HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-02-10, Page 12• IttPrie I: THE TIMES -ADVOCATE,. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1955 HUZ -ACT MUM" The Honeymoon. Is Over WOODHAM ORANGE HALL. Friday, Feb, 11. 8:$0. p,m. Presented by the Members of The *Woodburn L.O.L. AdAUS '60O Children 350 Everybody Welcome BOX SOCIAL At Zion School Mon. ,Feb. 14 8:30 p.m. EVERYBODY WELCOME All Girls Bring Boxes Sponsored By Zion Mission Circle Euchre Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall Monday, Feb. 14 8:00 p.m. Everybody Welcome LUNCH & PRIZES Admission 50¢ • Lyric Theatre Phone 421 Previews Its Coming Attractions FRIDAY & SATURDAY . February 11 and 12 The Moonlighter * Fred MacMurray • * Barbara Stanwyck An outdoor action thriller that holds you tense all through. MONDAY & TUESDAY February 14 and 15 Yankee Pasha * Jeff Chandler * Rhonda Fleming A roman ti c, swashbuckling melodrama. WED., THURS., FRT. & SAT. ]February 16, 17, 18 and 19 White Christmas * Bing Crosby * Danny Kaye * Rosemary Clooney * Vera Ellen Here is the picture of the year! PIeasing entertainment for the wrhole family. Admissions For This Engagement Only Adults 75¢ Students 50¢ Children 35¢ $.aIIy 0! YPeople Staged AAt Dashwood On Sunday evening the Young ored the .audience . with an anthem and Ronnie Snell sang a solo. The offering was for missions. People of Calvary Church, Dash- wood, were hosts to a large gathering tram various commun- Sties of South Huron. The service was conducted iv Miss Joyce England, president of the local Youtlt Fellowship. Doug- les May read the scripture and Donna Eagleson led i.0 prayer. Neil Wildfong sang asolo, The main feature of the service was the colored film "I Belisld His Glory", with Rev. E. N. Mohr, of Crediton, operating the projector After the service the young peo- ple, 100 in all,et in the p e, over i met t church basement for an hour of fellowship. Douglas May direct- ed the activities of this period and the local young people served. refreshments. An item of business was the selection of a representative from each of the committees to form a committee for sponsoring fur- ther rallies of this nature. The communities represented were Exeter, Centralia, Thames Road, Zurich, Grand Bend, Crediton and Dashwood. Choir Supper Thirty members and friends of Zion Lutheran choir enjoyed their annual fowl supper and social evening at the men's club rooms Wednesday evening, February 2. After an address by Rev. Higenell the evening was spent in singing and progressive euchre. High pri- zes went to Mrs. Ed. Nadiger and Albert Miller; consolation prizes to Doreen Heckman and Melvin Stade; door prize to Mrs. Rudolph Miller. World Service Day The Women's Society of Cal- vary Evangelical U. B. Church had its annual World Service Day Sunday evening, with Mrs. W. C. Smith. of Grand Bend, as guest speaker. Mrs. C. Snell, chairman of the Spiritual Life Commission, occupied the chair. The choir fav - COMING EVENTS THE REGULAR meeting of the McGillivray Memorial Park will be held on February 15 at 8:00 p.m. in the Township Hall. 3:10* W.S.W.S. Meets The regular W:S.W,iS. meeting of the E. U. B. church was held Friday evening with the Youth Fellowship in charge of the pro- gram. The call to worship was taken by Joyce kingeland who presided for the meeting. The scripture les- son was read by Joyce Hauglt and prayer period was taken by Jack 'Sghade. Joyce Engeland read a nos1and Ronnie Snell sang a solo. Rev. Ifrotz gave the study boon on India, Donna Eagleson favored with a trombone solo followed by a play entitled "New Light in an Old Village." Mrs. Mervin Tiernan, presided for the business, Personal ;(reins Mr. Ed. Stire is confined to his bed through sickness. Mrs. Gurd Muller and Mrs. J. Barr, both of London, attended the funeral of their uncle, Wm. Bieber •on Friday and spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stire. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hutchin- son and family, of Parkhill, spent ,Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mason. Dorothy, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Grab is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. The Woman's Institute is hold- ing a euchre in the public school Friday, February 11, Mr. and Mrs. M. Dougal, of Hensall, were Wednesday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader, 'Miss .Barbara Becker, of Kit- chener, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Becker. Mrs. Matilda Piefer returned home Thursday after spending a month in Chatham with her two sons and families, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Piefer and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Piefer and in London with her sister, Mrs. David Baird. 'Misses Carol Webb, Anne Tay- lor, Anna Messner and Mr, Chas. Tieman, all of London, spent the week -end at their homes here. TheSenior Bridge Club made HOME COOKING Sale and after- a surprise visit to the home of Mr. noon tea in Carmel Presbyterian and Mrs. Harold Kellerman on Church, Hensall, Saturday, Feb- Thursday evening as Mrs. Keller- ruary 12, 3 p.m., sponsored by man had the misfortune to fall the Ladies Aid. 3:10c on the ice several weeks ago and has been unable to attend the HUED BRIDGE and euchre meetings since. Mrs. Sid Baker party, Exeter Legion Hall, spon- won first prize. sored by Ladies Auxiliary to Sunday visitors with Mr. and South Huron Hospital. Watch for Mrs. George Tiernan were Mr. and date next week. 100 Mrs. Elliot Bartliff and family, of Clinton; Mrs. Susan Merner, SALE OF HOME! BAKING, candy Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Tiernan and and tea by the local association Charles. of Guides, Brownies and Rangers, Those who attended the funeral Saturday, February 26, at 2.30, of the late Egmond Bruer in New in the Library Basement. 10:17e Hamburg last Wednesday. were: Mrs. Jake Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schroeder, Mrs. Tillie Reste- mayer, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mil- ler, Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Miller,. Miss Gertrude Biesenthal, Mrs. Susie Snider, Miss Selma Eifert, of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Hu- bert Schroeder, Exeter. Pall -bear- ers were his four sons, son-in-law and nephew. 1VIr. and Mrs. Melton Walper and daughters of Ingersoll, spent Sunday' with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fassold. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell .Gamble and Gary, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Wieberg, of Water- loo were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pepper of Stratford, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wein. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Kraft and family and Mrs. Douglas Keyes, of London, were 'Sunday +visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Koehler Miss Lois Gaiser, of London, spent the week -end with her mo- ther, Mrs. 'Cora Gaiser. Miss Ellen Gilbert, of Stratford spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Burmiester. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kraft were Mr. Lloyd Klopp, Mr. Bert Klopp and Mrs. Louis Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Miller and Earl; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and Edith were Wednesday even- ing visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer, Grand Bend. ' Mr. and' Mrs. Ferd. Miller and Edith spent Sunday at the home. of Mr. and Mrs, 'Harry Bassow, Bronson Line. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Merner entertained the trustees and wives and Rev. and Mrs. • L. Higenell, of Zion Lutheran Church Sunday evening. PANCAKE SUPPER — 5 h r o.v e Tuesday, February 22, auspices of W.A. .of Trivitt Memorial Church. 100 HOT ROAST BEEF supper, March 16, •sponsored by Main Street Evening Auxiliary. 