HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-03-03, Page 54. • 4. x 0: • 4' s, • • 4. OAC President To Speak Here D. T. D. MacLachlan, presi- dent of -the Ontario Agricultural College, GuelPh, will 'be guest speaker a tlibceter Kinsmen Cl first "Agriculture Night." o n March 26, it was allaallneed by club officials thiS Week. One of Canada's leaders in agricultural reSearch, Dr, Nu. Lachlan heads .the largest and best-known of the nation's farm celleges. I i • i i Riverside Poultry Co. E . i • . • to Make Ware you are receiving TOR PRIbES for Iyour live poultry ,before selling by phoning: P-. s • ' - COLLECT E • i c , London Or. Herman E . 7-1230 680-r-2 IllisinIIIIRPISP P arm A panel discussion on "Farm Posiness Dilanagernent" will be one of the •highlights of Huron County Seell Fair .at 'Clinton this. weekend. Dr. H. L. Patterson, director' of the farm .econemicissibranch. Of the 'Ontario Department Of ..A.g”. rieulture, will act as moderfiter for the discussien. Members ef the panel will in- . Ph V Check 'IP Geo T. Mickle & Sons Lirnited I Herman Phone:103 nut . Phone - Write - See 1 • 1 • *,) FORA Malting Barley " CONTRACT Don't Wait Limited Amount Of Seed Available • WE ALSO SUPPLY «FERTXLTZER fir • ultrySimplies Make Lindenfields your headquarters fel poultry hard. - ware. We have a completestock of items- for your flock • at reasonable prices. See the display in our window.' • WATERERS $1.35 and up immeitimosen giwzrar---- FEEDING TROUGHS HEAT 300 up ° LAMPS $1.55 and $3.95 Poultry Thermostats And Thermometers C Lindenfields Ltd. PHONE 186 •EXETER • • TIMIES-APVOCATE0 EXETE ONTARIO, *THURSDAY MORNI140, MARCH 3, 1950 usinoss .anet e1udr WflhlainEllerington, Exeter,' who operates, along with his brothers, one of the largest farms in the etIllritY; Profeisors C. G. E. Downing and. A. C. Robertson, of Q.A.E. 'Guelph; ,Iatnes M. Scott, Seafortli poultryman and. Russell Holton, successful McKillop farm, er. The diseutielen will 'be held •at 2 p.m. !Saturday afternoon, March 3, in the Clinteu High Scheol. Anction sale of 10,boaliel lots Of seed winners will follow the panel. AS in the Past, 'district high Schools will display educational exhibits. This year these exhibits will be based on lowering pro- , onassanannonis l ffIl l ll l shninilinsessismis duction costs through use of bet- ter soils, craps, grading and ,sel- ecting. South Moron District High School's exhibit will deal 'with poultry. . CA !SatUrday, at 9;30 a.m., the Junior Farmer Seed fudging tom - Petition will get under -way. This Le. open to all men in Huron eoulltr, Under 30 years of age, ,W10 have net attended 41•11Y Ag- ricultural college or school mom •than two years, Judging will in - chicle one class of wheat, oats, barley, and two classes .of small seeds; identification of g� weeds and 1.0 weed seeds; and paw. seed identification, The Huron county •competitor NUhulil Omsk Lown to • Earth Ily D. L HOOPER Milk Fever So you called the vet to have a we asked about it,' to boost the calcium levels in the blood. He also said that the heaviest drain on calcium Conies in high -produc- ing cows. That is why the best cows like "Flossie" are hardest hit. It might seem like throwing away money to grain a freshening cow for 30 days and yet all feed experts tell us it is yqur best in- invesment and this .could be one of the reasons. You not only will increase calf weight and milk Production but also .avoid costly vet bills and loss of production. * DID. YOU KNOW? • The closer you keep to your original idea, the closer you are •to creation.