HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-6-1, Page 4tie p ie. --s carle.ft ctrl■l Valuable Piece of Land -- 1 FOR, SALE, 1.140.1 .M. A 041191 spPear that dm plague, or sons* other tesrtul eud•-tea has long been wuci• I ON farerahle tense of payment. Tke fol.; paladin ib•Ibtny. 7 M Gest hapoleea, who luwi__nprotec�t'o vt'ttg� SAi td big j �1 was very supinutlous, as wag 1rret wen nulslfer�U on *hi 1'Lih 'Yui.' of Liodepcl ane' Ion red aiw plat" 4:7•et Twit."'" i" township, cuotaiumg by &dwelwu .4cent 40! she pealictiuns of Md.. Ia.uruuad, well rrres, mora tar ler, upon .Llrb /Lrrr tat hew■o es • Iwoles•venal prophet n, Y one, fir titteen acme Attired. This land is m a aaarirferty years, sad -.leu the confidante of favorable situation, being within live mil, a 01 barna. the town tat' (1','Wn. 4100, a valuable Al the Congress of .fix la Chnpellr, he'd pruprny in the village of Knitters. one ,hal! hi Dili, whim Napoleon was • a•aptive u, .it.' acro et Imnd, •gaud farm, huuse, shop, .ut Seleps, Sim Oa." m ws lwuwrand rttrscu•d much stable nn the premises. Vita world br r good •It•■tipe aaonF the eiu,erelgn., end ucceed- !situation fors tall„' or saddle and harts sl eel a, parsrcularly intermitter: t" hlpperur 1 maker u there is none in the •iciuity. Alexander u1. Sawa, who, indeed, ke4. a • Lestber or stere Coals, at wholesale vireo wrong tankaey w wntteiam and pflam, i .1111 be taker for either of the abort whteh was fowsn-0 by 6utnrndly•iut.•rcuures! places. with Madame h,udeoer, a re visionary visionary JAMES STAN1.1 V, ea wen as all avowed seer. e- ! 4,1$41 CCesla,ere !,, p.. L.wortward and Krudeaer not only '• told _ -. __ - -�•• w forums," ent pofimuc b,ad.y and largely. & J SEEGiI►iYA/ER Y tease events of lemons, and it cannot 1. denied that their mysterious wane.. 11 had 1 1 ' weigh% with die manse* penmen,. h• rn (ire T 1\ I'w IZ v loamy. In ln,i,4, a tomtit pamphlet sap .4 a. .4 s_ puall/had in Uermarty pru:wao g 1.0 roman a••ne. of pruptwllc f.ovelattona foetid'awry 4 T T\ *h. pspt"of gormand, wlru bad dlk It 11 L1 /i L C� years beforeet. art .410ere,1 .,;e. It i, wterww that tads publication earned great alte•tOS, and obtained fur Se erodes',, 1 IS ehrerghout, alma It year 1..6red aOleic LEATHER Fit DINGS• Ot bar eveuer, teat m the year Ir33 Oleic would beau bump's!' war upot,ii sans r so.l, FARM for SALE. asAL . P•hhljns .f o. 17. ton 1 es N WAr•'A\l)W1, corupru,ur dNE''i�OIgt1WWACES, 110 etesm1l1 r. Ivrea, literal. Apply to the F:xe .lora `M the I1.I•te u1.the lath Wm..:luu., Pun.ionue p.,1. - tAtur•lauun. U••. 1a., Iso.. ev37.t TAILQRING D. .A 4l M a' BEGti to inform his old friends and the publio generally that he h EYI'H\B I(1. 41U111I $I7it /rem.: RE -OPENED in for sI,- van dntteong eleouragemeni he hs• recrrgvduur•• 1.u• c.nu.esced Lu•ute•• to ,ludo• I .ARSONS'1)I ,O K Carrying o BI1SI08S$ EXtBttSIVeIy a Next dt,or to Mr. BUTLER'S 300K-STO1:E, where everything in Y TAKE NOTICE! KIRK: HAS OPENED AGAIN. THE SUBSCRIBER A BY -LAW To wise by stay of Loan fht .rtes o f Twenty Thousand Dw!lun for the palletises therein WWtiuntet. S instructed by the proprietor. Mr, 1bM I' Eaton, to eat by Cubit., to Auctivu, on the SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS & PUMPS. premise', un •sled psritrel•rly drew wwntWi to hie as sled wdl warrant 16am 1.0 ucr W' beat IroW BayIeld Gravel Road, Stadq. AUCTION SALE 0r A VALUABLY. FARM. • C. i0.. Trueman GODERICH FANNINU MILL AMD Yltunp Ff,(otory THE SU BSC'RIBERHPOS 1'O INFORM tto. tnhal1Na.str ut the comities el' Huron aid Itrere 1bet he a will klasulleWrier, sad bat or Med • numb., u1. Lae 1�WH6al:A6 the Cgrp rrstivn of the Ueited WEDXI�7JAY 5th JULY 1865. Re, l ,uuties,nf Huron cud Hruee Isa re. ' ' Mille. ( r7.nunelAus •t unr u.a•l .ck, p. m., thY ver eolvwl 1.0 (ire u, 1.i revel end iurproye se'm'is was, e> kle, vbrr. J1 r. Yuwpr 'rale le order I4»ods and Iliyhwa)a, with the Ieeeswry K .. .10Ule fans, bests lel 11, hall* i 1.r Iln)'6t 11119 01•n10J. Moat., wwn0btp u1. @tan ley, bell • auk I the 0 Isgh u1. Fame, 6 wiles of Clminu, end 6 of Pertery oa Nr/r•a 4,., brew.