HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-5-25, Page 34
Mambo Wort Wory.
A MI d Pl4.t33re.S
Ns" Year., May 16, -One of the Herald's
The N"W York World after quoting the
Ihr coeurs which are cud ui favour .4 try-
Oorreepelldeoes, writing from (,Yen's* Kil- iu4 sir, mn11 by military �'uar4, draw* .the
sick'• cavalry camp, neer .. surrounding
hal. N. las to is nn yP.ml military
of the ctrl0 Of the ad.
F' sees that the plower* til the surrounding l"Iff!' ,:l�i,iti of -Justice rr• in the Sime. :
country are greatly IbiLods regarding rn Y,•t these :tie tl.c ver, best arguments
nectu ry agricultural
it abode to prsorm the who'll have ever been adduced by seybody
ueceuarr rpicultu08l labor, soil design visit•
ing the •North to procure taboret.. They
say that the 'tutors, new 11111 they ere free.
are uuieliaIle. and il,nt the poor whites of
the State are tun lazy to work. The diwulu-
two of the rebel toupee threw loos! epee
North Corina,•, ur writ as other Sales,
w • n,um
r who of dllw
eel lha Yl'sn,
thousand,' 1
' Ill+
through the rotatoryp;ptdenug trout fIie
and fors wdi•u,uunalth•, arab cro■ing le
reign 01 terror and snatchy. 'lois euudolon
of things has leen to a greet erlellt ',mein'
iiuJ by the judieiuun distribution et Vitriol/+
Iwiuu thou,li the State of depohmeuts of
national times.
Gcx. Sn►aa•x.-the Washington 0orree
predto,t of the Now Verk Times lays (Ian.
Shernisu•+conduct iretaily has lien ••extn.
oidinsry" :-" I'rinful st,,i,s ofdiscourlruue
conduct on the pert of Gen. Sherman to a
brother officer at Richmond are in circulation
here, old are toweled 00 fact. When Gee.
Sherman arrived at Petersburg from Raleigh,
Ila Coy Point, (ren, llalleck wet wore to
him that he had secured •;evident in Rich
J 1 h (�I e) useu long u his
b hospitalities d •iellities due role by pintuur , 7
deelioi41'• the proffered courtesy, .and adding look hke ui;unre, astymieing
Io shield the lawless, lobitan. revolutinay
I rxcc ...1}g, of Secretary St..o vol cud his mit
denim'• .luring the Ian* three years of war.
Peaty has eolee, but bed, dieter.', lawleu
mart at tic hest of the N'ar lktertment dose
not Isy down his tool..., Still he 1Oihes phntu•
graph+ not hid own ; tape news still off the
en • 1 eateries the
, *Oen ,ti l 111• I ki; r l
tclrgrn; h . K J
(only tramples them under IoM ; still he
strives t. keep Lis nrurzets no the prem.; still
bo regalia little bell and lucks up in the
Item a( the leo), a, d•Itsregeo a theta or wan•
national tide whU.ObeYer be pI___,,_ lar the
commanders of department's truckle •till;
daily donee poor crotch ie buried Lori thew
vitriol' in r nanefeto grave ; and hourly the
cry of hundreds of innocent ascn and woman,
sad boys hurl go1e, imp:iwned by Stunton'r
orders. for no true kIl0wd what crime-intpris
onedandforntien-ascends 10 heaven for
the mercy aul ,Ylceoe ibicb octet' come. The
e5ad,ina of 1',l'xldeti* 1.il,eulu, who should be
wet to the gallows by the iu+taco and the
jut!, einem, l/1 the Mrnu•nle of Lew, out of the
mama respect to the dignity and honor of
nae ur Il ,^morn the ustiou which has, 1ufferrd 1l/ keenly by
1ieaJqusrteis shi,uid he in the city, and ten• their struck,. r mime, will bre huddled to the
tering hint the ,olpite rtes al c' a wnh every contrivance
tick' 30 OIY tit
1 IW
01111'1 thin �ItllitVl/
Cala l
' x 411re (led
CYrti '
Goo. )•
i i n
. G P
to bts
f n
Pu a u
Iced th
tions) crime seem the resentment of • chief
that Int could not rernrniae lien. llAlec*,. II%
'l'ka Inner replied in • friendly tour, and ex• sr 1'01'0.•
premed the bore that Oen. Sherman would
not corsld'r a friendship of twenty yewr•a
■tivelot 0 severed, because he (tI.Ileekl had '1 HE t
hero compelled to uffncially perturm au un•
pleasant duty, and r*I'res..,n1 a loom that he • Guuaa
might have the pleasure of revtewll,g lira. S win • whew_
Sbermali s troops on their pess.¢e through : itl b do -
liirhmood, To *hitt Gen. Sherman replied ni Foot,
•ubetance that he could not en:co plot lien. }lour . , r,......
Ilalleck, and that his tor[• enmmriuders Vete !'liarit
instructed that it they found hoe in their Peas 7
march through ltirbniond its a position to t*'
rieW the troops they muni ch.ngo the deice-� l, .......
lien of their march and avoid him. 11e [(_el'' 1111......
commotesmn the conduct 'of the war, i1 may I Lambs
be added, sent a me•ss4c to lien. Sherman. 1'mkied, each
asking in vires of their earl, adjournment, �Ga•13^, de ...t
that be proceed from Richmond w Washing- I,• ,1 -13' , ?tool, . •
tun by bort, and appear before the committee I lack+, do
ata early day 11e declined pere,nntirily, I [t do. (;ween)
and proceeded to mtircb onward with the' ht„or '*1111........
10001e.' 1 1'e't:a,en
writer in Onece a Werk is responsible for'-Al,pdr,
the following, staterntnt -” 1t, tufty be' due.•, 14 ton
thought anex:igg"ratio', but 1 h'acc known : note, ter Iriid
5omershire labourer drink IG quarts
of cider in a day. 1 asked tIsid man what Y.C1U SgD
he would do if he were to become rich.