100 EUCHRE PARTY—Crediton Community Centre, February 18, 8.00 p.m., sponsored by Women's Institute. Prizes and lunch. Every- one welcome. Admission 500. 10:17c REBEKAH DANCE and Euchre, February 15, Legion ]'fall, ad- mission 500 each. Lunch served. Oddfellows, Rebekahs and friends welcome. 'OYSTER ,SUPPER Holy Trinity Church Lucan Thursday, Feb. 17 6 to 8:30 p.m. Meat and Potatoes for those who do not care for Oysters AU the Oysters you want to eat Adults $1.25 • Children 600 Follow The Mohawks • Strathr9yRockets Friday, February 11 ALL CHILDREN UNDER 10 FREE With or • Without Parents 61 Goderich Sailors Tuesday, February 15 Exeter Arena - 8:30 p.m. Militiatnitt,ligtitutitfel itiiiIitdYitittt1111Yddn11iuiIMMOttt tiUttttthitdinttUitYtiutbutuuntitYiiYYYttttoiYtoB Lucan Irish Team Leads Wildcats Although Dusan Irish have a 2-0 lead in their group of play- offs, Ilderton Wildcats are Sight- ing every inch of the way. The Irish were forced into overtime Tuesday for their second Y night Victory and just managed to edge the Wildcats 5-4 in the first game Friday night. Murray Valiquette and Glen Revingten scored the winning goals in the extra period of Tues- day's game. 'Steve Storey fired the tie -breaking marker do Fri- day night at 18.50 of the final period. Third game of the series will be played Friday night and if Lucan wins this one the Irish will advance Into the finals •again- st the Zurich -St, Marys winner. In Friday's game, the teams tied 1.1 in the first period with Watson scoring, for Lucan and B. Urbshott for Ilderton. The Wild- cats took the lead la the second on •a goal by Honey. Lunn goals by gilder, Valiquette, 'Water& and Story were too much for the 11-. derton team. D. iirbshott and Walker tired the only replies, Robert Gower Stephen Native Mr. Robert Gower, el Crediton, who died Monday in South Huron Hospital, was one of Stephen's oldest residents. On May 12, Mr. Gower would nave harked Itis ninety-seventh birthday. A life-long resident of Stephen township, be was a faithful labor- er in different phases of work. In •Itis younger days he spent many years assisting in the manu- facturing of brick. He was an adherent oR Credi- ton United Church and an honor- ary member of the L.O.L. In politics he was a staunch Con- servative and rarely ever missed an opportunity to cast his yote. His wife, s the o former Elizabeth Sims, died in 1933. Surviving are a dauht x Mrs.Mary y Parker, of _ London; three sons, Fletcher, of Brinsley; Charles, of Marsden, Sask., and Harold, at home, who for many years has given his father constant care; three bro- thers Simon, of Edmonton; Dan- iel, of Manitoba, arid Isaac, of Crediton. The funeral will be cpnducted. Thursday from the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home, Dash- wood, and will be conducted by Rev. W. C, Parrott, of Crediton United•Church, Interment will be in Exeter cemetery. Dogs Trap Ladies' league Ruth Durand WinsWatch Hot Dogs were declared ladies league winners this week Yellow- ing the completion QP the regular schedule. Members of the top team are Shirley Darling, Gladys Cham- bers, Pau 1 i n e Briutnell, Mae Wolfe, Dot Brady, Betty Brady, Peg McLean and Doreen Tiernan, Shirley Darling, of the Dogs, won high triple honors of the season with her score of 730. Ruth Durand copped the high single award with a game of 320, She wins the wrist watch, donated by Jack Smith Jwe l e. 1 er. mith Nelda Francois won the high average title with 204.. The playoffs began OAS week with 10 teams in "A" group and eight teams in "B" group. The. Happy Gals were the only team to win seven points last week. .Cup and saucer winners for last week's hidden scores were lyiona Tetreau and Mary Holtzman. Win- ners this week were G. Webster for high triple of 666 and P. Brintnell, high single ,of 263. Free soft drink winner of the week was G. Webster "with 300 high single. Town Topics Items of Social and Personal Interest In and Around