HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-03-10, Page 12• "-Tilciffire"WWW8.1...a6M777"----.---7-7,7^7^,—Trt"......••=r3ipp
Launch -Re.
Red Cross 'Blitz' Next Friday
Mail 200,000 Seals in District
Exeter Lions :Club launches
eampaignS this month in aid at
two of the nation's best-lraown
welfare 'organizations — the
Canadian_ Red Cross and the
Ontario 'Society for Crippled
•Children,. ,
Over g00,000 Easter Seals
were mailed out by the club this
Week te touch off the drive to
help crippled -children. Recipients
are asked to buy the seals by
sending a donation to the elub.
and to use them on correspond-
enee froni now until Easter.
A. blitz planned by the Lions
fOr Friday, March 18, will be a
different kind from what the
Red Cross is used to. For instead
of it .belug a disaster, this ''raid"
will be exactly the opposition —
a drive for funds to send aid
when disaster strikes.
The 60 -odd members of the
club Will rap on every door from
6 to pan. during the town -
wide •campaign. Residents are
urged to have their contributions
ready to save the metabers valu-
able time.
C. V. Pickard and T. O. 'South-
cott will organize the Red °MSS
camealga. Hes. LaMOMEln, Gra-
ham Arthur and Norm Wolper
will handle the Easter Seal drive.
Objective Over Five
This year's national objective
for the Red Cross exceeds
$5,000,000. This represents the
amount needed to maintain the
Red Cross in all its essential
obligations and in. a state of
constant readiness.
Most widely known of the
Red Cross services ,are its dis-
g gggg gg $ ggg g gg II llllllll $$ llllll $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ImplimIfiew l ll I l 1 l $1111111111111111111111111 ll I llll 111111111111M lll I ll tett.
Rolls for $1 U 10 OZ. SOPS ... Si
20 oz. Tins
7 for Si
14 oz. Tins lllll &for 45c
7 for Si
16 oz. Tins
734 ex. This
aster relief, such as during Hurri-
cane Hazel, blood transfusione,
outpost hospitals, veterans' we1.
fare and Junior Red Cross.
Most recent and graphic ex-
ample of the work of the Red
Cross was during the Toronto
flood last tail. As the hurricane
and its torrents swelled the
Humber River, water overflowed
its banks, roaring across flat
lands, carrying everything before
it; Houses were ripped s from
their foundations or criished
where they stood. Cars were
washed from bridges or swamped
at low points in the road. Whole
fainilies were drowned, and many
more families lost all their furni-
ture and possessions.
In Action Early
From the .earliest stages of the
disaster, the Red Cross was in
action. Red Cross corps girls
took part in rescue operations,
helping to carry many children
and sick or aged people to safety.
Feeding and clothing centres
were set up to relieve the home-
less and hundreds of volunteer
workers turned out to help,
Registration centres went into
action to co-ordinate relief
efforts and to help reunited fam-
ilies and collect information fOr
anxious enquirers. The Bed
Cross was a vital factor in reliev-
ing distress.
The Red Cross was ready, be-
cause of the generous _donations
of money and service cheerfully
rendered by. thousands of Cana-
dians. When the canvasser calls,
remember the hurricane disaster
and all the thousands of less
spectacular works of mercy and
give generously to keep the Red
Cross ready.
Men, Women! Old at
40, 50, 60! Want Pep?
'Want to Feel
Years Younger?
Thousands amazed what a
little "pepping up" with
Ostroxlas done, For body
old after 40 lust because
low in iron. Introductory or "get -acquainted"
he only 60f. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets for
new pep, vigor and younger feeling, this very
day. At all drug stores.
Buy And Use
Easter Seals
1,200 Handicapped Kids
in Ontario ask you to buy
"Easter Seals" so they can
throw away their braces and
crutches and run and play
with other boyo and girls.
Easter Seals finance clinic-
al treatment, summer camps,
cerebral palsy centres and
walking aids for these cbild-
ren. Your purchase of seals
in the past have made many
unfortunate children happy
—vron't you help again?
• Send Your Donation NOW To
Chairman, Easter Seals Committee
Sponsored. By Exeter 'Lions Club.
HELP CRIPPLED CHILDREN—The Ontario Society for
Crippled Children own and operate five sumniei camps
throughout the province that were built ,expr"essly for crippled
children. Your Easter Seal dollars made it possible, for more
than 7,200 crippled kiddies to enjoy a summer vacation last
year. The Annual Easter Seal Campaign runs until April 10
and has an objective of $5eo,o00. These little girls shown
above visited Blue Mountain Camp near Collingwood.
Aid Crippled Children
With Purchase Of Seals
Because 10 men with a convic- formitiei, Out of their represent-
tien met together to study a ser- atives' .discussions grew the On-
ions problem 32 years ago, more tario. Society -for Crippled Child -
than 19,000 children over the ren."
years since that timehave been As a central organization, tune -
given a better chance in life. tioning in close liason with 200
It was Noveinber. 28, 1922, service clnbs, inclnding Exeter
When the 10, each 'a member of Lions, the Society is maintained
an Ontario service club. in South- by the funds from the annual
western Ontario, met to discliss sale of Easter Seals. It provides
a better way of providing a ser- co-ordination of the benefits
vice which each of their clubs jointly offered by the clubs and
was attempting. In its own com- the •Society. It operates' five
munity, each club was seeking to specially equipped 'camps -,where
help youngsters who had been handicapped youngsters can en -
stricken by disease or handicap- Joy full_ camp life. It arranges
ped from birth by crippling de- clinics at,which topflight siiecial-
. ists donate their skills. It carries
out a broad program 'of services,
all aimed at giving handicapped
kids a better chalice, such as
more than a score of trained or-
thopedic nurses who work in
close alliance with local doctors
and provide treatment right in
children's homes, or direct them
to hospital for treatment.