11e replied,' 1'd pit and' drink :tiler oh
day, and when 1 could- aa'tit, I'd lie. '•
• 11 &RD FECI.DSII.-There le_rnuclr bit•
ter lecliug uniting ti.e neither* who had L,1
been detailed as tl:•rks its the War 1).•
'Ailment on account of ph*nical nli wbilit)',
r - ' J. R. CAI ADV, MI. D..`C • 1111»
(Ueedaae d avow C.IIep, **Wrenn
;kw AdrarUfltistilf. 13
11. r. w661!!ANS,
aaY, Moreal, oo1Yar•acaa, &r.—o*r.-.
ever the new Port Uinta. •11'1'
RICItAR1D 'loll W AI'I'EA, Esq..
Ap•ut Provincial [nxura1G•e Co., Clinton,
Done .41K --I hug to thank the Provio fist
lnsur�ncr Company of ('al,rdr through you
fur the very bonorn9le matinee in which the,
i .1r'
lily upon tf
,a sa!t.lod m v r n
n has
1 by removal
damages to mit priming mrtun. r •
during Ibe Tate bre in Clinton. by which the
adjoining house (Campbell's Victoria Hotel)
Wu honied to. the rropnd.
1 ap', sir,
Yours re*pectfnllr.
w17•lm G}:u.I.AY000K.
Merchant Tailor,
11AM ON 11:\NI) A
Large & Well -Assorted
�J til 1. t 3
s![tr[r.saaoasTocnor HYSIC1AN, SURGEON AND •AC,
cuccaavr. Om..—Al the Dwwuo Cutin
STANDARD 6 SCHOOL "164., wlt,r.nnd.. l . w_tin
®i��(Smer P►'' ' To Wool Carders, &c
WALL PAPEF. , A Good Opening !
UYb,T57 Ho.,k•, Yuen ISuo1..1 all kiii , IIF urJe•n[ted w fr.ir•,s+ d lorm.n[ 1
Oherck Servre•, Lysin Muck.. 1 kwunei• runne"uou with rune person w 1.
1,uz 1n (e,M0nm Wout-C1nIo' andi'lylh Jr•
AL13U�MS. �:\'I'C }LEL. 1 ane baton... in Godeii..b. •ore rpph, and '•. r
& ' . and ore sehrer,L*r the pow. .,
Alit N 1 DIN , tole Superin,M,leet .f Schee,.
F a intends birie! claw. ,n teudereh *tali
the Nuruu,rr uWulb.. tl�1U01 cut 1r M.r ,,,.,,
y Mo,dmV, 'lue•tsy, Thursday, hod Frd.y
from can 111 lour o'clock. there will t., claw Ivo
eau, Book ...hag 1,411 quwmo, Aiwa ppm,
. 0.., a..l Eexll*h llrmmn,5r, H,uory. Uw111.1 ,8
e nd Anthnete. 'Thar will hr • road ram.es hr
thaw who may 11,11*, to Laub 11e., edan13we .0
On Wednesday and fi■turday, also from ode
*di lour siternoun. their will he a el... le, 1 stt,(
dnoks to he ,, o -I Arnold'. First Hook, .•d Hak.
mew' 0•eond Bads: and nom the plan t., he Inlayer.
vol, 11 is b.lxr.•d ikon wall 1tpgaibun, a W1.4
knuwl••"ke to lie I0.y(usee ,u+y he a.y or0d 0,
'Tweet... :.,ur'lr..nn..
. trau'- r or the English eanet"es, Two lh.t:
the wee Pollan. [
, t Latin 'th
r month, and
or l'i
,A -t.. er
pawl in and
1 rla,
er (-freer.
PLA•1)` ' t J' PRYCT
verde. u
C cede Y "
m s pp
CO • Summer
'. Sprmg ONS1dONl:KT�U.. I
Bi W.
�� , rw6 C.
jQIL7� � Gude:Leh, AIM Vanou uthrr ertc'r.. all. April .17,6, Ist5, wl3d
1111 rte rya. (., late . cosi
1111 _ * are 'a.
1 adw . vole. k iN •
0 I 1b
',midi both e.
n W u wrlunit for any
s i a J 7
p�Ytr , r I
�yJ, WRITING -CASES rose W Vh1Y, one ails* bed uynaur• ur the ln. I
AT BUTLER S - - - - -
_ _ _ _ Mortgage bale of Land
LNDER and by virtue of 11 Power of Sa!e
• . m Multiage met. by James
Marl• of the Township of W'awannah, to the
Undone* Apedl7fi Ifo.
1iOTIClI 54. contained In 1!"
Ij County of Ilosone Yeoman, to George Joke
1 Note given' by the atascrihre t" John ud Cuuoty of Huron Gentleman, Ile
'1115 is to farted rue Ixr.' 1 "2°111t1^11° (awes, Jr the Township. of McKillop, n, the
White for tweatl two bushels of pg'atueo, [,,,vin` he.aiBrd. 1s th. due palmer't the
and bearing date March 616, 1065, u the ,*id of,) will he sold by Rection on
Note u over paid.
J\Atr•. SrYllro'roN, Friday, the Twelfth Vis' of May,
Colbaroe, May 16th. IM;:. w16•d4 - A. U. 1;135, at twelve u'ciuc•'�, 00011, at the
.\onion Mat of
Teen f God.
