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Feminine Facts 'n Fancies
A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times -Advocate
Banquet Honors
District OffIt
A banquet in ,the 2,egion Hall
on Wednesday night parked the
official visit of District (Deputy
President Mrs. Anne Henderson
of 'Seaforth to Pride of !Huron
Rebekah Lodge.
N.G. Mrs. Lex McDonald pre-
sided for the meeting which, fol-
lowed. Guests from Seaforth, Lon-
don and Glencoe attended.
Pride of Huron degree team,.
with Mrs. Delmer Skinner as cap-
tain, conferred the Rebekah de-
gree on five candidates. Mrs.
Margaret Fletcher and Mrs. 'Wil-
liam Cann were soloists.
(Past noble Brands Mrs. Harry
Beaver and Mrs. s.es Gibson were
appointed representatives to the
Rebekah Assembly in June and
P.N,Gs • Hiss Mary Gardiner and
Mrs. Gibson were named to rep-
resent the lodge at the annual
meeting of the district associa-
tion at Seaforth on April 13.
Friendship night will be ob-
served on April 2.0.
D.D.P. 'Mrs. Henderson spoke
on the origin and meaning of
Oddfellowship 'which was organ-
ized over 100 years ago by a
group of five men and has be-
come one of the largest fratern-
al orders in the world. Rebekah
Oddfeilowship was organized in
Others who •brought greetings
were P.D.D. Mrs. John Little and
Mr. Little and N.G. Mrs. Mary
McKellar, Glencoe, Mrs. Russell
Doxranee, (Seaforth •and Mrs
Chris • Broom, London.
Local Young Figure skaters
Highlight Second ice Carnival
The younger members of the, Rutke, Jean Essery and Joan'Es-
Exeter Figure Skating Club, who Donald Morrpw, Gary Kauk,
opened the second annual carni-
val at ,the arena on Friday night
with their presentation of the
"Enchanted Toy Shop," were the
highlight of the program.
Sandra Snider as the Good
Fairy and Bill Klumpp as the
Toy Maker headed the cast of
over 50 children including Karen
Wade as Jack in the Box and
Jim Barton as the soldier.
Dressed as fairies were the
Good Fairy's court: Sandra Wal -
per, Mary McBride, Sharon Ap-
pleton, Judy Snelgrove, Donna
Norridge, Linda Westcott, Dianne
Willert, Heather .McLeod, Bever-
ly White, Judy Tennant and Kan -
da Busche.
In the role of baby dolls were:
Mary Fulton, Mary Wattie, Dar-
lene Snell, Jeanne Mooney, Col-
leen Button, Karen Jermyn, Terri
Laughton, Wendy Fetch, Susan
Svendsen, Mar 11 y n Shepherd,
Shari Robinson, Karen Wade and
Joy Jupp,
In Indian costumes were Don-
na, Ersman, Shirley Guenther,
Anne Fairbairn, Penny Lee Wood,
Sharon Button and Susan Fulton.
Raggedy Anns were Anne Hoc-
key, Margaret Howey, Sandra
Morrow, Marilyn Frayne, Linda
Tiernan and Janis Syrett; dancing
dolls were Linda Wainer, Judy
Brown, Barbara Janke, Elaine
Dutch Ilppk
atta boy, Dad!
our favorite Ice Cream
Mm ... boy ... just -right, cinnamon -tasting
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Dutch Apple Ice Cream tastes like! Comes
all ready to serve! Try it ... it's fabulous!
Available At All
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Good Food Chinese Dishes Open 10:30 to 1 p.m..
McFall; 'Grocer.'
Brian Hall, Jim Barton and Tim
Martin were soldiers.
Seventeen Sailor Girls did the
Sailors Hornpipe on skates. Their
costumes and the precision with
which they skated made it one of
the popular numbers of the show,
In the dist wereGrace Johns,
Nancy Boyle, Jane Farrow, Lou-
ise Hockey, Catherine' Hodgins,
Margaret Sanders, Martha Coch-
rane, Sally Acheson, Marlene
McBride, Grace Routly, Connie
Klutupp, Eleanor Hodgins, Mary
Skinner, Jocelyn Howey, Beverly
Whilsmith, Gwen Lightfoot and
Karen Essery.