•. VI0Iryutrnt Se•u,etb-1e' items, omni w law. about INI sense •ad ('u.,E..0 fjed, W' whlrh are .leered. un the inverters an s .0 ar name Men, r 1.0 souse nsJ r 1'uun Abs.., agent G.r the rale of Mor ea's premrme sag patent, 01.1IYATIIH. whim has ur1er ..l fa vergeneralsetts c faded M, R Ir two N fanners who hsv wee them. HENRY DOD1�, OtderlcI Aprilltsd.1'114. 19 Bridges fur the same,'wltkle the said Cuuuty as of Huron, Arts w'eaag•a the laid improvements •re entirely eabm the County ot Huron, and the net t 6 tlxlwuw tat ■laliing ibe "me W to to defrayed °n•be,d tai shout 1W {warp, vnuueovu,e to her, This lien is in I Ilse pert of rbc County, w1. a by the said L`uunty irrea4e.•live of the ceding gravel road, the sod of the heal iue1 y, County of !truce, the Lura or Debt will 114. Ind ore roga,ree 1n M wen to be appran•ted. I paid by 110 said County of Hurts, mrd the Funbrr p.n.:Wanran 1e Mdunyplamtew 10 i Hate hereinafter mentioned wi I be named A. LEF1tuY, t..q„ b•ru.ler, O0dlIlh, 4'1014,• axle 11 iia the ratr.ble property within the au aero •rr. (said7 I IN W 1 fernsl.bo•nl wry will be m.Je kuuwa at Woe t'umAy of Iluwn: A$s wa►a►•s to Utak• Hid iota effect the said reviled ubj,•ct it Uudench, Slay 101.1566. .161,1 will bel Net•essary for the said Corporation to rale the win of 1'reuty Thousand Dollars, Bale 111 the mother bereil.•tter reeet!ntted: Asti For Vale at a Bargain. j wns..ro it is expedient to define the vesper Ove 1muuuts to be expend, don each Lino of 'IAT ystosl r ani ehpldy setwted stupes! &e., will be wild cheap for CAS11 or Ill ':change for Dairy Produce. Rued intended to he improved. it shall to I 1ulbw 'IOW.01tiodrrr,h 6wu,n5 Uwe 4.01111 As he iitenalb to deverte•his attention prineip,tll� to the rectifying of expenJri as set out in the Srliedole at the 11uw. 54u10e. 1',d for ettbtee, )Cars bless. u slid of shit $t-I.w and forming part of the (THE FARMERS' INN,' and t•mptoninr none 1. 1 (100 ,Iur tradr*meo And.. D. 1 believes hu expere,ii.• e• Cutter n wooed o. Hour in the Prucmer.Aso�ngeerr,eJ un CCV b,uuerssr,trnenrorc anJ.urrrwfutlytn.11anioWa, ,� R Vetter frnew'lien, for fps' auJ 1 ring Lern LIQUQRS 1.t'.r. ,Imlwrb, a.olhnd. he fearlessly sts to I dleawrulus plM(c 11.11 CLOTHING CAN BE MA in which the eagle and the IeJ (alidr�rowould slowly hug the bear (the elder loonI sissy harm; declare' that the leopard, not rte Iia,. was obs symbolised .nillt•I tat R land): that lifter peace had been restored. the elephant (lnd:r) would attempt to Iremolel hruarr 13.1n60 fdTwe dews the leopard (hsglaid) but would not I ti..c.d that I { w.•b Mn war enween far 3 6a Yid and France, would n 1111.1 std•, bre • g Mow emi_rratinn from Germ,m to the Wept- F.FERRIN R' (United .rates) for mansyrr•, thatabe este, .utsrn4, and in grouts would prosper in their Ilea home, but •Ia5Aingl, ase tog rh0p0 • tine would come when civil war r odof etar customers w t, bay make them desire that they had not left their a the that. shs n, al as w care ■ fatherland; that after the civil war had our pres,•nt bo stria to a •alt fearfully ragged for fuer years, peace a u„ d be pos. h'e. we meat discontinue • restored, and remarkable pr.spv:ity ro,me, from this dale. and that, about that time the war io the JUIIN FAR West bad ...dad, • averted •rek.es, coir Godericb,9th )1ar, ita5. .w7 summing its Rowie, would extend across the Baltic, desolate Germany, cause imwense morality as Bnglwsd, and then suuunaueous- ly sprawl 10 the east and to the west. GODERICH. C. W. GIRL NOTI •t his ewabhahmrnleq.ui 'nth, best En•blis meant in't'„n mtaur Montreal. Codersb.1'.•1.30 auJ aw171040.1v • To Rent or Lease. • yrs Gee snJ six in the First Concession, township of C,Ihorar. 