—_ k u
On the 5(arke: Societe, in e
1, mics are hereby cautioned *PO' rich the `allowing -pert], that is to ray:
Al w r by
purchasin ' or nc•aetatio„ Iwo 11'1101 0 . All and singular t .1 ••ertain parcel or tract
- Au•I r va0-t. til r n,.�e .tn�c:e•, Burn ■s hn.d. drawn is favor of James Jnbnaba' the of land and plemlrr.lStwu lying and Mme :
yAIt1,;ETS, undersigned, pork dal.d the Int dap of May, in the Township of Wrw■noiA, in the County
Shirts,Collars, Neckties, Caps, IF'i,T mud pxvaLl.. two (lU; mouths niter date. „(!baron in the 1',ovince of Canada, hoe,
Ih1, May 22:«1,. 1765. S' .. S''• Muter toil John rrLnrli ; and the second Number'Fortl-two in the r..eveuth cunere*tal
....p1,00 ,(oil. '1:05 Which he is prepared to sell Cheap for ono for .".GO, give„ by ,T,anea McGuire end r,(Ihe *aid towo1Lip of \1'rrrno0h•Contriniur
1:00 (o, 192,1 ('ash.' Joon McDermott. 'f he 'toil nutria have 11een by .,luleuuremenl Foto acres tit lend, bo the
The first one for S1'1.UO,6ire, 1.7 Gottlieb composed of the north cost quatrr of 1.l..,
11 11.. 0:40 '(e, 0:45 G,ss*ice.Apt II.1n63.
5:50 (u, 6:00 . _. -. - . - - 0:55 (J; 0:60
0.00 (u, 0:75
r,'0 Gr, 0:00 -
0.10 (o, 0:25
to. 4:50 .
200 /'. 0.00
0:1.; (q 0:30
021: (1 0:00
11. l' ,!O (5.o.
., 0:
0.))0 •(,r. 0:2005
2:73 -^61. 0,00
4P:15 •(.i 0:17
0:40 or. 0.4
2:00 (0 0:00
0:4,0 (ry 0;1 el
0,40 On 0:50
• 13:00 (,i 11:00
. 4:00 (d 3:00
In the matter
, as Insolvent
Il}: Creditor*
W meet at 1
Toa L Macre, In
)lu.idry. the twelh
ton of the clock in ton foretnoon, tor the the Ent la of
.'hl Iw Au, -ern. on 1 hurrler. der
public examination of the Insolvent, ant (0f June A ll, i 0,5 aI 'wow.o'clock, neon, at
113 stuleu or lacy •„J taym0ot thereof ism alup• ! „arm moue or km. Terms wish. Deed
— pant. 1 under Power of Sale.
11 Lot 26, South Boundary of Stanley. w101 Vendor's.lulitir°r.
NT ACT OF 186¢Sdanlry:15th \lay, 1063. w 16 at -
s I The above sale is Postponed HI Friday.
nj COLIN 1.vrLAIR, Mortgage .ale of Lands the 241d d.7 of June neat. [els
d TT
f the insolvent are entified UNDER and b• virtue of •Power of Sale
Town of Goderirh, on Il,/• Cull 144.014,14.144.014,14. of Ibe lora of A1d0rub,
doy'uf June, letto, at Dutcher, of the find tart, 1''e'erdt I awing Moto '
sae ,n IIx Joe pay ti 1he,rnq) there will Ire
law 'office of Me.rieur• contained In s certain Mortgage made IN CHANCERY :
Ane ordering of the dra of his estate geu - the Auntwu_Newt:,r loam+ Small, un the Marler
ell]. 1"gUrre, In Ilse 11.11.1 til Uldrnrb. the (.11.5.”
C. CR.\RR, I+,d• and .review., v:a. Lon. oee hundred and
Ass-, . I eagl Iy 13111 one Luodrnf a1u eirhty-ons in tM
town of l;.de•nen. conte u,n8, I, rust, bo .d•
,nrIWn-„en1 hall an acre 01 land, more or
Solie urw to, Insolvent.
Goderich, C. W., Slay 101
1865. p17 2t TERMS CASH_
btrt1SCllttgt/1 ' __- _--- --_-- d P fw columned - and
t~� r
Insolvent Act ,o
UTE ONES BA Y the. I welt.*, day of-ArriI, n the
VV twrm0-rgdel, year r.1 the mon of Her
)Lar 'ybQuwen heron•, and ll/ the year of our
L'ETWEEN TT--�{ -�•�
FnnOA Hares peAmalt Dural tTin•hant and the u ® O ■v I R T
CamSJ• Area. y- A.axutiml, limned.
Pe.',) under ower O •a.0 fn i 1 +• •50
, Mod,n,e. JO• HN D.tY•iSON. Wiliam Hnrhfock, - 1 DOZEN, I' - ' !• STYLE,
`ropes*,.• wit Aleflppre.
.r Ar... 11501 Or
f*rtiu., dYMu80(511, l.ovettses, Bedstead*
vilnety, 111 *ru!cs, Bo"k ('tel.■, Mattrnrlaaal
,Cooter ('11!54e*, Minn: Table.. Breakta54t Teaser
Toilet Table., Wand Steads, Chain. Yd ma.,
MMr •mailer too Iwnieroue w rotates. NU bud! .
AT THE '«'OC)1) 'a.LTfNIN(xi• ''
Promptly attended to CPHULATERY..e alHlf
bra mites,
(iot)E11ICHH, May 1st, 1065.
M. B. roapeetlully Invites an exammatioe of -
_ _ b,. At• d.a k. N arranlyd to be mode til the beat II 1 -
tenni 1104 warinlani.h,p, and xl past*, reduced
d pre. e•. Cold and compare, end 10 .i1sdrd *elori
Soros .'rrw•herr.
s r Cardwoad and all kinds.. Vermeer Pre+
(duce lakrx m cx,'homre.
t i- µ'.ren n' on Elgin street. hW56
t...tench. Starch 34Ib. leti•.
J. V. DETLOR & BON.. Mortgage Sale of Lands.
%* t.( - 10th day of, 3fiy, A. Do few, *161.1
'I'!!E t•rd:t,r* of the undersigned ore nth
r.*d to lent at the .,f11ee of tderick' INSOLVENT ACT OF 1864.
Whdy tot,n,ey a law• t0 the Mil ge of
v Tr. 1. Clinton, in the en •t ,f 1 uN Mf
and now dismissed, utile; civilian* are COUNTIE
rea, On ay,.,
dor tientmt one 0 too .k ill' IN iNSOLVENCY FOR THE
COIINCIL. the fifth GNIT•
the aru•e dal r Jrnn, n fur the purpose of retrlri at },D cot:NTIES OF Ht:ltoN AND !stamp!
retained. .
