HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-5-18, Page 1W. T. COX, Editor and Proprietor.] "WE EIs�I.Y �:DIZ`IO • ThO Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Number.'' $1.50 PER ANN. IN ADVANCE! 14)ll5111c:i5 nit -atm. I• -1. fele1 Jon dal) CAN RE C./N.;1'LTED UP TO I0 A.M., at hie reselen.•e un North Street, belt dour South oft he eaidenceet Rev. Mr. Elwood. 10_I (.. C. Nhannon, M.D.. PHYSICIAN, SURE EON, ac.,ac., OOD eater, C: W. 13:40-ly - -- Thur. N. Mul.ran. M. 1).. 1PH Y S I C I A N. S U RG EO N r ac., (Leto Heise Surgeon, Klnewou Hospital). - Orrice -At Arthur's Hoordrue House' rewvowa) Oadenrh.C. W. 1)r. ('ole-. • L"IO OF Kosd. (Mr. Tr . ttl !•tomer Mere U July 1,; 62. DB . A. WORTHINGTON, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ke., will at• tend; p*'t Wuudy. to diseases of sal surgical eperatwor .110.0 the eve. 1V/cies VILLAea. Dec. 15.141 . 1w41 -Ir tea Maw's. It It t S T E It AND AT• TORNEY.AT. La Law, ami Sube.wr•tn-Ceancery, County Crowe AttorneyU,rlerWh, :as.d4lreel, .,dice ■ Court House.' vt4u4u Dl (Cr Cameron, lARRISTF:It, ` TCOItNEY, CONVIY• as 1c.: K a mos •tree,rtiudench, C. W Business Directorli. .1 ..fin It ante, COMMN"1l(INI•:IL iN 1'111'. COURT OF Queen's 11.mr1,,l'onveyenler,he. A R. tette kept of Furan and '1'.•wu Lo). for Male; par- larlaving :41. 1,.r sale, or deeming to purl'•aae wen please ...Orel! pie uvular'. lei no enuon,Vrb. 30.1(07. • tit JOHN BRETT, Tin, shit -iron, and Copper Smith, EGMONDVILLE,C.W. Stoves, Cultivators, do., for Sale. Repatrtng IDoau lit Short Notice. MARINE INSURANCE. (*ODERICII, C. 1V.• '*nun' 18f s AY, MAY 18, i* ! Business �elirr•ctorn. Business fircctoril. __ - I ArrI,a INS'ITRANC E. !DRUGS, DRUGS ! i r opean News. of the lllbcrnlau. RT Ac Bawer. May b. '111 CAI.AIl, May i. • ew steamship 1Lb,ruiwn, e lith, via Londonderry 1 point 2:30 this alter. e. She has ;1.3 cabin ere. All well. herrf Lords, on 1 her m the House of on beh.lf of ce that they an address to indignation ncoln, arid est' feel. . Two which. vexed, ile as. \' TE TI:ItN A4Alt6\NCE COMPANY.' YY Mr 'rah America AeW suraneeComy; Head, Odlees;forento. Nome, Vire uud LJe I entrance• elleetwlon favorable 1u r14rl1.s. �13 Utllce.Mr. J..(loaslos'. Law (.'ham - JOHN U.ALDAN, Jr., Agt. ()o leriek. Nov .14. I1160 Insurance Comp ray FIRE AND LIFE. Ilrillvlt American I,1.11r:ane•e Co -CAPITAL-TWO MILLION DOLLARS. stccuntu!,Iell Funds on hand, $5,000.000. el err."\t Marine Department. liEOtWE �UMl1.tLl« A t. w1:1( (iuJenrh, April 35th, Ir6er • British American Assurance Co. FIRE & MARINE. JOHN ESSGN Arent. Hayfield, C. W.. April 16, 1063. wit D. Wilson Boss, B. A., •ac _ _ \RIINTFat. ATTORNEY • AT • LAW,. ./. B. - _+ 'w,.,rr.torie-Ch*neerv, S..tnry Pelee.. sirs- Referent to a Board of Directors ARRISTER. SUI. CrrOu, CONVEY. era! Land Arent, arc ,ke., Kmc* • Yfm` wI!-�o y CHARLES FLETCHER, • L. •vela, ACs. U•ec , 00er the `tore 01 Itru,.•. - J. V• QABRN I11:It, AT rottN.,Y AT - L.%V. 00000 AND HOTEL GODS Sertt Brits j7 Nuulus Naber, Ste., WsplwIItg 1, Boder I'It111r1tIF:T(llt. T}I \ Ill;t iI1sH on •.1 Ink _ John 1)ay.wa. a nn en's •' high. Mee in 51r. .un1 n', fossa Chambers. ARItliriEt,ATTl11tNEY, SOL ('iT(IR end 1 .lr Iluroni-u'n•d Or.rnrrd., Henle,. ■rod __ B reChnneery, See • 04w, Merkel ,ume, Karel V. *no, Beard el per ee,. nal* J1y}I\ IL\LIt.\N. Jr., Gooier ,.tKiog•oaSlrerl,Uo,irr..•h• • :43 )trde•rrPwl..2Srents. vISnlo.l• . - - Leetrvy as fait eraser; DATE'. HOTEL , : Gerteeirk, Ortotwr 11. ten. ew13-,T IQARRISTEItrt, ATTORNEYS..+TLA , WROXETER Nolen ciaaveysee•en, de. Ore a NI,: Annual income Exceed.; $2,500,000. F1::F: In.11.anerA ani•,1r1 a* Ilro LOWES2 4.4 I'EN cuuwtrut wth..h Iy. Life Inlarsaee -Ample See:IrIty. LARGE (1011'0 .1Vn RITES' r.I,Wr(( THAN .VII*T £.YOL:f_=H OFFIrEi. • Losses Promptly Settled 'Without inelastic Agee& lAyluIl t1uo,U.wknae (}olerieh.Meer lNy4.. w16 � D (1 )lnnry Mcl)rewwt. EICH ' b and lel eantl a►.1 - - �' . ■1„,.r 1• , ••1 pleasanell imitated rand. CO,. - --mac •1 1,••l, overlooking the Harts r 1 11.r t h le ►•g'.uwnrr, West Slued,liwenrh. yaz Sntwlrll sea the 4irevel K.+d nutmeg lr1m John 11. stardom, \K.' Io1b 10'.a,tl np'on, one J. all10 Wr.os,•.e1l *r',1 ■4' V, SU 1, �, e ; ' P.41drr• Con,rl1r..•'l, 0.1 D01'LB diem. l,laae-..n re, Walkerton, Sonikompton, L. . 1,41 s1. 11 only .•*per.• ' C,oderieh. hu Jan. 1865. w Tr �tl rraly',1•. WAYS ON IIAND 1,11111:* ing Friends = err 1:11 1 1..I I .TII or FIFTY FEET 1•:s n.\Ys, I cinlaorc1 n clsrad•C.N'. sem: Ass I � rn„rah oil The Canadian from Literloul On t ' 1 on Ilse 28th, permit t 110on, 016 YUwfe 10 Qac and 426 steerage puttee 1+' J O H D 11.1./q.1 1.. the English Howe Commune, Sir George (1 I C (1 1 (• IL 1 1 F i1, 11, Lord Palmerston. gave n would 011 the 1st of May, mor Court- Nua,e(y'.ore,res0• ora, the Queen, expressing morrow dry night, Earl Russell, a I(Sire.emott011.14 11e7n011'1 1 DISPENSING CHEMIST A DRUGGIST of the assassination of Presi,eut praying Ler to convey that express Ueele 1.11, and I n.pnrie vol lag to the American (iuvrrnme' great meetings were held in'Overpo a F. �l 1 1 N 1 : Il 1 1 C U B alter appropriate speeches had been del •CArwlra(r, P.rluma.T. adopted unanimously resolution& expr gat* roo.11l. and Nall IDro•h•st 1 of their horror •lel deep sorrow at the nmulercial bodies of Len tp•mT*.OILI, c01.0an.OTa sect ra. HORSE & CATTLE : 1,EDICINES a atan . AC • Ord 1 .m Medical: men putesuaUY ettende•ho env, It lit'..' ' Truce J' V.M.