HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-03-03, Page 4THE 'TIMES -ADVOCATE, QTR„ ONTARIO* THURSDAY MORNING MARCH 3, INS Cash Dl Good Hard Maple Logs .8 Ft. to 12 Ft. Sot Demanding Long Lengths REST PRICES PAID AT FARM OR DELIVERED Other Regular: 'Lengths Staffa Mill Phone 11.r-3 SAFETY CHIMNEY the FIREPROOF Chimney with the SUPER -draught Factory Built Sectional Easy to Install UPS It 111E YIII*WEtlilP IANIA1NItI OF ,MASA Eliminates many feet of construction. Requires no bricks, mortar, scaffold Sectional.. Erected in as little as 2 hours. For buildings of any type. Highest effi- ciency. Low cost. Lifetime service, No moiatenanes. GERALD GINGERICH Heating—Lighting—Plumbing Electrical Repairing . Motor Rewinding PHONE 34 ZURICH 111MHHH bintriimgml,tHIHIH1U11111111HH1115tIHt1 Legislature Report Party Whips' Busy By Toni Pryde In dealing with the mechanical functions of the Legislature, the important officers of the Ontario Legislative Assembly are the Speaker, the clerk, the chairman of the committee of the whole sergeant -at -arms, The speaker ac- tually controls the House, and the cheirman of the cemmittee .of the whole acts as chairman of the House when the House is in com- mittee, and also as deputy speak- er in the absence of .Mr. Speaker. The clerk is in charge of all rout- ine details and advises on pro- cedure, and the sergeant -at -arms enforces the orders of the speak- er. Many of our Ontario citizens are under the impression .that the Premier of the Province is responsible for everything that happens in the House and issues all the orders. :however, while in the House the Premier must obey the established rules and regulations and take •direction from the speaker, in the same manner as a private member. The speaker is actually in full control of all proceedings and members must obey his orders or suffer , removal from the House by the sergeant -at -arms. A de- cision of the speaker can be chal- lenged and this results in a vote being taken. Since the govern- ment has a majority of the mem- bers, the speaker's rulings are usually upheld. An unfavorable vote could cause dissolution of the House and a new election, or the resignation of the speaker. Duties Numerous The other officers attached to the House are the whips of the various parties, and the duties of the government whips are quite numerous. When a vote is taken in the Ontario Legislature it is quite often mentioned in the newspapers that the whips lined up the party'vote and the .party members voted solidly for the government. The impression is given, both 'from the name and the reference used, that the whips intimidate or coerce the members to vote for the government when an issue is at stake. This is an erroneous impression, however, as the duty of the whips in this respect is to see that the mem- bers are on hand and that their votes are recorded. On occasions, government mem- bers do not vote for the govern- ment and these Qccasions would be more numerous if it were not for the party caucus meetings. In Ontario, every bill is discus- sed by the government Members in Caucus before it is introduced on the floor of the house. Quite often a member has to acquiesce in his own ideas and opinions, and sometimes vote against the LOOK! Lowest Prices You've Ever Seen for POWER - PACKED BAT- TERIES of this quality sold under our regular written guarantee. 13 -PLATE, 96 AMPERE 18 -month guarantee Regular List Price $16.95 CTC Price Now Only 15 -PLATE, 120 AMPERE Two -Year Guarantee Regular List Price $23.95 CTC Price Now Only .95 & OId Battery I1.45 & Old Battery I5.95 & OId Battery 17 -PLATE, HI -WATER Armor Glass Regular List Price $30.25 CTC Price Now- Only Add 500_ For Installation or Delivery The above batteries are just a few of our Bargain Prices now in effect. Come in and choose your requirements from otir wide range of stock. SIGNAL LIGHTS We have a good supply of signal lights for your car Or truck. Check us for prices. You'll save money on these at your local Canadian Tire Associate Store in Exeter. 