' Ike,' said Mrs. l'.rtin,7lon,' bow duthty THE Gown*"1i C,,,,r,ties' 1 11�
:sad out the d:atehce between the earth arra In the Court Root,
sun 7' ' 1)11; arid the young hoeful, ' they. the sixth dee of .1
calculate a •1warte.-u(the distance,.l.1 thea
multiply by tour.'
('um cd for tole rolled 'totem ret of Lis •!!his, sod of aiming n .. BRUCE.
toiler,'Blues. will meet 111Oflee 4• wh.'m I..• may make a1 swi•
Gud Id. uo 'l dewier, rout wider the ab.•te Act.
this eighteenth ('*4 t"..LF.S DI AMENT. p! )N reeding the ethdstit fy!ed and upon
hearing the Attorney for the ahoy/ named
rff i de order that a mertin4 of the
creditors of the above named
di remise' Jo b.,. pls.c b..
^;0-'W I foie me at the Law Office of
1 CHARLES E. ARCHIPAu.D, Ptdinlif. I .+lamp
Gude. i.nr nrx;. D+red at the riot•^.• c( Climnr., ia• the ss.
YF'l'FK ADINSU\, Fnuml of lll/roe, nth dry of May, OHS DoNOGII.
our.'t ierk, Huron& Bruce. A. D., 1061.
AS.l VElIR �) 11es11R.- •,, young men, Counters' Clerk as .1tce, / w171d I'ar:nkrtrx tCntr r,
of times Va11eY,1:rl., became jealous of each May 11th_(b
1 1 _- Atton,ey for Charles Diament. .17 2t pi.
otter about a girt, and eewnosl to light
n - h r
F Iii the Queen's
,Lleen S efC , ' PUBLIC NOTICE.
0.6 The time mid
last were hard vont
he ovate (C. Ha and Oscar Wrna.:k}�
h LL pettone are lirte"y nntified th*t after I
L1 thea date 1 wi.I not he'd motelf 0eanon•1.
"ib:e ter any delfts contra. ti d Fy my wife,
Mart Racy, she hating deserted m, led and I
l 1
together won •Mout ctrl of their trxtul., 1:A51'L'l: 71.i:`.S. 2, t IC I l)IaA.
nem the terrible' poa,ba which *mod put a'
n 1 hove
end to one or both d.. eat young, m
shoot were exehAtiged wit noh•dy lout un
- either side, when the duel a ted by a shnki0,;
of hands on the part of the d 'rats. 1t aerate
that outs cork brlleh, cover*
were used. I )ret of tlr prrt.es
the secret, bot the other supp0
finne real ballets sad recesin; t
return. 110 're 0(0003st get„al 113l5ted,
while the other, Wad gait., cool. h. torr
n is to got the
does not state wl.,cb of taxi 1,
di nj the •e,amds, were on baud W vowa•
with tin folio
sow let into.
'ug be we
8 - lasts in
in the -matter of c<mepetel N O T ICR i s
4.• 1.rel'y
i1:41 .41 for ri4ht of w..t of
lie Ih,O',r.0 11'1 Lake'. that the .0Na,n I
Moo 1(.,i1rn 4'ompar7 ar.d Ls.o Huron'.
Con:poll w n
Nes. u ifs {
foe'IIIn 7
l Il
wd hi in the Mait!ril,d have peel into the I
concev•on.ut the Town Court of Queen's(
u 'eronto .
ten h t1
-n. - '1 the 1
'e.J,u h. III ) ” G
ship 1
l'ounty of Muiun. J the .1,m of five',
}misdeed lied nuxtyvx 41011108 11,41 maty fisc
rents beingthe cam,«n,.dion awl six months ,
Intel'*t there , 'coo/rat) be paid for certain'
'arid+ for rigi t o f v ay. being parts of Intel
t ; number eighty-, itlhty.ix 11.1 eighty.' _. - -
jj. Sir Samt:el Cunard is drwl, seren. towt�hiIII elf,Gr done*, 1 ico:ice (booty the
�. Twentr•nne snaps were diverted in � Moron nnnder and a Y1na* of •certain I
agrecnniat 04 deed poll b. *ling ate .the
beard aobout jolt Cris or provoeamn.
T'p of St•ph10, C•,. Herm. I
May 1?Ill. 1'!63. - w17'1tp_oo'
Money to Lend,
•V r1
�, O\ Mortgages. Apply to it. . ha e
U '{,ou'Lnt. `luhricor. Office ower R.1
R0"I&'+ ret^r8.
G, dot', . Doh Mal, 1005. 11.743f
Boston Iasi F relay. b]
Cr The Balt Reporter is out fair and" il.•truth dry 1 t Slay, in toe e• ar of Olt
e quere for •ntxxetiou. 1 1..111( 1 *.ia, red exeruled by William Ford
•' ('resident Johnston leo insured his life I nod Henry Ford of the said town!thip of i
fur +10,000. ' 'toile•irh, and nine.. tit der 111', ,A0t. entitled I
)'The Es p'rnr't Austria 11 about to '' •\n Act u+pe.iier Rslienys,'a'ri d further
'Make the tour of Ecgland', notice is given to all 41114011 entitled to the i
tje'lari Palmerslnn has been afflicted "*id ,,r•d* nr 10 any purl t•lerCOf,.or represent: I.
with ether severe attnck of the gout. ,ng rr bring IM husband* ret env 1 antis SO 1
�' 3sn F ra,, isco luta more then doubled
i4 popel•uon within the last Mx lean.
enticed,• b' file thtar floor's ,,,t, the. stud'
l'nurt to the mot ennipennatior. or- any part I,
thereof end aI such claims .1111 be receive
rjr Naw York pa;we% mentioned the "p' nod r,ljd1141 upon by the sar4 Coen
pearrnce of the spotted fever. It, u kill ur 1u.''i"'t, toe ';utile m lint behalf.
core in • week. Hated Ill,: 17th day of Meq. 1•.•5.
