HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-6-1, Page 3MEM
THE CIaOP$. Frightful Ma.saera. The Yellow Fewer Plot.
is The fact that Dr. Blackbere did engage In
a heinous plot to introduce )allow beer into
the Northern States most be eonardered as
war established if out is re believe the waren
ht Hyena*. Then are those wbo do not credit
bre this alas, and think that hr. Bleckburo is
be )pnucent of the , barge. Nut ao, bosrver,
as Mr. Boomer, the Pollee Magistrate of Torun
to 10, who, wisely refusing to decide the caw
of himself, owing to the uncertointy that pre
re, nils In the law ut England cotteerning the
ire- crime .4 commune, to comm t au offence in
o• ruother col nIry, has held Dr. Itlaclburn in
ed auntiee of =1,000 to take his trial at the Fal)
- Arises. Certainly, if He offence charged.
al hat been protein, there should he 1.. to reach
00 abuminabl. an offenee,Tqrree Prise
- In the English army )here are some
I 1,000 rain who can read sed write, 30,0011
who cru read but n01 write, 23,000 .bo t'.n
u• ither read nor write, end 9,000 whrse edu-
cation is marked superior. Regimental school■
and libraries have Levu established at a runt
loot year of nearly two hund.ed thousand
dolling, but their efficiency is considerably
hampered by a wpertlottr of red tape.
The !titer Thanes' is beginning to tet
pure, es • math or two hare been awn in
the river of mud that was nearly opposite St.
Paul'. Cathedral.
The weather luta been wiry warm 005 fo
I days, and vegetatlou has secordingl
wade great progress. TM frgwnitsat
rains that we have bad during the spring w
fax have delayed the operations of plot/dip
and pastime m many parte of toe COrnrrt
frnrcularly where the land is low. Mid
.rom this the prospects agood crop are
mot favourable.-tPre•cottTelegraph, 23rd
Recent inquiries warrant to in asaertin
that the crops is North U°ono, ted is f.c
in the whole co*ntry. were never better •
this season of the year than they are now. -
The gruh, which mode ite •ppeanns'e in the
11th Q ireete100 of this township, is to be
found in no other locality, and even there
the injuries indicted Lr it M•1 mita,/ %feet as
VIM Al fiellt sj,prrbeuded. The hay crup also
promises well. Should tW uulureseeu alis
o un occur'
our fawning friends will
themre Ivse on
a hexer pai'ios thio fall than
have (growers!o
yn.-(Prince Albert
Ther was, it this cottony, • better
prospect for good crops than at prompt. The
(.11 wheat looks well, fruit prospects are ex-
cellent, mid the spring work over about two
weeks earlier than 1ut year. During the
put curb there have been several roost re-
tresimig showers. Altogether present app
pearncre augur well fur • return tet good
times.-(llruce i etiew.
hoot all dorrrtioue t b.• report@ of the grow-
ing crop( use onion( rhe*, im; and encouraging.
We bare received tau wonting ocular cite
rn0n.tration in this connection from the
eownabip of Glaadford ,n the shape of speer -
mens of the growing wheat and ter, (row the
farw.of Mr. Stephen King. 'the smite et.
rye, which are represented to be a fair sam-
ple of the field. are rank anal beimemoir., mew
tog shout three feet in Ieoghi 111 wheat is
.(the .Lila chat Mtdierraseau description,
end eahibiu • 111.0 healthy appearance, he
stalks measuring about two feet on length. -
The homers are enredmgly hopeful at the
present lime, ad these cheering re rot will
be received with gratification by a cloves,
who hair a continuo ,utereet in heir pros-
penty,-(llsmi'ton Timm, 25113. •
The weather during the past two weeks
hu on the while been rather favourable fur
the griming crdy.. We have as tit had les
warm weather than is usual at this season;
but there has been a regular supply of rain at
intervals, and this has aided vetetatiun awe
rosily, and to some extent made up for .the
lack of beat. (*n Monday lest we had a i
thunder storm, soruopsn,ed with ram and
hail; and on Tuesday noru,ug there was con.
enfeeble hoar frost. Se far ee we can tear•,
however, it has dole no material damage
either to the fruit or grain aro)..- (Sarnia
Burglaries la St. Call latrines.
✓ 105 wo•a• LID cati.oaai .LSCO•TBUID
cote 51.000.
The committee on the cunduet of the
g mow setting ,n Washington bar psi broug
, to light the particulate of the must bun,
• ma ,sere of modern limes, before which t
store of the bloody tragedy of Glencoe gra
�b, and the spirt of a darker age seems
g live anew. We allude to the massacre
ludas' by • party of Untied Sates saddle
t under the command o(* wretch named Cb
ingtcm, who was lurnirrly a preacher at De
ver City. 'the atrocious deed vow rwrm,lt
on the river Cimeron, near the Big Send�,I.
We glean the particular* from the ulari
reports, which c•0tnwl M charged wit:. )rang
hostile to the North. It *,)pears that the
Judi,.. (Car;jeuoes and Arrep•hoes) bad
been fun.sSed • sale conduct by United
States u6ieers and u cause
y baa they
seer CLf•nlg
n and for bVlid Ad approaching,
seven( of them went forward to meet them,
one of their chiefs, ' Antelope,' among the
°umbe, who tors iwnedirtely .hut down.-
' Black Kettle,' another chief, rushed (urwa,J
with r United States flag, wh,rh had been
presented to him by the I,,diru seem, in one
hand, and a white tlag under it its token of
Submission. TM rumen rod children sought
refuge under these )foga, taut were •11 shut
down by the soldiers. Men, women and
ceildren, without distinction of age nr tor,
were slaughtered in cold blood. from dry
light until 11 o'clock the wok of death went
tin. Ahuut 132 were ssu1htered, 2T of
them were men, and the b*ls.,e 5.:0)10 arid
ehddien. Among h• chyle killed sem
While Antslooe, W•r hornet. blooding
:, trier, and One Eye. left Hiud,the Iecond
cine! of 1111 Arrmpsbnei, was wounded and
.utwegu5nny died. Ue had always been the
staunch friend ol'the oboes, ane had Eden'
toured Col. Le•ven.orth that he never
laces. IV hen Left flood sow the sal
OoDxsnrtt, May 30th, 1865.
Spring Wheat, , . .41:08 ® 1:12i
halt du 1:12 r(�ja) 1:20
('5u,• 0:4 (q 0:45
Fleur .. 6:50 r(. 6:00
Volley .... '....... 0:55 0.60
Cama .. 0:00 '1d 0175
5:60 ° 0:00
0:30 . tau 0:40
pa11, atar le -
sr a ,
appreatb,oe, he lett continent 'bet they •ei
*am ■ 1165 _ __
tw Xdtitrtistlatltts. J. F. CA16 ADV, M. D.. C. BIw
"Only s 3Poasay t "
London Evening Advertiser,
1514504D To a
28 0 olumn Paper,
TS',Minded every lawful evening, at 6
o riuek, and run)•lo, the latestTelegrams,
Markets, Naw. Paragraphs, i.e. Family
Hsi; rimy, EJ:torlelr, &c., catefudy prepared
and 4,...,1, 4.
The Lo►oox Ev►alsu Arva.TIOa• kis •
circulation averaging g 11,000 pet which
is mon than .rouble that of any other daily
pipet published west of Hemiltun. It is
circulated ou the streets. after the manner of
i1i8 Mammal 11'irnen, and New York and
Buffalo papers. Advertious at r dinance
will find it to Doi:. advantage to insert ibeir
Iiu,iucls 001)111 In our columns. Doi:.
Dail Adv nr
iter (par unarm) 34.00 I)
Weekly Advertiser per annum, *1.60.
1~j• Ail eummuuic•tius aodreaw. d to
JOHN CA 311J((J N.
E4itur t Palliator.
London. May 23, 1865.
Insolvent Act of 1864• `
fa the matter of ALEXANDER
DOUGL.4SS, an l,solveof.
I RE creditors of the ineolrerrt are nctihed
i to meet at my aim io the Village of
Souh.mpwn, in the 'count ,of Bruce, on
Friday the si teenlh day Of J11.111115. at tell
o'clock, A. 51. for th• public raemluai,n o:
• L.Imbs2 00 ((q 0.00 the nuulvrnt and for the ordeuug of the
l'urkier, each ........ , , . 0:45 (t�, 0:50 al io tel' the stet generally.
u .. ......,. 025. (�g, 0r00A. aPItUAT,
O. rickets', u .......,� 0.20 (G 0.1*0 Auignee.
0:25 Dated a S.,ulhemp n aforesaid,
0:00 --_ 23'd May, r6'• (2uwhw)9
coning on ape •cetul 10114101), aur; ,rood 5i
his arms (added and nod :-" Soldiers, in
('rived•, not afaid of them.•' It was not Ont
01 'Lair wiser) aid children had lee
,bot down, .bib crouching Yoder the fold
of the Ainrrivan that held up by Black Kettle
that the Ind,ars,seeing ,1 one the determine
tion of Chiringtou to rxterm,uate them, offer
ed any resistance. T bey were, of course
overpowered and killed. '1 he above is n
arlra*,Onal story, but twines from a sours
the veracity of wlich contort he doubted. -
The event happened a,d.e little time sine
lint the facie are only just Leieg brought t
liyese d :
Miele '1.1
W 0.00
^ II den Jgieen) �,:75
f, atoms
' m,d
' 1?acs
flay, 11 ton
r (Repined for toe eto.0 by C- urn., McDougal Co.)
O _
• a • Ste Nee'',May 2ih, 166.
Flour (e) barrel) 154:00 G. 4:
Fall Wriest, el bushel ...01:00 (g, 1:20
Spring What, it bush.... 1:10 (g, 1:u6
Urts 0.40 (yr 0:00
Lladey . t,, 000 (3' 0:60
PP.0 0>75 (y, 0:150
Hatatoet 0.30 0.35
Hy (ti inn)" 16:00 , 18:00
.6.00 (nom, 7:00
ST. C/agaauas, May 26.
Last night, or early this owning, Mr. T.
Haley's shoe store, St. Paul street, Melvin's
Reaa,rert, Queen street, and Mr. C. Yale's
foundry, Un*a, iwlreet, were entered by burg.
lam. The foundry was no doubt entered for
the porpoise of oaainiug the tools nressary
to operate with. The nest (,lace visited was
Mr. Ifeale)'a or 51r. Mibi,, s, pn)bahly the
former. The partes got int, Heaey's some
through a block .mduw, srnf made their tray
to the safe through the door of which they
punched a hole with a cold chisel or.some
- •im,la instilment and through the deposited
sufficient powder m the lock to bion the door
to pieties. and demolish • window a• tbe ion
of the oftire. From the safe they abstracted
between) 150 .nd I:0 .i • .ars.
The Shipping and Labour at
Doing 10 the immense influx of vessels at
thi.port un the opening of the season, the *
price of labor for Ioadiu% and unloading their
)erg. cargo',, ran op roan exorbitant 6
Ex peruepd bends were receiving from 52 to
j3 sday, end were had to got at that. At•
nae time there were tom" 450 shite and
. vessels of all Colds there, wh,cb required on
an •teras aunt! ten men each to unload.
This proved oar -tithe service some 4,500.per- •
NM, and rendered busunl•s. rather Li ask ,
' among th. ,.n..ies'erd stevedores. Sorer
honest tradesmen, ave\ es •hie*n kers and
tailor lured by the hint of a large daily sum,
left their last ad /wire to rake money on t
aN3 (, 0:15
0:4.0 is 0.45
2:00 0:00 M ' ney Ld
0:0g (g,, 0:124 y ens
13.00 (s, 14:00 IIIPON engages. Apple to D. Shade
6 • •,ug, Solicitor. '(115m ower R.
H. I Boo s store.
I (dode,ich 18169 1463 settle
" lllstorletts.ft
The collapse of the rrteltiom in the Smith
followed by he sasa.el,ation .,f Prrsidrat.
Liucotn, 1115 .rd aura cunos
kir Vernuu Mutton, the barrister, bis
attained ennndersble distinction on butt
soles of the Atlantic by bis 140,5sighed
'• 11 isomers" in a London mut trio paper.--
Ils i1t.Vaey with intenai»msl .w s un
doubted, sod the ability witb„obich be has
handled many topics aris,u,( Gut oldie amt
conflict as -between this euuutry and both the
belligerents has twee as remarkable as Lis an
partiality. Ile belong. to • (•mi.v whicht has
given any di;nitarwa to the Church µ(
England. and the politics of thoolfmnily have
siwnya been of toe High Tory school ; but in
.rrleg for • uewepaper which -has been tun-
sprcuous for its wenn •up)art of he Southern
cause during the haat four year*, hr had mol
free pal for doing proms to his oar privet,
op,riuna Suce•as, !weever. has made many
converts of late, and we now absentee that
•• Historiees " ha. &leayr sympathised with
the North, caul!. at its suiteia and rsprewa
kis earnest d.reasati,•n of he system" of
slavery which led to per -edition. tie accuse.
he South of Dein) the first to s,., sus the
Cumt,tutiou of twir country, end charge.
hem • fib ruehon,( to at me to extend staery.
•• t
ILS contempt/ma treatment of Mr Mason a
atter about the • Cun.ertstive South " ens
Wee him to deelae hie better, that neither
democracy on the ora hold, or •vestierecy
•n the other bud repeating to do earth the
trudgle. Tie ricmry m tbt op dont of
•ll,•toideue," hal h., , gained lir • free
eep)e over • time's?. who were not Iree.-
lavery, he contends. is a great crime, but
1e sarehnlden of die Noah
to be re
arded as its 011,1 . ember than Its authors.
'Le grave of Mr. Lincoln offers a f.votablr
ppm -lenity tor bnldmg Get the tight hand of
harif, and peace to the erring South. Mr.
. 0, 0),, was he (mend of petite, a),d • friend.
o the world -to Engia,d .mired,► an; and
H,aturicus urges diet, as the war ra
America te over, English' prejudice should
uhaide with it. ".1,' he adds, •' Engle?
nd America walk forth from this sad cham-
ber of death friends With o..e another and
mon%.t themselves, then we 'say suit pleat'op•••lat.,noutnfthoedre*If os! salter. Than.
the result, he death of i're..de ,t l.inco,n
ill re hearted to achieve the ends which be
ad mot at heart in hie honor»bre and melt.'
fe." Thereon, we hope, few l4:404* who
,.1 not en4•,ree three none *eminent*. and
is that di/Syare m.w /learn/
_., .. T
,ack in t hueiaesr to
quires* peel:oar k
eteell in *hit line for which zoo but eOper e
ieue•d laude are fitted.
Frac n lsosaaot.t..-We learn from an 1
mars of the ligroin!! CAionide that about "‘
two o'clock yesterday morning A lire broke
out in the Inquirer pouting ,,:;ice n1 that s
pleat. • large two-story wooden bui)drpg a
opposite he Daly home. it mm not many•.
minutes before he flames enmmunir.td to s
Deo taboret factory of Sir. George W. Web- '
st8r, sed is lead than no hi,nr both huildrage t
were totally destroyed. Messrs. Sutherland, w
owners of the 1°qusrr, lost the greater poi- h
lion of their printing material, household li
furniture, ,he., very little having been saved. w
.The materal, eau eatoed at about SI,400
insured in the Gore Muted for 8900. l he
buildingwas owned byMr. John Culrid e
6 .
mtured in the Liverpool and London Com-
pany for 1600. Mr. 1l"ebeter **red the
greater porton of his stock. The building
was • substantial two story frame. owned by
a party in En"rl.,nd. 1c'. 1 client there woe
no insurance on either stock or building. The
bre is believed to bus been the work of au
DxaT■ ovine Ca/ttrto.l or ENGLAND. -
The telegraph some days since .nm.une,d
the dealt of Sir U. Dymoke, the Champion
.f England. An English paper aikido% to
the event says :-"It seem* • strange thing
to hear of the death of • the Ch*m;,ion of
En;land' Nerer tireless that event has reto-
slly occurred through the decease of the Ilam
Sir Henry l)ymoke, (Bart., of Serivels)y
Court, Lileolnshlre, who bore by descent
and feudal tenure, as owner of Scovelshv,the
tits and ntbre of ^Hereditary (lend Chem.
Edon of England," ieherited by him from the
horde M ami n Rcvalaby He
Iwai dia.
this office et the
busoerr m It ,
minium Hall at the coronation f
Kin Geur_e
iV. The duly is to rfde into the fail and
throw down a mailed glove defying to combat
any person whenehal deny that the regnant
.sovereign is the lawful ruler of this kingdom.
As the form of the offtae had become sing..
larly incongruous in the present day, end *as
open to touch ndice)e, It baa since been dis-
continued ; and its understood that the late
champion had re,ei.ed hot barometry from
Lord Melboerre, in 1841, in coasrrretiom of
bis bating waived his right to perforth hs
office et Her Maj.•rty's coronation. The
•eremo*y was also omitted when W,lllerb
IV. eau crowned. Ste Henry frymohe was
born in 1.01, he was merrier], hut, ea it *pr
pears from Debrelt that he has no heir, it
veema that this ancient hereditary office must
now become extinct. Sir Henry died at bus R
residence is London *flet two days' Weems tea
from diptherii." 91
t} The Christian Guardian publishes the pl
full tut of subscribers to the Victoria College rte
fund for he removal of the debt en that lot• 1h
abortion. The proposal mads by Dr. Ayk1 co
worth some time ago and sanctioned by th• bit
(Conference, was he In effect that an Mind 0
'hook, be made to raise D/ sol,mtary 5.b s*
.crlptiee an amount sufficient to pay off he, fr,
Cortege doht. The emnunt reqs, .d was 130,. fru
000 ; and the plan adept,/ eras to solicit sub. sr
aeriplions, the amount to he payable only when H
the sum was mule op. We ore most gratified H
to lean, that the luhecriptions have eatgirded ye
the amount required. footing op to $31,000 ; eo
and there are ,.me ciremta *loch have been m
the modular
re-echoed .Il organ el' Wow. 10 SMcb
the lel fere of " Hnturicas ''appeared,-
Lonioe pnjx►.
1'sarr'. Ixrexnu --Thu Whitby Gazette
has the following : • are mach respected
tnwnhmai' C. W. Nunn Station aster
M of
the Grand Trunk Itallwy\tn this )frees has,
we are glad to notice,.erlre4 a patent for '•
new and Improved railway signal,' one of
w hirls he has erected at the G. 7'. station. -
This ingenious invention is the Most simple
and sere arrangement of the kind that bas
ever been brought nut. The operator need
n ot go out of his office lollop and start lair's
As barns ere all run hr telegraph, at the•nn
,nrement through tint electric mrmno t�t
1 is right, the and telegraph operator lira.)
nl7 to pall a amen cord. or lefts ever, and
e signal is turned to ' danger' or tall right'
*second of t'me. The eivrixed world, as
ell at managers of railways, own Mr. Nucor
debt of gnttitude er-his ra)u:rble intention.
it oil, we hese no doubt, save many serious
collisions, and therefore thousands of I,.,..
he Gr*cd Trunk Company have *dope'
re preservers at every union. W � bo
h I I'
is um, and talents in thus bringing to light
peat • boon to the travelling public."
Frith TVauted QMgekly.
Many are hindered from fruit growing, by
he erroneous ides that they must necroerily
wait a long time for 1)4,1 *. The remark u
often nude, " it takes • lite time to get fruit"
oma r,ew !definition. This is 6r* absurd
nor, and needs to be rorrected. Rtrewbes
s carefully set out early in Spring, will
ar a moderate crop the 05m5 amen, Fine
ripe berries may he had in seven weeks •from
the :)me of pl.neing, The second year. the
trop will be abundant. A square rod of
'ilsnds Mbay on good ground, will yield
n quarts • day for two or three wees6-
nek Mrlm,s and Nater Melons will yield
err delicious ici pug pnldnru four months after
tinting. (ioosebertie,, Corrode Itespher-
e, and Blackberries, all beer moderately
u second year after settfn;out. Two dozen
+,ant bushes set out smell, ban yielded a
sir ' of eurrant, the thi,d year. Hrinekle's
range Raspberry will frequently hear the
1 "Ill snot the fullsera,tr.tDr pis videos
t 5*rly, generally *hesecond or third ro. '
cording In the alength of he tong ,iltea.
icily kinds like the Delaware, enneord, end
milord Prolific may he depended on most
ars Inr 5 crop. r)warf Apples and Pears
me quiekly into bearing. Under right
an•gement and in suitable slim they begin
r. Suun'e 'uvr in
I use n and are erectin the.,
e Inventor will realise • large rotten, for
only partially rnnwed, and some which h..e to
Oil been 'Stood at all. The *stalked agents 'p
'Dr. Ayletwnrth and dm Hee. Charles fish, ha
Mill continua their good work, eollecting the
*soma euhserihed, end wearing further tub.
seripli'n toward. the ,mptoremeut of the
heildtags mid the creation of • permanent 40
,ado. .o* fend ; and ewe well wisher cf r
the edaruinnal progress oftheen1ntry 5,11
hid them Qod speed. The Wealey)en holy sot
item done themselves iulnite ertdn is the •
•6brt which they loges total* to retie•* the
retrain, from the Ikeda* of debt. -Ryan.
yield the third year front the Aud, and the
pies especially, are very reliable, regular
iters- (Canaria Farmer.
el. Passenger* going from Toronto 10
5aton by boat ,•mat get leotard owing
a )*adshp on the New York Central Rail
Q} At the Mg hotel in M. Lois they have
lnvenuo ren nes for sh•bieg carpets by
Pork (y hundred)
Hide..:.. ....... 3:50 tyy. 3:50
Butter (V Ib).......... 0:14 (g 0:00
ShMpelMa .. .... 1.00 (y 1:50
Eggs (1,1 doses)......... 0:00 (tr. 0:10 '
Timothy bred 2.00 (5' 2:50 I
Wool 0'30 (n. 0:3i I
Cuter Semi.... . 9.00 (3 9:00
To.oxen.-Floor 65.25 to 6.50. Fall I
Wheat 1.2S to 1.,45. ,Sprirg • do 81.20. 1
Wool, not n,•orted, Usa 47e to boa.
'J. •
or TII1
rfIJE Counties' Couneil for Poe United
Count:e. of Huron, end Bruce. .ih meet
In the Court Room, Goderich. or 'lue.day,
the sixth day of June next.
Conine•' ('tent, Huron& Bruce.
Counties. Clerk'. Office,
May 19th, 1865. j .171d
New YORE. -F our $7.00 to 8.00. Spring I ,
Ntrtbs,. '
On Thursday the 25th ;net., at Oode1ieb,
C. W., the'*IG of Lewis W. Ord, Bdq., of a
O. the 26th., by the Ree. A, Mashed, Mr.
Alias )$lean w Mies Mary Attu Logan
bush of this town. . •
7t tt1.
At Slcwartarl'e Hotel, C,Ihorne, cot the
25,)1 lout., Mary Lomeli (Connote, aged nine
_teen and two months, grand daughter of the
late John Rosa.
Nola R1Mgrtlsnint i.
At the Wharf!
Dederieh, May 29th, tags. s07
nom 4 cos. 1'1 tt It • L I,
At the 'Signal' Office.
Window Shades ! !
Tot' 0.01 t6
Notice\is here hi Given
J iv
1 HAT alter t*enty-one days from he d,ta
of this notice application will he made to
the Judge of the S.rragate Court for the
rooted Counties of Huron sod Bruer, at
Goderich fur he ' ppdintraent of John Mc-
Kinley, Esquire, of the township of Stanley,
,r. the Count of Huron, as Gu•rJion of
&t•nnr McKinley, May MkKiulrn. Susan.
n*h M,Ki.Jey, Lucinda McK,oley, Margaret
.1 11. Kiley, Agee McKutlr. and Robert
McKinley minor cbiIdrer of the late Hobert
D.ted at Goderich this 30th day et May,
1865. w1A�It
Ito LA. mutter of HENRY C. PUGiH,'
as Insolvent
THE Crediton of the insolvent are notified
that he has made an assignment of bre
estate and eff.•cln under the above Aet, to
me, the underigrrd witnee, and they ire
requited to Menial' me within two month*
from this date with their cadets. specifying
the eteurity they hold, if err, and the •glue
of it, and it none stating the fat; the whole
.looted ander oath with the vouchers in
support of such claims.
M. 22, 1.165.sw71wl8 2.
It.O1vent Act of 1864.
THE ered,trnrs of tM Inen)y„et are notified
thin he hoe made an 1Yignment no hie mile
end r6•• ere amide Ire ahoy. Art, to lne, the ender -
aimed 5r,g•e, end they 555 r*port4 en M'ei.h
o re wnan tiro ,0n5155Item 1h.e dor. 5101 111dt
olrnma, eprdljae tsn eremite they hold, if env,
5r*/ 1M MIM of n, end it non...satins the Art 1
the lobate a'ts 404 nada, a *h Witte the soeab,s
,s 5eppml o seek came.
WM. w. WAT'8()lr
tram. AMIN
ft The Jeweled de Noir has nowise! • 1.G. McCAt7GHEY,
mbecrittioo fee • d.da? to be pylated to ethanol for Irble,nt. .ION
Mrs. bezel• Resforlh, Co. Boron, Way 1014, 1065.
13 L T LER
•wale TCW altcrtt[o ii Wass 571)15 of
TOT`, Toy Book.. Prover nq.we,:( tel blain,
Leona S,rv,eu. Myna Beek.,
1. dee' Clrp.we.•
AN wrloq uLk 5500lre,al, h. sot
Uodenee A; vel 11111214.3
a. P. YEOMAN.,
ver, Nov* ay, toWIT• c5a, fu•,�U/k.
over the new Post-UWre, Oodeneh, 0518
Arno Provincial Insurance Co., C intnn,
MAR Su.-) beg to Ihank Oa Provin a5
(ns5rence Company of Canada Ihrou2h you
farot here
1 very honortiMe manner e to which that
*n ran A5 . ii r
y s s,. idd my claim Keel it, for
dam4g,a to my prim:.R materials by removal
during the hy which. the
adjoining home (C,.mphell'a Vicar is Hotel
was b+rued to the ground.
1 tom, sir,
Yours re.peetfnily,
w17.1m GEO. LAYCOCK.
Merchant Tailor,
Large & Well -Assorted
And■ 'some otra.ey Anoka, our htit
Shirts,Cellars, Neckties, Caps,
kr. kr.
Which be in prepared to sell Cheap for
(hs,iric*. April It. 71481. 1,12
Insolvent Act of 1864
V HE creditors of the undnnign.d en nnt'r•
1 Sed to meet st the office of Frederick
Whet, attorney at law, in the village of
Clanton, m the (mural of Huron, net Mondeo,
Om fifth d+ J1
t y o ( na neat, rt one o'clock m
he afternoon. for the purpose of receiving 5
satem•-nt of his &Feint, and of naming en
Resign', to whom he may make an asci jot•
mem terrier he &hoer, Art.
Dated at the vflloe• .f Clintnr„ In the
County vel Iluron, this eighteenth day of May,
A. D., 1865.
Fa wearer Wort?,
Attorney for Cherlee pigment. *17 2t
la the twitter of COLLV SINCLAIR,
on InrolOMt
THE Creditors of the Lasnlvent are notified
tea mart at the haw mile. of ,t(.ai.ae
Tomo & Moore, on the Town of Goderleh, nn
Mo•ady. the twelfth day of Jane, 1865, at
ten of the cinch in the forenoon, for the
pohlie a*aminating n1 the Inaolnnt, and for
the ordering of the affairs of his Mate game
C. clunk.
Solicitors ter Istat et.
Gnd•nela, C. W., May IPtl, 1881 eel? 2t
pregame of Matiul College, Mol.resl.)
II ooucrau•. OS.e-.At the V*,,... Court
Office, Dungannon, l.' W w17
To Wool Carders, &c,,
A Good Opening 1
THL or de•elrcee IS de•tr•'*• of lormur s
bummer. eunn«•Iwtl with wrote perrun w11 -
hog In me into Ilio V. pa -Carding m.41 loth does.
tag bu.Ine) to (4.drn. b The applicant to /ad
earth.. etc ant) the Wlrcntter the power and
t.w1J. ng, I0,th n1 *rteo It are n .-ornp etc realm..
rata u • •piend.J poon5nny for •5y capable
,ran w:ehmg one of the beat upealoga tel aha tied
,1hr•SJa. App1):0
O est C.W.
ad eh
l . 70 1106. wi
Apr 1 b, Af
Mortgage Sale of Land
U\DER and by virtue of • Power of Sole contained in r Mortgage made be James
Hart. of he Township of Wa.suo.h, u1 the'
('nutty of Huron, Yeoman, to George Jobe
Gager, of the Township of McKillop, in the
said County of Huron, Gentleman, (default
having been made in the due payment there-
of, )
hereuf,) will be sold he Auction on
Friday, the Twelfth day of May,
A. U. 1965, at 1.110..E clock, uuoo, •t the
Auction Mart of
On he Market Square, is the Tann of Gods
rich, he 'sr/lowing pro; err, that is to ray:
All and 'insular lhol .•ertaitr permit ,r trot
of land sod premise• situate Irrnl( sad Ming
ship of
of Huron, or he Proeit r. oComity
f Cah. innada.beiig
composed of the north amt quarter of Lo:
Nom'.., Forty-two in he E eeentb concession
of tb. said township of Wewenosh,cooteinirg
by •imeuurrment Fifty acres of lend, be toe
sem. more or leas. Terms ea.b. Deed
under Power of Sale
w10i Vendor's Ao:,citur.
The above sale is Po.*posed till Friday,
the 2ud day of June nest (ole
Freight for Porta cot East Si:ore o:
Lake Huron.
i( Bonnie Maggie.'
('-im.nnn.l, r, w'i I run het ween
444 'En . ,alar • s_,
Sp g
riot and
GODERICII, May tat, 1865. w12
(Weather permitting) twice each week
until (rather •mance. Learing Sarnia every
Mhndsv find Thursday mornieg ,.:lin.; s
Port Elgin, Soutimrptun.'Returning w0t
peyh, Kincardine, Inguron
Mare Southampton every Wednesday arid
S•turd..y mor niu7 Balling at above porta.'
Freight by this route can be delil,14
quicker than by any ether, and at aro lu
wit Merchants and Shippers. For Freitht
sad p.5seg• .pply to W. Seymour & Cu.,
Agents, Guderich; HAL Campbell, Agent,
Kines,dio.1 Jame. Burwash, Agent, South.
Freight Sept., Eastern dirisior, Itamilloe.
I,A)GI14 1.4"(3UNi).
FOUND e. the Brash of LattaHuron,
+levet 3 11111.111 Crum Goderieh, ou 21.1h tet
April ,last, a qurrtily of Pae Lugg, marked
1. P., 1t. sod 1'. Toe owuer is requested to
l.rute property, pry •apaa0s, rid take them
away. It Gut maimed *thin sew mouth hum
IOW dote they will be sold by Auction.
Goderirb, Yfy 16, 16113. w173t
.1 CONVENTION .4 delegates mad leading
I1 Temperance mon el n u ('0.11100, wn11 M
held et (11010n, oh Wednesday. the 7th to June
w eoaoder the peupredy 01 onto[ the Temper-
•m•e Art *0 184 on this count), a.4 (or other
pOr,uwt• relining to the eau.. , I Tempera^e,
1*. order of Ala ',cheater Cunveotws.
(la* 2.11), 1Un5. w16.11
Crated Counties rel 1)Y vino. of ■ 0nt of
Hurn. and inure, 3'J Fen Peen ,wooed 0.11
w sen : of Her %lar• -W's t..nn,,,
float.* the United Conn, ter nt Hornet end lirore
end io it e ,l t,wted e's1n114 the Iande and fent-
menti vel W7!ha U''uun, s the root of Is row
Nowt It-te•enr,n and A rrblhald Coot ember -
send, 1 havrsrrxed and liken m ere Loin* ell t1e
ng5*. title• 1111 mterewt or ine wad deta•iert in
and to the mwlh halves of h,'• number. Ih,nee5
pod fourteen a the moth Cance1ion of the own.
e h.pefMnnn, In :he County vet Huron, whirl,
leads end teneouenta 1 se) otter for ole at my
o/Iv in the (Coen H,w.r, n, the town ofr-
wh,on To..•t lhmd
ete/of y-nih Austral
of Aue.l
ata, et d
Me Amorist twelve rd the el•,ck, ..non.
Sheila', H. k 8.
cher,?'. O61r., Oadenrh,
23.4 Mer, lMbb. ( wit
ALL parties are hereby cautioned against
u chum n
r negotiating w
e two noir
P. R .ear
hand. drawn id favor of James Johnston, the
undersigned, loath dated the 1st dee n( M..,
1963. and 'lapilli.. req.(l0) months after date.
The firpoi, for 816.90, giwu by Gu*ilieh
Merrier and John 9ch ell ; and the second
one for *8.60, given by Jamw McOa(n and
Jobs McDeretolt. The said notes haw helm
stoles or lost, s.d payment hereof is stop.
Lot 36, South Boundary of Statile?.
Stanley, 15th May, 1)465. wl8 3t
IIIA is to f
I forted any pe- rson negotiating a
Note riven by ane eubacriber to John
White for twe5ty two bushels of. tudan'S,
sod hewing date March 6th, 1865, soda mid
Net, is over paid.
JAMES fl2:i1,C'iiN
Colhcrne, May 16th, 1865 . 101'1
ALL pommel are hereby notified Ihet agar
tau dote i will not hold myself reepon•
..l.le bre env delve contra, ted by my wife,
Mary Rays, she having deserted my bed and
bead without just casae or rreeneahon,
T'p of Stephen, Co. Huron.
May 191h, 1895. w17.3t•p.on
C.ted Cements of DT vines el • Writ d
Huron end Rotor, } D Penn Fara* lwed mot
To ton: ) of Her M.*ery'. Cusum)
Coo of qui 'Nowt Con nt lr• of Berea and flaws l
awl to me flow owl opine Ihe lamb and tend.
'new, or /noes [:lake, at IM eine of Robert
Tho Ninon,' hove e,oa5d end taken in •nrruteu
eft the .151, ink and merge of oke Mrd deem.
dolt to end to la nn...hn 174 on the ,own of
,irdr torh, ie 1'•t M„n,r nI Ilion, which lends
and rcnsne.nn, I shill oar for eel. at My nal••
n Otto Court Hoar, ,r* the town of I:.dn tel, ea
7,0040?, 1M 6neeth day of August neat, et tsa
hoar n(Iweh• Of the rMrk, tae..
Slants. lf]t.
M6 Prosect, OrpntyRheif•
Obett1' oarl•(i54•nN,)
1515 ay 1667
r.At[the Glasgow House.
Goderieh, 7th April, 1866.
W EIVIAIE1310 G7A $E1l9p
In Black and Waite Braids, at the
D.:KERR, JR. & CO.
Godericb, 7th April, 1063.
Of Our Spring Order of
In to nand, the THIILD will follow nett week,
At the Glasgow House.
D. Kerr, Jr., & Co.
Oodarieb, 711 April, HISS. w7
In the (Ines'. Benc1,
la the matter of comport- NOTICE ,e
sato• for right of .y of barebf 5itea
h. Buffalo and he
111.1 the Ilp�lo
Huron Railway Company sad Lake Heron
through Iota Need 86, 64 lisflwy Company
acid e7 'n the Mrdead have paid into he
c0neericn 0t the Town- Court of (41610'.
ship of Cudersb. lu the Beuek,MTorunio.
County of Harorr, hue mea of 1ve
hundred sad ninety OS dollars aid daty-bee
cents being the eompns•tigwand .la tseearhs
interest t hereon, neret! to be paid tor testis).
lauds fur right of ray. being parte 01 lots
nowhere eighty fire. eight .1, arid' eighty.
*even, tet the Na,dand concession 0f the
township of Goderich, is rhe Cutely et
under mid bynrtae d • certain
•greemetlt or deed oll besiege date the
eleventh day of Mar, in the yew of Ulu
Lord 1859, and ea.cuted by Milliken Ford
and Henry Ford of the said 405111500r of
Goderich, and made under the Astminted
" An Act respecting 1(a,1..,s," and fusilier
ounce is given to .II persona entitled to the
said lands or to any part thereof, of represent.
mg cr being the hwb•ods tel any partes w
anrited, to file direr oleins into Het paid
Court to the mud compeneauor or any part
thereof and ell such claims .ill be received
sod adjudged upon by the mid Coast
pursuant to the Statute to that behalf.
Dated lbs 171h (leyof May. 1866.
(Signed) L. HEYDEN,
Clerk of the Crows and Pleas.
Mortgage Sale ofLands
r(NDER sand by vlrtae of a Power of Salo
contained to a eertaie Yong.4* ssars
by CoA 8r•e1ur, el the town +f Ooderr+e
Betels., of floe *ret pea, (4rarn !wrung her.
made inthe due ea meet that eta,) there will be
r,W byAuction '1 r
, o� header, the fM day of
r. r
June, A D , 11fniA •t *Wave o'clock, mann, at
the Auction Man in James &emir, on 1114 7Mrbet
Square, o, the town of Uuderr5, the %%owing
lands sod prerm.es, v.t.: l.i‘owe M.0..d and
chitty end one hundred and efghit«,n. a M
town o1 Oedench, c,.alam.g, Irgerher, 0y .d-
meuuren.eel halt so acts of )sus', Mora er
Peed under Power of Sae cuats,oed a rad
Mortgage. ;
.aoliv,IM for Mort..ee..
th d at of May, A. D., 1065, *laid
age Sale of Lands.
UNDER nrandd by virtu* of a Power of Sale
eonuiin ceresin Indenture of Mo,,
rage, made by Be rd Daly of the village of
Egmondr Ole, in th County of Huron. Ma•
chant, to Felix Thom on, e( the township
of Hulled. in raid comity, lure, and hear-
ing date the fifteenth dor f April, A. D.
1564, will be sold by Public Auction at till
section rooms of 0. M. Trosman, in the
Town of Goderich. in the County of ilsroer
on Friday, the eighth day of Jun., 1865, .t
12 o'clock. noon. the following land sad
premises, ria.: village lot somber *even,
west side of Centre street, in the village of
Egmondrilla, eontairtMg ore quarter of an
acre of land, more Or less, together with the
bur:diugs thereon i frfault having heen mole
in the payment of the motleys thereby
Conveyance under Power in Mortgage.
Solicitor for Mortgagor
Rabid. Qru'4tb day of May, A. D., 1146.
n. w16-44
(.'n nub t, ountn of) 1j1' virtue 1 • wont et
Huro(( and Reece, } YelddF.
toa,aponae s.d
TO 511: ))
Fiero Faro, 1w remise.owned out cf H. r M.)esy'. County Cowl
"f the County of Onlano god Court of Cam -
soon Plea, fol to me directed sienna the
L..4..,4 tenement• of Stephan D.Cra wtord,F.H.
Lynch 91Wnton. Enoch C. lbwhng and koheet
Udmnur, at the nota of bac N. Howard gig
Doe Corporation of the Towle/lip of l hhsM, 1
hate aster sr taken in E4vemis all the nolo,
Idle sad arae• of the sad desndanu,ra aW l•
Perk Lot No. 15, Lot No. 5, bad to t le Louth hall
,( Lot No 5. Ear side et gores street *oak,
being a,bd,ueo0n• 01+ark LOIN.. 4 a the til-
la a ted realer; South ►dr.'l Lor 27 pg tk Ea.(
sole of Queen Street Soulh Testacy. Pork lid N..
16 North. de of ('emtwidge street. lend bort IA
We.. Mede n(Q,a•en strew, Nook P.ishey, 11.0113
$ooh ode and 13 and 14 North sole of C.aMWpe
caret, P•uley • North hall of tut L Ea.t .»Mot
Hann strew. S,.uthatnplu,, 60 fret of the North
p.m of 1 tet No. 4, North site of High 8uee1,
8onth.mplon, 1,1. 19 and W ne the Nook .ids
ofCareadou street, )oulb•mplo., 1.0415 Elle!
29 Je of Norfolk Street, Southampton, Low 11 asd
South .ule of tom.** lone. $uubsmproe, ell
inlbeCo,mty of Brur.; whu•b I•W •^d tram•
menu 1 a,Nlvdter In- leie at m7)• lice In the
Conn Hrrere,?11Ole Town ver li.dorich, ow Tues-
day Ihe Twentf•0411th Jay of February emit, 5t
the Lour., Twehre ot'he cluck, ewe.
Nrker+j, H g B.
Hr S PraracE. Pepety Rheri6. 1
Eh.r, d'. 0e.•e, Oe dera:k,
1.511, Jenuay,14*6. ` cert
The above sale is postponed OH Tu..4.
•4h da April 1
the t of d nx .
7 P
I The shove male u further her
ted dl'
* • the 9th day Tuesday s t r of May nest. (.l I
The ,born sale is further polSpeaed 1111
Tuesday, the 13th June, 1rt65,
Irn,tM ('oenr res el L1Y virtue f • Writ ea
Huron and Bruce, I -J Fen Faeces mood
To w.l : ort of Her Ms,eny'. County
Coort of the *'oiled (bunter. of Huron and Bruce,
B ann Ine tend• nd pent-
Meme Of Jima. 1.011,.,, et the .0,1 of a t ham
. mah.. lone
emend and lekren In Vied. atom al
the bole and Intelsat of the said drk+dont
te end to I'ts teller.: end Dirt the *41h,,mce.•io*
of one 1own.htp •f Rowe, nonionic." 200 a re•;
also min elle number 2 no the voltage on !over-
borne, in wood a ty of Bruer, contestant, 84 '
w ore•, 510.5. 1.11d• end tenement. ( Wall o?er for
o de it My Aloe ,n the Cour House on the town
of Coder eh, on Tuesday the Ars day of August
wit, at the boor of twelve co the clock, wee.
Sem id, H.at 0.
M R. Pot•r.ora, Deputy Shen?.
eb.n6'a Office, ()Wench. )+
16th Apr J, 1.56. 1 w14
INtX)N$EQCF,NCEofthe Mime Mlle. if. M
W ,.0. Ihe uuoo,•• hSreto(w• caroted
at radar Ito. R•MO and n5lu of
Robt. Runciman & Co
P' C) t' N 1.) IC 114 Me
mot be glued on or before Ili*
All penia indehlel tnlhe .brave 6,m •re here-
by roofed that •11 notes mod book ecreente over
dust on oho
1 et day of REB•Y next,
wdl se handed o. flint So^rrtor forcollet-Dos
The store on hand will he.o,d
TAINS" i 1)v FL CAi t1I.
h rnnn.r. or• :•re.s ..lm.nl o(P1•.ha, Cu111.
valure. iI•rn:w.,telraw 1, Illltrs.
r,nuh and .ugtr 0'''.:, waggon .n•1 pipe
i)ARTIb8 denrour of . Mmnag First Class Cooking, Parlor At Box Stoves,
t.Ant lnr r r. n5 and Bued,ng part... ran A geed .ern„d-band
he *opened .n One pettily, Ono on reasonable
.er5.• by sppfyag to IMP=wM411.201 1 1 •IBTIEI
Psa.ncs or Casufl& in the mailer of
Comfy of Horan one Cwsetes W. Pici•
of the United Coenties roan, an Jamb
of Huron ad Bruce. ) went,
korI ;K is hereby gime that the ender;
1, signed hu hied In the n18,. of the Cort,
• deed of compoa,tion and discharge atec,t
.4 by het Crediton end that nn Tesudy, the
eighteenth day of July mit. at ten of the
elOrk to the forenoon, Or m anon ea Mensal
ran be heard. be will apply to the Judo• n(
IM as,ri Co,c Inr •confirmet,nn of ,M /r•
chug• ih.reof effected in be fever ender said
His Anerrwey.
Stratford. Way 10th, 1666. 16.2.
0111.1414 y and alot f'l.rhero for ,:ver ami •.W-M.II..
All pane. requiring the en„ve •,10.)5 smirk'
do ..11 to roll and tn.per% the stock at mw. se
they W.11 get b.rggtar.
Insolvent Act of 1864.
the County Court oldie United Corwlin
sf N.roht ass Nine.
lwr,rerenew to the ,env*, K. Rawriman will
he prepared to ,any un the motel., M
and emntraM for the rtietinn of .II hire& of Ma
eh.Mry .o oral. riot 501 *enMy
A4g1118 Vl.TUNAI. 161r1.EiIWIITa
Root.. am resort/Nat roue•mble rers,fotelUSH
t r otter' ...dot
ooMrie4. Dea.11o, 1144, 44a171.4l
Insolvent Act of 1864.
Toff' er.dele.. M the a'Arrelmeed are 04,4•d
• to TOO 51 the law mere et• lame RS..
finel•or, 14 the frown rrfU:vl•nrh. no MnMev 15.
Mutesnitt day vel lnee n.51, st twelve &tooth 1
n1001. thenrp
tee pinn 0' rerN6ts
elmg •merels el
hr •f1*,m.nd oe gown( es se5gm6 to *Moa be 1
saw rake an or garee5 mart ti err Ar.
JOHN A6tn.
J. 8. cylfr W rel,
'ewlwwb SO4,e/.wssetn..heat.
Vries. I141 Aahl, 15514, 4/04w
Sheriff's Sale 01 Lyse
Untied Counts• o!Y virtue M • MHeaton
Heaton end Bruce, 1) VIM Fran Faeroe owesepwt
10 woo : of Her /dimity's County
Coon 01 tar United ,aunt.• of Huron and drug•
end to me directed .Kamm the lana sed up •-
meet. et Cheri. Black, at the eat ef Ihe
Corporst ion of the Tuwn.hip tel A•h*eld, 1 bet e
witted woe taken on emir union an the NOM, tole
and mimes of the wad dele.d•nt ,m is/ to the
writ halt vet lot nemher *even in the Ihlyd coo.
e010•011 (:gown Iheren,, o1 the to a nibnpoo
Arb1MIJ, in Ihe Uounly or Huron r•enalun[ or,
hundred acre, athe'5lends and ienearete 1 .5.11
,,It., I rI
.. a 41mre
rnir'e in the Court
Home, . n w
tar own tel UodeNrh, op 'Yue..lay, the fon day
of Augur neat, ■1 1.11 hour u1 lively. of we
clack, moon,
Sherd/1.M B.
Ry 8. PoLLoca, 11m 4* 111e,15.
8ben6'e ON1•., OaderM), 0
76th April, IWe. d
Montreal Witness for 188b.
THE WITS ER8 to. shout to miler we its 10th
year u 4 Candidate tie rad. lever ., id r
same prinusplet with which n set not t *feria
hem Ise forum?* gril reading mere ere vSeam J
wnhatr'1.nstl btteree.. Mwelt moi..
The New. department eantetns Ihe Wine *ewe
fry teleeraptt . aunt.. nee .f esus. Awn O.►K t. d.
Bntuh and Amermen pommel ond nlee1ed
ele n curtest events, boos 61• leading 1015...
n 1 world.
Dammeyei& howanr.nt enmprt. ornate
)vela rmenl, re0ewv 1 th• markets. end
6„snrat 'atelhgeM'e.
- The department 01 P.Mi), Berlin witless* •
wetness seleenon of u.wrtehee mod witwitless* i5tere4ar
ranter, mien, poetry, ire.
V td..Me Agra -niters! .w4 1fdMkeRwra •oo'l. ,
.re copped anon 11n. 15 bale.
The Advrnwing d.parmenl has malty wok'
and nwpon.nl advert,rment. bel en. &me
04110110M01.15 Irnror I,na' n�n�i�.� l�e�ielney,
Toe•tlanrl.a "e'�"'"; vowtwaiag a melee
ion oftbe beet .ad m.wt interedtng macer dile
W,lr. e n pnbllebpd monthly at teem per see..
.115 N. rept' Irma to . ,•19y11 o(tr.. It a de-
vaed to Kehnnn. Mnrstil•, Rdeeet WO, (11'004,1'•
Realm[, T I Agtwrn.rs, .a4 ow.
.gwnl*y slowed a pars free tbereth tin
Dalt Wit.,s, M pee 'awes.
Moment witheas (reernmb*y) Tkspre the
•me fon* teat It k4 Mee Mae. 1M beg.He,g.
MpM sonnet
Wkeb)7 wheat. el peese&ss. •
Canadian M.•.w0g.'. lama pm l*9
Alt Calash In .4%.dvftn'o-
*96* 1y'1m M .ort nus ere *0* or tee ,
bora .Meted Oleo► ha seat, wear re o. IM •.
10. Prrt'....UI Ifo 6 rereawl p• J se Was wine
f ,rte-AeMh of mentseas.
All emmisemeltbe•sles M tIM,*.4 M IA•
1,•r tPwa.r JOBS( D7elaALf iia