This .group of skaters with
Marion Sanders, Janis Hamilton,
Betty Brady and Sibyl Crossman
added, appeared as Exeter Girl
Friends in a number titled "The
Boy Friend."
Louise Hockey, one of last
year's star performers, again was
a feature of the show with her
solo number "Polonaise".
"Tropicana" by Nancy Boyle
and Jane Farrow and a number
by Doreen Barton and Don Sharp
were popular.
Len Gaudette, of Aylmer, for-
mer •rec director at Liman, did
a clever comedy act and Den
Sharp and Doug McBride of the
Exeter club added to the humor
of the carnival.
Peter Firstbrook, professional
of the London and Exeter clubs,
demgnstrated his skill in a num-
ber titled "Danza Locum',"
Members of the London Figure
Skating Club, sponsors of the
carnival, who assisted in the pro-
gram included Carolyn ,Spellman,
gold medalist, Susan Peever, Pat-
ricia. *Slade, Sylvia Hutton, Bar-
bara Gailbraith, Kerry Leitch,
Bonnie Gailbraith, Sandra Ford,
Eddie •Collins and Gaye Clarke.
Shari Robinson, 4, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Robinson, .of
Centralia, youngest member of
the Exeter club, presented a tra-
veling clock to. Peter Firstbrook'
at the conclusion of the program,
Estimated attendance at the.
carnival was 800.
The prize for selling the most
advance tickets was, won by'Mar-
garet Sanders whose total was
Gram Says:
Let's Make
Mrs. Allen Wilcox, Cohocton,
N.Y., has answered our request
for the recipe for the cookies she
gave us when•we called on her
when returning from Florida. In
her letter she says these cookies
were popular in her home when
she was a little girl. Her mother
kept them in a stone cookie jar
in the pantry. We have made
some since the recipe came and
they kept moist and soft to the
very last cookie.
(Mrs. Allen Wilcox)
2 cups sugar (1 brown, 1
• white)
2 eggs
1 cup shortening (part butter
and lard
1 cup sour milk or buttermilk
2 tsps. soda
2 tsps. baking powder
1 tsp. vanilla
tsp., nutmeg (more if you
tsp. salt'
49 culls all-purpose flour
Cream shortening, add sugar
and blend well. Add eggs and
beat well. Add milk, vanilla and
dry ingredients sifted together.
Chill dough three or four hours
or. overnight. Roll out and cut or'
drop by teaspoon on buttered
pan. Sprinkle. with sugar and
bake in 350° oven. Makes 5 to 6
* * * *
Mrs. D. Heenan, Moose Jaw,
sent us her chocolate brownie re-
cipe. It differs somewhat from
one we printed previously.
(Mrs. Doreen Heenan)
1 cup brown sugar
1 egg
cup melted butter
2 tsp. eocoa
1 tsp. vanilla
1 cup chopped nuts
cup flour • •
Mix and spread in small
square pan. Bake in moderate
oven 20 minutes. Icing sugar may
be used to top it.
* * * *
Or if you prefer almond squares
Liquor .Offenders
WCTU Subject
Mrs. 0. W. Down, president of
the Exeter-Hensall branch of the
W.C.T.U., who conducted the
meeting held at the home of Mrs.
William Pybus on Tuesday after-
noon, read an article by Billy
Sunday entitled "Drunkeness
and Death are Related."
Mrs. W. C. Pearce, Mrs. Geo.
Layton, Mrs, Pybus and Mrs.
Down. led in prayer.
A clip sheet on "Reclaiming
the Woman who Drinks" brought
Out these facts: nine women's
organizations including the W.C.
T.U. are sending recommenda-
tions to the Ontario government
on the care of female offenders
of the•iiquor law.
There are now 12 women pro.
bation officers. Probatioir is pre-
ventative and reformative. Of the
3,500 women and girl over 16.
who pass through ci y, county
and district jails each year, be-
tween 1,400 and 1,500 are first
Offenders. Probation aims at pre -
Venting their' from, beeomfng rem
The daily cost Of keeping a
woman in a reform institution Is
four dollars a day, Probation
saves the Ooiliitry money and the
saving to aoolety in human values
is incalculable.