1S. D , about two CE. miles frow•Godrrich. Apply to MARY ' 1 16 '\ L. FY L• hthou , C a r. t. Guderirh . De,•m r36 1 e lea t 10'54. wib I f o 1 ert.'mrn' o tar • f n " _J Aar to avoid muunJer• 10 inform those acme. Ano wncax•s it will require the sum 01 Three Thousand Tau Hundred pullout to llISKIES OF 4LL be raised annually by Special Hate for the KINDS e payment to the siid /Awl or iebt and inter. -, est ei also hereinafter mentioned. Aso weiaLAn the uruotnn of the whole rateable pr9lerty of the seed 1IunIAipality irrespe_cuee ill sur future 111010.14o its the ,ams and Irrespective of an income to ,e 1 derived trout the temp. rare1 u u %Alb. Ives' to '4'11h . sinking food hun•inallrr aruUuur•1 or my r part thereof, according to the last revised econuntawid' FOR SAL j, , A rsswent lto,14 best; fo� the fora oat nus to Inn': 1 R t�J A ,jJ j son n a. Cana Thereby enabling him to ,bt'll I►t Distillery Price Amnesty Proclamation. it is further understood that President Johnson's amnesty proclamation will be is reality a withdrawal of the unotnditto5al amnesty which Mr. Lincoln proferred, sat the eubititation of an offer of amnesty on are tun specified conditions to re)entent rebel, below the rank of Briandier Generals, tbe terms of pardon beieg' made mach more definite sed the amnesty narrowed in its scope. It is added that an rebels who have been in the civil 'service ot the Jeff. Davis Government, either at home or shelled, are so be added to the claret excleded from the new amnesty. The Herald's 'meek! mays i( nndrntood that the new amnesty. pros anon will extend to ail below the rank Lieu*nant Generals in the rebel service. retro... -The adoption of a dist Ish. log style and eolor of dress for bodied men u due to Charles VII. of France, who. a wt e tL middle ofthe fifteenth nlurr y' ct ha g formed a regiment of cavl,lry, ub:,ged they (0 weer the livery of the curtain of the corps 1• which they brloneed, that the moi might be known in action. tar .1091. silty of irwgwheitieo, flu -which purpose .1QSr edam were ornamented with- spprnpriats. stun f _ and hence proceeded the system or Wearies CLOSING T Il litukrma which has .ince been established - 1. I tau a0. •, . ,e admit .tar • • t s r1.. t w y u De lets therein will oto •..•CII to alt'' hint a Call. Eight m ltiula'1'wu Lu.Jr, , m1 Ei huy.i,;ht '111. O (► .41'1:}:� of L ,t \o 'l" East I ate thousand Six bundrrd arid. sty six Jul:un: O 0) Road, Hay. Those Indebt d to him Y•iil Please call and settle `?1' a'ax1CA1 for pivot. 11'' i"te'e's` and at once o • erwise costs must be incurred. „A'atint an egeal auouai Swli Fund fur R8T - RATE LAND I ' ppaj nig the wad sea of Twe.t•Thousand Del sand interest as hereinafter Mentioned, y.ap !v to JOHN PAIR & .T Y. S. KIRK. it will quire an equal minuet Specht Hate DONALD SUTHERLAND. of I'uurl ahs of r mill i1., the Dollar in ad or C. CAMERON in each year MARKET SQUARE, deriel), 7111 March, 186S. .wu,s diuueto I other rotes and 1,11.xe•w40 ley ied G,,lerice. He it ther;fere enacted by the Corporation iorhari••h, a:11111,,,y Ai; I. ul4.tt WOOL IARDIN Donut which lune It lea. eotuyeo one of the largest potue. of that buyinees in the 101. '..Waled with the Wool a agerenq l ua• •14 lthe Tine Equal .haunt laltallseats, whole are Malt rel 01.11 and beak, 47 k 37, (Arse wurees b.g6. and ..uumadn,W tonere h loot deep. Alta.n.d to the hotel is a two story home dwelling hue.. uuth,.uro, 34 c . , ALQ'U:-A emelt farm of exe.•Itenl land. Menden-sty 111-al.d owe nide from •realeri,h uY the Itenno1d Rus', 30 erre, ,n Ivied Mme rf 1 4. of wheel, •her .4 IIIYaI„H 011 fenced. aro t Y • rw, I. .raw 30' atm stw, ,p., with •h t t b .e /11, a Lr to bee 24 .hrA• Ste tent s W '(I'•- Vdr ••r 0i fort � flan ar AL !n the Map. 1 ) re with dsol0ernon* and 4.blee, Jar , one of the ben t Rra( news th M. 1.05 g bee kept ern. l Terms Wean ; 1.111,1 pu(eb•rer.. For fun*, particulars apply to' J. It, GORDON, Es4. or ANDREW DONUGII, Proprietor. N. gpT ell thus. ,sorbed 1.0 me either by note •r boo eeo'ount are rogurwed to settle the sante without tlrley en .'tier W save note. U,dine6. April Isar, 11(64. .9 td LANDS FOR SALE! THE (ulloweng lards are oIerod for ►ala ua Very udtamII,euue tonna: ONE - TENTH ONLY ! 