[} Fart Rory hoe r.',, -•l a book, "The (.3. .d) i,. 11EY1')EN.
Exotics of th t W e.tern Nati et.," which is w17.31n Clerk of the ('rove and Pleas.
said to possess great *,terry nlr,11. ,
�r NUS. Lincolns determined to present PAPER HANG
•fete mementoes of the president t, hs [e.:-
eot al friends in WuhIn•tone •
' :Hoyt 4 (t . rim Roi.t.
ele A grand retrew of the armies new Office.
assembling around Wooton;ton w.11 At the •`signal' Office.
place on the 23.d and 21th 01 May.
✓t} Then were two thousand al hundred
end seventy fire 101114''"' New lark t.a
1r} it in by no means lest*ie that Merle CHEAP FOR CASH
Anthony, when he gave the world for love,
Window Shades ! !
tit snake a sharp bargain. AT THE SIGNAL OFF GE
�} The *,11111 numhrr rel Punch contains OFF
aglwi111 Denki,.'a 13,11. 1111 hot more
°mural than tar punch to go in for whiskey. i17VFIRYT NCrar
0..1'he New York Tribune prttetts • Yoe wAVT tv
ti siest the triol oM_she eoueptr*ters by a SCHOOL BOOKS &, STATIONERY
military eanmiduon with cloud doors.
�' The Wesleyan Conference will meet
at 1 don C W early in June.
New York are spit GREAT WESTERN RAIL
QJ Fruit and crop rooms in Western
redid a.4 if the summer
a propitious one, there will be a merry hay
vest home' next (Jetiber.
• r} In the ,ill*;,•n of M•rkh•m, etc notice
by the Christian Guardian, the- Wesleyens
have been celebrating Hoerr anniversary by
holding so Orator Supper in their church. -
This 1s certainly • new feature in church
Lf The Oswego Advertiser says :-Not
in years bas tba wheat crop in this 10roa1'
looked *0 well as at present, if the reports
brought us by farmers are correct.
t) The Mitchell Advocate may+tint during
the let week throe merchenu have statewid-
e,' fmm that place. Their liabilities are
Co}The a*eae+inatinn trial is *tail going
. nn at Washington. The ev lencn +n tits
elbows Mrs. Surrutt to have been a party to,
and fully 0ogniz*ht of, the crime.
(l. First ala+ beef in two cents a pound
on the ltio Or1nde. 1l in shad tun pound*
• leant in this quarter -by 4133 means a beef
i tall! trice. "leo" •••
Breed now sella at Richmond at w quicker then h( any ether, *red xt rates In
*nit Merchants' and Shippers. For height
York *filling for two loaves ;one authorities •red p+*+agt *rM7 t^ W. Seem"nit & Co.,
eopplyfng it at cwt. it i* n*l/1 the rebels *red, Amints. Gnderich; itoht. Campbell, Agent.
F.Aenls are fnternsi•g harmoniou*1] its the Kineardne; Jame! Berwesh, Agent, South-
old captial. ea.pton.
'' horse thier.+ are paying their Toes. THUS. SWINY ARD,
•firs• in Oti1wa. Several horses have been W. ORR.
mown, but the thieve* have been prevented Freight Sato., F■etern division, Hamilton.
(-nm taking them off. No anemia 0t ti.* C,�,J SI �� ('U.� Z.�.
gritty Andes have, ho' , let Men made 1,41..)C4
Freight for Ports •Huron. East Shore of
�.:,, , •htr, .
Stamp. I United Coombe*. I
Mot.day', the Fifth of June,
A. U. 1F,:•l. at en rel the clock in the f
ur«n, for Ill• p /AP of riving their advice
ur100 the ape oiot cot of an ulicisl assignee
under the above a
Vesdrur• Totts k MuOas, at adlrra.nel !n the sad Ikle,d•nt a
I Nrw Ywk:
the Town of Gnde flI*l in the I Entered. lvlia•dl A• (:RAST,
L"PON I10 nppli axon 0f the P'nol.
lido, and it e pe nn[ I'y Alhlevn
the; after due ddieen • Ihesad 4/.Mn.
dant • /noel he found to In. sherd
wall 5n u1Sc•e ropy o1 the Plaintiff.
1til, to this valise. 11 a ordered *bat
oee sold Ik,endant do on nt before rte
find Jay or lone nrabrn•wer Of demur Goleri6716 April, 1865,
loth, paid 801• .red dei ordered (13 C,
e r
copy of this order t.,,rlhef wall the
nutu•e reyured by the General (inter
til ,n.. l'ourl he :puldi.hod in Ike
• Ilurun N,easl" .new.***.,. (mb'
lotted an the Town oI Cni*erch, 1, the
1 „into 01 Huron. not Iron th:o':nos
week. before the AM day of )nee
next, and Ivo euN,n•xd once in 854.1*
week untl the brad trey. And It ,"
timber onte•ed that 511 nakr cony n1
the Pln,ntitoe Ku oleos... 'soh a
r•o;•y of IL,s under he ...reed wale
Sergeant J. Ha. -hem k, tam of the
al.ovr nomad lrtrndael. and 104113,1
that r copy of till. "neer (,r m.. it *4 a red
w 12
l*I\DER and M virtue of a Tower of Pile
,1 contained in • certain indenture bf Vert.
rage, made by Rernsrl Daly of the titian 0)'
EodlonJrr9e, in the County of Huron. Mee.
' chem .to Felix Thompson. id the
d beam
of Hulhtlt. in .514 county, Ka'i
1 ing dote he tifieenth dui of April, A. D.