—Dante. THIS WEEK Maxon Seed Fair Ontario Bull Sale Compare Seed Prices with Quality Make a start on the manure pile Push pigs from the start for early marketing. look at Flossie , She's been fresh and milking good, Real good, in fact she's been almost tilling the milker, You can't understand it when the vet said "milk fever". Pimple was in good flesh at ',calving, you really had counted on that extra income, not extra vet bilis, when she joined those. other hardworking milkers. The preceding could be just any average dairyman, ten years age, Today it is quite a different story, Feeding research carried out by University of • California has shown that Milk Fever is vir- tually no problem when the ra- tion during the last month of pregnacy carries 'one .part of cal- cium to at least 3.3 parts of phosphorus. " Straight alfalfa hay, fed alone at this period, gave the moat trouble witb milk fever—and is thought to do so because it is a high -calcium lew •phosphorus diet (6 parts calcium to 1 phosphor- us), A suggested grain ration which helps to overcome this is to feed eight lbs. of grain for the, month previous to calving. The scientists feel that a ration containing 1 part calcium to 6.6 parts of phos- phorus has helped materially to decrease the disease. They point out that milk fever is caused by the sudden rush of milk at calv- ing drains the calcium from the blood. Before the calcium regulat- ing glands—which have been in- active during the dry period—get active again, the cow suffers from the deficiency of calcium in her blood "stream. Another treatment which these men found effective was to "Dose. cows with 30 .million units of Vitamin D each day for 5 -to 7 days before freshening". This treatment would seem to be just a cover-up, for a poor feeding ra- tion, since both treatments—the Vitamin D and the low calcium - high ,phosphortta diet—are design- ed, according to a vet triend who insiontiteen 000 is llllllllll EXTRA SPECIAL BUY Regular 750 ONLY 25c . LTD. Phone 18 - • Exeter, ll w llll lllllllllllll unworn llllll n ll h$ 1,4 Waterloo Cattle_Breeding Asin Where' Better Bulls Are Used • Here i& proof that the use of our bulls will insure inheritance of better than • average type and production on the average. Following are official figures on the performance of daughters of'flolstein sires in service in our Unit now. All are avail- able regularly with the exception of Blincroft Monogram Duke whose usefulness seems nearly ended. As COnpared with Breed Average Daughters" eActual Average •of 100% Milk Fat ELMCROFfbELEBRITY 14.2 yr. records AVM 10647.392.4.68. 7 In 309 daysiall 2X 107% 107% ^ ELMCROFT MONOGRAM DUKE 1254 yr. records Ewa. 10901,406.3.69.61 in 305 days, all 2X 106% ELMOROFT TRADITION 21.2 yr. records aV. 101344814.7646 in 305 days, all 2X 105% ' GLENAFTON .BENEFACTOR 28.2 yr'. records aVg. 11388-466.4.01.11 in 305 days,. 21.2X .14A, GLENAFTON MILEGtONG 71,2 yr, records aVg. 10982.429.3.91.40 in 305 days, all 2X 108% GLENAFTON TRADEMARK 15.2 yr. recbrds avg. 9854.388.3.93.12 In .35 days, all 2X 102% No. Graded %G.P. Daughters Or Better Breed Avg. Is 47% 41 107% • 198 61% ' 108% 39 69% ,\ 38 84% 114% 147 41% 108% • 56 55%4 These Bulls are all desirably proven. The following Holstein bulls are also in service but are not old enough to be proven through their daughters but were stet ed with the same care,: Selling Wing Double, Seiling Wing Pietje, Elmeroft Hartog Legend, Maple Lea Skokie and Lonelm Lochinvar Envoy. A bull's daughters, test - td tinder varying conditions as in service in an artificial 13reeding Unit. is the supreme tAst. The daughters of Glenafton 13euetactor and t1n-1mA Tradition were tested in a few herds that are better than average. For service or information, phone 'Clinton 242 collect, between 7:30 and 10:00 a.nl, on week days and 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. on Sundays or holidays. • 1 Report On Grand Bend By MRS. E. =OWN Two carloads of young people from the United 'Church attended the Presbytery Convention at Elimville on Tuesday evening. Mrs. riVI. M. Irwin addressed