Exeter The Exeter Times -Advocate Is always pleased to publish these items. We and our readers are Interested In you and your friends. Phone 770. Wayne Hockey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Weir, of Detroit, Mrs. Norman Hockey hen the mis- I visited last week with her aunt, fortune to fall while playing onMiss Alice Hackney and her sist- Thursday and cut his head. It er, Mrs. V. Greenwood. required six stitches to close the wound. On Sunday he fell out of a silo and injured liis foot. Warden Earl Campbell, of Hay; Reeve V. Pincombe, of Usborne, and Deputy -reeve C. Mawhinney, of town, representing Huron Lyle Anderson and Doug Har- rison, Exeter Hydro employees, are taking a three weeks' course at the hydro training centre, P.ond Mills. Thomas Pryde, M. L. A., and Mrs. Pryde are in Toronto at - County Council, were in Toronto tending the fifth session of the a couple of days last week at- twenty-fourth Ontario Legislat- ure. tending the Agricultural Council Convention. For the first time this winter Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hedden; Bob Walker and Wm. Grundy of the council had the snow remov- London were Sunday guests with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hedden, Andrew st, Mrs. Rufus Kestle and Mr. Wm. McKenzie are attending the Ont- ario Fair Board's convention held at the Prince Edward Hotel, Tor - ed from in front of the business section on Main Street, Snow- plowing of the streets and the removal of snow has been at a minimum this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gillespie, of Hamilton, visited with friends in onto Wednesday and Thursday, town on Monday. Mr. Gillespie They are delegates for the local board. was in the Hamilton hospital for the Christmas and New Year hol- idays and is now recuperating from an operation. Mr, and Mrs. Ether Hedden, .of London, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hedden, of town. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hed- den are spending this weekend in the States. ' Off To The South Mr. and Mrs. J. 'A. Traquair, Mr. and Mrs, Ulric Snell and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bell left on Sunday for Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cole went on Monday. Letter From Woodham By MRS. PRESTON MORRISON Miss Barbara Knowles, of St. Marys, spent the weekend with_ Miss Shirley Rundle. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne and Donna, of London, visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rundle. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb and family' visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Small, of St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Barris' and Miss Mary Harris, of Medina, and Mr. and Mrs. Murray May, Lon- don, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Copeland. Miss Jean Lavender, of Hen- sall, spent the weekend with Mis& Donna Mills.. Hold Successful Carnival It was a cold, frosty night the Woodham Community Association held its annual ice carnival, but the enthusiasm of young and old was not hampered one bit. The judges, Mrs. Fred Hamil- ton, Kirkton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hicks, Exeter, had a very difficult •task picking the win- ners. King of the Carnival, Ronnie Chatten; Queen of the Carnival, Norma Hern; best comic costume (boy), Ray Miller; best comic costume (girl), Elizabeth Thac- ker; best original representation, over 15, Mrs. William Rundle and Ross McCurdy; best dressed cou- ple, under 15, Ruth Miller and Margaret Knight; oldest skater, Lawrence Beckett; youngest skater, Gail Stephens; best skat- ing couple, 16 and under, Marilyn Brine and Ray Miller; best skat- ing couple, over 16, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Levy; best clown, Ken Langford; best original represent- ation, ation 15 and under, , Carolyn Bern; 'best comic, over 15 years, Rev. T. B. Wanless; best comic