HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-03-10, Page 134
Minister's Wife
Addresses WA
"The sacrifice and aelf.deniel,
practiced by many in the Lenten
*Wen. Will have Vane only
It is replaced by something bet-
ter and More worthwhi
ile" Mrs.
H. I. Snell tad Mellibers of Iamee
S. WA. at their meeting on
The WA, thane ging, ‘"Let
The Beauty Of Twos fte Seen In
Me," presents a high goal, •either
personal Or as a —group, the
speaker aaid. It Is visitable to re.
yea Christ by baring a strong
central core ot life, .kept alive by
ollowing Him.
Mrs, C. S. MagNallghtea, whose
group arranged the program,
conducted the wership ".period on
the pre -Easter theme, "The Man
Of Sorrows",
A report of the semi-annual
'PresbyterY meeting hi Seaforth
was given by Mrs, 'Claude Far-
row. May 4 has been set as a
tentative date fOr the annual
•meeting to be held in James St.
It wad Voted to dispense with
the vregular meeting in May.
Each of the three W.A, groups
agreed to be -responsible for On-
vening one of three dinners to, be
served, in the near future. Mrs,
Whitney Coates' group will ar-
range the choir banquet on
March 311 Mrs. Rufus Keetle's
group will convene the Presby-
tery luncheon and Mrs, J. A,
Traquair's group will be in charge
of serving ,a banquet for mini-,
eters of Huron Presbtyery,
Be Careful Of Boards
P Warns Producers
Farmers sbouid ".CarettillY OX -
amine proposals for prOducer-
eontrolleci h.oardit, glisten Cardiff.
.Huron MP, said Sunday in a
rad.le.„ report.
He callpared-Marketing boards
which have the right to control
the sale and production of food
to combines a restraint of .trade
Whieh•are '"'agalitst the law and
• "When things get tough on the
farm is the time we hear about
the setting up of marketing
boards, Producer controlled, and
So on,. Thee() boards will have
power to license the farmer ee
that only those who hold a ligentig
will be .allowed to sell any amid
of the class or kind eontrolled by
the board.
"You will hear about al the
benefits to be derived. What they
won't tell you is the power they
will have over yoU, over your
production and so on. What dif-
ference is a combine in restraint
of trade than a proposed board
to control the sale and prb*duction
of food?
"If farmers are wise they will
Carefully examine these propos-
als, Supply • and demand are two
Strong contenders in any con-
Samuel Cunard, son, of a
fax dockyard carpenter, was the
originator of regular transatlan-
tic steamship service,
fi '53 'Dodge Sedans (3) .
All fully equipped and .olett;
'52 Dodge Sedan
Radio and air conclitiening, heater, slip covers
'51 Dodge Sedan, inareon.
P.. '50 Dodge Sedan, black
• '6 '49 Plymouth Sedan, blue
'48 Dodge Sedan, green
°47 Dodge Setlan, custoui with fluid drive
'47 Desoto Sedan, fully equipped -withconditioiing,
conditioning, lock, pale blue
'47. Monarch Sedan, black
'51 Vanguard _Sedan, blue, $595
• *
, • • •
radio . and air
PRE-WAR MODELS $19 - $100
Fred Dobbs, Prop.
PHONE 200 ?HONE 200
"la years gene by, .toners
have .never been a privileged
class end, speaking for nlyself„
I am not mire that we ever want
to be. We have a :pawe of pride,
The Canadian farmers value their
own independence. We insist on
the right to Stand on our own
feet. We won't surrender any of
Ourbasic rights for all we can
gala by special privileges.
"What We want meet .10 that
the more intelligent of our youth
Star •On our tennis developing
themselves through constructive
botopetition for the. betterment of
farin people. 'Theist)elt,reliant
yoUng people can.and will employ
science and hitelligence to in,
creed° their rewards by better
production and greater go -opera-
tion, building a life .of improved
environinent, envied by -people
from every walk of life. Intelli-
gence -will earn the unequalled
reward of farm life.
