HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-03-24, Page 54 1 1 1 .7114 TINIESADV0aATE, EXETIA orirrmoot •TfamsDAY MORNING, MARCH Si Pure Bred Accredited- , Holsteins • a Fresh Claws' •0 5 Bred Yearlings—from good Plus Cows with Records up to n". 15,000 31084F as tennyear- olds. • 1 ' 1. 4.a • 5 Heifers. Born in 1054-8 of these are Sisters to the 8 times World Chalnpion Heifer, Gra- haven Milestone Mona, • Also one nice new Heifers suitable for Calf Club, and a couple .of Well Bred Bulls. Sandy Elliot 476 EXETER 71% of the Dairy Cattle in Canada are Holsteins •Add To Usborne Hallo 1r • Turn Down Vaccination An Additien to Eliniville town., ship hall to provide •!Or a latch-. en, toilet facilities an n a -Yault for storage of municipel records was approVed by Usliortle COuncil At he Meeting last Ween. The -additien, which yill be built on the weet end of the pres- ent buildieg., wWxealte the build- ing more useful for Meetings, RePresentetives ot the Elintville BrAnch of the Women's Inatitute, lifrs, Charles Stephen, Mrs, Har- old 13en and Mrs. Gilbert johns, interviewed council regarding the addition. 0910101 Met in regular month- ly session with Verne Pineorabe Presiding and Councillors Harold nefferY, Harold Henn Clayton Smith and Hugh Love in attend- ance, Breeellosts petitions signed bY cattle owners hi the township were presented by Arnold Cann And Horaee Delbridge represent- ing the Federation of Agriculture. Some 191 cattle owners Voted, in ruins Don't Suffer . HEAD COLDS, WAY, MN- if US respond anstantlY to the I use of. NAMELESS Cold Fi Remedy, Convincing trial F. (pocket size) 25e. Ask for it at Browning's, Sanders' Jones', Rivers' and MePalls' Stores. (Excellent for child- 1. ren) YOUR GUESTS WILL FIND OUR HAM SO NICE THEY'LL ALWAYS ANOTHER A WANT L C COOKED HAM Per i;b, FISHERMAN'S SALMON 794 Oz. 'Tine .. 'KAIDANA TEA BAGS .. 85c SOCKEYE 3for $1 100,.,950 JOHNSON'S SUPER HARD GLOSS GLO-COAT Per Pint 59c CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP, 5 Lb, oLARK'S PORK & BEANS for 37c Large • McFALLS GR.00ER,Y (70.QUALITY .6, COURTEOUS SERVICE MAIN E.. WELLINGTON — EXETER on, . • •nn 0.n• "0-‘1' onde- 1. •d. (tv-e 49 01 N, tot 6.4.p. ooe 0n, n-'61.9,1)0 %non' nt nnnoP - N‘e‘ n nno. nnnv ne$ nnn 0. no. nen v2„0-• 0 • s'n`e' ne.411 no‘ 040 ,P• nen eln nn, eo nen n 1,16 •"` M 1 X Western Ontario's Most Complete' Seed Service Jones,Macliaughton SEEDS LTD. EXETER . .CRED1TON • LONDON Putrouite Your Loral Dottier favour of the by-law. Council de- cided not to net on the petitions or -pass the bynant because 191 cattle owners did not make UP the required 60/ per cent of the cattle Owners in the township. The Flynn Municipal Drain, re- port from the Township •of Ste- phen was rein, min proVielonally adopted. Connell Agreed the court of revision. be held On the day of the next regular meeting, April 11. Tenders for the construction the nieir drabi were opened and the cOntract was awarded to Frey Brost at their. tender price of •$626..00. This, was the loweet of five bids ranging as high as 4890.00. The ten collector reported eon tatting all owners in arrears for three years as instructed and that arrears of 1904 tae e had been reduced to a total of $6,91031. Road superintendent was in- structed to contact adiadent land owners with a view no disposing of road alloy/arta°, if a buyer could he found. The Clerk was instructed to engage C. Pi Cor- bett, 0.L,S., to survey the prop- erty. R tna d' appropriation by - providing for road. expenditures to a total of $40,000, was passed subject to the approval of the On- tario Department of Highways. Road superintendent's report was passed including road ac- counts to a total voecher of 922.77 -on motion of Jeffery and Hern. ° The treasurer reported receipt of $12,931.10 to general account including the balance of the 1954 road subsidy front the Depart- ment of llighWays of $11,881.96, and $60.00 to the Roads and Bridges Account. Current'accounts in the. amount •of $828,00 were passed including the rebate of the Provincial Aid to Drainage grant .to ratepayers on the Heywood drain. Huron County \ Crop Report. While some fair runs of sap were reported earlier in the -week, the maple syrup • make to date has • been small and is selling locally for $5.00 per gallon. IFour 'hundred people were oa hand for the Open House Pro- gram at the Seaferth Rural Cora- munity Night School. when . the courses of instruction were con- elnded for the season.. panel, discussion on