07 IYt rf1(115110311 11 (1411 11 7111 or 4.11(1471 Ant 0) 1 MAI•Ni'r ren tar ' I of the Potted 'vuntles of Hung' and hence, • 1) I'. `� rig I S '11111'. I „m.o.. ttvo ta,raipy by way of loran, tr (tl•rifl wxv 01 �' C\ - I any lemon or persona,, body or bodies-Corpor r b G . • 1• fk•t,t ,ll be lawful for the Ward.e t for lhe;ame aeut�, e( the sat, !sot mentioned Dr. PIIE1.PN c1.:1 ;N'A1.t ME(II:1X1('A Dist, . (.urcrrw..t In T. H. Mont- pnnety, (1.oen,•b, C. 111'. •jt il.'RSCI:ittEHS would beg to inform ha cu • isrs 1 Fast 11nr l;oolns'ocor']ir. F. dan'1 Dene Sore b Ioq'.Iry 13,41. �,i. ....1.,,.'v w.11,. 0 0,.0M/WMIa('.rwM,Y.MnAM !pun thy credit of the Debentures hereinafter tamers and the public that hie new pea m•entioned, a sum of money lint-excfOJin lathe whine the sem of 1we Thousand Dol. Airs, and to chose the sant. to he paid into THRE DOORS FROM THE SQUARE, t reties or the rurthe�r the id with ! I' .unties rloresoid, fur the or aw arid with ' the object above recited. will i., opened on the fir of June, t ,r trans setine the i •oi ('amine, Cloth Dressing and 1 11. That it shall be !awful Sur the said uannductwmg f.u•iue4a. in oantctiva with his WOOL F . roar. where all orders WO : Wades 1, cause any number of aures work in the above huaiucs dr be punctually attended to. Likewise a eartety u( i to made for sura sumo "t money as r7 115 LIGHT -HOUSE St.,GODI:RICU rate who may a wu!in. to advance the mane Farm in Bos nquet FOR SALE (1)I2 HE C4. DE Itilri\EU ulfer.Yukwlenrte 2. tot 2111, 1316 ....na. township of Rsanyuel; • (0nn1\• of 'I..Iin:it.-1.I rio, Ido....iat, 04 Ont''~+ HUNDttEJ A ;'1 rr, • (ua e Factory • Cloths, Blankets; and Stoc he lepton hand t, exchange for wool. lregwrll. mel o -es than Une-.'1lundre• Dul- • HE' $I' Ik('Ht HER .,,h« t"1.050,1 g7a i Ian 05.41• mid 1 .1 the arinq this year FIRST-CLASS DO11BLE CAB "'1• ' - '. t• frit es • h'ishme• i. ' wdi be prepared tn.* - utr•t:.nn er's work t 1. Rat'wov. I 1 / .,.1..1 1•:11!\.41 on 11.1 rel. said •1h:be.durts 441..1 Yarn he v sled with unr s. al of the said Cortaro lion. mid sy(ued by ti.e sold Wanton. �, deeother hle • • I 111. T:at the said Iamtures;slnll he •' male payable 1. ten years at furthest, from Inks 10 the pub e• for past favor...noirI, el Me. Laml.,sod would beg W in,oin.1e that be aider a Honed to eell' Wayguu. HEARER THAN EVER. C�Nh the day bore ail a mentioned . for this Hy •.•e • ' Lsw to 1..kr If -1 t h r i L .dun 111 Nog\\w . u a 9011 11 rn,n40 tr )111.00 Mt `tc 1 or same ,.ret n, 1 dna' . t , i,r drat/e• at- ala•.e:.J r • other .:nus, w ynu,uN,en. All'rl(urk •.. ext m'j thli Std Debentures. and shalt have str.arinited to gm, entlwfseIIor. at:.!! if 14 toile Cont./LSf ra ,r the payment - \ `. Lha' I-ut Ilet�?l,tts*. •. AI' Ladsr(Pima r iV. 111.st the said Dohemtrres •red Con poo. abwfl i,e r..nde out au . ith,•r Sterlant money tar Provnieial ctereocy of Otis pro i •e. r' •.• .,..ra,•,a,.i. 110'-' 0.. v 11.01,30•1v.•4 welt 4,a'n' •toey a , v.n.i &'d pul.eplar.4 ,0 .0 •h . : t o . , .m a t:sta., c 10:103 CO. WEI.LTIn*EItEDA 1.i' 1T1.it 1) `\• t► 1•' 11 or ,,d.• „rag t, Au n•1...,..•,a. sn'•„enher11 - of his enliven r.. 1., .:, --. -`_. -1 --'�--- L:ew'tuher (J1. •,1.,i lc \ R � NEW 110OKS• e ■ ri.>derirh, Aprii in;t 1?t4', 1°Gd JUVENILE BOOKS, 111*Y)W exrteal]xu u among European Troops. In this country ti.ti pcatexr the soldiers or retainers beloneme to partic- BUSIN ole barons wore the bade et their retiree - ESS IN GODE tire employers. In the reign of Ilerry 1-1:1. wu.toft white was the prevailing uationai uniform. 'Thursday next, the 4th L'ndsr E:n.beth, dark green or russet dia tiuguuted the infantry, whsle •ce'et cloaks Cenournre 10 clear ..R the whsle . were worn by the cavalry. A naval uniform came into use at the commencement tat the eighteenth century. Nae. •00111.3? -The evidence given at the trial- of the coospirstlrs thus far is mor• straws against Nn. Surrnt. Her haws was • to■desvoas of Ifonth. Harold, an, all the implicated ones. And it is detailed that she was aware of "shooting irons" std su:h toys bein_ 3torel in a wayside latest., for the sus Sod pwolect010 of Booth \and Harold in their eight atter the murder. \ It wase( this .a•ero kept hy one' Lloyd, that [tooth and H• rold milled on the ni;in of thP 110s133illa• 1114), nod procured a Crrbiue and two bottles of whiskey. 