HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-5-25, Page 2one or two hundred others are guilty of itubrue their hands is Wood being were Peesoew•e-We ethane, %ea Pimsluir Uton 441 .11 the crimes alleged agaluhl them, but toolv, DO Such paitietefiing precautions that Meyers. S. Pi Yeurnaus and P. &Welker, were taker in reference to their eserpe.- tu•de,ta of thls t "to, 14...4 • highlY we do deny, as etery honest man muit, Address to T. Mackie Esq. [ The Deleares Of Canada. On Mondry evening led a nuelier oil In the liouw of Lot& (in London) Est the personal friends of Thanes 'Mackie ' ilud• 0" 'h.' ':"h Putt' liament and el the country daring the preaeut Waecii rite Cirrus Daoreas.-0. hater meame; met would not be deeinthe 'het, day IWO ai WW1 d•iving • herd o( t the taemeut these negotiate... tattle aloug the Montreal load for thipoient comineneed mud were Kell going on, Her et Kinehurn'e whorl, whoa he was observed. en. To avert euepiet .0 from the Surr,tt creiiitatbe esamitiotiou at the present Ow Majesty's goverument should enter iuto di. to leave his rattle mid proceed alit tlediamece that there has been thee far a envie tittle es late agent of the Bank of Uppe lhe hall of AIRLIL said that wises • die we . of evidence to prove Oat Mr. Davis was ete,e de * previ us to tl e tuurdth-. His hten admitted as Attorneys and Soliciters . ' • • j _ u • 1 • Limed' In tins town, ns'ot at his rootus iu „mew. in telethon to C a 1 toads h eaf eu -de" Ik• reraleIllstivaa. of the dra" 'LH" e"" *hid' were 1-. cussion teoh pIace at an eerly period 01 the '. - 41.11/1 the AUhjeC1. All ite could ott the adjacent common ani;Iniside,i1:ertrhaoterel , dliDERICIL C. W., MAY t5. 180. family, John Surratt welit to Moutre il term in Wood. Hall, Toronto, and have 1,;-- \\7".._ . '''''' cognizant of or had even the remote -et ttiother'e visits to the eventry to look Meer i' lie Yi,naaas is Arieclot an cffil.., .4 lawn. as • ,. . , ..„ ,_. .,, ' 40 w** ..e t * Canadian governmeamt eltiou,hiyadimereste.;...„,,,t,ia :hat mvidhineflpudiuee!Lieezonstio,,,o,,o,f,:yt dlie.lere,,eszdr.t,.6.imi WHAT W.1 lb 1. T II EY DO tne ...tauten.' mon, to mu auieu previous. etteteasioti- Art an arratigetuebt ha4 gee. . _ , to • , .. • , • , . • 4, . ., , . ,, , , „, oig,.the eersua %rho otaterved them operatruns, eJ iscider prtornee ef ether 144.61111..., a0.1 se 1 . tO his departure for Europe, and to deliv; made be., telree,t° °1°' Guver"fre,',4 "Lit'', c`t". ett'nutZaiiiPtPeodar.ue and importance of the Tee i I wiru Him f , , share us the recent horrible tragedy. Lew. Lheeth's tueeoe 'A CWJPe i" Wrn 4INCUil. I will fa meu from his card in another column. ' - • 7"11 "'I PriermUY ett"rt 3 t°1er%blY aual visas to-ollier plate. than the ecv • t* ie..' es -11--- .-........- - - - er the Address printed beneath. We way . "I " t" s"v"Huleat °' '4:I.'" "r "... lions they had to disco+. end ef the duty w irlt itureediair•'y. teetered the man tit Kiegthorn's This queetion is gravely put by Ali who complete establieltuent ef their cuse by her real resod. Wei, but in, ts i: u IAA in li. r. , ht, ii • a owed to gay that during hi. mid. tomer to undertake certain defoesite wet ks mos for the tams to mom a wait.. sad ,,...r. eleoymotan.,e,ies%,t0.doetu.sesardog !them. Wheat thelpharf, laid suceeeded iit making lam give up t . were brought to a ehee co, i the 1:000 Whirl. wore returned tu the continua -, 0" u I sea. mLACKlattle relletgaTtD.-- The . have learned of the capture of Jefferenn mews of leading qtnetinits, if allowed house gild More her boo the ceuritry oil bete ' Glebe i4 jorjuilKwil by its Montreal cot' ' 1 `1 • - . • . de i•thute also towards the execueete uf the 'hely opportueity wOuld be (+thee of info. wit.' from wheeler, thee wete taken their wailer Davis, the ex president of the Confedbrate licence enough. In this eau the principal; week.' kii4e* 4144 d'e"••••"' h•ttrt'er. * Parliament of their nature anti Of Llbe rwit11, It .1701:14,111tiu,u,t17 t....111,t: oa,,tirtytodr,.btlupouLimicet; 44... States, aud the anewer will depend uPon evideuee ie elven hy the judgets, who put ',1ebate, "° (.118 lei,i"ei be,' 'ek"" t','"' w 'he =eh had been arrived at. v.:AO:101411 rtattetti.iy, ..11. no' teeuiutiou ems nanimity of these svho couteieplete the; eigning raseai who never saw Booth and Kingston Attie, icon. the temper, the sympathies and the wage\ their qucetiuna in such. a form that. a de li. h , • • • o erystous, raw tiesrt take.. into the euendeuee t reepandwit th t 1.4. Blackburn has bate . of tbe cum, iretre• ; Lut thee. givieg hies op -1 . arrested in th St. Beer:tem !Lill iu th t a ,ed hituaellto every person eapelde of ap- assrteutthe to °Nerve thot I elm. in it • 14.10 pre -tallith,: eeneine worth in metal or pub. ., t citbe ou a werrant front Toronto for a usher sad hal a;•peared there ender different' Wrested' of our neutrality laws. ete to nith teste-et to the werks. 1 he Th.. photographic Gras. IMOW To CATc11 HATO.-lit mower 10 OR bee 10 tint hints's; slim moony 111 a. awenied char- lic life. We part with him regretfully and e. . aS:151 ate was adjourned, mid her uhderstood that oatues, showed thet they had a week ulailiou - --- -- guirssin The London Ada. "ewers! memo. ho aja tett knew Surratt from the wan or les :•itetratio•i• The aleol• deeteue ...ewe duotieer .1leary Loss toe Mr. usiny long yuors of Ima',th and hapitineas. ta t . . 1 c r . I. it, , alean,Y, yof 7 it.l,v--e .°r1...n., 'int pukt.4 h°' usP.104,,da,,,so:l Vial MP, g've the', 0•01•00. e• trust that, •itli his fewily, he iney enjny tee tet„tmete„ f..„,,, C.„1,4, h,,d t.„m0e,,,,. e,, the UtOett, CoUid eutiereet • very Lir ewe -, , , ' .. e t oeti I ' 1... Mrs. Ste rott euin;uved 111111 lot UtIttl lur 1.411' 4.. , 1_"Init. . Ile feilewiug ie the . h,ja °"`!"" 1‘!!`".'" with ti""ternwe" eld re il o r friend* luuk in ietutes to , the turn in bn, eouto y a eut t in melee A D 1-.) BESS, on ton a .0.1/..01 10 t .0 40 othr11.11011 0 , 4 .66,1he„ e,, it, two itle. Lmier the oho,. ' Fur the benefit of year readers I will gimf St Leh wet read by F. W. Thomas Esq., iiutf*.it“it:11:peosiale,,.41:nweli:e:ren v.Pcoeilteeit, .anel tau; , 4 it, ,, 7.,.. ma, . ... t' .1 I ' t__ matter, gild treat' toe . ' ...1:,b,i)e.etti...,,,41 was very much troubled with tau, . . , ,., • by the simple use of notuotyllatie debt, nee obtiomy hatended to Vital him to ! 