the C.G.I.T. ,girls at their meet- ing on Monday evening. She took es her subject "Customs in Jap- an", and showed "several curios made by the girls •in Japan. Mrs. Irwin has personally visited Japan and spoke from what she had actually seen and heard. Mr. and Mrs. John Kowalchuk have moved to the residence form- erly occupied by tye late Mrs. Thomas Love. Mr. and Mrs. William Glenn spent a few days last week in Toronto visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin 'Bossen- berry returned on. 1Vionday from a trip to Florida. - Mrs, Geo. Clark, Miss Nancy, Michael and' David of Medford spent •Sanday with Mr. and Mrs. Williagi Sweitzer. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ulens of .London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Holt. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edmonds of Listowel spent the weekend with Mrs. Edmond's mother and sister, Mrs. M. Tetreau and Mona. Mr. Warren Patterson and son Gary spent the weekend with Mrs. William Patterson. Mr. Billie Baird is to the con- gratulated on passing his exam- inations as • an electrician at Ryerson School in Toronto. He has returned to his 'home. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Mason have returned from a trip to Florida. Mr. Jas. Dalton, Jr., of St. -Michael's College, Toronto, spent the weekend at his home in 'town. Mrs. Wm. Love spent Sunday afternoon with her daughter, Mrs. M. Whiting, -and little grandson in St.. JoSeph's hospital, Lon- don, Miss Mary Yeo and Mrs. Mae Holt visited -with Mr. Russell Mol - lard in St. Thomas hospital on Sunday 'afternoon and found him slightly improved, Mrs. May Dapes of Forest spent a few days last week with Mr. and. Mrs. W. J. Holt. Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Brenner, Mrs. Elizabeth 'Smith, Mrs. Bren- ner, Sr., and Gary, arrived home on Saturday from a trip to Flor- ida. Mrs. Edward Gill,- Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Ramsden and Miss Mar- ion Gill spent a few day it in De- troit last week. Mr.- and Mrs. Ramsden have since returned •to their home In Toronto after spending their Vatation with Mr. and Mrs. Edward GR. Weekend visitors with Mr, -and Mrs, Thomas Baird were 'Mr. Del- bert Magma of London, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Banner Of London and Mr.- and Mrs. (Helen) Arthur Dauncey of Lutan.• Mrs. Hurley Shaw was lucky on Wednesday evening 1ft making seore of 315 points in bowling, the highest score •Of the Season.: The ski Jump recently erected south of town by Mr, Fred Walk- er has been opened for the past two weeks, Mrs. •Palph rtuttiball recently purchased the* "Dusty" Miller property in nreen Acres. Mr. Aril old Truax has moved into the Property, eatures air With the highest aggregate score in the grain and livestock lUdg- lug competition (the latter is held later), over a period of two fears, will be awarded a trip to Harry C: ford • Usborne 'Farmer Funeral services for gay C. Ford, 66, who died suddenly at, his home in Usborne township An Friday dight were held from the Hopper -Hockey funeral home on Monday afternoon. The Rev. W. 3, Moores officiated and inter- ment was made in Exeter ceme- tery. He was born at Sodom and had Rica his life in the Exeter dis- trict. His father, the late joho Ford, was caretaker of Exeter cemetery for a number of years, Mr, Ford mute his home north of Elimville And was einPloYed by Usborne township for some Years and more recently farmed in Usborne. He was a meuraer o Elimville United Church. Surviving are his „wife; the former Irene Whitlock; two sons, Clarence, of Kitchener, and Gor- don, at home; two daughters, Laura, Mrs. William Dickey, of Usborne, and Ina, Mrs. Newton Baker, of Wellburn; three*bro- there, Keith and Cecil, London, and Gordon, of Flint, Mich„ and six grandchildren. Ward