HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1955-01-27, Page 84 a Ito e !port of Montreal is $00 alias nearer Liverpool than la the port of New York.. 15 name waving lotions • No CIESSWORK. • INSTANT NEUTRALIZING • MORE NATVRAL. WAVES Tway O.oke 01 C ,tom.Mede Toni Henna Pormonents,- 41•044ar, Spar, Very GentN—+mac oA wilh 13-miew'. -wring toI onl. $ a/ J by TON I s ONLY E HOME PERMApENT cgs fV E; Hunt ey s Drug Store Trusses, Surgical Supporta, • Elastic Hosiery PHONE 50 EXETER THE TIMES -ADVOCATE" EXETER' ONTARIO', TIAIRSDAY MORNING' ' JANM Y 27 1155$ Feminine Facts n Fancies A rage Devoted to the Interests of the .Women Readers of The Times -.Advocate . c:.rand fiend Institute Dominates To Charities The Women'$ Inatitute will en - their regular monthly meeting on Thursday; Roll cell was answered by "What a child should know before going to school," A letter was read from Wales telling of their Institute. Ten dollars each was voted to be granted, to the UNESCO at Ceylon,. India, and Save the Child- ren Cancer Fund at London. It was decided to hold •a ban- quet for the Scouts during Scout Week; also to hold a family night In the school auditorium next Friday evening for all families in the community. Papers on Citizenship were read by Mrs, Wellwood Gill, Mrs. Verne Ridley, Mrs. Max Turnbull while Mrs. Willis Gill took the topic "Educate a man and you educate an individual, educate a woman and you educate the whole family." Mrs. Gill gave the hist- ory of S,S. No, 11 Hay School, giving Mr. John Muloeh and ?dr. Roger O'Brien as former students of this school, who paid the su- preme sacrifice in the First Great Var. Two of the first trustees were Messrs. Wm. Jennison and Thomas Turnbull, Mrs. Gill gave a list of different events attended by the scholars 'during the years, and remarked there had been .38 teachers in the school up to the time of its closing. Mrs. Gill also gave papers on the school held in a railroad car a s classroom a t five different points, on the run between Cap- reol and Foleyet for the families in the bush country by Mr. Fred Sloman of Clinton. This is done on the urge that city children have the opportunity, but the same defence service was requir- ed of the boys from the bush. Dot's Beauty Sboppe (South of Jack Smith Jeweller)- Natnirelle Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Dorothy G. Pfaff, Prop. Phone 71-W Exeter s Ethel's Beauty Salon GRAND BEND, PHONE 18 Did You Call Me, Madam? I'rn just leaving for an appointment with Margaret Stephan at Ethel's Beauty Salon because there is a January COLD WAVE SPECIAL— F. Cream Cold Waves $5.50. Open 9 - 6 Mon. to Fri.—Closed Saturday Noon 1 l Mrs, Elfzebefh'Brown glizAlaideed tioee. It was early in the morning. Seeping coax gas fumes had all but overcome a little girl and two women in a suburban Toronto home. One of the women, Mrs. Mary Hague, struggled to the telephone and barely, managed to dial "Operator" before collapsing. Unable to get any response, the night operator, Mrs, Elizabeth Brown, immediately notified the police. Within minutes; the victims were reached and revived. Through her prompt action three lives werespared. Quick thinking. in an emergency has made n heroine cof'many a Bell open• ator, for most people turn to the telephone for help in all kinds of trouble -=often rely on the operatorforassistance, There may never come a time when you need the fire department, pollee, or a doctor in a frantie hurry — but isn't it a comfort to know that behind your telephone .are people off wide-awake.duty 24 hours a. day THE EPLL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA bet they had not the .name chance of education, ..4 paper on the Children's elect - oriel Hospital in London was &so given by Mrs. GM. Mrs, Harold Walper gave a paper on current events, touching ou the opening of parliament, the passing of the late Robert Saunders, work of Rev. John Young, and the Pinery Ausable flood and proposed park. Bowling Tournament Parkhill Men's Bowling Club met Grand Bend Men's Bowling' Club on the Chateau Bowling Lanes on Friday evening. The teams were: Parkhill Challenge Team No. 1—H. Larkin (captain) R, Stoner, M. Telfer, F, Shortt, Wm. Colbeck, R. Griffith; Grand Bend Defenders No, 1—L. Fah- ner (captain), A. E. Ravelle, J. P. Rau, Wm. Sturdevant, L. Mae - on, W. Ravelle, C. .Chapman (al- ternate, Parkhill Challenge Team No. 2 —E. Richardson (captain), e, Brophy, C. Pennington. G. Elson, R. Pincombe, M. Sheppard, K. McFalls (alternate). Grand Bend Defenders No. 2—.A. Mason (cap- tain), H. Green, H. Shaw, H. Finkbeiner, H. Forcier, Pat Page. Under the management of E. Richardson, Parkhill's challenge team No. 2 walked off with first prize of $12.00 .cash for tgtal Pins. - Gordon Bison of Parkhill No. 2 team with his standard remark "It's accuracy that pays, boys" capped high single for a $2.00 cash prize, Lloyd Fahner •of Grand Bend No. 1 team, with real bowling ability, came through with the evening's high triplen"for a $3.00 cash reward. Chateau bowling lanes are home alleys to all players in the tourn- ament. Stanley Vernone, who was to pilot Parkhill's No, 1 challenge team was unable to attend be- cause of illness. Hes place was taken by Hugh Larkin. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the G. B. Library Board was held Friday evening. The annual report show- ed a marked increase in reading, and a number of new members. Some new books have been added especially in the Junior depart- ment. The librarian will be glad to welcome new members and if possible obtain any books espec- ially requested. The Britannia En- cyclopedia and two large diction- aries are available during library hours, 7-9 Tuesdays and Fridays. Women's Institute News Personal Items The Woman's Institute will en- tertain Teen -Town and all fam- ilies of the community to a fam- ily night on Friday evening, Jan- uary 28 at 8 in the school audi- torium. All. families of the com- munity. are invited to attend. Please bring tarts, sandwiches and if possible, a card table. Mr. Alex Love, of Toronto, vis- ited over the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. •Wm. Love. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rendle spent Monday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood Gill and Joan spent Saturday in London. Mrs. Leonard Ravelle's father, Mr. Wenzel Edward Molitor died at his borne in Thedford last week. . Mrs. Lawrence Mason and Di- ane spent Saturday in London. • Mrs. Laura Foster of London visited with .Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Holt on Wednesday. Rev. and Mrs. E. Wattam vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eag- leson in Detroit on Monday, and on Tuesday attended a minister's conference in Lansing, Mich. ' Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Dodds of Buffalo visited with Mrs. Dodds' mother and sister, Mrs. Geromette and Mrs. Mae Hole, over the weekend. Mr- and Mrs. Dennis Flear of Dorchester spent the weekend at the parental home Here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm..Sweitzer at- tended the funeral of Miss Tillie Clark in Forest on ,Saturday. Mrs. John Farquhar returned Home from St, Joseph's Hospital on Sunday, but will he confined to her bed for some time. • Mi'. and Mrs. Keith Charlton of London spent the weekend —Please turn to Page 9 Odd Bits By B. A, By Your Leave Col .d•and dreary January, Hew much longer will you tarry Like an old and grouchy fairy Who's 'mislaid 'her magic wand. (Oh end of Jan. No happier than Cold gravy fie a pan.) Bitter, bitter January, 13lizzarding our estuary, Dancing to a frigid, warry Wind that howls beyond. (Nor sadder than Old cabbage by the can.) lest not linger, January, Lest a. longer day should parry— Melt you down and gently carry You to fill some pond, eta II0. .11i 00041111414141111 00000 I: .(dram Saye Recipe By MA•RJORIE STEINiE Lest week was a lucky. ,one for us. Just when our stooks were running low, three letters reached us. which gave our spirits a real lift for they all containedereciples, We hope we aren't. developing a 'one track mindl, but if weare, it will be on the subject of recipes, Mrs, Elgin Luxton, of Mitchell,. writes that' she enjoys the recipe column and. has tried, out many of them, so she sent along ,several of her favorite cookie recipes. We will start you off with CHOCOLATE LOGS. (leers. Elgin Luxton) 2 squares unsweetened choco- late 1 can Eagle Brand milk 2 cups graham cracker' crumbs 1 cup chopped. nuts Melt chocolate in double boiler. Add Eagle Brand milk and stir over boiling water until thick, about 5 minutes, Add crumbs and nuts. Let cool and form into logs. Roll in fine coconut or nuts, Place in refrigerator over night. Slice as needed. * * * * • Mrs. Jackson Woods sent us a pudding recipe which she got at the Y.W.C.A., St. Thomas, and. she likes very much, GRAPE NUTS PUDDING (Mrs, Jackson Woods) 1 cup. grape nuts N11114114M1a. s Front Near And Far Town Lodges a a Enjoy Movie I.O.O.F. members joined with Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge last Wednesday night after their regular meeting to see a film on Oddfellowship. , Mrs; R. D. Jermyn, convenor of the social committee, introduced Mr. Arthur Idle, public school principal, who ran the projector She called on P.D.D.G.M. Albert Keys to introduce D.D,G.M. Nor- man Jones, of Hensel', who brought the film to Exeter.