couple, Jacqueline Beckett and Sharon Thompson; best dressed couple, 15 and over, Ronnie Chatten and Mrs. Lloyd Smith; largest family skating, Rev. T. G. Wanless and Norris Webb. .Speed races: boys, 10 and under, Jelin Wanless, Walter Langford, girls, 10 and under, Carolyn Bern and Ruth Miller; boys, 11 through 13, Ralph Horn and naval Levy; girls, 11 through 13, Helen Shamblaw and Janice Webb; boys, 14 through 16, David Wheeler and Ross Robin- son; girls, 14 through 16, Mildred Cowdrey, Marilyn Brine; men, over 16, Harold Levy; women, over 16,'• Donna Mills, During the evening, Group 2 of the W.A. served hot dogs, pie, cup cakes and coffee, which hit the spot on euch is cold night. Miss Pat Hopper and Miss Mar- garet Johnston of Mitchell, nurs- es -in -training at Hamilton Gen- eral Hospital were Sunday visit - ars with Misses Shirley and Lorna Taylor. Mrs. Raymond Carter visited last week with relatives in Tor- onto. W.M.C. Collects Stamps Mrs. Kenneth Norcross brought the message "Edged in With God"' to the members of the Pentecost- al W.M.0 at their meeting Thurs- day, afternoon at the home of Mrs. Tom Jolly. Mrs. Clifford Blanchard led in prayer. The sale of used stamps, col- lected by Pentecostal Assemblies, amounted to $639.61 to be used in furnishing the Missionary Rest iaome, Toronto. The next meeting will be held at the home el Miss Della Peart. News of Elimville By MRS. ROSS SKINNER Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques and Yvonne, of Zion, visited on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs Ross Skinner. Miss Florence Heywood, of Stratford, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Heywood. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper and Floyd, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Par- sons, of Hensall, visited Sunday with ,, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques, of Zion, The Elimville Young People's Union were guests Sunday eve- ning with the Dashwood Y.P.U. Euchre Club Elimville Euchre Club met on Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Pied 'Cunnington as hosts. The winners were Mrs, William Johns, Laverne Skinner and Roy Johns. Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Johns will be hosts this Friday evening. News of Kirkton R$ MRS. FRED HAMILTON' The February meeting of "T•he Class That Counts" was held at Verde. Morrison. the home of V d Twenty-eight members answered roll call by an exohange of valen- tines. Beatrlee' Roger conducted the devotional period assisted by 'Mad- eline Airy who read the script- ure, Mrs, flatten gave a reading. Mary Tilfts told of her trip to Bermuda, Pearl Budden conducted a valentine contest. It was decided to carry on the birthday box 4Sroject, This money is used to give boxes to sick and needy at Christmas. Personal Items Mr, and Mrs. Eric Humphries visited Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ross of London over the weekend. - Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mills visited Mrs. R. Humphries over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. C. Filkweert of our village received their citizen- ship papers this week. "A„ GROUP P ,!g„ GROUP HotaDogs. _-. 83 Lucky Strikes 65 Merry Maids - 69 Wee hones 63 Mighty Mice _ 69 Blowettes -_- 63 Pin Poppettes 67 Jolly Six --- 63 Hi Lights ___ 66 Be' Bops ..___ 62 Alley Cats __ 64 Skunks 43 Wish Bones ...62 Buttercups 37 BusyeBees .,,., .60 15. & Downs _ 56 U, & Downs (E. Hecker 577) _ 2964 5 Jolly Six (D. Frayne 514) __ 2735 2 Lucky Strikes (B. Gifford 526) 3022 5 Mighty Mice •(B. Wilson 543) 2369 3 Skunks (D. prance 543) ____ 2829 6 Be Bops (R, Murray 466) ___ 2553 2 Busy Bees (G. 1Vebster 666) _ 2957 5 Wee Hopes (N. Snell 495) -__ 2525 2 Wish Bones (J. Waite 552)' 2957 4 Alley Cats M. 1vestlaka 655) 3073 3 Hi Lights (M. Holtzman 619) 3057 5 Blowettes( 5 >H..Marriag a 11 __ 2855 2 Jolly Jilis (G. Bierling 627) _ 2762 6 Buttercups (L. Elliott 423) __ 