HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-02-17, Page 6croWlit, " Woodham TAY MRS. PRESTON lvIORRISON1 • Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence COpe-. land, • Donna :and Murray visited Oa SUnday with M. a.,,nd Mrs. Hell- letr Men of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Donne, Mrs.. Iia McCurdy end • Mr. William, attended the ftmeral et the Mra, (Rev.), Farhes,. Rather- l*d, at Strathroy on Alne4nY'r Arinand gerM1141, Gran - n„ is spending a tOW days with bier sister, Mrs. Clarence. Mills, I*? d Mr. Mills. l..Miss Donna Mills spen▪ t .the WiliailandWith MiAr se; Pen Loa- aler. Hen.sall. Xi'. and Mrs. Wilbert$iafl, of Rrownsville, Illaited Wednesday With Mr; and Mrs,. Norris Webb, Mr. and hire. Preston Merris- nu, •of kton,. visited on. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ira ticOurdY. Mr .and Mrs. Herold Levy, ef. St. Mary.e, *visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray 'MINS. THE 4rItilESADVOcATE,1 MARIO, THUM Y .MORNING TESRVARY 17 1910 Feminine Facts 'n Fanci A Page Devoted to the Interests of the Women Readers of The Times -Advocate Guide Company Grows Observes Special Week Five Brownies Of the Exeter leaders an. Captain, Mrs. It..Trux, . n. District CoMmissiener, Laur- ette SeIgner, enrolled the follow ing girls into the ..Guide Move - meat: Mary Shaw, Mary Pager Barbara McDenald, Rarbara Moore, Orace, McKenzie, Martha Cochrane and, Dianne Delibridge. Alice Carter received her .second *lass badge and siirvice stars. were aw.ardedto the girls by their Captain. Jape Tiarness, Alice Car - rt. ter and Marg Sanders received 1 their laundress badges. • *Next Sunday, Guides, Rrewn- les and Rangers of the .district 'will parade to Trivia Memorial Churchfor their annual church narade commemorating Guide - Scout Sunday. A display- of lirownie, Guide and Ranger work will be in Gould and Jory's window next week and a tea and 'bake sale under the auspices of the 1001 :association of Guides, Brownies and Rangers will be held Satur- day, February 26, to end the activities of Guide -Scout Week, rack, Dianne Willed, Ann ITQC- key, Veronica Francois, Judy Sn.elgrove and Sharon AppletAm, "flew up" to Guides Wednesday evening. They received: their wings ,froin Brown Owl,, Isobel Ganton, And were 'welcomed into the Guide company by their patrol Ethel's Beauty Salon I . • GRAND BEND,. PHONE 1$ I ,Did You Cali Me, MMadam? .i.! I'm just leaving for an appointment • with Margaret 'Stephan at Ethel's Beauty Salon bee.ause I want to look my prettiest. i I s a . 1 f• Open 9 - 6 Mon., to Fri.—Closed Saturday Noon .r., • - i iiiiiiii Isomm$1$$$$, llllllll lllllllllllllllllllll Ow, INTRODUCING . . "MARKET BOY" • Let me introduce myself, I am 1CLAR- XET BOY, your new shopping aid. Every week I will help you select the finest gro- cery values in town at McFALLS GRO- CERY. Learn to look for me and allow me to tell you about Quality PAces for your benefit. I'll be seeing you every week. THEY'RE SO GOOD PANCAKES ARE DANDY TI4IS TIME OF THE YEAR, REMEMBER WE NAVE THE INGREDIENTS' HEREi AUNT JEMIMA 0 PANCAKE MIX No for 43c BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP, 2 Lb. 29c WAXED BEANS 17 ai 15 Oz. for *EP 1 INTERLAKE TISSUE 2 for 23c, 0 OW 111•14.... up, BURN'S BEEF STEW 2 for 65c SALADA COFFEE 1 Lb. $1.21 4 Lb. 62c Stokely's CREAM CORN 7 for Si MAPLE LEAF —Mince Meat ,28 Oz. 48c McFALLS GROCERY qat QUALITY & COURTEOUS SERVICE MAIN S.HELLINGTON --EXETER James St. Group Supports Union "S1ould all churches be unit- ed in one church or should dif- ferent denominations work sep- arately but in close union?" was the question for discussion by a panel including Mrs. (Wm. Pybils, Mrs. J. Cowan and Mrs. Herman Powe of the afternoon Auxiliary of James St. United Church at the meeting on Thursday after- noon. The concensus was that there is greater strength in a compact union and its impact as a united witness Is more effective on the non-christian world. The theme for study was the great move- ments toward unity and co-opera- tion among the Christian Churches in India. Miss Pearl Keyes, no. 2 group convenor, conducted the worship service. She was assisted by Mrs. E. Appleton,.Mrs. M. Hannigan, 'Airs. C. W. Down and Mrs. Asa Penhale. A duet was sung by Marilyn Bissett and Connie Ostland, ac- companied by Mrs. H. C. Snell. 