HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-5-11, Page 4axpla•lsa e3 ilia Stammer Sal- ta.., Fre Conder el tee C,meru Oatu., April m. TI. ntaamor Sultana, Capt Miami, •rrivirl al Memphis from New Orris= last eight, the 3611, with about 2,200 people on board, 1,964 of whom were eachangeJ Federal pri- soners from Vicksburg, the bottoms being refuges* and regal.r praseugera from various pour tabs tee river, proceeding toward' St louts. She left the coal pile about one o'clock this worI g, and had mode some sight or feu mow when an explosion ot nue of her boilers occurred. The boat, with its mass of living freight, took tire in the ricin. ty of the ensin..I, anti in • shut t time sae was burned to the oar, and now lies .ou • sand bar tear Fogleman's landing, nulhiu visible but her chierrnl remains cud jackstaff stand. Mg erect. At the hour of writingon 5 90 orG 0 per t roue had been sand. put leu thea fifteen bstatred lives were hurried tutu eternity by this moat wonderful of all river dimmers. - Hen. W. D. Suow, member of Congress from Arkaca•s, was on board and escaped uuinjur ed. He gives the following account of the aecideot : On the morning o(tbe 27tb, about 3 o'clock,by I was awakened a sensible tamer or shudder parity over the bort bet beard no explosion. Not anticipating such a terrible cuasequeuce, 1 aruse and deliberately dressed. Just before 6aubing dressing 1 be- came aware of a Targe volume of boom Ming drireo through the cabin by thn wind. 1 opened the door of my nate room, and its an tuatant realized the horror of the fart that the boiler had exploded. kitting and scaldiug mazy ; that the pilot -house and at knot one (biro of the eahuu rout had tsilen in; that the boiler deck and boat were co lire, with a fresh breese carrying the dames with hgbumug like rapidity through the balance of likeable toward the ladies' saloon. 1 stepped back to avoid the beat, and denuded myself of my except in o aril r r dress, u es and reabrd P my 4 e ta the rear of the boat, which was in the charnel and mach nearer the 'Tennessee than the Arkansas side. 1 looked over toward the Tennessee side with • view of leaping, but toned it • sea of beads, so close together that it was impossible W jump without killing one or more. 1 determined to try the Arlanuu esker , which was about three quuten of w mile diMont. 1 pooled over revere] bodies of dead mem killed end trampled its the mad rush whieb must have occurred some momeuIA prior W my advent ou Hurt part of tht boat. 1 (sand the same au of beads on the side, but discovered that toe flames hod driven them trona the vicirity of the wheel house, and by getting as close as possible to an open place to leap in. Prier W Ie■pun,; I saw several husbands (sten I11rpreservers to their wives and children and throw IIH•in overboard into the struggling wast below.- ] struck out tor the Arkansas shore, and reached a log lodged In fifteen feet of water, among the overflowed cotton wood loud. Al tea minutes to four, by ay watch, which hod nut ceased to run, afar 4 hours of exposure 1 was rescued by the steamer •• silver Spray." The Sultana contained 2,175 'outs. The density with which tbey were packed ,had awakened sr curiosity, and l Iso*ed over with the Clerk bio certificates anti bulks be- fore retiring. :This number included is:. elands employed ou, the boat 1 here were some females,besides a few cbrldreil. The bulk of pasaengen were returned prisoners from 4ndersouviile, which plate they lett on the 17th of cast February, Among them were the remnaut •t that point ut the priwren captured at Chickamauga and Gettysburg. - They numbered altogether 1,966 men euJ 36 °Meer'. A large number of borate west on the boat. As near as can be estimated withMtt other data dun observation, between 200 and 300 reached the book, while shout an equal number floated down the stream on doors and furniture A dense mans, estimated at about 1,00 took refuge on tbe bow of the 'boat. while the flames were driver aft by the wind. A few moments afterward the wheelbous's loosened by the concuuu.on, and flames felt off outward, and the boat turned stern up stream, reveto- iMg the flamer. The largest part of this number .at then have penshed, u they had no material at band to throw over to sustain themselves, except • few bales of hay, which were immediately seized on the turning (At Ibe boat. The gang planks were thrown overboard, but auk at once under their living freight, and rose too far out of teach for must- The yawl boat was launched, bottom up, from the hurricane deck, upon the head of those below, and afforded r support for a few in that eonditiou. The whole time be- fore the boat was an entire sheet of dame, could not have exceeded twenty minutes. i was not more than one third of the distance to shore when 1 observed the fact. The prisoners represented almost every State in the Union, even Tease, end the calamity will be u widely felt as • twttle of nu inconsider- able proportions. Orumieatal Trees. The aeawu ie come alien for pleating trees le the svelte sud aquores of cities and villa gee, std on the fund. thluughout the country, and we wish W offer a f.w thoughts use the subject :- Tie most beautiful kinds of trees require 110 10001 10010 or atauuos thou the poorest. The black maple, for owtwCe, •Lich is the moat beautiful in fists and foliage, will gr,w aa easily as the sugar maple, whm:b ranks tlezl 10 beauty, and Out will grow as well as the wit maple. The common elm r pulp w beautiful as any kind of maple, as 1s the large leaded variety, _ t brswo.d or linden. •lbe birch and Iaare afro hue uruamental trees. With respect W ever:wens, the Canadian bottom -lir 11.xcedlug:y beautiful Cue young, but it soon becomes thio in foliage, and the lower branches wither. Tb. Norway oy qn row is •much burr tree of the sums kind, which grows even .tore ..vuruusiv, rad is nut subject to the moue decay. •fe. red piue, and inc dar4thick foliagtd he10luck see ale beautiful trees. Care in planting will save • great deal of expense its le•plrutin, and crime the trees to grow vigorous,y an rapidly. 