HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-02-10, Page 9See,us for
safe, 'dependable
We'vegot a complete line of
Ooodyear tiros. in a wide
fange of prices. Ask .ns about
the famou$ All -Nylon Super- ..;
5I f
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•Check with
Riverside Poultry Co.
. to, make eure yon are receiving 'TorPRICES! foe
your Uve pouitry befori seUing b $199/rigr
London ar How*
, 0,40000 l . , pe4;04444
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4.$$$$ .. .. 41$ X$441 ss $ tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt t P.1441
• ANIRkilEOPlEt11114
DAY 91
acne in tin e
Now .1 lay me down to snore
Insured by several. thousand more.
If 1 should die before I wake
,My wife:would get her' first real bre*.
But should I live for twenty years
My wife and I would shed no tears,
But we'd retire,"fish and rest
Back come our bucks with interest.
'When aged, we will keep our house
Not go to live with daughter's spouse.
,We're.thankful for the great endurance
Of th4 man who sold us life insurance.
Office 24
Res 162
W. Herman Hodgson
"The Insurance Man"
000000000000 e oo e 000 ten 00000 it 000000000 000000 00000 oesselezettivitel ttttt I ttttt liti t e t exinizett tttt e ttt
Remember. Your Male
With A Glit Of Quality ,
Clothes .From Wolper's
Valentine Special!
201:Yo Off Dressing Gowns.
.A Deluxe Valentine OW Bargain!
Saville -Row Suit Sole .Continues
Report On.
Grand Bend.
Personal Items
Greenway .Orange Lodge
No. 919 hoe. planned a euchre
'PertY and box SiOctal In the town
hall at Grand Hen4 on February
14 At 8.30 p.M. •
ROY. .1$11 4M. IrWin, padre of Ip
perwesh 1411itarY Camp Will be
showing pictures en Japan •and
Korea at the evening service irk
tbe United Church on SUndaY,'
Fequary 18. Rev, Irwin will also
speak to the Mens l3rotherlIond
of the United Church On Tuesday
eVeniag, February 10,
little Larry Kowalchuk, grand-
son Of Mr. and Ws, Wellwood
Gill, is a Patient in South Huron'
Hospital with A throat infection.
Mr. and Mrs, John Newalchuk,
Exeter visited with. VD'S, NOwal-,.
clkult'a parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wel-
WedneSday evening, Allan,
Philo and IQrahara Farquhar were
invested in the •13rry Scouts and
received their scarves. After -the
presentation the boys were en-
tertained by their leader, Mr.
Edward Stephens to refreshments
at Mr, Glen IDesjardine's,'
Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Desjar-
dine and Mr. and Mrs. Orval Ear -
r11 spent Friday in Stratford.
Mr. Douglas Gill: has purchased
the house formerly owned by Mrs.
Serail 'Hamilton,. and occupied by
Mr. Richard Hamilton.
Several army families .have
ta1ken up residence in town dur-
ing the past few weeks.
Miss Sheila Finan , London,
,visited -the parental home on Fri-
day and Saturday of last week.
OSLM Donald Loveson of bfr.
and Mrs: Ross Love, 'Is home on
leave for two weeks: Donald has
been stationed. at Cornwallis, tN.S,
but on his return will be station'.
ed at Stadaeona, NS.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett and
Al. of Hensel! spent Thursday
with Mrs. Corbett's parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Albert 'Moron&
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Turnbull
left on Sunday for a few weeks'
visit in Tampa, Florida. -
Mr. and Mrs. John Riddoch
and Douglas of Sarnia spent the
weekend with Mrs. Riddoch's
mother and grandmother, Mrs;
Mae Holt and Mrs. Geromette.
Mrs. Thomas Desjardine held
a quilting at her home on Tues-
day when the ladies of the Church
of God quilted a missionary
Mr, and Mrs. Don Hendricks
and Mrs. Eddie Gill spent Satur-
day in London.
We are sorry to reort that Miss
Doreen Baker is a patient in Vic-
toria Hospital, having undergone
an operation for appendicitis on
Mr. and Mrs. LOSSUIll Dealer -
dine, Ian, Miss Fide Kiefer of
'Exeter and .Mr, and Mrs, Merton
Desjardine and daughter were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Byron Desiardine,
Mr, and Mrs. Ira Stebbins left
on. Sunday for a few weeks' trip
to Tampa, Florida..