The next meeting will be held
at Mrs. Del Mooney'•s home,
you may try Mrs. Ross Krueger's
recipe. So let's make the family
happy with some nice, • fresh
(Mrs. Ross Krueger)
cup butter
cup brown sugar
1 cups sifted flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. vanilla
1 egg yolk (not beaten)
Mix well and put in pan. Co-
ver with
3 egg whites, beaten stiff
2 cups :brown sugar, folded la
Sprinkle cup almonds on
top. Bake 45 minutes in moderate
oven, Cut in squares while warm..
Odd Bits
By B. A.'
Of Skates
In two short seasons the local
figure skating association has
managed tQ4ncorporate into town
life a fine form. of creative ex-
pression --and with it an annual
evening of top entertainment.
This year's Bleating carnival
programmed skating toddlers and
professionals, skaters by choice
and skaters by mother's choice.
Best of all though, were those
we see and hear about every day,
who are concerned with living
right next door or on the other
side of town or in a neighboring
town ----the ones we know.
* * * *
Off Cocoon
Human children being so strict-
ly functional, we find it hard to
believe the transformation which
comes with a pair of skates,
music, a costume and the excite-
ment of performance.
The running and bobbing teen-
eenagers we see on their way to and
from school suddenly become
smooth -gliding interpreters of
rhythm. They don skates, discard
mittens and here are butterflys.
1Fbr their audience too, their
carnival *as akin to taking a
moment from the hodge-podge of
living to watch a butterfly on a
fine dax.
* * * *
Spirits reach to ° touch cool air,
Feel the whim of rhythm beckon,
Feel the tempo. lift and lessen,
Know of wings an. instant there.
Elimville Groups
To Help Korea
Elimville W.M.:S. and WA. met
at the hone of Mrs. Gilbert Johns
on' Wednesday, 1darch 16. Mrs.
Alvin Cooper led the devotional
period. Selected passages of scrip-
ture were read by Mrs.. Fred
Waiters and prayer was .offered
by Mrs. 'William stoutly. Mrs.
Hubert .Heywood sang a solo,
It was decided to paek' a bale
Of clothing and quilt§ for Korea
and members were asked tli bring
articles to the April meeting to
be held at the home of Miss
Verde Kellett. Delegate8 to the
Presbyterial in Wingham were
Mrs, Howard Johns, Mies Dora
e an i
d d Mise Ruth Skinner.
The titdy Beek chapters were
disoueted by IfrS, W. Z. Moores'
wand Mrs, Wiliihnn Johns, The
meeting •closed withprayer by,
Mre. Algin Cooper.
Federation Pians
Easter Service
The Women's Federation of
Ames -St. United Church planned
at their meeting on Monday.
night to conduet the evening ser-
vice on Easter Sunday. The mem
bers will present a drama, "Bar-
abas," and will provide the music-
al portion of the service under
the ,direction of Lawrence Wein,
choir leader.
.A. fashion show, sponsored by'
the Federation,will be held in
the basement of the church on
March 30. They will also sponsor
the Mission Band tea on the
afternoon of April 12.
The 'business meeting was in
charge of the president, Mrs. K.
G, Hockey,.
Mrs, Aubrey Tennant's group
conducted the devotional period
on the theme "The Church Uni-
versal in India". She was .assist-
ed by Mrs. Art Cann, Mrs. Ray
Jory, Mrs, Larry Snider and Mrs,
Bob Southeott,
The Study Book, .dealing with
"The Church in India, brought
out the necessity of church union
to overcome the confusion of the
many faiths now followed in that
country. Mrs. Tennant, Mrs, Win-
ston Shapton and Mrs. Doug
Insley conducted thie study.
Sandra Walper and Marlene
McBride sang two duets.
Caven Society
Studies. India
Caven W.M.S. met at the home
of Mrs. J. G. Cochrane with Mrs.
W, G, Cochrane and Mrs, W. G.
Simmons assisting the hostess.
Mrs. William " Sillery presided
for the business meeting when it
was decided to collect good used
clothing in all sizes to be sent
`to Korea.
The program, in charge of
Mrs. Carman Cann and Miss L,
Ballantyne, opened •,with a de-
votional period led by Mrs. S.