436 MAIN ST. = Exeter Phone 451 Mitten 11. Robbtns 7rrurnut,rnrnu„orr�rnrimirnn„nt��rrtrtm��uuun�tr�tirnntr�umtu*nrvr�mmrrntr�ni*muumnutirir,rvr„iuuioE interests$ .of his own particular riding, when it appears that the measure will be dor the general good of the province at large. At other times a member appreciates his colleagues voting against the interests of their particular rid- ings and again for the general good of the province at large. The whips also arrange the membership of the party mem- bers on the various standing com- mittees of the Legislature. Watch Attendance When these committees meet it is the duty of the whips to see that members are on hand on all occasions to form a quorum. When any member expects to be absent from the Legislature the whips must be informed. This is to prevent the possibility of a snap vote being called when gov- ernment members are absent, On same occasions when a high con- troversial bill is being discussed and it appears there will be a possibility of a close vote, mem- bers are often called from other parts of the, government buildings and even from the places of their residence to be on hand for a vote, or "division", as it is call- ed. Government speakers can con- tinue with the debate until the whips are assured that sufficient members are on hand to guaran- tee a favorable vote. The whips must also see to it that there are always twenty members sitting in -the Legisla- ture as this is the number re- quired for a quorum. A few years ago, during a night Session of the legislature, the Premier of a loan- er government ]eft the chamber to go to his office in order to fill in deails of his Speech. This speech was to be delivered to the House at 10.00 P.M. •and news- paper releases had already been sent to the press. When the prem- ier walked towards the door of the chamber members were corn- ing out. The government whip had not kept sufficient members of his party in the house toeen- sure a quorum, and the opposition left the chamber one by one until there was only one opposition member Left. At this point the opposition member Balled the at- tention of the Speaker to the -fact that there were not twenty mem- bers present in the house, and the session was automatically ad- journed. Needless to say the whip of that time was severely cen- sured by the speaker. Arrange Meetings The whips are always on hand to give advice and assistance to members, to help the new mem- bers in the preparation of their speech material, and also ar- range the various meetings, in- cluding the caucus, which the members must attend. When the debate is in progress on the Throne Speech, the Budget Debate, or the Debate on any particular Bill, the whips arrange the order of the speakers. This means that the speaker of the House, and also the members themselves, will know when each Member will speak. As is well known, at the pres- ent time the government has a large majority in the Legislature Topics From Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE Mr. and Mrs. WilIiarFerguson spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fergu- son, of Exeter. Mr, John Tookey, of London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Almer Passmore. Mr: and Mrs.Wm. Rohde, Doug- las and Glenn visited on Monday evening with Mrs. Henry Rohde of Exeter, the occasion being a shower for Miss Ruth Sutton, of London, bride -elect of March 12 to Gerald Gibson, of London. Those attending were Mrs. Elmer Gibson and Gerald and .Miss Ruth Sutton, of London; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rohde and Jimmy, of Mitchell;. P,lrs. Riney Keller, Nor- ma and Lorne, of Exeter. Comnmunity Night avlr. and Mrs. James Hodgert and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rowe were in charge of the community night held on Friday evening with a good crowd. Prizes for euchre went to: Mrs. Lee Webber, Mrs. Ross Hodgert, Robert Miller Reg. Hodgert and Ross Rowe. 3-M Meeting ' The 3-M club held a crokinole party recently. In charge were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Rohde, Mrs. Donald Bray read the scripture. lesson. Wm. Rohde and Robert Jeffery favored with violin sel- ections. Crokinole, prizes went to Mrs. Frayne JParsens, .Mrs. Jim Harris, Reg. Hodgert and Melvin Gardiner. Zion Zion school was closed from Thursday +last until Tuesday% on account of several cases of Sear - let fever in the community, Both church and Sunday schob) services were cancelled. Miss .Noreen Anderson, Science Hill, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jaques on Sunday. Miss Jane nykenian, of Exeter spent ,Sunday and TVtonday at her home. Mrs. •Melville Herrt has been staying at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs, Malcolm Spence, Blansh- and for the past week as Mrs, Spence has been i11. and it was found necessary to appoint a deputy to assist the party whip. Your member has had that honour during the last few years, and it is, a most in- structive and interesting exper- ience. Needless to say, one is kept busy every day throughout the