HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-03-17, Page 6THE TIME TIMESAIWOCATE4 EXETER,. ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 17, ION ON GUARANTEED PAs$ BOOK ,ccOUxxs NIGHER RATES Mi TERM DEPOSITS TIE PREMIER TRUST COMPANY 42(Rk ul StA:eel:, Landon Telephone 4.2716. ,!MMSMMNMN.40.M w g/11noIMNwpWpgNtNMxwuxxlWORI ulxunwsimAlA9ur fA11111111A1s/,. Crippled E p Children Your Donation Helps Them Get Well Buy And Use Easter Seals Special treatment and exercise is often prescribed for crip- pled children during their lengthy hospital stays. The Ontario Society for Crippled Children in association with more than 300 Service Clubs throughout the province annually conducts the Easter Seal Campaign to raise thefunds that are neces- sary to ensure this treatment. This year's Campaign runs until April 10 and has an objective of $550,000. Send Your Contribution NOW To Graham Arthur Chairman, Easter Seals Committee Lions Club Exeter News of Kirktofl Nr MRS. FRED HAMILTON W.M.S. And W.A. The Kirkton W.M.S. and W.A. met at the one of Mrs. T. A. Wiseman Wednesday, March 9, Mrs. Wesley Doupe, Fourth Line group leader, presided over the wersllip service. Those taking part were Mrs. Anderson; Mrs, Delmer Johnston, Mrs. Stuart Shier. Mrs. .Alvin. .Crago spoke .on. people in India, dealing with the caste system and planeman. It was decided to purchase a blanket for the next bale. Mrs. Hazlewood gave a short review on the `'Missionary Reading Shelf". Mrs. Alvin Crago, president, opened the W.A. meeting. Mrs. Stuart Shier led" in prayer. It was decided to purchase flat- ware for the church kitchen. Ladies Guild And W.A. The Ladies Guild and W.A, meeting of St. Paul's was held at the home of Mrs..Gerald Paul. Presidents Mrs, A. ' Irvine and Mrs. J. Roundell conducted the meetings, Mrs. R. Humphreys read the scripture passage. An interesting paper on India was given by Mrs. R. A. C. Mills. Personal Items Mr. William Morrison and Mrs. E. Davis, of London, are visiting Mr. and Mrs, Russell Morrison this week. The A.Y,P.A. of St. Paul's Anglican Church held a skating party at the Mitchell arena on Friday evening. After skating, 15 of the members returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garth Blackler for games and lunch, PLANT A HEDGE Order Now — shipped at the _ proper planting time. FREE�I 3 Perennial Baby Breath !Plante for EARLY orders. "Beat Quality Only" CHINESE ELM—Easiest and Fastest Growing -9 -inch size, $ 100 for 52.59;1 eh 12 -Inch ze, 100 size, 55 50; Mitch isize.1100 for 56.95; 2 -ft. else. 258for $3.98 or 515.00 6 98 or 525per per t100.sq, 25 for PRIVET— "Amurense" varlet y, me um growth—the only hardy kind; 18 -in., 25 for 53.98 or $15.00 per 100. ROSA MULTIFLORA— "Nature's Hedge of Hardy Roses" -18-1n., bushy, transplanted, 25 for $3.49 or $11.95 per 100. RED BARBERRY—maroon - red all 25 for $5.98 o000 $22 for 00 Per 100.1n•' PAEONY ROOTS—(Exhibition stae) 11e0, white or p nk, 3 for $1.98. E With Every -Order With Finest Colored Garden Guide Brookdale-Kingsway Nurseries FRE BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ,Phone Day or Night: Market 3-3345 Exclusive With Mid -Town as ween irr LIFE NEW DRY CLEANING DIStOTERY rneans all fabrics can be cleaned to be -free of lint- 111114R1E d sta y, free ofsi-afic CLING'1'REE Mid stay. for brighter, cleaner clothes, insist on lint -free .. crag -free cleaning, completely safe and effective on all fabrics and on all colors. *potent applied fon product and protea* THE DAVIESYOUNG SOAP COMPANY Dayton, Ohio It's new... a miracle process! Now all fabrics... from dark, soft finished woolens to new synthetic "man-made fibres"... can be dry cleaned throug}i the "Buckeye Clean-Charge""process with this amazing result: the fabric actually repels lint . . even minute lint and dirt particles. The fibres themselves are cleaner, and stay cleaner ... colors and pat- terns remain bright and fresh looking weeks longer. Even troublesome "clinging" static is removed. Buckeye Clean -Charge`, tested and approved by leading independent laboratories, has solved one of the major problems of the dry cleaning industry. Watch'for the progressive cleaner in your community w"ho_features"1.inhfree,', ,'"Cling -free" cleaning!" WITH D 0 V '�P E R FA.tVIOl7S This Amazing New Discovery Altow,s Nid-Town To Give You The Greatest Dry Cleaning' Service Ever! Mid -Town Cleaners Phone 33 1.. Free Pickup & 'Deliver. .. Ey DOUG SMIUI ing again this week. Mohawks take on Legion in a two -game series to declare :a win- ner for the finals. Kinsmen pulled a surprising upset over Legion in an exhibi- tion game Sunday taking the game with a 1-0 shutout. Wein scored unassisted,, Minor Hockey l31,00111 Ball Mohawks knocked off Dash- wood 2-0 last week to make the fourth playoff spot. It was a fast and furious game from start to finish. The teams went scoreless to the •14.10 mark of the third when dancing Derry Boyle drew two Dashwood players, shifted an- other and laid a perfect pass on- to Effie "Blitz" Brintnell's broom and Brintnell made no mistake. At the 1$ -minute mark, Murray Brintnell drew the lone defence - man, passed to Smith who jam- med the ball behind Hoppin' Hoperoft for the insurance mar- ker. A. Willert for the winners, was outstanding. In the second game, Red ,Line Parsons teamed up with "Pro- test" Middleton to score the only goal for Teenagers but Thames Road came back strong and Mac Hodgert teamed up with Bev Morgan to tie up the game and series. This series is a two -game goals -to -count series and a win- ner will be declared this Sun- day. Ladies' broom hall started Iast week and evidently a lot of fun was had by all for they are play - Report From Baseline By MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE Miss Dianne Marriott of the Bell Telephone,- London, who has spent the past two weeks holiday- ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marriott, returned to her work on Monday, • Mrs. Harvey Beecroft and son, Ricky, of Toronto, returned to their home on Sunday after visit - Ing for a week with the former's parents,- Mr, and Mrs. Harold Berry. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Marriott, Ronnie and Mary Ann, of St. Marys, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Dewar. Alvin Coward is able to be at home after spending , the past month in the Children's Memor- ial Hospital, London, Mrs. Herbert Beer, of Munro, spent last week visiting her. daughter, Mrs, Oliver Baker, and Oliver. Murray Thomson, Eighth Line, was a weekend visitor 'with his uncle, Howard Rinn. Mr. Fred Rinn, of Innisville, Alta., is spending some time with his brother, Mr. John Rilin. Mr. and Mrs. David. Spence, Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson at- tended the Masonic At -Home held in the Granton lodge rooms on Friday night. Miss Ethel Wilson was a week- end visitor with her brother, Wil- fred Wilson, and Mrs. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Carman Rinn, Gail and John, of St. Marys, were Sunday visitors with William Rinn. Mrs. David Sheppard, of Allsa Craig; is visiting this week with her daughter, Mrs. Duncan Mc- Naughton, and Mr. NcNaughton. Mr. and Mrs, Donald McKin- non, of Cromarty, were Friday afternoon visitors with Mrs. Ben Wilson and Charlie. Mr. and Mrs. James Gardiner and family, of Thames Road, called on their aunts, Miss Louise Hackney and Mrs. Ben Wilson, Thursday evening. Miss Marilyn Brine, of Wood- ham, was a weekend guest of her friend, Marian McNaughton. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hernan- dez, Richard and Patricia, of Harrow, were Sunday visitors with Mr.. and Mrs. Howard Swit- zer. Mrs. Hernandez, Richard and Patricia remained over for a week with her parents. News of Elimville By MRS. ROSS ,SKINNER Elimville Euchre Club was held on Friday evening with Miss Ver - da Kellett as hostess. Winners were Mrs. Charles Stephen, Mr. Harold Bell and Mrs. Franklin Skinner. Rev. W. .J Moores and Mr, Floyd Cooper attended a Young People's banquet and meeting at Godeoich on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Coultis and Neil of Toronto spent the week- end with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ceultis. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques and Yvonne of Zion visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs, Ross Skinner. Miss Donna Murch of Toronto spent Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Skinner. Letter From Harpley By MISS M. HODGINS Mr. Gordon Whiting, of Cen- tenary, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Love on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sherritt are holidaying in Florida, Mrs. Joe Kalep, of Detroit, spent the past week with Mr. and Mfis. >+ red McLinchey. Mt'. ,and M. Gordon 'Diens, of London, visited Monday with Mr. and Mre. Newton Hayter, MrS. Joe Carruthers held a quilting at her home eft Tuesday. Our minor hockey jamboree was the best show of the year with outstanding hockey played by all