1111•lto•Cirx:7'S ON too GREAT i1 iiTellttx.- The managers on the ':eat It e.t ri; Itaiilrry have recently put stein the track a number'54 superb first clew carriages, designated AOO palace cars. The new carriages are Sued up in • style et surpassing elegance. and a num- ber of new improvement.' eonduting to the comfort of passengers are introduced in their construction, rendering them the most cern. Sortable sod magnificent railway carriages to 6e found upon the continent. The new can are now daily attached to every exprra0 train reins over the road.-[iiamiltoo.Times. A daring attempt 1'. swindle a Chicago banker out of $10,030 wan recently attempt- ed in Chicago, by an individual who nc•rann- •ted Gen. Hancock in 1411 uniform. A forged l.ttertoi *filr. OudHy the railway kin;, and • forged telegraohie tele,rnphre despatch fresJ.! Cooke, were brought to bear on the beaker, bet be was only deceived for a short VON by the pseudo general, and the rogue - Sn•Ily mutt awa) without his money. 1::xpt'sIit i(J,ta1,11v 1)o. Qedvw'h, 9,10 .■teemed el 6 per rent. - TOWvatuP OF MORRIS: South 7 in 1.i con,, 50 screw South R 111 let sun., LO mere., South 11 in 24 con. 100 acres 1r in3 a 100 acres,: South 21 d e a. ars' North a con., IU •• N th # .0 1 4h c n U acres. North 4 21 in 4h con., 1001teree, Norte 2:11 in dh con. l 100 acne. 1 TOWNSHIP (IF HOWICK: Lot. 2: 3 asd 4 in 1Ltb con.; 10. sora tiara T')Y('NSlil1 Ur GREY: 0.260 let cos., 100 acro., Lots Maud :it1 1,4 con., IVO sera tab, Lois 31 and 33 in t; Con., IUD&enamel, Lot 2L in d cos.. 99 »errs, Lot 32 in 44 on., 100 acres, Luta 33 and 31 in 10 cue., 100 acres each. TOWNSHIP OF THarRERitY N. E. i 43 in 1 cos., -:.0 acre.. - Apply to etlARLtt 11'IouL.,ti•q.,GoderiCh, or to the owner, THOMAS GAI.T. 1!'q.. w •3. .„,nate STORY & DAVIS 1rWN1!F'Al'1't!R'-HN .\h I)LALF: 1N 1.1 :Nov(,, I'IyoNl 1! (0.1,000 ,q 'eery 11- er•rga,..n. (,11.1.li r oliml 1 -heel lay. Wars, •t the Move lel,.. .1 -.1 .a n, l,r;,,da•nrs. COAL OIL, ["rl;••alir.l La.np..Se..3te. (Nd lees, Cop - pee Braes. Rags sad Sheepskins take. .5 ex- change. 4 44 Inv Inrploweents male to i I e ah,011N Mrl'UEI191)'1 Verb, w•w37 i,,,,,, •': 'p )eMor.lr, M r.. ,- t. .10,-' o ,•. 1 ,' u,r y, till in the $Sore ho•ine.n, r -- �.. 14.05 r tete this thee, at the w.t•rn of .the staid 1% srde-n w t ..• ! oa .X4108, to we0dug the .wsntn th the eh. a aiolunt of w:d 1)eLotitures. thxe tete this 0 .. . `•. -.l •i'.a1t exceed the before mentioned, sem East ilreet; inn oud d , i ir '' 'of Twenty ioawnn Dollars, and they shall G' 'Willi I [ Sheriff's Office', fer.dr • tum peer inose\chic f 1.41•rcst .hall �. WAGON & CARRIAGE de! of do r, in each and . ' ,ry year, durier I . (i <Nftl 11•1 the tonnueanee of the said *Mutes at - 1OTICE'.- • fadebl d 1.1 Jelin IL Wheelden. 1.. 1','11 01. 't. Miens, in the Al hoar'. is-.,• an absconding, 1e.vs ro, t or • etler.lse, are tr•t to pay the same otherwise rIIN MA('I'ONAL11, • NAer H. + If. h, dud (citable stork a0 I)ry t.n.,lt• 1 euu0115, and Hn•-t rev, et .n • FANCY GOODS ENORMOUS REDUCTION IN PAI Godenel., 2nd 41lee, 1!11)• THOMAS LOGAN '' ar Inter"' a I'd ane'the rale of III per 2S0h Fels. 1565. dyable on the first f Jivue t and first die plate where the Debentures re made ' PRICES. ruga, Uli • „t�.hlett'n,•tC:,1'Thal far the tar n4e of ermii f.()N �l 1)111 • ' i t Fend ter 1.h. .t me■t of the said t n � P J it pr9� Sash, Doe*. and In Large Assortments ! It 'Luse,•s and the ',detest at the rat.! at. re - .4.1.7 ..v .ane yr w , .0 u„ a.., .� • t � ��� T '` ti .e;:.h�n yy,n �k�ryb�pl�jp v n.•� wet r.rh;rt t - t *WAIT i..J.11.3 J Y•.W 11Y Y VM8 4.41" 'PLANING LL ! I Y It ' 1 dl . •d y Gilts lot I th 1•• I Sly DUD Mi; IIZ AL C �D !AT THE CLINTON BOOKSTORE' 'said v. become due barren.. a'a e•Iual spe.