7b stick a tree into awet err hole is cert iia Jcatb lis and to 1 to it down amungut Emma. hist mach better. A Cubm yard set Bald, should be due out, and one space tilled ani, with rich friable mould ; the tree .hould then be plant- edjut the trove depth iu the ground that It was before, with its roux spread out ; the muu:J should be dusted over the routs, sud Settled eat, • pad of water thrown over 1. - The tree s u..l L J bre supported by• style and have wine lung immure or litter thrown luoaely over the Burled* of the ground above the routs. With this very moderate care, of the soil he tolerably dry naturally, or proper ly d,wiued, the tree will grow alto surprutug rigor and mad no further attention. frees er 4uul d be selected of a good ehape and *alb 1 1.1r proportion of rot,. Ever. 'greens brought from swampy grounds w. seldom rucceeJ ; end it ue iso, th n hu,•, prob- ably, xatucr. to purchase well shaped and ' routed trees from nurscries, if at bund, than to go to the expense of planting many that aro brought from the woo.!., afthuu_h from old Montego very ane young Ute. may often be ohleined. ' All trees which are unsightly by reason of decay, or which, on account of attractlug vermin are • auoaul:e W their mciuitygeloond be Al nuc. Cut down. Cll.TI.ATn,e or Too trona. -There is 'scarcely a vegetable, utile. s it he the potato, that enters so largely into consumption by the masers of Ibe people as the tomato. They are too only eaten tbrwgh the luunmer and fall in the various metes of dressing, but are put into crus and jars and preserved for winter we. '1 bey are as easily tuttivatad as any vegetable, and yield profusely 11 a little care is devoted to their vulture. The Cullrriat ban wine remarks oo the culture of tom.utuea which ire worthy of attention. It says there Is it diversity of opinion on reourd to the culture 01 tumat.rsa. Scene prefer to allow the tines W cover the ground at will ; others (.refer trinities or (ranks. The French method uta follows: As soon as • cluster of flowers a visilile they top the stein d 11011 10 theI psis Cw wthat lh r e Gyula terminate. the nam. The effect is, that the sap is iinmedi• lately impelled int, dee two bale next below the clurer, which soon push stron„y nod produce anther cluster of flowers each. `t'hru these are visible, the branch to which ' they belong ie also lopped down to their level ; and this is done bye limes in succession, By this means the plant becomes a Itnu1 dwarf. bwhrs not rhov,• eithtren orches hi;;h. In addition W this, all the laterals whatsoever are nipped off. In this way the ripe sap is directed.,into the fruit which requires • ' beauty. ise and ezcetkuce, wuitawable by I any other meas. An American paper thusdescril.rs CnLmel Raker, thecbhI'of the re4dee1iecret service emir -the -raptor of Booth ;-•' Ibe has a hard grizzely face, an dinc0nnider.ble forehead covered with turning Bandy Bair, lung in i mtubie jaws, • large mouth well ,uotsiued by eyes of spotted .Trey, which roll and rivet one.r' This is tote suit of stuff Yankee heroes are safe of. KIDNArrlen arta Tonoaro.-The follow. ing is from the Hamilton Spectator of :tray 3,d :-" We learn that • very du •racetul ease of kidupp:wg occurred near I'urwito last week. On Sandy week Mr. Janiee Haley, son of Mr. U.rid Haley, a former of Pickering, was text by two mon at • short distance from but home, wbu requested him to ride with them. 'Ho accepted, and after going a abort distance they seized him by the wrists, and in the struggle he managed to throw one of them out, felling with hon. He remembers no more, but presumes that he must have been drug,ged, for wheat he came to bus senses he WAS un a steamer on the lake. Arrived at Lewiston he was seized by • couple of tinned States soldiers as their prisoner, mod conveyed to New York, where be under. went an ez•miuetiou, charged as being so accomplice of Booth. And strange W say, in his boots were found Woe whiskers and letters supposed to be (ohm Booth. I be el• emanation, however, showed that the wrong man had been taken, and aibbuu3h he hal beep robbed of some 813 be was given only enough money by the British Consul to carry him back as tar as Buffalo. With difficulty he reached Toronto on Friday night. The whole proceeding u a m int disgraceful rine. Mr. }Ilkley tins never, we belicve,lw•ca further from his home than 'foronto to his lifetime before, and the whiskers and letters were andoubledty dated in bun hurtle by the mu• eremite who kidnapped him in the hope that they might prove sufficient to induce his con victiun, its stitch car, they would have bloodl- moa ey. His friends while he was absent aWIered the greaten anxiety. A book which be had with hips when he telt the hoose was found on the road, with blood mark. upon it, . nd the impression was that Ise must towel been murdered. 