11064, will ie bald by Public Auction at IM
•00110° of G. M. Truelwn• 14 11e
Town uf- Gnderieh, in the County of rotor; • •
nn Friday, the eighth day of Jane, 1865, a(
12 o'clock. noon. the f„llowiwit laird l t :
remises, eta. : village lot number w
[ It I'1� I SINGLY CII LSI "/ west side of Centre Xtreet, in the villi. o
,i Etmondville, content' g one quarter' of n.
.!.../Lt the Glasgow ow House. acre of land, mon e• Ie1laY, together with Om
buildings thereon ; defau t having berm made
D. $ERR, JR-, & CO.in the .payment of Ill. ,mousy 3Mnb1.
Conveyance under Power in or(seje.
Solicitor for o.tlnlee” -
I)ated this 4th day of May, A. I.r 8 r
ort .ono gem, nn Regotnr.
fu ge Iletrne 4 Breve.
Dated at rev C(, u,he . i0 the)
Town of Gnde,irh th . Ith }
dud of )1x4..\. H I J 111: 2t - - -
Yn•Il.i.,AW HrT
rnc,r[ -Tike Not Iee that dyne
• 1, !I , .0 rel In
the tit N
d ,nal 10 l
I d1, nal fl y •'Y f f 111 Y � p
the • I. •tit or, .'i, the Plaintiff Ivry• obtain *0 order
(to take nee bill e. com.•.d eea:mN sou. and the
(Cowl nut :rent the Flame*(-' such' WWI thee
may be entitled to on lheo. own .*,owing, and you
west not reeecre any further nonce of the future
p ,svvdm*s In the, raise.
Pi,mis.' So, .n.o ..
'Toronto, 13 ApJ, 11165. [1,124er
"'♦s..A C /1 -
Of the Accounts o3'Mr. John Hislop,Treasurer for Grey, for the year 1864.
To Toilette eft hand. \inrrh 21n*, ieel '
A. Iln,eo.ot-leo 14r.emtt.• Lot for (06'*
John Leckie. limy:, fir lines.....
('ie'gy Reserve Fund ...
A. G•,Ye,lnck, 6etanye of taxes for ln63
Received from 111'1x -esteem for the year 1864
1nu••d.ry Line Mune? from ('ounty
Non Heti-lett Land 'Fuld
1.:C•i des
A. 31. item, County. Tee:voter- • -
8x46 .CL 117 1 • M. Wets, County Treasurer f 349 54
1.0 1.1 Absentee List •.,, lett 1:f
I 1 1;4 1lnundary Line 150 15
24.1 41 • School Sera0.+.._......... 1794 45
1'!7 R:, Roads rind Bridges.......... 10"4 06
6127 0. ltnad Scrapes 72 00
' 159 03 Adesnerd on contract of bridgettu .flex. Grant..., 60 00
`1.51.37 Helot.' Money applied to IGmde.... ' 0 - 45 00
104'23 A. (33A ,Meek tar Starch Lebo. wrought24 00
160 12 Couerillora' 51:au and selectingJurore....... ((IS 00
William Grain*, salary mid selecting J1rnr1113 00
!'1oVernment duty on Liren*c*, 520 ; postage, 96.08 26 F0
Flour for widows, 240 lbs .............• 0 97;
1nnn'd Scott for,posta;e', $1.57; printing, $18.60 20 17
Sinti'nery• 17 9A
Medical and for the poor .........20 00
Jnoathan Carter, Esq.. for plank............. ... 17 On
Over of J. Sleums. Eeq...... 12 25
Meesnring W ether's eleerunee....:........... .. 2 60
T is Salary 60 (eft
Cherit*hle purposes
Auditors' fees 10 011
Tears remitted or forgiven 25 07
John Leckie, Esq.. for auditing Roll
do for Resorting Library t
Tavern inspector'* fees 10 60
Ammer, Salary and *electing Jurors . 05 00
Balance oo hand the 24th February, 1866 680 95
We hereby
47 0"3,
12 OO
4 Off
In Black and Wnite Braids, at the
Goderich,. 7th April, 1865.
- United Coimbra of )1' virtue el a writ of
- Hutoo end I*,uae,,, 11 VeurlmoaExponma Sett
) Fier, F.e,ad, for residue,
twined Ivo rf It. r SIalnuV's County Pond
of the County' et Unt•nu and Court e1 Come
mon IMe10, and to me &reeled mimeo the
Lenda.rd tenernenl.ol ttep*•n U.l'nwford,F.H. ti
Lynch Staunton. F:ami. C. Dowling .n,* Robert
• lidm.,ur, at the .,l/,_ of laser N. Ilowmrd •red
n l er•1,e f
ahs f F.
D.:KERB, JF• & CO.the Carl•hrati.m of nee Tnwn p
u. *,ace .I•i>rd *red el en }:xr.-•iron all eke nrthy
Idle and ,arms "t oI t ht,.d detendanll. a and to
Plrk Lot An. osl.ut Vo. h, and to the south ►mll j
of Iwo No b Esse Ode of Quee. street Nonhf
SECOND Ae,ie Nalalrvswn•n Y++rk iwrl �u. 4 In tAe wiP -
lath of ih,•Mrt :kmth hal, .•1 fat 2t nn the F•.14
IS North el, of rommti Parfet. anrk loc Nw.
1� ei«k u'
.reel. and
A .111.
„1 1'wm Md
r t
n� ISN
North r
.116 of Queen rT .
Mr t North loads . 1.N 13
Of Our Spring Order of M,wnh.-' 1.nd 12 ...Id 14 North „de oF: ,mb,d o/
etre.% Paolet• r n
Huron au0Yt, S al.mn, plan, 50 feet nl the Sartre
pad rl I of t\o. 4, Penh ode or, 111gh 0.wr4,
+ nosh 1354.
■ !.nm,.,rdon,L0*211aid.mea,..