Hem, Joe Bailey, Horace Delbridge, Grant Ford, Gilbert Johns and Allen Johns acted as pall bearers. eastern Ontario or a trip to the 4-11 Club Congress in Chicago. To be awarded the Chicago trip the winner must .be an active meMber of a eounty Junior Farm. er club, or have equivalent 44 perience as a 4-11 Club Metnber. :Added to the list of special prizes this year is a special award Lor the top teams « three boys representing a .1110 .school in the. county. According to Harold Bak, er, assistant agricultural reP- resentative for Huron ceuntY, coachine practices are 'being held, for representatives from three high schools. The fair is sponsored by the Huron County soil and Crop Ire - prevenient Association. Riehard Proetor, of Morrie township, is president and Alan Wolper, of Stephen, is one of the vice-pres- idents. 11, 11. G. Strang, of Us - borne, is district director and member ot3he provincial execu- tive, a CANADIAN . PROPANE' GAS . & APPLTANOES .:.GRATT.ON re4. Phone 186 Grand Eend romowfiumilkwimotroinolummockujou•Ntimpottemiwommugosommitmopomougmmuntottoo . z 3 L Seed Discount! a Buy your clover and grass seeda early! oracrs placed before March 15 will receive a discount price5 !, We Can Mix Either Short -Tenn or Long -Term Posture Mixtures Buy .Co-op Seeds. 'Ton can sow them with confidence .and you will harvest them with pride." EXETER et DISTRICT %wail' Free Deliveries On Saturdays — Phone Collect 287 4. NEW FOR..D TRACTOR Thirty percent more powerful than any ,previous Ford Tractor—that's the 800 series. The two available models are loaded with performance and operating features to help you farm better, faster and cheaper. FULL 3 -PLOW POWER. Here's extra power to handle biggdr tools, do your work faster—all with amazing economy! IMPROVED HYDRAULIC'SYSTEM. More hydraulic power to handle work loads easier, control xnotinted implements with ease. PLUS—headlights and tail light as standard equipment . 5 -speed • transmission . . adjustable top link for' easy implement adjustment . . . live power take -off on model 860. . Rest -O -Ride seat large • capacity brakes . . . safety starter . . Proof -Meter. . and more. See the .new 600 FORD TRACTOR ,•kieres full 2 -plow pownced Ford er with econ- omy . ... pits many adva es. Three outstanding nao4els for you to choose from. Cars '53 MONARCH SEDAN Hat everything but $1,850 the kitchen sink .. 053 METEOR COACH el 4co Radio, Spot Light . •41, 62 CHEN/ COACH 115 OK „11'66 lllll .00%1000 W. • '51 METEOR CLUB cOACH or '51 FORD COACH $1. 0000 Your Choice '50 METEOR SEDAN e 050 Overdrive lllll 411 '50 PLYMOUTH Sedan, Radio, Sharp $ 850 '50 ANGLIA An Economial Car $ 360 cHEV CoAoH 295 A Steal '40 DODGE COACH $ 125 Only '37 BUICK SEDAN $ • 75 Stake Ford's new, more powerful "RED TIGER" engine All of Ford's experience and skill gained in building more than two million tractor engines accounts for the advanced design of the new, more 'powerful "Red Tiger" engine. It's 30 percent more powerful than any previous Ford Tractor engine, yet is surprisingly economical to operate. Low friction results in more engine power delivered to the job. (M 5.55d FOR ANY NEW FORD TRACTOR Conte iz soot . find out how easy it is to own an 800 or 600 Ford Tractor. * Trucks • '52 FORD 3 -TON rx149 Stake, New Motor Almost New 825x29 $1 400 Tires, A Steal .... MERCURY 3.TON $ 750 Tractors '39 CAVE "R" Good Shape, On e gra Rubber llllll STIFF TOOTH CULTIVAtolit Vo USED sTIFF.toOTH cuolvAtopt $ 136 Good bo6ett 3-toN • GARDEN triAOTintt t A 'Steal • *HUH ll l lllllllllllllll llll lll lll inn onions l llllllllll ll l l lll lllll s lll lllll is lll ls l lll I Vis lll lllll inn Winn l Min ifirlininfitiiiitinini innings ti ll lll lll Lirry. nider otors " Phone 624 Ford and Monarch Sales and Service Exeter?, 0 nt, l l ritiousto int llllll ll lllll MAIM . 4. •