A drop In the price of indust-
rial goods was Predicted by Mr.
Cardiff whoo said cost of produc-
tion of - Canadian goods was too
high to -compete on the inter-
national market. ,
Mr. Cardiff pointed out that
Canada's 'trade was, .receding at
a time when a substantial expan-
sion is erident- in world trade.
"ij. is becoming more difficult to
sell -our. products abroad, and
cheaper ImPotts are displacing
goods in ,our domestic 'trade With
resulting unemployment. •
The Huron member charged
high taxes were contributing to-
wards the adverse cost of produc-
tion. .
News Budget From
Mr. and *Mrs. Fred Fenton and
Billie visited recently with
friends in Stratford.
Miss Winnie Keogh, of Liman,
spent Wednesday afternoon with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andy
Keogh. --
. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon visit-
ed with friends in. Barrie.
' Mrs. George Prest pewit ajew
days with friends in St. Catha-
Miss Betty Morley is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Morley.
quilting was held at the
home of Mrs. Earl Morley on
Thursday afternoon. •
Mr. Dean White attended 'the
Good Roads convendon in To-
ronto. '
Mr. George Lee and Mr. George
Mercer attended the Seed Fair in
The Ladies Guild of St. Mary's
Anglican Church, Brinsley,' held
their meeting at the home of
Mr,s. Harold Scott on WedhesdaY
afternoon. .•
Mrs. William 11/fathers is a pa-
tient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
Mrs. Cecil Ellwood spent the
weekend, with her daughter,. Mrs.
Ben Whitta,rd, of $t. 'Catharines.
And W.A.' .
• The W:M.S. and W.A. of Brins-
lq United Church' met Wednes-
day afternoon last • at the home
of Mrs. Earl Morley.
Mrs. Jack Trevethick presided
and the study book was taken by
Mrs. Earl Morley assisted by Mrs.
Earl Lewiti and Mrs: Karl Pieker-
ing. Readixigs Were given* by Mrs.
Ken °Shohlice and Mrs. Fraser
President, Mrs. Stanley Steep-
er, conducted the W,. meeting.
Artioles for •the -.bazaar;" which
will be held May 11, were handed
in. •
ONTARIO cat?, 1955
42 3 •4 5 6
Tuesday, March 15th, 1955, is the last day
upon which 1954/ motOr vehicle and trailer
. registration plates may be used. 'It IS alSO the
date of expiration of all 1954 chauffeurs'
and operators' !kenos.
Secure yours at once
Hon. Ji,. N. Alldri, Minister
Stephen Ors
Control Act
Vaccination for brucellosis
now eeraptilSOry,in the Tel/Malin
of SteplielV.
001411 passed ..the by-law at
A recent .meeting .after nearing,
a petition twin over two-thirds
of the cattle owners in Pm
ship requesting :the measure, •
The petition WAS presented by
:Mentbers of iSteplien .Federatielt.
of Agriculture who spearheaded
the -move,
•The by-law .,.was Reseed under
the pi -n.011048 control Act which
Was introduced by the province
in 1949 to !Permit compulsory Vac-
cinatiOn. The: move f °flowed gen-
oral alarm. throughout the pro',/,'
ince that twain -Won program was
sllpping and that cattle -owners
might ,be subjected to a serious
attaek of the ContagiQUO.abortien.
Three drainswere provisional-•
ly adopted by the council. They
included the Flynn, ',Gore R,oad.
and Haugh drains.
The petition of Elgin Adams
and others for a dram u was sent
to the engineer, Jas. A. Howes,
for report, plans and sp.eciftea-
,0ouncil authorized the Bank
of Nava Scotia, Exeter and the
canadian Bank .of Commerce,
Ailsa Craig, to accept taxes.
Message From -
The Bible class of the United
Church will hold their meeting
on Friday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs."Lawrence Curts„
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Steeper, of
Sarnia, spent the weekend with
relatives here.
