HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-03-17, Page 8'Bs..6 THE TIMES -ADVOCATE, EXETER* ONTARIO,* THURSDAY MORNING,, MARCH 17, 1965 Attend Father* Fennell Nr. and Mrs. Ken Lampman spent several days i. Burgess, grille and Norwich owing to the death of Mr. I.ampinall's father, Mr. Freeman Nelson, Lanlpinan,. Who dle4 on Maroh 8. at his: !LOfl 6 near Ilurgessville. Funeral services were. held .en Friday at the d., O. Arn funeral' home, Norwich. Interment was in Eurgesavllle Baptist iaelnetery. manoti Ternsw Yes, the built-in quality shows up on the big 21g Aluminized. Filter Face Picture Tube- PHILCO'2016' with new FINGER. TIP TUNING Senior is the value sensation of the year in a custom -styled table model with Built-InRange ruder. Rich gold beading on the frame bighligbts the cabinet of Mahog- any, Walnut Sr Light Oak finishes to combine beauty with complete operating efficiency. Built-in UHF VHF Aerial. Russell Electric ?hone 109 Exeter e Auction Ads I.i. The Tim vocate FOR SALE BABY CARRIAGES—Like new. P3ione 7794 Deter. LAWN MOWER, reconditioned. Write Box $24. Exeter. 17e MILKING MACHINE. De Laval, 2 single units, in good .condition. Phone 42-r-15 Lucan. 17s GIRL'S COAT, navy, all-weather, size 8, May be seen at Brady's Cleanelr7s, DINING ROOM SUITE buffet; china cabinet; round :extension table and chairs; $80. APp1Y 94 Gidley St. 17.24_ SPRAYER with 80 gal. tauk and 6 h.p, engine, with 50 ft. hose; nearly new spray gun, in good working order.'Apply Ivan Sbarrow, phone 136 a • oil. 17c Dshvo FEED TURNIPS -16f bushel; also Clipper seed beans and cob corn. Ap- ply Frank Lohius, RAI. 1, Centralia. 17* WRECKING '39 CHEV—good parts. Phone Kirkton 22-r-11. 170 OATS at 353 a ton. Centralia Farm- ers' Supply. 17c SEED BARLEY, Montcalm, 32 bus., grown from Registered Seed; also Red Clover, 335 bus; Timothy, $12 bus: all seeds power cleaned. H. CI Wright & Son, Cromarty, phone Iiensall 690- r-22. 17:24* DURHAM COW, good, fresh one week. Phone 176-r-5 Exeter. 17c KAV Tablets For Calves GIVE AT BIRTH TO PREVENT, SCOURS Prevention is Better Than Cure Are You Rini Down After Flu and Colds? USE Formula 10 V Tonic Midd[eton's Drug Store Hensel' — Phone 20 F. By Reg Armstrong In the past we've talked a bit about safety, speed laws and the testing of b"' '' cars, But, as the old saying goes, the most important part of a car is the nut behind the wheel. Bad driving, I've always felt, comes more from not knowing the Mules than from outright cussedness. For driving on the open highway the three things that worry us most,. I think, are how closely should you follow? How much room should you. allow to pass? How can you defend yourself from bright lights? 'When the driving is good, the weather clear and the highway fairly straight, the best rule is to allow one car length between you and fellow up ahead for every 10 miles an hour of speed. At 50 miles au hour, therefore, you should be at least five car lengths behind. At 60 miles an. hour it takes at least 10 seconds to pass another car and you should have at least 600 feet of clear, straight roadahead. Keep in mind that for safe passing you need the length of two football fields, a long, long way. (I'd sooner be driving It than running it) . 'The rule on headlight ;glare is better known: keep your eyes on the right hand side of the road. That keeps you on the road and helps to keep the light ,out of your eyes. And, of course, every nut in the car—except the one behind the wheel—should be thoroughly tight. A sound, reliable ear is not only a big step towards safety in itself, it gives you, as the owner,a peace of mind that brings hap- pier, safer driving. That's why the cars on our need car lot are tested, tightened and tried, before they're ever shown to you. ,41/ 40, / Re tIW/ff,w)oRs PHONE 216 Mem NIGNT G'/Y YNbe'PCYMOI/T11 folre EXETER — ONT. oEG�•0 aE ste&de �c- (- 4RANT b ED CAR$ q„tln"Y,ntlU"u",n,"u,,,,"rrrlegYarUua W urnunlntl,➢n„rU W,,",pr"Ir"rnu„,,"nelrOu11u,1Unr1,i,l,rtUYrl sassiiimiemao FOR SALE. CHESTERFIELD. 