'Mrs. C. E. Zurbrigg presided for the business session. Five new associate members were ad- ded to the roll. Twenty-seven calls to sick and shut-ins were made during the month. Mrs. Samson McFalls was named rep- resentative to the Girls Work Board. FAST RELIEF FOR HE COLD Try It Yourself! BRING YOUR SOILED CLOTHES TO OUR STORE TO TRY THE New Frigidaire Automatic Washer And Dryer We want you to see the finest auto- matic washer and dryer in action, so bring your clothes to us for the cleanest, brightest and .drlest wash ever. You'll be surprised how .simply, efficiently our Frigidaire Pair handles your laundry. There's no obligation to try these two machines—come In today. Pardons Frigidaire Automatic. Washer offers the best ' features—simple controls: easy top -loading; live -Water washing action (Frigidaire's exclusive Pulsator won't dam- age your clothes); 3 -in -1 Rinsing. Our Dryer has an automatic tinier, handy loading door, and easy lint disposal, it's the tops! Come in today, HESS Fcleldaire "Imperial,' Washer PRONE tO7 Refrigeration ZIJJtIcJR 'Complete lAne Of ApplianceS New Mid. Used •Cluaranteed Servieei 414444 1144444111 •Gram Says; More Supper Dishes By MitReloRIE Mamma Two more supper dish recipes Th are coming your way today, ey are very different. Hope they will help out with that ever present problem — what to have for supper. MAR AND roTATo CASSEROLE $ (Mrs. Archie Ilyclanan) Pound as much •flour as pos- sible into round steak. 'Fry until beginning to brewn then remove pieces of meat to a casserole. Pill dish with sliced raw petatoes. Season and cover with water, Cover the casserole and cook 2 hours In, moderate oven. The steak comes out nice and tender and the gravy is already thickened. Welsh rarebit makes a .,nich change and it can be made quick; ly and without much work. Of course you have to like cheese to enjoy ',this one. WELSH RAREBIT (Mrs. R. uotz) 1 cup grated cheese 1 tbs. flour 1 tsp. dry mustard • pepper and salt 1 tsp. butter 1 egg Slend flour, butter, mustard, salt and pepper. Add 1 cup milk, stirring constantly till it thick.; ens. Add well beaten egg, then thp cheese. Serve on toast. Now for the last cookie recipe sent to us by Mrs. Luxton, ot Mitchell. It is similar to the hedge -hog recipe of a few weeks ago. But the name, the addition of coconut and method of icing is different. NANIMO BARS (Mrs. Elgin Luxton) I cup butter I cup white silgar 5 tbs. cocoa 1 tsp. vanilla" Elimville Institute Holds Penny Sale In answer to the roll call at the February meeting of the Elim- ville Women's Institute, - eaeli member presented an article for the Penny Sale. The sale netted the institute $43.56. Miss Ruth Skinner presided for the business session. It was voted to send $15 to Ceylon for the kit- chen fund. Mrs. Harold Hunter gave a report of the meeting of the •Ladies' Auxiliary to 'South Huron Hospital. Mrs. Harold Bell occupied the chair for the program when Mrs. Gilbert Johns, Mrs. Delmar Skin - 'tier and,Mrs, Harold Taylor each gave a reading. The motto "noth- ing runs by itself, except down hill" was taken by Mrs. Theron. Creery. An ' interesting demonstration on shell work was given by Mrs. Jack Coates. • a CANADIAN PROPANE GAS • APPLIANCES GRATTON & HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend 4 4,4144.44440IlWIrki*4w4i4ogrr4oiA111114. 