Mr. Dawson Woodburn, of To-
ronto, spent the weekend at his
home here. •
•Mr. and Mrs, Ray Eagle,gon
and 'Wayne, of Detroit, visited
with relatives here over the
Miss Lillian Rivers of the Es-
sex High School staff and Rey.
Gray Rivers, field secretary of
the Temperance Federation, To-
ronto, were weekend visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Carman Woodburn
and Marion, Their father, the,
late Rev, G. W. Rivers, was a
former minister' at Parkhill and
1Centenary Methodist Churches.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill..JaokSon, of
Arkona, visited on Tilursday'with
Mr. and Mrs. Walter McPherson
and Mrs. Robert Snowden. •
Mr. and Mrs, Dean Brown'visit-
ed, on Saturday with 1VIr. and
Mrs. Elzar Mousseau and Mari-
lyn, of Kippen.
W.A. And W.M.S. •
The W.A. and W.M.S. of the
United Church met at the home
of Mrs. Ervine Eggert, Mrs,
Lloyd Btophey had charge of the
worship service and took as her
theme "Christ's. Kingdom in this
World."' Mrs. Harold Brophey
and Mrs. H. Isaac sang a duet.
Good used clothing, especially
men's, will he brought to the
next meeting for the,bale. Mrs.
Elton Curts was appointed dele-
gate to- the 'Presbyterial meeting
in Stratford April 20, and 21. Mrs.
Roy Whiting read a paper on
Christian Stewardship.
Mrs., Harold ,43raphey opened
the W.A. meeting with a poem.
It was decided, to hold a bazaar
and tea'in, November. Members
were asked to save their Quaker
coupons and box tops and hand
them in to group leaders.
Gireenway L.Y.L. 219 '
Greenway L.O.L. 219 met last
Friday evening., Visiting mem-
bers were John E. Hammond,
honorable past grand master of
.Ontario; John Zinimerman, past
county master, Lainbton; John
Augustine, county master, Lamb -
fen, and Rueben and David Wil-
son, of Jura Lodge.
Mr. Hammond presented Past
W.O.M. Roy Hutchinson with a
50 -year membership jewel.
Topies From
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne johns and
Lois were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. Herinan Paynter,
Mr. and Mrs,- Arnold Anderson
and children and Mts. Herb An-
dersen, LlOyd and Noreen,iScience
Hill visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Jatdiers on Sunday.
'Brian Miller; Thamea, Read, Is
spending this week with his
grandparents, Mr. and MrS. War-
ren Brobk. ",
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brock and.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. A. Ogle, ,StrathroY.
Mr, Harry Lovegrove, Thorn -
dale, visited Saturday with Mr.
and 'MI'S, Jud Dykernali.
The MisSion Band held. its
March meeting at the schoolhouse
With 20 Members present. Earl
Miller and Barbara Hern were
in charge Of the program.
V. 1'. IL
Yoling People met 'on Monday
night at the schoolhouse. Tom
Hon and Edward Hcrn were in
charge of the program.
WALS Simla Evening
Zion West W;M,S. entertained
their fainilleS Thursday evening
at the schoolhouse. Mrs. Ward
Hern, the preadent, took charge
of the worship serviee.
IRer. ,Slade was thairmai tor
the program: instrumentals by
Elaine Herr). and VrAtiols Hern;
Sole by Harry Horn; several Mus-
ical Unlimbers lby the -choir: duet
-by itev. and Mrs. Slade; violin
Solo by -Mr. Angus Earl atom -
panted by 1Vra,rgaret 'Brock; eol-
ored slides Sholvit by Mr'. and
Vire. Ray .IVIIIIS of 'Woodham, on
local scenes and their trip west
and to the /hilted ,Statea.
Draws Centralia Crowd
The highlight of the week was
the Variety Snow, in, the schoel,
town Of the ehurch PP Friday
evening, sponsored by the V.,,P.U.