'rhe cite is one which should be thoroughly imnestigated, and the parties salty of this ruffianly act of kidnapping brought to condign psmshment." News Items. glen The New York Evening Post advo- cates the hanging of Igen Lee as a traitor. g o' The Paris Conatatinnal resorts that then aro appnbeonona of American aggres aion m Mexico. L - What is revenge T A coward's mon- ey.. What is joy 7 The town' and fastest grains of life's sand. Ole Can any civil engineer inform n how it r that the mouth of riven see larger than their heads f e' What an aggravating reminder, says Peach, to moot ver most pressing creditor driving • pair of dun ponies. Oa Targe men are tem gnarrelsome than Mole ones The largest of all ocean u Pacific. Y} The eorsareptinn of ensile in the south o f }_ranee r said to be extraordinary, and the lute for tau d.tie.acy is incrastag to Parr. t} TMre ammo be • serer proof of law ergo, or of an innate tweawn0m of digwei. tee, than to be always talking or thinkieg of baing genael. j}• An inehmen who had been find save - eel weeks in uneasion fed getting drank, eooII en the judge thee he should ten !Mir:* year at • mimed rate. wait A berdslac observed 0, • learnmd jbtior it WW1 the netrr day, that the wase fig of mhisbere ease onpro(aeronel. ' Right,' replied his friend. ' • lawyer resort, be too barefaced.' EDOKS ! ! IN CHANCERY: IN THE MATTER OFIPARTITION BETWEEN rATa1Cz EIJ4hDT ■TIDMAI ADD IIIIT COWrza 10501115 ADD °Tlzas.. 7Y) TIIR 11ONORARIR. TNR IIIDGR9' UP TILE 1'01,R T UP L'11ANC'ER yi rite: u fumble petition u1 the above used 11 Petrick Keenedy Headman, of the Filtrate 01 Exeter. to the (loomyy cif Huron and Province of Canaria. Provincial Load Surveyor, &hewed. afolfown: 1. Hairy Hyndman, late o(Lunderetaa, in the Township of ('olb,ne, in the County of Ho- we and Province aforesaid, was at the time 01 h • death Pre owner 01 the lee ,mule of Las Numbers lour hurt tire, Lake Road Can, m the towndup of Domorne, a the County of Home •a1 Doodler •t wo,front of the easterly hall T +' oflea Numea•r pro, ooal of Maitland Ter•sre,1west of Noon •tree(, tp the town of Uoderich, otherwise kuuwns peening unnnter tour bun•P I3L()CKJedand n tee v here ..fll,rtow .a of RSO � Mt/below. plot oft/Wench. And tl,e said Henry Hymlmen was libewme at the time w hu death equitably entitled toms fee maple esti ,•000sland* at lues numbers nine, tee and eleven ,a lbs eighth Concession, W'enefa Dnvfa{ a, of them.' township ufColborne. I. The said Henry Hy adman deprrtrd this life on or about the aim-teem::sky of,Sesplemtwr in U __. the year o f Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hua• 1 GROGERIES, TAKEN(YUCE! KIRK HAS OPENED AGAIN, THE SUBSCRIBER BEGS rte inform his old friends and the public generally that he has RE -OPENED in Next' door to Mr. BUTLER'S 300K -STORE, where everything in 4le4 end Forty-Four, i -Four, harms drat duly mese sed pushed bis est will and te.tarrnt In writing whieb Is ill 'lie wunlo and figures(, .,wing, that u to say: " I, Henry Hyndman, of Luudenlon, n for Cwunv 01 Huron. 001,1 t of London and Pros iner of ('plea called., du make and publish this u,y lo.1 will and tr.tauent. 1 do hereby spool. • my dear war Augusta Harriet Ebsabob 1 .mo, n t sok executrix wnd ode guardian to o le clu1Jrcn. and 1 du kerelry Juan that in the first place my executrix .e provide fur the pay. meat til •ll my 1•awful debt. sod ,n the neat place trim she Jo insole a su,talgr pros wnu ear my okar mother, Mrs. Sarah Headman, equal to itis lite annuity of SSO sterner renounced in my favor anti the bin 0.1.1 ..t the Wool .4 Uorsmnk, .0 1lie parse of Largo a.J County of Ayr, to Scotland. lately sold ny her and my to Jobe Mao Hyndman, Esymre, to ung throw wife on condition of her reuse e 4 3,. Ir . right of dower. 1 leave for .tier Ida• Mc kw. No. 1, 2V, lake road east, township 01 ('olisnrue, Western O va.on, with all bourn, J.uwhDgs, furniture. plate, loud ., (inc.,, farming sloe*, nettle .tail utrs•ds 01,1 hu.ertrlry which may he 00 the amine at t!r lune of n y death ;•I1 ether pin: rev, whether led or peroral, 1 riled to he egnaly Jisid d among my children, altars sed .hen alike...ad give and bequeath the Mind las leo. I, iV. Lake Raul East, 11101he hoots. and buildings thereon ostler the death ul my dear woo to no, eldest so Lowly 1 leave to my .ear wile the power of dividing among our ebuhlrru as she may thunk proper the furniture. plate. 4ri•., 01 which .0. has the 11 a rent and reserve to my- aell the right by any wntin* under my hand its add codicils to this my last will and tenement or w make opecal brq.ieet• u may appylr to one 1rom time to tune nrrrsa y. In wilt .•em wperrul 1 have hereunto vat my hand et Lu,,deroon *lornmanl, the nineteenth of Jmit 1,3., boors the w,lneases W" d I,am Root and Alexander Must.. my term servant.. (tigii.q •H. HYNDMAN. 1 N )1. KISS, Sd� ALF!( DUI ELAS, Woolens. he Y,d tate Henry !Wahines had eleven children, namely : Y O ur petitioner: Pntnc k Lyn - 1)' Hyun:inn and the east Hrnr, . 1111r•r Hydmen,o(Sprugn.e, Went Kodnyle. in Ayr- shire.. Met fart 0l the Kmgdoma lineal Britain and Ireland called Seo4tend,Mar,a Caroline H pod• man,ul the Vallee ptaoe, minister. lwhrlG Henri - men. „1 the Mme pan e, mower, Elsa• eth.3tory Hindman. aftl.e same place, mummer. •ri.14tens 1.,ww Hyndman,.4 the town o ritratl.•ht. mark County til Penh anJ Pmyu,'* atore.ad, ryanater, Acgnns Harem Willi... Inrn.drly Angliala Barnet f n.liumn note' 11,e wee of bol, ( I t I ante r ] til the Vane.)mew John 11 -nJms Y I pl ) n, of this ilagr o1 Exeter, in Ibe County u1 Heron. sWrew,d. Uerrge Witham Ilyr.dman, appp1s..mrd to birnow rending in Andral• orNew 7ralend, who are ill til ire, 1,111 Holrn HIe.rH)ndu,eu and Arthur Hyndman, now demented. 4. The .ail late Henry Hy5Annln left bun mlr- vrvmc your Petitioner and the 10013 Henry Cow- per H )ndm•.1 Mara Carulma Mtnlmoalotlela Hyndman, Ea'rth Ms••yli olmrn. Anna f G •u..a Hynhn rte; Aum wt• Harass N"dhama [[Lr,nerl7 Angmu Harriet 11omin..,,] John ilyedu inn, George W ,lharly' HI•adm+n, his brim 4n1 heirce.ea. el lea end hu widow Anpnst• Harriet Elizabeth Hyndman; wiw bpu *claim for dower out tot 1►e said loads, and 1 who no Intended to he and u merle • party 10 this :'prni ion, wed Rolrrt nixie IlvnJnan and Armor llyndm•n, rein tore mute dir.l lea) ire no one. 5. 1715the tea,, . t',ounmdeight hmndrml and tiny -rex theatrlvn'dkn,ea Henry Cowper Hvu.d. men pad to the (:,.nail• Company on Mfait til himwll mid/tile nther.o-har and,o-br,re.s•0 al - La w'l the amid late Henry ,.ynd,nan the Iwlsuce of the punchier money of the maid lots tea uolwrs now. Wit and eleven in the eighth coneravon We rte lhvrwn. .d Thr end township ul l'of- • p'e,whereupantkr.nnitheC'a,Wa tem pang • ruled cvnveyya+nn a til the mid lend to the ow Heery Cowper. IIydman •a.l me Va,d ,ab., co Ifs and or:hrer.-an-ot-few, and be and the vJ lis ell the el•• . Art enUrf rc uenuunnl .rrn,iwn •. tenants on common each ten ngrc ti1h� I an p . pr,fart ton Iherw, e• The tad HenryeCorp.. &c., will be sold cheap for CASH or in exchange for Dairy Produce. As he intends to devote' his attention principally to the rectifying of IVRISKIIIS OF ALL %ISIS, Thereby enabling hitt to sell at Distillery Prioes! Dealers iliernin \l ill :1: •.loll 10 Lire Biro a cull. Those Indebted to him will Please call and sett) at once, otherwise costs must be incurred. J. Y. S. KIRK. MARKET SQUARE, Gnderich, 71h :March, Iti6�. ow 33 WOOL e CARDING !! xe• cfC - .1/4 - THE SUBSCRIBERS would beg to inform hts customers and the public that Lis hew prem iso w, East street, THREE DOORS FROM THE SQUARE A BY -LAW' To raise Ly tray of Lame the alnis of Twenty Thousand Dollars for the purposes therein Mentioned. 1fERFLAi the Corporation of the United 11 Counties ret Huron and Bruce has re- solved to tired.), Gravel tend improve certain Roads and-Highwys, with the necessary Bridges for the mitts, within the said County of Huron. As o. w the said improvements are entirely within the Cuuuty set lluron, and the annum of making the same is to be defrayed by, the said County irrerpectite of the County of Bruce, the Loan or Debt will be Haid by the said County of Huron, sud the l��ttttte hereinafter mentioned wi;I be trued we. ly upon this rateable property within the sal 4 County of Huron : Ani ' a* t0 carry into effect the mid recited object it will be ueecassry for the said Corporation to sum of ''went Thousand 1)ollan r neer Iwo wafter mentioned: Ano '1 is expedient to define Ili. reaper. to be expeudd on each lino of d to bo improved '.i1 shall be 14101. in the W H►n►.ts tire annum Road Mien expendelea '1 out in the Schedule at the sud of this 112 .ser and formiug part of the name. AND WR►at:AI .1 will require the sum of Three Tb n Two Hundred ) The 1 .)uta d T i d s Millais to be nosed annually - Special hate fur the payment 01 the aril .050 Or lebt and inter. eat as also hen•inafte nentioued. Asti wuoucu* the mount of •the whole rateable property of t e said Mutiipality irrespective of any tutu increase its the .rine and irlMs ti of n c res income b M pt T dertm 'ran h r r front the tem res II CrlmCn! Ot the 11,� y aii,kitlty fund hereinafter ne ltiuued or any part thereof, according to t, last reused Adaesmewt hulls beingefur thulmnd eight hundred and et Eight millions Two hundred and tluuoaud .`hz hu'udred and Ninety s AND •11x0/:14 for paying. the ice creating an egcal annual Sinking F' paying the *KA own of Twenty Th. Wilms and jnitenot as hereineftersmenti it will require •n equal annual Special of fourtentho of a mill its the Uullar in ditius t all other nus and taxes to be lam in each year. • Be it therefore enacted b 4he Corporation e year ole ty four was Kitty eigh dollars: at and red fur .d ed, Mortgage Sale of Lands TINDER and by virtue of • Power of Sale contained In a Mortgage made by James Hart. of the Township of Wawanosb, its the County of Huron, Yeoman, to George John Gager, of the Township of McKillop, in the said Comity of Huron, (ientlemal, (default haring been made in the due payment there of,) will be sold by Auction on • Friday, the Twelfth day of Nay, A. D. 18G5, at twelve o'clock, noon, at the Auction Mart of CEORCE M. TRUEMAN, On the Market Square, m the Town of (lode - rich, the 'allowing property, that is 1e say : All and singular that .•crtain parcel er traet of laud and premiere situate lying and being be the Township of WawuosY in the County Province Canada of Huron, in the 1 ro este of being cuwpused of the north. east quarter of Lot Number Forty tar In this Eleventh toncennion of the said low hie ip of Wrwanalh,containing by admewnuremeul Fifty acres of land, be the sale more or less. Terms cash. Deed under l'uwer of (Sale. JOHNDAVISON, i AVi w10) Vendor's tdolieitor. For Sale at a Bargain. THAT wettish!. enol eligibly situated prompt 311 the Tuwn of (lodenrh. fronting the (uurt Rwu.• Square. and for eighteen ('ears known as. s ,' FARM RS INN THE E INN,' Donna which time 11 has enjoyed one til IM 1 largest jiurtione a that blswra in 14r lows. Connected with the iwlel u a general .cure: The whole see Ludt of alone and brick, 47 *37, Ipr,. atorirn high. and d wnuurhuus cellars h feet deep. Attached to the hotel is • tiro Story frame J welhdg house outhomw,, disc.. scull farm 01 escellerl hod. 1 l' MoJmnne y i.m�ual one mile from uJencb on B., a U Rost, 30 sere" ,, and nate of tbe y e t 5. cultivation, well fenced. ! e I which aro clear u1 efuwp e, web a bewn lug house 30 i4 211, and a cedar log btu 40 sC 14, rhe le, &e , ALSO: -Ir the Vines* of Pun VLeel _ 1 arra With dwellme townie and m•W.., .A'c , ore of the ben tavern needs in tbrl place, and hoe lung t been kris a ouch. Terns liberal ; to mut purchasers. Fur further pwruculan apply to J. et. f,G1tDON, Esq. or ANDREW' I)UNOGii, Proprietor. of the United Counties of lluron mod Bruce, i. That it shall be lawful for the Warden for the time being of the said last mentioned Corporation to raiso'bv way of loan, from any Zenon or persona, • body or bodies corpo raw who my be tolling to advance the sane upon the credit of the ltebeotures bsrernafte mentioned, a sum of money not exceeding m the whole the auto of Twenty Thoue•ud ilul tan, and W canoe the same 10 be paid into the hands of the. Treasurer of the Cursed , Counties aforesaid, for the,purpuses and with N. n -ATI (hurt indebted 10 me either by nae sr latok ar-ount ane requrate,l 1i. settle the PUMP without delay m order to sale -cru. U,utenob, April 31st, 0.64. w9 Id dEBIFY'A SALL OF LAWS. Ited Complies of D virtue of a writ 01 on and Wove. j I) Fero Ferias Issued out . )til Her Mimeos.a 1,.unty 1111' I'ncol I-omn)Ieanl Huron and Unica he,brecled (ran., the lands and teu,- Jenles •Nrwar1, et the seat w John Y 1 Sauu,rl H. Dolor, I have w: and and ■lea11.01 all the tight tone m1.1 interest nnd•n1 in and to 1,4 nwhlwr one in •on,r.arn ot.Iho 'roe usbip til Col. u the (bunt% til Hunm,- which tante 1 ;hall •d., tor male st u.v odes u1 the Goin Hour set n, Town of Dot/erten,. cm T,,N day the 'r wenty 1.1, ds/ rl Ju y next, at tae clock 11,1.1. 1LS MACDON LD, Fveiiri'JL 4F B Sherif. • 3111. i _ • i Cots,and o menu r a liken In d ,he said • therlesrnth borne, 5t•. D.. will lie opened on the first of June, Inc tranatctinz the W.,ol fsedinz, Cloth Dres,ing an NAndoeturiug liesinese. in connection with his WOOL FACTORY. where sbLorders an work io the above bueinis eilIM punctual:y attended to. Likewise a variety or Cloths, Blankets, and Stocking Yarn oil'. be kept on hair1 to exchange for wok. IIavino this year a•1 L-11 tl••r FIRST-CLASS DOUBLE CARDING MACHINE d the` bleft That luiteshall be ! w t. tr fol for ami. J Warden W canoe any number of ,ebruture to toade for such Solt. e.1 money as tn*. ani not Ie than One n feel Hundred - required, DO; lam each, sad. that the 41,11 fMla'ntures she: be eroded with the snot of the said Cutlers bout a twelve uI 1, lu. • Be S Pnr.usc n, ihjsu. Sbsnd'pnd'n•e, t rid • lion. t,d signed by the sato Warden. 111. That the said *Debenture* shall l,o I matte pav•b,e in tea years at (urttwal, fr.•u. the day hereinafter me,dionrd for this It, i Law tea tole effect either i:. 1, .),don, i, En: t , ai:d, ser mime place in t'anxs to be desitne'. to ha establishment, be will he prepared to. execute farmer's work to any reasonahle erten ry ter notice. Customers *min r to the factory themselves will M• rt n on short t Wine a m. ♦ attended 1 t t e r' 1 rein Mill aidtotb as forinerl and q sec dor acre t u a e osis from a .Iia 1 c wiahio r. t r u n r their Wishing 'Work i -xineditioursly I)oil-e N. B.--Whitethenkful for the lin• rnl patronarnnf former rears in the above besin(V, •.h .nlorcriher h -,p* by strict Hlteoni,n to 1 ..in...aAnd spar n,' 00 expense m meeting, the want of his customers, to still receiver *hare of this same. t7 Remember the place- East Street, second door from CIL RD'S BLOCK. • • ed in the arid d lA•Fwn u es, pod shall by attached W tbeta Couprits tyr!ibe- pay men i of intermit. r i IV. 1 bat the said .Debenture• and Coon ('1 .1••:ieh, Apri114)0' Ic64 THOMASLOGAN wI2 • . ROS 1 �X► H tj 0 _ DIS t I. ■ *tea, test GIS IIs'. Q '� �IL JE C �1t1 • ors shad be male uueiq either i'it•Ln m-amey or l'roeiocia:. tu•r'•ney of this Pru vitte, at the. opines•of. the mil Wbtden s "that that the wbo.e mount of saidDebenture n''o'1 not 'steed the before mentioned sum of Twenty Thu..mrd.ix,:: _-_--, 151h Art1.ltte.5. M ortgage ba of Land j NDEI1'and by 011 duen sPower ofSale c,1nt•ilied in w eertsin in nitre of Mort. rage made by Colin Sinclair, the Town of • death, ,:u the l• only rt ILr n, Butcher, F• Char lief s n e ea f the asmr •I •, bothers er, and beariiie date the First day ' f July A. 11. tall2, will he sold by PUBLIC AUCTIO • At the Auction Rooms of O. M. TRUE. . iu the tows til •Goderieh, in the Count u Iluruu, I On Fnday, the 1211 day of liay.1 At 1'S o'c'.ock, noon, the bllowinz land in p•emno's, vis : The North half of but Num - ✓ her Foot in the Fourth concession, Efttere I4visinn, of the said Townshil, of Colborne, 1, containing nil acres ret land, be the same G . more or less ; di (.,bt having been made in payment of the moneys thereby secureJ.- Conrrywnce. under l'user its Montego J. S. SINCLAIR, • , d Dated this 11th day of Apoil .4.11.Iw6 w12 ft ar,d tart 10*. b.ar interest at and atter the rate til six pe • (value per annum. which intermit shall. 1r • payeb,e en the first .day of January and fin day of July, in each and Perri year durte AN, of the eootmeanee of the said Debentures t the abppiwee where the Debentures are mads Vle. V. That for the purpose of. fnrmie ,.p..f e - S,•ikm;. Fund lir the ,ymeut of the tat i r Hyalrnan w • crevlrtor til the E.tue '1 the .n1 late Henry JUVEN;LE BOOKS, N)mJman inn respect of the amount so paid by FANCY GOODS, roil Inure wCour.as nfureto the said the L•nada Cour. any. T •yTrn a�•l'., ar. , In LargelAssortments ! Suitable for j day Oddi for both old and •yi,ung, just received 1T THE CLINTON BOOK STORE GEu. i.:►Vroch:. CLINTON. 19th December, 1864. LAYCOCK'8 • Canadian Farmers' AlmanaL, I2:1".• Price 2, cents per dozen. ..c3 AT THE CLINITON! B tee moot useful Alin 'nac for Farmers there is peblisltesl. It contents space for Mentor andum. (or even day in the year, halides much valuable information, such as Post Mica Regulations, STAMP I)1"TIES, LISTS 'OF BANKS ! Axil Judiciary A Parliaaeutary Lists, Every farmer should harrow. OEO. LAYCOCK. Clinton, 19th December, 1864. [w19 NOTICE. A Ix (',ase mdebrdto Wm. E. CRA('E, be 11 note or hook serount, will please CALL AND SETTLE 1 -be mane wnhoul Office on Lighthouse 8t., .Ve.rf fo Air Andrea Diuno h a. For Sale 200 BARREL91 SALT! AT $1.25 PER BBRL. A QUA\TITY OR IRON! '(Ael,nrd, •t $2.50 PER 100 POUNDS We. E. GRACE. (lyder,eh. Do emher 57,0, '"I64. •w32-0 SHERIFF'S BALE OF LANDS. UnnedCnnnt,eaot lY tome e( a wit re Huron snd Rowe. LFret. Eaeao ,a.Ired not To wit: d Her Mny.ty's (:,o*ty Court .4 Ont United (lountwe of Huron and Ikuw and to me directed again* the lands and wee. metes of William Han tea., at lite •ml u( Ale.. melee Wngb, l hate reed and taken In ereeSlnM all nth. rtebt. tele and i merest of the sant defendant on and to la waulrr note. In Ue fourteenth nrnsemeon, a tM Town•he a Car- rick. in .M 1:55.17 .( Reiter ; whish laid. and 1.*anit5ts 1 Shalt oMr kr sate al ray office ,n tbe I..mn House 1a the town of &ladeneb, on T1r..A.y tee akveath day of 1517, mitt. at t tee boa. otters., 5f l terook, woo*. JOHN MACDONALD, $Mrf, H. de n• Be R. Porieek.bepor ahem, 4ketl6's(Ma r,uh, tat Art,, lna5.t .101 7.. Ily deed poll b 'aring date the tweet( 6r.1 day a Septender one thoa,Mnd eight hundred and •ixtv-nur and exeeutnl by ire one/ Roby Williams sed Augusta Harriet W,Ibamm, the mtere,t of the and Alumni Harriet William. on shut the shoesaal leafs wan charged pull the peynrnl .dlhr own set six hundred and an enty J 11 u.• de infests and interval to emotive Street Su, ler, 01 le oo loan cd+IrauMrd. at county of Penh who e..asequense the nes ■ part) to this p01111 10 b. TAe,e are nu other debt. or smote of the bawl tae Henry Headman, nor •re then, any sew rep 1rreue11 y.mlr petitioner and the ...ideal..., r••r-heirto and co-nenem.rs-wt-sea ..r the mend tate Henry Hvn.lman can b supported ere Outul lbe proceed* of the .aid leads. IL 16r wol premise me to w greet exten• un- prtalurtive In IIIe, pre.ent site and they cannot be maven e1111) ser ah'antegeutuly pwrtlneed. 10 It will lie advantagnnu fur all parties in- terested and ,t to neces•nry for the support wed Inarntenanre of your pelititmer end thewd other co -beery and ro.hr.rrsrs-t-Isw of 10.. said l..tc If retry Hysd.run that the mo n7btnon,ar'. 'hoods' be sold end the proved. divided be wren and applied kir the benefit Moll panics entitled thereto. V.11 petitioner merrhlro prsl a (II Tao the end premise. .w) he sold eft IM pre.. re. o. trrl la. and smelted (or the aeacal ef the pans, nnrre•1rd then in. (21 And tato pour petitioner er lent be and his Moved 1,. pr,rrr.10 i4 n,M .ale. II1ix1this e. 1• tirho...1!rnl (1 • mach .ole and n( rho... prn • t11ny, .1 w..r, (•licoer and client ma) he tni,l„0l the r.ed pr,...,1.. t end Mouan/ prem,.e. may bis Irrminned. .Mona Anti for lh.-p.irimaer .fare.a,4 that all proper Mr - May he g,ven awl eomnr taken. ▪ fofNn1 that Yourl'enm,nerma, hoer.urh fedbrand other rrne(a.mWn ,n lite p, -ii ice••. m*rel. (q And your Fentnner ad..0,! prey. EDWARD RLAHC- I CII.t'(h11v. ran re Hndmnn. • rn,rlo%. Take n•n,er that this i.r pan.. i I he prrne-4 to 11,e f}t 0 ,1 hanr.ry on M ueho, the 2011 da) ,11 ,1E01 May stiletto( ,he dock no thr Intr...., You.. IsLA1kE, KEltll b WELLS, tlniidlnrs for Petitioner. Bated lith F-hn.re. Ines. 7. Henry At,wner Ihndmen. Nan. Caroline IFrnd- Man, Isaheols Hy,daan, hLrot.II May ll'rolnen. Ansa tnn,a H),elma . 1nen aro Hanel tt ,311010.. Juhy Warm., John 11 nd,nan. lienrge Wdlum Ilvndma ■ *Vane Il.n,et Il,sd.rwn ad no all .nth -res Mr rlstm;.rsin aenam the .•Ino- u1 0neeIVA. *5.L. SHERAFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Celled r-o,rnt,.•...f ))) i' finite of a writ 01 H,,,on and IMnee, Fiero Farman rr•ohre in Wil : ,awd nil 0( 11er Mnjrdy'e Cowry ('ourt of the County of Want. food to me direet.d *veinal the lends fod tenements of Wolter Renwick. el the ens of William Marin. 1 have .sired and ukcn :n 11 neroann•II theneht, toile and interval ter the ..d defendant on and W no numbr r one in the tenth l:. $r ssm•n wntb el Huron Hoed "lithe Township of '(m-brnmtb, to the tomtit of Huron, which lads east tenements 1 .hall ori:• r h.r .see at my Ate.. in the e into Hoewl ,n the Town of'iwlertrh, u,i, 1., .d.‚ the meth day of June next, t the boor 01 twelve of the clank, noon. JOHN MACONal D DAsrrif, 111 B. Ry R Pnunrz, DepIwuntylheriff. Sbear0 ** UIRre. (10011. deb, era Jen. IMt6. 1 w6 MONEY TO LEND ON I1fi'HUVr.h FARMS, AT 8 PER CENT t •-•1 on, - Some to invest In Town Properly J. If. (GORDAN, Barrister, dec.. Godericb- Oowlerieh, Rent.d 311844. ewe tf_ NOTICE. C'nUNTiket• r1.ERK'$ (Irma .(11h.. op. IIJJ 5807 NPdwa•day),•we for oar wok •Ite reek iwtMg of rhe llowonee'te.m.,1. A11 mm rees,eaann. fir I he Cosset lea' Clark to he *mete 10 Isyleld Peel 01111e.• PlITRR ADAMSON, Cottafee' Clark. fie).4 R. RUNCIMAN & CU., Manufacturers of Grist and Flouring Mills Circular, Mulay and Sash Saw -Mills, rill' ItA.143I:.1.1 C- 1T-ACIIt\�I:�3, SEPERATORS AND HORSE POWERS Mowing and Reaping Machines, Wood Saws, C7ULTIV 'I'OI1�, CiteE1NCor PLOUGIISi, hese ('+*sting+ made, and Blwek,mithe work done in a neat and iubotantiul manuer, Castings of any description made to order. Also, all kind. of machinery reneired on short notice. A large Stork of COOKING, PARLOUR AND BO% STOVES, .Alvan 501 howl, Sugar Kettles, Wagon an 1 I'ipe 11 ono. A. nur ptte-R. nl'the above are of the moot npproved kind, 'lie would eolirit an'inopertinn '1 nur ninrk before purihaeing elsewhere, All we are-nfferin_ for above at the eiwe11 remnnerotive prime; for aleft, or or.ap proved Credit. Old metal, Itrue,Coppwr, and *11 kinds of produce taken in exchange. Gnoerieh.October. DIM er29 Military School. C1NDiD.ATES for commutators to the Service Mtiitia dr•eimas of obtaining ed. ,mission to either of the Schools of Military Instruction, are required to make application in writing Inc moth purpose, tbmugh the Brigade Major of the division wbereiu they reside. Applicants most state their sr, rrridenee Peat afire addr-en. and naive country, ■ns� transmit, with their application, • certificate from • clergyman or magistrato in the local it) what they lire as to morel rbsroeler. W. PftWELL. l.ienI.