The topic, taken from the
The flower -fresh, dewy»
fragrance of elm GRASS
... inspiration for those
. who choose their
gifts with pride.
Elizabeth Arden's, most
unforgettable scent,
presented in four
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gift -wrapped for
Flower Mist -so'
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Perfume Mist -the
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In an exquisite
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Dusting Powder.
leach Salts -to
perfume the bath
with ve 'Bl o Grass,
fragrances. 13.50
Hun ti eyis x
Drug Store
moan 80 EINTNIt
Couple .At Kirkton Mark. Wedding •
On .March 15, Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Robinson of our village
celebrated their fifty-sixth Wed-
ding anniversary at their home.
Those attending the Celebra-
tion were. Mr. and Mrs. Eden
Robinson, Mr, .and Mrs. Jack
Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Robinson, of Woodham, Mr. and
Mrs. Harold IBrintnell, of Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs. lack 'Switzer and
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Marshall.
Fer§onai Items
My, and Mrs. 'Les Fairbairn, of
London, were Sunday visitors at
the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Wil-
liam Bladder,
Last Fridaythei Kirkton hoc-
key team journeyed to.Coboconk.
to play with the local team, The
Kirkton team lost 5-4. •
Mr, Gillis Haines, of Blyth,
spent several days with his .cou-
sin, Mrs. James More and, other
relatives, in the district,
Mrs. Mills and daughter, of
Windsor, were recent visitors at
the rectory with Rev, R. C. and
Mrs. Mills.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Pridham,
study bpok "Face to Face With
India," dealt with health condi-
onditions there. A Ministry of Health
has been organized showing that
the problem is being recognized..
The superstition Qf the people is
a hindrance to the work of the
missionaries and native nurses
are scarce because nursing is
thought to be menial labour.
Mrs, Rose Russell, ,Mrs.' James
Taylor, Mrs. F. Hatter .and Mrs.
David Millar assisted with the
study topic.
Mrs. W. Sillery gave an Irish
reading and Carolyn Simpson
sang two numbers.
The talent table was in charge
of Mrs, James Taylor and Mrs.
Harry Strang. ,
:H ayter s
Beauty Shoppe
For Better Permanents
Open 9:00 to 0:00 p.m. Monday
to Friday.
Evenings: Tuesday and Friday, to
9.00 -By Appointment •
Closed Saturday Noon
,Easter Carc!s•
Ste Our Boxed
14 Cards At
150 and 250 Each
ALL FOR $1.00 A BOX,
Gift -Shap Tree
Judith and. ;On were Sunday
visitorq with Mr, and Mrs. F. G.
Miss Robson, Director of Nurs-
ing of Victoria Hospital„ London,
and liar brother; Mr. Robson, of
Windsor, visited at the- home of
Mr, and Mrs. T. A. Wiseman on.
Mrs. T. A. Wiseman last week
visited with her sister, Mrs, Dick-
son, in Paris, and while to To
ronto attended a farewell party
for Miss !Margaret Balmer who
has been op, the nursing staff :of
Toronto General Hospital for 39
years. While in London, Mrs.
Wiseman visited her sister, Mrs.
Mr. Nathan Doupe is a patient
in St, Marys Memorial Hospital..
See the "Personalized
Service" albums at The
Times -Advocate.
Des :Beauty Shoppe
(South .ot ,lack Smith .Jowollor)
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A N AI,.
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-by Byrne Hope Sanders
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Too busy? Non-
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Work -,,Water -
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Take advantage of the SPECIAL
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Canadian fami-
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Cavalier quality hose for your
men -folk - and Nylon' Stretch
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Mr Daughter Was Beaming With Pride . as she held up her
tailored blouse. It was beautifully crisp and
gleaming white! She'd starched it herself with
GLIDE Liquid Laundry Starch . , . "It was so
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thousands of young women are discovering
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cotton dresses -blouses --children's frocks -
men's shirts, linen and curtains! They all look
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Instant starch! ' •In Nine Months We'll 411 Be Christmas Shopping! That's why 1.
suggest it's a good idea to open - now - a special
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the BANK OF MONTREAL. Then, when Christmas
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Enlist the aid of "My Bank" this week to help you
run your Christmas Savings Account - make it
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1 tIt. SPRED SATIN.... . , .V $2,20:
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