HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-5-11, Page 254, • of A3utott ,figui. C..W„ MAY 9, I865. T II E LATIN; T 'el EVATI w rood saw, in via midst oe his 1 TIIE .11E Wh DE TIIE iletuoag. • 004100111 011 sauce. A Philadelphia joerual shows the manner TI'XIBLETTsr • winch • row ie likely to he kicked up with HeztwJheti as fedora It is tery evidett The man cf putfa and pills, after speed. fa."' the valuable' revise ot country known as ing thous:rude of dollars in newspaper tete. occupies • very considerable *hare ef tention. Sererai oreauisetions ere MON( we had th„gbt, „,,, fluff the rem advertising and laying up a moo httlit pere .,, e • iv • y I , ", , " pile" for the rainy day, hat gni into titidr7 eortelnhem"leint- kistu'ilar 'msreivelniient‘ellul civil strife in America seems to I.ie *utopia - the hands of the Philistineft at IAA; Led ntede in the city of New York, basins; ittir: hag, in no ter as military operations 11211 concerned, that no mew sensation could be he who has saved so many precious lives, '.8.1,1015vrtZ°11411.:j:iy,,:;:ti.11":ta's%,. there is some putesity oreaMsation, and es sprung upon the world, but we are ilisap- if we believe his teribiwonials, will probable I I ree forma,. of nournerl pointed. The very latest is a discovery alleged to have beim mole that J elle! son Davis, l'reeident of the Confederate State's, lied sundry other prominent Southerners, were implicated iu the plot to aeon:Water Mr. Liticoln, and the offer of immense get • twitch sumo fille Blunting that •,,a soldier*, rebel filature, reeentarit re I ..ittewoeeciat.idtei:,.heir.pedessies of. etiv il protemiure even his own niedieunente can cite. Had the learned Dr. 'duck to his criattneut pot, It ut repot:A thet these'..nYeliti:iitetl". ens:n;e5. teig to Mexico as soon as passible. bet for he might have come out of " tine creel war " eith a hundred weight or ao of e6ehattenrei aPou re merkeitueut arteei tetra ir OW an greenback*, bat ambitieu eeised upon bis talk of a destro%.0 o'itrfuo:=1:1-tibit'euts' ulidl"ot . . " manly buszunt "-he west, like several tro,ial tie it. rewards for their capture. The fillowing peoelaniation has jeet been irorooj by Weshillgtou ladies of quelity, fell is love eq.), of New If sok *lupe have already earolle: President Jarmo°, hy and with the con- 'with the l'eneei° It°°th je his gay and the''"e'''"oe"d the bee'"'"1 "Imo" 1 testae days, and now he is pulled up short pow :acia'nerrr'ianid'iso."'p'tnieill'e", ehe e red • sent and approval ot kis !egad adikers la a charge of emnplicity in the tour- Toured., uf lain week, arid he bas lel0astely1 IYhereaant ai•peare from evidence in .55 citreous plot. Booth's hoy bait, it put the bolt in moues -so it is currently le the Bureau of 31ilitary 'Justice. that the stnicious untricr of the late Preaident. is sai,J, wade • confession, int obis* it iZtrititt.niii,:nlitcn,emZentedit letoTutehil Inri"tfi Pe. Abraham 1.introlli, end the sittempod appears thet "About a year age, Twirl/let, • oil grateuArs lua deep.' It issetate'd"wthil,'1.:truist aesaesination of Hon. 11'illiain 11, sooard, faidf up hi, rasideuoe in 8,,,,klan under litniertenes are weated to progress with bud modern inetroveinents incident with Secretary of State, was incited, concerted,. tbe tle,kotle4 nook of plookhore, mt., of the mooch eivilisatien. Lire* raereads and procured by and betwoeo Jefferson his vacate* te seeoec•ded feinotisly as a ant extensive menufavtones arid inimenee Davis, late -of Richmond, Virginia ; and Jacob Thompoon, Clement C. Cley, Des. " medicine nia ' dust before going to !0".'i",:..NI'luirantattZeuttoieititarli's:d.,,a..itittio,ult:,rieT,,,,:, erley Tuaker, George N. Seeders, W. C.! Broellya, he seatiart acquainted with 're"3Perhape thew additioto may not Cleary and other rebels and traitors. Booth in Washiuk n. th info whom in be 'swot, u the einicrants will be armed againet the Government ef the Ilnited made the acquaint:I cm of arrold. The States, harbored in Canada; now,Alsere. w ter as then, out it empeocruent, and fore, to the end that juetice may be dane, 1, Anthem Johnson, Freddie' of the "a"ag aeme b"°"‘le °"rBiilit was United States, do offer and pronipf tor engaged by Tumblety t go to Brooklyn the arrest of said perilous, or either of ',his assietatit. lIorrol1 thetn, within the Heine of the l'ilited , rembiery for sowe r States. so that they can be brought to ed, the latter found it rut, tr.al, the following rewards :-$1110.0011, for the arrest of Jefferson Davie; $2,1,000 uP lir""kiTu rtturne,I to St aithinelon, and for the arrest of Clement C. Cley ; . 000 for the arrest uf Jacob Thonapeon', ! heard of as Booth's eccomplice 'hue of 3literouri ; F23;000 for the amid j subsequent flight. If there is any fu ef George N. Sanders 1125.01'0 fur the j,ehidenee against 1'utublety than this arreet of Beverley Tucker ; end $10,000 :,of his heeing had besieess reeetione Editorial Items. ______ . (*.Coal oil discoveries base berm wade 11 Paisley, Co. BruOi. Os The hardest man te dem with -a pro. visliselly guy Luria. Ole In six years "letter's Penes" amounts to eight arid • Lae millions of defiers. dioneelr. Foley bits removed to Sim• core where ho will potence in his profession. * 'rate wiarut and dry onto, Nepuleun believes that the klexiceit throne te". Th" nrn au. ninkin4 nrinulinn ski`le *ilite'tiff":4411 much wowed. and its advent could stand fur a month if the French flog loath 1110 : tiolt1 serer wire is tiesid. Eissyr Mo.rdey, with the. accompaniecieut Pitirelent Jehroien tu receive a ot thuieter arid a sott south breeze. seu mat present ref • spleoclid pair uf horses from New °M,ome• Tho effect, on Mei."... Mot been mom rented...J.4e lit the iterieultur e comities Y ethers. of te Ilerefisol awl eiloucester.- Ole Tim New York prieurie denuunces Fi •1.1, bees. tett deys ago uor resew • the postal system or tto Stated ail a hfi'll'"t green 'de"' ine wheel' "'eh • hanty durieg the dry weather, skaaieful failure. The IVeather and the Crops 111 Englund. ... • tles West Mielhord* spring opens its an exceptimed maniere. The rioter has been a mom protracted one, wbich, couthinesi with the fie.hire a the root crepe generally last yeer Beta put turners renal. to their wits' end: to provide rudder for their stock. 1 hey hare bed to reurt to the use of eurn to en utiu-el extent, and this they were enabled to Jo on account it* cheepitess. lu the hist torterelit the weather Lies ceenged trete cold MnalutIlleu In Mexico. The New York World, which, leas than e ix months ago, favored the establisbment ot " the Enteire" iu Meaico, is uow on another tack, warned, we euppose, by the argue of the tunes. Tbe fullowiag how its latest article on the subject ; But the feverish activity which the (Oen& and supporters of Mesiindian in Europe ore u ow displayere to eecure'mural and fieancial help for the embryo empire, 'slatticiently proves that isit her Maximilisn trimmer um since se:me sufficiently to biJe • hare, and were withit awn from beside it, A Mexican •• lottery luau ' • grand scele, offering Aleddin's lamp at a luw figure tu anybody whu win tithe hie diatom in to i* now premed on the Contieerital niarlets1 mid the Freuch Mouiteur is at great 'mins to make it *Meer that the awe a this teeth financial operate). to e eery well received in London, and lies caused au advance In the Ile AR Immense cloud of " hen hawks " berg, anti beans have spruire up as if Isy isol Mexican feud*. The general feeling an pawed over the village uf Arthur oo the 2Ist rektiT5 The evlahill and elicitor soeineetsehLond.sn," it odds, " is, that all Europe, arid ult., ;three 0,.1tb trot. erem has Wee the meet succereful ever re- isarticularly Eegland. is ituw iaterested in the 1**rober"1. Feu," mt "el elute curisolidation uf the Mexican empire." 'tbe Mummer is an euellarit authority in regard to the plans and wislies of the French Emperor ; bet the "general futile; in Lino dote' may be quite as "Maly gathered front other sources. and it is dilfiai to find any esiod sethority f,r a profound Sot be party that brought B6oth to hit? that • more favoreble sail nose they never was led by a Canadian named Dougherty. 1 reeellect to hare experienced. Shouid the He hails front St. fleaciiitb. prellent weather Cul1\111/10. V0014111011 Will be in quite as forward a state a* ou the averse, Itir Mr. Hobert °Mir treasurer of the of vea-s while every crop ha. at present a township or Itollatid, Comity Grey, is • muse healthy epprance. leers iil rem a defeuiter to the *Mount of several hundred 40051 crop uf Arse. for evres and lambs. Hope loth &ninety to see the empire cif Mammals,' lars tittering on the stool& in llerefordshire consislidated. All that this lenguage of tbe d 11 I and t orceotaluremmi polltug has commeeced• Freisch official organ. realle proves is. that esOrThe tramilton Times proves, much to " .therA..sausa tree. etre es bluesum, mei preeent the empire of Maximilian is hot consolidated „ittastailadtocethornitehsitit atree. aoroirthtehaf.teNtspoligieu III. II unpleasautly swarth mad is 1' treat of Wt." ' . eat, emasoun. Apples and pears KO more timothy bloomed, mot an abundant crop id 11. No shoal.] hays noticed pe• that tr. be looted for utter the extract. are The report of the Liverpool Cotton Market. whieb we received by Om Scotia, shows lb marked &elks in prices then utigbt have suticipated. Up to Friday atternoon, Ito ult. the fell caused by Om users ot wit% the most usolern impro.enueets is dead- our enterprising c•msotoporory, Ow Berlin' deeoure grow., loto d"r• Putatue° 1"I y eresporei. tip be treed as uceasioe mar re. Tele:Topic has put on a new dries et baud. I ne,',1:1,:,,g,re',..ne„t m„tine15.1,77e*riome,ad-YLob"erson aPidnoily quire. There is much inyessry committed with the asovement ; but the idea uf the setae type. ere. ' Success to rt. I .Vetes, dean.. doctrue menu to be decidedly pope geOps la Orem Britain,' in the year !See. a I , . lar. -Hien some of the detectives, who heve . Irvine child Ira Guru to every tgretry•eighi I 'mauled with beim im Mexico, ere rather shy in converse 1 a not .4.54. 1.054 tin the suhject, but they would be • sle frersoost fo France 01%1h mill. one elliid I te breek lighted te visit that place once more.' All to every tciity-seveu persuus. ihrrou .thnely siy is the inoveinent is n ' bie, thine,' . cle.... - . t att mouteem wholesalers are gating j • sufficient to nordty is the evil the, eel.' alarmed lest the people of the West shuuld ' .fi,st Toil is equivecal leneueoe, bat aceomperised with sly week*, owle, Ac., may be coestdere,t carry ecou tote te the extremeani weer thiir The Colton queet Ione- Aspect of the British Market. the agnitivistit somethin r, not desirable at the old elotliss long enoush to seriously injure ther resent time to he toad; public. •• In connection with this affair we bear of trnde! parties who desire to flail Mexico by water, ('-} A private of the 1st battalion, • 17th 1 reohnest, convicted before a military tribunal 1 for theft, and knowu as an ineorogibly character, wideroent the severe and *ems- I whet unusual punishment of fleggitig 'ester insteed et overbite!. Sevetity men who have the arrest nf 11111 . eiry, a e Harrel -1, the authorities at Waehioeton !eon sea and nasal serviee, toe already organ. elerk of Clement C. (lay. The Provost 1 serf, and the reueneuder is a gentlemen Marshal Geuerial of the United States is h•tee ""t "Horr"11 to heeoute itoown." directed to 'cause a description of said perform, with notice of the above reword', to be published. In tertinway whereof r have hereunto set my hand and ceased the seal of the (Suite] States to be Affixed. Done at the city of Waeltington, the Ind day of 31 in the year of our Lord one 5 la loyal. (11.50 1,1 the *Oran*, stationed et ign Vetere. It hi elso hinted thot vesseli -ne or 1st!! be titeicd ties at nu:haler, ell elven:Me. He reeeived fin, lashes in , ("coded for • resuseitetion uf Induetry auned hy hardy creed. Our leesfe the barrack spare, Cteeliee. 't 'o , lees than • million bales. It sue resich 1 the testiest:id rural dietriete. At peewit the ; nee., te 1,0 neteone Exypt, Brasil, eru, e niew."ovee pupoiateil, arid as it is . • term" tommerlie ere *itholit the itnidemento the West Indica-Turkey, China, Mil. camber will be dwelled to en alnranit • r....s- The Stratferd Beacon starve that et 5 ur emote nicemisry to do their plemine, and le,„„,e„trie, whose average cotteu expor cetera in • few Mouths. it is thou:. tit the last sitting of the Council instructional unh-ae these can•be apeedily procured them 10 e,/teri.34itt4 geritlemeneeetsgeti . leer, issued tti %eke inamesliate action agairrat , a i,i be ea ee,,e, p„,flawmieg ja .the smth hi !previous to the,war to tli,a :outitry, sou am common-sense what intatere it where the 1" the "54 ril MoSc111Clit 1•• preptue,all ont• to o. se,.rice voile i r h. c in u t s. town of Stria it ii under.t.od twit 00 arm, .1 the. Jim., ., seven hundred thousand bales -yielded Ism grave i li . . reefed A1I that man could lied sod his .. reti the summer and fell. • it es, to recover the belariee cistern:m.1ot by Generel Ord, 'and consisting leenoneaee , l ear near.y two snit a half million bales. - i in other word., the cuuntries we have named thousand eight huudred aud sixty-tive, s let at ott-te r iiiq,lt which the ude of pope and of the Independence of the Laited :atom may r slily flow. Incident to this I as much cotton to EuJlatiJ, in States of America the eighty-ninth. . Inflict in the era) of punishment wos done tneveineet, the will be quite a "demand 1111. dee the lore ot Stratford on cullection of , of .the 24th and ;:tth 0'144 will"e"°"e °I IOW 'itStates .eiwels, to he 6.4 IS.;4, and that the clerk cotify hien cut the :1664, aa the rated Staters sent irr the most aetion a the council, Vereinia for the preeent. 11 is said %het the , prosperous of the years preceding the, wet. (Signed,) ANDREW JOHNSON. iwben the bullet wris rent thrOugh the "Ole' "( the By the PreSident, assassiu• brain. It seems, from the folL to Me hi;leist hid r, iit a 6 rt tone." , fotti corps cousetthe cif ciomsel troupe WA , It is in the tace .of these Moe that the fir • Booth's Grove. and A great deal has been odd and written rate,' about the piece in which the body or Booth was depoeited. tbe tetine of ptheerny deliehtful drive out of town to the °entre of " traps," or any other wheeled vehicles, be' Wee affording *comfortable and more soci• tibia ride foe esveaPians th wi the Japeueert bridle path, where two cao seldom go *breast. otber respects, withire evjuying • period ul quiet. lboueb troupe have berm sent tu put deem We rebellicese Prince of Nieto, we have no news frum the seat of war, if, in. deed, there lee any war at all, %Meta after all may well be duebted I here aurunaed fur some tea pail, that the sieverunient would rouse to some amiable undermanding with Chethin, tether than attempt to put dewn eu powertel • prtnce, and ono ot die 'treatise greatest nutalete ef Japan. Due ufuur toe*: newspapert, of the 1101 Mat , Matta that Kikawa Kimmel', retaiur of Clioe bay• nig in siew Ore'eatety of kis Priace, has ate tested and decapitated Muscle, tlie mum turbulent arid headstrong et Chusbites Minis- ters, wbo was implicated ru tha• ruaelt uu the Imperiol Palace st %tau, last year ; red, whom the Rill was di,nhissed with cohti beside* havitrg arrested eeveritotive uf the mom prominent men who d,d biddiug of kell.iaanuildMMer..;Irs7airafofurrPdiffeRs.Mr.. %Mao in 'list atter, has taken them tu Miele, begging for peace. It is all° stated Bupeoeue el. Keut_eureelueure Cliushirs's parcionewthithstanding his steamer ritual cleeree; no cost* againal Pennierm, •••3 bred upon by thrown, and lorry o remitrera killed. Hillis be it -teethe Emperor'''. sentence of exterminatiou against Cluashin will end in n tmlininittien ul bateau &vital On. N0 doubt the. Jamanese prince. ace ired Cboshin's pluck iis stopping the Ntrails Srmuutionekt, thoueli they could not tret 100 upon his .uoveuteets prid plots agaimit tplauei.i,:aimperor as • crime. Perhaps, too, his brus with tbe cumbered fleet, so disastrous to hint II' -ins be regarded as a sufficient titles en tu try his st ClIANCE — The spring Examittation and Hearing terns commenced hero on Tuesday huit.- ilia Lordship the Chant:aloe presidiug.- The following cases were dispotied of Gibbose Cil. llulckiesoa-Bill filed by the Executore of the late J. \Viten' for sale uf property mentioned irt mortgage. D.eeres for pleintiEs, stale ordered; astral recounts to be taken, iufaut's costa to be paid by plaintiff,. 31r. Touts for Oaf& Mr. Iluskiu fur deft. Gurtios vs. Gurdun-liill 61e4.1 to set aside a release of dower as having been. obtained by fraud. Decree for pleintiff, except as tu defendant Cameron, agents', Art even the Preece of Sat•Z/Ila ad,1601 ent. Besides, to tale from bits his territory, and thus destroy one uf and most noted famines among the he land, jest after he has ventured ngth with foreiguers, might be unterpreteO tbeJapasere people as • pun• ishinent (us daring. to go to war against foreigners," sad estrythine like that bah the the Emperor and Talkers may very naturally win% Mr. Roof, Q C., for pllf. Mr. Hoskin for lino:. Mr. Twos for Dennisou. Bank of te. Wallace - Hearing upou Petition -Judgment reverted. ;kr r.. Rouf, Q.C., for pi& Mr. McLennan for the Trust & LORI CO, Mr. MS fur WeIT AUA1NST STUATIPVIL.0.-- We. onderstand that on Saturday last, the. Sheriff received • writ to collect the aels. ount due by the town orbStratferd cos ISO to the Mutlicipal LOnn Fund, tinder the tive cents in the dollar &emigrant'. The sum thus in default, as it is termed, is 112'.43S.15 end Was 'due on the 1st - ----- ;.--. --- United States. , the e nation of Richinued had nut averaged Da ber The rit bears date April 0101.1 slap oche. iihew • terreble Slat.' 0t. lin uf SitUlllay, 'the 22ud, New Yong: Mar 6.-Tatt ilerkils:s Hitch- ... i. r t. seuut eat of tele Wad recovered at the emu to avoid. So, very lately, eft shell soon hear that the ban el eats riumatiiin Ime twee with. wethc.wOur. readersware probably acquaiuto more th n Id sterling in the eoutel ; mid egret Oshtemo iii which the people of Virginia we, eet. , . with a .. bedy,,,,t,„ three, sal Choshin holds his posseutons and .21; hia p,,,,,, bei„e „roe ,,,,,itiad in a good rimed ed with the mode tif ptoceeding in such • The cause for this miekpectest firmness is sum to pay -the $3,u00.000 ishecterunity as- oars, as we unfortunately had occasion to seined in thelate convention ty the "Itukuto describe it once Oratorio Ott receipt of the are now found to be. and temitie% tbey bays loosn redeem' by 11.0 drefts "film Cwittrater, ...nary estoolishaseut un Owir rase - r 0 There is a large stoek un hand in the British not apperent (whittle of t ere. speculation.- it „on tee. tone to bring this all about. fur writ bY the Sheriff, a copy of it is 'erred Richenerie, Petembure 'Led the inarroundini ! &with, the amoent in s' re ayear situ. There sina•les; iece of business, besides ihnumer- ' oriarkm; not less thatee00.000 bales, or fullY t4bars anviehere rite. ft takes too to do the rest bothes move eves more slowly in Jerson on the Treasurer, with a demand faeorcedpaedy- went, and if this detuand is tea all kieds. Thou.an is of the iiiheisetants of cuurstry are preserved from starvation way , are lry the sepplies 01 food ohich the Veiled • 68mi...bound to Botem pu 1 be, ,,, Ins work. One great reason of this is that there the Sfieriff to MAY.. a rate on the aesess• 101'00° heles edditi° It ee'1"1"'ted wbe able supePriors to direct and supervise their to within 30 days, it beconiee tbe duty of Stole., coothtisee'''em foroieh thew! SleosS . certainty of the einly relemse a mutt *Mould j. 545,547 -limo malaal eantidence 'mune the ment roll to e0VCC the mount, and set the 5dmesinireLatt•oefezierreemewitititiorosthoenrert:64.epeat.by.t geoo:-.1 Siete*. What thatesenount wil reach ere Treacherous eisies are everyehere On the of cotton from the emeemea southern Japane.e. Bowie fiimice. are rare possessions. coilectur to collect it itt the usual way. - It will certain not be [Stratford Beacon. tretseist of war; la .01 atecilities mey be at , „bet leant mem. look-ouo in all sons of disguises, to detect W. HUNTER, lowing, that while the Lst restiog place of waxlike. Acting Secretary of State. Booth ie to be forever unknown, the noir- That delightful slive six mile. apart Several of the persons mentioned in the bid curioeity of the multitude, is to be __ pito Pat. ou the beck Ir0AIN. the New Herald fu.tber experinieuts *jib this highly eeolos. sod the cantina must go (ran one to an- wliteh were rotened to light buggies, were The gun cotton committee, says the Arsiy and Navy Gazette. Imre been tryin • s; tutu crimp to Coy Point. ' Literpoul Weisner* beet lee I them bead* Thu Tribune's Waahineton special has teuther keepop the present priceseu tee the follow ine Presi 'ent hes been tut pomiele moinetit. Their gatnewi:1 work eirongly uretei by promineet geld:eaten here for • hate season • but a is at best a conthi tie material, ar.d there seeins eo be every • e ra a up m order, aod at the word go t401 to sub) tbe unwary. Distrust is the rule, therefore, • ItAti1-:• - anti a oretthad state ash:age premicee. Now nd then 'Japanese wtherdens himself The owners of two fast nags in tows of his ut up secrete ta • ferei,ther whom be haa lease to trust. determined yestenlay (4th) to test their This wet of confidence in ores another fieetneas by a mile trot. Accordingly, be vs itsei the mars machirsery of g:vt.. -liout four. p. u the animals were takes Itd aire"igat '''''ro.e%.417,11.ticoldur.lwT4I:usn'ime ato MonrotOs tavern, and a large crowd or ., ,ssued h e mete ehe hsee jut men and. 