Oeraid Gadbolt was master'
of ceremonies., and numbers 94
program illanded solos by
Messrs Grant .M0Ponaid, A,
Ifedgeon And F. McCutetteenl
:readings by Mr. L,*Mergan,
A, Isaac and Maxine fiowdelli
,Sktts--"Mary Had a Little Lanrb".
"Mystery of the Movie" and "MOS
Popularity"; The Cowboy Ohureh
7g1.1111443! Scheel; The Fashion
Show; parade of the Montits;"
duet --"Sisters"; Girl's .0horus;
'and opening and closing choruses
' by the
• W.A. Meeting
. Mrs. Cooper McCurdy presided
for the worship seevice, at the
regular meeting of. Women's As-
seciation, in the achoareom of
the church last Wednesday after-
noon. The -Seripture reading was
given by Mrs. Ray Lammie,
Musical numbers on the- pro-
gramine were .a duett by Jean
and Joan Essery, a piano, solo by
Sharon Lightfoot and a solo by
Bobby Laramie, A recitation.
"Mother's Helper" was given by
Jean Laramie.
• The president, Mrs. D. Hodg-
son conducted the business. An
invitation was extended to the
ladies to attend the Anglican
Church Guild St. Patrick's Tea.
in. the library on March 16. Dirs.
Haddock, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs, A.
Hicks were appointed to get prices
on the quilting of quilts ,and re -
' Second Line In
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Weiberg
and family visited Sunday with
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Len Furdie of Hensall.
Mrs. Geo. 1VIeFalls spent the
weekend at the tome of Mr. and
-Mrs. Nelson Squires, Farquhar,
- Mr. and IVIrs. Leonard Theater
and family of Woodham were
Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Orville Langford.
Weekend visitors with iVir. and
Mrs. Chris Fischer were Mr. Joe
Mordusk, Miss Dorothy Fischer,
Mr. Bill Fischer and Mr. And Mrs.
Lloyd Fischer and fbailiy, all of
,London, and Miss 'Donna Corners
of Parkhill.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Willard, Bet-
ty Ann and Ray of Mount Hope,
also Miss Barbara Lewis of Lon-
don spent Sunday,awith Mrs. Jes-
sie Lewis.
Miss Reta Isaac spent a few
'days last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Don ,Corman, Lu,can.
Mrs. Fred Davis spent the past
two weeks With her daughter,
Mrs. M. H. Elston.
port at the next meeting.
The Mareh ;supper was Caneel-'
Mrs—Clarke took charge of ar-
'ticlaS brought to the,Meeting for
the annual bazaar. -
ietures on conservation will
`be presented in the. :Centralia.
:School, .04. Priday evening Of this
week, by Mr. A, •Dixon of :Exeter,
• A ploy, "The Honeymoon .is:
Cver", will ;be presented in the.
€10hoelroom of the antra* ort
Tuesday evening March 15 under
the auspices of the W.A.
The Anglican church Guild will
hold a St. Patrick's Tea in the
Library on "Wednesday Afternoon
of next week.
One of Centralia's oldest land-
marks was removed on Saturday
with the tearing down of, the
house on the property of W, A.
Elliott, formerly owned and oc-
cupied by the Culbert family. The
house was purchased and remov-
ed by Mr. Lyle Lee of ,McGilliv-
Mr. and Mrs, K. Greb 'returned
home' last week from a vacation
in Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Powe of
Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wil-
son and Donna May of Strathroy
wore Thursday guests .of Mr, and
Mrs. Elmer Wilson,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Henry and
family of Listowel were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs. And-
rew Hicks.
Steel production in Canada in
1954 declined 22 per cent from
the previous year,
Hay, wheat, oats and barley
have been grown as far north in
Canada xis Alclavik, on the Arctic
deneeueelteneimeklinen4044111Manne4014144eMeneluaaaamalle91444444 •
Rubber goats
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DAY 97
Alal named "ECHO" was
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