'We "meet to have to anumince that on , , • , , by your permission, tey eznerieuce on the tbe real osier, uf the betties's' utt niamit he t Fria,. o.s.. I nt 13'1. (12thl the warehoutte to etiter into aimingements with the 10..weria every known dodge for ("tellies drove her; aud the studiumuy itmoceut end !,. s J s _ Ageut of the Beak of 5loutreal. et t‘'' ills deleure: INueubjelet‘very"wireadikra. lie say*: t' lit turn- . of Mr. deter )1:lime, of inverhuruti, was ahem without +success, Mail I adopted the timbal letter of john Surrett frotu Moiareal, which he wow pertained to road, wee a cam ! hurtled to the grott,,,e. our townsman, Tni.;31..,:11,..1i.h:AelitE ESQ. dasitable *het the Goveruuterit stetted make .1roseu °Yoe:: hwoe,',:e'toe'teun'eoe'D :1111'at wee,ofareelue.e.,..,tie. itf t•enada. "TIM 1,0,..: the case, tt 111011114 I "''''' (diorite. Ian : i set an ordieary steel trap to ming,from no lees 3 personaee teved plaa fur hoodwinking htut ut 83°.thtt: 1 Mr. Platt, had 600 bushels of fell wheat i , e ile:wereile•belljb41:•• •The.'er t:Ifuagrrattle'h.ndirtil u°61! chluth, aud. Pw4itliitt a. tedvrtholie'l.caub gilt el ver; -Itireeate Kat :- direction. . l and 2 I 45 of epringe stored in the building, c,,,.:e„erryniongi. vtrutr ynouati vs:* 1.0,,ii Joat..:ot hi seavueudt hei: ijituliFpe,,Ydiit:l'ictith:e.rhait't•ili:115:the'''lle'y'44.77.,...;:i,%,heu,,.:,:zr,..:1.,::: ,,.._ .00sublv ludbe other than s tra.n.gclipt of wh,st rat on my eremiees. A clean cloth is :eds. thing pia as to what Csp- peers in the testimuity covnectieg perils' 10 . a.. 0. w•l-cd was eeneutued. , The grain titiened from tenorg yourtisumereus (deride as tu the eriociple and bseis of the proposed arnmeement. Frotu speechee wade by the the.. th.it it is not o „one" f tmaomy sary eveiy time the trap Ls set. I .found • promote to the camong stow conies it, The uply circumstance whieh as yet son. • ! ll r i; 1 rt... nieeewents ut the eel,. Surratt made a ron to Ihelitnond et the , rte. ta 'the tuerket, expenses, etc., will 1 fl011/ 11111011,01 OA, and to take thw oppertuor map,' in the perbament el' this emititi•, it ohm...aimed, oust at apt to feet that. law ockerell tel.! me he was ty a llilitirlug You 01 uur friendly tateeur Sod .1,1,450.4 retie ceheee and the Britten (lee- e ., atid we. would hear tele tuned, alto had. jest returtied front Con ,.. . cont:eny uf a hoar le, renal millenary e. bitiek- I bring Mr. I'letes lea up to 11000. The teeerd, whice seutiturnite, we are cunteleut erietient were very much 111 U110 011101 an 1,4.3. a. a, .. . • • . Mars41 Ney, the eyed of Europe are upon DDO I to have ori .inated front *in L.; t it. .1. .....1 i.. Is L,11s*,... i t 11 t cocain; to tne positiun tie assumes, ado. 3 his eircuMilauer 4.141,O01.01111./10 grimed '1"r° " '14/ • '''''. • 0. . -1•• •/- •o••.• -S.... -• 1 - •-••••• o.10 mire ,-,aieet, to thi, mutter and he was of °peens • • menilper of that ef eum.ettet, w.4.1 ce..taiely just:ties an levee . torehes used by fishermen. 'There sect= •elef 't e 1 e_ t_e p.cassins o your .acamiatattee 41401111 your fealdolca Oa (ruderich. Permit 14.)e? A., 1 did f he M,s. Sladt.r whom he attended mid ex. ! faith heavy luei he ts sustained front Bao'th and tartar 11 cotividethele allart 01. 01.1 burdens of 74:11::731,%cted(o°isioce3r;ihlilui.ahtl,:iteer.st‘h:tusiinsieto:Etzeiiuteollerlitnir;.;0 ber owe deter:cm. In such admen he thought ; of r• • Plates proper y, this being the aeeeen feedriees of ambient, but though oti nos 01:011.11411-11.01.1,e4oly Irel your lolls, yet our putting the meat on the kettleticard ; they positive charges made by the government.- . fallea fortunes and .probable tate of oue of the greatest weu on the American Con- ' talent. While Mr. Bevis wag great tied sto powerful -while he could back up his anew ge. For example, in the CX21.11illa- powerful reaeoninge by the cozent logic of I lion o one of the witnesees, Steinaeher. keno= untie. of brave wen ied oo by the fol tug (conversation took place, •the wary and skilful officenehe was respeCted 1.y , question thousands who will turn their backs iu the 4tittin Jae day of his advervity, and listen quietly to Q. we, , the obloquy and injuetice heared upon him win' Ileall-t by politic.' enemies. It ie, apparently,' -wag to play I deeply grounded du hunian nature tokiek i So.rth ? Ana. the fallen, lc...thrust down the weak, and '';',Idi'i',trhed eeeri to join iii the hue arid cry against I prO• 1 Q. .c. ()Acre!! w a Related Dien. lint lui,:ilt (las aut make mierting, I under -eta right, and we have a faint Oen-tiering of Yoe eir. - hcpe left that the American Government '. - Q. Did you while th willeot be hese ...Dough to re-enact in the Co, keret! associatedeoget person of Mr. Path' scenes to he n at, tweed riliiit.seervt,,,lide tin,,pentrit,leerU I any ; heretofore may 10 countries held up to the Q. State witt•ther, during t youth ofAhe country as ruled by dospntie, or two-eince•the reverses of 1 and t,y44ntricul kings. There is, !newt:Ter; entry have cowmen...A-it has (ready and frequently epoken of • viddictive blood-thirstinees hreatlied out taw( service, tut an object finally to against the falleu Peaidcut that holes ill complished, the useas‘iuetiou of the fee the cease of mercy and magnanimity. derat of 'the Uitited States ? A. T Ile is pre -judged. Ile is deemed to Se 1 tweed that very often: , . guilty of the mold axial eritnes, and then Q. Ileee you tibt heard h spoken e "(sh 5 1,i0811lie "or, 51" 0 " "eal" II" wiud agound the eteeiner's wh 'el when she the unscrupubitis spies are g.ottaed un tu froicly in the etreets of Richmond; among ..):Te,,,Iiii :he:awrd,..f.onr st.ihe„raikki iauue hint:Feb:1 I am mupp.....:1 an,4 150 men ente the e keei search up, or alas, to iterrnt the proofs. - went ? A Yes sir. It':etchei. Iteeldes, it the goli heel here 155," las eelteme it. We:le enga d in this th.o.. connected with the ruled goveru- teetered ler the conspitecy, it wituld ImicLy t wearier. through some mistake th engineer Joon %war% .4 11 (Laden, J.,a %wawa. the purpose. I tie leundiena e ho •1... . 0 What has Davis done thet he Q. About whet time -when ix the hate ',ten shown to Wetchman, aa the ethical moment arrives, his heart who hbl ' tanned the eegine. One Of the bat de junte- W•ca Seymour, It Seems me jr., Chas %voider. throw upon the ut .ther country the whole beret *Wiley against Lis seetsicoat, and a been so dearefully horetwitieet1 on pundit ei l A : . 4.,.. MO Abw. wate,, IAA 0'10 Whet R Carried 11'.4"11,K4.Y• lawson, W T Cox, J Haldan, jr• L V Witmon, Jae Timms, W f burden uf the'defence shoUld tske example hazy film 14141 Over tut eves. In this delight- bbould be hung like a &lot. ? Tre teem ! lateet you can now Peed' having heerd Why he was called to the Presiden- .,declarutinns of. that' sert' nt Rich mind./ iithitior itupormaee.-N. V. World. t d.o.e.with the peddles aiel Senna ye Iron Belgium, the neetrwity of wh tat tiou NI condition of 1111111ii Iiilli hair. he is en. - one afterwards exectited Richmond ur Catioda with the 'crime. as the : Rai insured for Rio' cost price, but the meatus. the m igittel une Wel, St that critical o , ', butter c•oth the best decov. I am Informed . ieg tUt watt upun you. ei k au itddieas, ex two gentlemen be bird referred Ilo. elr. edit ,.. fleet thet, while the coiiepiesete was un lout, l moat nut 1111 ilia himself When about to he r r seu who woes stationed ut Ite,rutuda i ereseete east deep regret at your deperture eed al,., cartier, diet horn the deelaratione tlietn; ron:tict•sruse rewarded tor revealieg ht.; seeret fur attracting rate, which wag cambia. i ides steeped in brandy (Tr. Lytle.), but I cennot wake out the ,aulaber ut drupe used. you to, sey .? . g. teethes% to aseertem the porpeou. ut that rota ; to , be almost a fatality ' in the deetruction with "ted bonnie IS Ilt all tires calculated to tehe,tretiTire. :hot ti"deCil:reevitheith'iart Cianr.ip.61/11‘i.:ituttslitro. Aure..