■■* Ili , 1 Clurrddat "1ree1, Sonllampon t Lot Ib East
Ie of N,wfelk Street., Sout(muioloe, Lot• 21 and
3 +041,1. ,vole of L,.0 .� loft et. •0,anhanpfnn, rtf
n lheCanmlV if tinier; which lands end free,
1 • t" i.,n-1. '.,e T1111: II v i',,I 1 '. ,c 1 its' w, r k. 01811*a'1 0hed herr he wile at my o1(.s In IM'
(:ono Nonce, ,n ale Toyin of l*..*onc•h, on hw-
dsy the Twenty-1tehth .ly ret k'rbrue•y next, a1
. the hour. Twrl,r ni'be(e1,% k. soon.
At the Glasgow House.
D. Kerr, Jr., & Co.
floil.rkh, 7th April. 1065.
United ('punt... o111)Y virtue of • Wri
Tu wit : Ionto)IlerMe.mayfoC.,u. YIY)YPF.QCEVr'Eufthe Jrahof51r.3(.M
Il.• 1'u,ted l ountie• of Moron int Mitre, 1' W,*rilLkA1.n. the c e�.0 heretofore earned
mrd to me directed 1anm•t the coo
red ahem \s under Ill name and .tyleuf
menu 0f Jnmca Lothian a the mon of r ahem
Small. 1 have wired mod taken of 'Motion all,
the right, tole mod Inletent of toe Ja,d defeadeaf Itebt. Runeiman &
,n and to tote,ettere . and It in the 9(1, rrnCEO.1011 v lit
of the I0wn•hui of Brine, a ,ate,mntf 9100 seism : F' (, I' ` I) N It 54.
leu mill sale number 2 in ins mange el Inert-
huron, owed enemy of Brows, rnteian( 34 m0•t hd eleeed ea or hdGVre the
wet., whwh Inndo end *memento 1 .hal eller IM
o'°: rleh un'ruehada h.b t'dey'oi''A;;.ust 1ST DAY OF APRIL, 1865.
nest, at the hour of twelve ..,the clock, ae,0.
Sheriff, **.& B.
By R. Pnr.enre, Deputy Sheriff.
Sheriff's O'li e, U,wl.rieh, i 114
25th Ap,l, 1054,. 4
Hurn( and Bruce, Fieri Fans• 1•.
wit,:,, n d 1f. '
By S. Pet:nnrg. Popnte'h.•r a. - •
.7 Ehrna'artm•8.(i.nl•nvh, f awl
2rhh J.nuary,Itr«..
The above sale is Postponed till Tuesday
the 4th day of April next.
fiS(4;' 51 $8449 51
001tify that we have examine -t the 11bnte accounts sol
JOHN W. SHIEL '� Awrlito•s.
Vetted Ce 01011 of DV virtue at ■ Wnt of
Huron •04 Hru00. B F,rr1 Favus Waned von
'1*, Wit: ) of Her Mairiy'a County
Court ld the I'nited CounOe, of Huron end More
voochen belonging to the same and find them cornet as above
and is me James
d meatiest the lands and ober-
tents of J"mee Flake, at the vont sof Robert
Thompron, I have seised end inkrn m exeentten
DUNCAN FERGUSON 1 It the neht, tale end mlerewt otthe cad Je
.1.10 in and to lot nuo,her 324 in the town of
' iod.r,rh, in the roomy Yt Huron, wfieh land.
and l,nement' 1 dull ,,4•, for .ale a my oaten
,n the Court 1Lm.,.. n the toren of *i,,fteh, on
'fuoed*V. the 4aren,h day e* *tweet next, et Inc
hour el twelve of the etnek, noon. •
Sherd H. & 8.
Re A Potence, Drpmy Shere6,
Shene's o*.',, (Jndencl,
link May i"l'. .ie
1• re,renee to the snore, R. Reneiman will au debts doe the wild firm and pay said
- � CEI)A1R3he per pare) to retry l/7 the no.1nea of creditors according to previous mrr*ngementa,
'I' H I' HURON } OU N 111(1 exerppting tavern hills whle i will M paid bit
end ecnlrart for the ee-ii0m of ell kind. of Ms Paid Raheet Itrahazon. Thehnols and note*
IN ACCOGN'f NN i111 'fill';
" Bonnie Maggie."
DR. 11
CAPT D ROWAN To ',stance on bend attain audit
\\ CR
$762 021 Ry Cash paid t'nnety Treeenrer
from .Inhn Ginion. Collector for R61.. .... 273 55 •' Heade end Bridges
'nmmrnder will run helwcen ('ash 583 r 1350 30
(livid Mcf
ron, do
e Riohad Wall, do 1064........ 30,40 41 1094
' Andrew Dreary, Tavern Inspector 206 00
13 Clergy Reserve
u Finns .... 7 50
a County Trewmer 19104 48
s' Judgments in Court 37 41
" Advanced on John Hawkins' Order 29 00
(wrstbsr permitting) , twice each week
until further Roth*. Leaving Sarnia ever]
'.lone .,• end Thursday morning c*Ilmg at
eensation elm created io Liverpool, Enelsrdl, IlOEND on the Beech of loam Huron,
on the receipt of a telegram from Qimenstown 1:. 'shoot 3 miles frem Onderieh, en 20th ef
swim:H.1meg that Wilkes !tenth hart arrived April last, • quantity of Pine Logs, merkert
there be the "F.linhurgh," end oat wintered. I. W . aw1 The owner is requested to
Great Wan Ammar/Pd. It after Iwo" Proreii!, PRI i'lP""i'lk and Ilike them
ward turned nut to be false The anta er. away. lfnot rimmed mthin one meet fres+
rested was a passenger named who this date they •ill be old he Anetirtn.
boars ta0801,110(11 to Rooth. Ils woo of STEPHEN SHELLY.
enure, tiberated. Galeria', May 10, 1066. w17.71
$8539 61
" School Sections
t. Chlorin
" Miatakes in Roll
Dean Swift. meintenence of a deserted
ehtld 07 00
William Gotham, Blielea ilortgap
Tho A',nve'tele 11 further pnstpc..4 1
Toeeda] the 9th day of May next. [111. .
The eheee cele is farther postponed Al
Tuesday, this 13th Jane. 1.65.
Sheti!'s Sale ox Lands.
1'mted 1',emtiee of ) �)Y VANE 01 • writ •°f'
Huron and Bruce, } FJ -Fera Far'as netted end
to wit: of Her M.rely'a Cowwp'
Court of tkc 1'niled ('come• rel Iluo.n MIA 11.13,'
and to nue dorrtrd ,p*m•t 11•e lana. and 1e .. '•,
meal. rl Chnrir• Mark. el the roil of the
Al( parte•indrbllnl 10 the above firm are here. P, -.,.mon"1 lb.' Tow m•life o1 A•*,h4W, 1 have
n ultra uu.n 10 the n(M, (his
by noubrd ti,1 all nolo. and 1MN.k aceou11'svear .tori *red Irk n
d th Ind InlnrM rl lie soul drlewind in •rel l0 1M
weal 11.,1 nit lel woofer .even ,n the third sea•
tie on a
let day 'of FEB'Y next, s•esrinn F:aMrra . Unsw,n of the in•rblp M
A WhlirId, Ii the Con sty o: Dome comma leg new
will he heeded 1., then Salted°, ler reflection hund.rd meter. which 11,1(1• Ind trnrmenyy 1 Med
The dock en. hard will 1e sad oder 1„r A Court HMmw le
•ede11 n,v , dhre 811' i
n r'1 laedench, on Tterdry, the OM M
LOW CAf�3li 1nea.w __
Y L'C)It • .,1 AN/uN MMy r 4,8 buss rd 11th° .1
OR RIj01(RCRFDIT, Clock,*We,
(t commits rte • large u.o•tmenl of Plomghs, Cults. Mheri• H. t lY.
%more. H:,rmw..ie(rmw1:morn. rev 5. pnt.t.nra, Ireputa Pheri'1, •.
THRESHING MACHINES 'he""'"mc^G.d.".db'
('ot•r•h and u,gerkrtrh1, waggon end pope
Cooking, Parlor ilii Box Stoves,
A fed cern" -bend
>ST21 . M
2141h Annl,1es4. ( er}4
Francistown Foundry.
1!R partnershi I hherto erowlor'ted usage
',erne or Ifnl,atme t Yerhy, of
and a lot of nehmen. n,r *,n.t end raw -Mille. Fnnriatown Fnund,T, hag he” ti•1* AI'
All pmts. rcgmru,[ 1hr @Imre mrt:clra would 0,111l11;17 dissolved. Alt rani.. indebted to
they well gm nergoiria. do wet: to 0111 and map.01 the stork at one,. as lir ,mid brut, by nett nit honk nevem*, arc
requested tn:all and emerge with Witham
-83NC3k•ZA11Ei3 T the 1 me ,
R. RL'\CIJAd. Sanders, Poetmelter, Exeter INV or Aef're
—0 -- the Arm ably of June next. wily wilt receive
1St 00 YARTIEA drama• 0l 'en
m t AO16g1 t 1.TI 11A1. I.,1PLE31EATb
61 (r11er tar F c n¢ am) Ibnldm( miff..m.• eon WILLIAM H. VERITY.
_- -_ M aup(Ned m one gn.n��y, ane on res13mohk Stoves *red repfinp,a Itawreable ra.e,f rCA80 Dated Exeter, 18th April, 1816•
171 1 t _- cMnery rot a 1081 SIM will ounOly are made over to the *aid William Sanders.
i:t4 13( 1 n Pint 17411@ ROBERT I'RARAZON,
terms, by applying to c r short tomtit
Balser° in Treasurer's hands
42 71 Insolvent Act of 1864.
2,7876 644 in the County rowel of the United Counties
„ ggg2 lei of /1111,01, and Mmes.
P10011101 0r CAlst.s. In the miller of
$8539 6, Couto, of Herne MI5 lea•111.1111 w, PICK -
of the tInited Comities twee, an !mob
of Heron and it:ace. vent.
We the andersioned havitie, examined the Treasurer'm sieennnts for 1v16 I and found sufficient muchtire fifor the.sanoe, miff, the shove
JAMES HOWARD, Awlitars for the Tmanship el Ash -
ROBERT DAVIDSON, jiebi fie the year 1864.
LIABILITIES „ $3901 94
Ewes of Assets 1yor .... 4735 23
tobo a true copy.
Balance doe on 0.N011.1 %In for 1000
Itiehnrd Wallb. .5 1944
A mount of Sen./WW1/et Tiller
Roane, in Toweship Trowierat's hawk
$44 144
;332 47
309 69
4352 011
662 99
199724 17
$1721 17
k °TICE la hereby given Hist DM ander;
LI signed hes flied in the Aire nf thte Como
a deed of erimpoeition awl discharge exeeut
ed hy hot Creditors and that on Tumidity, the
eighteenth of July next at ten nf the
elect( in the forenoon, or aa soon aa roomed
min Ise heard, he will apply to the Judge of
the said Court for a eonfirreetien nf the dm
rherge thereof effected in het raver under mei
Ilia Attorney.
Stratford, Way 101h, 104.i. lie2m
r OTs ft and 9, tang• 01, in the torennhip nt
i0. Gabe .1tore, Aphlie'd, SO per etre I 1.54
Town IAA% di Onderwe, peke eile.to Peek On]
C111011 LOUT of RillS1011
II the public generally that he intends coo.
dotting maid Intones* ell its branelme .„4,r
the moue 01 W. 14. Verity. Elmer Foetairr.
and hope, by etriet twee/Inn mei liberal
eheresi to have a large shale of mobile
Deed Fleeter, 19t1t April, Plan, witkihr
Irsolvent Act of 1864 -
Irl IE Court n. Deri.bon t, r the mllage ea:Immo riir,crildllorl of Ups witrhproorred It, *Midge
1 ow hold Oa h011 moons .11 the L to meet at the law agree of James sham
All pert,.. Intrreatea wla take teatime add JOBS Una
Cloths*, Hey, Iffo.