1 • e 1 1 egg 1 cup cocoanut cup nuts (hopped) 2 cupsgraham wafer crtinilis Place butter, sUgar, cocoa, vanilla and .egg 1 pan over low heat. Stir until melted and like custard. Watch closely to avoid burning. Add crumbs, coconut. and "nuts, and press in 8" square pan. Cream cup butter. ,Add 3 tbs. milk which has been combined with 2 tbs. custard powder. Blend in 2 cups icing sugar. Spread over cookie mixture in pan. Let stand 15 niinutes to harden. Melt 2 or Odd Bits EY B. A. Schedule If someone wishes to get in touch with the editor, we can usually tell where he Is or where he will be by the announcements on the back page of the paper. There, too, is our guidepost when. he doesn't appear on schedule at home. 'When he's more than half an hour late for supper, we begin looking for presentations and banquets; ,when be doesn't show up for lUnch we look . for fairs' and. excursions, But when he'S late f• or break- fast, we know it's Thursday. And Thursday is a day 'unique of— Black ink smudges ' Hardly dry, Mumbly breakfast, Odd socks and tie Overlooked by • Bleary eye; I . Giant juinble Who, where, why, Worries, mounting Shopldei high For •misplaqed comma, One, great sigh I's Thursday! • BUNDLE LOT Wallpaper - SALE JILLr Over 200 room lots complete with matchingborder papers for kitchen, 'bedroom, living room; dining room and hall. • Bring Correct . Room Measurements W.F.Douglas St. Marys "Wallpaper and Paint Specialists" PaintStile Discontinued Lines !/3' Off Dry Seal For Basements Yi Off FULL LINE ✓ GLOSS ENAMEL * SATINIIIDE ENAMEL .* GLOSS PAINT it RUBBERIZED, SATIN FINISH * FLAT WALL * FLOOR PAINTS Carded at all Times 24-HOUR WALLPAPER SERVICE ' FLOOR SANDERS FOR RENT McKenzie PaintStore PHONE 253 EXETER Store Hours t • 9toi211it�6veryDaybutWedl.9to12 L, %Hun llllll MiiirriblifintilftriDOMMOU0040,00 lll isosnoilmOUVriluliffnitA000011011MUUWOO ll Mrs, A4 McFalls Speaks To Circle Mts. Arthur /Walls, of Con4 tralia, was_ the guest speaker at the February meeting speaker James St. United Church Mission Circle held at the item- of airs. 'Gerald Glenn on Monday evening, She chose for her message, "Invest, meat of Ourselves ingringing the World to Cbrist", The story of ..St. Valentine vier told by I4ols ¥cFaIe and a read - leg was given by .9live 'Perseus, The President, Marilyn. Hero, conducted the business sessien. The World Day ef Prayer ser- vice was discussed. Each mele- her was asked to bring a linen Tea towel for Phe church kitchen to the March meeting. A collec- tion was taken fpr the Orphanage Valentine treat, Plans were made for the next 'meeting when a quilting and pot luck supper will be held et the church Wednesday, March 16, During the lun0Ij hqur, the game 'Twenty Questions" was enjoyed. District WCTU Plans Contest . - "The Exeter-Hensall branch og W.C,T,11, met on Tuesday after- noon at the home of Mrs. C. W, Down. Mrs. Herman Powe con- ducted the worship service. 4, A clip sheet, • "Temperance P r egress Overseas," indicated some of the countries of Europe 3 squares semi -,sweet chocolate with 1 tbs. butter. (Spread •°yea' custard icing. Cut in bars when Set, MK Mier are an •Mgareple to Canadians in their temperate living and ideals. Preliminary plane tor a tem- perance Inodal contest were dis- cussed. The president, Mrs. C.. W. Down, conducted the business sesiou. - Beauty Shoppe (South of Jack smith J.Oweller). Naturelle Permanent Waving. laurixon Cold Wave Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop. Phone. '71,W Alietise " . ,1 I, , . • o llll ito Ilan no ow ilinn 44141444 lll ir n n 444 toll' inn an 44 I ninon 'Is 1 Make This 'Your Frozen Food • Centre Exeter Beef. We have more EXETER BEEF this week from fine young beef • cattle. WE GUARANTEE THE QUALITY. " 4 January 101i was ▪ our best month for EXETER BEEF sales in six years. It is the best We can buy -'not wasty—the price is right. In addition to peas and corn in 5 Ib. packages We have BLUE BERRIES in 20 lb. pails, They ore delicious. We will sell them by the pound if you would like to try a sample. We also have one pail of olierries, gg lbs. . FARMERS Do YOU Wont To Save Money? • In rebtliary 1051 