1 -piece, wine. in good condition reasonable. Apply 289 William •St., phone 751-.L 17e BABY BUGGY, blue; Quebec heater; cook stove, and a gtrautity of baled mixed .bay. Apply A. Gaekstetter, R. R. 2. Hensall,: phone 675-r-33. 170 70 OLIVER TRACTOR --Motor just overhauled, in good condition. Apply Murray Sheppard, R.R. 8, Parkhill. 70 HOLSTEIN HEIFER. due in April, bred by Waterloo. Artificial Unit; also •Lorain seed pats, grown from regis- tered - ter d seed. A p 1Y Leonard Herrin phone 33-18. 17.24 SHREDDED STRAW—A. p r 1 y Steve Basa, R.R. 1, Clandeboye, phone 881 W-4 -4 Fete 10:170 r 10 CUSTOM CAP zZING and started capons on order. phone 57-r-23 Dash- wood or apply Carl Oestrelcher, 2 .,17-4? MILKERS. new and used. Contact Lovell McGuire, Surge Service Dealer, Winghain, phonfe 593, about your cow milking problems. We deal in milking equipment °n13. 3: 3. 10, 17, 24; 4: 7. 14, 21, 28 SUFFERING FROM Backaches, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago is over if you let RUMACAPS help you to relief. Ask your druggist. 30' MISCELLANEOUS CUSTOM 1 -WAY DISCING, Apply Earl Neil, phone 62643 Exeter. 17tfc More CC its . By DOLLARS jo ni gRthe Exeter Credit Union you can establish sav- ings and credit for emergencies. Through a Credit Union Loan. .you will be able to buy those needed ap- pliances. Inquire at the Savoy Barber Strop, hours 9,00 to 5.00 and Thursday evening, 8.00 to 9.30. 17:24c SPRAY & BRUSH PAINTING—Ar- range with us early for spring paint- ing. Reasonable rates. Lyman, Grat- ton, Phone 53 Grand Bend. 10:17:24:31 'WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used” Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. -For service or information Phone Clinton 242 col- lect, between 7:30 and 10:00 A.M. on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. on Sundays. tfc CARPENTRY -- Cupboards, remodel- ing, repairing, inside or outside work. Apply Abe Schout, 32 Victoria St., phone 410-W Exeter. 30tfc S. S. S. S. Why bother with dull tools. Let us recondition your saws, knives, scis- sors, garden tools, etc„ etc. All ma- chine sbarpened. Stew's Sharpening Service, Sanders St. East, phone 454, 2tfc "STANDARD OF THE WOODS" — McCulloch Chain Saws! All models and complete service (we rent) avail- able at McCulloch Saw Sales, 428 Huron St., Stratford, phone 1061-J. 9-l6tfe FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERING AUTO TRIMMING Slip Covers—Custom made or Installed Phone $8 HUGH WILSON Exeter NOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estate of David John Fuss, deceased, Ali persons having claims against the estate of Davi John Fuss, late of. the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about February 19, 1955, are required to file particulars of same' with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors.of Exeter, On- tario, by the 19th day of March next, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard ofily to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario. 3:10:17 In the Estate of Henry Charles • Ford also known as Harry Ford, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Henry Charles Ford, late of the Township of Usborne, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the 25th day of February, 1955, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exeter, On- tario, by the 26th day of March next, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrix, Exeter - Ontario 10:17:24 In the Estate of Marcus Wild,. late of the Village of Grand Bend, in the County of Lambton, deceased. All persons Maiming against the above estate are required to forward full particulars to the undersigned by,.April 9th,, 1955, after which date the assets will be distributed. Donnelly & Donnelly Goderieh, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 17:24:31 r► 2b% —50°jo Discount Furniture.. Sal 2 Weeks Only— March 18 to April 2 ENTIRE STOCK GREATLY REDUCED Thomasrr��r�'e OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 131 •GRAND BEND FOR RENT BARN AND HOUSE: 5 acres of land Exeter.ort }118hway, Apply 357 Carling t.. APARTMENTS, complete bath, out- side entrance,newly decorated. Ap- ply 351 Carling St., Exeter. 