE 880 A RUTHLESS DISREGARD OF ALL FORMER SALE. PRICES LADIES' SILK KNIT NIGHT GOWNS $2 REGULAR $3.98 NOW LADIES' FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS Reg. $3.25 FINAL $ 1 97 PRICE STORE FOR RENT - FIXTURES FOR SALE HAT TRIMMINGS 47 lc VALUES TO 50¢ YOUR CHOICE air e . y ONE TABLE FULL OF Odds & Ends First Quality—All Going At 1 Low Price FINAL PRICE Values To $1.75 C NONE ,HIGHER ALL INFANTS' WEAR BLANKETS, -BOTTLE WARMERS AND OTHER NEEDS Greatly Reduced • The Time Is• SHORT WE Must Have ACTION 1 Values To $4.95 ALL GOING FOR ONE LOW PRICE OF EACH 50 Mobs Will Storm Our Door For These Prices -loin Them ! IIIIIIHIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111IIIlllllllllllllllllillllllllll llll11111111111mNIlUIIl1111lllllll111111IIIIIIIIIIIllilllllllll111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 C 111 ACROSS STREET • Ladies AndFROM . BANK OF MONTREAL niiarens ear Exeter, Ont SALE CONTINUES ALL NEXT WEEK SALE CONTINUES ALL NEXT WEEK: ■ Furniture Sale CONTINUES! Save Up To 50% OnEntire Stock BARGAINS -END APR. 2 -BUY NOW Griffin Thomas Furniture OPEN EVENINGS 7-9 PHONE 137 GRAND BEND SALE CONTINUES ALL NEXT WEEK SALE CONTINUES ALL NEXT WEEK 4, A WILD TORNADO OF PRICE' DESTRUCTION IN OUR. QUITTING BUSINESS SALE. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111UIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIII1111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllilllllllllllllllllllllll[Illllilllilillllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllll(111111I111111Illllllllllllllllllf111111111411111(i161lilllfllllllilllllfll611111111111111111111111111111f111illilllllll ONE LOT ' ALL , ALL REMAINING Nylon And Cotton FINAL PRICE SLKNIT HATS BLOUSES WOMEN'S BETTER DRESSES Values To $19.95 $ 00 FINAL PRICE EACH GIR.DLES Final 1 .2 Reduction pRICE Formerly Selling For $1.97 Values To $5.95 Values ON SALE •• To $7.95 .$ 00 • 'FINAL PRICE EACH BED $� 97 JACKETS TERMS CASH! ALL SALES FINAL Nylon Hose BOYS' &' GIRLS' CORDUROY Overalls ° Sizes 5, 6 and 6X Reg. $3.59 .$ 9 7 FINAL PRICE LADIES' . CARDIGAN Sweaters 100% Nylons and Wools Reg. $5.95 . e - 917 FINAL PRICE 880 A RUTHLESS DISREGARD OF ALL FORMER SALE. PRICES LADIES' SILK KNIT NIGHT GOWNS $2 REGULAR $3.98 NOW LADIES' FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS Reg. $3.25 FINAL $ 1 97 PRICE STORE FOR RENT - FIXTURES FOR SALE HAT TRIMMINGS 47 lc VALUES TO 50¢ YOUR CHOICE air e . y ONE TABLE FULL OF Odds & Ends First Quality—All Going At 1 Low Price FINAL PRICE Values To $1.75 C NONE ,HIGHER ALL INFANTS' WEAR BLANKETS, -BOTTLE WARMERS AND OTHER NEEDS Greatly Reduced • The Time Is• SHORT WE Must Have ACTION 1 Values To $4.95 ALL GOING FOR ONE LOW PRICE OF EACH 50 Mobs Will Storm Our Door For These Prices -loin Them ! IIIIIIHIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111IIIlllllllllllllllllillllllllll llll11111111111mNIlUIIl1111lllllll111111IIIIIIIIIIIllilllllllll111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 C 111 ACROSS STREET • Ladies AndFROM . BANK OF MONTREAL niiarens ear Exeter, Ont SALE CONTINUES ALL NEXT WEEK SALE CONTINUES ALL NEXT WEEK: