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THE TIMES -ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 29, 1955 Hensall And District News WMS President Receives Table e lSoc- iety Wom ns Aisslona • ry - S c iety of the United Church met last Thursday with the new pres- ident, Mrs. W. J. Rogers presid- ing. Mrs. A. Alexander conduct- ed the devotional period. Miss Greta Laramie played a. violin soloo accompanied by Miss Gladys Luker. W. M. S. members are divided into four groups, headed 'by the vice-presidents Mrs. G. Armstrong Mrs. L. Eiler, Miss M. Ellis and Mrs. E. Geiger who will be re- sponsible for the programs. Miss A. Consitt discussed the study on "India". Mrs. L. Miekle contributed a pleasing .solo, Mrs. W. B. Cross, retiring pres- ident, who has held that office for a period of 16 years, was presented with a step -table in recognition of her services. Mrs. L. Eller read the address and Mrs. T. Sherritt and Mrs. T. Coates made the presentation. Mrs. Cross also received a potted plant. - Arnold Circle Meets The .January meeting of the Arnold 'Circle •of 'the Presplbterian Church was held at the home of Mrs. Stewart Bell Monday even- ing. The president, Mrs. Mary Hil- debrant,opened 'the meeting with prayer. The first chapter of the study book "Face- to Face with India" was presented by Miss H. Murray. .Mrs. !Stewart gave short excerpts from Glad Tidings and the Record. The worship service was conducted by Mrs. H, Hoy assisted by Mrs. Roy Bell and Mrs. Pearl Baynham. Miss Edith Love sang a solo "My Task" ac- companied by her mother, Mrs. Pearl Love. The past president, Mrs. Hoy and Mrs. Hildebrandt thanked the members for reaching their al- location .for 1954. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs Stewart McQueen arrived home after spending the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby in Blenheim and with Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Reid in London Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Murdock, Mrs. Don Rigby, of Blenheim, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Hensall Kinsmen Club have al- ready started .plans for their On- tario bean festival to bo held La- bor Day. Miss M. Ellis, ,who has been a patient in .South Huron Hospital, Exeter, recuperating from a fall, has returned home. Mrs. L. Simpson left last week for Pheonix, Arizona, to spend the winter months. Mrs. R. H. Sanderson died on Monday at Victoria, B.C. .She is the mother of Mrs. P. H. Fer- guson, of Montreal, formerly of Hensall. Rev. and Mrs. Sander- son spent several winter here with their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Reichert, accompanied by Mrs. A. Reichert, visited over the week -end with relatives in Hamilton. • Harold Bonthron and John Heal attended a convention in Toronto the past week. Mr. John Elder has been confin- ed to this room at the home of his daughter, Mrs. R.Peck. Mrs. Gordon returned home this week after receiving treat- ment in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. Mrs. C. McGiII Dies In Manitoba Mrs. 'Colin McGill died recently at the home of her son Alvin Mc- Gill, near Neelin, Manitoba, in her eighty-fifth year. The former Hel- en Moir, she was born on the third concession of Hay twp. on the farm now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Archie McGregor, ' Mrs. MVleGill went to Winnipeg in 1901; was married in 1903 to Mr. McGill who predeceased her in June, 1944. She was a sister of the late Dr. A. Moir, of Hen- sall.' Surviving are four sons, Wes- ley, of Winnipeg; Herb and Alvin of near Neelin; and Stanley, a teacher at Killarney, Man. The Story In Mount Carmel By MISS S. VOISIN Personal Items On Thursday evening, the C.W.L. held a meeting 'at the home of the president, Mrs. John Hall. A skating party was held on Thursday evening by the high School students of Mt, Carmel. A dance was held An Mt. Car- mel parish hall on Friday evening. The music was provided by Hea- nian's orchestra. •Mr, and Mrs. Gerald O'Brien and famil' and Mr. and Mrs. A. Voisin, Jr, and Sr., were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Douai, Quesnel and family, Crediton. Master Ronald O'Brien spent the weekend with his grand- parents. Mr. and Mrs. ,?. McNair and family, London, 'and Mr. and Mrs. L. McNaughton, of Clandeboye, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Voisin, Jr. Miss Anne Dietrich, of London, spent the weekend at her home. Mrs. Mae Ziler has moved to her farm near Mt. Cannel, Dave Morrissey, of Rldgetown, spent the Weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Jaek Morris- sey. I(ippen last 1Vomen's. Institute Kippers East Women's Institute sonsored a successful euchre and dance in the Hensall town hall with twenty-nine tables in play. Winners were: Mrs. Howard Finkbeiner, Mrs. Rosa Love, Kip - pen; Vern Alderdioe, Jfippen; B. Charters, ISeaforth; lucky lunch ticket, Mrs. Ivan Forsythe Door receipts were over $100. Murdoch's orchestra furnished the music for the dance. ('hiselhurst W. M. S. Ch'iselhurst W. M. 5, held their February meeting in the church with the president, ,Mrs. Wm. Brintnell in the ',;hair, Worship period was conducted thy Mrs. T, Brintnell and scripture was read by Mrs. Carl .Horton, Mrs. Sinn Roo9rol, Mrs. John Glenn. The president gave the study, "A New Years Story" Mrs. R. Boyce gave 'temperance notes. A quilting bee was held Tues- day afternoon in the church and three quilts completed which will be forwarded in a bale to Korea. The ladies enjoyed a pot luck din- ner. The Women's Association . met with ,president, Mrs. Percy Harris in charge and decided to purchase curtains for the church basement. Women's Institute Knits. For Society Mrs. L. Chapman, convener .of Agriculture and Canadian Indust- ries, presided for the monthly meeting of Hensall 'Tautens In- stitute in the Legion Rooms on Wednesday night. A film on "The Ausable Water Shed" was shown by Andrew Dix- on, Agricuiture.teacher at South Huron Distri'et High School, Ex- eter. His address was informative and lie made his audience realize the importance of conservation, Miss Greta Lammle contributed a violin solo accompanied by Miss Gladys Luker. Mrs. D. Kyle, con- vener of Citizenship and Educa- tion presented an interesting ar- ticle. The total membership is to be divided into four groups under the leadership of Mrs. A. Shirray, Mrs. E. Norminton, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. F. Beer. Knitting for the Childrens' Aid Society will be continued, Hostesses for the ev- ening were Mrs. W. R. Dougall and Mrs. James Smillie. Hostesses for February, when the men will he guests for a soc- ial evening, are Mrs. F. Beer and Mrs. H. Horton and ,program con- veners Mrs. R. J. Paterson and Mrs. C. Cook. Brigade At Dashwood Averts Serious Blaze What might have been a ser- ious fire occurred during Satur- day night's storm when about 1:00 a.m. the firemen were tailed to the home of Bill Gassman for a chimney fire. The fire was quick- ly extinguished without serious damage due to prompt action of the fire brigade. Samuel Desjardine Bluewater Farmer Samuel Desjardine, of Conces- sion 16, Hay township, died at his late residence •Friday, Janu- ary 14, in his sixty-ninth year. He farmed on the Bluewater High- way. Besides his wife, the former Daisy Smart, he is survived by two daughters, Elia, of Bowman- ville, and Millie, of Boston, Mass.; two sons, Arnold, of Grand Bend, and Tray, of Hay township; three sisters, Christina, Grand Bend; Mrs. Albert Vincent, Stephen township, 'and Emeline, of Lon- don; four brothers, Ferdinand, Homer and Foy, all of Stephen township, and William, of Bay- field. The body rested at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home until Mon- day where the funeral took place at 2:00 p.m. Rev. E. Fletcher, of Thedford, officiated: Interment was made in Grand Bend Ceme- tery. Bearers were Cecil, Floyd, Tom, Bob and Herman Desjardine and Orville Farrell. Dashwood Couple Mark Anniversary Thirty relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vincent of Dashwood met at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Bullock, Zurich, to