Developinents in Fruit Growing" highlighted the annual meeting and banquet of this 'organization at which 75 growers and guests were in attendance. Local seed supplies are. rapidly 'becoming exhausted, numerous enquiries regarding sOurces of Rodney and Gerry Oats and Brant •.barley are still - being -reeeived. River Authority lilans Tree Day The Ausable' Valley Conserva- tion. Authority i planning to• Stage its annual spring tree - planting day in McGillivray Township this year. School children in McGillivray will be invited to compete in tree -planting -contests on the farm of Earl Lewis. . • The event is organized by the reforestation and public relations advisory boards of the Suthority. 44•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4•Wo4.4.1.4 The Story In Saintsbury. MRS. H. DAVIS Guild Plans *Play The members of the Guild of Patriek's Church met at the home of Init. R. Greenlee Thurs- day afternoon. Mrs. T. Kooy, the president, was in charge of the prayer service and Mrs. .T. • kine read the scripture. Roll call was answered with a household hint and an article for the June bazaar. Plans were made for a play to be held in the Parish Hall on April 12. Mrs. L. Weiberg brought in the quilt which the members minted at her home. Luneh was served by the lide- tess assisted by Mrs. Atkinson and Mrs, D, from a table centred with spring flonterS. Benefit Dance A. benefit dance was held in Ballyinote Hall ort Wednesday evening for little Jimmy Dickina, four -year -Old son of lir. and Mrs. A. Dickins, who has been suffer- ing from rhenniatold arthritis ,for the past ten months. Honored By Penally Mrs. R, Mains, of Exeter, was guest of honor at a family gather - at the home of 1Vir, and Mrs. D. Maguire ori Friday evening in celebration of her (birthday. The family laresented her with a set of door chinless. Guests included Mr. and Mrs', E. Athinsen, Inn and lire. 11. Davis, M. and inrs. IL Latta and family, Mr. and Mrs. Darker and fatnily, ktr and UM. Greenlee and boys, Almarie and Melia Davis and 1.Yourtg and D. • Tindall. Personal •Items Mr, and Mrs. Itugh Davis and 1Ieather attended a family din- ner at the home et Mr, and Mrs. )11, Ottinton, a London, Pridity. kr. and Win. M. McDonald and Joyce, visited with Mr. and ,Mrs. Dickins, of tallyniote, gutt- day. Atro.W. J. Davis returned. home On Saturday, liaring opera n • wr 1, 2 NEW 441 MEMBERS—Seven district boys and girls began their first 4-H project Friday night when, they became members of the four clubs organized for this area. The new mem bers are: back row, left to righl.„Jira Hyde, R.R. 1, Hensall; Doris Cornish, Woodham; Mar- ion May, R,R, 1, Centralia; Dennis Cann,•R.R, 3, Exeter; front row, Stanley Desjardine, R.R. 1, Grand Bend; Ernest flter R.B, 2 Dashwood; 13111 Eileriugton, B.B. 3, Exeter, Over 80 joined 6-H clubs last week yid more members are expected before the actual projects be- gin, •—T -A Photo I / Did you got your shore of 46001000000? 61111,IntAnnil wbo sblp their wool to Canadian Co-operative Wool 4,i:rowers Untited aro always - sure vi top pricest.carefid weighing, reliable .grad - Out to addnkoatbeybave shared in iymp,ond,cliviviends mom* ing to a total Of over 1609,00040 Si4e.41 1945..Did you receive your Share as a co-operative nitiPPer? There aregreater profits from wool vtltea yon sell tbe Co -Operative way. Obtain full particulars troln our Registered Operator is your . Area, or write: '411000110.1'ConnkfPritiVit YAW 'Orovors 217 1141r 000 1.101010 TORONTOI ONT , .., . . ., ... , ... . ... neemel, .... ii , i nsimienneseleineeeneeteannainsas i ansani.,,,,,,,,,, ii , ii anne,,,,,,assons.,,,i r 5 By Reg ,Armstrong One thing that makes us especially proud is the nunrner of people who buy their first used car from us, let us service it, and then as they move up, come back to buy newer cars from us, Servicing by good mechanics is the most Important single point in preServisig the value of a car. But there is so much an owner can do himself to got more Mileage and more dollars out of his tar. Take the simple little matter- of keeping tires properly inf l ated Tires that are overinflated wear out quickly in the middle of the tread: Linderinflation is just as bad. It brings' overheating winch causes the layers of fabric inside the tires to separate, Wandering and weaving on the road can be caused hr under -lunation, and a pull to one 'side can 'result from unequal inflation of the front tires or from not having matched treedS. Underinflated