17v HOUSE, 4 -bedroom, 2 miles. from Ex- eter. Apply Roylance Westcptt, phone 176-r-14 Exeter. 17* FURNISHED ROOM, for single man or girl. Phone 257-W after 7:00 p.m. or apply 59 Huron St., W. 17 25 ACRES low drained land, suitable for sugar beets.APPl .Reber t Mac- Lean. phone 684-31 Hensall. 17* COTTAGE, 2 -bedroom, on Albert St., -piece bath, furnished orunfurnish- ed. rW ish- ed. Apply 448 Albert St. 170 ROOM, also apartment, Available now. Phone 202 Exeter. 100 FURNISHED APARTMENT—Recent- Iy painted and papered. Apply 68 Sanders St., East, 3-10tfc UPSTAIR APARTMENT — Separate entrance 2 rooms and large bath, unfurnished, partly heated; available now. Apply 585 Main St., South. 170 APARTMENT Unfurnished — Immediate Possession Hot and Cold Water — Fresh, Clean Recently Painted and Papered Central — On East Side of Town Close to Schools phone 143 Exeter Stfc APARTMENT — Bath, hot and cold water, two bedrooms, kitchen and living room, full basement, on high- way at Shipka.—Albert Geiser, Credi- ton, phone 6-J. 9-9tfc FLOOR POLISHERS and vacuum cleaners. Power lawn mowers. —Bea- vers Hardware, Exeter. 7-1tfc WANTED CHILD'S CRIB, second-hand. Phone 541-W, Exeter. 17e WANTED TO RENT -2- or 3 -bedroom house. Required early in May. Harry Devries, phone 779-J, Exeter. WANTED TO RENT --House, 2- or 3 -bedroom, unfurnished, in Exeter or vicinity. Phone 486-W, Exeter. 17c WANTED TO RENT—House, within 3 miles radius of Hensall, hydro pre- ferred. Apply Box 32, Hensall. 10:17• foss WANTED HIGHEST PRICES PAID Thos. Welsh And Son Hensall, Ont. PHONE 109 REAL ESTATE 100 -ACRE FARM on highway, 1 mile from town, in bean and sugar beet area, good buildings, hydro, oil fur- nace, bath. For further particulars apply to Exeter Times -Advocate. 17:24e 75 -ACRE' FARM—Large barn, drive shed, 9 -room brick house, hydro and pressure tmi es east oh f Centraliat. Ap• ply Joseph Dobbs, R.R. 1, Cen- tralia. 170 1 -STOREY HOUSE — Living room, dining room,, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, new oil furnace. William Pearce, Realtor; Earl ,'Parsons, Fred Cole, salesmen, 3-10tfc SMALL WARTIME HOUSE. Phone 692 Exeter. 10:170 BRICK HOUSE, 1% storey, 4 bed- rooms, living room, kitchen 8-plece bath, hot and cold water, garage, 1% acres good garden ]and, Phone 520 Exeter. 3:10:17e 100 -ACRE FARM—Brick house, bank barn, drive shed, hydro in buildings, 1% miles north, 31. mile east of Bruce - field. H. M. Taylor. 3:10:17• HIGHWAY 100 ACRES, well located for schools, churches, canning fac- tory; new barn, water inside, medium size house, 35 acres permanent pas- ture, fall plowing, wheat. William Pearce, realtor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cole, salesmen. 24ttc BRICK HOUSE -3 bedrooms; newly furnished; kitchen and bathroom; extra lots; good Exeter location; price $4,900. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. INCOME PROPERTY—This Exeter property is showing a very high re- turn on investment. We will be glad to give you details. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter, 2 -STOREY HOUSE, nice kitchen, a- piece bath, almost new furnace, air conditioner, garage, conveniently lo- cated for churches, schools and shop- ping. • Fred Cole, ,salesmen.rl 80tfe. 2 -STOREY HOME, living room, dining room and three bedrooms; modern kitchen and bathroom; good heating equipment; choice E xeter location; possession to suit purchaser.—C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Sxeter. 