Mr. Ozzie Odbert .of London
spent the weekend With Mr. Dahl
Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson Of
Parkhill visited with Mr, and Mrs.
W. S. Holt on Wednesday. '
Miss Darlene Desjardine sPe4
a few days last week with her
sister and brother-in-law Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Smith in Exeter.
Mrs. Gladys Scott, Mr..and Mrs.
Donald Scott, Mr. Warren Pat-
terson and son Gary, were guests
on the weekend with Mrs. Wm.
Mr. end Mrs. Alvin Bossen-
berry) Mrs. Myrtle liossemberry,
and Miss Agnes Campbell of Det-
roit left on Wednesday for a two
weeks' trip to Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. .Wm, Desjardine,
Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Sheritt,
and Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Mc-
Gregor spent iSUnday with Mr,
and Mrs, AleX. Sparks in Bay-
Mr. and Mrs. Roy ,Beratoa of
Detroit spent the weekend with
Miss•bfary Yeo.
34r, and Mrs: Thomas Desjar-
dine, Grace, Mr. and Mrs. Verne
Miley and Jean spent Saturday.
in London.
4.00.004-0•40,••••••.0.0.0.,,0•04.0,....04•0‘nop•4 •:.04•40.
Message From
Kippers -
P'ersonal Items
Windor left the
village this week for a holiday
in Merry Florida.
Mr, and Mrs. Henry Gaekstet-
ter, Katherine and Henry, of neat
Keneall, 'visited on Sunday eve-
ning with Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Clack-
Mr. Arthur Andersen vas able
to be in the *village last week
after several weeks of Illness.
Miss Marion Thomson, Claude-
boye, spent the vlreekencl with lier
Parents, Mr. and Mrs. S, N. Thoni-
Mr. and Mrs. Reith Westlake
and Elaine, of Zurich Visited halt
Week with Mr, and Mrs. A, Csek-
1VEiss 'Merle Rickert, of London,
spent the weekend with her par-
ents, 1Vir. and 1VIrs, Norman
Mr. and Mrs. A. Persona' Visit-
ed on Monday With the former's
father, Mr. Robert ?argon.%
South Huron Hospital, Exeter.
Mt, John �t and Mr.
James Porretit visited on Monday
with Air, JOhn. Forrest itt
Protheses House In Exeter
Mrs. Prank Rince, 64 Cromarty
has purchased the rod brick dwel-
ling On the corner of Huron, and
Andrew street formerly Occupied
by Mr. George Wright, The Bruce
farm Of 200 acres has been pup.
chased by Mr. Wyneltel, Alt etre-
Belt sale of the farm ettick and
effects WAS held recently.
fire :,Destroys- Home.
.0., Farmer
'The brick farm home of en his record player.
Hari)! Veil .0.A0b, was deetroied Mrs., B. 'Wenzel presided. tor
by fire in the. early hours of Pri. the IMO/less. Plans were made
day morning. it AVIAN in A for World 1Serviee Hay 40.4 for
woodshed at the rear or the the World DAY' ot Prayer iteing
in the UnitedChurch on
The fire w*a :first sighted .February 24.
a 'neighbor, Allan pinhbelner, The •February meeting of -eredi.
shortly after midnight, Mama ton Women's institute will '00
were sent out and neighborgi to. held in the, CominunitY Centre en
gather :wail residents and fire. Wednesday 'evening, February
.fighting ,brigalles from CreditonThity ,will hold a euchre party on
and Dashwood, responded, but FridaY evening,
were unable t.0 halt thalbinse. •
Personal ORDIS
'Furtsitgre and clothing in the --
front portien of the house Were -10-r4 Samuel Wein, who ...sari;
15041VaRN eaTitents of the feed A stroke at his home lea
week, is a patient in South
rear rooms were desitrOyed,
Mr. And Mrs. Van Oseb. arrived HoRitel.
Mrs. Adeline Treitz, a former
here, from Holland less than one
resident ,Creditea, now of De -
from Joseph Finkbeiner.They
have One child, horn One Month
ago, and are living' at UreSent
with relatives.
World Service Day
World Service Day was ob-
served in the Evangelical Church
on Sunday 'with W,S,W,S. great -
dent, Mrs. E. Wenzel, presiding
at both services, Rev, E. N. Mohr
gave a fitting address at the
morning service and in the eve -
ging, the moving picture, "WO
Beheld His 41Iory," was shown in
full color 'to a large audienee-
Mrs, A. Geiser and Mrs, L. Hey
favored with a vocal duet,
W.S.-WS. And Ladies Aid,
Mrs. Joseph Finkbeiner was
hostess for the meetiim of the
W.S.W.S. and L,A. of' the Evan-
gelical Ohurch at her horoe on
Thursday evening,
Mrs, H. Schenk was in Charge
of the devotional period and Mrs.
Clara iDejong read the scripture.
Mrs. Ed Hendrick and 1Virs, M.
Feist rev"lewed the Study book
and Rev. Mohr played selections
Local Mutual
Elects Feeney
The seventy-ninth annual meet-
ing of the Usborne & Hibbert
Mutual Fire Insurance -Co, was
held at Farquhar on Monday ,with
a fair attendance of meinlbers.
• In his address, .President Wil-
liam A. Hamilton, •reviewed the
1954 operations which resulted
in net increase in surplus ,of $14,-
714.68, bringing the surplus fund
to" $158,468.09.
Loss experience in 1954 was
generally favourable and the flat
rate ei 15 cents was unchanged.
Wm. A. Hamilton and Milton
McCurdy were re-elected 'Direct-
ors for three-year term and Newt-
on G. Clarke and Allan 1ViacDoug-
ald were appointed auditors.
A resolution was passed that
the company engage the servi.es
of a fully qualified electrician as
inspector of fire hazards.
Following the general meeting,
Martin Feeney was •elected predi-
dent and E. Clayton 'Colquhoun
Vice-president. A. Fraser was re-
appointed secretary -treasurer.
New Citizens
Win Papers
Auleps. the .2.9 aleopte--Aaggeet
group on record—to .receive. their
Canadian citizenship, papers gt a
special session of V011ntY eonrt
at Onderich last week were
number of diatrict. r.esidepts.
Huron's new lndge, Frank
ringiamd, administered the oathe
of allegianco—his first perform.'
4400 01 .this duty.
Majority of these. receiving
certificates, 44 persona, were from
Poland. Thirteen were 'from the
Netherlands,. one. from Turhey.
Judge pingland recommended
for citizenship 12 others who had
filed petitions, They .naust wait
for final approval from Ottawa.
Among those presented with
citizenship were: Klaas van Wier -
en,. Richard Bog,aert; of the
4i:strict; Alexander I
troit, is a, patient in 'WV-
RE/CO.0n k id 105eter• . 4 and Cover-
Hospital, Detroit. , owe
dine. M. Flikweert, ,Hiritton; An -
Little Julie schenh, 61 drew lileturaaer4 Kay Township.
ter, is visiting with her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo
Miss Maleete, Schenk, of Exeter,
spent a few days lest week with
Mr. and Mrs. H. Schenk.
Special Week
Assists Blind
"Concentrate on the powers the
Blind have left, not the visio11
they have lost" advised APS. W.
El. Bending, president of the Can-
adian Council 01 the +Blind, or in
the words of White Cane Week,
February 6 to 12 "Put the accent
on ability, not disability."
The white ,Cane signifies the
desire of blind men and women
for independence and social re-
sponsibility. On the street, ^with
the white cane to guide them,
they can frequently travel alone.
Their freedom, however, is con-
ditional to some extent upon the
courtesy of sighted people. The
white cane becomes a silent ap-
peal for friendly assistance in
crossing busy streets or in re
gaining a sense of direction which
has been temporarily lost.
Not only in his travels but in
his everyday activity the blind
person is striving toward inde-
pendence. Blind people have en-
tered almost every field of em-
ployment and have been $11CCGS-
sful. Through the C.N.I.B. nearly
1,300 blind people were employ-
ed in Canada last year.