tires, can cause a shimmy, too. • All this worry can be saved by nothing more complicate - ed than checking YOUr tire pressure. When you've ben running around town, pressure should be no more than three pounds above the recommended cool pressurel on the open highway five pounds above is all right, These are the important little things you'll learn. bY talking to the people on our lot and in our service depart- ment. When something really goes wrong, those mechanics have the machinery and the know how to fix it. But line any good doctor, when nothing is really wrong, they'll tell you. fl11I,IuIluI;I&IIIII!uIa;IttIffitttIl1IIfthIft1I1thI1uHUIluIUI lIlltlfllUIflUlihlIflIJiIIllIUtIt ENJOY RABBIT BANQUET—Over 200 district hunters enjoyed rabbit supper at RCAF Station Centralia last week. The banquet was prepared 'by the Sergeant's Mess from game shot by the bunters during their winter drives. This is the third, year the suppel• has been heldfit was first, organized in 1952 by W01 Jack Dougherty. Bill Etherington and Andy Mailers, Earl Dixon and Ken Sholdice enjoy the meal. (Photo by Butryn) PHONE 26 DAYORN&HT GWRYSZER-PLYAVUTA4/7,1,e &&12941a 9ventsdnineedn_ EXETER. - ONT. Of GUARANTEED USED CARS %WIN Kirkton Fair Elects Slate At the annual meeting of Kirk - ton Agricultural Society, Clayton Smith was elected president; vice-presidents ' are Wellington Brock and Fred Doupe; secretary - treasurer, Alex P. Crago. „Directors: Rae Stephen; jas. Willis; John Berry; Milne Pun len; 'Clayton Colquhounn Jas, H. Robinson; T. A. Crago; Harold Clarke; T. A. Wiseman; Roy Nethercott; Ross Dobson; Chas, Atkinson; R. E. Doupe; Chas, Paul; W. R. Kirkby; Clarence Switzer; Milton McCurdy; Hugh Berry; Newton Clarke; Jos. Tay- lor.. ,Lady directors: Mrs. Clayton Smith; Mrs. George Wilson; Mrs. Ed. Hocking; Mrs. Nelson Wat- son; Mrs. Emerson Paton; Mrs. Jas .Robinsonn•Mrs. as, Willis; Mrs, Robt. Ratcliffe. A Dairy Calf ICIub, a Beef Calf Club and a Corn Club are plan- ned for 1955. Local Men. Visit Research Farm . . W, C. Allison and Thos. Eller- ington, Meter, were among ap- proximately 800 'farmers from the*Province of Ontario who vis- ited the Purina Research Farm at ,,Gray Sainmit, Missouri, last week and spent the following day touring the company's mills and research laboratories in St. Louis. This was a special train which was known as the "Farina Spec- ial" and they spent one night in Detroit enroute, two nights in St, Louis and then Stayed over- night in Chicago on the way back. This Week In • Winchelsea By MRS. P. HORNE Mr. and Mrs. Clarence HAW- kins and Leonard of Anderson, Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Brock and boys of Crediton Were Sunday visitors With Mr. and Mra. Ivan nroek. Misses 'Helen and Anna Henn •of Zion Omit, Friday and iSatur- day with Miss +Margaret Brock, Instni Lynn and Wry are improving lotto -wing an attack of starletilia which is prevalent in • the neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Batten vis- ited on ,Sunday With XT. and Mrs:, Ilarry Armstrong near atensall. Mt. and 'Mrs, Newton Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. Hateld Clarke and Bobby visited at LiStowel an Stinday, Mr. lila Virg. Boy Johns of Exeter visited tnt Sunday with Mrs. Stidgeott, Mrs. John nehtte and Tennyson.. " MSS Wilma Walters of LondOli Spent the weekend at her hewn here. the pest week visiting friends in London township, 4 Most glarnorous way to arrive most excitin way to go! Thereare few possessions from which you can derive the pride 'and pleasure that are yours when you own a Chrysler. Wherever you make your appearance in this magnificent motorcar, your arrival becomes a'note-, worthy occasion. It introduces you as one who' appreciates truly modern beauty—tadefully simple. in design and masterfully crafted. Every time you turn the ignition key of a new Chrysler, you're ready to discover again a driving pleasure without equal. The quiet purr of a mighty engine invites you to travel far away from the cares of the day. Luxurious surroundings coax you to relax and enjoy each mile to the fullest. To sample this pleasure, drive a new Chrysler soon. Note the admiring glances that come your way when you ride in this superb automobile. Then you'll iealize that you belong in a Chrysler I Manufactured in Canada -by Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited 5 beautifully and totally new for 19$5 VISIT Youn OURYSLEItor'LVAIOUTII.PABOO DEAI.,Ert SOON REG. ARMSTRONG MOTORS .Exete-r Phone 216