1, LOOR HOME—This brick house has three bedrooms and Is nicely fin- ished throughout and provides every convenience for comfortable living. Nearly new. Very low dash payment will handle.—C, V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St., Exeter. WHY PAY RENT? Let us show you this eomple'te 2 -bedroom home. It Is beautifully finished and ready for your oceu an w h u c it o t fertile!' Mayo be purchased 'pith ow down payment, 0, V, Pickard, Realtor, Main St,rExeter. , 2 -STOREY BRIC3C—This house Will provide a homo for a large family and an income from a separate apartment. Each unit is complete with a separate bathroom, kitchen and entrance; oil heated' torme, C. V'. P1 k aril Realtor, Mein St„ Exeter, 100 ACRES Clay loam, suitable fOr sugar beets; cheap enough fee pas- ture, Stephen. William Pearce, Real- tor; Earl Parsons, Fred Cele, Sales - Men. 2tfe NEW ASBESTOSSHINGLE 14f1'oot' house, full ba8eineht, automatic air conditioned 011 furnace, 2 or .3 bed.' teorne, modern kitchen, Colored bath. roomfittures.—W111ian1 Pearce, Real- rtoore �ICarl Pardons, Fred Cole, Silo - EMPLOYMENT WANTED DUTCH WOMAN would ]lice house- work, full of part-tirne. Apply 94 Alexander .St., Exeter. 17* FARMERS! Arrange now :for your farm help, Experienced Holland fam- flies. Also wanted to rent -50, to 100 - acre farina. Write Henry Nyhius, R. 3, Exeter, phone 172 -r -3L 12-lOtfc STOCK WANTED ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt and courteous service on all dead or die- abled farm animals, Phone collect, Ed Andrews, Seaforth 851-r-11, Ex- eter 235. `' 16tfo DEAD, DISABLED STOCK — Seven- day week service for horses,cattle, sheep, pigs, calves, .—Glen ennedy, 1 8-W Lucan or Exeter collect 6 Ex r 235.• 9.2tfc I AM 1N THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter, tfc TENDERS WANTED CRUSHED GRAVEL Tenders will be received by the Township of Stephen for 9,000 cu: yds, 3i -inch crushed gravel; loading rate • hauling from Montieth's pit; flat anywhere in the township, and rate for loading and crushing; town- ship truck. A deposit of 9200 must an, company tender and be in the hands of the clerk not later than March 31. Work must be completed by June 10, Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. F, W. MORLOCK, Clerk 10:17 HELP WANTED APPLICATIONS for the position of clerk -typist with some bookkeeping experience will be received up until March 21, 1955. Apply, stating exper- ience and salary expected, to Herbert Wainwright, Secretary P.U.C., Grand Bend. 17e SECRETARY with shorthand and typing required by Exeter office. AP - Ply in writing to Box "EL", Times - Advocate. 170 WOiLAA as mother's helper, Mother works afternoons. A home rather than a large wage. Write Box "G", Times -Advocate. 17c • I am looking for a reliable man with a serviceable car to sell Raw- leigh Products in the Townships of Usborne, Biddulph and Blanchard. The Products are well known in this district, so here is a splendid oppor- tunity where you can get a permanent and profitable business established. See me at your earliest convenience. Louis E. Johnston, Rawleigh Dealer, 31 Main Street, Exeter, phone 183. 10:17:24' AUCTION SALES Extensive AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real. Estate, Auto, Livestock, Farm Implements, Tractor, Hay, Grain and Household Effects' On the Premises Lot 19 Cdn. 10, HAY TOWNSHIP, First farm south of Zurich The undersigned auctioneer receiv- ed instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1955 Commencing at 12 o'clock p.in. sharp REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot 19, Con. 10, Hay Township. 