a young larmer with a Wife and four husky boys brought a beef to „our slaughter house. When he found he could rent an extra locker for $1.00 per month he kept tt all for his own family. His wife told us- justhow to cut it—some larger roasts for extra help—plenty of minced beef for the boys—and big thick steaks for the aclults. It was frozen as soon as it Was wrapped and they say, the last pieee us -ed, a few weeks ago was in perfect condition, IT SAVED TsEu.MONEY AND they always bad plenty of rneatr4,11 and• - LaselVIonday the same man brought in a steer that dressed over 600 pounds, He will use two eXtra lockers— by the month—but Only as long as he ndeds them. ILyou have a locker paid in advance we will do our best to find extra space at $1:00 per month: r Exeter Frozen Fciods PHONE 70 • MAIN ST. BY Holeproof WITH. Dimensional Fit! Holeproof introduces' a truly proportioned stockfng that's not only knit to your indivi- dual leg proportions, but is also :boarded and finished to preserve forever the individual shaping, Holeproof Dimensional Fit hosiery Pow ,gives you stockings that will fit perfectly at the ankle, calf, knee, thigh and length— regardless of the proportions of your lege. Colour -Mated Shades! Holepreof, adds a dramtic new interest to hosiery shades through the, application of a colourful .and -impelling co-ordination guide On eyery box of, nylon stockings. TO assist you select the best Shade at home 'the color co-ordinator guide Wears at the top of the stockings as a ready reference at to what hosiery shade 'will 'best flatter the dress or costume you plan to wear! Buy A Pair Today! McKnight' Ladies Wear PHONE 474 EXETER * • ktrW's. \XS Join OLIr Hosiery Club Buy 12 Pairs"Of Ny- lons — Receive The nth Pah. FREE! There's no time limit oti thiS offert rust come Ili alid get Our Hosiery' 01nb Member- ship Card which re- cords the number of stockings you buy et our regular low price. Whenever you reach the dozen biark, we'll give you the T1IIR- n3113)11,1%1 PAIR At- SOIrtITDDY F1tBEt todhyt A 4 A 4 I 4 t I 4 4 t 4 4' 1 FREE MAKING SALE OUR ANNUAL FREE MAKING SALE •• STARTS TODAY • Not just a selected group --but our complete 'Stock of draperies is Offered in- this eVent. . " • Choose frtmi one of the finest stocks in Western On- tttrio- . .,. ' • Antique Satin—Banjo Backs—Pebble Cloth ---Home- maker Pints—Coidiuoys • • Bring, your measurements—we do the rest. ..r...74.3.... 4 1‘. -ii .‘f" 71' ,v1 °•"." 1 i 11'4°. ti. 4.1' i‘I-1 i!rr.„1 P: 71. It • '1,. i5Lil' 0, ,I - ,. ,,ig el:r fF ' •••:,••••• ir•O''' )47.-• .::' . $4. ,-.- %-,' ,1'.; .11')':: '' --..., ., - *.,:., ,,..,, ' i Y . • 1 ..:' ' ; ST. MARYS --...--...--,--- - •• MARYS BY Holeproof WITH. Dimensional Fit! Holeproof introduces' a truly proportioned stockfng that's not only knit to your indivi- dual leg proportions, but is also :boarded and finished to preserve forever the individual shaping, Holeproof Dimensional Fit hosiery Pow ,gives you stockings that will fit perfectly at the ankle, calf, knee, thigh and length— regardless of the proportions of your lege. Colour -Mated Shades! Holepreof, adds a dramtic new interest to hosiery shades through the, application of a colourful .and -impelling co-ordination guide On eyery box of, nylon stockings. TO assist you select the best Shade at home 'the color co-ordinator guide Wears at the top of the stockings as a ready reference at to what hosiery shade 'will 'best flatter the dress or costume you plan to wear! Buy A Pair Today! McKnight' Ladies Wear PHONE 474 EXETER * • ktrW's. \XS Join OLIr Hosiery Club Buy 12 Pairs"Of Ny- lons — Receive The nth Pah. FREE! There's no time limit oti thiS offert rust come Ili alid get Our Hosiery' 01nb Member- ship Card which re- cords the number of stockings you buy et our regular low price. Whenever you reach the dozen biark, we'll give you the T1IIR- n3113)11,1%1 PAIR At- SOIrtITDDY F1tBEt todhyt A 4 A 4 I 4 t I 4 4 t 4 4' 1