'buys gathered at the winoieg ert. slow, neieitho Yule/ham over the bee who is oder thee huriediction of cempleiet unh or judges at e y line the towamed whou post, which wu scratch across the foul. be came befure the bench little on this side of McLeod:a cabbage Int depot. Bay and Sorrel, theahorsee,, These ' lges lire five or ment dealt of thenty. P above Proclamation, as having b''en tickled by a sight of , his Arad arid Iteart. retitle, rearing" article, plicated the conspiracy,are now or were What a prise it would be to the energetic grlorliloquent strains :-••• a late " retain e, • fret tu arrest. mid trial each men as nattou agattist law4s relatiests as the theta iu the fuliurrinJ rice. Pomeroy, of th- La Crosae, W atcoisin, of time. 1 he prol tem* of India awl China oilier and the firding f the jed Naha d w sr the °reline. initer.e.d it7..•111,id•.iutfet,heizu.ani 'be orto.lisai riufaufictiLe at. u.s hope dim being ueed insteai of pawder, a* a h laid on the gad. The way they Democrat, and -Om 'editor 'of the Clarcieso alone have twen fulk quastrapled since 1061. brestine eherge fur shells. and alas ria • Mae Times, who during the mixt year lime pub- , At the sarne rate of i rease.•eliese commies seat to I ekethania to be e ecuted by the mit dust was somewhat of a canuon, but seoently resident in Canada. They were end philanthropic Proprietor of Barnum's eau" eml °b;Mete "1. th° desperate men, no doubt, and it way or mosetnn ICaliadas tool other Brash - not SAW prerout. perpose to lusY not tbat they bad "U9 kaa. 'the vexed question se tootle deleosal of wholever they me, be. 11'1 ene ledge of the eilaris of Booth and hi. ne. ,,,,faiaa of Join, to a ass Lwow is awangth 1.ad. mire's ofttisen • lteltd (th'reusev:itleaS e and beer', ehee, egample!esh.7uel desire to Brie,* the ' very • ocnopliree, but we must see some stronger ;witted by • etateihnent which mey be regarded evidence than has vet been ferreted out "6°61 Aet bjt the Argus -eyed reporters and corres- pondents before we can believe that Jeff. ennui. in the in the torperlesee mid other siatilhe. yeeee:s. *I! tel e" melt" the ee'nesi'int:"n ei I be in the rialne poet "ooes 'eetton predu- hoe givere no i ginary nese. it soon beca'me -4 i ' waterlog. it ii • poarent t lat ay was too ter. Tem, which sire expected to be largely einigoyceisVol.l'etolo. theierbject is recrovieg sci i.e.. errs (is quantity if not i quality) that the I koow an instanee fur wlecfi a -it Wlsol 1141Mi . United states held i„ tee, Brion, foe., tat. foe fifty.six rip. or about $70, SW Ins bees) Ulnas for Lis antagonist. far lie took the lo(Le.r•rzeoe, in any futuie naval war. " Tee secessiontoit of Charlestown were wild ,yeare Maim. the culivation (cone. in. the four or 6.• ut mobile this sort of ..baeicery lead and kept it. coating over the scratch have been deposited in 'the runny inc.:Lea: all n meteos. eurantee for Lighted& notwouni in hes city, 041 been ternovief, the setiefeetion 10 inesirey for tbe iseterie* in corpse WWI placed io eirje ot too men. 'oho, Ion our cenoneree by Aneloorbel pi Davis could descend to anything so atro- :the. Vall AM motements calculoted tu battle t" 75 "Mee ...r.7 Firg e t ni. • ciente There is nothing in his antecedents l'ampsr:rgern,,l,c:ireirty;.diti, apettaer,eviatirva.ibit.t;.* 1 ii.n., nor Ideo :4Notoae Isiito,:lneewotti,l,danattrEanttlyoni.i h/r :I:Althorn Settee lids at least Teeth ace!: " at least a hutidred yards in. advance, • ill V'ussaidat. Ores1detit Lincoln, wed it if wthi that women ; roves% ne to swell the neer to of. i'ee remain there. Ity the time the juderaeid o arid no ette how longer it may ' The Accused Southern Refugees with joY.on learning of the asesseitration of wer.."4,11,a: y prete.ie .n4 esc.ciipCroll 19.... se Ihr bilhed the Iles ea the rendered, the law ether.* *el prebaely mok amidst the plaudits of the mullitude. I to fall oh their loe es arid expo -tithed. thee ke t peace years, as u o 1.01 are In I tho cow at •ho.e bora and tell respectively did not 'tin, atoofly, but ahould judge "1" " 1 he reward offered 1,,r the ai reit of Da..'iri:to teed ter tea ettermoes com Ilot the exert* uf those 01 oe•adbrileeget . the ot„0„,t,e,,, tueeene, V t the. ibile wu trotted by Bay iu about eceses to es, with our pre.ent roeens of form. ' efoolei, „„„eit ee..o,,eenor oi,en appeared take time, necesamilv a two iinutes, thirty-nine sccoods anti five- loz jolerneio, more corsoleet nod jute li So 15105.: ta:An to limn' 11011set and they tin• hfflostrY "f the 8°11t.hl:sett t° eqr e`"‘" • been buried. ' Fiery bluer against Eneland is a Miltn io vie es a statesman of rare ability aod there ter smile years (emus heth lelL.tiltih's body nu depootol here and the i nature. Every humleing sit" the a has been nothing, certainly, in his public eonduct since he wee called to rule the seciclid°07eri." OwIchum'i'n17eleae.°If Iljir7in • iengt enri4i orf lonirsielialveervi wrelletritetelniodnaf:7boeurreiniirrs:,:i destinies of the Confederacy, to warrant telons had previously been !veiled nisi a ' :tern•' Let there be • war, Letweert the I ecureeere the belief that he was capable of plannin,o or countenancing a 'deliberate, cold-blood- ed, useless murder. If eresident Johnson cherishes Ts -kr- iging proclivitim, he has not disphiyeil them, thus far, in his public acts. On the contrary, he seems to have given" him- self up entirely to the guidance of danger- ous fire-eating advisers. The military power of the South 0 broken for the pres- rant, but the merest child in. knowledge of human raturc must know that a:policy of cruel vindictiveness can never heal the breaches made by fire and sword between tbe sections of a once united end Impoy teen' the rewards referee tor his aecom m effetely become more deselect ia their con- darter, even were all the political pr Wenn gir neetiti crountir$reighth e be the same more es lem.'• *M15.1 :noes, and . • teloerem from the irevuhred in reconstruction already Solt - ' au,,, soees, 'Mei" is yet within the lona* of the duct. Tea social deraneetrmnis which the war as We rathoguess it will take a mighty utIO. which we puhliib this worming, , ers it not iniprebelele that he Lamy be . ken and caught. But his fellow ; -els are in Canada; and ef guilty, i • strung guard i4 110W in charge of the spot, and , L tilted States,and Lapland and not a dollar , ihey ot . s co est, hetet. eo • oleo art f 1 re mired to elitist from will Continue to keep it •undisterbed moil 1 in hou"..1 woold he- ; into the *tilted Stated. We de, not perceive. 5 I assents hetet° one hu-eirmi thousand stile. I am grass has grown in thickly that no olio will velure, how a reward offered fur their I ever be able to dtsthieuish the p j at, . h. , 1 hodied'euil puxnscieus Irishmen throughout Imre., "its ie United States" has al) een• I the ftlasalSili'll Cirri's., Wail III • tea -id 1,0 ao,„ I the States in that holy war. With all. ee'l.ta i deney to see their periwig. They niey be 5 ..„,. wo,„„ left chick...ter, Ala:, on eke moue:esti graves ensued it. . ' ble M'!"'en "tures' L'tred "t the Britt'h , demanded.un the extradiriou arti,le in the 1 Ashburton tree and in this way bonieht • under the smear ef enforced servitude. ‘. . . . ; governwela i4 • part uf tSvir relieien.- 1 . Another Assassination.. i .ig.,,,,,,,i t lie (meteor ueurpetien which coa,lies,,,1 into easterly ; 10 e la II f 'I . 4, cl,:p.TU'alti and pluuders their Colintly, nay ,,, .h.,, ... ow • ____ .. o Uf heavy rowarthi is • I Mg lune siii.e. ileffranchised it, their leitceJ is , easly te ..emee 1,, ...ie., iu the .uuited ; 5rthi as thc,m0.1!"i'. of their r"ek ' States. filli4 pa.tieu r feeture of the pro. i Certain crimen, like certain diseases, : a, i, , become epidemic. In times of peace, I belied iliaad, as dee sod wi'd us ate hie _ e caused. have to a rellICtIlmi. nut by • re fast one to beet 1Ly on a trot. The °sti- r." sod Inierrita: 11.11114 II" to the 'Austria! system, of tour years ag r of the win‘i-ng animal took up the Oen. Wilood_o e a gltnnuib oven tin°, tire it Ditraitaitt_i""Id ero are few eases of small -pox in SMALL PoI.-It is asserted that setakes, and foun 'hat los opponeuts had, New Yolk; May 4.