50 acres 05• good clay loam on which is situat- ed a well built 2 -storey brick dwell- ing, newly built _hip -roof barn, 58x 42 -ft. ; new double garage; large im- plement shed; combination poultry and pig stable. Farm is well drained and fenced; also in good state of cultivation; never -failing water sup- ply. Convince yourself by seeing this ideal farm before day of sale, Terms: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days: Sold subject to a reasonable reserved bid. HORSES: Team of good work horses, sound and reliable. CATTLE: Roan colo, carrying sec- ond calf, due in April; roan cow, carrying fourth calf, milking, due in May; roan coil; carrying third calf, milking, due in May; red cow, milk- ing, with calf at foot; red cow, car- rying fifth calf, due in April; 2 baby beefs averaging 750 lbs. each. ready for market; 2 yearling heifers; 5 steers, rising, 2 years old. These are all top quality Shorthorn cattle. HOGS: 3 York pigs, ready for mar- ket; 6 York chunks. AUTO & TRACTOR: 1936 Chev coach recently overhauled, in A-1 con- dition; John Deere A.R. tractor, in good condition, like new. FARM .IMPLEMENTS: John Deere binder, 6 -ft. cut, like new; Men. 8% - ft. spring tooth cultivator, like new; 11 -run fertilizer drill, like new} MeD. 3 -furrow tractor plow, like new; MCD. 14 -plate horseelrawn disc; McD. 10 - ft. dump rake; Deering mower, 6 -ft. cut; new power take -off mower, 7 -ft. out; Quebec sulky plow; 2 -drum railer; 4 -section diamond harrows; 3 - section diamond barrows• 3 -horse cul- tivator; set of bob sleighs, like new; 2 -wheel trailer and stock rack; 1 horse nuttier; 2 Steel tire wagons; new 16 -ft. rack; grain box; Clinton fanning mill and bagger, like new; grain grinder; new 60 -ft. 7 -inch drive belt; new 140 -ft. 7 -inch thresher belt; 2,000 -Ib. cap. platform scales; colony house, .8x10 ft.; pig box; circular saw; roll Woven wire; walking plow; cut- ter; buggy; wooden water trough; large assortment of new lumber; quantity cedar posts; root pulper; wheelbarrow; set of britchen har- ness; tun'? knife; 10=,4 -ft. iron gate; small gate; extension Fadden complete set of dies, 1 4-'12-gauge to 1t4 -inch' in size, .22 genuine new X12 gauge hammerless double-barrel shotgun; 2 cross -cut saws; 3 logging chains; small chains: block and tackle; post hole digger; 2 horse blankets; hay fork; step lad- der; fire extinguisher; forge; anvil; quantity of Cord wend; chicken shel- tern; press drill; large assortment of valuable carpenter tools; hydraulic jack; lawn mower; shovels; forks; barrels; collie pup, and many articles too numerous In - mention. HAY & GRAIN: Quantity of mixed hey; 700 bushels mixed grain: 10 bushels red Clover seed; 2 bushels of alfalfa seed; 1% bushels timothy seed. This Is all choice grain and seeds. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS; Dining room extension table; 6 chairs, Singer r sewing machine; kitchen table; 6 chairs; studio Couch; 2 leather rec- kers; 3 oak rockers' antique rockers: centre tables; 3 hall trees; large and ; la e; 4 p arnait mirrors,nip , complete bed- Men sets; mate; retia; Comforters; bedding, Resortmenc of fenty dishes; alasaWare; kitchen utensils• treaters; crocks; 2 kitchen stoves; coal heater; 3 oak barrels, 'eta, etc, U/a TERMS: CAST. Due to this extra large 'sale, selling will start at 12 o'clock sharp, . Every- thing is in first Claes condition. flan teeth o t grounds, nil to attend. Boe n p e ro LT) ft n HARo EzcTir.RT EARL Lev' 1v ul,EST rowta , ExeCutora for the Estate of the late David J. Fuss S7!'ADI5 & WE1D0, Clerks ALVIN WAtiP.F.R, Auctioneer 13311 & Laughton, EXoter, Sblieitora Clearing AUCTION SALE, Of Farm Stocic, Implements, Hay & Graih. W, E. Nairn, altetloneer, will sell by public auction on LOT 29, CON 6 (Roman Line) MIoffDDLNo,ESE4HiX ghCOUNTY 1 mile :from St. Patrick's Church, TUE, MARCH 22, 1955 ComrSDAYitencine .at 12:30 the following: STOCK: 36 cattle, consisting of 3 pure-bred holstein cows with calves by side; 2 pure-bred Holstein heifers, 8 months old; 4 Holstein cows fresh, some milking 60 lbs, per day; 3 Here- ford cows, due in April; 4 fat heifers; 6grass steers, 850 lbs., Hereford and Durham; 9 grass steers and heifers, 600 lbs; 6 young calves. BOGS: 3 Yorkshire brood sows, due In March! 