2641 2 Happy Gals (I. Wade 669) __ 3158 7 141. Maids (E. Bonnallie 540) - 2863 0 Hot Dogs (S. Darling 622) 3124 5 lin Poppettes (P. Haugh 603) 3083 2 PLAYOFF SCHEDULE Thursday, February 10 Wee Hopes vs. Blowettes Jolly Six vs. Be Bops Skunks vs. Buttercups Tuesday, February 15 Jolly Jilis vs, Blowettes Lucky Strikes vs. Wee Hopes ` Pin Poppettes vs. Happy Gals Wednesday, February 16 Hi Lights vs. Busy Bees Jilly Six vs, Skunks Ups & Downs vs. Merry Maids Thursday, February 17 Wish Bones vs. Hot Dogs Mighty Mice vs. Alley Cats Be Bops vs. Buttercups Men Scramble For Positions ;Scramble for positions—behind the league -leading Spares contin- ues in the Men's Bowling League with four teams separated by only three points followed by another cluster of three teams with three points difference: Six teams captured seven points in this week's bowling. They were Spare Parts, Jets, Ringers, Wind- mills, Ringers and Keglers. Top team total of 3,482 was scored by the Ringers. Best triple was Lorne Preszcator's 769. ., Spares 86 Bdtchers ___ 69 Grand Bend _ 74 Pinpoppers58- Windmills 74 Maroons 58 Keglers 73 Spare Parts __ 64 Hay Seeds 71 Jets 55 Tradesmen __ 67 Big Six 63 Milkmen 66 Hensall Leg. 63 Ringers 15 Short Circuits 45 Huskers 60 Applejacks __ 44 Rural Rollers 59 Salsburys____ 37 Strikes 69 Whizz Bangs _ 36 Wednesday, February 2 Hensall Leg. (F. Beer 603) _ 2937 0 Spare Parts (E. Canard 578) _ 3323 7 W. Bangs (G. Robinson 514) _ 2930 0 Jets (M. McPhee 690) 3218 7 Thursday, February 3 Ringers (A. Darling 619) 34182 Salsburys (J. Crocker 576) 3086 R. Rollers. (L. Preszcator 769) 3959 5 Tradesmen (Glendinning 606) ...h3324 2 Maroons (A. Andrus 583) 3144 2 Strikes (D. Hughson 580) 3268 5 Monday, February 7 Windmills (I•I. Harvey 648) 3426 7 Huskers (G. Kirk 541) 3194 0 Pinpoppers (D. Brintnell 531) 3087 0 Ringers (J. Carr 530) 3400 7 Hay Seeds (P, McKenzie 542) 3015 4 Tradesmen (G. Mason) 3109 3 Spares (11. Francois 673) 3332 4 Spare Parts (G. Arthur 589) _ 3371 3 Keglers (G. McPhee 671) 0299 7 Maroons (Nip Ball 523) 2240 0 7 0 Butchers (B. Chambers 648) _ 3188 6 Salsburys (L. Ford 609) 3147 2 SCHEDULE .Monday, February 14 7- 9—Windmills vs. Milkmen • • Butchers vs. Jets Pinpoppers vs. Salsbury 9-11—Hensall Leg. vs. Keglers Hay Seeds vs. Whiz Bangs Spares vs. Huskers Wednesday February 16 7 9—Grand Bend vs, Tradesmen Maroons vs. Rural Rollers Thursday February 17 7- 9—Strikes vs. Applejacks Short Circuits vs. Big Six Spare Parts vs. Ringers Report From Baseline By MRS. ARTHUR RUNDLE. Patsy and Richard Hermandez of Harrow, who have spent the past month with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Swit- zer, returned to their home Miss Joyce Sweitzer, of the Bell Telephone, London, was a weekend visitor with her parents, Mr .and Mrs. Howard Sweitzer. Mr. Fred Parkinson and Mr. and Mrs. M. Ulch, of Mitchell Road, had the misfortune to run into one another on Friday last at McNaughton's corner. Both cars were damaged but fortunate- ly no one was hurt. Mr. Wm. Somerville, of Clyde, Alta., was a visitor with his sister, Mrs. Harold Berry on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Keeeh, of North Bay, spent the week -end with Mrs. Keech's 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Berry. - Huron County. Crop Report Heavy snowfalls coupled with high, winds completely blocked most country roads on January 27.Agricultural. a g activities vities were consequently curtailed for the re- mainder of the week, However roads are ton open as indicated by the attend; nce of 200 ,at the Annual Couni* Hog Prbducers Meeting owFeluary 3. Seed clewing plants report increased activity and numerous inquiries are being received re- garding sourced of seed supplies, A record Plumber of 4-11 Club memberships have been received for this season of the year. a Important Farm Dates Friday, February 11 Huron County' Junior ,Farmer Curling )3onspiel—Curl]ng Rink, Seaforth at1.30p.m. Tuesday,' February 