-Phyu,•,an'd Prete ripuons eareiul:y dose petered 40 ("Wench.laa. 10. 1608. LIGHT ! LIGHT LIG ROCK & COAL Burning Fluid, For Sale Ooienekasa.17,1 P F., JORDAN. ea ailaali011. '1'110 adapted *;1n official b einem. in Gr F. r resolutions, and likewise t les in ••nous towns end Pro - he Americans el Loud un assembled venor Hotel, at for invitation vi Mr, oud. The meeting. adjourned tul the of May, when NI :nit ter Adams will preside at • mass meeting of Americans 10 St. James Ha11. Mr. Gledolene has made hie financial mate- s meat in the 'louse of Commons. It shoes his large heart to bear malice wg•iast • bra. 1 ware given 10 • clear and firm dine of Toiee ; ten foe. Ile spoke very .kindly of Geuaral ( when, however, Inspector Wlllirl',oe was 1.e., rays seerrtarr S1111000 1; old on that )(Neer hie evidence, rid ,eal•out her written repo dight that he pimpled fur` mercy and cwllemaiii of toe wilder est her brother, .b lur•peaoe r villain tiled him j(pt for loin- I could nu lunger restrain her feelings,' and 14,In himself can the evil ivitsidered ►s I berating into r $.all of tears,'Je salts into unhappy. \luck unbaain••se was evinced in Iher seat and buried lnr tree 111 • leudker• reg•Id to the a,aaain•tion of President fan• , chief 011 the invest of Mus Green. Isar cult, trout the fact that Andrew Jbhuaon I dolts were I11(e and sbittei, end, as oerne created Imaliu would take bis place, end unavoidablee 4104100. I well g a wrplus of nruny four 1011140/1 pounds 014. 410114 Were drrwu from los conduct at the inauguration ce•emorli.,. at Weabin_Inn 011 the 411. of Moro., end also from the teuur of his various speeches. The loo doe Times suggests that •. Johnson *hlwld resign volunterily, or in )1ease of his failing to do so, that public opinion should be so expressed in regard to him as to lend him to resign • The Ditty News says that it bas mads carer fol enquiries, and as assured on reliable authority Ih.t the incident 4o regretehle which occurred at his inatellatiun as Vice President caneot without injustice be taken to represent Mr. J. hnuMl s eharnetr,ne those who know, him veil describe him es r 1110111.1 real e.pacily wed temperate habits. The Daly News add, :-lve mist wait a while belore 011 puma judgment upon hint. The IAiure' of )leans. Max, u[ Loudon, large dealers. in American secuntie*, was annuurce,l on the !lith ult. 'their liabilities IL5 lie pr iPri to to YJ .. the n.cume tax 61 off the tea duty, to reduce the lira, insurance duty Is W, and other moor changes. The Incchemo , r1 YE of Cllerel'� • O ' r w■ ars Ii e i 7 MI The Italian Chamber est heputir■ adopted :d1. address ramming gruel'- at 1 rranlrnt koro wartiou. Tile Chamber was his humour. A Paris letter states that the moat profound oral universal regret tor an heritage, end the ler u tied indignation ie expressed utero at the Iso- - throne - * Jum iutun, he Lu deed at e to hides, \1r. \lesut the in a letter the earl) age of twenty -ohm ye.r+:. Nicholas d' ha behalf d senaatiun and excitement in the crow court. Mesa (i - u. wIeo had at first resumed al aiming masculine sternnees, could not re- made unconcerned when this event took plaice. and she, too, iudu:Ied 111 u CUI'iolu d rte of teats. L Itit11Yt.iv, Slits Keit rrgriu.d her eompoeur••, and nothing utter cards occurred to uutwar Ly mark her melee of the awlul position iu rhich she u pieced. United States. CNITTA10004, )ley 9. -Jett Davie was at Poweltou, I1.ucw•k couuty,A1a., last Friday night. lien. Wilson has printed handbills announcing the rewaJ tor his capture, and )VO1:. %VIII.-NO1l'a violated by the unwerraeteble wines of oar persons la he paid over to afro the pru fessional and other expenses of our trial, to the lawyers that we shell designate, Intl who are in se, wise to be pr-judiced, in .aur defence, • our *dormer alto to have the fullest prates. thin, rand upon our acquittal el the thuged preferred *gamut w In your proclamation, we ere to be premised to relent wider sate tea. deet. le conclusion, we NT we have n0 atq',III- tante whatever with Mr. Booth, or say of item alleged to have twee enpged whh Lim. We hare never seen or had say knowledge m 111 ) * .. of him or them. and AS AIM eer•r, written W 10 wale, or sought nn internes/ teitA tea. (s*OIO* N. SA8•ta'. H[rt4•oY. Tt'eph. Moot:eel, May 4. 1+ti5. A Hard Story abort Gem. Wade Hampton and his Father. Young Wade Hampton was sent when a very young 1114)1 to 1.1,11 Woe with a large aunt M money to buy land. His father was very rich. \1 hen young Wade reached New Or acutlerrd them threw the country. 1 teens, he had a desire to look at the pictures h%A*HlsutuN, N*y J.-.\ *pecwl despwilrh I and see the sights. lie rout one evening to a gaiubling house, and was induced to play M • taro table. Ile was cleaned out. hariug Iesl tweutptive lhuusrnJ drillers. He *num to Ins father and cuufessed ha toll and hie loss. 'rhe old geetlemen tame oil to New Orleans, and moored his sea w point out the gambling house Where he lost hie money'. 