* ..' ""g. °I' gmee. that euthieg could be mom satisfactory tette it b „ .to rd 1 to peewit utineelt en paper to an tot Melee, . ...., . 410 flat the guard elation!. lay the trap flows 6 lie WISIlt. . The best grey to catch rats with • steel. trap bet of itself a .10,4 WO alltikblillt the. grave I f It nd es if set ; feed the ruts for • fe• days, always volt eat it arid ge, quite familiar Pi it ; theu siw ihetzl ell Zettidlics'c'tunrr Itih7:::417.0041ii:e.se: (Vie') lit,:',.!'fiee wittd" the Plat 'hi"' °tem'''. 'we, ';'„frilit ,1:7::.:`::!„.:7. !'.0.„..';',:iic.iu`i',1,-, `',',:: :, feel mire that the comune 'ay wi'.1 deplore abooloo of reetorine to you that greatest uf all t to add to h•s discoltaliture. .1.;tsiet ae thiYa . 4,11,1.at occ,%,17;gifitititi.,,, ctic,h,, the:a, ..;..liwahii,tii upou 1th, at thbareitternmeut we7 liebEnd to, qeei',eielr e'seot 'islti•e°h° •h0a, Tanee'r'a,e'lt4 C07,.,:tt nt.'s.: .cumbieratem 111.y a,.pear,it elefts a est great 441:P' It if f t • 1 he f . ' -. num, acre:dant to the testimony of %fetch. may le eu near y its ILI SRI Can wt. beav. ia..44. ee influence on the expression than mom e last year men, being the bearer ut rettel deepen:tea. !his pecuniary miefortuuai as much as betueu Wesel igs. perfect Imalth. la concla. I have taken by thieille11.1A 17_ is on* hour, themstirm. Pieced in a poeition always e Centel. e heel( bad bees ceptuftef, and her went of au at r wouel be sullideneto eiceeent tor 1 Neseey ev- .eceeutsr.--..) " we John SurnettO visit. It peers from the 'Ito; tone:near the, Surrett beuu.grht base: goi.1 cut ":edneajaY 07th) 14° el- simeed a after his retarn. But, the etinount t'we't edit • 00"04 1344 44 it, *Abet.' two humitril eLelarse beer* no prepor., which. when clear of the rive Con to shnt would be paid as the pitee el I The rope or cab:* thus tele Her disappointment in mu findiog Isotte, woo ' we do , *wit, Ise beg to teroler to yourself mid fautPlY weehes had been delivered in theVartedian Pert'!" willi°fi 4', 5°`"wled^e• e'"" sad at one tatto I Lad two -one by the our eureereet 'thews leer actin and proeperous liouse uf Au:dub:a periernt who `elsouelit niwe and the other by the lore fuut-and 1 le • d weeete Y"el "0..0° 111.4 "l'd ezlele` that tt was no pert of the dam Conada eit'flett:htf tiwt'stereontf, tr."' rfttict tt.:eess001,1!: had only one trap Rat.' othiie Maggle Southern, tore. cut the line., , Pepin to ../110 r afar** bap. ul being tignot 10 tee, eee te these lessenialee, plerWeelolla the u weeet the lett welcome y,mr return 1, our midst with health w hich Led Wen mieerteted, tied that it err. e__ to,tot into a „me tieeteeete.y rectoleJ a tel eaU1',•itte.d. UuvlapIC hrose eut tire ishn.e bunt. se 0/.. SAS 1 6,4,04 he st to d too:, at an Jeotte‘i spa 1,, the in tele, country. It tiett eiened,be on tho oisif hee, still. Thu, 'rested, lie tbe ilpinera el the inejerity of the C•midtatt il'▪ ifYupeto4Itiuill,:lds7itutil:41wifite'b't14d1:7.ento'PF‘be-e8i '..t1I:h•h0;1444lninthi hri:b4:04 the people of this coutitry should be treed tr lls twenties': becomes thicker etted quicker It Ceoper, Judge IL & It.. J Detest., Rey .E giwood. Geo !tumbril, Rola G•tih in*, John Go.t."Il J thereon, A. M. Hama, M tr. deonete P A Melton/ad, M. IX. I T Tome J Stnereir, W 1 Rays. F W Thoinas, J M J Totnn, .1 :he F.sir, C Mane; er of the Confederacy by the uncial. A. At the tune atter the bettle of Chan- uhen i do 'tot know. what mous voice of his people ; he left Isis plea. eenereet'i-. satar plantation howe, as theneands of i, iletimieraail iitkeeate,but believe' it 4 ,s Gelter111 Southrons did theirs_to eteend in .0001; at•tEl'iat tirae"lalLadri':il Ie41.1. s".1:0huOc4; legitimate war -to engage io the struggle tumid on a ferloaelt at the stile 'time.' - which he hed foreseen and; pointed out Q. •1A liewerr and sherever epoken our worthy r00 Of, do I underetand 3 ou to eey th et this (tom his place in Congress twenty-td;ht office from tile ot years illefure. Mr. Lincoln and the North ...estinectitiof the neeeeeity of the utorairsin-: at on ef tl :ler, sideut of the. Vt.iteel Stet. s 114 04 Montreal, generally, treated his pmple as belliget- ea. gem:re, y easeeted to in the eervice / i ing his, own stun-% wt mita, and *tem= than one oua,ion Lig A. Y • eir. _ authority ittat awlemnly reooguized at 1 -(1. The " detached se. rvice" of whith ! . tailteiratthcaotit :nest Coed ult..: eiderable ex c-, Washington. ' And why is this men, who ! eou !peak, on whiele these parties were todta .; nv • ice of three wli did no more then diecherge faithfully and I be ecet, you stRy rclatsnl to Cartesian:10 , • !the deetruetiote of the NtWtliere clues I do- throueh the medium of honerally the duties imposed upon him brine detect' ice piezes. As mem as • Godcrich. Post Office. irered that the two teen were We hace, at ;eel, a l'ost Offig. ado- ; d'itt *,"tir'e e.'!e4`1 "",°d„101,41 quate to the , fee.. e tat u 111 mestat 1.1ent. Critortun &table to the it was sue', Titilt.-It waits for' no man 4 it travels' Uttermost with au eventful, uninterrupted. Me exorable awr, without reecommodatel ionic to the delays mortels. The restless hours pursue their come, ; momenta press after mocaehts ; day treadei open dry ; year rolls alter year. Does man loiter,' procrastinate f Is lie bailees or. indoleet ? Behold the days and montlia and years, unmingul of his delay are -letter sluggish, but march forward is . silence an 1 Leiden I./Meal. 41•••••0111. labors bed bait, our idee4 and leelings. may be aes• petaled by el eel darknene and silence sad reefed, thankod,Mr. Thonsie Sad 1110 gets pee,. te.-0 eetete:tly plede„d teeaest., Ifur elPre*"'D' amt " "P'e"."1"1„',:,17 **•.:"Y l'"P"1"1"" P°6" bting; 5leePti6fi Jeulierl'ice4te?.:tif bletebiee It 7 In reply, 3Ir ickie, Who was deeple ret. (attacked. the Great °wee** i One sell, and put on natural death mei relit' *rowel Jlt, bet Time is poned to keep 41.04/Ct. t. at he • edits herttley a &wily the sun to ',Mee Ism the busy home stet tlemen present, t•or the kindly sentiments !goon d not rely excletiore,y oe these Put ?*.e**,,g "ei* .Th• tones' Onimpeteece.- The c och may re••• 10, 1h 'sever, tee rope was lutes° said ties -. • Ile hal e *teeters o mien mile a his feature, before. let both 0,errator and te14. umbediel in the elle .es smile,• the like of *Inch never patted over 10"n In various peke of trateela, but he eoul I eeou the I, ituticatioos ot stv.er,e. e Ire did tome, etel heel receney elpende1 ....1141 • .• pest on. - The meinths aud yews must continue • ta more teetered. ants of the pub..° and .cre- • , "°• J Watsunr Esq., nm, int,1 the lake. t 1). 11,R11111 It sitter r.cd.der •hy ahe portreit is so very A ,Y% cier M tern...cope of Astonish. nester, imettemovel the ' th 1/i111 t act sador might en be ab:e AO Coat* 10 t /00C/•1411/e, tee -mat. iteiteri ' the kiwi fri et is he hid founi in it. Ile fire there weet fine to lee: : tro ito f , . • A r,rmiee ; u -nal save :-It i4 many a buil Rug adj di • : ,P, ell,: .11* montwol'. eine, 0..e ef tee sly in all ehiegity (leo he Nese] wieh no e =mi..; that the pretectine I erects so:i.ss... ing PoWer. - Lice, near the present rit,,,,iweerel,13en, toil, of toe th,.4.1neo oat 1 place with so teugh re,:rot ai (I . terie'.1, mil ..e j the, h,,,,, tieept.