13 shoats, 125 lbs. each; 2 brood sows with 12 pigs each. FOWL: 4 turkey hens; 1 gobbler. FEED: A quantity of hay; 1,500 bu. mixed grain; 150 bu, seed oats. IMPLi7MENTS; Case SA tractor, in good- shape; 3 -furrow Cockshutt trac- tor plow, on rubber, like new; 3 - section set iron harrows, new; M -H 13 -disc fertilizer drill, nearly new; John Deere double disc; 3 -section spring tooth cultivator, nearly new; walking plow; sugar beet lifter; rub- ber tired wagon and rack; 5 -ft, mower; new side delivery rake; fan- ning mill; set of scales; electric fence; Universal milker, 2 single units, piping for 14 cows; Viking cream separator and motor; Woods grinder; buggy; cuttel; harness and collars; chains; forks; heavy jack; shovels, etc. No Reserve—farm is rented.Terms: Cash day of sale. Lunch available, MRS. HELEN NAGLE, Proprietress W. E. NAIRN, Auctioneer • Clearing AUCTION SALE of Tractor, Threshing Machine, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain, Livestock & Household Effects On the Premises Half Lots 13 and 14, Con 14, Hay Township, 111 miles west of Dashwood and 3 miles north; or 2% miles west of Zurich and 2 miles south. The undersigned auctioneer receiv- ed instructions to sell by public .auc- tion on TUESDAY,MARCH 22,1965 Commencing t12:30 o'clok sharp HORSES: Team or good work horses. PUREBRED AYRSHIRES: Regis- tered Ayrshire bull, 16 months old, "Craiginbrae Dick" from the noted herd of Archie Armor, Dorchester Station; 7 Ayrshire heifers, carrying first calf, some fresh, remainder due at time of sale. This is an exceptional good herd of heifers from high pro- duction herds, rich blood lines and pedigree. GRADE CATTLE; Holstein cow, 7 years old, milking with calf at foot; part Holstein and Hereford cow, milk- ing; Angus cow. 8 years old, milking; part Angus and Durham cow, milk- ing; Angus cow, 6 years old, due at sale date; 2 part Hereford and Hol- stein heifers, bred Feb. 4; 2 yearling steers. HOGS: 2 York sows, due at time of sale; York sow, 'bred Feb. 8; 9 York stockers, averaging 135 lbs. each; .6 York stockers, averaging 100 Ins. 'each; 6 York stockers, averaging 85 lbs. each. HAY & GRAIN: 200 bales of choice timothy and alfalfa hay; quantity ,of loose hay, mostly clover; 450 bus. of mixed grain; 400 bus, of Beaver seed oats; 25 bus. of feed "beans; 3 bus. of alfalfa seed. TRACTOR AND THRESHING MA- CHINE: John Deere A.R. Tractor, in A-1 condition; Dion 22x38 threshing machine on steel, fully equipped, in A-1 condition; 120 -ft. 7 -inch thresh- ing belt. IMPLEMENTS: International bin- der, 7 -ft. cut, nearly new; Interna- tional double disc; 13 -run fertilizer drill; International 3 -furrow plow; Fleury 2 -furrow plow; M -H spring tooth cultivator; 2 -drum steel roller; C o c ks h u t t horse-drawn manure spreader; 2 rubber tire wagons; '16 - ft. 16 -ft. flat rack; 4 -section diamond har- rows; hay rake; mower, 5 -ft. cut;, horse cultivator; M -H bean scuffler and puller; Oliver puller; 14 -plate disc; Vessot grain grinder; 15 -ft. hammer mill belt; cutting box, fan- ning mill: oat roller; Delaval electric driven 650 -ib. cap. cream separator, like new; 2,000 -lb. cap. platform scales; extension ladder; bag truck; walking plow; single scuffler•; corn sheller; emery; set of bob sleighs; rubber tire buggy; quantity of belt- keing; 200 -gal. rn; large iron ttle;rss drill; root pulper; half- barrel molasses; 35 onion crates, Cy- clone seeder, new; carpenter tools; quantity of mixed cord wood; har- ness; pails; forks; ropes, and many articles too numerous to mention. HOUSEHOLD , EFFECTS: Heintz - man piano and bench in brand new condition; 3 -piece Chesterfield suite in good condition; 2 Congoleum rugs, 9x12 -ft, and 9x9 -ft; Brunswick phono- graph with 80 records; bureau; kit- chen chairs; baby buggy; copper boiler; crocks; sealers, etc., etc, NO RESERVE as the farm is sold, This is a large sale, everything In first class condition and will start sharp on time. • TERMS: CASH. WALTER MILLER, Prop. R. F. STADE, Cleric HAROLD STADE, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer ORANGE CRANK, Tuesday morning on Andrew Street, 'Apply Gilbert Dow, Exeter, . 