honor them on their 45th wed- ding anniversary. Pink and white streamers, cen- tred with a white wedding bell, decorated the table for a turkey dinner. Games and music filled the ev- ening after which gifts were pre- sented to Mr. and Mrs. Vincent and a toast proposed for their future happiness. Guests from Dashwood, Park- hill, Thedford, Northville; Grand Bend and Zurich attended the celebration. Seals And Diplomas Presented Seals and diplomas were pre- sented to pupils of the United Church Sunday school by Supt. Jan Kyle last Sunday morning. Ross Corbett received a 17 - year seal; Connie Corbett and Ted Norminton, 12 -year seals; Charles Mickle and Marion Pepper 11 year .loan Kerslake 10; Gwen Spencer 9; and Betty Goddard and Jane Horton 8 -year seals. Comments About Cromarty By MRS. A. McKELLAR Personal Items Mr. and Mrs, John Hocking and Mr. Alex»Gardiner left Saturday on a motor trip through the Slates. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Storey ,and family spent the weekend with her mother at Kincardine, Mrs. Tholnes Scott, Sr., Mrs. M. Lamond, Mrs. T. Laing and Mrs. T. L. Scott attended the annual meeting of the Stratford Presby- terial resbyterial of the Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church • in St. Andrew's Church, Stratford, on Thursday. Mr. and Mr's. Glen Christie and little daughter, of Brtrcefield, Visited with friends in the village on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Otto Walker are enjoying teleVisiOt, tho set being a gift Froin their family, Miss ,Esther Melting, Seaforth, fa spending same • time at her home here. Mr, Jim Rawcliffe, Of London, Called on Mrs. M. Houghton and It.oes on Thursday, Lutheran Church Finishes Projects Zion Lutheran congregation held its annual meeting Sunday, January 16, with V. L. Becker as chairman. The Board of Elders for 1955 is Edward Gackstetter, Albert Miller, Clifford Salmon, Milfred Merner, Norman Walper and Vyrne Wiedo. Ushers are Kieth Keller, Earl Wieberg, Gerald Martene, Bill Becker, Howard Deters and Ray- mond Wein. Auditors are Lloyd Rader and Kenneth Kraft. Three projects were completed during 1954; painting parsonage, new steps for church and plumb- ing. Choir Meeting The choir of Zion Lutheran Church held its annual meeting after the regular practice Friday, January 7. The secretary•repor•ted on the activities of the past year which included a successful Easter Cantata and a guest ap- pearance at a Walther League service in Startford. The following officers were re- elected by acclamation: president, Edgar Restemayer; vice-president, Melvin Stade; secretary -treasurer, Gertrude Biesenthal; leader, He- len Nadiger; assistant leader, Mrs. Edgar Restemayer. Dashwood W.I. will meet Tues- day, January 25, with Mrs. Ken- neth Johns, district •president, as guest speaker. Lutheran Ladies Meet The Ladies Aid of Zion Luthe- ran Church met Wednesday, January 12. Rev. Higenell spoke on the use of talent. Twenty boxes were packed at Christmas time for the shut-ins. A congregational social evening will be held in February. Mrs. E. Restemayer reported that ' 270 calendars were sold. The conven- ors of each group are to act as a committee to look after painting, buying mirrors and waste baskets for the rest rooms. Band Meeting The annual band meeting elect- ed officers for 1955: leader, T. H. Hoffman;' president, Sid Baker; vice-presidents, Gerald Martene and Jack Geiser; secre- tary -treasurer, Elaine Becker, as- sistant, Marian Rader; librarians, Mona Kellerman and Marie Sal- uron; utility committee, Gerald Martene, Ted Webb and Jim Becker. The juniors are holding prac- tices every Thursday evening, 7 to 8 p.m.; seniors, 8 to 10 pan. Anyone over eight years of age interested in joining the band is welcome. V.I. Euchre Dashwood Women's Institute held a very successful euchre party Friday evening, January 14, in the school. Prizes were won by Miss Mar- garet Becker and Sid Baker; con-„ solation prizes, Mrs. Albert Rader and Gerald Keller. Mrs. ErVin Ra- der won the door prize. The committee in charge was Mrs. Ken McCrae, Mrs. Charles Snell, Mrs. Milfred Merner and Mrs. Harold Rader. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wieberg, of Waterloo, spent the weekend With Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wieberg and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Tyler. Miss bertha Becker, of London, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Decker and family. Miss Ellen Gilbert, Stratford, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Burmeister. Mrs, Fred Messner is a patient in St. Joseph's hospital, London, where she underwent surgery. Miss Marion W iltlfong and Nancy Tiernan, Of London, spent the week -acrd at their homes here, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Addison Tientan were Mr. and Mrs. William Haugh and Shirley, Mr, and Mrs. Urban Pfile, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader and boys, Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Merrier and family. Zion Church Forms Circle Zion West has formed a Mis- sion. Circle under the leadership of Mrs. Angus Earl and Mrs. Nor- man Jaques. The executive is: president, Muriel Hern; secretary, Doris Brock; treasurer, Mary Dickey; pianist, Marion Brock. A box social was planned for Vebruary and the next regular meeting will be February 11 at the home of'Mrs. Norman Jaques. Personal Items Mr. Walter Herbert who has been visiting with Mr. Daniel Hicks for the past few weeks re- turned home to Ypilanti, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Anderson and children, Science Hill, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jaques, 'Miss Marion Brock who has been confined to her home with mumps has returned to her work in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hern visit- ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lynn, Clandeboye. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock visited °Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. ,Bill Stewart, Denfield. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jaques and Mr. Daniel Hicks were Saturday visitor's with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Anderson, Science Hill Mrs. Jim Rowcliffe and child- ren of London visited Monday and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock. Mrs. Harold Henn is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hern, Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Jaques and John visited one day last week with Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Jaques, Exeter. 0 ON SAVINGS THE PREMIER TRUST COMPANY 428 Richmond Street, London Telephone 4.2716 4 4qun,aq,,!1,44444nuwunn,nggpq,u,"„p,„nnn4nu ll a IIu4mmnnmmllgn,Nnpu„pwunp,uuuIti MADE -TO -MEASURE Suit Sale ONE PANT FREE OR 20% OFF! Starting January 3 to January 24 SHIFFER -- HILLMAN SAVILLE -- ROW Quality Clothes — Modern Styles T. C. JOYNT & SON PHONE 62 HENSALL Men's Dress Shirts Special Plain Shades and Stripes $2.50 Boys' Dress Shirts, Plain Shades $1.50 Men's Work Shirts $1,59 Boys' Plaid Shirts $1.00 P Red & White Values! FANCY GREEN PEAS 15 oz. 2 for 33 c 3c 15 oz. DEEP BROWN BEANS LU bo .s 2 for 37c SLICED. PINEAPPLE Libby's 20 oz. 33c • GREEN GIANT RED & WHITE Niblets Corn 37c Ground Coffee 1.17 BEE HIVE 2 -Lb CansRED & WHITE Corn Syrup Z 9 c Whole Coffee 1.17 2 for RED & WHITE—Just Arrived -2 for TREESWEET New Pack, 20 oz. 2 for Eva Milk 2 5 p c ' Blended Juice TREESWEET NEW PACK, 20 oz. Orange Juice TREESWEET NEW PACK, 48 oz. Orange Juice TREESWEET NEW PACK, 48 oz. 15c. Blended Juice SUNBLEST CUT, 15 oz. 33c • Green Beans PRIM= OWN BARGAINS atourSELF $ERVICE STORE.! e 2 for s7< 29< 0 23c FRESH PICNIC•STYLE "HOCKLESS” PORK Shoulders 35c Per. Lb. MEAT BUYS SWIFT'S PURE BREAKFAST Sausage ' 35c Lb. FRESH PORK Butt Roasts Lean and Meaty 45c Lb. QUALITY BEEF Blade Roasts Bone Removed4l C Lb. SWIFT'S PREMIUM SLICED Platter Pak 4 Varieties, 12 oz. 45c' Mon. & Tues.--. 9 - 6 Wednesday -9 -12 HOURS Thurs. & Fri -9 - 9 Saturday -9 -10 FRUITS & VEGETABLES ARRIVING FRESH DAILY Rick's Foodland Red & White Super Market EXETER SOUTH WE DELIVER a • • •