` Titled "A Century of Service," the colored pictures showed scenes at Grand Lodge ceremonies and recorded the assistance given by the lodge in supplying hospital beds and wheel chairs to many sick and crippled people in the province. Scenes of the celebra- tion of Christmas at the Odd Fellows' Home at Barrie were in- teresting to the Rebekahs who send a large Christmas cake there each year. The Rebekah. Lodge, which as- sisted the Recreational Council to organize the Senior Citizens Club, will provide and serve lunch at the celebration of its first anniversary on February 1. J.P. N.G. Mrs. Harry Beavers is con- venor of the committeein charge of arrangements. Elimville Ladies Plan Activities The January meeting of. the Elimville W.M.S. and W. A. was held at the home of Mrs. William Johns on January 19. Mrs. Newt- on Clarke presided for the wor- ship period. The scripture was read by Mrs. Alvin Cooper, and Mrs, W. J. Moores led in .prayer. A reading on Christian Steward- ship was given by Mrs, Harry Ford. Mrs. Freeman Horne play- ed a piano solo. Chapters. from the Study Book were given by Mrs. Horace Delbridge and Mrs. Newton Clarke. Mrs. Chas. Stephen had charge of W.•MVM.S. business. Elimville ac- cepted an levitation from Thames Road auxiliary to meet with them far The World's Day of Prayer on February 25. Mrs. Kenneth Johns accepted leadership of the Associate Members' Group and it was suggested that she choose her own assistant. A. quilting and pot luck dinner will be held in the' church basement on February $ to prepare quilts for a bale. Miss Venda' Kellett, supply sec- retary and Mrs. John Coward will pack a parcel containing clothing and a pair of skates for a four- teen year Old boy. Miss Ruth .Skinner, W.A. pres- ident presided for the business of making arrangements for the annual congregational meeting •and pot luck supper to be held January 25, A letter of thanks was read from. Rev. Aida Daniels of Mama. Chdlllengera Sew Mrs. Cecil IIipfer presided for the meeting of the Pentecostal Challengers. at the home of Mrs. Donald Jolly on January it. Mrs. Robert Ostler assisted with the worship period, After a short talk by Mrs. (ten= neth Norcross, the evening was spent in 'sewing. - ,,, The identity of the early artists who made the carvings in Alber ta'e Writing -on -Stone Park is un- known, 1 cup brown auger Place in a pudding dish and sprinkle with cinnamon, the juice of 1 lemon .and 2 tb. butter. Peat together 3 Qggs and. 3 cups of milk and pour over first mixture, Bake slowly at 326 de- grees. * >« * * Now for our far away recipe which came from Langley Prairie, B.C. The sender, • Mrs. Arthur Southam, and her husband, F/O Southam, lived with us while he was stationed at -.Centralia right after the training •school opened, Of the several recipes Mrs. Southam sent us, we will .give you one for stuffing lamb chops. No doubt the same method could be used for pork •chops if you prefer them,. STUFFED LAMB CHOPS (Mrs. Arthur Southam) 8 loin lamb chops, 1t in. thick e lb. fresh mushrooms 1 cup butter 'tsp. salt dash of pepper a cup soft bread crumbs 2 eggs 2 tb. cold water $ cup fine dry bread. crumbs 8 tsp. mint jelly Wash mushrooms, trim and .cut in thin slices. Saute lightly in but- ter. Combine with salt, pepper and soft bread crumbs, Out a slit in the meaty part of each chop and fill with stuffing, Sprinkle ohops with salt and pepper. Beat eggs slightly, add water and 'nix well. Dip chops into fine dry bread crumbs' then into egg. and into the crumbs again. Place" in shallow baking • pan. Bake un- covered in moderate 350 degree oven about 1.e hours or . until chops are tender. Garnish each one with 1 teaspoon mint jelly before serving. Exchange Vows In Parsonage James St. United Church par- sonage was the setting for the wedding of Ruth Irma Kleinfeldt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kleinfeldt, Exeter, and Ivan Wil- liam Carter, so,n of Mr. and Mrs. Russell' Carter, Seaforth. The Rev. II. J. Snell performed the cere- mony.'....