Today there are more than
9,000 youngsters on the Society's
records, all active cases -who do
not lack for braces or other cor-
rective appliances, who get treat-
ment that might otherwise be
lacking, and who get s chance to
triumph oVer the infirmities that
once doomed many youngsters 'to
a life of frustration and complete
dependence on others. And they
depend now -on the sale of Easter
Seals to see that these benefits
continue •
• The campaign lasts until. April
10 and has an objectiVe of $55.0,-
000. •
This Week In
Personal Items
Mr .and Mrs. Ivan Brock and
children visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Cliff Brock at Crediton.
Mr. Clarence Ford, Kitchener,
spent the weekend with his mo-
ther, Mrs. Harry FOrd and Gor-
don. Mrs. Ford, ar., returned
home with him after spending the
Mr. and Mrs, ,William Walters
and Danny visited Sunday eve-
ning with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Rowe, of Thames Road.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Denham
and Barry, of Sarnia, and Mrs.
Harry Armstrong, of Hensall,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.
F. Batten on Sunday.
"Milky Way" Club
The first meeting of the
"IVrilky Way" Club was held on
Saturday at the home of Mrs.
Gilbert Johns, Elimville. The
club has a membership of 12 and
the leaders are Mrs. Ward Hern
and Mrs. Gilbert Johns.
The club's purpose is to study
the uses of milk and how it helps
the homemaker. Officers elected
were: president, Perla Hern; vice-
president, Mary Skinner; secre-
tary and. press reporter, Kay
Horne; song leader, Alma Hern.
Mrs. E. Herdman
Born In England
Mrs. Enos Herdman, '71, the
former Mable Lonsdale, flied sud-
denly last Friday at the hOme
of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Homey
where she had lived since Janu-
She was born in England and
came to Canada after the death
of her first husband, George
Phipps. One soli also predeceased
her in England.
Twenty-one years ago she was
married to Encs Ilertiman 'who
died in January 1954, Mr, and
Mrs. Hardman lived for some
years at Varna then moved to a
farm in Usborne Township.
Mrs. Herdman was a member
of Elimville United Church.
'Surviving are one daughter,
Doris, Mrs, Fred Morden;
sister, hrs. Dorothy 1VICFadyen;
three grandchildren and a great-
grandchild all Of Toronto, And
two sisters In England,
'The body reated at the Hopper -
Hockey funeral home where the
Itev. W. J. Moore officiated for
the 'funeral serVice On Monday
afternoon,. Interment was In
•19xeter Cembtery.
Palirbeareis were Raymond
Morden, Glen Morden, Wililain
11°1111, Squire Herdman, wii
Ilam Hater and Alvin Pyrn.
Elmer Hayter, Ewart Pyni, Amos
Herdman, - tA.rnold Gacktetter,
'William. Bradshaw and Howard
Pyin were fibWer
• -.
1f YOU
may you
never learn
Only those stricken by war, dims-
teror other tragedies know at
first hand how vitally essential
Red Cross services are to our nro
tion, Those of itt who, inercifully,
have not learned from grim. ex-
periepce MEW well
to the t
. /if
1,44940100 Is needed this year
District .Governor Calls Exeterlions Chi"). "One Of Best'
District Governor Ward
ton, of St. Marys, At his offielal
visit to theExeter Lions Dleb
Friday evening, stated that of the
46 clubs M District .A1 the
eter club was close to the top in
an efficiency contest.
The Dgeter club will sponsor
Lh Red Cress drive end in Ex-
eter it will take the form of a
blitz on Friday,. March 18, when
members .of the club will canvass
he town starting. at 6 p.m., to
be followed by their supper meet-
ing. The drive Is being .conducted
by C. V. Pickard and. T. 0, :eolith-,
The .club will also sponsor the
Easter Seal drive for crippled
children, This will be lett,by Hen
Lampolan,Norm Wolper. and
017104U-, Arthur.
A drive for old papers and
Blease .Turn. to Page 1.2
Two Great Services
Deserve Your Support
The Canadian Red Cross and the Ontario Society for
Crippled Children. seek your contributions this month . . .
give freely to each because bothAmerit your wholehearted
support. ^Thebo humanitarian organizations bring help to
thousands of stricken people every year . . . they do your
charity work among the handicapped. Your dollars are need-
ed so they can continue . . . give all you can!
Space contributed in the
service of the community
by John Labatt, Limited
Answer This Call For Help!
Red Cross
Friday, March 18 6 p.m.
° Wherever, Whenever,'. however
disaster strikes, the Red Cross is
there . lending a helping hand
to thestricken, the troubled, the
hoMeless. How the 1ted areas
turns to YOU for help , . asks
yeti to give . *frau your heart
. so that it may continue to
be a friend indeed to all in need!
When a Member of Exeter giOns
cella at your door,.Friday night,
be generous in your atintribittion. •
Have Your Answer Ready When The Lon Calls