HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-01-27, Page 110 A 1• z :t A 1 r • to -1 A, • 1 it THE TIMESAOIVOCATE, EXETER; ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, .JANUARY 27 .1 e: "Awsi m A444 V4MlllM9.ulannu.uulPN.u.na.l,alma}la.lmlln.As.upwompAfinsolsomm4444m4Aummoup.A4!Wq l H.1 CORNISH & C' . I CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. .H..1::' Cornish, 14, --F, ,Cornish,.. D, Mitchell ST. • LONDON, �'. NT I.„ .YM..N111 mu.>Im.m.n""N"m"t m4Pln•1mll.../l.11ml mmrml•1.y1.Y1nIm419144lln.}uN.IWlll 294 DUNDAS �..i. I. MM.NI Nostutstsoos stutostass rastusuottas l.Na1MMWNIIIMMNN • _4-Burn.er _ CStoves AntomatiG Oven Control, Broiler in Bottom. All White Enamel, Handsome Design Completely Installed With Two Tanks Of Gas ONLY $150.00 ONLY Speciai! �peca� GRATTON & HOTSON PHONE 156 156 GRAND BEND , AIIB-A_ Cust�rners Fully Protected.. You are fully protected.against any property damage, explosions or any other risks when, you ,buy B -A products. Our B -A Blanket" Insurance Policy, -which covers rill out• trucks and products, assures you of the fullest possible protection during delivery and use. There's no .risk involved when you buy the best w 9 —B.A.. order today from Middleton`&Genttner "Phone 40 Exeter Die ribniOff rf'. 'FUEL & STOVE 'OIL • F. H.• Hogarth, 84 Stephen Farmer Frederick Henry Hogarth, 8h,. died on Friday at the home of his. daughter, Mrs.. W. lured Mitchell, of London. He Was the youngest and the last surviving member of the family of the late Mr; and Mrs. Septimus Hogarth. With the „exception of the last 14: 'years. Which he ltas spent in Exeter, Mr. Hogarth lived ,On a farm on the Second concession Stephen township which his fa- ther had° cleared; Mrs. Hogar h t ., the former Pru- dence Bagshaw, died soon after. thejr retirement to. Exeter. Mr. Hogarth was a tnember of Main St. United Church. He is survived by three daugh- ters, Muriel, Mrs. W. F. Ander- son, of Windsor; Edith, Mrs. Fred Mitchell, London, and Jane, Mrs. J. McNaughton, Stratford, .• The body rested at the Hopper - Hockey funeral home where the Rev. A. E. Holley conducted a private funeral .service on Mon day afternoon. Interment was in Exeter cemetery. Five nephews, Walter Gunning; Humphrey Arthur, Robert, Bill and Jessie Elston and Edgar Squire were pallbearers. H:oId Shower At Brinsley , 'A miscellaneous shower was held in S.'S. No. 1 McGillivray on Tuesday afternoon in Honor of Pro § Mr . Jack P su e (nee Margaret Mercer). Mrs, Donald Sutherland presid- ed over a short program consist- ing of piano solos by Mrs, Fred Fenton and Marlene Thompson and several violin instrumental selections and readings by a guest artist. Mrs. Murray Hamilton read the address and gifts Were presented. Personal .Items Mr, and Mrs. Earl Dixon, Miss Hazel Lewis and Mrs. Gertie Har- ris visited Mr. and Mrs. Lester •Lewis, of London, recently, Mr. and Mrs Edwin in i ohnson n of Arkona, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Trevethick on Wednesday evening. Mr. Alf Scott and daughter. Dorothy,of Niagara Falls, 'Visited with his sister, Mrs. Annie Green- lee, . recently. Miss. Grace '.Prevethick spent the weekend with Miss , Dorothy Eedy, of Nairn. Mrs... George Prest, . who was in a motor'aecident on No. 7 High- way, west of Ailsa Craig, is a patient in St. Jd'sepii's Hospital, London, with a broken ankle and other bruises. Mrs. Annie Greenlee and family, visited recently with "her son, Mr. and Mrs, Calvin .Greenlee, Green- way, Mrs. Gertie Barris visited -re- cently with her daughter, Mr. Green and Mrsway.. Plmerson Woodburn, of. Mrs. Alvina Fauider fell. down cellar and is with her sister, Mrs.' Leonna Tiiil, of Crediton. ' Mrs and Mrs. Lin Craven spent Saturday with Mr.. and Mrs. Arou- se Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Pollard and Mrs. Greta Hodgins and Glen at- tended the funeral of the late Wenzel Wenzel Molitor' in Thedford on Friday of last week. Mr. Molitor was a brother-in-law .of Mr. John Pollard. SEEOUR "Personalized -Servicer for Serviettli, Coasters, etc. THE ' TIME5.,A`DVOCATE Buy oSweatersn These sweaters were ordered for December "delivery 1954— • due .to shipping difficulties from England last Fall they have arrived just this week.. * We have Accepted these Sweaters at a Special Price Please Note these Sweaters are of Extra Value Fine English Quality Sweaters Men's Slipovers All -Wool Regular $4.95 SPECIAL $3.98 Beige, Blue, Dark Green, 'Wine Boys' •Pullovers All -Wool Regular $5.95 SPECIAL. $4.49 Dark Brown, Beige. Witte We are continuing • our Special Offer of a FREE Belt with odd trousers (while they last) ! ! ! This Week's Special Free Scarf with every Station Wagon Coat or Topcoat Last 4' Days Of Made -To -Measure SuitSpecials 20°,o Off Until Monday, January 31 Exeter eek History Of Ic.ians. For Huron Ccuniy Saga An Wert • to till .a. blank spot in' the early history of Hltrpn .County: by digging for evidence of Indian habitations before the white men arrived, may +be made by archae-- •ological teams from the TTniver-- ,city .of Western Ontario, said Prof, James (Scott; ISeaforth when he r5P.rted to Huron County Council on bis progress on an assignment to write a history of the county. 'Prof, Scott, a resident of Sea- forth and member of the faculty og the University of Western On- tarso, 'has' been commissioned by e.County County of Huron, at •a, fee .of $1,000 a year for five years, to prepare an authoritative history of the county. He appeared before the county ,epuncil to report ell his first year of work on the five- year project. ,Little is known, said Prof. Scott 4f the Indians who hunted and fought in Huron before 1828, when the (lanada Company' .first undertook to bring white settlers to the Huron Tract. For the past year, he reported, be had been concentrating on research into the Canada .Company period," which encompassed the first stag- es tages of white • settlement in the southern two-thirds of the area now included in Huron.` At the same time, he reported,. he has been trying to .persuade Wilfred Jury, archaeologisal expert on the University of Western Ontario staff, to undertake digging pro- jects in. Huron .to unearth some information,about the time before the first white man arrived. "We still have not had any archaeological work done in this Grand Bend —Continued from Page 8 with Mrs. Charlton's mother, Mrs. John Gill, •Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Yungt of Stratford spent the weekend with and Mrr Mr. s, Wm. Sweitzer. M . Yungt is building •• a fine new home on the south hank of the river in the Old ' Orchard sub- division, across the river from Mr, A. Morenz. Mrs. Myrtle Bossenberry spent last week in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stubbs and family of Thetford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos.. Desjardine on Sunday. • Mr. Barry Moore, Director of London Branch Youth for Christ, was guest speaker at the 'Church of God on Sunday. Mr. Clarence Shelly of London Bible Institute accompanied Mr. Moore and they provided some very fine music, both • vocal and instrumental. 'Mr., and Mrs. Max Turnbull spent Sunday with their son and family, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Turn- bull in Linwood. Mr. and Mrs. E. Keown spent the weekend in "Londbn;-• "' Mr. Peter Anderson is a pa- tient in Westminster Hospital, London with heart trouble. . The'Men's .Brotherhood of the United Church Were entertained on Monday evening•'by the Green- way Brotherhood in Greenway United Church. Mrs. Albert Morenz visited with her daughter, ,Mrs. Harry Chap- man and Mr. Chapman in Lon. don last week. Mr. -and Mrs. Douglas Coulson, Penny and Patty of London spent Sunday with Mrs. Coulson's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Rendle. THE POTATO RANCHER AND THE $LICKERS One time old Ffred who was a potato• rancher; went to the city with a suitcase full of cash to buy a Cadillac: 'When he arrived he met two slickers who said that.they'were also from out of town. They all went out together to see the sights,' and . it was then"that the slickers confided to Old Ffred that they had a fast deal for him to buy), City hall for only 1,000 dollars. But old Fired was not to be outsmarted of his hard-earned cash and said, "You can't fool me 'cause Y buy a. lot of seed potatoes and I know that you only get What you pay for" Iasarante is like that yaw knew. Insurance that really insures is a good investment. When yet; buy insurance, keep in mind'that it is not the size of the premiutn, but the lifetime benefits, you receive that do- cities the value of your invest.' mot, Only your local, hider pendentagent can give you complete insurance service. Over' a lifetime you could lose money on insurance by not using hie friendly counsel Thi GENERAL ACCIDENT Group W. H. Hodgson "the Insurance Man" Phone 241 Res. 1004 EXETER ONTARIO county" said Prof. Scott. "'Me only way we pan get :it is •to :dig for it --and I mean on the end of a shovel," Source Material The winding up, abotrt a year ago, Of the affairs of the Canada Company,. Prof. Scott said, has made a wealth of new material: available for study. All the books and records of the company, he explained, were shipped to Can- ada, or the national archives, and are now stored in Toronto. Since these valuable source .documents became .available, said Prof, Scott he has made many trips to Tor- onto to explore in the account books and ledgers of the company for new information about the early years of settlement is the. Huron Tract, The portion of Huron County which was opened and settled under Canada Company arrange- ments included the towAships of Stephen, Hay, Stanley, Goderlch, Colborne, Tuckersmith, McKillop Usborne and Bullet, and the ur- ban centres of Exeter, Hensall, Goderich, Clinton and ,Seaforth. The records now available in Toronto, Prof. Scott said, have never beeni catalogued or studied, and are providing a fresh fund of information about the early years Of settlement in Huron, At the same time as he has been doing research on the Can- ada Company records, Prof. ,Scott reported, he has been trying to arrange for experts to seek in Huron traces of the Indian civil- ization which was here before 18'28. County Members Raise Own Pay :Sessional gay and expense al- lowances for members Of Huron County Council were increased in total, and changed in form,; by unanimous action of the..aona-, cif. From now on reeves .and de-' Puty-reeves _.are to receive. f80' pay and S40 expense :allowance. for each of the three regular ,see - Pions et the year. Previously the councillors received an allowance Of $se Or each session. Regular sessions of :council are' held in Jan uar y, June and No- vember, each of about one week's duration,. The change in rates of• Pay will give. 'each, councillor an: annual total of $210 in pay and living allowance, instead of the previous $150, Mileage is paid for one trip only at each session, at the rate of 15c a mile, one way. 'Council also decided to grant salary increases to the staff at• the county jail. The jail gover- nor and three turnkeys are each to receive .a $100. raise, and the jail matron is te. receive a $00 Waft. No action was taken .on a re- quest from W. R. Dougall, Hensall county weed inspector, for a raise in salary. YOU CAN DEPEND �1 . Wben kidney! fail to . • • remove excess acids and wastes back DO D D S ache,e tederteoftenng, % KI fi NI e Y disturbed rest often: G follow. Dodd's ; PILLS Sidney s PdUs onar late kidneys to. , , -o6 normal duty, Yon •, . , , • ` K. . feel better—sleep' better, work better, Get Dodd's at any drug store, You can depend on Dodds. rwei "'NS0 ALL PRICES zoo OFJ Hockey Sticks Skates Pads, etc. Sleighs and Toboggans •BARGAIN BUYS iN1ENFIELD'S Phone 181 LTD. Exeter LM: ::kµ.;,:,•_( ,.u.we.ow.VaTN , T,q' , k ,. � •.T:SS .n:, \,..c.4 ;;Ni.fountr,,,,,\ 411111 II* with an Take a long, slow stroll around the '55 Pontiac ... let your eyes linger on its low, lovely lines. Watch how your ;gaze is caught and held by the dparkleof a massive front bumper... -then gently Ied' from the proud front . around to the impressive rear quarter. Mow, elide behind the wheel ... and 14fter you've caught'your breath, take a sweep -circle view. Oh, those wind- shields ... you'll swear there are acres of eye -room 1 ... And the view's just as spacious all 'round the com- pass: Then when you drive this all- new car, you'll know it's the wide-open wonder. for '55! With Pontiac's all - 'round beauty ... and Pontiac's all=round view, the world's your oyster . when the,'55 Pontiac is your. car. Do try it—right now! Amp THE '55 PONTIAC BOASTS THE CLOSEST THING TO Alt. -ROUND CUS OM=BUIIX PERFORMANCE • Oto TODAY AD (D READ ABOUT PONTIAC.s 8 GREAT 5 . ` POWER TEAMS ' AND FRANKLY, I WA INTRIGUED SO NEXT TIME I SAW MY PONTIAC DEALER I ASKED HIM... the „hith-n„ WRAP-AROUND WINDSHIELD ' sed 4 tender visibility al a Mw, low pike I See-through area of Pontiac's , new front windshield has been increased, up to 18%... reducing blind spots caused by corner pillars. You now really see out both front and tear for more pleasure and safety! beady that's oil stall werld with ALL.NEW •GlaineraiikInterlStsi You've isevettfcen'anything to match the luxury of Pontiac's appointments. There's a brand new instrument panel with recessed controls... brand new steering wheel • . more leg room and new. deep*seated comfort in front rand back seats! ............. an ALL-NEW RECIRCULATING. BACtlYPESTEERING e that reduces Steering WWI Drive the '55 Pontiac and see how it cornersandcurves, with hardly any effort! Road shocks are cushioned ... steering effort is reduced ... but steering is sharp and quick. Oh..... what a beauty of a car to handle! HOWOFFER CAN PONTIAC$GREAT vt POWER TEAMS ITS A PLANNED COMBINATION OF ENGINE, TRANSMISSION AND AXLE BECAUSE ONLYPONIIAC GIVES YOU A CHOICE OF 3 BRILLIANT ENGINES AND 4 SENSAT1ONAL TRANSMISSIONS COMBINED INS GREAT TEAMS! 'Paddle's revolutionary' ALL-NEW 4 -WAY 'BALANCED RIDE Pontiao's completely new chassis brings you level riding, firm handling. eliminates noso.dive stops! This amazing smoothness is due to a brand new frame, new front and rear euspon. sions,newtubeless tires,plus new steering and brakes! • newness that sterts it the ,. grand with ALL -N TUBELESS TIR S!W New tubeless tikes give a smoother ride . . ridded protection against blow -tufts from impact breaks. And ordinary punctures can be repaired right on the rim itself! Problems relating to tube failure bavo now be- come a thing of the past! BUT HOW DOES PONTIAtS CHOICE OF POWER TEAMS HELP ME ? . �•ti ONLY IN PONTIACS POWER TEAMS CANYOUFIND'THE EXACTCOM81NATION OF POWER PERFORMANCE AND ECONOMY TO FILLYOUR . INDIVIDUAL REt2UIREMEN'IS ZURICH Phone 78 n • THAT'S RIGHT! PONTIAC HAS THE POWER TEAM FOR YOU! SO TAKE MY ADVICE AND SEE YOUR PONTIAC DEALER SOON! �:bi n7R'a5 '•::Z s --�... P=10550 AL1 NEW FROIUI 'rile o,I OUNCb Uhl l AtVOUR ' b ALEX' 1 -L.. s RO S Pearson Motor Sales EXETER Phone 88J