- The bride chose a street -length dress of powder blue brocaded vis- cose and wore a corsage of pink carnations and lily -of -the -valley with matching pink accessories. She carried a white Bible. Miss Joan Schroeder, as brides- maid, wore a:street-length dress of royal blue taffeta with -black ac- cessories and a corsage of pink carnations and lily -of -the valley.. Ronald Dale was groomsman. Following. the ceremony a re- ception was field at the home of the• bride's parents. For travelling the bride chose an aqua acrilan-rayon dress and pink topcoat, with pink and black accessories. The couple will re- side in Seaforth. Crown Queen During Dance. Mre. Lea Learn Was crowned: i "Snowball (Queen" at the annual dance sponsored by the Legion Auxiliary last Thursday night, when her name was drawn, frpm the box in which each lady's name was placed when she enter- ed the hall. Mrs, xLee Learn was crowned by Mrs. Max Harness, president of the Auxiliary. Mrs. Harvey Pfaff, past president, gave her a gift and Mrs, Glen Bonnallie,. social convenor, presented her with a corsage, Max Harness, Legion president, made the draw for a hostess chair which was wen by Mrs. Andrew Bierling, Snowballs and winter scenes wereused in the decorations. Music was by George Wonch and his Airliners. - Receive Reports On Presbyterial' Mrs. William Sillery presided at the January meeting of Caven Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society held at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Dow last Thursday. A • report of the Presbyterial held in Stratford last week, which six of the members attended, was given. At this meeting, Miss Mar- ion Williamson, on furlough from India, was guest speaker. She stressed the fact that "No Christ- ian principle. will operate unless there are Christians 'to operate them." Miss M. Brown and Mrs.. J. G. Cochrane were appointed to the World•Day of Prayer commit- tee. Mrs. T. Pryde conducted the worship service. Mrs. Barl Mit- chell contributed a reading, .The study was in charge of Mrs. Alvin Moir and Mrs, William Sillery and took the feria of a 'broadcast, the purpose. of which' was to introduce Canadians to India. The committee was .assist- ed by Mrs. Earl Mitchell, Mrs. Carman Cann and Mrs. S: Kerr. Over the past 15 years man - factoring has 'become the chief source of livelihood of Canada's population. Hayter. s Beauty Shoppe, PHONE 178 GRAND BEND MISS SHIRLEY ANDERSON Honor Graduate of Beauty School is now in my employ EXPERT CUTTING AND STYLING for Better Permanents Costs Less Make Your Appointment for that Much Needed FACIAL OR MANICURE Open 9:00 to 9:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Evenings: Tuesday and Friday to 9:00 --by appointment. CLOSED SATURDAY NOON:. You'll Laugh. At iothes dryer You don't have to worry about the elements when you own :a wonderful. G -E Clothes Dryer. Your Wash is beauti- fully, healthfully cleaned—you avoid" outdoor dust and smoke. The handsome G -E model feattrres an ozone lamp' for that outdoor odor, automatic sprinkler for dampening, a special fluffing device and, heat regulator. 'Let us de- monstrate. today. R usse . Electric Phone 109 Exeter �inlilYlilYiiY(unuiiiflniYl,ldrill�YYYYIuu((YYtiuil111111 illittiinull0101001YIY1InIIIIM Ynln(1(In(Yin((IYiilitnt1u111114: • Brides. Elect See the "Personally Yours" Album at The Times -Advocate for Serviettes, Coasters, and Gift Ideas The Tirnes.,Advocate' 1111141111„. ..1.1k4141111,41414111. WW1 i ii 4,1,,11 114,11,1IP1111,1,111111111111 11n11111,11111911111 /1111111 4 - G Farces; Slashed In. Odds &.Ends ” * SCOTTISH WOOL Sr MORAIit. SCARVES 8 s--; Regularly $1.69 to $8.98 For 890 to .$1.98 * LITTLE BOYS' SUITS; SIZE 2, WARM Reduced • :from $3.00 to $1.00 • LITTLE GIRLS' DRESSES, SIZES 2 8r a Also Reduced to $1.00 41 * LACE T.A.BLE. COVERS, 54" SQUARE Reduced from $5.00 to. $2.:98, * 'LUNCHEON' SETS now only $1.00 The Hollow Tree Gift S o h *Sip 1ululugllnnuu1I141 Iu14Il1Y amnia 1111•1114n144tttttt•M4111411;41 1111111110111111Iu1,y14.i New Admiral k a family -size freezer and refrigerator-ali in one! M06EL 1:D13 Ali; nsw '54 features, tool Handy Roll -Out Shelves *Alum- inum Crispers, • Removable Cheese and Butter Keepers 'Ultra -Violet Lamp That Prevents Food Odour Transfer. NEVER, NEEDS .DEFROSTING—Come see it to -day! IRAQ Al H A :R• D W. A R' E QUAL/TY AT FArR PR/.C5.5 PHONE 27 EXETER DOLE'S 20 OZ. TIN Fruit Cocktail Z9c TILLY'S 16 OZ; JAR Peanut Butter 29c CHEERY MORN 1 LO, PKO. Coffee . 1.05 GREEN GIANT Coni 14 OZ. TINS . • .Iets 2' N►for. Fruit Specials Crape fruit LARbe Stet 10 for 45c Florida Oranges LARtet, YJUlbY 25C''atiz. Phone Th tIg Rivers Food Market WE DELIVER Phone 79 i r 4 t •y 1 r -r I it 4 1 1 y s s R•