10* AUCTION SALE . Of Farm Stock & Machinery LOT 13, CON 10, HIBBERT TWP. 1 Mile East of Cromarty THURSDAY, MARCH 24 at 1:00 p.m. CATTLE: 7 Holstein cows. fresh, with calves at foot; 5 holstein cows, due to freshen in April; 4 Durham and Hereford cows, fresh and clue to freshen by April 15; 1 registered Here- ford bull, 2 years old; 5 Durham and Hereford calves, 500 to 600 lbs. Pigs; 20 York hogs, 175 pounds; 30 Tam and York chunks, 3 months old; .0or Y k eh kv Mtn 100pounds; 18York chunks, 75 pounds; 0 York pigs, 8 weeks old; York sow, due time of sale; York sow, clue April 15; 'York sow, re -bred: York hog; a number Of hog self -feeders. MACHINERY: New Holland hay baler, Model 76, fully equipped with motor, in NO. 1 working condition: John Deere corn harvester,. M good rendition; M -H 13-diso :fertilizer drill, fully equipped; John Deere 14 -inch hammer mill; 700 -pound concentrate and chop mixeg; 30 -ft. grain elevator; 3•furroty Massey -Harris tractor Plow; Tnternetienal manure spreader;. tow bar for a 27 Massey eornbine; 1 oat roller; fanning mill; 6 -ft.. MoCormlek- Deering mower: set of farm sleighs: wagon bait; Bulky rake; 11-2 to 21-3 McCermick-Deering gas engine like new; 2 h.p. electric motor; 2 used Ford tires, 102.28; 1-presC power drill and bite.. MILKING EQUi1''MIINT: A Unl- eersal milking machine, pipe line,' three single 'Units; Viking electric 011e33 cream separator (trete); milk pails and other dali'y equipment. CHICKEN EQUIPMENT: Chicken feeders, water fountains, brooders and other chicken equipment; 40 COrdS Of maple body Wood, 12 -inch. FEW: 50 tons mixed baled hay; 10 tons baled straw; 10 feet of corn ensilage. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: upright Heintnrnan Plano (geed), HAROLD 3ACt<SON, Aut oneer CARL WALHISR, Proprietor E. P. CHE5NI2Y, Clerk 17 LOST COLLIE DOG --Dark, :bobtail. Answers to the name of "Cubby". Phone 614- J2 Exeter. 17o BUDGIE BIRD, blue. Answers to "Terry". Finder please notify Mrs. Worrell, 506 William St. 170 BABY CHICKS FOR SALE ORDER THE BRAY choice of breed or cross you prefer•-.lbut order now, To get them growing for the better markets, Wide choice. Prompt Ship- ment, Some started pullets, Roasters. Ask us for list --let's have your order, Agent: Erie Carscadden, Exeter, Phone 246-W. 17c IIIIIIIIIIII111111llllllllllll111111llllllllllllllllll111111llllllllllllllllll111111111111llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll111111llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll11111111111111111111111111001ll TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS '39 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $69.99 (Licence No. E46Ti4. ) '40 DODGE SEDAN (Licence No. E8670) $ i�J3eQQY9 '36 '39 '38 '47 PLYMOUTH COUPE $1499 (Licence No. A,1030) ■ FOB,D 2 -DOR (Licence No. MR60) $39.99 PLYMOUTH COACH $69.99 (Licence No. ,44430) DODGE SEDAN $199.99 (Licence No. 860Z5) ■ This Is Just A Sample • While They Last Exeter Motor Sales , Fred Dobbs, Proprietor DODGE & DESOTO PHONE 200 1111111111111111111Ui111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllll1111111111111111111IIIIIIII111111111111llll11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111' ICE CREAM Mm . ; ..boy ... just -right,` cinnamon -tasting "apples 'a la mode"! . . . That's what luscious Dutch Apple ice Cream' raster like! Conies all ready to serve! Try it ... it's fabulous! Available At All York Ice Cream DEALERS c%• Exeter Grip Good PoodaChinese 'fishes --Open 9:80 to 1:80 mime F R D1 J MAR Ei" ■ .. eats Grocery •, . • m $ 1 • • Ix K •