•isl ;rate of fool tenths of a mill in the, hnlcr, shall In addition to ell other rate. and tales, he ra!, levied wed c o! cod in t , h y ar . . John McDonald & Co:' •4,e y itinql all Ihr talc/ace !fry, rte ' 1X Cb 1) 1.1 f ct t, cs .a" g . • :h tail County of Ilarou 1 tri. ;,• the pm 11,,11 \ 11 .0.,r"R ('04111 4F.TCD T111:i11 "NSW' Wee 111 hitt debent•,res tar any e•f them. HE...ferrite. ,.,, . 1 1'1. 'that tbn, its Is r ie,...: I e'e effrd ea II .rut and !tropethe has n and In •n, III From I runt errs trnence in t)w ' and c„me into' upo•ati" t u - the \i ,rt r ,th nn.' will Irak.• o, order r ar a, Wato„s. I honer , un lot rm:r.lrn.r,ed whyhntes. gild ' rnw1.k.• , wh a•I, w,. 1 II ,I1n for.••eh r -else .N, h(. ret ray. non Metter t1. is,,4 w, • lar of Jun., n the •• se .,t e tar lend U .e P 1 Wrus.rnd I.:yirt Hund,e•.1 a•.d Sixty Fiver armn,vr.l rvdt arse Fend and f• sole. rM•.p. 1. 1', - 1,. LAYCOCH 3 j, • 1, • , Canada fat WS', AlrnaaaL, u THE AT H CLINTON Book Store t rhe. m, I c ..1 w n40 I,r 1-., ;m, t tu•`•c is publish d 'tt'onwns spar for sevnor' holdouts ,f every .Ley in the year, besides math v saute iafnn•atien, web a Post 0 _Regulations, Sr.1. ' DGTIh. LISTS 0 B.1 a h S Judiciary s Perlia eatery Lists.. SEPERATORS AND HOEISE POWER T w (Ann, rn. 11n glbtlt• Fa'tury,are now prevail to take m orders 1111 they . d0.I,. sr STEAME'+G .E-WORK11 , i -•1t.6.-- - CUTTERS and SLEIGHS GOoc3_ WOrl., JOHN i'.1F.'\)(1RF., Ar.noEouieie(s e».l•.,*oo'.,. ranlesheviag. • ! • V1 -tun• Street.O.derwa. .ruck sir 'be' d• eel to REFERRED TO IN THE FORE- As•tltoo. tsaf. w4sts R. RUP1CIMAN & CV SOJt'EL)ULE M f t f G• t d Flo ' Mill ale llEC�• ane ac ;f rers o r is an uring' S (;tai S(3. Seven Thousand 1),,:nrs M he expended 1bcr/usl•uau7eha'nuty Circular, Mislay and Sash Saw -Mills, on Colluzne and Aahlieli Road, than- ' {fZT,r.1 qj rr�� (� r,(t`• �r�nnjr�� j\1/f (� mencing wt A. Rhea's Twere, gains Korth 3 1.A )�� !..,/J' :it j•j.fi,. i/ • (luras anal Rru.r �) tern Fares issued out ,t e.nlmenein4 at the London Ito..d. Sheriff's Sale of Lands. SASE. DOORS A M IILDn O ward. f� 1 � Y I'"tar Thnmiand D,nsa no the \tail Road � -J nib b ft32 So.phee, beeneen Lots Ton and Eleyeu, r ,IJI:It .1 1ILIQC� 1I-ACIII, LS, I OneThouannd Dollars on the Extension r Every ftriner*hoot rre,�ne. Mowing and Reaping Machines, Wood Saws, GEO,. t,. 'COCK. Clinton, 19th i'-cemlter, 1-1 [.19 CULTZV 'rc it3, 0�1NG1 �'LOUO ISAAC F R E D R I C K SHERIFF'S SeLE OF L l�•tantial manner t'q• Castings of any deserip tion made to order. Also, all kinds of machinery reoali'ed 011 short notice. A !large stock of brassCietinge n, vie, end Hiarkemiths' work ddne in r neat and su asincss Dircctul !i �T1azOtr�n r f g • TO �. NITSCH1rS' OLD STAND • il e't Woo hefted {tet"N��raTO :asr fn• .,arse'1 .`,OOBIN of DRUGS, DRUGS ! 1IL D A. N 4(Sur•reeorleft.D .Reynnll.) 1 WATCHMAKER & JEWELER WEST ST., GODEA(ICU, 1 (awn ullh•• Poor,' roountn•e of Tinton and erne and tie me tinrie,! egamat the lands and tene- ineut, of W Ji Min Heir .00, at the awt of Alex• ander Wright. 1 have wised and taken m eserutha ell the riebt, title and interest of the *Id defendant en emit., h0. nrnlher nine, in ie' fourteenth rernersaa,oh, M the I'nwn•ldp et ('ar- riel•,in the C.nnty of /truer: wha•h lend. and DT I,0wnente f .h)dl offer for ask el my Hake ,n SuERI'v the (Lona /louse in the tow. or Co, Heb, bre a7 G,PARLOUR AND BOX sums, Ielung mod Line to the Iw1e LM between derived from the River Nanisod •s far Leet a _ _ _ +'L 1 a r r r1. H MONEY TO LEND .t the Hay Gravel Road. Thousand Hundred a l l h 1 Clover 1 To Carpenters tit,. Se,forth H nod, commencing at !)sags' R lir 1 •nAin r4kenlm F: xdrru ru n all the right hink ve -A- 7 1' 10e11 n, going North to Botmon. end,*,.rest nitbr Saul drlrndaea ml end Line Two Thousand Four Hundred Dollars on Kan.twr• 1111, 113, 1114. 116. Ila, ll7 and IIRERAL DISCOUNT FOR THEIR WORK.