„-e,,,k, i,.. „,ert,,„”g he . . The Rumania Pestilence. • evil.. 1,1. 1 , • L,....:11 ot ;Time 1 An inoweitine jell., on the Ileaserm Elie ete e : tote, sit . e.,..., a th; most etuinent of lie. Mites -I .b,..,4101,0 buck th.e' hopel V. te Geleriele 'night firarith an i ' !!!!!.-11.4P"' :: •• . 'ch has been fitted '. 'me, .es tet Lethe • . oral • 0,,,..iiara 01.., 1141,0,-"--1,,,C.t7i:dme.liettie;tel,',I tg• , „..-;;; ' t .. ,i;;-‘,:`,!.;;,';:: ,•;',...! ; denoi• api enrs in the Vientta At died :141. dog naerosik vets '' egiorso d bit coneiction ,e, and m a loam ee hod ta be left. et lititCwidnir for medical its peopl..! enj ty the couefort and t"°1°101,1• ' . . . I. W.LII ia.,c,:. st,o.e t i tour I!, an. //ail 1.: grt/..t i 4 Indere,' ss reely eneatdonmee. Lot, ed „f pra,),,th,,0. If, ,,k4,,f the, .. a eppeere . • - I convereetied, ' tee gentlemen co appellee pet ot the veer. Late lon teesseer M. &bete jot isinnetni tLe annul:11,1.1s ot 1.11,1 city tu te,/,‘„,0,1„ t„ ,et,e,ete „,„ aefiee tie,. tome 044 au] pro•peit %. „t t•,„,eae. „,t„;if iron, the s Rig dated St l'etereburg, .Apt,1 n. ai.tl says r• 11.0.10rIs, br rthjeet eles+es with • a one tweet, 11 ith of' an .nch feces the micro- ' TOWN COUNCIL. Aft -e eimeedeie-t-L1"°" Pletesent toetheteeettot.y ea :LOW u: 00011/1, and "The cond.'s( tithe ti g the .Cenatla frontier 1 A. It wee . postal syetem. Besides the. u by free anti sovereign States, singled out 1010.1.etl'idc of • the Confederetc lines -either . there are in the new oikee a r vengeance and pueielintent ? Bid hel here or in the Neethern chi . • I.' el ay more herviem and ability in big da. . . es or in ena- 11 drawer., to he rented to bueiness . . n than the great Leo, am ba a , Q. . ' feseionel niern eh° will be furneh r stuuthling-block in the way of ladled ,service " was to be performed to : 1 you un crams t at t e e - keys by. means. of which they ea ;..,,,ee• 7,113.vF,sol loongwortht The mmuLat of 1 ,,,a,,at 7 eeeeed te eee tn., pee" ,.1 : .0.,••h,:iinh.;.,..1....iiii,,hth.oluig, hi rait:.tmt.:!,,,, e:.de., ceit- : oc.,mer which car, icd thcseapeech that the i, go uut to the 1 eked Stoles liy the sery UMW; the ...,114 0001 fl, the.6.1Pitills. ten in 1•01 •"7 L•PPo"""ill 1 refereWee te aviy defeat Outfit or selineig.:fie. nein. P"1"3"1"" n''' Ita Y'he'll"rnu""""""I:eedet;e0t: 44hut flit ris1ndetut; :titwhrat"itli fa lee' a- gametes than' lieauregatd, the hero !levet direction -wag the Caneda frontier I elver' t° their 004Peetire N"e. "it.- 411 a't wethng 41.4e rea4 ani arv‘"I'vc-- : Severel relief emu.= amounting to craw 7.. unite. et' etweergin ; . their i for studying the disess0.. No bo ever is • rase I. toted 'steno. mrsfIvd us tits auttusrowl• Ow." dt• Psoa ''''' ; brms gas Loris demonstruted %eaten .so 1:117, men. '• •TrOs •Cha•n:,e'rieris foa-ar 1...ePS'I:iti:e' . e'''f.. ecit'';ithtlan n't' C'e"..rai :a and the ani io our Northern cities Zs. A. 'Phis • troubling the officials and at all hodre. n • rt " detached service" was, a uicknaine le 1 The interior of the office is fhted up With tem Confederate army for such PerPeeeth I a view to indreaecd tIficiency its the tthns- 1 'have much to I eel ete., rem, ;„ /4, 14 hp 401.01 i n arythine 10..ut Illttorl alld progress numerous than meely thougand in an inch. eat The Council met on r• j y ereetiege-rthe party sheok hinds with Mr. Mackie ual Loe'es, ^ . g '6 Ilia smite had r*eae bed its tom,,staituticiaVe don't • er Maje.tv'e led Present, , le. ineva: i4 e; it...tote. they a e ,systeask 1,,,,,ouot 'other of the deem:1,0'4,m of light, . of N.. Zealeed ie tho co., s.. ot bet f e ad 0 3!eters, Gibbon!, ethi, McKay, Cliff - bet of • • the .Leyor-Ititeeiding, aud departed. seeimel Ire intimat..d that no amistaace snidely eta oil from tee sit k as well' its from e„,ee other mew. ja tee.eeer„ seem he. grew federa of Ow eston ? And yet _who talks of hanging theee most prowinent military • . I its tee al...pouf latirie's tr., t; s wee I Le +eel • Mt tte•s ' to stelseees• ' rued vet- power ever Da drscover more of the with °'' rn,st eatraerdi•i.try et t., -y low been ' to Creed e. and that she must re'y inftitly on the 11.150 wey tit.* physician' me treeted. - :etweete ot bodies; hy means of 1.r - -1 'liaise -1.7a 11 C M'ran, salith; Beetb,' j fleet el ot E ewe.. b., the -effect teat ea ma, br,0411,101010 tiontetee. litepeer-d ,o • Ull eso.a dialer breeds* eo le, rep oyed ft is sios4s foolish to oso 140.0 ) tette road and ordered to be pail. , reayin:, as. are twire •ellweted. " It le n. Lbw Canadians were dedetit (lobes, 'entre rein ted tart ) the hereirts.v, end th. wea441..r IL period lie in the teesent dese• The shore l t the epee where he had lett the m in while thee .siere ruled -me to mointain their t etealeut. lye •1.1 not sonde-, thee. at no• , Ile eel, .,e eceount of Mr: Smaiil fur work done On toe to: roe et see • deed men e` upon return . by these •speeches, and 100 feeline msuu %heti f 'remit/getaway a moor pros pied. by gee., „meet peen h„te journal dated Dec. leaders ? avis was placed at the head s &c., 14 n, was sent to :hint contra , ant that sort of warfare ? A. actioo of the ordinary hominess of remit a • berlat i to tits nsri or and wonder I relations with (Inert Ism. the snothr. I kin?' ',until, hi Rise y.et &entree; bet • *C1, waropits are 110W ta..1014 , yet Loosely, the ma thing of secession, but he was not its originator; yeg, ter. u4 • Wee. Ills orehip mated that. 80,1 etetel tem .yete dead, µint searehing hen.. eeeetre *.1.4 oa'y anereus 4,0 torpol tunity anti 'ether itidelin•se aceteret, keeit'l, et, eh;irt.gle,o woo, tote atoeth of ea ems place. The regal:own fer registration eel with w • d • eete wv.(mi a iero,ve,. da • •er dowel • ef c 1110 Can Ida P° er '14 he net' If that is not making a full wee Of,the and recept of „etielered matt'er is :a.) very a" 1"'"' bCen ProPmed fbe I 4 4 „ • 'the mart to heve premeditate4 awassinatioii ,,States the effect rA the 'led Lis petition as chief leading question system in vogue agemeest ; complete, and c ill be much more satiefee• -11fina Prut''iti°6 °1'.•""e Perr.wh ems thee Attie:en down by Lite hand ol ' Thry were repr his ad`'Pte.d state 'rah military tribunate, we should like -to kalow tory than the ohl method. Altoeetiter tirnied' we"' b" aeee*I2te'l for 'he t** m0m°,0 5( 'be 3'1°3'0 , Amerle'l ne"iret"'• ""th he wee cntru Lis office as he representative o ability, firmness a cola did not blame ft. . Imebe L tatted 'Vie eau. laces ste get no nests whetever., rprechre wRA vti1 Pilfers leeine stneby forbidden to mentero me ieloond which wiw described teeter Ttoyal the ' feces. reeerety made by Mears. Powell and x0(1,, 0,01). ' GoVe7tInent *On't hear of a cMgree, ecd so end vs:dr stabibites1 at the amiumleonvereatioae yell in &II the I 'nee^ " 111.4 1.011" 11.4he S•hertile re•gue• Societe iey Liseriel Beale the other day, zeal. ' Peesitlent w. . 1 . by Lim an cheques made for the different °1"eh 5" ste**i:e'Y ee'e*W4 t° Pee' n 're the improvement could be made.. the improvements eff -cod are such as to 1 menu. tee melee t of which WO ly Great Wrenn theuebt it • p hir° PPeeisilf for 6° There is .flooseuesa aod a waut of colter...! give general setae -ohm. • 1 accounts in dew towel rummer. The t•-} At a melt meetia • ul tee .trizerilan I to stand hy her cirlooiee, Itut that that Cornier Mars le none. tempt peepers, we Lear, are of that hot 1.1y4 shi-te time moo. This ob. t of•lionor , hill of Bunging, news but thoegh ot theca! Jeet.g:eve roseeeeedeetee the power of the et time l••• fr"11 and all! b.. "Po "WY.; one Which vre Were So lately told, and hy ece .-0,10144h du* cateee, et ftre the enlof great 1/14 1113.14.r.ty, wits the inost powerful ./ • ur: for readinc therm at least on this particular • lewd ever exedvt to poetics* sad defines with doing -neither did he North' until re- 1 Ceuneil *clop .41 .1 et suegeetione" The Tette Seeeety. he,d N:er York tee Rev. ! hal gone -by. and these was no le COW about the affeir, ma regards evidence . . . . . . . . • e f t emote, pewee, mem_ he theme et et. c atbervies, IL. W., seirion.1 ••061,1 the "41101 64.•Hte Aug° '" oently-neither does the civilized wurld a • • • I 1.1"e -b•"°11 6!"°1 (a„nat 6'1 s'''' matter of Butte gamin darts. that woe el not warrant aethiiienh. any British jury in hanging • dog, '`aY j burned doe's on Wednesday evenin t• 17th " f wexes .wa r,forrod to court 01. 10 prty for. ••the Oolal".1 Of thriAt's that the. test for c.nninents of du , ensure s ink, and nothieg etertionine reel:Wpm embortin; *IL Cheat. tie of avoidtn vat It was painful to m I head 1.tho..e rums baurte.sfleff.scrid.swi,ittlit ; .L1 ;„. etel,o!re, with .0 Number. Five Pee. at fish moment ! tie:zees 'Corners. near Seeferth, we.," If e w„..1 we, „..1 encieee tn See Jed. tiara hanged te tlfat !Lira vi.e. ire tle h. one te. A nderemev ti Ie. .13 co,det , • , . . .. I " ., a tat t 4. t .1:4 i4SICUt thrOt1 /41 the random of 'be y . ,.i. Cr,' tfttem thoiabind diameters -that in -to lief to one -J•hre . te et. e eet tee de: k PC0ims there der:want 1 emild6 sere inverled. the proper ceurllet*51,14"‘"4" PhPlie'eee 'en* bwrs't an., i* • h :o• l .0-.•11 teteular pa. ianeee one thou...eel five .en rrceivcd 1 (*mile.' uti'Y *" l'flottents of the 4oplet ot l i to withdraw the Britteh vote., ael stieee.the I whis;t:1,.fst wee este enter etintel, wet be s. I It MAO irrunehaely ineiessis our knowletie• iif ' loiedred and seventy tide etelirms ol tunes! Ceram:thee re -lied.' This offi-1ously tilde eteonent of the levadets at 1144iS •ul.irr.able rant.. It wee 1 en 1,1441 exploled to mat part of ihe world:: hiteg bad bee,' given by speeches IA.-tee/red in • legalist., state, presided they coletaih • I ,nagnities" three thiausand .:iameters, with the lietieien. The 31. ver and member of kingdom on ea.th," C-radis a ns titece The pew Presidenee pelicy with refer- nothing of a man who hes held a high' i 1..s& very heavy. No Insurance. liettee Cer ,there s ceeltes bed been dements As to sweetie:deg anjtliin enee to the Seceseion leadere 0 known to pemeem m the mintry *lid who et Fedi. I r - , r, ie cetinatttee. or y charged with complicity f., Tat " Do:Nth 31euor.”-Ily mho. powered to 'gent tome be infinitely more vindictive than that of I reed_ his predweensor, who had the brunt of the in Que 0. ' tiseinoet in another column it sill be seen ' Whitleck. The 311-k..t ! the most horrible crimes of the age. We , struale to bear, in so far as the Ex..ceu- that this steamer is to rtsri'durine the ses• ported that tmo tenders bad . feel confident that the venue will soots be' OTC SW coucerised, arta by 011e of MOIR I h d d• e el ege, e . sen in connection side the G. W. Wy. , f g the 3lui•ket fe * : one fr.; The Constitution " may be elastic ' bar The ..Viwpra took sonte seventy- ! mysterious paradoxes with which ihe I ,, ! .. _-.. ..........,-,- pages of history are crowded, the PeOPfe I enough to admit of hanging Jeffereon five paseengore fur Chicign on Thurediy, I of the United States are alio ring them -1 Davis ou gust giound, States•._ Rights, many ot them nat eh plea and ethere in mires to be educated op to a etanderd of i etc.; to the contrary notwithetanding. e search of remunerative emploYmeut. Austrian cruelty hy Audy Johnsou,while, i at the same time, they laud and magnify The leeemeelmathas Trials. Inc Coertogires Norm -Tee carnet i , tried hens list wee's Were re ar,rested at Stiat i bruataitV or EVIDENCE. ford tiett day by a 0 or4nine it detective,tret The testiniony of the witneeees Welch- there bent; 114 cigar evidence of the,r cum- 1 coin 1 We should not judge too hastily. man and Llnyd enablex we to see the plot p.icity in the Loce Lrie raid alert, they were , but if Presi lent doling -in is infiglible. and in ins growth, ind to identify the princtpal d.scherged. They then tarried about and th.:2d0e0teocati,s;de et :is?. fornaa. isah• I ti., a• d h4e eras ; a charge of treason is fastened upor 3Ir. actors. 1n cowparing their teetiwony :jaded n et, to oule, i Davie ewe ag,ain except proof of complici- with the epecifications and charges, it ts that he seceeeded in. cambia; a few feel i try in th,s asaueinatien plot) *el the met, evident that the Judge Advocate General co., Tert,..„. , i man not become a martyr in the estitna. has relied in'ainly upon it. What these . Poteowee.-Our respected 1.111t14113n, i tion of mankind -will mot the feelerel two eitnesses Blear to makes it clear that ' . . , . • executive fail to justify the ao when it is the central eeene of the conspiracy wee the eamuel I Joe , .sq., puty .. eti , eel train yesterday 'Horning (feat) too lete 1 The gallows loses 1m terrors liouee of Mrs. Sweatt, that elm was a Plied h, on a Viet( tO his native land. lf cratant when a man stands upon the drop feeling , pnrty to the confidential conference ; that application and careful attention• to lePei- erithin himself those principles of morel I Beath, herself, and her eon, Jelin Surratt, rectitude that can elone buoy up the soul Were the actite head/. in plangieg, end Iniffil for 3ears can entitle a pereon fo a under the terrible necessities of popular that ahe other i)vvvon, vd,,, 'as yet appear month* holiday, Mr. P. has Ihirly earned I passion. 1Ve forget the error, which led on the PCCTIO were merely their !tends in hie leave of absence. We wish . him fete I to, and the drop, the dark am:nudes of executing the horrible deeels. Peyne and ' oring winda and a pie:Lath jouruey. , seATE. KEATe.-We cepy th- follow- I \the gibbet and the rope which finiehed Azerott (whom hardihood deserted him at „ . the do= of Robert Emmett, but who can 1 the lent moment) were thole • and the weak ; . ' ino ice/well') , the remotion of a former I e • h P foeget the words of loftiest eloquence that yOuth lleereld;was a goo of page to Booth,' townsman, from the Buffalo Express: - b•tret From his de ing lips. Jeffereon Beta ' to ehow he looked up an a superior being. i .. p11 01 . -Iv 1 waii mii, , i radon If:at li:letit. 