01 11.1.ti14 111 lie looked at the ploy tor • whir and then threw Own • purse upon the table. tie lost, end (Me leerier eutptied the puree of five hundred dollars to gold. Ile threw down another 1.mo., and this time he win a Winner. Inc keels•roprued the purse old counting the gold wait about to pay over the amuuut ail e r won , who' Mr. Hampton remarked that he peterrut ceilumM heel badly male their gran. bed not emptied it est' all it* contents. A much thought the su i.iUel J erl.it*I ul re• little examination di,covered in the purse a Itchier' briers the camp fires est Sherman •a °heck for twenty-five thousand dollars, which sal would not fell 1 uud • Ind that t • . . Ca legion IbrhOr�d up the Leeks of the Jameshad boons° a u beard. 1 the het river. '1 fin ponce of Meade's troops was out with the gold. The keeper of the hank to de m the v lot, of loonier Court (louse, made no objection to paring over the sum, . a warto • 1',mueu T is pock et roletruths. I m hi n'youth,Le tun , uwt t liveliness 1• adrir m W 11'4r. lir Alex which M T N11 near f enc r'1 N t t expected C e W � Ile end m ex r 1 ter t - h i m r hurl r me e . ne • ' t les .nit d .d r morning e r m next u 'res ro t 1 The 1 x whose quoin P 0r 1 draped h ,ass I our c walked < 1.r g n'� f and t lhertna l„ ✓ rah •ibruur. h • f ere Saturday u 1, ere ex;a•c1rJ to pious tlanugh Richnttad to. ed the treLly Ere Ihuuasud dollars 1.0 bas sal,, morrow, old they .ill glees lin, amy 'rot the told him to be more erretul of hu cootie!, Potomac hard in thin honwwrrd march. never 10 gamble *gra. but go about his bear. eherileu'a cavalry lett l etersherg yeller• rase and euapleta his purFbase of 1wd.- day to hove overland • to Alexandria. 'l'be 'I'n.y HAIg. 1•14,11 part of tie face will cone to this •�----- vieinity, anti veritably nndergo reor,•*nizn• lleward (Or J_eiterson Davis. tion at oars. One brigade o1 cavalry will be ieft at I.ynehbur,gg, another at IMI vJe, , The New York Tabuns exprem1 the e earliest Irsw and another at Petelshurr, which will' patrol opinion that there is doulrtlese '• evidence in I AG ARA b 1.h •1.t the rountre, preserve order, sad puutsh Ibr bare*u of military ju•ioe' of the charas• +1.l I 11.h nun4r and Ihuse wnit,e m Unzrd ern petite pr i ter ,allude. h. iti the plw•lamatiun of !'resident Pa !n ail guerillas a1d outlaws. \\'A4H11GT00 Ma I0. -The civil machinery Johnson, offering the r,rion est p.. E 0 ,, for T the ap �iwn hen+i m ul Jefferson havia but'hhd Fr• to Ibe Nrw Yu&'Times say* that the capture of Jeff. harts is new looked main by the u Military nuhoritles as 'lain. 1r' addition erwsteted at `15.000. to the pulsatile,' o. his whereabouts tele Letters of co,dolr,,tee from the 1'mp.ror I grrpMd last ni,hl, ie now known lhel Marls slid Frince Napoleon to the family of the I and Qtr two brig.wlee o1 orral'ry with IIJI ere late Mr. Cobden are published- so completely enveloped by Sume/van, Wilson Dcoth of the Ileir to the 1Brtrlaa al's! Orienon.thlt enc1I1• is imlrowible. except Throne. as • disguised rod w:iury fugiute. The lab est intelligence re,dar4 it pruhable that YT. PETER*a1'RO, Ap'il 24 -noon. Gliersln, who commends the cavalry under A telegram has jun Lama received here Gen. Cathy, will *uctred in capturing Davis from Nice, rnu0tucinq•r flu death of the 1 hie dight scroat Alrhnmr. exerts itch, which took place eer1y thus ' Tho march of the holue.ud bound armies eo in ser• with (retaliated vi aur. \lead's mdn.dng. NICHOLAS ALciANnxnwtrcu. The untimely devotee of the young Czars • into throw r ,int empire t w' only t K witch will not 4th 7 mourning, but will call forth regret and pity wherever the newt Is ear, . n -.--- • Money to Lend, wh*rc'1.rs y tie trot- I d N very reeaunrhle• terms. Apply to TTI�ItNF:Y•.\T LA\ SOLICITOR IN 1 w -� •',. l'abnerry, W4 %e. 1.e., li'aln4e11, 1 nada h• it,mth ass Ie u( Wee v tet, third lour Irmo the 1.y wr•Hnia••. *rare. • 1� Iliw.n "r l.Iwy-. ' TTORNF:' •i\T.L.\Wr ,tl,Lll'tTOI{ iN j , cha.,.•e v,- rotary rul.lw. e.•evevin••e•,. "a 11.1.•11.h 1'. W. t0,e.°Teri Ganl,nera 11 ..1 War, 41ore. eI1nl9 stoner to Lea on Bell r',perty. • eehade .. bond I nig. TrotNI:Y, SOP: '1 rl,e, a Qnnr• Ylell,l:. /.-4)..r., .:lip i+tmfr Ys woes pW, ek, We.t 31.1 eatnare aunt Dour Well ,1a.enw Hosea. 'roma 81. M. • we. ( Tri h, iF:W. J( Oat. I -1.t. AKU'S NK N'11.0CK ' Ls see w••.rs use r. s•.e. .' • fW wi g Irselench, 4r' 1 27th 'het BeIOr dation err. env bidet•, ICE 4 y he o d e •ll•,:n. wr.i had arr.aMuw ('rshb's sew Block. I.Io u.d•t411111 c1•es lli1 `•1'111: Lfl�'I.tte•AOL k 1,(1\D VICE Trout'FTS Tr'.: 11 1,14100.0 1 BUNDItED •t� Cd A w46-1. t!mlasrrr •y 4K - 'taw L ITIlrrl'aA*CN CO. Carnta/. L2,000,000 •tlg.:. Arremrlw e .,671,121. Brittania 1Ife Assurance C 'pt(F. under*ierr' h .1 Agent turf he shoe C..•npal.lre.i • arrears. u' sed air Li.lirfrk., u 6OD H It CHICAGO r 10 the hides, repudiates t come esu Alrx:.n ruwltch was burn on the rah (201h) OI the.rehei stews. of Se u•mher, 1643, and was mused eller 1144 N The news by the "Noes Lincoln Scullin" of the randlather, then *bonbon powerful sovereign •evrard eiut of President Lineuh, and Soc'y Kn the world, and arbiter of Central and I] "'ern I:ulupT. The t3ta11IICh Propellor Seward was puhlubedetated bout England on His short bits has been the 21116 alt., cod created • moss profound d,edeJ iuw Iwo periods by a greet sou .rad 1 *enealinn. "'he stnuegrst feelings of *ymlw b • n/;al •uJ political rerwluuon. !lis expressed. 'I he mrd horror were universally y ns were those irbich avrry it., expressed. 4 here was ri one voice racy,. - noble was taught during the `'t'I1.I, mete ,..etly tripe hal ween fl.eleneh out e country, reign of the iota Czar. An iron res `V and 1'h.• .r,•o during Ihesea.0n or nerves- Will the cruse of the South earner," quite'', tome, art hieh handed C cud Au trioring at �r WithI m much out iu o the Impenrl power, mart '1'Ln Sur Las )net ern ivir •e '1 u u may be bund w cutout u ears* •iuld wish steno- a uo• i .1.s and 1.h $ecrcPrrt of 1x4 '1'rrnsnry belt ire and the ambitious out••irioi•a of mel..- rf a.•a m t rat 1 I mdigurhun sea the wnrras'1lunrlrll s air soy ll. on b Doth founded belief in die i. •hvwly tram¢ p;ut ullu operation in \'irgiuil.' evidence ehnn traversed, sifted and *cretin. • Grand .e k R R the North. In all puree. it utesula4ility of L J 1 d'ht fur die• d f hearsay lune R. raiding topic. cud puled almost . of London, • htal sus have titled the delicate c g tracts, , S ta , pension of business particularly in larrrpwl tions of the destinies to which he was celled. appwluted r uutuber ut•reseeso0 aid cullet 101 PLACE. r0.n a11. Mk Manchester.. Int London coesols tell dramatic retains of the Wilkes Rhe C genus.. nearly I per cent, but slightly recovered of It., he hal Jr'," from Drryhuod w tnnuhu1r0 tie a. •" Toe natant improbability of the charge Is h.en appointee Q• ! under metiersues ars. ltusvia, wormed m Ty, wittMx es in the assassination ease heightened almost to incredibility when we n12hN ri.nretaDle m r Huron tereand; 5 20s fed to 56 to 60 ex coupon; i contest rah Europe, has been wormed for an panic stricken, (erring rswssiurtiun m Stet G a C shares to 6� w ti!, and Elie to 4l 1. coweder how all b t bl t was that . � �• how iuternrl ,.'Y their Irstunun One rat' them old derive ae adr•otagu .14trI fur :ac,ns,r, Far frc16Lt ser gees*1.e arMT There tea. w slight rally next ass. The cu ' relunua earth Nicholas dr+pl,ed. bol rhea yesterday sails o verbal statement to r from l ' n'sdeet Or even bat trona our aide t k. r'.rl was quite unsettled, nod oust est 1 hes A. W s\ .,. p • rYn4t G. ItrMR:A�.L, the bolters withdrcr their .tucks. 1'rites J V' t the y Th S d d the nett, but prom• might ►111" 1 all the advantage* which able ass 11 0 6Fcep.:nmik Fires � d •p , the Lel inn veer/ in r?�cun„ t .vee thew et r y • the rebellion should y the u 1.m 1 e 1 ,rate olrre N ItU3S •A••eer Wit ms y new accepud. n see father a court wiser, bemuse a- more humane. Pu17 Secretary of War relative to the comp icily of any bnlfedeems chiefs whom the astomias u Thompson, Sender* and lively refused to &power're1,,e. the court unless Alen! re oboes �d withdrew b J larg }i}C}:i. Proprietor. 11.' 11,1 ie the I,1•,an and rs.:. •• in,n Il,ari 4r' 11. Hoorn Uudericb Aped0, Iee5. i lan•Aa, and rltargsil rd un.h•ralr `'• env; Hmsr � _ were lete•leh )r G w131 On Weduer's, there was only • doe *wooer h* rat r.rlialurdu The ellen/once was very \1.11 hell. Stage fuel Certs 1.••••14111.4111.:,,r Hor, GODERICH _ 1 60 ; rs being present I I r II••r..•e. lhlewes sad Carne Gc• Iso H.rr, nn o - -- %Porter. H le. U•.yn•. be. one.,aute•s 14.7 , �*7 A rroaNEY., ucrroitat. 0 FICf: Crab's New Block, Orden. v13sw�', 1 -- rADtu T101&REflu ' _ W TRELEAVEN .1. V. 1CIwreid. /AtrRISTEIt. ATTORNEY, CONYEI •••-a few door* iw•nh 01110. r•.rl (rite. MONEY To LEND. -_ 1VIILwm lernarr. ['TORNFI•Ar-i AN'. iOLiCITOR IN '8 (111.0 e0T, Convey...yet. ate. Wdl.'tom, 4 m .,1 Mn,re. v10015yly Frederick Proudfoot. itAHtt11;rElt. TTOItNEYlAI_1.AW, . 'e'r'Y1 't'.. wtJ•ti m* 91ntn•retcn, 1: o. brute. 1 TI Went herald. • IIVII, 1•:Y'i1NF:EIt.\ND PIovINCL\l. • t Land ?levees,, 1)16.•4 and I(,o, lain e. 11. •i:reet.1)ionto. 01 ,117 NROVINCIAL C id F:rlxmeel,Cbn10a. .Jolt. 1' il.1, 1.. 11. Itwmlun. 'IIVIL ENO XEF, nn.'iNL) MI11 car LH toed Agent1 t : 1 1.7.., Js1NL I: I I.4 NI ARCHIT Te t,4M0 AN LI 1rG1 11' ATIO i4 of Seal- einf., ate., get rap in neat and 'erred eh•le. eIs01.,ratthe 'La n Anrtrun Marl, Krim Street. )udenrh 1,•w riullply w• 1 • MA B! F. WORKS tiw 1Vrrorn u•r i�M~�. GO1:13011-1.icJI; - e earnel. T111•: e• %'INION.•' • '1' I'1, 13 U �I A.1 1• ASO A01NY. fi0(lertCh. t SQuare, • r st:LlsTox Wednesday,' I I a.m • a,. SON & HAZLEHQRST, ( Ta .,A11.,. k T.In IaU •,) )action ' Commission Merchants, (THE 01. D. u.1I It A 111: CGI -Vey. RDON r ERTAKERi Nana .•tilfee 11,41 1140 ow on Tomo a 141111144W .rtmrut 01 Fa1m1 , et bra War.•rw.ms, O awre*'e bel, Kia ',ton 441 , (i'd*rl.'A And next c • •r to Strong's riolel kl 1C . N' U•>R'1' 11, EST STREET, GODERICH, ai.l'a ay' Sofas, Rouses, Table', •Meade. Hair, Curse and Week seated (theirs, vitt Moulding and Looking Wastes, in r iety,ot Home 1lanufdcture and ported t; D. 0. has always on hand it dl Alio, HF:414(8 *11' anrtment of corn's. , S TO HIRE. ll ' Lareher and Cordwood taken a -z- change for Furniture. ` • Omderieb. 7th Oct.. 1963 w RIFLES, SHOI GUNS,, 111p111T01 n, Arc.. Ac. and aloes id,trwour1 could corder, sad x�lln, 011ie about roam x might have rear•,{ the art of g0Yerultlellt by They,ail sireeil the Inllowul, *ddrt.o, which watching his country white passing through W114 presented the game ev.•oieg 1l Mr. the most momentous change In Its annals.- Adams nnals.- .\dams: -" 1.\e the u' Jersyned meaarenrof I'u his temperament the new stat pf things Lboiieved,he has fled North in an011er }anlc• the Iluule of 1'Jlam:na, hat.. l.•nrlr•el with *vela have Men more fitting t., wle:d d1110 ' Inc deepest regret and horror that the I rem. dela of the 1 ,.ted $ute4 lies I*•en ,1rpr Ived mitered that his name reei.enceand testimony I'M Cowtxu Suraxr.-31r. lhl Bo•lay, ehuuld be 4uepreesed tool newsnaperreporter', thewelt known weather prophet, has issued o Ire excluded from the court- during the es• pamphlet11 on the C0011,,• summer ; io amination. This wily cndctded him but it is *high he ventures some very interesting speculations on the influences of the atm0s• phcr•e. The following is Mr. Du Bouley • rather diemal furee•*t for the coming sum• mer :-1t it not likely that many accustomed observers would consider the vernal equine octiol weather just passed through to be what HI quite u.uel for the tint*. Phew may Ire some grounds for viewing it, i0 its 'milt charactcrirttcs, as simply en ex.glgerition of the weath er wuicb prevailed • Dont the sa me period of tart year, thug implying for thu year the *sine probable result as for the lest, viz , general dr neo and Euenean in the weather and early. Maturity of crops, and some obseieere have already written to the author expel*+rug these opinional. This is not, however, 1.1ie light' which it ie going to be viewed in IMI lerceaat. It was evident• Iy • result of • great ferrel movement in the higher region* of tine atmosphere, pawing over nearly all Europe. and efectmg - in diverse manners the lower atmosphere of the dieferent countries of (bill 404111011 of the world. The author frust coulees that he has Lad very great mtliceli, in coming to the cunriu*ion as to the light it throw' on the probable future, because he Ilse 0108! seen as real parallel before; but, though at may be sale to trim between two extreme tenelu- stoat, it will be right to speak, without fear, what i4 finally thought about it. It iscun*i4• creel to be a,gnitunt 0I a snmwir remarkable for its extreme coldness, thereby throwing back the crop for their hill time of metering e nd . housing. into the used period of the •Immnal ratio. The whole period of their growth will be ,probably rendered unkindly for them by the presents of unwanted cold, rccompatied in the early portwn of their growth by gees% dryness, and .t • later period by much wet, .flight frosts, also, and boisterous winds are coutingen0iea, which certainty lbleaten danger, wurthcr they core - f t, pear or not. The whole sermon is likely to be rwnd4red unkindly anti blighting by cold, whether it is present at all times, or whether it comes ie night frost; violently 0011. treating with IM hent sod sunshine of the dry. ) sort ',common seem* to promise that would not ee. kindly for ■uything, and there- fore there can be but little use in proposing to discrimiu•te the chances of diderent crepe. What the growth of roots during autumn may be it is not attempted here to say ; bet in w told a mason, and the fore part est H dl)' •lee, 1114. sootier the 'wed 1n 111 and up. per4wp* lho bett••r. Leland and Seniland must probably pwnccipae thoogh perhaps hardly .ea mute as En4land, in the extraer inert' Tlciieitudr• of the season expect. d ; and it is thought probable that teeny Europeen countries will hese unuauel summers, though it carrot be , IirmieeJ of what sort they will be. The vernal equinox hei certainly not been an entinery one, and It in impoo.ihle to suppress that the ensuing summer shall be so. The 6.01 doubt 01147 whether the latter pert of storms, ■hr,ufd be dry or wet ; the hulloes u Ihnughi br tern m favor of wet." t'Ntrrn arty► : THA ps�,rirsor BA.Yx*x..-Mr. John Henry Your 10 proclamation eii i* w uvnlg, burning lie, Ou nry, lLc mrmher for King • Lynn (whose known en Ian such by yourself and all guar wife went ug wilb her fo onos • taw Jran surroundings -and all the hired perjurers in sinew. to the !las., of all ri.4 • 1.dt'I 54 Christendom •hail not deter u from exh, filing w the reedited world your holdall plot to murder our ('hri,tian Preldent I W• recognize in many of ear moat dig tinganbed generale men of honour, and we do not believe thee* associations even with you has so brutalized them aa to prevent their doing justice to • 'while enemy under seeks grave rhsrgre. Ile this as it may, we challenge you to select tform a Cn1.rmer1 25y nine of the I generale that ter liana., for oar trial, to he convened et the (',.,,ed State* Fort, •1 Renee'. Point, or any other place that you will not have the power to incite the mob to dentruy u* ere malt, vie.: Gene. Scot*, Grant, Sherman, Merle. K.eirersns, Howard, Burnside, Hancock, Hooker, Scho field, Wright, 111x. Cadwallader, F:merpy, Blear, Pleasanton, Logan. Steele, Pitch. Hatch, Frankl;n, 110.10an, Aletr,nder, GGtr, .1• ut life h air eel ulriuleuer. and wt• J..aire to r ',What of the Cu;on, thus false 8128 .' y I t the euT otic dared to measure right,. with Lnn.- power' with -which his grandfather love to Lee Europe, with his hand no bio sword, ready to throw it into the balance wheuever exprrll our sympathy *1 the ass' meet. u taut such an Emperor u Ms father is,'llie .