-fol. D. A. Gen. M., C. C. Adjw!iM General's Office, ? Quebec, Mardi 4th, 1865. j .7.310 11I;' itY (.1-RI1 'I. • DEPARTMENTAL AND Parliamentary Agent, ‘41:7'31111131:113 C3, '1111ANS.A('TS IIIININE'S WITH Title 11 Crown funds and other Coveremrol Ur- pp••nenet. 1 Takes deal Patent. for Inrentiono.- nvans •ed lakes ears• of Privet. Mlle Moen, the Seamen, t.., fee., Ace , Inc Parma. ...ding in t7neteCa.ed.. etMewwkwle. 1110 A BEAUTIFUL ESTATE FOR SALE. LOBO /Lame M Cans Rle.ek, LAtuhtLY IMPlanerl).54'neesfoOn11) snowed m.,em the 1554 n( the Rover Mantled. 5ppreiwroe fest woe l Yrs ad see '1140,leh Mustlee .teas Ref fare rd lobe Items Rules•.)], C. %V. Apple .Ih♦lalrrp.stpseale J. 1. (10111,11.t 0 (1, was .efr was (indentr.. Land Scrip for Sale, A l.i1IER11, IRRE'llr'M GIVEN on p0vmentl which can Iw. made to the Crown Land• IeparIJAant in Land Se•ri)). See card •1• another column. HENRY GRiST, (Morisse. Ooderkh. Dee, 4. ISM. w4osw!? A GOOD FAR FOR SALE Containing 140 Acres S1'''t'A I El) on the London head, enjoining kJ the Village of Exeter. On the above there i, • good Frame House' and Barn i ,Suliciwr for Huriga4eo. Debentures- and 0..e•e )titrprr,i at the' (ate ah.te amid W hecr,me doe thereon. an equal special rate of four tenth* of a mill in tn. Dobler, •hall ir,,uiditi,tn t, all tither retell end taxes, be fit:s•:d,..levied aoutonl.rcted In each ee:.r neleiy upun.11 lea 101 111rte rroirrty the said County nfaluron, (loon, the coulter ance onb1 ,o- ance ,f said debentures or an, of them. VI. That this It) Law ahull take effect and come into opera • ninon Hie Nineteenth day of June. its the year of Our (send 0:,.. Thousand Eight Hun (red rid Sixty -Fite. SCHEDUiLE REF/MILE') TO its TiIE.FORE. Gut\(i, Seven Thousand 11 neve to he etpenried nn the Coition, mol Ath)iein R+wl, c•,m• serving at A. Allen's Tavern, going Sloth. 'hard. Four Thousand D Wart on the Mail 'Prowl, Alepheu. trtweru Lots Ton end Eievan, commenein4 at the London Road. One Th rusand Dollars on the Extension of the [lay Gravel Road. Thom ThuusandSix !honked Dollar* nn the Seaforth, Hood, cmuu.u'uicing at hate Cavern, going Nulth to Delmore. Two Thousand Four Hundred Dollars on the line between the Eighth and Ninth ('on resinous of Howick,i commencing at Day's 'tavern. Two Tlowland Dollars nn the Clinton a• Windham Road, through 1w,ts Twent -T ole and Twenty Four to the. Cotteension 1.• o Inc. twee* this E.,thh'and Ninth, an throve along ,.,d Line to the Side L:n- between Lets Twenty and Twenty One, nil thence aln,ig avid Side Line to the Ito dnr7 Line of tum Coupty of [truce within t mid County of lluron. 0 CE 1 HE shove 1s rue copy of a proposed Hy. Lew to lin ' en into consideration by the Munteip ty of the United Counties of Huron and truce, at the County Yowl Room in the 1 a of (%odetich In the County of Huron on the eventh day of June, 65, at the hour of three, o'clock, ie the ftcrnnon, at which time and place the mem' ben of the Council are hereby required to attend for the purpose aro-mid. PETER ADAMSON, Counties' Clerk. Connly Clerk', Office, t (ioderich, 22nd Feb.; 1865. ! 4 id AM new. A gond well end • fine young nreherd. 1t will Inc gold very cheep. Tne lend is of the hest, clay loam an 1 well lis bared. Terms made known on *npliestinn, if by letter Pre paid, to Exeter p. n., or on the prem into to A McCONNFLL, wl -lf Exeter. MONEY TO LEND EIGHT FEB, (; i ;1t'I' MI arra 0P ON Atadfed Dollars anti upwards. Ap teM TOMS A Mnr)RF. .4„l,entern CRA$S'a NEW ■1.04'0► . Gederiek, Sept, Ma, 1064. .. t) U STORY & DAVIS 1t 1ANt!IACTI'RI:RS AND f1FALERv I^1 11 S,,,,,, f'onvh. emu Cooing. of every de- is- option. •Ili, ('o I art Sherr 1,011 Warr, 11 the Stove Depot, Wen, St rr.a, I i,dcneh. COAL OIL, 0,1 'Amp*, Are ,,fry, Ohl Iron, Cap- per, Rraot. Nags sad SMepakiva '•ken In .t- e4nrr. _- --. 4 4e FARM FOR SALE LOT 3, Con. A Township of Rowiok, j mistreat Mr'neter, ow THE GRAVEL ROAD. Lug home sedbwrn, 92 ACRES, 28 CLEARED Apply to F. W. THOMAS, Eq., B. M. G,Nerirh, wen 0t, 11144, 4Ss.8I-I( t=rAft_' t� �� as r L C.trrias e Factory 4170, vir" %10 LIGHT -HOUSE St., ERICH i to the poo. ... for 1451 In ore rocelVell, 011 thro hand, Ind won 10, to in Male 11011 he iadeter- CHEAPER THAN EVER. (}ODERICH FANNING KILL I will Pell von waitron eomplete for $.55.0.1 ut things fn Topton... All *ark All kind (Fanning lintitionent. made to order. JOHN MerlIEHSON. Sheriff's Sato of Lands. AND I.2ulllfp F'iactol-y j THE S1'RSCRibER - BEGS TO INFORM the unhabua.,ta u1 the Privatise of 11 grow ,red Hrucr lou he a still Mauufarturisg, mid hall hand A aawbor til his SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS & PUMPS. He would particularly draw summon to bee Mills. a he will warrant diem to free tVhet Irvin 001,, cockle, cher*, dtc. lumps made to order min warranted. Pdrrory ea Nalua at., anwnm V.rt.rke run, wed C'n,dria Road. Au.so, agent for the oak 01 Morg•n'a premium and paten) CH LT1 VA'ruIt• *hog las never yet railed to rive generalaaulacuuu to farmers who have used them. 1 Mint Connotes of 1 IT rime nt • writ al tont of Fwri Fare. ironed .111 of Her Majesty's Court of the Croted count,' of nunie and