16. Junior Partner Drania Festival, Seatorth District 'High 'School, 8.15 p.m. Three one -act plays by the Sea- forth, Clinton and lyixeter Junior Farmer Clubs. Area Farm Forums -Continued from Page 1 good lob is to be done and tann- ers should be willing to help pro-. vide more money to strengthen' the hands of the farm organiza- tions. The next meeting will be held at the hone of Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Elford, Parr Line Foinun It was agreed by members of Parr Line Forum, meeting at tile home of Air. and Mrs. Charles Robinson, that if farmers are to have better relations with urban groups they should be well -in- formed first of all; then a nubile relations delegate should be sent from every faint organization to meet with various urban groups. This forum feels that there is a better understanding between the farmer and his local village orownl t due to the closer contact between both groups but the same true was not x e .for the larger cities where much could be done to en- lighten and improve misunder- standing especially in relation to the problems of the farmer, There is excellent co-operation on the part of the weekly press. Farm forum reports, Federation of Agriculture reports and ac- tivities have been well covered by the local press. The local radio station has shared in pub- licity and service for many farm organizations, much of which is given free. The township of Hay collects two-fifths of a mill for Federa- tion purposes. Members of Parr Line forum think it should be raised at least another one-fifth of a mill to provide for a public relations program. Valentine Home Baking and Apron Sale Saturday, Feb. 12 at 3 o'clock. in vacant store in A. O. Elliot block, just north of telephone office Main St. United Church Ladies Annual Meeting of the Kirkton-Woodham Farmers' Club will be held in Aberdeen Hall, Kirkton Wed., Feb. 16 at 2 o'clock p.m. for the purpose of receiving the Financial Report, Auditors' Re- port, Election of Officers and any other business which may come before the meeting. All Members Are Urged to Attend FRED SWITZER, President T. A. ICRAGO, Sec.-Treas. Euchre prizes were won by Ruth Ann Jarrott and Gordon Lave. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. u; ilfred Mousseau. "Agrieultural•fairs are a great help in getting town and farm people together and gaited more retown people should be ko j. our Farm Forum discussions" was the, consensus of the mem- bers of Cromarty Fartn Forum. They also .thought that CKNX Winghani was doing a good job in 'having interviews with ,agri- culturat representatives on the broadcasts. EXETER ARENA ACTIVITIES THURSDAY, FEB. 10 AIR FORCE NIGHT FRIDAY, FEB. 11. STRATHROY ROCKETS vs. MOHAWKS SATURDAY, FEB. 12 PUBLIC SKATING 1:30 and 8:30 SUNDAY, FEB. 13 • BROO 11LBALL 1-2t-Mohawlcs vs. Kinsmen 2-3—Cp1s. vs. Thames Road 3-4—Teen-agers vs. Legion MONDAY, FEB. 14 AIR FORCE NIGHT TUESDAY, FEB.. 15 QODERICH SAILORS vs. MOHAWKS WEDNESDAY, FEB 16 EEC LEAGUE HOCKEY ALDON THEATRE GRAND BEND FRIDAY & SATURDAY February 11 and 12 "THE GAMBLER FROM NATCHEZ" (Technicolor) * Dale Robertson * Debra Paget His biggest gamble was the wagering for his own life. ADDITIONAL SHORT SUBJECTS TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY February 15 and 16 "NIGHT PEOPLE" (CINEMASCOPE) (Technicolor) * Gregory Peck * Broderick Crawford * Anita Bjork * Rita Gam A thrilling page from today's history filmed in post-war Berlin. NEWSREEL & CARTOON At Home Dance S.H.D.H.S. AUDITORIUM . Friday, February 18 Glen Bricklin's Orchestra CROWNING OF SCHOOL QUEEN Dress Optional Dancing 9 to 1 Couples Only -- $2.50 l„I,t,,,,,1III will„ ,1111 p,,,,,n►tl,,,,,1,11„Itllul ,,,,,,6,u„11„ tuu„u 1,turf„1,ull„",,,,,"1,","i„u,,,,u„la,'i George Won.ch AND HIS ORCHESTRA DANCING 9:00 to 12:00 p.m. Exeter Legion Hall z Every Wednesdci Ni - 9 Admission '750 Per Person 5tnnitntttnNNntttuYtlntiianuuuttitilithe ttY ... _.. out i t t _ li