11:;. e.l. eays, ot t e 1 1( • ilii 11 tli ilt is only a an. If he is eendemned to die The testimony of Lleyel thews that the I : conepiracy had been mewed for tome ; N. le Cavalry, hal beret proneetekeo the time leeriest) to iti eeecution. Lloyd, Cepteiney of Co. ' 6 ' of thet regiment. Ile who kept a nmaleinn, or barronne at Stir. 1 las lung eeen in cornmeal of a, company rativille, testieee fleet, 01te., iv, 91. fix • ainf should hem hid the rank heron.. Capt. weele prevonsen the segaseination, John Keaya is une of 'lei heat 01 alone° Surratt, Harrold and Azerou vieited hie ti avt*IIERY.-Sotne person or persons house and persuaded him to take charge of end moire two carbines and some am- ectered the bedroom of Mr. Connote., i munition. The circumstance under which they were demanded and the ti.c made of them, ehow that the conspirel was ao fee matured at the time of this vieit and de- , poen, that the conspirators had dietinetly I In a crowded home°, where the comers marked out the route of their escepe our , and goers are rennethue it will be diffi- ' the perpetration cd the minder ; eod tee. cult to futen the theft on the ,proper feet Ilia these precautions had reference ' party. only te Booth an* his man •Frelay, Iler-1 • the mercy, the tnagnaniruity, the forgi,tring mercy that dwelt in and ennobled the soul of " the martyred Abraham Lin- - en the sea will lose but • for his politicel offences, he w years of hie natural life, and whin he isigone his memory will be embalmed in tke 'hearts of thousands of his countrymen, whdsmaY in utter des- , , aeration ariee once more to do or the on t.he field of battle. But it mey be, after all, that mercy will temper the'decision of the tribunal before which the fallen presi. dent is to be tried. For the aiLe of lin. manity, and all that is noble, we Utile. that Andy Johnson of Kenai/tee will not Main his hawk with the Wood of sultan morally and intellect's:elle his superior. ' porter at Sheppard & Strachan's, in lierk•a hotel On Saturday night last and relieved him of mouse $10.00 or 112.0). toid, attest the peculiar prominence of I T it er? nr Ifoof.-00:_rhursday ntzht IVHERE!ta TI11-1 1E% 11/ENCE I liooth and the Surretts in the early eteges. last some evil cli.polei pereon entered the id' the crime. 11•14 were the tea:Ames 401 pretniees of Mr. Dente! Wilton, fith eon. wore tbatt Urn? Breete,t, it wire intended ' Ooierich Towneltip, and etole therefrom diet wily Rooth' and hie attend int ehoild twine ty thet route. In tl.pcsaing these ten A wee of fireeel las wool, whieh had arms Jolla le:ileum we. eeideetly th,re as been left oet on the grafts, 14 8 tual arnengst the attempted :Amain of S. eretiry Sew- • supervisor to see that the arrangement tamers Such eases or rascality are rare ard to trial before a military tribunal to quiet rurel rifts, mid we hops Cle Pal reliably mete and the iw • t .0.8, liar- ht ihe thee:elusion of the reemenized legn1 00.111 A, 11.84 jr on ,o,„4.1,ut bee, 1 e, of h reed and Aserrat were with hini in or.ier '1 guilty' person in this erre will le brongl,t bat tits attempt to conduct the examina• brre the cso-Yosunituation of tb°0" erithte,41Bran Ir-th to epeed y retribut ion._ .4. .. boos with clotted doors 00olill/04 be brook- matht still here an attend:oh of hill Lght, FATAL AcciDeliE. -Oti Itourday 13114 ad. The papers, erer on the 2,i rie,..em. acquainted with tee be:settee_ John ma Mr. Ilobert Ardieson, jr., 4)4 finderich witything senturtionsl or interesting, loudly !is it rhren t.t intended to be away at tbe time Tee/ethic, was drawing n !eel of wood demsaded that their reporters (should 14 01 „ tee: rukti I Y w IA. n a the pecwiar care taken kr niut of the biteh with his huh boy, an admitted. After • groat deal of quibbling the safety of Rooth, end the chief 01E0 "Iteees6°Il chil'i of three 3 °ere 0' are heti shirking this wee coneeded, and the ha. =at linen had in getting tie the plot, sitting beside him 'on the waggon, the "WM will now have the " astounding evi- that Mts. Se went twice to Inok atter hots," enah fmght and ran away. Mr. the earhatim ha tho week of the aretessina- Aetinsoo fell off and waa drageed monies dame " whisk it was assartea not long mass. mum assainaa tba woad „ha, j cf. onelk os ?timidly or Tuesday to gief notice disease* by the lint*, bat the poor child that they would *noel ea wanted and &gain Defill VW illiPikated jot eh• Piee. Ile 8:1* ou the very day of the mureler 'to eee 1 h It ••• Itionelibeellontpt:tiinfg'owylt:thhieist thhfa thsevefalisi.. mai Mtn ta deny, (if there were groends they were in feedlot** tor instnediete de- or the 81110.41eing, that Barran, Atzaeot, see every. The other pereene who were to ed father could lot ety This authorities of the United Settee look mane directly eppeted to publie opinion when they deeided to bring tue alleged R1101111Lifill of President hineoln and • th s Pioviace is•in error. Tt... not delletet te foretel the cetertruction weirls 1/r. Wtition, athotnueopathic physi• 1..1. h .• , tee inwer criRi•isimb Kn.! 111s1 even our Mr. Mark 1 eona,„e„ Li„;,in.,14oulti he pat eihroad wed treeeeees ref th addressed- a idler to the 1,indon M•rning tr.. it 01,1 1.10 11 I mato combustion of oeople 1408/ ir0044y se leitly $375.f.:0 end 0:11 .11 . f .2 1 *AO " 00 .1 ' .1, 411 Or , , an mous cn ine is *het that Er Mr. S.oan Accepted. Movli el by Mr. 31eKay, seconded by Mr. are ! • ton, Thet the report be confirmed. . flays cbjected th tt there was a char,oe underhaud dealing in the manner of ten - denier, and uid It would be tett to let the I f • b 11' lic cron •ition The Cuenca thought it sould be WEI to adopt the comp iitiec plan in future, but decided againet 3Ir. Hies' amenlment and passed the motion. After snine cent...re:860a with reference to the indeleednees or the NoethernOravel Road Company to: the town,. the Council adjeurned uthil the lest Friday in June, unless sooner celled together by the Meyor. • shortly from the preex of 3Ir. Lovell, Mon- treal, the object being " to extablish a first clots literary weekly, which will furnish entertaining and instructive read- ing to all classes, to tbe ezelusion, it is loped, of the cheap American literature at present so widely circuleted in this Pro- viece." One of its publishers is Mr.. Cunha, the publisher of tne Trade 1?,. view, and we can only hope that lie will he as sucee.eful with the new aerial as hc - hail been wIth the old. Tn• BACKWARD SISSON B11.04 Qetste,-- The Altneres has letter from Itimmullti. stating that great distress prevails M that • reeion, eetrig to the acerePy cif fodder. - There is much mow remaining in mid _ Tire NATC1IDAY (his is the title of a new publiestion to be i5.sued •h I .1 ' kin I It woad be A thoi tame the with- oo net Itessire rye:emir. lio see. i. r. A rd eshi:e.11 ,saymtbstiestedei r 1 , bee", t• we„te ,eipiefy ce„, te this oelitroe witted be so to dem /TM' all!! •‘ Let eel,. the a. lion of ars..hic and VAT fo.C. 4..41 cr. •n Or, an,tou.... be , weirel he dada to rcece eulnerabe t Ger ehtitraCterilitir peon of the erevet • ,,f mt.