Session. every Citizen Benefits. From Industry: Official 33esldes attempting to attract n, e w industries, municipalities should keep in mind, existing in. dustries, J. B. "Tim" Turnbull, of the. Trade. and. Industry Branch, Ontario Department .of Planning and Development, told a recent meeting of Huron County of. ficials. "The, salvation of a lot of On - brio communities," Mr. Turnbull said, owill be, the branching out Qf existing plants, Need Co-operation He pointed out that co-opera- tion between municipal councils and civic -minded groups was most important in industrial promo- tion. A Chamber of Commerce or a Junior Chamber can do much that a council can't do in the way of promotion. But is council's job to try to convince the people of the need to spend money to at- tract new industries. "It's a hard job and their efforts often fall by the wayside," he said. He noted that there was no glamor attached to industrial promotion. "It's a straight busi- ness proposition --either you sell a prospective industry on your community or you don't. Wishful thinking is no good," Mr. Turn- bull said. "Industrial promotion costs money and every citizen in the town benefits if you either ex- pand an existing industry or bring in a new industry. We at the department feel it's the taxpay •er's money that should be spent. But you roust set aside a consist- ent amount. And it's no good dis- banding an industrial commission because it has not been successful immediately. One year on a trial basis isn't enough," he said, He pointed out that industries were coming to the Department of Planning and Development for assistance in ever increasing num- bers, seeking information on new locations, upport The Red Cross "There is no more noble and humanitarian organization in the whole world than the Red Cross" GEORGE MATTHEW ADAMS Your donation to the Red Cross helps provide: *Preparedness for Disaster •Outpost Hospitals •War Veteran Services *Free Blood Transfusion Service *Nursing and Health Services 8/1/Ets.theA AM CROSS Cheerfully... Gratefully... Generously 1 . $5,494,100 IS NEEDED THIS YEAR when you use CHAMPI•NFueI Oil you are INSURED against the hazards of explosion and fumes: with this policy from STERLING FUELS.;.. 1116 tie A. BATE 3.23 CHAMPION BT. LONDON, ONT. TSE VOE . Cato - saws= • OW LONDON 010140101) GENERAL BRANCH HEAD OFFICE FOR CANADA.` 465 ST,„ JOHN STREET MONTREAL Agent CRONYN, POC MITEROBINSON LLONDON, ONTARIO Enjoy added comfort and peace -of -mind, with the benefits of this - Exclusive Sterling Fuels Policy - - - Only a company with complete faith in its products would dare guaran- tee the public so much protection in writing ... and as a user of CHAMPION FUEL OIL you can have peace of mind in the knowledge that your family and home are fully protected against the hazards of explosion, and fumes, due to the furnace fuel you use. Play safe, by using CHAMPION FUEL OIL . the only heating product that offers you insurance protection. Phone 508, for complete details. Here is the insurance protection . you receive: Benefits against explosion including all reasonable medical, surgical, dental and ambulance, hospital andprofessional nursing expense to the extent of ($25,000) twenty-five thousand dollars or in the case of loss of life ($25,000) twenty-five thousand dollars as well as one hundred thousand .. ($100,000) for asphyxiation through accidentally, inhaling fumes given off by Champion Furnace Fuel Oil and at the same time pays all reasonable costs in restoring the private dwelling with like material anddkind twenty- five thousand dollars ($25,000). This policy protects users of 'Champion` fuel oil. 1 Champion Fuel Oil is the safe insurable fuel - - Nothing compares with oil heat ... and here are ,only 3 of the many reasons for CHAMPION'S outstanding superiority .. 1—Ws COMFORT . . you know your family is snug and warm .. regard- less of the weather'.. . it offers luxurious comfort at the touch of the thermostat . . . with no messy drudgery. 2 --It's DEPENDABLE.. . the finest fuel,. coupled with modern heating units, assures constant, worry -free coziness . . always available IN YOUR OWN TANK. • S—It's ECONOMICAL ... CHAMPION FUEL OIL will save you fuel dollars for years to come . your oil burner is in operation only when heat is needed . . . it's clean burning, with no deadly fumes. ■ Be Safe - Be Sure - - Be Insured - - - Insist, on CHAMPION FUEL OIL for Safe, Clean, Dependable Heat! Exeter Farm Equipment Phone 508 R. D. Jermyn, Prop. 4,44 Exeter, Ont. G 144 t 4 1 A. 5 i~ .> a 4 5, --'AAAA