\lunrie.al Shooter u0w iu L'uJmy at well I n N f 1 tell to mai t What o the Icon, - ' Th.; dared thy s were-lookiag areal . mood declare our It ,x and c.,nliden,r lit the y4Yng Nicholas might have bee. • Moog- Head- -1 ter true% • . alar. of that re.t conn 17, w to t .• c What thy waters at reit. I g What of the View,. that spre:.d her wince will continue to be ac,ucalr.l wire enliabkn. Aranvet nation 011 he . 1 e y of t _...I,.n,d eeial',..4 rale I:u•I llue,i•ul Leguliuu nl Paris. �AI.Re d 11.m.0h..1d ,.04•. 11,,1er.. 4V*gennr..le 1 et the alert. r,'•rr • tur.1*y .1 .101 1'..rnenlar • ,Nods,' Pal 1.. 1110 104...1 n*nkn,pl':111.-,. Feral Neat, Ile. 14..aadvanced pv.11..n„u.nmml.o, n Howie apsppyr*r sad. 1114,1. r.,llr 10d. I*n.11.0a•. vrrahr. • teeele4.'w•reg*0e.l teriov . h.,... r••mrl. 11. 1111" Veen HoonvevMle,t1 ' r0. e e *line M.0ten Aar. *ma dert,enderta, every Thu• , 1. t)mret* 1.Ite wttan4e4 o, an reev,na5(e terms 0.40 1411. Jalr 11111 1144. «21*,, 1). McUnitUnl(. LICRNSFD AUC TIt) NF:F:It, HAYFIELD, County d Homo. Sales sew village �" 7 �awt•slk atNsh410. Alex. Jl'rnrtl.•T. i T ICENiEn AI'('TilNEEI( for }WHOM 1/ and Mane. Sales punctually attendee to. A'klrru. H'wlwm P.11, who -Iveco .Inhn Cwmpfiell. G1,NEIt.\I. COMMISSION- AOF,NT Commnwlnerr in Q„era'a Henrik, to taking aeeavit•,Con•evaner?, are.,kr. Odlce no Mq,9l way. V IIMee of K lens rb ne.C. W . FOR SALE! Maebeet,1 aaaaa rtes. C. W. Name end Ameeeteedlessee. Business of inis kind en - maid he Iris will Fellietee WOWS 11"(.°0 • MADE TO ORDER, J. CO li;INTOSIII IIIEW MARBLE WORKS , Yalu Street, B toter. Peas, ace., of 1,,,T 'hewn ptIOVI mad Meet notone, •na at INN 10.1•111 re ie011. Liberal verb...Imo merle ler eaeh. 11J. 011413 PtIftt11.1.1 At111111 flartailsof atonements he. may be sees 11 the oho,. Opposite the Market. z m- at, 0- stops i"-4 r; To n`)s. Ta,blata, Table- _. 'r0 -ss. &C, e Cle All kinds of repairing done OS neat retkonable terms. 43 FOR SALE. 'LOTS 1 3,67. tri 1 3,77; near the RAILWAY Aa STATION, Goderich, for $130 each. At Five Years Credit , or longer it required. Apply to GODERICH, C. W. Ai TM 0 CD cd .111 AMERICAN FINAIICKA.-Tbe Itultdo Cour. ier guys Mr. Harrington, asestant sec revery of the treasury,M about to preceed to Europe, and while Absent will negotiate ferrite loan for live Oen/rand million dollars, pritteival and interest payable abroad Under these eireingsteneee Who expected that (our per ten., which poisit it ie expected tbe 5 20s eili exceed. This loan tury he placed elt 7 The man aid boy, that lonely few, aid evert other country.“. , r4H114. April 23. tendon or divided between that merket and Ici. Ard 4.'2, that del meta% optne crew. - '04 , .y7 1,, ,,,,,,,,,4 tin, p,,, 1„."+„„ „(11,,, . Yesterday, at 3 p. m., %stranger preieated th.• contineuL The 3.rocerels of thla loan will -,....7 Whet ot the boat. thou 'emoting wave'? geeet pai tee in MO 11 non ot 1, 01111111..10.6 .1iI blibli;.11. kt Russian ettitimay,'.demanding to Ivo used to pey the eapcusei of odr Eoru. speak -With ihe Secretary of leigatior. Aliquot per:: jaah.titor1117,61I.lis'itdit.a...,Iir..,,o,t,si,itii:ndilmItee.fours tilowritety take the oppireturrity of exprirsi le. ire cot • I 4riaril. mid the secretnry WWI furore covered 'dr the entire f1040111 debt of lb; United State*. The rate of 1 eir per cent. has Item decided upon, with a view to ettebi:ah a precedent upon which tke vrtmle terminal.; public debt may be finally funded." Over thy waits' 2-'• that tiny thiug ; Ate they deep to- thy caverns ? are they no "1: My boy looks up in my tearful eye, talons T And 'apt, " 011 mother, mother, wlq Dom' tiut rather aid brother costar' Rack to our toad and happy home !' Thelsouilon and provincial journa's alike Ate/ I turn trom his gnze, for I dare not tell descrtbe the interim excitene 'it which the Him the truth that 1 feel and bun., so well, news created.and all mirth ill warns culogmuis Thet they are smeping deep in tbe ocean'a bed, upon Mr. Lincoln, and bitter d. einoicaations I; the grave of the countlesiknumberlese deed; of the a!sassInatittn. • The 'Paris aid touhri• ISAAC FREDRICK lh• A11101 lean people that whatever ditleretic4.. I anti blood, everywhere telt st tr. mune, me „ of upiuinn may eerie in this country ao to the degas". The murderer tied. but wet stopped. pretend war, there 14 hut one fee.ing ol enu when he weurided tre other 1.01.011S kl.:11/IV thy wah them at the Imo of an holiest and he wee eoestml. The Secretary is reported to he deed. The l'eris evening potters state that the new of the person who attempted to tassasse nate M. Balch, Attache of the Ituriviep Ern. Balmy bleeding soul thou must *eep and moan Le;:jteaeli.JIR:1:e:rii7..0,0a:::4".111(1:",e7r:,:, Till we meet agate in I/Ur Ileavesty home. Het oh, what of the Vision, thou treeelirous deep? neat thy hurricane in'instntlsy lad theta to sleep f wall not aeon be forgotten. I he excitement has rarely if ever beeti exceeded. Late iu the day a request was scot to the Mayor to mill a ;salute tot -wing to expecte the sorrow mil indignation ut this people. Ilundrele slow/ it, and the Ifityor termed Ids proclama. 101. 