% in 44 41 lif..11,111 'tqf vrit,e troote „eerie whe were it-senie• ity,•' he ear . ••ers raov'n t be e 1••-• items to 110•Ii-o;;;;;.ts -t.Tood from retire. one of the moat Li;tratiodril and A")i.'" fir fit"' aod 14.i the beit 1'4" feeert aneeltrillinelY Slam. sled P' • •uu'il b.! In leave CiLneds to its 'W. It rots • Out fear of csoltractiLtioe, that, fro:ii A.L 14, not by .ao, !wattle/evil • pooev t tat this we as yet kn ,te of spec:tie dreg setere, there great empire had home hooded, nor oil Iss ; is remerlr, eleeet arsenic, the ant, Ihe ara tard at -c- alico ia think teat stre eneerhos tended t coeietent • ,noterio tn.dtos. that heinnenetee st. per eoneidereble impedance to the coesumer who , am 'h. re• who,:n nishong to practIce (regality, governinent foot his seat ti. the United th, tte. feet rea.e stew", th patriut.c men ef the age. littd ahem. "Ceiniee events cast thei'r shedowe Barine the menth or Janua y. ff,rentt Dotes, of elta.iooppi, ahdh,d to+ r.„,,, a -friend', undoisteudieg the 1 . stetet• ,1•.etiy eels the minedweetes 04 the Kussiun stud .0 teireitely ; 4ntuttriately, there. Stat arm e• Johan in the f 4'1'00W dent 'ef the •ts a teanor, Eiernal bane eun'has the pO exectelon. and th i•ot !On, 11 ts.,ce t uttetwnee1 ot the Men eels pulembed th interest cif kie admit. sti anion. ' demise threes., see i do the idea that bet -sues Senate, and fires Mowed the teem,. .t laitionar le ...carets of hi.; an *titre is ;ow in price it Mat necessarily ur."" " b".. A riii"4 trw° 'the. tne.t.:::ii:fiainefrtnien;Inity iuerlatiVt7shanifeb.t"b:41.'ess'Znie Abner. de cheep. 'I e insult of tin, ill I deemed of the.speeker, Aedrew Johimon, a rtv in the :soars who had aot thee deem, 1 The Detroit Trihtlid &Ilya J011.4111 a,„j keep pace nab th, win', h,, etas andailman shaking his finger ii.t such eperrehes mrerigthen. d the bands eit upon the manufacturer lor lo. priced goode, 'ele'"neri "if "40 Pr's' InPtleritioning the Edited Smote Guvernment !1)"1"11"'• 6 Ini."666.6'"il the "'API"! "4 145 tostetnere, intr.° lutes int,r his were', *hen 7flite.1 States I would &nest you • ee, London, C. W. Pieeb-ytery, writes LI that he revert. at least in d tf et/muted, I wou'd, b; the dn. mt. to hen whew career hadi bt„,„,; ,u; tie umthle to find the Ines. tit whereebouts rd "ttnh: d° I:. h.' :is, ol tno. ooby,b1ht:orartor:el,:o'uld h ad tehli ficalty ffis arisen leetween howend • Cathelic has sister CI, mance. It tweets het moue dit m ! priestst Satillw.cb, and on the lith inst., this in. (cTinnstarY.::),:re'141,;76".1..1.:n!,,,,,17,„ei,",•"'eal /1,40er was hroughTtelore Juetiee Fat:horn, the grossed ii not thawed yet sigh lently fer the g;aas lo grow. The tattle ha.e to hq! eept told fed in the stables, old strew and hey which hod bee,* thrown away being now screped theether for friod. Moist or Vie ant• male can scarcely stand on their legit frib.: weakness. Al the parish of Rhouiereente moue, over • thousand head of ethic hew, The back already died from starvation. waidnese of the season is altogether unpreee• flamed, apd is considered a calamity which ei,1 entail meek lot aoLl auffet Axo-tnea " fettle" Arreta.-A report lot tem cireulotlon ie Quebec, oe Moeda), that tne steemship Peritmes, whIch left here Oa SR141,day lilat. wnold overlien'ed by an Amerman gunhoet, by oreer of the Wieshiee. ton Government, to *nerds for two et:et:tern retugerA oho vok paesege on her, and that they stoweel be al rentetl and uthen hem on hoard, of coarse the throw RAI ton sil.y fir belief. exce.itarrineget the rano ereduloui. la the first piece a Breech 'owe is 8111.11111 ierrit try ; and Wenn fly, Cape ItIr0 m a portion .1 the Britteh Empire. To violate On. Of The other 1•010•1 &Mb, lea,1 in a diffieuity greeter at this_ juncture than *het winch 6,0110 Out of the Terra affalr, and Altericen Government are not renters open saeh an enterprise. If the pententrostei Meredith.* reiedrot ars hs any way imp Wetted in the mearaination plot, road if sufficient dridenee to that easel csa ne moven, their f.Scif aro o,o1 rend,' ow in the eery heart of Leaden is jun as safe as on tented an er- mined eeseel.-Agmbee News, 14th. • - Btu. tv Dr aiss,-Dunkin hid iltdimuod.11.,intee h.e elejltiwernelost; U 0 tined, on: POItle 80 though a woith *bile troubleig yes the ma or, and ont of this SO there wern 51 enters ro led reeeinst his hill. The poll closed the t day on eecount of half an h3ur hoeing toie with wit a rote bovine oliered. Mr. homas_ Ballingall acted OA Returning offieer Some . fon took place during the voting, but eri•• thing WU carried on in the greatest humor.--(Gelt Reporter, Serious Affray In the Indian Reserve. On Tuesday evening last, en oceurreecen took piece in the Indies Reserve which ihi corned to have • fetal termteation. War - tante bed been award against , desperete 'character named Hicks, alias Davis and others. and being Weer& in the hands of Ra Indian Constable named Doxetator, that 01 ficial wert out to execute his orders. Wa8 met he his man iti • ferocious manner, mid ernetwehre, eer lam preparations calculated to Ride the f11111100Pill ef the produrts he RI *hue ce;leil upon to eupply. 'This system of 'drew'. mg and finishing,' at it as celled, is mortised at the present ti to a :pester extent than wing to the enormous that the • nage sheltie he' hoisted half telistl be,r°,?". •ho!" 51'! "1,4•4 'hit the Pri'•11 :Aerraritteewi4n1 thef0", of cotton rit date year'. power to indite.' her high at telt the military is,:astio::, were general demonstiati.the id ethical./ Itar:drolhtt'er‘,,.114fitali:::114.-:7adletnra'hnilKi-dmau(1:8":'r'l of it, hi:rause, as .Nr artfully 111ed with •me or other of such Ileur, chera diet, etc., and are generally so bhisother) birth in the con: I he commonest alicees are ' dressed ' with atnnn: the Coned ans. ' preparilions as to Ire very deceptive' to the ""n"11111w" bY esnvia h" l'een.much I illiFetlaallurtRi.i'al4.11.11.7.:4i'ln.rildeuhthe%ntly; brio If:act:Tit ICY h luerfetht. -he that his aiitel had enezperiented eye. IA hen, however, sueta sirpteriated, rend it OM senor censolatien tfl eeme to !hermit hut he is unable to find aey a dremed (*.brie come, to be washed, Ma find that the eymnathi.e of the whole Alq1c, vnee of hee, which toes re* to eery unplea ceitert, eiesppeere, looming • entre fine finish.* as it is not ;Infrequently S:111lOn rare were called fie th by this melon . sont mispici /111 of the meens that may hate ett'oly et ent. fle minced at this wide spread eipremioneof sympathy, not only because as bed, used to restrain her of her itherly. • A and lootely *oven texture in thie".hafft:thilaerblable' an Englohrnan he eel tire hi:U(41056m upon the feleed.hie and alliattee of the U. States, °!!0""Y 4"Y "fi6165"6" (6""f"161g h" 'thick eneneh for bid sticking purposes. The will cent•r a f,ator upon le.r..brother by-adny. the water in which it was soaked is almost and thought thet mit between the two clue finest • makes,' on the contrary. contain 4 ier W01101 b,1diseetrous, but beceuse heehrell 4f56165)/ linnt (-•ha!bant. U. W • scarcely any ' powder,' and should tweet himself received en mech kindness at the ah in /street Railway Incident. - eppear any the worm for it good awaking in the erashtub. In order to mcertein to what haanpismo,flAh.entehr:eaci:.ladminnh:.41,,meit in.esiosmk i.,,ty , extent a plain. mile° is ' tihigned,' we have the national character whieh WWI worthy of 2htisda;Phith ad" 4", but to rub e small portion of the pieee to be A despatch from 1 morning of the I eth, a to the kneeing t irinr. rest in the welfare and happineas of the, 10;1, bleach hand ; this ' makes the powder fie,' etteet :-" Lem nician4 • colnr .1 ma.) t tested sharpely between the finger slid thumb t pcoide. A4 to the civli war, mei-Ile:a Imo (Pier tercet paaseneer der, anr1 retured 1 51 the sfshotit,s,,,„ woe ,,,,y. lei, t,,, or 0," a* it IT• h 4 he, , had 4 ail entreaties to leave the cite, where his lief the great qualtios of individuals preemies appeared to be nnt desired. The 'ninr'bno4th ides; and it mum be a source ot eoieltictor of the cola fearful of being fined heartfelt threw-4We le see an end ot ahir. for ejecting him, as was done by the judges teetitution Inch had bed' a Route. or injury. of on, of our courts in a similar Me, ran the le the white e''• "hil. it I'd dal"' saed *4" ear off the 'reek, detached the bootee, and degraded the hi cif popillinion. Nobody sup. I mft the colered man to neeeey the car by eneed thet th wairaw.