\ the Ione between the F:tehtb and Ninth Con- 1v1, m the 1 ill . cif Wueysk. also 'bat eve- fea.I�W,,,f 1l.wick, Cwnmeu100j .t Day's tine panel tar neer dl t•nde known setbv e Hilt Rl,e.k. and ala,. that rerti,n parcel or trot t of T F: It M S , • 1 Tavern. dant. wh,.h le '.4. d on 110 North Inde lyth. Two T'tnu,atd Dollars on the Clinton a' d Itrwr Midland. MI the Youth axle by the lawn Without Diatinetlon 6''let be CASH. 'hided (tounne.•4) )Y virtue .of • writ Of To sail: "1 of Her M0ireq'a 1,nudy 1 f'oo't nrthe rioted ('o-mnes of Ilnnm and Knee '-hiy *leo oSe, end In mtdnecied *mew the 4n.. .red Zeno- ,rr mens of \e•bm Inger and firmer gnaw', at Ar T2,,; Mere Sia nn re b Iso nu the mot o user %I55414m. John ' home•, ALL•KINDS ON IIANP' Three Windham !toed,'throu,th Lore I went) Tbree tae haanwn the• Townships ret Morrie nod Tern- snd Twtnl Four M Ihu C.ulee 'ion L ra herr,, •n.f nn tM Eel ode hvlher,Wsl l.mndary CJ•Hemembertheplare:C;p(arrr.'As del Nam- teeen the F:.rthh red Ninth, e,,dthenee /e,�yg ' ' land, wish tiny wdrr pnvnrgea w,nrh n,ay 1.'r rinderirA Beth Angelo. tndt. J line of lea 1151u 4 extended to 11,0 River Matt- ice N Al warn on lined, Sorer Kettles, Weirton .*.t Pipe Hoxe4. As our patterns of the shove are °tn 'wrnty rel wenry )nr„ and thence 'adv Mla•st, an in the County n1. iron, whirr •lung said aide Like t. the Hound,or Line ot Lane" and 'I a'ne'nt' 1 'hell 01101 (oe n.le el my f the nest approved kind, we world a.dirit Ise Inspection n( ourOICstock before p, 01 00 nK y ugc, •n the Cenrt Hiner• ,n the own ,. prices p -the Coanty of Rrncw within the said Const rich. un Teenier the'1 b,rt.enth day rel lene next e :when, as we are o0'erine the abovet the lowest remunerative rices for cash, or or 7 p , ed Credit. , of llama Just/ ZH-111 n14�41n Old loeul iJlaa. , and all kinds of produce taken in exchange. 11 the hour of twelve 111 the .Ln k no (}o rich, October. term 079 NOTICE 1 tlIHpN Holt s Teesdey the Eleventh der of 'ply, next, at tie boar in Twelve of tee elork. noon. • \ext 11,141 Weil of Mr. Stotts' Sadiilt're ' Medical 115111, Cnrrt•rror“Squ•rs,GoAn,r* DISPENSING CHEMIST & DRUGGIST ,a ria I,mporterot GENUINE I)ItU(3S G`A.e.ealc, P.e/unor r. Siwe Tooth, end Pawl 1Breeh•s If 4.0.171,0, 00, colons. ,,,,,rm. HORSE & CATTLE MEDICINES WISPS. •o., •0. Orders/row. MM,eie men remotest', ettendatle at Lawes 'Fade P,,.., R.R.-PYyak,ns•s Pre..-ripunne e•ra(allyd4. poses( Uernek.rts.10, t8e1. 49 LIGHT ! LIGHT LIGHT! ROCK it COAL OILS, Similar Flail. Lamp Oita. Por Dale by F JoaDAx. A,d•ne►, 1w. 11.1W) N .el WATUHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY lr,.,'4111i. I,4,0 i1I11RI `. .IIL I.. JOIiN NACr0N:1Lf1. ' Sheol, H. n, Podoce.lb•puiv.•heriff. •rd'. ogee.' l)),kri..41, 1.1 Aped, IV',..) f ell In the best Style & Warranted. SIIERIFF'S SALE 0!' LANDS MAO. • neon A..n.ta.,, or I'nd.d l'oerot,e. of 1)2Y ven,te of • Writ n1 1 .run root .rube BY1. Fans. *lowed ei el I '1'e Wit : of Her Mairmyh"tt'ourt ualde Platted Jewelry. Watches, far iiale Cheap. cooloOdbiLipseter IL MIS. per111 NO ICE. ALL 0111011 tettehtrain trio. E. (MACE, be Ms buok .II please Exemeten all tho finite of velem:Ilion end other interest ptikietlefleadant end to the north herb of mere lot mem*, owe. un1;kremploit street. In Ine eat'age .0 !Coil hnolotoll0i. Int County of 'Cure. Wileb lends and tenement. I shell ogee forst., a. .ny "aloe in the Conn House. ea 11W town olO odereh, on Tuesday, the fourth day of ltrty nem, at the hour twelve or the gore, JOHN mArooN Slier 4 II 14, The more w allow ilea; . SleyelleellIV,thafeewto Office on Lighthouse St Nest to Air Andrew Dottoglt s. C IND SETTLE. , For Sale • 200 BARRELS SALT ! AT $1.25 PER BBRL• SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAN, 8 IUnited rowatwo of 'BY voile!, of. a wet of Huron sad Bowe., Fieri eremite weer! nut of th• t'nord connive, of them end Worn. slot 1.. me rheioner1 railminst the hauls and imeementa ot Robert Orem, at tbe mots of I Perko., I bare sexed and token la eleretorn all the . tole end Intewenet of the mar fleWndent •wl um nom*. lye, in the "KWh rower:some Harem ; whwe lends sad tee016111111 shall niter to Ma mewls', ele Hcrerech, in Ike County of (re saw at my nelleo in thy Conn 'lower in I h. 1081i til ea Tuesday, the Vey...oh 1St .1 1,11r . item, rn the hour of ?Webs* of the Mock. nurot. A QUANTITY Or 42.60 Ptit. 100 FOUNDS! PAN II Act)4 tNALD, graratt:ton t, Repute Phones • 17niten Coen 141:nr'n and II Cott. ot Dec Cnit led .o me dwecteed tO00111 01 .1.inntra Pt ol serdellewaitont in alai 10 lut number one in the eleven, h concentnon id the To. nrhtp of Col- leo& I elle( ogee tor *le at my offIce 'et The Court Home in the Town MOodench, ne2T, dab the Twenty -11f 6 ilai el y next, at the sour et twelve oills.