teams in the Squee•'Gee league, Seals decisioned the Pen- guins with a 2-1 score and won the league championship. Blue Devils were declared champions by virtue of their 3-2 defeat over the Red Devils, last year's champions. Lavend, Wells, Butson and Carscadden were all in on the Blue Devil scoring. Statton and Selkirk got the goals for the losers. Bob Jones led his Canadiens to a 2-0 shutout over Red Wings by scoring two goals. Bob has played some terrific hockey this year and is the most improved player in the league. He also won the scoring title with 36 points. Leafs knocked off Rangers 3-2 on goals by White, Boyce and Graham, Exeter Bantams tied an ag- gregation from London 1-1 on an unassisted goal by Bab Arm- strong. This was the best game of the evening• and had the crowd on the edge of their seats from start to finish. Fourty-two dol- lars was added to our minor medical fund, giving us a total of $124.00. Carnival Coning Big attraction this week is the Exeter Figure Skating kCarnival Friday night. A wonderful show is assured with over 100 partici- pants including the London Club. Any fathers of the children who belong to the club and who are free Friday a.m. or afternoon could help out setting up the stage, Glad to have help. f Garages Sunday and Evening Service Open this Sunday, Wednes- day afternoon, and during - the evenings throughout the' week: Sunoco Service Station Second Trine In, Bddulph By MRS. H, tiLSO1!T Personal Items. Mr. and Mrs, ,Carman Rinn and family, of St. Marys, spent Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. Orville Langford. Mrs, Lloyd Johnston and fam- ily, of Ailsa Craig, and Miss Bar- bara Lewis, .of London, spent Snn- daw with their mother, Mrs, Jes- sie Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. John Spacek were in London on Sunday visiting Mr. Paul Kopal, who is a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fisher and fancily of London, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brien and family, of Centra- lia, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Fischer,. Mr. Bob Eagleson, Ailsa Craig spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Atkinson. ittrs. Allan Elston, David, Shei- la and Wendy spent Sunday with the latter's grandmother, Mrs. Gibson, of Coldstream, Mrs. Leo Flannigan, of Lon- don and Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Leach of Ilderton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blair. onitnll umma naummutAlAp111 umelommi nglnliiiiii unn1u11nI1ng111nunuiiiiiii u1mulnnln11niWale Under New Management COMPLETELY REMODELLED Chicken in the Rough ,SOUTHERN STYLE Wendy's Shanty in the Pines (Formerly Pat's) Re -Opening Sat., April 2 ALL MODERN EQUIPMENT Come Out For Your Spring Dinners Orders To Take Out THREE 'MILES SOUTH OF GRAND BEND Your Insurance man is a good man to know! His experience with all types of insurance is a valuable ally' when insurance problems arise. He is eager to give you honest, sincere counsel for he knows that to be fully protected, you must have . the RIGHT insurance for your needs. Feel free to call on him at any time. Phone: Office 24 Res. 162-J - W. Herman Hodgson "The Insurance Man" m, ti LSMFT '53 MONARCH SEDAN Everything But $1,850 KitChen Sink '63 FORD SEDAN OKomatic ,Radio $1,695 CHaV COACH t5 Moor Overhauled 81,195 .'500< CHEV COACH $950 '49AMS eal OR' SEDAN 5495 '40 DODGE COACH 575 A Cheapie Trucks '64. FORD PICKUP Auto '51 AGood odn a Br. �7 FORD.O.. S1 MDemonstrator ., 81,450 '49 FORD TRACTOR '52 FORD 3•TON TRENCHER '50 METEOR SEDAN 5050 NeW Make ,.., 81!400 Doi gouat Own $1!795 Overdrive, OK ,. '49 FORD PICKUP Only '48 CHEV'3-TON CHASSIS A Good One • $500 '50 FORD �i�a Motor Overhauled 5650 A Good One I 5450 '54 FORD INDUSTRIAL LOADER '60 DODGE 3 -TON Like New ..,..... $500 STAKE, I'm Tired5325 Of Seeing It •P�7 '41 FORD, A Cheapie Motor Overhauled 5400 '39 CASE "R" 5250 A Good One +gFF TOOTH CULTIVATOR, Only 5135 Tractors .,run,lil,fl,illn1111113 II l3lni11111 dill iililt1111111111111nnlilnilmll !11111 I111,l IIIIll11111Il I sill sill nln 111llil,Ol,lliitllitilltlllliimYilltllmmlillllltilti Itllnii IIIIY1111nm11Y1mll,il,1,lntililllilllllti11mlei nunlllOtntnultnlnulnlllut Larry E Phone 624 Ford and Monarch Sales and Service • Exeter, • Ont, ,„„„Miilnh'NIIIi11.„,„,...li,l...1lld1i ..,.li1Yli111i.„,lll11111111/11 imuoinituniirluonisMoifiniumlinl is 1it1111 uli IIiumilust111niili1n1111On1milll111i11mii1111111t11Yiilll ull Emil mil lllllal 1111TH i 111n111111u1111111lmi Term