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Huron Signal, 1865-5-18, Page 3
- * 1 w. _.___. _.._.__ _._,__,_,_. _ _.. . ...-. _ _ Editorial Items. I YAxrA4 l•Yarrxnxatc.-l:yeq a" sad 1 Two wl,otrrd olrpt w the snm al gPECIw A NOTICE. ,AHAM S 1If _ ~---- - ' "- `^_ ---.- _ - won" a bruurht up from the pradle with k cull$rY. Jrak, tirlJ.n,«, rally ;u lLe mur„ind, ~ D 1 {? ] ~ A m a alsmed MuVicar 144 i4W the i kilo The wild is uerrr Iwmt out Tutu Ihr +•ry )1m ss"k, k dol ? lly I,, t the .Ther. o la% 4 basil of • vsssrl rt 1Yu11•evlwrj; Liu Nw lel wurW'a lift uulatWrsd. II cunin wit4 it lbs F1JetYutt, if ycu ant nut, 1 will Durrulr aduilu REPEkItiV(J to our r Ivey:iaWr4c of 2nd M * gk(1►A11ty, Lure I iltruut, YnJ ill urdrr w r.uW' wi.undYr- M+eTchaut Tailoj' 111 el.t. ""Ileo' `I YuuAl"I amd mise killed. ) t4wu ul b.,a . TLu pi., Wi uC the of ).a. ll, shut ew , I wi 1 w. r ///yyy • }• / f ••• • rr lNAsi na 0.q.n 1„ (•t'4 so A slur u wAcr ht la 141 Sl. Clair tiuiber aro J.ua;iyr the lili,'s uftb. run T the dlandiup, wY tied reap, etfully tY inform tis. sr :%r M' r Lr WY swot wwuw. vw, loot _ : A j nli iuLt a►,rift, u ppnuhr houwhulJ y Ibo A uo ) ilii s ! l,1 r e -_ Mvv wai d f{ (} ." goat of Jamil is lisq,I,,or%vtuu.artWboLovetold-ccuunu,N;{L ABI{E1 SIZUAI3E, OOD$BICHI J .i "Y rdav, "),a,W*y, '1'hurddry, rJ Yw1r a ilii drys aYv Gli. 3iu, lvse atrl wui jLuio i tart{ ul many murY llockolki of like tants. 1 whose wlaived Ilavv all' diel of an h ttedlt►ry tM hllh$rtu dol, as we are anxiuwt to Mibi I HAS I I \' 11 1 ti Ir A I .'•u pia woe , ",1-k. 16eee will be a I.IY.e y r j , Ygru t4•uk mill', With ynauwnr. n„rr Wyrr, lU: 111w It r s Rlrwrr nod aJwiroLlu wind ipdrrd, m Y bef,rY thirty, nlofrudy nJdrrsdrll m. nor protist busiuoar to k clure oro duuia +1; p i.t'r•.'rn.l taB.+n Lir„,I,n,„., N.Wurr, ora witch, uunrd in rrruq Lar flat touragn soil' and ►skid tear of I VWY )uitAdYr` of (inn 1• Cprovwmibtthw da{Ywurt Ji•cuuUuwr all wevuli4 Largo & Woll-A6sor od I : and A,,'Inu i,,- 'U, • wtl Ll . r, Lir .w °: y ;} There arc r45ut four Luu•!nJ wru rt I Lnro.w W i.Yriu ill owl. tuo,ao.utiou. iI I . ' V iTUCN vY IY", w.. .u.; .r.,., lu LLJ..h lW5 0.W. „ p wvrkuuthed$iteul brawls tut4n UsLc•a%Iflg4lrer worse courage to chill evlrwf)I ,r1w4rt4rl 1'avw li u.i4u\1hrtYrrimrtiaed Cwderteh,llh$a 11963\1'alajli U. i ` li r t I , ,rt ,q Z r y, r,. Catwl. Irum ILY IUulLilude skirt it Jur. lu ti hl tL$w. I y+ I // ,< 1 , i all , ' ,r R, i Un WrJ raf.; r,J P"uNry, niw In,µ{ •yr :j•'s , ' 1d11•wr utrrm„",. ",. w,ll tea •claw u» I rb• . of Lis /urtunY rt L:.. doutb, Lit thin , 14ould - " .-- --- ----- I t).u,t. h• u- uwJ An u,J'a tllst Bwh, eW Haa.y .a !'4x f ra hero, tbarefure, ora. sol' ba rfH, 7 Q}'rLu grwJfalber ul rrl',esiduut Liwl bpi Lvr•. ul lawi, ruc4 v tbY uJJ re rt A'•' uY,a' y. cun,l e, „,1;; ro1 wm the lies 1.. W w1A.r' the r sur 111 Y{ tUn, Wart b4{ 4Y w4u alurCJ' - Y w rJ, r r+ I,YhY,.J trail w.lY Y soft, riru sill 177td .lhrrLaw, wsa murJureJ I i f I J I J n/ l 1 { J ) +++ alis n'N.Iron, Y r•r.t ►) ladista ill 1774. the Lqt duo- - Trm 13svacrAav Lir Sats.-TLs couJ;tiun )l% J 3 i .u7d I. r+ „i Liu 1. 1 w,o wry Le oov. 4 or Lir +•••-- - luf 5a•trelary Sew” it such that Ihe,y 4 trot) I i iw.mlr Lwr lr+.u« s •.1 culuyral bruuso el, lu, wviJLiu JU Cu►colpo Iwyl.ccs,r► Lir P)4"a.-lu a prut'aact Lit is cedua-n j his ,ibcirl Juliad AnJ a variety os eaac)' Aala'It..,w'k” a IT",A,,.,- r✓nlw• kr-tis.h .Aero-, Two 1►5. t W tv bpi Iac4N! Liu flan sup of flan Aru JY I Worm rofrm•at the Wp of o1w of the bull"* within a weak Lir tau J,ciya. Almissly he au } Zf` •.,. s Y,orlh, o,,.1 ear ruts An4A Twat !Adler.., tela, [ hero errry ronw war flat dwelling of • bussesY..tlo iw!wrtaut walk dote ru ILY; S!lirtll,Collllrs, NOCIIti__ )l,5, 1 a . p e , m , ,,u is ;Y4iumplw,iu 1'al;.. - I'.wd), thew dwell gut ,dad wwnsn, wbwe AWte Ik• rtw,ut. C • 1, ,1 11 1 1 Pere..,,, att'. t,Y.J.rute. atala i 1'I' A”. 8,. - itwi{ '(.,} .1 gtyrt w.cy l:u•airlid Lnye lutuly , Y V talc, of Lrl[ r crown r WeYk err .Carvel v euuu.,h fur her bW'u !ivatiheNW 7 h• __ - ---__ -'- - _ : ' : N' h ,prep: rtJ to w•,) C;ivx;' for • - latch tit arcivtd. la Nau, runwuo •r y trues iLu fJltD. 'rah. "plague." i r'idiwr ubsa'rved, with town tiurpl ,r, a straw• , berry plastic groups., Alla iluurlstol,j in • Uu lbs woruiur ul' TLw •Jay; fns i1tL. ' '. .y.'. 1' w'I' } Two lnwp of r4valry rnuu+led ill I broken lin-pot that tto,4 oa the window $ill. wilt., JAa .S WAs(;jaA. root. F rgrJ TS I _ llraa y4w,IY for serniCn vu ILS CuuWliru;Atleu hwhatcam tvius1sa;J'tul Lia our t.vd. i •y+ 1 li t, rl' I I I.: I We rrJRs [` • , ' j 1 Jf fruitier, aro Jril) expected ut U,fdeudLur,{. rlul wuh whit carr ;l err t«nJuJ and wgtthrJ. I y - I ', .1 :.J .• l a y, rr.,' r,vror..s,w A tui..... CJ TLe grt.t W J) u{ thv rnuiea oC lho I woman+ ' rlwr plant dtNe well ; w u'II soon A 11 L X- - - ITS. ' Puwl•rt slid i4ertnao!d art, or,,...a to lVw4• have tiowo sll-xlwi, r. un d.' • (t . out Cur I _ T ---_ STANCARD Q SCN, OOL w „ suglos, relauiu, merely tLsnwJt'u! g4rl;duai the dAke of the hum I du ir;' replied Ibe oro. Uuuautcr, .)Jay I itis, 18GS. 1 t p ;; fZ \ ' at thu South. man. 1'Iwui •hY Ju you Llkr duck care of Fall IVfIlYty:, . .... -.111.00 to, 1.10 ( r y ,t rE If i{ " Int aalad. • %Pell, r,r,' .4l, Ir ,fed. -'I'W Ypriat, Ju ............: u:PN (rq' I;W A , V r M 1 ('} I: id wid, that tho Emperor of Wo i very I.-ur, tai pour W lost, ally bvwg ere"- I$aidI ........ U' u 40 FA/.'^y rT%I+% f ER C D A N' D lure: Cul it'. r ,kal cuwfurt to r]e lu have uArle •( tar : 1'rnucL heat seal the 1.uuJw1 'l'irnte r copy I that iiviu,r plad.f r I lauw that it can obl Y ✓ t^ 0'60 , T LL .L-.APF.Fti. uC ' f awq" with r Jwli •Litt i4 his uwu , y I F'Y.y . _ ......... r ,t Lvn b the ewer of li .lir. 0:74' 1 j rfgVY T v 8.,,111 1;arrr.D„vl•ul a7! ►wM,7 i1nd. y { a I ; skid lir 1 wit n F till - ..... . 6. U 04 O.Wl 1 1 1 c' sr ,, Slrrv,ttW tiyr,a Nuulr 1 ' i \ I live and grow frum Jay w Jq, it tells ale . viol ... 0:1. (u, 11:23 ! 7 f ` 1 I } A yua r city a dew Yorks say's skis that liod is soar,' if ref. (,q 6.50 1 J ,1,Ii U M.S. , I f \ O ' \ j j , ' 1 _ I ch..:........ 3: ti. rcrJl:r. l \I JJ 11{{{ JJJ 1 XF 1■ ilC:► - Iroa !cit uwu tern ork, Ihr Duo I -a __ I•UX IN . 2.00 tilt U fell Lot✓ l wtuu$s, . , s eaurY weak, h era s• wuth aAc • uedru'. b(n i'fl0 llclulllcik. I lwA,re, rrcl ......... .. U:Ib rut U:SII ' - _ - ear$ worth to Lr ]ren wtis-: titrcuu, wLBt i,ow It is oMa ubje( led ellen IreY sill Urha1X$•• "°"”' do ' ' .. • • 02:,: (,q • A:ue t I IVORX-BOXES, WRITING -CASES i • rot) arc 011 ILC YL'fylU"noult WAY, of t4allion. N! plaotin, air urj,ed. 14.1 thea •hjue" i 1, 4a,Xs, : ihir ........ 0:20 (Ta 0:04) . eeacsa fw...,J ! . _ " thusfl berut,y 't Jr.ir J. il'.. -,Gr, ,sift ........ 0:00 t4- 0:25 I' jQaOXX ON0'. Able favor ! 1 ^ H ilii (' reYu . 1tatrtbYwuhry brcJad int• IL.•w a u -.t at e 0 ••.. .....-2:Tb (ey 0:)10 1 AN►_r,i,Y.YWrarudnraY,tw•n, - } ThI 1'vtrrburoudh l;rumiaer h•arur Land. I:ui'wauy tyr;ut Jet tut W.Yt, u( { , 1 6rMr.. r,...... -.,.... Y:1.5 (,o 0:17 Ij. - ptbat ill (twat 4u Ina stat tour very res'tccI. I aAuitt,r urnJwtuto Lit 14u lawn a,r dhrL4hery, I p i l Lir r.i1p (4 0.:47; I I LTIBUTLIR'S. - AT TER -able pol]uu. have heal thaw horsed aLJyrJ lea fwl'ay wLuh•,.-r ,. art p,;•wl. In ruwu u MI U:I)d iii I II !"r c Air. t\ 16".1 - kinematic, they votgd for the Durkin Vill, .and'I IoafrLLi'>, tL•y -r.• lu kir Jua, ; ill a we'darty, i .1j p!n...... ..... , 0 0 ea 4 , . _ ! Asti aYd Litt, Its L, , w t ,o ga,Jl („ II .'e JOHN FAIR 8l, CO. ' SHERIFF'$ SALE OF LAND£ lirgee that t1,✓. east viuiaitnl 4hv !aW shoo d r dol a r 1M.1" V Wit ....'.. , l :;Liu o" 14:00 I ...IAY 4►rsRafaeu Lia ' I l ,iota. .1wunJ JN.0 u y 1 hawed ILA I ' :: I'... !,,,r ivaJ...... . {:h,0 Gr S.00 _ I :leaf ('sits Yr "f.D1 , t r \Vnr .,1 b0 psnis1ie11. k.•wiu, .o J• . !w. 1Lr I - tt of the ( j ( T /-_ T . , I4un., rr„f hitt,+, U 1 ` •, I , . ,. lard uul r 1 con'lt udrnl frum tle arsi ;;res Frer: r,. n h'rmi R. 11. , ra Im ,• • rrua'•,r lJ j <J j J r { , ' iw Y _ ( 1. '•fo \Vel., 1 ..f Uri Al.rr•ry•v C.,rnN' iF '•' -y _ w l Itha drFrutx '•u,'n of Ib fu it"•r, •its rel i,J, '!1rt'Slai':rt( flu:Btu. I 'ron,dlkY llllttwlcuu..ua•u1Hor....,.,I lbs., I ] . $ the tLlluwinr iutcre t7u item . ,lit 14 i. ki lt• r l uk. asasa r '.; til ,✓ she .1 n d ss.'so Ila. Is "t. a„J 't•K_ cu,usr]wl,htb. ,,au:.b -Irl ,i Lfil, ar,J - Ue we last the Litre Capt. A--a. A ell,-' ar,d ,t. hrrJ,r .. t"nlw, )I t n to tl ...0 -O, ". .. ' e . - I B U S I N ESS I.N GODER I CH, Y..""" last,. (1Iar ”' sit uK ret . i It"', 1 no,) ball took a0 hu head. •.iLa fault words l "Wfwbo k4voal Umr.n ll, rLt,ly. It io,ksra l 1 t) L it" If ;. T n1.«,,.,l tlsrr A t I ..I t.k.o ill ism n ..,A . 01:.1., uv j Il Y r do,. bun .: !. r t ,d pill, -All Ir n . woe-•, I;ury ms us ILY abut whin 1 !r!'lt' 1l,.Ir Lit w gr"upy and ns n boon both an,.Ie _- I. I(n, 4rw lu la n twr t s In IfK o w t / l,1 J pr.uour ue:i. ,t is an c1,;.11'A't taw 4,l,' I Th ay'nest, the 4th instant. I. der.•h; ,n tfr,o.net„d Hur w., pin. L Ili q. (} 17cueral S,r JSSn 11X40!1 will IYAaa ] 1Ji t :a L, f,:b-d aA v I rn•,n'neJOtiut.n (q C•a ,,,au a to r!a•arud for wbule .a 1„r.r cirri r+'IJ li•n1u rn1. 1 .hw(I o1 fur CAI-' y Liu / st'o'ol: -stud 41d:ea. Ir xrUNe rl/ltreral'•NY \r1e arm J. V. DETLO )" l) u ,r1rr.1 Ly Iris .uL.culwr to J"I suJ v..orba aIw'k ul lir,' 1, u.:'y l luu.,n , rad ' , the C..urt Hu,ly. UI rho .w n Lit 1. }Ire ,. Liu '' dG St I11. F:nelwd Liu the 20th of this nwath fur Coast. w'hau brat lrataNuroted, but onC$ e.tr4.Nhed IL ild, Joe IN..11 ten Lu. h« a of ati r,, ' ir-r"r,.1 wit J'utW1.Y. fIK fill- Y 11 1.y",A,aruN 4t•al, atora •!r fu tido, W u•;,lacn Uelrnrrl 14roinm+, llu 't Goes whir IuxuuaAiy, l;rauve'1 4uw •' a•.J, Irierin; J:dY, (rinh till 'Int:3 a lLa wlJ boor uNwY.\r u; u,Y ri; r'k. ori: -N. ' will bo 4ccumitanieJ -by Lt. Colonel E'RNIY, ulw kr ,wimp in opined, K' n•gwin$ Duly \.,t., sort: pa J, '• ' 09MOlJ,S flEOUCT10N It1 PRICES. JUII\ 11.\l 11(1\ AI.r, GODERLull, Mad lot, lits,, urd;nar care to mwkil It b"ri the chlth $ i t • `tens 11: s► R. h I . orf ton Gr$uaJ ler Gu'rdy as .1. L. C - y J.1 \J!•:i S]:tI11GTUN. I r'„lrrn L, toil btu!, 1!/ r, r r@mrrkrhl) walla 1'huu {b it J. -•r IKn ill . Culls n I Moy 1GIL. 1 -Iia. r 14•.t _ , E I•r H P,Lo :x, 1'rooll•SLvr II,. I Cuuut WAlew.li Las beau com"A'aed i Wwsl I rod, it a„w+ ac6'm"JAtrl iur;f hr or ' _ _ ' ' - SLecd•• u „ l:.«1cncL, I - I'rc"dent of the Corps Isiyir:rtif. Ili i, an 1 dlnl•ry Buil. INt'w.w.d say to our hrJras i I Ian b1A ,.Vi, wit: 't 141 hemloek,_tarmer. NOTES LAST OR STOLEN. i ' Ale.•itimitu sou of Nr;wkun the Ylrot, YuJ`a 1 'y -- ... - - '- -' ® a alga of tuwideirbly rbi6tiar _ ^ ^-T d . I solvent Act of lt7p'x. w•w cultis'ttnUttof AA(• !sipaitbt•'Pn. ".t l,r r Ir <hY Mutimr a ntin$r. I p S K +g LJ' tit} Aauiher rarotutian, the .furt:dth Lir __ pnn hi o i r u. -1,,.,l, all , ten nbtrt u(j ~^ i "' T S fiftieth at least, ►av blwk'en out in B"bv;r.-• I `oLL,u •,w Le 1•ab:rr shun alraviberrr'•IurJ, darn t fnv,r .,f .Isms- J, nnst.nr. ILA' - Im !hr C.un!y I S,url ,f the (',find f'uunto d Glike al Will. iu IaaJtr, waeshut, ssd there ! r P u .kni:n«J 1•uI ted dr« 1•t illi .d' btrv, I_ I ,f /taiga 11,+11 !lies 1. ` ` STYLE, eYAww It on, nr• alno Ilse kuuNt"dkry roil + DJZEN, NE .•4.rranl. ufur:•wrYr)n.uc'r rul«v. 7hi,,I 711.1;4"., "1.rr.•n(10)nr,&,rtrtrJrir.• PYmt &:"r('avana.'' bIIll. all, „t tM Dotter ended. Tlie "I", hit. f r 110 :10, ;ler , ky I.olll u•b I i C"u'dy „1 11o.nn the 101101,hr 11, Pu'k r i ` ..+ r i' Gnus : U1et tg•,ad u a .,i. It ;. 11.Ily , Y• st.,r - ) 1, , T th Fo" and,h )J,Illy Its 4; Ic !a A , Cr'•1 Y4J.Cu lYle eJ r eau; Ll.l-.s I. rr . S1r1.Y I,. f. r end "ri r., l'y J : Y11J_ d:r err.md „t 140 (. 11i(eJ 1'rw•.IICY , ry4n, a4 luW.• ( i R I ,_ I \ l,1 a (_t H 11 • y rxnr$ 4l, nave w lett!.• n4tiav, i. r fl, '"li• {, f • , n. Circ r 1• JnrRr. Mt'/i4ire rr,'! o(Hurun and liluce. vr-ut, I ..1 sWr of the tum and rrtur. r of r` C90' tote IK ' Y j lank without gulf &sous,, a that lis 7 are , JnAn 11c •r,mat..1'bn arld Xan'. have M'ru At the 41as>;ow i0 r •t LullitLJuw. 9✓mu Llle IemP1A LeLL'J tb.I 1 p r t, j ' . i U1'1('F 'ir h-nhy rive•, thot fist fool -As w .rlh Jrruwdy. 111 ivo-it. 0lttn, 1. dy.. iso to a •toil, a..d Turwrul tbercu!' i. slV;l,'1 ` a,t.A•d b4 -fie 1 lu th'• vlfi r. of thus Courl, 1...a1`C'r . ' kit had wet r dui :rNiwo hbuut wilhAr piece I alsju,intrneal, and r. pre;, ii„- lir,,;rut lbs , It d. I a J..:J of rnmpwitlw,l awd Jwa•horJte exa•u1 i f,• pr D et Jlxulured !+aper ill its mduth. .1u twl(ic ' ftpit. '1'belr ire runty r -n-. t..•d Lit tLs. unw-, ' Ja11 F:`1 t10Tl\STs)\, - r .•d by It,s Cr•dunm wJ this Ln a Lie -Jowl tM• ! ' GuJrr;cis, au :1; ny l, .ia. A _R .r JR-, Cjo. ears rdmu stied w i6 • •u1mr1 I Lot rrr uite f rti: v i I =r YI Itouhd.ry Vf Staul•v. r 't r •AI)r i{trru jt berry that ire rut•J, P v1 htaruth ilii of Jul. treat. rl - .f th-- j. w with other vanrtie.. iiut r.”" st.u,l' r ! t H ,r,.: •1.1. - I6 ,4 ' t; ,.in file t 1;en"I'Ll, "I no - 111! lie , "orsr! + soar, Ibe Dote was rYcurered. i ; area !•uouoh perfect h•rr,q to ren'! •, n u,, t ear be brguA, hr will apply to ILa .ludre qt mon lits ulaay is Wei'. it a Pa,- S acct { 1 y 7 - ., u•fnUl,1' 4, In: Ina his•. with r 1 f it .., , p pEH g i iGINGS 'der sad ('hurt for • e"nfinnKibn of Ila.• d•d' I _ I Dolt lu many toren. Id r roi.lrt, )Lia %Va L"`or Li J.1 -rile 14111 J.J .-a 1,,: • L J: { cls. N H-':.1. 0 ' .\'erre thereof effected in his favor ul,drr wid I .j V, { -t ;atjt 5. ,err r(\ r( i 1 -. bli■Le,1 h«ru, lnGtled "TLu r' end Lows! OWfv;! ,.", :-I "' oo . .%:Ir R r •; t Lt . . WT .isi J + - r . ( . ! : a "I t(;r' fd:,wit,-R"1's:,nr .lil,any C RAM Vi; W I'If hF 11• i 77 n1 of fho Suu oC Man • uc this 1 K - MATT, R OBERTSON, _ 1 .. ., lr -r- ..nr;:.r I 'As t- __.-_ --.- ! 2111 ANTI FACTUREEk por al,.., at ll ik oTr , '. sO iIVITURE IN 0 I Bureau-, A,(--. Irmnrr-, tl,•d.er•J• .n Ynd.r-a ♦ Irrn«ly WY 11.4se.. W -,k Cr,w.. M.Ilesk-e-, Cen4•r)fld4e., is.om; 1is"Ie., 6-tiklaas 'f.hlr., ITu wl Talear, W'r•4 "tarda, Vasoe. Lid ..roof otI Vvr Wit"" lou .."i , W ,Y r4rYtrtt,. 0 Yffople C Yt 1 1':✓ gAq racndrd u. 1•lupul,s'CFAi:lealbas ILryna I.." UN ERTAKTNa, ft..1t Mr, H r o.lIV , .,_ an exal. lla.r•,a.W i" a'.y M did W h.•'-a.Iv.Jlh•• bw.I .A.. c,!.,.1p.' .."-h,p, rtdl rl Ynally reAwKd •-. I+a11-mlco-us,.n•, uud lwwl.•bvd torte• j\\ Y•IJudW,w„I rMf All krwtru: y4wmwea Pre,. \ I,I40"11 011 aA r"•banwa•. \\U 1I” W.,wn•„-. wl F:lals'(lmkf. Cheraw. Mrn.k J{lb. Iwai. I aW!M ortgage Sale of Lands, iLlt And by virkuq of a Power of Ode c mottled in a cwtain la&ntun of Ilan 11•.l,••, ad•• fly lieru.rd U.ly of the riNa.r, of I 1 F:41"oll u'Ie, in 11ho Couuty of Heron. Il.r. I Oulm, a F'«IIx Thornrw,.n, of dor trawl shin a 1 Mullett in+'aid t,•uutr, )d.rtwre, acid bra 11-10 I hfternth Jar uC April, A. h. 1:1, will 1 wisl kir Pu4-ir AYCIIn11 sal s r • urt;uu n, ,m of U. 1t: 'I'run+uai, in the T"wit "f 1 i"At ;eh, in the Cuuuty Lit Flnrw h'nl:y', lLrr kWh JAY ul""Jour, 1Hu;, ,.{ 1'! r e4.:k. p,w iLa i" I""A., Ir1+J ry.1 ,IIeX1,M'r, r;r : -!'awl• IVs aomlN's aCYe +,, wet rink, of 'A nere twe•y in lhu vJlaee of 1 j':vhoAn .111Y, eunba ;nY.que yYsrlCt of sty µ•sr til land, mitre u- •... I"•[ether with tAAc E huiAh"d lherrun i de( It jlr.ulr been made, In the pmyma:ut of I Wuuey's tl to /Wisrrd. C„orc fate ander Vpwer 'n lifort rsgc, S i J. S, . INCLA111 16.1iritur 'Lir MongAaer, Dosed tLid 4th day of May. . U., Ishii. W I L -4t r'eionSh"wnWLrfistSew llCrtl41by!te Irompl,r Jr Uray.p, 1'ic,r.n:cd I •,tease, At sue s Ignal tJJ1lCe.I 11yJ.111ESI'.11'Ufr11 ' 4 r rl S3^BIFF11•J GALE QF ” New h:rr14." { 41117re•t Arabin - ilea lips n tr, p, t I (' Jj:• Annme)• l CiA$ " t ___.._•«--- - 1 L,p. the Len$ fur K IylafcYllum. t La+w , 1. Stratford. May 10th, I•G.i. 1G..m illj o (l'nxn{ttnunlxa,J Y v,n1K Lir • 1 u{ X,•tLit.,ndit.,tits4iift 'It,LLA,,.- .\L.0:I, 1.rll'I'LYlllr _ h j I Huru.. end Iss e,2■1 Is".dwwwlExpul •w -I Alscciolc o/ Areaielert Joltwtlon fist i hr JI , until d d ' "1 , , ' - _ _ ._ . y, aK 1 'Window Shades ', , Voel Carders, C,J In Black and wnito Braids, at fho f4 Fwri F.,hr, ear ~.,I oat ,I H- r hl.j,wy4 ('.way r' .0 Lia:d J r f n•w. 1 hr Wil, ., .,1 rho A o..dy Lit untanu ruJ 1'.wrt Lir C ,Z hl gentleman at list cit,juhl s aiaror: h1.e G.WI a"-1 druuth i f I.wt..• b nr. 1:„ .:.' , r C tde 141, of ,Lodi, v Ju4 y III FOInio lc, Ct1 i'A Y FOR CASK p V.JI i J $T ® y ,•-n 1'L and ., raw ,r. f)..1 r ti I 1 •ober- la o;, in aur p•• ,inn. - f Ahn 4:.. Good O linin T GJI teat y/ f r i.,mt..xd I«nrmrnt.,.rwrpires u.er'wr Yd,v. i hOafd'rtl.u.l x,>me lift l,4” by r yrhn,iaelll I y,r«.W-,pihi•"'x alit 4t iLr fl,,,• )I.:q nr T *'". i P!{ L f CE NOTICE TO RATEP iYERS * 1 r•n,i. str••at-.n. ):nu•1, 1'. IN'Wnar read 1te1 Trnetof t e circ mist slat LaN I nnuurl kl res ' 1'IC'wotera. t{'e fin - ;y r' • „ ni y:n IJ; h • l I ,:drn.mr, wl the ens Lir 1-ssr tl. H, wwxd IedR$ ul the e'Irl:urntif'r.Cf4. At the. Isv,nrl l „✓ tit,. I f lf: n 1«rr_, w Ir H.f"o. :d' fnrmmd a ; t"ft' u'•.111" W n. ,R tissue y ul ILVeM.w. j e[ bpi r:ecnuu a$ ciuveruur uC "1'rnuea]rv, h, ' t trema Lit shim Lu -•tis':,..,.": dm sift,,. 1 I, ,-, ,r. a nu .. ,"" a ..,,«w ; r .n w,l- ! D. x yj L TD A /VO, I ru,r .., a. rl•.,„I utrn stn Idosib, s r If 111, rlahtl Jail•!nand whu, like h:gl.eif, heal r;arf, front /'-arsutf. 1 m3tTEXiYTxX2N TONIN' OF GO r,,,YA ,K IM'uul-caru-wr "dl nml Jr • I ux, Jit• & ll, A PI1r awl hili,,-I,.ltnr.aul Arr«atom.,,• wru t.• DERICH _"t ,ilia,,•, 1-h..y "' Gode,ich, .tit Al,ril, IS65. 1.-:' w.1yT 1 li,- I t, a...I I P 'k L.,I \0. 1.5,Lut Ko, w I..A tiµhe klt-Yth ht{ !bYmble n1:0. HLCe co • I,ubl-cluof th by ,%, end r .Y.w•nher ,R• Prwrr sn,l; -` ft lead Vh A. 8..1 -ilia W arra 114,"rl,:e. Ito ww - Llrr►►1•a4 by I Iii Drone Items: SCHOOL BOOBS & STATIONExY „tr, t.Y 1, w ' .'a ale ••,,,,j"As1 ~torr•" — _ — VY«ra ■ r.wl It Wil , u4g,' hit wy At the time oro a ak ct r { ! Min .o6Lv n.nww.-I Mark Lot No. ala the rtl- i" Ar ({'31IF Alish'hetiral Bull for tits examhadt..” „ "..ptmJ.J . I+wls...ty 1-• ekly .v.p.14e J •f s Ju ld$ of the Jupreme t'uurl. \ul lung Ater l - - J + of Ih0 H.'sI Yre's is naw a wit w,+nand one rL wN ulwwntrLir Ihr kwJ I . {d / r - r J r J `] Ila Lie ul Ywu ; r+ •ugh ►dl ,•Il w 9! ow firs i Y.l i pin ear a at I C J U J r 'f , •-Ir.A I,tuern . rr.. u1b Faulty, t•etk I.ol A••. '• Andy"brcrme u•ah:d n, for rLbr-l,4wrfrl' cYn.ia cure G,r Geri en do soak dA•. REDUCED RATES. ' 14 CAn.Ja. Apply , ` u 1 J Itinnrl,, .-Ir "n•.nlrY-kyr wlnPl-and Bl.,tk a J ' .the Town lla(, (rearm Ian e'c!a•k w flan Lirr•' tt'a•.t .el, .d Qn.'rn l,In•rI Vunh M .4", 1•..117 -chair,l.e re 'rirrJ fr"wthls hit Ld r p'vxntu(I J°„ for fire siixutct ill 11x•) oil, mId/WA 11. I.1 nnml IIII f,,i.r rl c,Yrk 111 dl« w(Iwn,a,r, 1•I,w I ' 1L1I•PML C J,t)I:I.. tTi(1\, YIIW. It's Jael4 VN tkC flays: :Viortgagl Salo of. Land - t:,+le,,, b, f•, R. p r ! M.enA anti and IJ srul U hAlnh w-J.•or (1mMxly a•frON. ahurrl, .thlch lLr Lal4: r, by w.l.l :i Wal •sUi.>„vl thea l'uu"t of liereriuu wiil Iw, ! 01• Qat Sp1•1I1 .,' Ore]cr of rn•b Yso-tar: \,.til. Aah ul lul I, ):.w hila "1 n 11. r'.jW,l {7,k, IJ,:,.' N',J'1 M a•wwweut, Lod Lrwm,vrJu4t Jurin,rkiw I:c"i:.tf;rw4liuJuuw'enlut-yakrtrr '-` L,..IAntl,.', „T 1 HrrrrnrArrvr•ti„rrtknmpr-.o,.5ufrrturrnr A',gll, boort u( rtJrarbun Irum 3La rmree au1 d4Gn I Curt a1J ,rat fist. (- ':1+ia: a;J, by u,t4r, of • l'uwer of `, Fridap the 19th✓Z%St. i -I -- _ T-- -' ' Mn "I L.w No. r, , .rib "de of )JIYn -,,_,, of .1Lcc. 'Cir ruts of 1'ulrnu recrpad uo • ,u, %",...,I in.SIQstda;,e Ill -de Ly Jru;' y) 7 mitt of Lotter I', O1n1"nt,r"n. lea •u 24 w.xl .4l, Lir ILa M1unh •. L• inwili .• I. 'J4hn,' said am.strrIYb'ahe-8l, ,tau iiarl Cth.'1'u."•hy,.111'rN400sh. 1, I:.' u..• , .lois. .111 a-,t ,.a•. .ICls.rod"o.lrrrl. Soothe. li N. lea ..6. afro Cusicwnun,; Li,. p,- •tut luF a ;toil fy .1 A 2 . 1 ora, r. Lie ears rLu4t nrrriiu.r Liu a who i I',;bfi nC JiLn n,: 1'c,•- of •;' .r..- bmu aril Ivgrr. 4, 1'"n+ tic l )"rrrrinr wtblU y man, to Gi r4e J. -Ito , aoa.J, sr l,- S,.wtr Lirs4t to L,• ill Ihr 1 ' FAVI l Nl'i r in too Gulcl ick: •l U(]icr i .nk of bor6.lk WKr4 K•wlMwry"n. L«f• 7t a„1 joun„fr, ' 1. u raw; b(•Pupy ms' 'rc N L .r I I:u: rr, o: 14r 'I •'u„bry . t M,K.;.1„p. ill i::C YS lbs l:.ilk Liu u: brfurr tis,• Ulla tsar. arida i , ' V/ !! „ark -.Ar ui L.wu' pit c,1. Y,•w hnn,:run. w,t nutJe,:a-I.Cku,INl'-d v. ,1. Irrrl,Uou,. iY(I 1 lit\b1y.1P1:. Iwtkel RaIl "1lkuawtwkr•► IWMI. Rod lrer- the taut, of hu tidence was in due tiara a s. • rm rfwenL' • T. tank you, iii,' drmurt iv ,,;:,d C"i".1, Lit' Ill, ..n, . (iru;:,wean, (drl..oll ' l,:a, Y,,d. 1ltf Yi M,C 11/f Y' nod trr•u Lir, ,Ac, til ,,,piled J,uu, - but I'd frt4er •Irev„ua Lau " L..)in 1..•. n h,ad.. ul tlo_ Ju. - .1.111f TII•)1iNt1\, .I Ann.rror-r Minh Nel,c';rn A-,). I is to 424 the'T11I111) will fr,)Iuls A is w I r r l skrAl wire h,• aria wl ml, Ieliry m the O 1 ('n,'IYPt-$ fist':,:” V6%. 11,-n•r,. Lula. Tuw'u'I'rrr4. { AudrewI.. Llthin 11,fiay 1'.. Iw•r :n © 7y hlhr'r..w•nnlR..h•n,'h,un7.K•- 'tn matin;; r c.mp;rtc roil. f rJrd/see -r list „f., a,,; 1., r,:J1ly .1 Lr1A..0 un 1 :t'1 der of \jay.• 1A6,S. wi4 2, ... ilvh•'sii,• t tbi•ten / L 't I^ „C .lav lh.Twen,V-E,aldh Jar olvel-nrr•y"exf. -, riftairntlr(•ek.•mtk, Add -Leu c. IP!ete4i 'I'r1,' {,aid AgrallPmantl {isarrra..t, „ /fp I .. `` , e Glasgow HOLIJe. k w -w. iarid,l Ihr Tli'C■. alae tout. 'fwrhr "I ohs vl,N' r, ,tar,"ste,lpl„” t 4 ° err }I 1 da} of Ma}'t , rL•:aW 1J•...(l:)'lie NI,kA. II.. JU,'\ 11.1CIWNi ,kLn. -'. stab erre dull lurrunlyd Id 10. . r t, Y4 1'"a, ' wI t. INSOLVENT ACT OF :961, I Ruurk• J" -i (':y tl, t•w „Wit 1:.,' -j R' ••4-4;ir ♦ urolith fur LLn Wit, other! pro , t Lu Oat. Y , tl ,at ' l o .til r , l:,; 1 :'' to U If:,((„,,;. •1• U• 1-uf:, w1 IN, ,.a •. c ucw, Liu .. , , 1 (Isis,' J.•.:•s . 1 lLs" d .1"..ir• 1l. Kerr, Jr. l7(, Co. ./ sy.q. inns -Wit. rrpRIys4lwrlr. incid tit a t4;d ht uit1,T c.ra ,y roWd al ]rr.dhrl'.e uu'l (ultu:g r W'q 1, tutu to La \ ' r t de «nn L.rmlrr.l i-wlerlcbl I. r're J.., )I 4,!oiuh Juba i Go,lerich, `ill April, Ip6S. t incid.rut like nlaa4YrelfY,lApir PubI..•.4tau t•r,:° ' , CEORCE .V,. 7RZUC1.1+1AN i1 IN.-zoi -rNry FOR Till: 1'\1T•' I.,•6., t'a;a il--lit 11.,:e,t••.1. l,7 I ;L41 jauu.ly,lw.,. ` owl a I 1':Ir ('lll'1TILIS' OF lit'111f\ li,•d'un1 J"ill MrJrao .yw'iuc4 hlrh 46„'la r , 1] Ila N.,Ud r III.,I A"J - M' A !W P l" •,{I r. 111 t"C (11 ,Ir . ( t tPr- i -." 111) I Juhtunu •ld,uld rtaNt t t su•.tL J « rl!.nb' ui,n ci,u cit Iwew: Iwru f ,o •hrJ Lit 1 . • i:a d I 1 ., „ $ItC CE. I Parlt-• 14,1. )Irl(le "fM,sliu r Th, ahnve li tle i, jxntironed till Tmeaday rt -t A; lnsorvellt ACt Qf 1864, ifj fT { ` r ltr. Jfl, J., 4f.lpril nrfl. give )III to arrru,rn Ol dram] lLe l:Lid lwwrr)in,r r r,n' •nlali mean, rwm,rkrAt {1'.1',1!1 +! r L! -,Ir t Attu' ; ,,,I r I .,et R-•r,v ile'ru.." 2) Sl"""elle 11 stn (•':) 11K 1f' 'j j J/ , r direr inauulanm NLA', ..fold .i„h ..pp6rlu• i.hr Ib,ILa!rinr. b-uhd short nu'tic !lusts %I,,* of Ixu,l .nil luuul,••• -ns." i.: ar,d 1 cul: C.11A SIL• ABi:$IPdir.,, /41rtr:Ati7: , Lar'c B'W i _ lM♦i OCL TG,G i A” 1ti O ,TIff r hili lis to ilio j.0ur .Lit to r:an by law uwu j t•+" at to pet riunJ w;, L, I in u v I o A .Lin , i W.vs , „h. An tis,• t', L;,t) - C .I,,n J ,im a T4• rthnrw . rlr 1] t,ntrlrr t ,toed f II u■euu. { 1 to. , In tier n1Al(trr rj I11.V1,'Y IiILSU-1; fres t l _ _ In o"'"' inr"anrr o(!!u f n liar 1 riote c1 CurxuY. Lr.0 Ili f'ru;krhanla f'hAt \'aev,,. J„lir h N ,`n\' hatt f: f Eufl o d..an nr 1t TutaJ- tau 9th Jay .•i La utxt. r Il —_„ t ln,I ea whitish •PRA e l , ' JOSH D080GII, yrs (I 1 . /NN,IfCMI. [ W., N. M J Y I • ,—d 4)lal• i l:r;I d41 . 11't, wlwa they lir,• m„rl:..,l, lealU'r,,W.poa l ,,I stir bo -1a w. -t yLa.ler V( lean i 1 rnt. I wmnbrll J,rhll ! IRE rr,A st h,l.rnr•+nail/✓f N1, rYrr.'J — _ X.m ear 1%,nr-tea” lh Ito• I ' I'll' ""id•+rw of "Re lwtsell""t Acre pi -f ,1 Lia uuurr-UI name ort .,;leo' The aVve .ate i. turn F,•r obf p . W wy \u pu IIy ghh'y uttciA.vrJA. 1 F rvrutb co"crs,hn Ch,etie J--hn 11.14 AhyR'l j Inst tie Is”. m I, on wr.renmrul ul,hn,-11 nth i P {b Rd li1J I j PO\ renditl,+; the af.inai; fylf-d slid slum f ;,' Is's trnn.rhnn 40West G (?r 1 Rml.,C-n-en,le ear •t..ae Ai,I.l. n .rhP uu.lr,, Tn..lov, she lath Joar. 1+ 65. N lien Gen Rhertunn ww in tom -nand kit l }'Spirit -o ,' said a tt'rauro-oldler, with "Clb-• n -id A-rf,alarr,A lyre,,+-.ah,cuntai:;Ani U Lo%$i'r the AIcurnr ry Benton Bar cks, ``l.-lwruit, he Y•Y ul the ; Lv a.InNa•"t went 1's!t• rare+tit IaoJ, L. UAr r y lurtho lousy n'nn,•d ('.,u'r J .mss (2i Un •arJ.,L„ , •rss,.ed a,•r_•n.•r, xnd it tv ear.• Miss"',) o. h,•n'.n Robt. Runeiman "'-' - -_-___ • blit• 1 In iia ll,. a"d an"flair m b,r -nn, . I',ainhR I Ju urJPr theft r nrrrtin{ of Ibi•' t'i4rke.lohu O I ", w,u"n cw t n-„•nn•1r eh dna 11.1..116 tn••u ] J10riii 1eJ Sal@ 02 Lead:• habit of r hind "Pty I -an of Ibnt iluk4utfor” ' Liss Iel.:i rwn,u rely nr,,r hitting me.'-- "stn« ,noir ea irvr. ' Tcru.a a a4. Dred eu•lit"n o(,4n YAnra heard. -nn., .n•v I m Lir• r, unlr tory h•.bl. rl ani, 1 7•' U l+ 1 1 f I-: I t d. wod mak' krmsed t-mAliar with r.verythtn I I.'.1hJ surie"fl. old auut4tr, wL„„✓ toil,, IS,Ner of tote, J:('twit 1 1';«l,"Ili Atobrupa (,,w1Ihrv]hbof o, anal sl nal«,s/amv Ihr ro, ; - K. u,. was' JO)I\ DAVISON. I defto,&ut Ju ukx Plwc. I.- 41"Iblon Luke if-rrilGo.. mu.tlwrlu-rd„u rArrnrt•ih. Ir .•dr'nualweoi 1' Yon M a Till that w I(orn,.r un.. 1[l, wan an old brown'' stat uhf, 'they carie ae,r hear mlAeing ml,.- , ` 30.-3V ' f:"e me at rhe 1,aw I !for wb.dewnr rryl.n.kr nark oak nrr ruw'hrr• % T r =!' frf • 0101 ' Veod„i a Jufutor, Ulhcn ot',. Qorbr't M,rr 1'ruun James . 1 Lir e4plN„ t w wl k rl.,m., l ►l. ,- a.•d Ihut.r, , F t' l "••.- I.Nwd.wd toot sone pij c int.' aid was lot generally ! ,1' Bachelor's Life. --ilia 1:mm ler tris' F. F. Mrsoeurs Topics A lluuar, rt : C areata by«; 1(r Tlraa i'owtt J„hit Wa. ll'. ii ATS(IN t >t, w'n : of 1!••l,, M,,c,Wyl- UfxrmF ree I ised try flit, min. -r ,,sit rYtx ,r the.aulll.' Llw Town or („ i , IST DAY OF APRIL, 1865. C .-1111 .ICI,Iw• $'-,I"I C -1111r. ”. Hnn.. ked tlr•,.e Lia flail Ila.• Idh Lit: w ncA bwrhrLlr ;a • aylen'Jet ; Thr nbmr: sate a Ponljwuttl ti'l l'li'la i.Iw drr4•h, m Ilea I Grguphrll 111- ita4Da I'uM;lk Jua I lir . Uae dr NI"le wulki"' throe h the I .t. 16nr,• . Acrd is, n, • din, 1,,11 eeam.t fir logy. ,,eA W-cs, y Stamp. Said I.'t.it"i ('tun Les. un . r(r4fonh.l4lh A 1126'5. 1 All pvs,t . t .l••hl„I r„ 1h« 1'„.re arm .re hP^•. I rn.•nl. .•1 ' ,.n.- Ht.rk, a tV .Lid til Yea y' f j WIN kit li,pe • loiurab!y flit Jiunrr, and tussle I Ihr Y,d dory ul Jsne horst _ (wlh f lin . ouurol lath met wdb s le. .r wl:n was un• I l •Pur. - ", ” 1tOLdaj', The FIR 11 of Jun,, f Mayen Ilira,a I1rAn Jnfel•Tt (2) 1 S• U. Us ('A I*1dIP.V, by 4,MIurY roil td) autwrnd k.r.,a w,avuul.,,,,r r-•rt.na...... ^v ffi. T -wit-Inp Lir A.Lt{r'J. 1 stove Lew,, Inerci(Yllytrraliu,(Lia-aoto. • h,pp"auddsp, 1 - ,4.lwa„r 15.lwwlvent. WIG -7w 1 Jur Liu Int .titst'andlak8 mrarl'nn"n .II Iht,nuht.h1M that mulct amid Ills, Grnrrnl. • Gl cnut:' There Lir there 16"At a mao never tr4 I r or Sale Cheap. A. I). 1865, at ton n1' the clock in Jae fore lluuc,y S.rsl. H -A .1olner I ! f Bmf erre„ 9 ori ..'id dr•hmd.nt m and h, rhe said the A'A'Air, til a blirk[ul il.nontnce o 1 filed ha,kin„ tt 'Plu, a•.w. Ilan - and a - i • Hrnl .Inman j - - - ._ - --- I st day Of Fi0 Y next,.! wr.1 'o;i .•r,ol r k,Mr .,.V, a Lir-N,r thio res.. f tiro , y I ono, fur Iia purpose of giriu their ultka I rumen's fxce-CPevute the • B•k nerrr fur (r ft., ,; I Fey. T/ f) HArrl•a I...rx I SEIERIr ".S' SALE OF „ h',.h r„ h:V .o.e ,•1 the ,"....to .•r jte'wh to whupl Lu wu r,:e-kihtr. 1 til) ) i f. k rin.. Bra,•$: m, sU Ku1ow, 1Y.' upoh the a ooudment o(rn ollici.l •• - 4 to oto that I' reiterated 1'hh li neral.- twa'dula tu rt4rr c:ikc. I VL. con. Nur. •. rt''igties I Fst.rd. M•. .ANA$. ; v.,;1 be Irrnde,l 101 Ihr_,.,-1lrctiuw I .,t t., mV F•: Hobie.:ro 11 bev 8 minor , A-1 n- Id. n, .Ne t'huu r, flnr."-,.-u.L■.r o .raw yea P e I A.^V Y lV unJee the ubvrA aCt. e i r'Iw.,_a 4n Land will iW w sl hind" a r,',u•. w -il 1.5tu,n cud rrnraem, I .hall Too mind aur booth"eland I'll mind min«,' I N. ('. C11(JiQU::. ; F:JaI SL fist R.,Lnrs+. 1Ym IlnnYd I',rnnr .ti. of )1' sir/,e ..f 1 y1'nI I. 1 hyisplaying rheas a 11kswo.eremnlnry' It.000I'liit i ..1,I % i iJ,tt w , ;1.I,.A„'t,r-w,,r,,,",r„•r'inear I'onn H•nrr..n replied the suldier, coutiou,ug b a ilruk mntr-' oer4pation their playing C'sr 1c, . - Ih'c.uw, i _ I:r.ho;h.Url.,Ywy 9•. Ih{4, .W N Jurist //uron ,• //rur•t, i F::nut 11p Uiire ): eLvrxleWi 11"m• stun". and H,u. a, • j ) - P«'n h•o. ',a- 1•,.,-r a h„• L -wit .rr /., .:.•i irk, ran 'kI1••rrla” ,I w. -I da local upon the mule. 'I tell you ar-in lu You play N',h.xs wl•h two buhu•o mid at; T- (- "s ] `t)i N I> i Rted at my S T• w,l: 1 „n, ,d fill F{i(lltl' MI1F)JIT, I,d A.,:" -r 1 I1, r tl.n'-tr,.v'„r,.,:,. y NO !'aid (Jrneral Sherman, t I r ' Criull Pers In the d C-olw fh•-Ian edI man 1'.r. ,d Iluh'n .ml It .h'-•„ itis, r: tun b„ar .d 1wr,vu yf tLo Town of (i Wlaricb tits A nth l Cilli stn J -mss 1t,nith (;i•n ..I t., n .• ln,.'e.l e L tan” -rent ., Mr:r-.,...11iu•„1 of 11.n1rM, ('alto cl.,,k, row.,, p Lir sou know ca Ja with Ivor 4naea$. , •ro I I (-, Slruud.lnhit ' rnn4 Ihr land, -.nil r•' rrtur-. iirrcow..a:nor f:uflr.. ( JUIIY A!ACINIY (,n, Ta td oil!' wid the -ol li,r. Fiver man A foreigner, rpruk;n of lh• ifouee of 1 OI'\fl on 1LI• Lrxeh of fAtke Hun•n, 'Icy °[ Nwr, A. M. iN(i5. w1A_2% llrTrrnrn i'rallk wbe 1 am' 1 sm I;en. Sherman.' 1'h.i r j L I mrnl•.(Jan,••. L"duYn .1 •n-..41 as o....... 1 Yurs.d I . ler p r r ',"It J"h+, f/r",ik, 1 L.,.• ar,rri rind t•ar., y,.'nl,,,n . 1 T H R E S H IN q MACHINES Rr t•: on' I.,w x, net.ary, Ilhrril. 11'ummnne xAc s: Sit Jirri It is it far stn {lain 1 .L•n,t :i milia Irum ti, drrirh, on tit J.ith ---"- --'-- ila;nanrR (iru S!KI•pwrA Jay I the ,-, I,'. kill, .nil mlr,e.1 ,e b.e ..•d Jetv/.Ir.1 i r ,t so PumPa •lung with as old o 6* c. Nl old' y - l { INC Ilrt' a Lr .4a nt1•al c,1,+, h..k•neh, t to lie hrwnl n4IiJ•.iU rorrNua walla, that the of :1 til tarot, r , unhulr of J'nle S.w l,d.•R, _ n y . hit iatrwan Juhn ! n, an.t Ill Lawmlo, • Acml lrrntnr!m.......,•,.-.,,,rr I T„Laois wad su der ire N.v., Nn;,;,m Yr,J I'4"' Jmir•A,-nr.164,: ► - wt • a . Flips hui m cl but+ or be Grh S4.•r. P I HANCEitY : r,i the h -w hl e Iilon. I n pnaumed alar for ontt 1.rarnl iskp4ueut memhen Lir "hlirwd to kis cohost. niarkYd 1. f., N'. •nil E. Thr twit,, is re- liawkew Mit Nt4ard J , rt• p wrF{r,-•r•, u ,.urn,nv J'+1 -.rY+; 1-tv.•n, -_ Sbirmw cunaidrrefl hiylmlf outdrukeJ. •Ila calling out, Liar ? Lea'I ! juested to prove property, pair ,sprockets and ll, CHA,NAER, fltwitt Simeon Stanley, Jgho oral "'til .'1l, nololwr Y r- As- vdf.."I •.d Int I Cookjng parlor f : Box St'OY@>! 1 TILL C$A h.r"n, rel wr.l •h -,tit. „f R...«Y, r-•,It..aur JI , ---. .-r.. ' IaLe them weary. If not a imed within v Il uaW ♦ TIr(. 51 • 'Hlr ms( Juhn - .rif-s-, wr-rvh 1.IPA-rml fe-emena t .hal"drr.k i A R, -.J ».^nod -hand ; Cl! TON EOUftT o RE iSION 1'nendn w acid I:ii w.tAI otR friend.: , \CELLOIt. A Q' xn kscnrT.-fake • handful of i're t min, wnJ tnxn:cre tit„ tie , Ihen, kir mohlh frum Ilan dale ihr will b• old b - Irl! N' II Snaith lir ,lir n my ofR,y l,•1 lhr(nNrl H.w-r m tit« town Q/a•waw a =` v / " t I YYCII,rII• Sapilh Mary Janes :"1:t.lrr-•h, .n T,K.I.V Ihr tI"4 dov of A.1u4.9 , a'41e,y&yr NAICA' Tt Im 1 fistula IIaJltuu•ho t, the'Safaequunulrinet a..ing them fur anyshmK hutxArice:' ,(xjisOSfR(tAYthslwrlOAAayofApnl.:nlAa fl,xt,at4ublwrultwa•irrurfh«cLr4,nwx. iii / of 1M awl IIeA \imLleuwrur, • apnj I.1 i y"u can't wk a mean for a„]thio j he LrrN to 111 ('.Tilsit. TOI'N(I, Jr. v''t ' twewlv,•r{rhtn yet, M In« rerun of ilii l )`Ifl'i,xn JLcn.wl r 'hrnrrh,,.r r.r„r -,1„t caw•p,'ls p, n'rr nr }4 ,I,,,r•N n -r IIK „llaf(e ,w Ckw1 Q .til a lar ,d 11-• T J IN: the read tale IktckliiwI rt «ober te'loia or 1 jird more, and costs hint lea than adv.•e, G"{"r;rh then+l,'", Mnf.51h, lean.", win N$ir.yQureu Vutone, • y, Joh s rahellad )Huish :AArgh f: Jtlll\ JL1(.IIIIX.tI.h• Aq r"r. rP pnn•tr n.-• alr,v..mrlP. w,m A ^-d "" brat .tear . • j 1. 4t turf IeW, rtd m 'Ihr ■r of our' D Ufa I tis, 1 Grp ye u, liFr T w ( y J.hax"u ary n.undrn I4,bt s hrnll, tLS U. d, Wei, I't"..0 amI Alii pire.w,k .1 Linc.. w UEEMASONS HAIL, CLINTOX, sitd irk ; pier, ale drola oaf h1avy, ;( 01' ' ge gale of Lands BSTWF.E\ 8f pol.rnrlt. IA•pxty it 11. Ial.ey wr",ya borism.. six dtachme of Mrlirr, w few 14u1e hf $nr Alf hot f,nt of the encirrlul far• r( i Jnhns4m 1 (:) SNwnr, Sand sq,ar+0'a r1rFr. Crr.l.•r'wh. 1l, fon. ahml N'nhibzt"n waw 4f be imn-lilts„ Irfanrp Ham Flaw4rA, hand ROrLtn,swd IM I Juhn.wn 11 i Snluh S,dn,y slth Apr.1, sola. s w4I k. ItC\Cf [:1V. TUESDAY, THE 23rd A 1AY,1N;i/ whisk cart be pure vett ;n tiny quality at Ir JumnohtrJ, Ihrir r-rrieunr witbd.rwu xn. CaneJa.Ay"nr f t%wurff, Irid "o. + I f tM oho(((t. o[ Mlea 7 Ilia Tradable; AIl.i o b(ih,k'. N'n' —"o— j a twrivr r'll.wk,nr . lltesR wCll In"►lhCr, wm ;F:nInIPr thein d"wn''fI.mIN„ d, aliA CY.'r1IIlIn: lip},•n.airrin. In this . U IIF.it end 4l, t1rtUC of • PdWPr df o,,IC eta Pl•IA1, r. I i+ref .Tnhny[ Tr MKfa nM Int ,kr .hitt.. tt BtM^I/lya will sh""""un. esrwrsive branch of ,drfvra;vr i N r"rt,k J ill r f„rtain 11mt ace sawAr I Ile ,tr• writ A, a rr' hit Im• 1 All pan,,. mtne-Irrl will take ylwrs trlalT lbs Aalf an horn ov"this h1t of Uixfn,tehl' g Wdfan Ihu 4ca k, i h rr 1f x, hf 9n, {;Ili•,: 1 1 1 a , u• nr., of Vuvtrrl I"I. w:va. Yrv/YAA wYIV: kindled wick • Iinlw Jn duutx, tlev ,titin it I wnrGr'r is to he int open t40 yeua,wl re• j IoW ch:. `m,.xlr, oI {be lnpn •d lh-IrncA' "' :11 Al 1'l,. •n 1Inku D A ' 'I' 1 ((; i 1 T; 11(1 f 1' I1T T 11i{ ' 6l pa1:L I:. HkAU ehrou A the ng u • (rchchmcut Phil). Bub her, to if.. 0"1 part, Welantt I ovu,w le.•n fl-6-ndanl, A t 1liacnnatruc4 m , Ain• 'it' . i itefirr 11m f2 A -anti m Ihr and joirti, tit thw.a.d.) then Will k PAN the applievi ora" 1'Je,wr. ) I I wedrenfrerl f•t d,r Prrr'rr,e, „+ail krml. of kis f lidooreLle'ra, ,par a shin of Streeb)ara, akiiIle it for a I ' MMher where's Bill t'-' My -won, do sat + ,d,l hY Aurtit•n, oil , l -o -4y, the Ant day .1 `) u0-. 0.4 u n petnnt by AeFlwd • Cmuh amen -~ ,bile•,, tie lnua4.. n.1 N ri1 sxn;rl Clwlun, ►lay, Ib:,, wl&dl )nw•fr A1PR • 1 )A RTII:A Ar. r„na of „M/mmR pian Clw.a' Y new days, wad d will INI lit tier tae.`, Let • 1$t m. hsrr you py Itdl ar•in. 1'ou ►AeaM Junr, A. U Ilak1 aI Iw.4rr a+c h,rk, Arlan, YI Iia after due dl„rrm•r d.r.orl Ih•rPn• 1 1 ,,1"r h,. l• ,n l M B411M." p4r,,.,.r” „nn AIiR11, L'q .0 lts4 11 p1.0• few drulla fie taken before walkintt oil( and say %Villinm °'-' In the yard, feeding Ihr Ihr Au,•nt-o'.Nnrs of J-,IWa SnAi11. on tits Marken ,,lint , -nom Iy foond A-, 1..c, v.d lA. astr JAm F 1Yh;t« rt •A r,t„ -r --try-j _ _- __r_ k the aub ,rt will i e reablavl lu y cak •Il aa• , decks.' ' 1)h )sear i 'sat him now. hill ' Y'prx q ,alA-• lawn ,d I:,denrb, ,be h,IL,w,n, wnA an ulw,C c tea anpprn A m onv gn.nnfy, awo un reawn.We rtAnvta and ra•i)nar,a.ese n•ablf e/tee,G rCA1+N' 1 ( A 1AVl t r! Ai jln( j' j r VY Lit the h;auutM L wit ltoht W Aile Ikv1A Mryr Ly a{•pipe! lu F '- ✓ ` land- nod pnnn..+, ver. ; Lau urn• bundra.l ofd Bill m th...•Acne$. 11 a nnfnrA tk.l I,eat•hmt Wm Wei a r .n' n ,,suit iter of aril conliuuRhl. fmnth.r, wAat maks the Burka Arse such I Iouf Iy end ore' hui-lr.d and ,rchrr•,n,. m ifn tar. -id 11,,Ynd.nt d„ on nr "•lure the! tbl ffr"..r d. W. i LLTIiTT, 1„-ferleh, {1•,•.11.1, leer. xwltw4X E j• A young Womanin 1•:0r,and, aged ^.2 b1rmA wflli'mnT •Cid Dot td vita,, brother; town 4inh• ,-6.,.ml"mnt, lotrelhrr, 6l, Lit. , I tins doryLir'line nrxl,en,weroldomor W;Man ,larch rt.thirlA.1reh. Ihh.1304. _ w! _ TIIT pwrtnerah;p biQ)r•na rwnaun,A under barn • /11tH b'lld," wy naCl,ill re.tured IU I Aireetly, lou little scamp, or Iyll Vox• your nKa.ftr.mn'nt limit Yn *,for 'cf tam!, m, -n Lir Iy,Acmpi, to the wnl Hill. and Il N Mdefed that a }tone F (2) W,IA.n J,,hit - -"-- — - - -- — —___ ~_- ----_ _ I 1 .lea.. ♦ , lua p4me Lit Hrrbexnn • Aerny, of ,1'rfect tisinn in 1'nur Ix a L »•'' „lip,' 01 Ino 14'r t.,arthtr wile ,hr >I nn re G I W11,1Yr. Juhn Insolvent Act of. 1864• aid S LE. Fr•ututy.'o Foum rrL hat iwen this day 1 Y y w turgiC•1 j - ilrP-Wry old l.r Ike (:rnrril Che1m \lay .1 aha WRI.,,n .Inhn mnmdly diesnlrrd. 11 J •stir- bldebu'd i ermtion. The ,•Lief of her new sines ww A CRf mm moi AnnV•rxurn.-L. the TERMS QA>BE3- gum Jpr y P Lir tau Conn hit pllJuh+d m U.w NnrrRnn John lVlfa"a Jnmer /j1 jf f: rri+Vfn ..,,she rndervxm-d m ufi-sl r1Tt a.m11, ,tits- Y. a tN le i ear Ihr rriA krie, by note or book •etwnnt Ac}w Must curious. Slip LaI at first no idea n( r di)eartled okfrtR opnn one n( our arden hear Rrrlumler V' ,r orf.ate conumed in as ul tJ_j , 1iii1` i 1.,mal a.r.G- r aV'kP I 7 K , ' Ilur"a atrr Lit " tie.'. Mhnin Jnhn {2) 11'hrrltr kilt r nh, ro 14r I ......I, 01 fl. nm, 1 i +unr••y- Otrf u ,score, Sihe nu her hand to thea window plant •small hili a Mo a e. os ,h, ,.1lrr ,a N. li. Mv' s, hr ,s,t•,,. tea s,rw • -t-ith two sen, of : (eyu,•wl.rd kir ,'all Mid arnnpw with Njl`I a 7'c, 1 ! 1 , 1Mot tit h;Kh u e 1x11), n! a -- h.hed sit the Tew•n of C..b•r', h, m flaw res Y. +' hat fl. lake 1n try to catch the trera "n the other aide al' in the midY of it MA attach the skirt to the JOWN iLAVISON, Cm,nty of Hun'n, M Ie.. Ili, en Martin Issas 1('111 itms N ' `b.we, A.hAwL.'!e per Acrrw r YAcA I rlaNllery T',NJfh..lyd F:xYM►, owl 0t kita,ry 1nfllydn, rot morsrAhree. Week. Lefore the A..t d.v hf h,rr lfani.•f \era Iwbelfa Wrfddn Tarr -•'-r, theevhh-rote day ,sl ,Nd v, a, nvr yr ^v arn•..e. •nk rw..r:Y rnanPt OCIW ! ,s Ihw the Ant J s . of Jwllx 'I Ibe street, end wAw utleriy i nnnnr oleo n( top til the Pei 2` by Nr;n,tR from cks r1'Iter 3 S , •, I•..L. "> '. ml, the poop s ,d rer,•,v,nv a.i". nib • ,,,, , W (1 , A.he,•61, R1 Mr' lime t aui to, y )j xt• wk0 w8) rytw(,/w boon• Inch dry sof Nae. A. n„ IlRu1, w18td heal, ami Int "nnbnnM haat ,n wAcrh Mwklr nhn J 1Vi 4 K ram• b. I a'! A.Ma Ana thea ,rid Rim ant/ safA common things-.thwt•urn t4w{tR as •bunch , tMa Row ssedt of skis -akin-in,q, ,(I.11. - work tont tM .a,d say. AnA n u MnnrclbL' 1l''ri ial TLwhom - nr-.til• •dhu at1Jm ,s,oAd,d n w¢ stn AN T„wit [.."in rtnlr•rmar M•+ a*^I pA aa4 I1Ax u( keys wort, or w wrll•b. or A COn/man cap nr adm0 Mltet rine, at the Proper AAs IiIiE$IFF'8 IiAL]E OF LAIYDB. wn„In ne ova mak.• .0 .-s: ,mini under u,a' YpWr J.' Ap dr lh I "edition wrrn"Isnit to!ferri,w• rod wweer ; but wkan xl:e abut her eyes ani' { (lite time . ether 'ROPA I .If an h!{,.r f.r,,,y ,d . F.rl.n Anni^ e(••,. Act CH(/3. WC1Tdl'KALD, •TeM'liar myvw,o hills which will he P"i+A b tante arvelyl yr and it lou win. Ila•- Ptr, tio. Hilt hq;” " w•.1h . JAMF3 lt. ktl .q, sense) sh et d *'ora )hem (lAc educated+ Mte •:Lively pjrimid of hvint jrrean M rain- 111m1eA Cnonne. "t 7)Y rntne 0f • Wnl of ,•frt+v n( 11.N ^,dear for .,,real ,,skis McDonald Anew \'ramnn Wrw A -l” Afid -rJv, pia J4r1rn HrwMtmr. The honk• and nasus sante} slab told Ib1em a1 ohm. 11ww color xt Lnle lrrnlhle and lexs , 317 - fMt-4 at S.aGmh. ('.,,ant Itmon, IM, !ed M - - - - - - exponwa. ifuron Rest lirlrn ►owl{rc;as hm.04 .At P-oprow J Iln,krr'rk, a -n m ,M J, N., 1VATYUV r Y 1'o Wit: tt Har llr,e.ly'. C.wn .4 *hove name{ l*se ,h,er,.nd ,"nh"r wl l of Nap. A U, Ile,,: w1,r:w are roads Wee to the aR;A William tirrwlws. percuou' ,quiet, 4any.- )Tatwitbaand;n ;1dd eke rens) weed io wnalrn tmCthe ) Prr.tmnwlrr. S. (7. %;CAAT011%I* To All whom it ma Coocaf IiUHbA LT VRARALON.- Cawntely auk to mY 1Arr•xiad •IgNN Ila$ Issda Iia ■ropy til flat nrd«r L. m.dwl and r pp she ess in.I genet; not say alagnal/aq 1T i yoor w;lr'R dlowwnre far arra,, and shs will asd Iwwemewu N JaM Form, 6ewaM Asttnw•w addn..ed In t► -r rtJ ArknA.ni at - --- _. - _ .4.1fertW Mihln.hrvrm. ! 111 I WILL ILM H. JE1,311. husinar iiad it •,high!) pr table speculation. J4hft Mr.:noowA 1list Wiliam litanlake an New Yurk: 1 t rl. [ tai l i + yy y /t -- - - Titled Exeter, 1RIh .(pill, jfK`. matins at pervades .11 •ecn0ot Mkn.lrnu.a Ila” anti n( Nary Ann F-bd fur. rnferrA. (r= JLLC 1 V VA1t Vt of 1864• ,N a r,, I C of oar MYatr) at situ time, the eBeeu Alf CcmarrxATe CnmrAalfnv._A lad wit• i lake b Jube Stn,h-:L the (,,, J. J. KII•d) A. RBAStr , ,which, a a Y and,pi r her next trK.dl Br61■tnr. r111F. Mart of Iievie,nn fir hs'ria: apponts , j matter of crone, stn moat erMr teeed •dry yn,xl. afore in xlree ,and a 1the rig, 1 have wind end -1 Th res rt 4 Ro- _ 1 EXETER FOUKOR' a ,,kite int torsi tial lake thin, wbete commereW •xr reelWd • dearth to saw ohms wndl d/lainq. ole the n,rht, pili sell mpr•'• wt Ike earl d ora• 'I{ainal .tawpmwnt 0111 law M',.) -1 IM • t}g Cn.lrrera of tis,• nn.lenn - t»nsaotione afw carri.d nna awn -,n sad tl tit .with holt Of Lx nnmA.r ,(rune '111smiuw H,rrw,-ii,-Take.N rf,-Ih.tlfy,n sone of It. Alex. I'llAl'.. r, IAI 1rt, $n s^"A am ort Iie•I " Aw n,W ane war nr damn, In lbs mil t n' I. I T ,d J.'r". :'naw ` rnn■ Mnr. hf vnno. Inasra is nxr poo w extensive Th. Pohle clerk, with elegant add,@". show 1" o al lie ul.• Leo "n„” IN "1 l seaN Ikon is M tletiril) mgul;lesl m lh,x ed Ler • I"""y of ;acct M' tine 10%hi re stud the f 11% ( w,s.ollye of aha ou'rh n tit p"f•Y.et In ." , alum' , fho bib Ally A til, •t 31 u'Vh ck, 1! tnrlair. m f0.• town of (L.I rn, h, nn r..In,d.v, bwi”. t of law, ors ori rnmptilwd mnrh ; II.LI.1 H H. V kRITI- Iwoeht ••w"4 to oRke m the .hot, , f Ifnn,n, when I: nil- ' "laity,,Mae• IAw P:.mpAlneynies,n an,Mer y P "t) stn alba mlttur ul hmldinl •oA imLto.n rhniee colurinr. (tear loun,q ani ♦famin• ani lwlMwwa w 1 eMh s -Orr Ibe ea tea t my "d," , lake the bill a-, 'RI•wWd apl,lod ami, sod Ihr a' 'n• Ike trrenli.ah wit of b.• hart, at Impol'..'eh.,b, w'rn;•1-t ant w; -h-- M r..nrl in future to Ihx " the p. -o" NMosmIly MM be MPM-Al erWr• )want d$eidedly, we area hound to Ray,harond inq to her heart's refilents lAR remarked :- In the (:.a” Items 1, m IAw IOWA of 6Men• h nn ('nx'f mar rnnf lbw ('I"""lls wlrk nhrfw l I ALES. FI D1,AT, n•..”, kir rhe Mrrpre........nt a swtem.wl I f CASH PitIVCIPLE lu IJI• as10 0( Ale, AuOtind wed A4etney m dl d.'tlr+ee µr oar anus;p ItionAc. At bast Rfty,anA proAaMr ' 1 Ac, >;ofrJs'rn jNlrt c niton, air, • 1i dear T.Lw1av, ,h itis Aay xf Attlllat weft, at IAe hew mar M rMh1M l0 nor 11. n awn andnnt, sail ;on AwA 1 '1'nwI ah s Glerk, 1(Orri.. h,• -Mtn Rod of uan.nr sn •-,.•itis I., wb.Al hes Lt..,I , Iia egM'f til W. lt. Vefity, EvMr y..Afy 1 idod w man dwtltin "I lwt',ve nllnt ClM•k niton. ell llo of rw:vw say arse. aNrw e(Ihs Allefe ' A, I. mak. 1A Orltrn mtel Ander IAO .M,r` ILICHI1kT1 NIX f(Ill, •nil hop" by qnW siNw- 11 e•A 1600 ) p, -amity of th$m Aa• 1m•damr,' nrurn/d Ihw ahnpm►n, them JU{1 T YACi)ONAI,D, IlwvRwlmta in,hN eaaae. A,h r ,11.11 erediubl$ m (+Dint Rf sifts and of Vnr, goody •re u f,re from m(lon sa your breast CItOOL The Court of l7evmtnot has boom postponed JOi1N UEEVL, } 11 O-Nid trews►) ckA w b•w • $blue tf will ba pot up dnr,nr the resaeut arson_ ,e -(rhe Iu1 naris) -free from oilrit law eher,A It.& s• 1.1s1xoWLI, • (ATTAHACiI, till the 70th of NAY next, 111 x W IF:I.t`allf"(:lotI-, idAed, y eyv.p,o_it,fkryetv heriL Vio.,fM'Nol,elloro. J.It.trtV(:LArR, tiiFn$d CRA)i. TWAN. patmsrtQe. 'lheittl OWe, ri,.Mnek, l Tevuntr, IS April, 100.',. Evil”. ALRX. Wstmty, T'p ne,v. IiMRN"b. pohrnnr F,r lna.;V,,. , ( 114miltnn Spirt ef*W"Y. M.'. '"Miry. 1 2,Wk ./poi, IM. i w:t Harris, A ril`111 IZ95. Milton- le1h A o „ 19hh P r 13831 1 .ted fi"Ar;.th ::.?I Apnl, IiIK, a owl:-lm Died l:Aepy lith .14+,11, ilii, wIJ