Bowe •nd In me ihmeted gonna I iie lands and teremento of Milton 11. Sine and Fmter flawkine, at the ouito of Alien 4. Fisher and John C. tailor; 1 bare wised •nd taken in fltrention 1be tolloseinst property : all and sins -whir that lytne end tieing in the Mace ot Clinton, in the comity id Ilion», and Prortnee of Canada,contair• In; by nelniemstarensent One half acre of land, he the alone mow or lenta. Mona nompourd nf *nem lots numbers dity.sia and sixty -eye, hounded on Mary atreet, Orange Creel and Wellinrton lame half more of land as eforeteoil together with the pewileve ot Inking auffuwal water to limply the lane ery on mod 1,4 tasty live from Me Opt151 or aprinp on lot nomberetglite.lour on the corner ing pooch water on pipe• aroma any moot con- venient tier, of mod Imt mentton•A Int, which lands and ieneinentn 1 0.11 oilor wile at my ogler th• Conn Holier In the town of tioder- next, at the metro( twelve of the clerk, eons. JOHN MACDONALD, Shone 4 R. 11.4.1 AswiL 1111/4. (11)CF.11 WTI HENRY DODD. liodenct April 22nd. 1(14. I0 POT ASH AND SOAP ,FACTQiLY ! 5 11'Il kettlre use J other appurelua, all vlf in good working order, situated in the Town of Gaderleh, For sale on rcuwnable terms. Time givetr fur moot ul the purcb,ue soup if required. Also, a COOPERAGE!` With tool suitable for general 1 e res cork. Tet ins, part l'reb-balance on line. The prvpetties will be old separately and at lwo-tbirda of their value. A good dwel- ling house attached to eaeh property. Ap- ply to J. H. GORDON, G.derich. linden b t . Marsh 9th. 1865. ewt,4 1 m LANDS FOR. SALE! T1111 I:,Ilowing Leeds ars offered fur este ea s'1ry adnslll14r0Us mons ONE - TENTH ONLY ! 111(101 10111 11 CHI 17 7113 ser 1(1(1(13 •AD TH1 ■al.A,rx 1, Nine Equal . naual Instalments, wiw utereu int 1. per,real. WAGON &CARRIAGEI and will k• to ouster Carrleges, Wsermit,t13: rein. ter , wh.eh will he mold ebtep for email or apnenved eresid. On hand and for Me cheep, CUTTERS and 8LEICHS JOHN PA§SMORF., To !ter *est (intern it. April let. INS. ilr• TOWN,IHII' OF 310RR18: South 7 in Int Co,,., 23,eres, South.1 a in 14 con., '0 news, South 11 in 2d con., 100 aeras, South 21 in d cos., 100 arms, North 20 ism 4b con., 100 acres North i 21 in 4h eon., 100 acres, North ii 21 iu 46 con., 100 acres. TOWNSHIP OF [IOWICK:' lou 3, 3 and 4 in 13th con., 100 term eacj PACNSW l' OF GItEY r o. 2e in lap coo., 100 pews, . Luta :l4 and 35 in 4 run., 100 erre. reek, - Lon 31 and 32 in 6 con., 100 &ewuecb, r List 2� in *run., 49 rc rr,7, Lot 32 in II con., 100 acrrn, Lota33and 34in 10 eon.. 100mewseach. TOWNSHIP OF TU1tiRERHY N. E. 143 iej 1 eon., 50 acres: i Apply to ('jun as Wtipia,Fa 1.,Gudericlu,: or to the owner, THOMAS GALT, Pee.. .4t. . ereele • Valuable Piece of Land FOR SALE, N ly nrwble tertnanl -pa♦went.. The fol. Inwint pmt.rly, vn: North 11.lf of lot nu -tar 311, on the 121h eon.. of ,iioderteh tnw .hip, contai4•ng by adeeesuwment 40 "tenni, . tltore -set less, upon witch there, are fifteen res el. Bred. - Thi. land to in • favirwh: .itu•toie, tier • within fire miles of the tqv . of. Clirl Alen, • va:nahle , alai a of Kmbwrn, tine bait farm hoose ptat „ i toms. This would be r (foul sit15llo1 foe a - nor or paddle and harness.. ranker so 0 to is none in the vicinity. heather Or Iva. nide at whnlr ale prires wilt •be ' lea fo either of the above places. ,,,,,1 p. JA. !:S STANII t, 12 tf Colipases o, • primer', in he rills acre 111 land Dc F stable tea the OT I 11 late of the Village of St. Ilele , in the hereby notified not to pay th. moue uth route than euto this office. JOHN MACDONALD. Sherif IL Sheriff's Sale of Lands. Conn ol the t'sooted I Wing.. 0( Huron and Brut s •nr1 to me three, red aoraitthl the tondo and tene- ment* of Nesbitt Bigger end Georre !hexer. at the end of Oliver Marglerfe, John Thomas, William Irving. ir.. and Jenne Mockler", 1 bare wised and taken on Execution all the right Idle mel interest ol the mid iletendmils in end to Loi• 05, In the 0 Warr of Blitevale, oho that co./- Inlifin Nelif h la 61.11Inied 0.4 the North Sale !gibe herry. snit on the End •ete hy the Writ /*tendert lone rof 1.01 119 tii he emended lo Malloy. Mait- land, with eny water privileges *emit may la derived troM the Rive* Maitland sr far East as Clyde otreet, all m the County .1, ii iiiii n, whine Lamle and Tenement!. I shall iqr., fur wain ,,,y offiee in the Court Boum on the I nwn ot (lade - rich, on Toculat the 'I hortaall. day of Iva. nest at the hour /If twelve of the clor k noon. 3isal March. 11163. w ft SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS 01 Common i lens, and to me ibreeled unmet tinnt, at the Run M thine Elisabeth Breath see John V. .rane, Plaintiffs. 1 hare wooed anti nate in F.:ermine all the forpnif of redornpfiolt Sod Other Interest 01 the defender., in and 1. the er,rth hall of We lot linen/ter orle, on ( larendoe street, in the vi I lag* ol Soul hanorion. on the County id Bowe. Whieh !mode And tenement* I ;Mall offer for sale 1. .1151.1 on the l'olirt Hoe., he the town of ibbelerch, on Tnewtay, the (north day el Jule next, at he 1.ent of twelve id lb. flock,. JOHN MACDONALD. ay 0S. Prvoce, fliapt.:ty Sherd]. SHERIFF'S BALE OF LANI 6 Vaned Connties of D- T virtue of • end of To Wit : of Her Millesrt's Connie Cowl of the t'nited counties of Hnron and tenements of Robert Greer, st the erne of lianorim W Admit', Robert Leech and James Tinton., f linve seised and taken in eSeentan all the 1,5 41.1,11e and mien. nf the san1 defendant Me owe et my MR. in the Court Howe la Om towns nf Codertek on Tuesday, the F.letenili doe M Jnly. eery, at the him' of Twelve nf th• JOHN MACTXH4ALD, Ity18 Pomona, Depute Skeen: