Huron Signal, 1865-6-1, Page 2axon signal. G01411C8, C. les., JUNE 1. IH65. THB CELEBRATION. ~ In England, the 24th of May has been so uniformly fine for many years that " Queen's weather," as it is termed, is n ow luokd for ou Her Majesty's Birthday as a mstter of uuurae. In this Colony, too, it is seldom, indeed, that we have bad weather on the '24th ; but this year, bc- a cause of imam sulkiness of ibe oierk of the weather the day wu wet and uncomfort- able for several hours, and, in so far u Ooderieh was concerned, the arrangements were thrown out of course 000siderably. Notwithstanding every drawback, how- ever, the .ekbretion wu ora of the mat escoesaful we have ever had. The crowd of visitors in town was eery large from an early hour in the morning, and continued to grow until the shades of eveniug. The Excureioouu fared badly : The Steamer Bruce took on a largo Dumber of Fassen- gwn at Swthampioo, Le., and would banelandtd them here in ample time to witness the Calithumpian exhibition, but, •ofurtanatelly, when off Pine Point she broke down through some kink in the aaehioery, and the luckless excuraienmtl wen eompebed to wait until the Bennie Maggie came up to take them off, by shish time it w too late to witoess the principal features of tbe day's proceed- ings. The Cu)ithompian processiooesuform- ed at 8 o'clock a. m., and, led by the re- doubtable Capt. Buglaboo, paraded the streets in all the panoply aid cir.umatance of false heir and whiskers, burnt cork, kc , to the musio of the eowbellmelodion, and varioos other sweet-souodin_ instruments. The display was as good as aoy we bare et teen and the n httathoe. who had 7 g un unded n ot witnetvicd f[bekrocrested bo merriment At noon the Volunteers marched to the point overlooking the har- bor, from whence the artillery company fired a Royal salute of 2[ rounds from their big gun. The piece was served in splendid style and roared out a loud- mouthed welcome to the day. The com pany then fired a feu do joie, and hurried away W get out of the rein. The Rifle corps also marched down to the bank and fired a jai, de joie is a most creditable manner. Both oom woies, on returning, went through their various exercises on the square, which terminated the military display. Rain continued to fall until about two o'clock, when the boat races, games, &c., were gone into The athletic sports em - the public -feeling of Huron, much lees that of the eirilised world. It u needless now to m -stab ode arguments in favor of Southern Iodepeoda°oe, especially so ea our Brueekeld friend bas reed Elam ss very patiently, but we would remarb with tcfennos to hie expressed desire to have Davis hanged or imprisooed for lib that it is a seotimeot that is not indulged in very extensively in thin country, even by f.aple who hare favored the North moat strongly. The Globs, oertaiuly, does oat call ter any such savagery ; ou the coo - trap, it argues forcibly enough that a policy of mercy old concili.rtion should n ow be followed out by the North, if it is to heal up the wounds of the last four years. As for the "civilised wourld," the great, the good, and the educaied (who are seldom grood in the warped estimation of our friend) throughout ohristendom arc very far from invoking death tea the felkn leaden of right millaows of people, who have sought what they considered freedom for four ling years with a degree of unanimity and self sacrifice seldom equaled and never surpassed. No, no, friend " Candia.," cherish your own convictions, but do not i,naginu fur • mo- ment that your so^ial circle embraces the world, or that you can gag a free Press and represent iu your iudividual person ell the motives and feelings of all '• right-thinking" ruto and women, North and South, East and hest. In ooelu• sioo..we assure you that, outwithstandiug the sale provwion contained in the P. S. appended to your letter, we publish it free of eost, Mt we bare done every letter on this "object expressing opinions different from•our owe. THE CROPS. - The crops throughout this Cuuoty pre- sent just now a very cheering appearance. In some places we observe that the full r I winter -killed but o d wheat hu bce b 7 a•'ni cert and o0 munyofthefitllsartm fi the whole we think there will be a tair average crop of this important cueal.- The Spring wheat fields look better than we have seen them do for the p st rix or seven yeah, and should the season prove as favorable as the spring by done, there will be an immense surplus in Huron. Other spring -sown grains promise cquelly well. The meadows, tf they receive a fair amount of moisture, will vial much more abundantly than last year The prospect of a very large fruiticrop is truly mngniti cent, and we hare nd, doubt that, if we escape a heavy June freer, there will be a greater abuodaue of tlio delicious pro- ducts of gardcu and orchard'than has been seen here for many yearn. The crop prvspeca in Bruce, we are infortned, are booed several well -contested toot -races, Just as cheering. In this connection it jumping, putting the stone, kc., in all of` mal be well to state that some of our which much interest was manifested.- most experienced grain dealers oou0deotly Every person seemed to enter into the believe wisest will bring 11.00 per buebel, prevalent spirit of fun and frolic, and h'ad this fall. So mote it be. it Dot been for the quarreliog and egeal• bling of • few " drunk sod disorderly " characters, there would have been nothing to mar the happiness of all. The boat -race wee the best. perhaps, ever witnessed io Goderich. There were seeen entries, vu: Maple Leaf, J. Coo- ley ; Heathter Bell, LI. Bain ; Anne Campbell, 1). Campbell ; Yankee Jack, R. Murray ; SootA Hind, W. Sanders ; Defiance, J. Cratg ; S"mugylrr, Zebe Tole - ma. The rsee was about three miles o0 the Lake. The following boats were the winner. -1st, Heather Bell, 2nd, Defi- ance, 3rd, Aone Campbell. The judges were Meet». Duff, Cameron and F. A. Robertaob. In the evening a very nioe lot of fire- works was displayed, but we understand that the committee were badly sold by the party filling their order. Thtogs will ie understood better on another oceasion.and the director will be able to work to mon• advantage. The streets were crowded until late at sight, mach to the advantage of iec-eream vendors and , In summing up theesperieoeee of the day, we think our purple generally will admit that the Committee did their duty very seceesrfully, and that if we are favored with better times nest yrar we tan get up something first rate io the way of • eelebratioo. acquire the caseose of eeriest literature c•u Srnu m Daara.-Pear M•ylao, Esq., u• Dud it In them periodiicals. tending • ws;hbor's raising on Monday, the The publishers, M.esrs. Leonard e:ott i 22nd, was seoaed with • violent pain in the Ce., 38 Ve alker Stwt, New Yurk, offer them breast and survived fret • few hoer*. He had at mom liberal term., •u : a preseatimeet he would die of the heart rev .ossa.. d•m.m. Per soy o're of the Reviews ........$4 Ou - - boy any two of the Reviews tete.. 7 00 T11RNBENRY. Fur •ay thre tel the tide.'........ 10 00 _ For ally four of the Eteviews........ 17 00 Beaaa.-The farmers on and about the 10th Fbr Blackwod's Magasiue.......... 4 00 too r of Eke Wwaship of Turnberry lana kms For B,ackwod and urs Review 7 00 For Blackwood and wy 1w0 of the B•• I wiry mach amwyed fur some nese pet by views 10 00 Be.rs carrying off sheep cud pigs. Ow br For Blackwood ad three of abs Tawe l.' tM a.me of James Scot lira ■ul.red von - 13 001 ,lderahly. Many larmee have to bring in Far Blackwood wd tM tour leviers I i 00 their flocks of ybeep pod house them it the Were three imported, they would cwt, with the prromum on gold, about $73. I barn, cud wmn deem it ueceas+ry W acrd _ _ In the °Tru with thein at 'rights. A Bear Iter 11'e bog to acknowledge the ruaeipt Hunt mew got up ael,ott time e., to rid tae from Messrs. Strachan &Cote eblishen, of country of them peau. halt the seal fur P them pru.ed un.ucceaful. London Eng., of specimen copra of "Good - Words" nod " Sunday Magisiney" which hare a lar;;. cireula:ien iu this locality. T. J. Moorhouse u the agent fur God- eri.h. Gaiter F'lae.-Hawick A Suu's extensive foundry in the Furst Ward, Philadelphia, uc eupying a whole square. was burued noi ts Wednedry night: It was the Iter -ems mechms shop in the nate, employing 1,50C hands. 'fhe fire broke out iu the lama shop In the cent. of the building. Some valueh'e drawings were destroyed. It a impo.silbl. a-gre•ent to estimate the drm.ge. • LiBERAL'aC•N•DIAN.rf Ire another place we give a letter from a Brucefeld subscriber, which is intended by • single flaab of rhetoric to level with the ground the " logical " f&brie we hare been eodeavoricg to erect in support of the Southern Confederacy. Our oorres- po•dent profanes to be a liberal man, no doubt, but we certainly think his inter- ference would have been Ices open to sus- picion bad be endeavored to stop M in our erring career two or three years ago. What • generous soul this. " Canadian " is I He expected as, after the surrender of Lee, the fall of Richmond and the cap- ture of Drvu, to turn about in the face of every argument we have advanced and ery, " away with these rebel leaders- dlo n c elcuut e t} We notice with pleasure that the Lon- don •Evening Advertiser' has beeo enlarged and utherwies improved. Ct The press of Ioeal hews in this issue has crowded out • lengthy editorial article Who G alas the Postage Stamp f A correspondent writes to inquire who gums the Poetege Stamps. ile complains that the work u w ioefciently done that they won't suck. aid that be hes therefore to be at the trouble to do it himself. This, be says, is mot very much trouble to him, (except when be ie in a hurry to catch the mal be fun it closes, ana then the agony is o,endur. able but as a tars rtion of the conimu• oily who bare no businea offices and conse- quently no gum or mueilaoe bottle, ,t must be • very serine inconvenience. Our coy respodeni s grievance, it will *bus be seen, u not • personal one, but bis complaint ,s made on behalf of suffering humaolty, and he threatens, in ear the tomer is not rectified, to aeitaw the question end have no candidate returned at the nest Parliamentary election wbo does not plerge himself to reform this erring evil. So the Government Pariy bed better see to the matter et once, if ,bee desire W retain their places Many an Oppo-ition cry much more winless than that, though perhaps not so insienifi:ant, hes succeeded in ousting Governments quite as primly rated to the confidence nt the public as ours is.- Reing a friend and supporter of the present Government, we would enreeeiy press the matter upon their attention, A of Gen. Lcc. CLiNTON. CLINTON, May 22, 1865. Te Thr t boo mer Ili. Hunan mesa. SIa,-There are very few eircurestnnoes occurring in our neighborhood thstoan be said to be of a note vorthy charaeter, or if there arc, it io but seldom that I hear of teem. A few werks ago, we had a Mag- isteate's case or two that would have been worth reporting, but I happened not to be present at them. One of them may be re- ferred to, however, even at this late date, as it poetesses some pointe of interest to the merchants sod traders in the County. The ('ounty Inspector of \'eights and Measures stepped foto Mr. Coater shop and inquired, if there were any weighus ro that were not ediately pro the zealous ne, and tAirty.is mucase, for 1 believe it ie also marked off io Mebe. Ilia ll000r will have t W study profoundly aft the groat legal w thurutes w clear tip Om kloutty putat i satiefaowril w ua Tatar wanwar, ser et " COTO Ryles.' We Lars hd quite an •silting time Men today over • chase after a b arm thief who len the lodoioos that he bd been provided with in our lock up. B* Sae made good his escape 1 far. To bogie at the beginelog, the cireumatanoes of the discovery of the lh,ef aro u follows: -Sir. C, L. [)ban, Tamer, of this vtllrie, wariun r to purchw • horse, wait W his brother's, Mr. Hadley lloan, elmo a termer in lt,J_errilie, un Feder lest, and mkia; Mr. ltubart Mill■ who liens with Lis brother, they visited sevrrwl pa,tieearouud the ueighborkood rho had Norms to tell, ad •mougst uthe,* one Thomas Hibberd, lobo lives o, the division line between the towashrps of ffrbh.rt and Cshurne. Hibberd bad five horses which were shown by him, thuu;h somewhat ethic t•ntly, a'id in • wry that struck MIl1i and Doran rs being strops. Among the hne was r dark. three tear of gray, which would have suited Mr. D.an but fur iu being offer tad with • curb on each hied leg. The port,rs came ,away, and probably no more would have 1,ee0 thought about the matter if td,lls's eve hd out caught otobt of an drenisment Aout r stolen h rose i° the L odou Free Press. the description of which e•em d to r• talc very closely nth the horse be had seen at lllhbext'.. to make •a,urence d rub y sure, however, Mitre revisited Hibberd• oa ilunlay to r05uuiue tis* hors+, lair Sulu farther marks brides the tutor and the cr.rbel 0o me hind legs which the rlrerttament mentioned it might be ideotfied by. He , aril. got a room close ins;aectiuo of it the secoi,d time by pretendn,g W be sent by Doan • to see i( he could make • bargain fur rt, and 'ions thio inspection ne was satisfied, thet- a e was the stole* horse, and he immediately got wsrra"t from • local m•,4utrrte for tee • at of tbe man H,tberd. He wort rrreste on that Joy, a d the advertiser. Mr. Jemes • tch, of the township of Zon.•, near Cha,hon. u written to some and ide*titj 1s horse. the Iwatime the pnsuner oar t u to ah' village for ' sate keeping," await the coming of the Mr. lirhbertt, however, ".r. Hatelu s coming, hod! of the lockup n • cell, he managed ter doer by sprn:g. ceivee the bolt, rt stood to the ver o cock e n across Slate ed almost tassked about sod at • ureeuue•rted signal •soaker ilorladllag Dodds. bey etwdded fooe tba u.l ; whieb was the - Hay6edd lar--; kiver I meas•, (we an w From an Egwoodrille friend we have eagunt. of having the H•rhor of Refuge noei•d •Dopy of • lettar seat b all parte waled here, that ta uoguardd momeuu w. ready holey we bare it) each boat appeared of Ca oda by ao unpriuotpled souuudrel, to be las (•none of many, and was ledty who rout sootnve to make the game pay, eke*red as they sound Eke neer, the else he would have iven it a lin mince Dnlphra, buwever, came in first, dow ly g P g tolluwed by the - (Hugh McLeod s boot) in despair. It is needless to say that the la the evening a most crediabie awd beauti ,asses woo send their dollars never hear fad duple of fireworks s15 exhibited from tat from " Mr. Tuttle." The following the grand std on the Merkel Sgwre wader •1p' the direction of A. Cameron, Esq., Deputy is the text of the letter: 14,e ( etre ley A buil. buuDre mew D S I li k d ► 1 w •11 parties. apd measures in use th stamped, and Mr Coats i dueed a nem yardstick, whic and other matter. ofieiel at once procxded to ex Tui STEAIRIN. Bocci. -The steamer having found it correct, stsmped' , and Bruce owing to an accident to her urachi- asked at hit fees therefor 40 ceata. `Thu eery on the 21th, will be laid up here for a week or two. We uoleratend that it is the intention of h.r enterprisio;g owners to have the boat thoroughly repaired from stem to stern. ar - \1' rya soar to le o Tlti Gace. a 7 that the grub is wurkine conside:ablu mischief in the grain Bells in various sum Mr. Coats demurred to ukeing I re .en iu P than the law allowed hien to charge, whir in the ofthe b owner of the was " ten bents for every measure." The ; 'dolt ahoe. sop ew Lnspcetor thereupon seized the yardstick b b•iw4 left in t and laid information before J,eeeph White- ,net d tel to in; pine, head and George Brown, Eigrs., J. P.s, lU fur tis. luck of the , who, after hearing the ease, decided, in 1"t ore the tach wthicn with the ,°per of • s:Jra accordance with the Tn.pect^rb views, that anon, thio n,in; at about narked nation of the and stick w evert % 7 and cleated u for tis oods b ' ta 111 wY o err ' •r eaaurc fJr the / m ¢ t re. Ha w u x rte m rr rs (i Shin •s s P foo e. fromthr huilJi para of this County, some farmers Lav of which the Inspector was entitled to as fawn as he iuu char .the 1're of ten cent•; and they fined exciuut char took lace betwrn ing had sere. cut down clean and clear. Mr. Coats the sum of Five Dollar+ and t000 0r three men rho happened to be We trust the depredations of the pest may snits for having the unstamped yard stick One of them gained s eon ham but wood. being near at baud he fugitive tr in his esioh. The cane has bxn tip Pos+a justice manatrd to eludr ht puncere, a,d • rch of the bei by • duaen traces df he •has man, etre, ht re, u LAR la- ass• t age Ino made un aha y ro and • d 1, crowd u( e4 to our address, which I will 'forward me* and buy, Fuuevtrd •ruuoJ It, a,d wear b mail, oat reoei t of u°e dollar.-°Addrese enjo>iny tis mine acts am,sin,tly .leo your 7 P cunesporadaut lett. Social dancing parties J. H. TuTTLt, at J. D. Camerou's and RJward Eulwtty Tuttle's Corners, wound up wonkier of the pleaarut days which New Jersey. we often hove in Rrytield. P. 8. -Please enoloee P. 0. stamp* for kir. E liter will yew indulge me witb a littte Atarn of reoeipt. - - - - -- - issue tel ,pr__ _" --'-'--- ---,--- -- •-- tete tedey. 1 ounce • very emollient acd dashed --- ------ - • -- ------ repot of the proceedings of the Stanley XoftyY, Munieipel lomeicn, un the lath uta*. Now, ... tete......• sir, this Is as it 510514 1r, for it gives those atones Me De eyu.l who have not time or for other reasuw de • MAT DREAM• not attend the sittiugsof the Council as 6 P gU 111 110 of serer. what u being done rn public m,ugrs in the columns of the public print. But what 1 wish w direct • few re marks to 's the foltowm;t :-" Muted by Alex. 1 .meron, seconded by Thus tis rd, and resolved, Th•n the following parties be struck off the asseuwent roil, u having bete Illegally a ,ie ed " then followed the names of eighty Individuals. auoo. whom 1 nwiced lawyers, merchants, tudepeudent gentlemen, • doctor. sergistrates, meeban,a and many other eminent individuals. Nuw, sir, if rt be true that ceitaiu benevolent iudnufaals io tb,s township took tiloo themselves the trouble of hooting up all the unoccupied buiWmgs a,d i° some instance. of aelua:ly mating airs own ha1•itatios ; and It it be •iso true that these Woes -ole' grnt.men did gratuitously proffer said teuemewts to such • notable . of idr.trioes lut o1 enigmas ea the above cited resulanou refers W, -Lon coo- ditwm mel their becomin actual seitlere ad roe dents nim,uq us, I would nspect(..11y enJ humbly euoo at the propriety o the Council reconndering t'.eir decision. Nnw, ter. I would not bate lawmakers to be law- breakers, but *Ill this point nut bear another and an opposite rendertug, and will •such • tis s thies Lul..ble act tent terry nl tt • amps of the people • a,d the indulgence of the ammu"itwo dost he needed tad made all the ppreparauoa meaeerry for debsais, wafer•. H. pointed out the adv ataps Tautyeeym. ed in havin .0 water courses, and i° Mug Meditate of wells sad springs 10 supply ao invading army, He the..►t he could bold tut hero several years, tout the ledepesdeems of the Confederacy was recognised. Some rebel omcers ted this gentbatw that Kirby Stunt was sensible of the folly of pruuactt.g the struggle, ad was only talking this way t reveries the best terms for himself tied boo man. Some repremoted biro as unprincipled and dishonest, ready to sacrifice his army sad ibe cause fur his personal interests, rad b.d . Iready made money by selling cotton .ad ,umwpohatug impurtaiurrs. un the other baud, hu pa:tisane mid be was uprigbt •ted bout, teed looked only to the best mese o1 acsenng suceer fur the Cuufederoa carie. Tee P•esiDire 's Haorsea.-At some point on the march from rayettevdle, an oW couple, ae amd wife, i. the shabby drese of for poor whites of Ile South, and with a countenance smokedoici Rud stained with tubacro Joise, made their apperroee at the headquarters of the general comoaodmg aha division, and when they succeeded le pt - Tar w.m.r re r,r,ne5 with stew a d •owe . ung 511,10 men, proferred a ngoest to "pose *50tresuor.tneduu,hewyhr.uw,tlost,, to Wwkingtuu." The following dialogue The 10.ugh• er tae hewn .te tidy, nae• pr ensued : •' W hat do you want a pass to Wash. W,,b m. raptured tend. m roc servo a stat. hngt Jn fur 7" Old u,ann -'• I avant to see m Tbrouslmul rh. w.rw ,.ast. sub rur.d,.w, ere peer. brother there." " Who u y*ur brother 7 - Nu vara tet wim•r w n..w err be •tei " Well 1 reckon y)ou'Y hu hearn t.11 of Hoo rhe were or ore buw«rrrw rbc int w ter w•., him. He's Audy Jubueun, Vice•1'r.sideot of FW.' rh.rmn„el, ern u„ ter u.1' sating rya. l tb. I ,,,ted Sates." T►4 reply caused mem. The rme-doe• u w,grna W rWa w the gmrq astonuhi eat i but Me strung likes's* of the Awu,Iveer,br.rt,,,,.t.r,,undi,.Iwr7akev. uldman10 the YceProsident, whisk now The err halo tend 0..y. iso tand, soles tend ;tete, became apparent x41, coofiemod bsa .tile lope.erd w,ane.►dowdrop.. gats ir.ly o are t 'pent sod all beca wtisfied with tb. truth. Lt the coons oft in uiries.' tt came oat Ad,rwu rhe eery p.a wiser• r►r rate ..ter. aid• q u•., ter Ivor 0110 rrwt. area, tri. ..bons rano. ; that the old man Id wither red nor write. 0.15. sort nor map. art raw.• tae *rates " No mor, could dy,.patteasa," said h., tet •.e reel w the .,emude with :1.rer. r darts. ' alto w. were 7 ung amen ; bas wife taught him." " Aod wh didn't your wife teach Te drew -nen efhale where the e.wel ter tet yam 1" was the rej inder. " Well, room," Or the treppuig. ar 0' Awl their lure. on roe bean mod the old lady, ' 1 couldn't Dever read nor Nor ar• hue. nett rrrmere rn eu:rur-•r pnwd (bate ant. myself.,• Wwn the woe p.wp•r•d uv.lurge e! lasso pew : H., the wW.-tip rglyd glen.*. Err Iewly .rid .weer, - TMt 5,,. w,rh rhea pre...4. earth•• w,Wh.l retreat Tu. S/cat, 01 tate Ilt'Tl..i/ laro•u.. 05 ! there :et lied rerun. iuy mucous mown- -Tee New Yor Lederer save :-" Malty .ivl ria me • prism. mem.brume, .g.ur. people eu; pose t the removal of Gee. But. \Ye. Bax,►rrr.. er was caused by hu failure to tab Fort Aehbel4, v.y tTJ, rets. Fisher. That u a t so. Th. true reason u _ this : wh.n Gene Butler was i° command in this city, previa to the last Presidential United States. election, .certain mete appeared 'n ale New ro he cute 0 1 m 0 k kat Tal w • • York Herald which the (Jeneral did lot 1,k.. wthurjilel. I here heard itsad--although The Commercials army of the Potomac As soon as ke rod it, he at ooee deepra►ed l rill out vouch for the -"truck of it -teat eorrnpoadeot aye :- one of bis •ids W the Ileralds olltce. to sum - until Ibe 31st dy of December of the present " rbaro m troablo in aha army ;the men man ibe. maaging editor (Mr. Hdw•) 10 l year was to hear barn allowed tis. nutabl. thiakng it a hardship W be ordered out fur appear .t his headquarters. Mr. Hdson r etnn en w muse W thrir new reshfeuces, fuer houri dell every day w ben they are so obeyed the summon. ; ad on appearing be• h( t be metered out °I nervi e. 'I he fore fisc hi h mi,i,ar effici•1 M was iolormed 0 o u e f R 1 a,d'all who Jnl not present themes Ives .t tb. !Led Sthoul House, Barfield on the 1st or complria u( the hardness of their " cen. tMt the Hired mute retract the odeeai•e J ld'6, d eel sin T1. smmuuiiu or Las been token awry from article, or he (General Butler) world Sep. and Rn I !rid dr) of weary h woo t them las rvuwle senuus trouble. An uutb„.k prem the paper. li,'neral Butler we tot h a sad caeca! (ortnetitb be 'etched. I am rea..urnA occurred in the 9th car;e. A retim.at of .wart .het be rode thio threat aha Ihe rr a,r. tis., bad it not beer, aur the intetfernnce of re rulrn wen sent to ell it, but were w taiiun s of Mr. Bennett, the res sable editor he 117.. tto rs lb.'" be' d. •mtgrats aero beard pressed by the volunteers that they were of tM llerald, wilt, the admini eilion, were ublioed t • retreat." of •rear frit dly ted eoofidentul character, TM barn ad out -building. of Joseph The Commercial's Washington special rod, therefore, in making this ezblhruoa of Calloway, sen,, wen ac: Went: bond oat daprtch uys :- bit ' br,ef autbunty,' he ' pot bas foot is it.' 1 "1'h. demuostrati•e imligeatiot of Jeff. Mr. Bennett. of course. 'weer forgave ►u; Mond i afternoon last. Pertly insured in Danis on being paced tet army nations was but, on the contrary, managed to ha.e him the cause of be brnng placed in irons." removed jun% as man qs the Generel's sup• Wasul•oroz May 26.-1 special despatch erion could assign a.reason that would mem- ,o the l nbune says that the Attuntey General ingly jtutdy hie decapitation. General Huller bat jet made • most important decision. is himself aware of this no., athoajb be did 'Ile .1Fi ms aha the amnesty pr ci..nu0ua was not know the secret of hit removal at the ume r means wily to secure a epecifie pur , it Leos place. The offer of the French min whieb esu Me suppression of the rebs lion. tion by our late President to Jamin Gordo° l'he rebellion ended., the aateety i. mod. Bennett ad Me endorsement of Me offer by It does not maw" citizenship, properly or Ilorece Greeley must haws opened Geaertl rested rid ate. fire President has no po.er llutler't eyes. 11e will probably let the to pardon, except for whet a { ast. The ase- newspapers alone hereafter." tunes clemrucy carom* stretch oat, the future , Tbeefore the decrees of eenhscatun meat Dt n zrY or 1 Want tv Twc erarr.-A stand. fhe det4,iun will be etyma to the , Plladelphi• paper 5.75 Chet nutwnheadr.g publ f Ma be confined to a limited area. (lolling the !sod at night is said to be a sure care, and we woul•l advise those whose crops are endangered to try the plan. [deserve or ADriRTtamno.-On Friday afternoon last Don. L zsn, Esq., rdvertized s stray cow in the Semi Weekly Signal tend bad the satisfaction of recovering her be that means next day. The adv. only toot Mr. t,. a few centn, see he in, n.turally enou4h, quite Pair of bu gy wheels by which, (it being ale..ranee of bettor pee pleased with the result of tb. in•eame°t. dark, and he not obnernng them in time) res hd °iced io f i.ghte K'e my nae fur the benefit of ibe politic he was tripped, and fall heavily, breaking and ht:Witted the berm is that, in consideration of the hard times we his 1•g. Idle was intending to compete for (rum 5,m. 'have declaim tele. invertin= 'ma'I .dverti•e. some of the prit •s that arc offered for ntt•- menu of that kind at grert'y redueed prices oesatul competition in athletic exercises bBAFOR dkrine the seseon. here un the Queen's Birthday. pealed, and will no doubt come off at the ubecqurm ere• seat Quarter Ses,ians nen or more tailed to discover One day last week a sad misfortune hap• biro. It In more than nruhable to pentd to a boy named Dorval, who works nude good bas •eery,'. • Ile ie a .m at Mr. Dean's Tannery. ' ile was, in elm ab.rut 5 feet. 4 manes in heioh5, eery pally with several other' boys, practising with r nruag. ,'11 -knit frame of burly, hameelf in running on ale siJewalk near completion, 1 ht ardy hair, .cos R r e lino oud r«ry snort srody beard on the cLuy ltumball s wagon shop, wise° otter of bis Byre of +dark grey toter. nearly brown, ha companiors thoughtlessly .placed an ob- a,, rtwiee marked cousid*rrl,ly with Iarg. structioa in his path, in the shape of a freckles wbich at • 1ii11. distance ha.e the, Os r.teand M . , atenrl. 51r, , Qu••rl i/ u 1 bernday night .. thriving vt. oats muieu eanoon and Ieleniinued .t sh , intimating to tee ' 1year had run iu re On f hursday evening last, Mr. John C. Ott Esc, . 1'boa Curry, E.q., of V't'turir 1. As the mo D.tlor delivered a highly successful and alio village, in sinking • well on lin L.rm; yiaa;e was adorned .ith to pleasing lecture in the English Church the third lot frim $•a(orth, •t 6 feet drop, in all d,sretons, and a triunip School house, oo the subject " Pager of met a ra:k, known Y W'dwn's Qwrrr, and Pnne'p•l street, and g ea nu„ . the Heart.' for the bcnetit of' the Clinton diseo,ered strong indications of Petroleum. leigm wen to be sten pouring in I the A4ricultural Mutual, but Iola sant vely these,. (ghost 51210.) 1 will send the p•ruewlun io a hw dya hD quieeayt Birthday at N-ros• iter. he 24thlnst., the anniversary of Our irthday .as ushered in at the goof Wrozeter, by the firing of her small .rens, which was t interval' during the day, 'nhibitaou flat another on• in the lifo.of Queen ing advanced the I flats streaming I arch In the m r r The arrest of Oen. Le , r P^ ted by telegraph, is a crowning set of barbarism for which the world was ill prepared. lie was honorably paroled, to ell appearances, but it seems that the government capable of manacling a helpless man in the poli- tion of Jefferson Dacia will stop at no- thing. The British Perlodlrtals. The Hartford Post says the Foarth Enid* of England, with the Times at its bed. wielding • power behind the throne greater than ibe throne useif, would be Tess powerful were it deprived of the nluence which the renowned Quarterly 1teview. and Blackwood'a M•gaz•ne contribute to it. They are an institution of them*elres, Through their columns many an unknown .mama like ti ,coley and Sidney Smith, hes Men Introduced to unn..led publrerty, and b7 such writer, in turn, these peblientims have attained to their splendid reputatnoo. Scholarly ability, extended »pfe of thought ante! research, magnificent rbetorie, brilliant MIIAGE.- The beautiful phenomena attending mirages on large bodies of wa- ti$have been witnessed from this point for 'ereral days. On Sunday last vessels which, must have been fifty miles distant were observed paasing and repassing each other, but lan;,'ing suspended as it were in an inverted position from a cloud near 11. i ism • ew re' tbt abundance of money, end the ea•. witb Nies Yang, May 27 -Tisa Tesl't rpeeial which loam can be bad from the b.nks ad says that the United !fatesthstriet Attorney otLrr s ounces. Ae,ness eeunues eueedmgly h.s °oiafid the proper authunties Hurt the drpresed. 1'hu apathy io comneree. ,t circuit court u reedy to pruteeetl nab ibe stator, is rot +ernnted by aytbu.g m the trial of Jeff. Dons, on the indictment (1.5nd. n u( tate The ot•eromeot to kr.owied that the Doe en l e fioaaeial tosdaion of the *entry. i d' K'e ern b.rd see the alio loon t/ nor ant a1 ,px,t of robellwn u not yet rao)uub•d and y Library Association. The young lecturer Gent'emea too • the oil regions .who visited quormrs to witness Gni enjoy tba am menta 'i , trill he oec.rrq in corny poriwes of the rocl. After tour yon of t6• mat gigahe wag frequently appleurled by the respect- this place are coofiJent tbere a oil bele in I and ports of the day ; for to this "yr1 Sottth; to rttvntru the mil, - Dant fir war of alio eentmr!, .* Annul .}pea trade able audience which had collected t, hear rnundwnre. A company a about Ming • village the 24th of 17 y Mas of late ye mem, ewe, w1 P •t Diose ro resume m old undisturbed then I f re•' be b d u ala dr 1, the uihaLitan50 u neo. fhe esu bas w some resat unhinged him, and at the conclusion a vote e( thanks ce alt cleaves wroth now we sn happy to Iraro burned w mak •mea h, quite uogmue o a est e. r g y 1 _ society. mad ata until win and •II las oan- was unanimously awarded him, on motion u D eeseatemi Je1L Dail. herniiu bare become •thio of the 7 c T+LITT ►acarD tz 3caroRTa.-The , h.a be. -n cunsUtuted • 6olndry througf,out P R imer• lion by tar ed las look Gat nctnnrs of Rev. Mr. Brewster, seconded by Mr. L pprr Can.da As usual. etheluc and mealy and the n• n Celi*6um tens ewer ed C•om their " [Loh"j \ FoNTRill Mnzroc, Mondry, m peace sten tete lope to seen Dw'wu r. My 22, ItloS. time iu former activity. At one o' 4pek this afternoon the steamer . Silas B. Pierctd'•ft Baltimore wharf at this The Coasaserelal ('oneea/los. place with Breve Major Gen. Mlles, accom peeled by other e..,. `cs of prominence. and .r eeded imued,+tri h n W,Il' n h 1 uc t earn .err , ram u.iri r o all but a et all to aha tel res t pe 1 1 r ' P. 1'I de at ant ho m t ear. m w't R n rt 7 • '1Je. II wed the •t►letie cnntesu a d t fu o ti Iw R.AeI party on dent to give meg (men!, h usually barrow races. Nuthwithetanding the dnz rhe$ of yes zing run during the efterorwn, such was the se's. 10 day looked almost deserted. $c cel, salter tet the multitude, Ibat Ekren rmbre. a dozen sad reamers eouid be counted, d mews wen rugaged in with unabated eager ever, they seemed dull and hs'lesu. • frdone n ets till the clow of the dry, when all re Roberts. Commander of Forms' Monroe, of Velueturs, then Capt. Coleman and other tired peace.hiy to their bomo well 151,16el, trerceiving the absolute necessity of maintain - gentlemen performed the ceremony of tore- and some quite happy. ing atriet d'scipllne in eunformrty with the in4 the first sd of the Se fotth Oil Welf: wshre of the fiuvrnnmant, aha the transfer N ,t 001ol ed will the day's rrereatmi, • of the Rebel part. o Portree Monro. •6.,014 Harreyln D.' May ..9, IP6J be runductrd'1 rt quiet r main•r as poser I►ree and tr+pe:able party rtendrd To the fJaw or the Moab,+n ial. ntwety't DOI. o bl.•, very earl• w, the m ,rnmg stationed the horizon. On Monday a; ain the Jtezenwn, for the entertaining and m- oro near tort Huron to is ioctly visible, .neo Michigan shore Saginaw B.y was to the indentations of`the land, the stripe of sandy beach and the smoke issuing from steam saw mills. Some of the points seen must have been eighty or ninety miles distant. The mirage wag witness- ed by hundreds of ou_citisens. ` A "WIDL-AWARE" TEne rRr MAN -A gentleman who bolds a pm ent office in a certain orginizetie styled " Nide-awake," not fifty males from Londoo, C. W., being in Ooderich last week on business, drank se much ginger -beer that he be.ame as " tight as a fiddle,' to nae a vulgar expression What he did while in that condition is by thooe \ errantry that not mentioned, but we have it o° very Tht•re are a fe good authority that be lost a valuable wheat crop has gold watch during the course of his greet quantity of itlow during the winter, wanderings. It would be interesting to I but' there is not generally much, fall wheat know just where the wideamnke gents sown in this part, sot t whatever (ailuro rosy occur l'rnm that sou ce mud be very iner- 'n Mo L. i " ticker " in I 1 RA G 5 'n to t. g• d limited 1 e: n beer (with a little dfop of brandy ill i') Immense shipments of tattle have been in considered .11iyhitp intoxicating and made during this spring an :at winter r f from the Clinton Section to Bu n. The a •mea t1 ad nlren o hhould b cache J b e 1 • bee n almost f uloue attic ha e Yr. Dunkin. owce of c _ lowing to the great demand on the other (EODERICii TOWNPIIIP, 1 Bide and the continued fall in the prior or _ I g old, which of eourso enables drovers hell CHcitrn Orevt:o. -On Sunday last co Pal a higher 6g are. Tho moneey paid NCI a ' p R .puna w.ro engaged in and contested In good structive distrour,e at sn early boor and mad* •Raid on Harper- i earnest. 'I'be opeomg scene waa an adruc- We have lately experienced quite an bee, Se•furtbdnd Egmondrille. then dieap ir: j e„talerde tet C.InhumV,ans, u they are cxndas of young men from this village, peered' Tbey4 err, h n uusprt emelty : uermrd, eahtbrt iehe m miergr A vS P s a i I n m aranee im tor.nrr eco , pr 4 r R ions rt H C r the n w w ve n a e bound u Co I r lin e h 1 , l b ed n .I . cera .6 PI+" eRi c"acro se °( else .4 n rase n drentura teruu •h the st Moughton on Lake Superior, las the State Wnl.on•s ground, the athletic games tom• of elichigen. The names of the ilei- mencei with spirit. • eopiorie shower de- grants are Messrs. David Canr., James sanded, drieieg most of the (sir sex from the 11'uilac•• henry Carter James W Miter, field of pluasme,. the bachelors following the Richard Lane, Davi) Watson, and Ernest crieo-hue to the hotels, still the ggames went m aha ard•wr of tM McPherson. Some others are intending en' no ram coed de p as irate w fame, tbere was tem liquor drank to gn. Lettere hero al ready been rwmved thin on former occainna, consequently less from some of them, lfeaking in high terms wraogline, notwith•Ita•dm r the presence of of the pro.peetsthere. Jeff. Dors ant other Southern heroes. 1 have to report that the formers' pros- A fewdejoie was Dred by the Scant -tit Co. to in this section are of the most prom• tai eharaeter. 7 he rpring weatb'r trout uee the most genial that tin be de- sired, The need never win )yet in in bet- ter time and vandal an, and I am told o have traveled through the 'se crops are most beautiful. conoplaints that the Full n " smothered " by the the new Primitive Methodist Chapel, on I out from 1114 source hat orlotnbut some the farm of Mr. Jno. Sturdy, 7th inn. of I what to help the fame» over the hard 1 Hutee race, open to all borate, Ise A Stan,(, times, which threatened at one time to be' " Frnoy," 6 holies c•,m ening. lkob Gilford, tbis township, win opened for Divine mach more resastrous than they have been. jnckry. rrPmeuanry mac., Welak'a r' black Iyer " Worship. The Rev. Mr. Shaw. N. C. I During the winter there was much suffer- • tb` Ruyn\Q Marra y tat Som Beni a 'In wben no.Ieo than thirty three partes were • waded to the sucermal competitors, 111 limping,, ereading, throwing the atone, a steeple chase, foot race, Pack and whrel- Devir sed remamder of t hoard. An boor, perhaps s departing Rebels time to take vie was awarded them. The harbor,•. is crowded with all kinds and el At night. Forty-eight couple and ■ host of lonely bachelors without partnere attended the h.11. A sumptuous supper WAS served up at I1 o'clock in the host's best st le, and mu.ie by Prof. Halals. Annexed u the Pr'a Liist and names of Judo«. : Judtes for Horse Races -Messrs. Dickson, CLesuet. Cur. Jdtee for Games -Mean. G Seroat,Heu, Ryan, 1 ora, T Go•onloek. Secretary -A M McDeueal, Eel. Boys Foot Rac., Lt R Logan, 2nd John M-attn. Mens Strndter Jamo, Ballantyne, 16ft.- Hop, Step ad Jump, Burns, 37ft. 9'n. Run - 1154 jump. Burnt. High jdmp with pule, Berne. Putting the Stone. (2i lbs ), Joh,1 Broadfo„t Standing high jnmp, M. Fux,- *ium,int hi,7h jump, R. Yount. F"m race, } f a mile, Dillon. Seek race, W. Fux.- minister ofGoderieh, pireked an eloquent ing among the cattlae of the poorer (acme» f add rid some /tock diel in et•rmoo et 11 a. m. from Palms shill -I 2, 13, 14, to a erowde•! congregation. Is aha working man, who, it' he could only the afternoon Rev. Mr. Ure, of the (1. I'. Inver tuiomnled than until the tprieg, Church, delivered an excellent discourse might haee retrieve his fortunes. from I. Cor., latter clause of the 7th ' - - _ - rerse, and Rev. Mr. Ro•'en, of the M. E. (rreaour Comm Corre.pnnd.n,.l Church, a,ltlremed a large audience in the CLI%T0t, : 25, 1865. TO tis• iArwrdthr Itosn.'we•t: evening. Tho church iti built of brink, is isaAR Sia, -Sines I wrote you lot the 44ft. by 28 in Miae, and'when properly every i rr)orted in which Mr. Wrn. Coat .es finished will be a very neat and oommo- tined for using an unat.mped measure, has dans structure. It owes its origin, we assumed quits a nee' phm.e Mr. Coats Fla they are uesurceusfrl, and tbercfoee bare dscussion, are contwntrsted ie their pages to believe., W the earnest, eei nus labors of . been notified that the Inspector and the so right to live "' Why, ma, that must illuminate and elucdete all that is fresh in ltev. John J1cCrppin, Irish Slitsionary, M'agialraiea have anendoned all further pro- be a mind poseased of hateful feeling" science, r►l4ioo and literature. The newest' who hu laid those for alias special bene '^ger •o ere ibe , eviction from which ha Ai.co•eri 1 m aocul 15ws, io theo!o i .I bad a sled, se aha •nul. the case so far as *bat is free from senpmrataofeompassion g' fit he talion in thin sretinn u.der lasting Pfa dua:ira, material forces and nr ►niatinw Mr. Coate eunvhetion i. concerned. I don't !Dr the faller brave ! Ab, asrcru it is gro tole found lin these Heriewa, e,A without obligations, Mr. McC. purposes visiting . remen err whether i stated in my IYt that that measures the approbation or censure to the rompsnti•el crud. Arirrte (Lia summer, but we stall he glad Mr Coate eared •n action of 100.5, fon tM of most persons throughout the " wound." and vi)foroea pul.lieatone un this mile of the Atlate, 't c.n be w,4 that then are ne to hear of his being again tent to Canada. re,,,ery of the yard meultro from the Lrureorsejal, the fat .imericao Rerolu• puhllcatione m tit* world equal to these (or The New Connexion N. Choir, under the lospeetnr. This the ip,pertnr hu also seen tion would harm beew nnkd in hiaWry pro(ond.n of thought and elegance of stale. eficient leadership of Mr Jame, Thomson, fit to settle by returning the aid °tenure. with a tionimod-endmee other petty re. Tk ",e "k' attr'°pt ro 1*d or Inmroct pablie r opinion, whether in the 751711, tM mchool'rendered c,eenant maslorl service at the But the Lupecter now binge the m.ltn up bellialot-LesarcwfiJ Washington wonW r.Mm or pprefyor's their, 00401 ro eonwh eburchopening recorded +hove. in another form ad this time n the shape of kava bees a mere rebel leader, ad just •web athnr"les u can be found in these an action atainst Mr. Coat. in the Division Coowt for the reeoeere of the tom he asked for tient o f err, a n urnce thus oompletely'ruiningmany so& dogmatical gentlemen as oar " Ca- sadian " would have been the firm to de- mend for that [rest anal toed man " a then shrift and • long rope." While it u nn doubt true that " tis• talent ad ability " we bare displayed in support of the Reath may be distasteful t " a Casa. dies" and oar or two of his p.ren.al friends, we beg of lire to ponder the fact that the eir01Latios of fhe Seal hats hest very Dearly deaided within the put three years before be *admrers to art I irr•rYef a• a pelfe!•e'.d espete• rr Maeas nee. l! I B N E R'l'. Sumetmes American. •re inclined to chafe' leder their entices's upon our affair', but of Fatal. Acetone". - Dennis Berry was " it r right to learn (men 1n rnemy," •• mos +, illed here last week by a fall from • barn esrtaialy rvmei•e inetruetion though it Mmes: a (e. day. •tgw• TM rafter being hreke in unp•l.twble dors,', from profeesel (nsn4. ' leen ho.h end p.ngrnt ueminrtiena tate ra1h0r ano0, fe11 back, making Berry I0.5 oar pnnerptw. and enndnet, are more in.ig•-• 5k, balance Ad p•meipit•u"g him wnh 00.1103, if 1ees agreeable, than rnduerimieau violenp to tie earth killing b'm 'cantle. pries, TM Westsismter Review, hMnl, then McRILLOP. Ing,mlly and polbtieally 1 the Fdinimrgh. Ace,e's,.-A nee man of this Town w►i(; leekwnod. Insensate *eei 1 Eke North 1 t Rntiah, toe org.o et ibe Fria (.Mae► p•117, stip dee 15i.m,lf uueidue, let eek. A 1'4 tis. l o. Qearz.ely, enns.meetnw. mearade's gen (Mr. Dyer) carelessly fell .en,rlly eentaie now, Ia a small spur, sof strikong hi. 'osapsecion'. pa ^m the tooter, Monitore. rare. a.d set, toot mein • .ad end•/ 11. heal t►rougk the fitb' Part •.•r'•• .r. 71,.•• .1. , le of Is. •.a i,etaM,•' I eormeating. Scat'■ Rarc: Tbe let in winning end no man to ride his own horse : Shark's •' Lazy Jae" winning easy, altnou4h 3 comp.ting hang's Stmt.. -Gnat sympathy is eeprera •d for Mr. Kane, loss -Me trirndu of that g.ell,'ma homeg started • subscription. it .Ireauy amount/ to six or ween hundred dol la:,. Now is tis. time to prove yoer friend ship. ►--_.-tete PTANLEi • - Notwithstading the gloominess of the ray the celebration of the Queen's Birthday mea a complete wcees, in Bayfield. Hy eight o'clock the coontry people begun to assemble in the villa,(., hoping Met the indications el rain migbt speedily gi.e place to sunshine Da. SIR, -Harting now red for • lon7 time with pace"ce, but not well any degree u1 satisfaction. your logic n support of the 01,ce tailed 5Obtkern Confederate states of America, bopemg you would come W see your error, end repent you bo.e allmoit worn cwt my patinae: with the large moJority of for rlght thinking portion of chis i'ummunity guards H. the tumediae ticm.it of the rax• menus. wherein aro sate intended (or Ibe in. e•rceration of the prisoners, and also dent, the r■blues. paths tied routes they would be ohlitsd to traverse while en rust• t.. the Fortress. In a short time after the Pierce reached the wharf the prisoners began to lad. Sock wen the arrangements strictly wua sorb togic, i thought it high time to let-enfor ed by the military autbonties, that no you Aute that •s, h look del nut wit thin pert psru,n was allowed to approach the wharf r r •ane w mtttll IMM lbr tlttlLrd wuwld, enJ Lupe iuu aero the p u h I nded excret at •die wail tar to en,ghtru your subscriber. with tonne of ove1500 yards Ae the prisoners • Ir , tis whin f r ere rc ed u e r e did • and ex fes m b m ui ,non a r; erre w noble w tis too s ne mom R F , P 1 R and benetiu Ial to society, it is a great pity of their captor" of the 4th Micjlitan cavalry. that • man of your :.m;nr would sper.d ho too tall, spare form of teff. Dari., dreoerd in tme and Ia erne in support of Jeff Davis ed guy clothes ad 'merino a light belt hat, his .000,101,. In came, the records of Libby could be easily dieerroerd. As soon Y the l' Iwo, Andersonv:lle, Fo,t Pillow, and • prisoners were all ashore, they wen marrhed e resident of the loetmit Roard of Ib P Trade, in • circular W the several Hoards of Trade of the Crated S atm aid the Briti.k Provinces, ann,unres *bat, as be he reniv.d favorable responses from the amociatiens addressed concerning the proposed Com- mercial Conrenton, a will meet a tbat oily on Tuesday the 1Itt tet July next. Ile adds : - "All commercial associations shoot to rticipate are re-{ueated to report a thio rd, at the earliest possible momedt the nuritarr of del•gstee they desire to send, in order that suitable accommodation my be provided for ,hem in the convention. It. is not.dyable to l,mit the number of delegate epreaenung *1eb board, some ha,,n4 already o .r'ie,ted an acrd oth.ri twelve members. It is proposed to lelve it t , the convention w decide the Mods of rbting and to establish rules for nts erganration. Through the kid libera'ity of railroad sad meamboa compan. les, arrangements have beau male (or the free tranamissinn of delegates to and from Iktroit, by the following lines centering i• Detroit : Mich,gsn Central railroad. Midst - gen rioutbern tend Northern Indiana railrned, Great Western railway of ('an•da. Gte°d Trunk and Ifuffalo and Lake Iluron roilwa nl'Cansda. Detroit and Milwaukee railroad. Iktroit ad Cleveland etesmbna line. Passes will be sent over the above lines oe receiving from their respective boards tb. names of the delegates desiring them. All arrangements (or tranamiseion of delegot s over railroad, or other line, connecting with hon to numerous to nunti'•n goes to show op along the beach to the selleport of the the 'bore named lines, most be made be the Mot these ,hro,eleu noo,onee which hare wrter.hrttery in the rear of the Fortress, and seaer.? commoni.j ewciat'oas partieip•un( excited • thrill u( horra,r in •eery homane thence to their cells ie the second tier of in the C"srintiuu." breast were ibe result of • cruel, calculat«ng, caw. roes. Ciemero ('. Clay aecompsiiied - _ _ malionant, paltry, wen .s could have beer, Je f. dais inside the Fortress, and also, it is Tnc New YoRr "Tatacse" or Yarun generated only in the minds of slaveholders supposed, the largest portion of M e per.ona! -Thr GollowYo s extracted from an.dttonal of the wont cute, 1 charge the whole gilt of . Mro. (hew end ler four children, Mir artele in tM '4w Kora Tribune of t6* 24A. this war, upon the •mMt.,us, educated, brother and ester and the wife of ('lement C. „ We Mar thea menu of the blacka,t6orougb pluttng, political leaders .t the South, u,•y Clay „ma,r, o 1 hoard the steamer Clydeand, I distrost *her old masters, place all cea6• have shed an ocean of b.00d they h..oe deco- n is thought, . 11 be sent South this evening, lento in ibe Yakoes who hers n rid luted the South they have. poured poverty es orders have been reeei.at from the War C y thrusttrb all bar towns and case *Ley liras Ilepanmsin prohibiting thrm (roes ping come among them, ad will work for tees. bewildered the imaginetinn of the (sople witb North. The partnng between Jeff. Iters and on emelt any terms. We rogret this; fir phantasms annd led nem to believe they wee hie family s descri6rd to have Men of sn sl- while rn.ny of tb... Yankees will 7.11(7 tba e„mete affic ung nature Bunn white the contdenem, others will crossly abuse it. Naw fightng for their ho,nes and liberty, whose bottles were unthreetend, and whose liberty esu in iso jeopardy, these.rrogat 1n:Ggature 1 err n romp et le o•rrcome tome of tM vire merest beings that ev.r of cinl err have ieneweJ wares thaw the Major -(Eta. Helleek has Men here during aha stood on two' , rapacious, hypo- plrturs of Egypt, not that the oppressed past tb'res days superintending the arrange- critical, ever nede W skin • fimt with • boa t prroet,vded f d then 11 , 5, gu,lt et endhmoll yrison rl. 'tringentn order, in orcth"Re k' rowed knife and make (for others) soup out of remortelese lotions, them high and cultured visiting the Fortress have been issued. and .II tM peelings. Thu less soon Deeome too men, slth mi, bt anal wisdom used for 1h,• c'vtliane are prohibited from entering it. u^. wall Sons. at hoses-' run est; as ibe phren seddt andna tea d 0? .11 nminnls tha'hare Gen. Helleckidel wUh • poo Irom Major- aeof1 ng and swindling rto the injury ofrthe drenched • nation in needless blood and may- - - land that bore them an, east them out. Nee ed the foundations of their umes with hldeonn The Last 01 Thee Cootederate let n 0. generally presumed b, the ignorant crimes and cruelty, w once immagme that Armies." hlaeka of thio Youth that. Yrn err, beuawaea tis« 1w01etrenr. "1'wch cnmee, wud.ld go sent Yankee, is neetaeanly their friend, and aka free is beyond b e comprthersiun of the The World's K ashingenn special cerate• onelaa broil will overspreed the Sohl hes• g England produces may of the best specimen. Orel pest(dthewnee •mh,i oat and de.perate of the human race, end, along with them, and gentle wipers, but in tbis they were ei•Jiaed wourld not sllu.inf that Jeff pondent says that he hes had • convention locusa• siert'at boola 5011 ralef badngw has u t e wp.nm n none .i _ , to Iy far ess moms y t e Malt •y coui y es Hi rid . mi 's ed or confiscated plrrutinY ad biriag began to rain, when gloom and heavy and arm Hs r7 . KnA I.honr' ri ht ad dal cltttio umber hen. cetera wield be cuntinement ,n •dungeon 1• y SmnNa harass an R 4 I li,ht +bowers prevailed until •loot thre. lair ate. conpnsed uf'thrpeless end inh.rmonio,n trying oat ter and terpoantine there, and o':l^ek, .ben it cleared op sufficiently to Hopiing Toa .ill gies *him • place i^ root eemrna Mlonrtng tro Pri•e's, Diek Tylo•'. R ^wing corn, emtnn, rice and eogu, obis► allow the cern and sports •nanuneed n pro vslab:e paper, i „main, - c - e grammes to ernemeoee. Aller partaking of Yours respm of "e rormname In numMrs, nut ria to spial At "" "err "`" '"' r• •^"-^"+ '^"•••q `-' -- A CAVAD1AtI tie( darn eMn wen I se abed on tM arm groes to raga and fo Wiese nth ansa jam disrppninted, for •Mot eleven o'clock it I h f Cher maltec with a General just from Texas; who caims •t casae d oss Tor ., gin ting o o • oa- h l rh d tot»thou,gist ,alarmed ran r r Y tis a most excellent dinner (prep•r'd by D. _ i antis oar hundred ad Dve thnuand nam.. coming en. ' Trwt thrml(' is tM •.rr]] wt Mudougall and boo lady, for the Temperance which, deducting for Ile nick and rhmnt O1aaim to b imprrssed oe thio ignorantllebj HCLLETT' hnnve tb• arIYI nmmler of Kirhe's a,ldien far camping it -forty cents 1 Mli*•* it was. (Dike, of whom eMn w*r' alonut •hundred aka nn man's Lir w0rdt as selwtantlal ear► Mr. Guam has tendered him the tan menu present) roar went not to Tea Four nr ung bare. -A fe. da s • n to wmething like M 1 000 mar,, of whom 10, tis, Dat inert en being paid ss sea (5" which be maintains 19 all the law allows 1*,,. participate in the .m memeits going on. awe heavy Hems belongin`` too the well-Ynnwn 00u aborld be deducted tax teameter' and W charge. This he refeses, however, anal so 11. various games wen well contested, ad Mr. Humphrey Snell. of Hullett, bappeoing other no'afi/Ming men. G1 these 75,000 An Irish paler we patties s pan• of glom 1M ■+tzar will be bras ht before Hu H"nen tM pains+ prompuy •+•vied W tM snecerlul n motet in the field, . fight took pl.r,, in men, 46.000 only belong to infantry; the into • window, when a P aom, was wasat••d• a enm;r.utors. TM Cwfithmpiin Pageant esu whirl • large t'nrou``h bred Lricnter qrn balance enlisVd as revelry nr mosnted info ing he, Mgae jnbitg hire, wiling his M.i.1 Judge Cooper a the nett sittings of the r„rt.iny a mmrnr.piees u( hurlee us ad his nark hrob in t1. Iran mand. Hite •r• try, which are reprees•td es steel!. my ad pmt in pasty of pour. The Itishw consid*rin that M,I w is tis. s, s oD'ett t. Dart was •kar Drrisi,. Caen in Clirtoa, w Mes hi, ' Couwold. provided with hone. Mot imperfect in dung. bore the banter for seN time, Wt at 101 R •e d 1 [ •1 line, TM •em is „resented t be flea .lensed Ilio tormentor by ' Am1 ww, be err jai tgmeat Y to whether *veal frame" which &heed at red•ea great credit on IM inventive P a mukad *pion . merrn M • mpresa (ieuluse of iu promoter'. At *Anna five L rd Palmer'tne'e lt*•IA is Mn rrr- roaR117 aPgl with am eaouI,ne .n.l proof trip 7e, err alse T'll pet • anis h use 1sed o'clock ib. brant rare took lace en the 6.5., P Mioie. Kirby Smith ease the war preapheu w,tho*t any petty 1' m•as.e alalia atm waning of 1M isaute, P nc hilt be eontinwee wadi, ad shames on hotter. He mid ba baA tris4 mea um., and suets se on* es the Inepsetnr wield he anA mem wita*wd fmm tM bank be m.ny from Paliawtary duties. Ie send intermd and *soled a tators Thna pac to J*some, Mt f ' The a:poemsoftbe U. & e-wersla•n setdled W neer. I.. moa (tsr, ne set-in hoot. raters., end eded weedy mel proud t} Leel Arby's Vael•una of Ham., failed on atenunt of the ginMwa in the neer after Ihe xray i 4105 .4d, it is OMiaasd. 'Aker amok as to .Mals, a yard sewers is I1 eat iso sod dove the Lake, wbse shoot h•. mashed tM gfls t►0ratd *f im .U., u Met.ews Nei ins Ord N.w Orlr•ue. Be said will bs fear indeed milMas a yeses. 71 red n•a rc •*are res .let. Ola• t005y er nets • 112'9 ani sod seeat tea Aneo thetek, the. treemafce. sbtl1,rgt a enT. Aariag flee h^s M 6.4 pvhet+A inti Ili• n r. enerrtrl4ier.