• clock noon. JOHN MArD(MAIZ sartai, 4s. rort.to a, Deputy Sherif. Iftele Ant. 0166. Land Scrip for Sale, s SALL OF LANDS Ind Starch. I .11 1st" to be taken into eonside anon by 8 SALE OF LANDS. virtue of • Wr Fell Fee*. tiontd out payments who+ eau * made to the Crown et' nl Ilcr Melett4 "net! !Law!. 1Wpart,nent tr, band herip. tree,card tr. t e 11'' "1'd rc4""•*"^f rnited C0111111e•td BY virtue of a Wnt of same the lands mil lene- HENRY GRIeT, • rt et the •an of John V Quebee. II EN' UN - DEPARTMENTAL IND • Parliamentary Agent 0:::ACTS 111"SINESS WITH THE r os, Londe rind other Coverinn•nt 16r- A GOOD FARM FOR SALE (- row., ont r•ii•11111 101 - SHERAFF'd SALE OF LANDS. r, ever t: swede. or nisewhere. avow* nuron Root Bourne, Fier. rime re -she To W d mitred onr of Her Ma et 'a Cooney Court nt the County of Want. end to me directed seems the lends ana toes,,,ents 01 Welter Renwoek. at the tem 01 WIIII•m Mut tit till. and Interest Mao. mewl defeetiant In •nd lot noire, items In the tenth r..orrwm .0 small ni Huron Road in 16. Tewnrh,p of Tioirerotiiih, in the f.onfat of Heron, 'truck lead* end tenements I /Mail °Met tor *steal nisi Ai, In the oar! Hoeft. in iles Town of Orster,ch, on To efity. Ihe 0,41$ deo rt. illnr /tell, at the hour re twelve trf the clock, semi. ARM FOR SALE OT 3, floe. A,' Township el' Howielt, 14 mile men Wrote's,. en TIIE GRAVEL ROAD. Law h.nmen Rea 1Wre. OR ACRES, 28 CLEA RED Ry Patter!, tmetsiesherat Shand 't thekrio1, 27M Me. less. wert Herrin and Bruce, la the Courtly Court RoOrn in the town ot 170dt:rich in the County of Huron on tbe Seventh day of june, Infil, at the brier of three n'elock, in the afternoon, at which time and place biers of the Couneil *re hereby -required to I don: no arel tot* eolith 6.11 of for member eleven attend for the purpose aforesaid. in the fourth rencession of the townsh p of 1.1.; "it .kCiolAimM:es4)Ndlsrk. To Wit or /10r 110potk'a 1.01.1 01 Chaneety onil to me direct., 1.1.101 the lends dem:01mo*. at the of Mary Ann turd Star - bike by lobo $1itibeit the her nest Irtemd. STEAM 1ENGINE BOILER ! Apply I, W. E. GRACE. Oa -ketch, Nev.7th.lIf4. 'Wow 111 VOI:ND rin tha beech of Labe, Huron, sheet miles tenni Onderieh, on the litth 1001041 to prove property, pay expensive and take them tower 1f not (+tinted within one .nth frma Oita erses they will he sold by RTCRARD Tomo, it. Gotterid township, Kay 54, 1St& w15 -4t tephen. In the t•mority of Hoorn, *hien land. In the 1'nert /brow. In the town of firethoteh on Y.14.101. In. first flay of Auxust next, la the hour 01 toms'. mike eloek, anon. JOHN' MACDONALD. WI. April. MS. wrI4 Military School. PANDTDATER for commissions le the Serviee. MOW* eleeirons of obtaining ad Motion tri either of the Sclinole of Militsry feetrectiem, ant required to macre applicatkin, in writing far am+ perpnee, thmegh the Majer of the division wherein they Applimints mos state their .4., reoldenew, Prat nege. whirs's. and satire suiretry, end from a elergyrnan or inagearahe is the Weal ay takers they tire As to morel chareeter. Olosiev•I't Oahe, Qmsbec, Karel' 4th, 180. 10 ON IMPROV eft FA AT 8 PER CENT I Saw to Invest In Town Property. The Staunch Propellor NIAGARA! I V hee torero, during the sewer. of 510,511 - lion in conneet.on with the Grand Trunk R. R. roe Prat VA {ART, Ana Steamer Huron t For Saginaw, For ur pewees apply 0. RUMBALL, win MONEY TO LEND EIGHT PER CENT In eras or Apply to CRAIN'S NEW BLOCK . Gotlench. Sept, iti. 1514. ..111