1111•01111Z Al SI. George's Hall lei • The V ision" W11. the tinier of • small the afternoon of the 2.th, to be adjourn. to enen td eel? 13 tens, that matted Ittnn thin 4•01111. try for Europe •bout i2 metier. erre. aud has not Wee Once beani of. the evening of the same that the wcrk- ing Chimes may tilts:site have an opportunity of Attending. - 'lite digs on the Town. Hall and other Tog Itistior or Hems Is FARM -The buildiagt, and the elripping at LIverpool,were following extract of • letter &tat Paris„ displayed iit &Alt Meat. All American real . France, April 141, received hy re e of the ; dent in London, the Union and Eimmeipatern I subectibers of the Toronto Wachmen. front I Society and the people of Maneheirier, Per I • friend of his, at present regidirig in that 1 mingham, kc.. were to meet on tier 27th to I country, will Interests 0 any of our readers : I express their aentiin nts. The Litt -epee! •• Ily the by, the Bithop ot Huron preached , Post. of the 27th, is printed with the CO:11111.111 in our leneliee church here in Paris, ma j in mote ning. The limes tugs that nothing Witoday Imo, in behalf ot the Huron College, I in politicel history can Ire remembered that the day was rather wet but, there were 600 or I has ever drawn forth a more unanimous feel. 700 francs collected (hetween 8120 and $140). i ing then this news. Petsonallv. President On the following Tureeley I went to a recep- , Lincoln enjoyed the kind regardx of every tin. at Lady Harriet Cooper's and the Bishop one in Engluid. The einem to whir+ his of Hume and Archdeacon Helmuth related ! in 'pence . ' 44. h II , anneal)] Isnme touching tales whom the convention 01 • the relations between tegland end the United exceedingly. Alrout 700 franca more were *verity in all classes of set.nrities. Ehrebeth Gough, the nurse, maned a tarm• several red iodises, wehreh interested we !States, bat been sheen hr. lel of unwired collected in the drwring-room, for the ; Times editbrially sem that the news will be Kent, leaving her family, hod 'reveled on The er awl emigrated to Australia. Constance bie,""teto,,,, c,,,,,,,,,__A wn,einte.,,,, I sineere and prolounthas it awoke even in the the corameet, and everituelly become 111 111. neetion with St. Paul's Church, where the college." l received throughout Europe with a sorrow as mete of ;slime° fir Ladies et Brighton con. correepondent to the New York Trihnoe of I United States. Mr tgriculii's perfect houesty wartime(' are very high indeed. Mrm Kent Monday says :-` The jnint American and "Pee"? became •minrent, and Englishmen mule a etatement tit the Rev. Mr. Wagner British Commotion for the adjustment of the I learned to respect hon. It also says :-..1;o. ' Sound Agriculturftl Co., have now got the cause will not metre. the dishottour cast 'Arm . and he recemruended her to melte a coufestion. the chief megistrate of liow street, who claims of the Neilson's Bay Co. and Puget 'Just as ee believe it to be, the Confederate flue Constance. Kent del 01. Tuesday before The Daily retire says that bh., Low,. h*, I frequently warned her of tlie solemn cense. submitted. The Bay Company's claims foot up shout $t,000,000. The Agricultural Co not fallen in the Muth of triumph, fir ro ; gamic., of "h" ih" "a""."11. She P'41' " thought of triumph was in that honest and I "4""I• honever, in 'tepee th*t she alone and mewled murdered her half brother Francis 'iaville Kent and olIe tient 10 Triovlirtilge *here she elm brought Wore the magistrates hy whom ere but been remanded tor a week, Wbta'a Who The New York ft Jeureal of Commerce " Missy, is Nikiterdto, and that h. was lormerly sees :-" Colonel Java') Thompson' WW1 Itor a eublieutertato in the Itussian army. }I,„ several years a member. ol the United States ot Balch, The latter, it is added, is t the Literior Departruciat daring -the greeter .sAedc7•Iceinitli41,r"alrid'uo.n *then Nalatun hopes to be able to In.,,r,tgootl:dM.r.1.11,th:hheolsoittai'ts.. inawruratiou of „leotiiittem accepted military Th -e istrder. service. Ile was forme ly two years in grew , mend of • regiment, and erientequently became In June, 1,460, a little boy named Fran. Inspector General tor the Iternitinent 01 cieSarille Hunt was barba:ously murder.1 NlissIssiiiiii. For a year post he hrui served at Road in Wiltskins. The murdered wan the Conlederates hi a diplomatic cepacity. never discovered, although Constance Kent, Clement C. Clay wait formerly Settelor in the daughter of Mr. Kent, one ol fier Majea the United States Congress (run Alabama, ty's Silo-limpet:tore of Factories was accused, and, since tbe war, served in the Confedentte wet aftereaids the nuno-Elisobeth Gough Caviare.' in aetinilm• caluteity, excepting this -but both were diecharged for smut of evi• past ten months emelt io C•oeda • deece. Many circumstances have condi "George N. handers, a nosed politician -butte' to the history ot the case, to give it and N.11111 Agent tor the port of New York notoriety ,end probably for six mciiths 111111. 