„,althliti,n,d„,,,71k1570,tyn, !ni,),e, himself. The eolore I man still firmly main first iustariee for h tains his pesition in the ear, having spero the dared to make any Arrests. l'he conetab!.., nobody could doub iwerer grized !links, whereupon he . ed upon, and weunded the hand. Ile 11 str. 11 oo wit in keepini with • whole of the night there. The conductor ins oil! eotee 001 of „ nibbing ; looks the part he enacted in the allai, ir.the:alite.ni,ty„,,n,thatht v nor the honor f as 4plendid piece of at, elegy. The matter theellek .411 °PP"' c!""If woven together .creeeled te, he gave master Ilickaat eharge himself ens firmed with a diethe.harrell.d VP*, ailA tem 'het the use of theerms stole ' .itenailtco.nr,w1 f.orr.ints„secg,uiviet n modereho 'te't cl!.;lont Ahmed be deo. . cremes (mite • sensation in the neighborhood where the ear is "meeting, and crowds ei arated 11144 01 1111th thread w.:1111 tphereroehnutn: a single thread drawn out will sympathizers flock around , than 'map when pulled asunder, ind the sea- m an; frreien Power. Ttten tho celorgd Meat mar ippear.,,,., while the whole peed) will A she* in tee fleshydpatt,.rt of his,. nkcther wits tevouralile tone for defence, for .0 commonest quality a large quantity of ' dress' will he extraeterl, and we shall mos see that th• thread, are'reft. NA far epart es those itt sieve, coming each other unevenly, and pieces, going off AA It were, at tartrate, • I hen, 1(.0 were draw out a innate thread sad poll it seunder, it will he found to break with a snapping snund. lf, on the contrary the calico is • good one, namely any h draw hero de oat r d eneldteeratourt it loth= tieing Miele to ehe Inis hod the &mire e et. le wee iv, C001 , Iola s.eure The Londion'tliewerage. he lent and itimmic to the mech.-Morwee's ..heree of &rung unde r the influence of peek; Weekly. wns brought to town 1110 Seale evening. and is _too. now in gaol slowly weltering from .the and Ise hoped the Cansdlan dele ay. who g The greatest and ilmnst heneficial syStani SrIDFRA AT 11.4111.-A friend ot mine, who ..;f 014 of hi, mr‘wwwfm. Other etur. "re "°• 1,4r0 *".144 11P06 00100" mesirers;z• so the world its that which has was in Austialie some yeark imformed etc ha ro. tool; toe; ...re 0000,,dad avant jo;._ home, 1101`1,14,1 in impressing their cereit-y test heen pertially completeri in Lnndon, *1 eyed to deetroy •11 the large tenders he found Brantford Espalier a rrot 01 %went! .1111 tent of dollen. only mee with the almolute reseemay of en-operat in r with this eeentryen the great work ...I' , piecing the defenee :if Canada, troth with TIIR Dorset? 1:0NVIDI rine. -Seeaking Ot ••zerel to men and works, in • satisfactory Conveetion, th• paa°005* poeition. Ile desired to risk whether neg., pestered. Since this 1 hare told many penple reys 1-111 re certainty of ova ,imoorisote 5, and noneduets estendled .hundreds of miles t allow the spider • lotsatioa in their dwell- eeet 11 tee t mit, • revival cf hes.nas cense.. 'I1 P'"1"),•1 h'15"n 11°' under the ray, ham hems enostitieted, *rid ley legs is paces wheee the eye is not offended mercy I it -erne -tent ilea the grivernment iri new ,,,,,hinpry Lhim impurld.s of the greet .by the si,ght id their webs. I trilkoir *him 10001 •P"• ""Pl'a_rvounn "4, thli re''_;1":" Caned's, no the subject of the defter". ef eity, am entiveyed teetve mites helow and pliirn Faillnif. and me house in free from ether ne RI hand, and *own th• ,olances '"" and, if whether rater the negr- ed on the top or'refiex ethe tide, in 1011P11111 on'y two hoot were tound in my rem tmo Artish 111R Themes embankment in order to dovetail'attei improve the p!an.- hoinente reeervoint weaning scores of scree, tea house, until he descovered the nee* of one oi thera lffirrountted hy the remains of sit ad Mtg., wah h the house ores smile equi.try. relieved from the aeprehenaion god doubt v'thich hove bun{ about the stabeity I „et. ., to tit e, te„,a he tetd hea„,,, pe-atr" . nations hi.d hese unleaded, the paps.. pmce of being detrital in and lioatitsg upward home the past twelve mnnths on bedclothes, of IMF Unites, nye wregeling upwaoi. The --JP' - - '-- s. and downward as heretofore, inereptinr entre in credees of &enjoins ; these two I tome lot discussint, ale wee ehosen, end see 1 “‘"t. • ' everythmg mid tsieting tbe ear. The work'. purpose to bare bees hrought (ran platted know ol tio city more deem interested in . Kiri Dli ()REY enite agreed with hia noble ara .• hf•stia star/Polly gigantie to anneipme .0 emesement whites had been preetossly them th . I the,. Retain those alreedy freeel in hie estarnste of the importance of the Wants of severe) additional milli•rns tn the visited.-- 71towirm W. Hrntrn. odrofvd t.i, it wi I be (*.revved that " eom• this question. and for that my remelts he alraap 'n'°46661 P6B51515)^ of L'6"t'n' metrication oi transit tom the West to the mutt mit itl be Plosive! for his inability to .eahmied" is inciude1,.toieuter with '. the reply in detail. Certain memhers of the starting the home steam engines for purtMing The riot* of Widest opened the wore. toy (le ratty two head of sheep seem stoles fruit Aft. L. le Ijecoln. in Bethany Gatos. emproml trade hole...ft the United States Canadian government hest recent,' 0„,„5 1„ seweregek t large number of fashinnahle Genesee County, on Sunday evesine. The aid the British Protenees." this :restore for the anthem of eiscossing with and scientific agreeing were virment sad gave floek wan followed, end two nf the threw Flat. Majeety's government various questions el", to tb• eeeeeioe. thieves' tre-e arrested whilst drivtag the sheep Irl*Prea•W•I l'inenk• lita Wuh!"1""), .emineeted *Oh the admituatestton of' the toward* [Intake IRISR.P.11* and jseim,"ti *Ks • Northern Province,* anti the defence of those Mr. Rates deism! martial luw a* ft., 1.:r Notwithstanding then progress in lodge at los home in gprmyfiell. ateretinet had engitged the attention ef Par filet, Ill lila 401 ?ham it. ther British CnIunthia or Vanermeer titaeler Matted. WY • esember of tbe prnetneee gn,1 of in porticos,. Those law at ell. Mr. RUMOR reactant's it. in .f. 014/1101111.104111. there • TIO eireenomill