Assistance to .the carries of the
white cane has grown tremendous-
ly since the first white cane week
In 1946. However there are still
many Canadians who, though
friendly by nature, are at a lost
to know what to say to a blind
person or how to go about of-
fering aid. To anyone who would
like to help, says: "Let
the white cane introduce you.
Remember the blind cannot see
you. The first' move is up to
The ptarmigan, a species of
grouse, is the only game bird
that remains in Canada's far
north through the winter.
Recommended for citizenship
were: Edward and Albertha
Weeejes and Mary Podolan, of
Kirkton; 'Harm van Wieren, R.R.
1, Bengali.
An old Indian took his Watch
to be repaired, When the jeweler
took the hack off, a dead ibug tell
The Indian, astonished, ex-
claimed, "Ugh! . No wonder
watch stopped , engineer
1.14WHIt$14440011A1144#444111140144111§Mtt$19.314$rtt$414,ifilifitISIXWAttt91040401061440$40144411100044.1411409411....4444 ,
- Phone 181 LTD. Exeter 1
'White Elephant ".
• ..See Our Table Oi
064 & Erds
••• Of Hardware
To 40C10 Off
tt ttt tt esti tt ae ttttttttt mem; ttttttttttttttttttt tt tt t s ttt ttttt $11111,1111Witlittl0110ffillifillfil ttt t AMMO.
with new"Printed"Robot Chassis
* Full 270 sq. in. picture! 20%
bigger than other 21". Aluminized
screen for twice the brightness.
* 18 tube, Transformer An:mated
chassis, with "Printed" Circuit.
sfir All -Screen cabinet, 3" less in
depth, 3" less top to bottom,
Side mounted Control knobs.
The Conquest Model 12302XZ
See It Today At .
Sliahtly.kigher In ail.wood cabinet'
• QUAll.rrY 1rFA fit? PR/C6.5
040, *4.'4 44, 4.4wt,"....;tV1"5,",`"""7:7::::*—••
When you want to Go
-You're gonna Go I
No ifs, ands or buts aboutit.
When you give the gun to a 1955 Buick with Dynaflow Drive*,
• you move.
In the instant you laugh down the p▪ edal, you get the action you've
called for—immediate getaway from a standing start, or immediate
safety -surge out of a tight,spot on the highway.
US not magic, this thrilling.and pulse -quickening response—'though
it feels like the closest thing to
WS a principle of the modern airplane, brought for the first tithe to
AA automotive transmiStiOn.
Twenty "variable pitch propellers" inside the Dynaflow unit itself
tan change their angle.-41kt the propeller of the airliner can change
its pitch from take -off position to cruising position.
And .what this brings to you—at the wheel of a '55 Buick—is the
nearest thing to flight on wheels. Ear better gas mileage in your
normal driving ad cruising, Spectacular response when you wantit
for'quick getaway or emergency acceleration.
But ali this, mind you, with the .ahobad smoothness that is constant
in Dynallow Drive.
&ire*: a tlemonstratikt of Variable Pitch Dynaflow is a Buck
iikuse this year, We'll be happy to do the honors --and show you,
In the doing, what t whale of a buy you make here. Drop in this
week, won't you?
*Dynallow brise is stented on Rosteinailer, opliondi al 4xIra rest on other Serie.
• 1,
• BOW New Styling
• New ColopToned Inferiors
• Wicle-RooM Comfell
• Complete 44stries
Price Range
• Variable Pitch Dyne/low
• Highest ink Horsepower:I
in Buick history •
• Advanced
Million Dollar Ride
....0.4t4 sot most aterkelt as Standard or
arrira-tost *Wont
Sat Power,Etseting
auleis Air -Suspended Power artikee
Siretric-Porvered, 4 -Way Front teat
,Window Lifts and Radio Antenna
*origins, Speederinsier
Tinted Safety Glass
Divided Rear Seat in Estate Wagons
two -Tone and tri-Tonelitterirres
341,, Choices in Convertible tops
Duall-Unit Hewing
Wire Wheels
FailAcinge Akconditioner
or the year
Sales Representative: Broderick Bros., Exeter