1011101. Mr. Butboriert, it a notive Keinutely. der waa ever so much dismayed by the and 00111 weat *need of Senetor Doughtier. public. At leat•It was furgotien, but there He entered 11110 att agreement id 'Mid, to remained in the minds of the authorities who forniell the 'Confederate Government -with 6 had to deal with the case, an impreamon that troneladv, to be eutit in I.:regime'. Seeders Constence Kent was the murderer. Nut so made les way throulh the North to Canada. with the public in the neightmurhood of the &Wailed ill &Cornishmen. The Confederate tragedy. They would have it %het Mr. Kent Government however, aimulled the cuntrect bad murdered his urn son -a little fele,. with Mr. Sand .re, who eulisequently returned only 44111 years old. So much odium scuum to Canada. He projected the peace negoow elated thet Mr. Kent was cempelled to leave thin which resulted in the ieat.e of Mr. Lin - W• leaner. and remove to Weirs. Nreenw ni re &en.% proclamation, *leen it may con• " Beverly Tricker le Virzinian, published the•Sentinel in Warthingtort in ISA. and efell Consul to Liveroosil from le56 to lef60. from Merriam mr., Ky., WA *led to the South in 1A61. He wits the mailing Democratic member of the Kentucky legtelature in. the Seedluna of Leh° and 1861," tr,- The mmWns of an ancient city have 1 htimble heart ; but his task was accomplished TO F. N1TSCHES' OLD STAND.161,100,000. been discovered in the department of Own°, and the battle of his life waa erop, and in all rt IBM 0171131:1 tone to come, among all who therk of mare reauth of Chili, supposed to be either the rich hood more than rank, the name of Abraham mitring city of Ponsoelos or that of L,os ' Uncoil! will be held in reverence and love.- _ ( mares, also fa cies or wee , 'The News then continues e n , A BEAUTIFUL ESTAIE FOR SALE. erer city it may have been. the discovery without further and overwhelming proof, ley 1000 A ...Pea In 100.4. Illnek. doubtless attract attention, known fact that the majority of ouch settle. "in the we" the charge of thie horrible conspiracy to the i leader' or abettors of tk. South. merge the 111104 tilitittood oprito the menu were founded in the vicinity of wealthy The Star pays a warm tribute to Mr Lin• 1110•11,11 Ittiron Rollor7, C.. eoln, and eulogise' his steadfast whey of Posen of .i•olenehmol too o Bo( mines. WATCHMAKER & JEWELER NrX dnor West of Mr. Stotts' Saddlery. Apply by leiter pones. ,to Prsce nroinr.- Pesch : -Tne • peso., in soite of all provocations towards ad D k attempt At p.. land It Woo expremes great confidence STEAM ENTI3NE AND BOILER ! FOR SALE Apply to WATLHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY RFT 41n rti ON rooter NOTICE In the best Style & Warranted. Mold& Plotted Jewelry. Wateheo. Cioidee. Are Ire . emmileadv on 450411144 warranted. he serer...area rime money refunded. OF1••••el July vac I .1114. 11111.11 tlicteting the drink of hie neighbour% may tied the North, eren 114 hoer , rg ICIEST IN COVRT.-Ahnat half. past twelve o'clock Moss Constance Kent was brought into court, amidst me hushed silence of thou. prevaant. She waa attired in deep black, end walked into the dock with a limn step. She was accompaeied hy Mum Green,. who was allowed to occupy seat 1/110, her in the door. Although Miss Kent wore a serve to !thew our English donkees, who Dee- nation. will witl, that Inagneeetrous thick veil. her countenance mull be even ter the Legislature with the demand of • 1 clemency which thus ler Ma attemied its .ory plainly, and those who remembered Slam Permissive Prohibitory lequor Law, how ',00mph. mu, h they would or:complete /leen if they 1 The Daily Teleraph say* -F-om •olgar obtained an Act of Perliment for the purpose leorruption, from (ern aaaa a hatmd, ..om mean - of reinine the peblieen, robbing the poor , rot jealousy thie greet rider wee eholly free. man of his beer, end creating • vast deficit I At last came eliat seemed tn be the fruition in the revenee. I At hentr no More of their of hie labour, the rewire' of her and °Seines minnow!, and let it be owlerstond Ile wowed Riebetrind se a eon- thattifte regulation of other penplele habit's lit cowrie% trot toe Munched no decree of pm- bermernrth to be tonfined to tailor' iamiption ageinet the Smith ; for Ole tight dremulakers• appirmed to him to be over, and It was not in could searerty reeogniss the same- persie in the robust end beeithful form of Mew Cow 'mince Kant of terenty,one. Sim had wieder- fully ehareeel, and in fire years had grime into womanhood, and mewed the very picture of health and living. Her condriet the dock area et first marked with igrool corn- tteynolde and Mealhor ,-111a ;Kiser., and her replies to the quettiorts ad you he.. lo prodigally offered to hare tie empito4 iaserieet. dressed to her by the clerk to the Magistrates 1,0„ffe,74,,,z neutrality of • neighbour/2g state Petylo.. complicity Denied. 20 *00510 .101111011a0, PRESID102 OTTO! 11000) 104 *boll! %Mae, the lale Mr. Samuel ttoroev, has jest lett hint .61,300,000 in hard emir, how become • partner is the greet Co., of lainthard street. Soave idee of the magnitude of the operations of this firm may be gathered (roan the fact that, altimegh they lOat in the crists ot last year, chiefly by the (*bare of houses in the produce trade, about £600.000, their profits never were en largess in that very year. 1 heir triumatoioas may be calculated by million* perches", and I hent it no day that their net profit's do not &mallet ins gnu it roe URA, !decor Philadelphia, May 6.-Tbe sythrielpeloes In present • hemmed to Ilre. Weals are eaceading IS each, so 1101.11 may . chance to contrib.'s. Tire stialemeat ra be were te he Wee mteh es emolteme4 in