=The Henke. Senn. d take years its aczomptish-hut ey tee intro - of • scheme of labor to which the 111. Parents should attend to the yac- put up a confederate V. How tbe affair pith correeponderiee ef the 29th tile, uys empleyer .nd the employed... team teemed. eis Ge"• Wi:""e fent !" reiji"g elPe'!"inn "' Tune, then, Salle chief elemeot in the Nil ,iveti here yeeteiday from OlaCon. rho fol solutiort ot tbe problem of obat this ram in. bsweig is a coudensed history uf the trip :- Jew, m 10 be, u compered mai the rea.us 22od ot Meech. It ia net primer to give May DUI. aside from the consereration of the Saturday n aterneta of tee 111111lba• ut !wee. Elerea new relations between capitel aird labor. to town k,, eillaiay tuns iu strongly -defined channelit. 'ett'eTe'4:a°44h,i,edhA.,1,°'''t,hoe ICes.,7.1"a 't'.ie'etirelte c't , ethieli me 1••• 7. t withhe clamatiort (u itii it rem- ihr'h "u":`;' 1 alice,til !nista. alikl want 0 Incendiuristn, burglary, feireery, garret- , the e.,.) lee se. e red .e..,a't,‘,,,,J y 'to' ting, dru;,eging. &e, have enclt their turu le*.itato, enemy awl the UMOul to.. th.t.' ." s'ot "n1"1 In hate hee It eisatees teose lesions a , Imeely nee which hes either driven his 'race ,i te.„5,, the ,,„,,,,,,eo,,,,. es e, in the eeliniati et of the extensive brother- hood of ruffieinistet"'. Assasiination. hoer- 1 home. .:11wie are itei.seeeires .r. i,i :iivoelrel ilwd":::;,,,,reb:Ift.'"1":,117"or „kir.' int., i.i,i •Ititrel ex le u• Ice it them s ever, has been a common crime, alum. ' r , yeeis to he everieed ; I:imbrication' .r J uncle i ao„..„...,,, m ", •e a , 4 . cueet. ; the' It en ties of their children. The shame in the Tecumseth ad- was setticd our reporter nuld not learn. ____ -......—_\...__. 0611121i. \ in our columns, were sold on . ast to the Messrs. Kay, of this . We learn that 31r. Wm. 'eainger„ k . fore remarked be believe the resit etal,le firmer of thin towneiiip, was Leer l Wirer., near 1 to. tenni, e... , a., 1+1110,1 alter a snort eneaeement wile ierrest a , wee which tkie South mat lie reforth .accomitio inetently lilled on Tuesday last On by Gate 14,011. there i„o riaaa„ in the ottrol to investment a eound one. i cavalry ; 300 plisuners were captured and suppuse that the indastry of the seaded e caitorarem ot cotton, as the avePatile , 0 in in Gudoich on the Queett's Birth.ley, _—............... "scarlet% effectuelly reostebt shed. Within the cotton 2 ITI1 7- If there le to be any demenstra- How SHALL Mg CELgItRat1 T111 'enpepewenre. , t.,ne wf,et of the l ehawlis Rorer wed separated. elilieoition so an i e e e,iisurnit W.,.:3 tClit 10 Toscralunso.. wideb grovring Slate*, •hareveriseor cell he tinned _., espootte • ie eeetruyed utueli euvertimerit litteaccouni, wie be al tastur.sry employes. et • eec'lett7i,:rent"""a td Property. Selina was cuptured on the 22nre e worthy of the occasion, it is high time Iuf Aerie with 2,700 prig risers 32 gelid in lib. e vir et: eel he up, three guns. Forreste forors were iven to elates *ill lei:dormant • dry after ace is proclahn r„1,;„e mills wait fixtures; a %ere lairs i e 'pouters and 75 in acielial. 'We ed r o 6 Y treeing Gr w at culture. The netiiiis i$ towns and citi.,3 arc afire tn. &fir own oel to tobsteest that the matter were taken in hand. Other onshorintallin • • • • inP e0n14.1,17•1-GY talfliaeSti•Zia ciTha•Oe (Sri: Ce t0i :11Pt el 'n• ° thet newel foutelry ,• an enema', the accent( interests in this respect, and we __rot thi ' that ommitY pertanee in the Conleilerecy ; elms powder he 1.„ oma, the mest proeteiee ream., et works me relines, tied laree numhers of cars. mest of our townsmen will concede that it their I tis toe leth.. Tee next mime attacked wes or tweet comwd or it. the out became Jett Does and his rebet • • I rentemed at.be 11:14 ter eielit Oars. 'the , crew have retired. and tbe Confedereey 0 et eu Alabeina River wee brideed-SOO feet, the an end ; or because the neer° laborer witl I operation macupyine five days, lewn the 5th hereafter have to he paid for his wurkonstead periods of intense suciel end '• 'c • "'"'"n" ' n ‘ .1 ; .be allowed them they ea e ountry. We repeut that until there i.• . Nat'l ''l d'"' tt rent church, !melee and foreign to the pest ianocence ; and thet they will vol n subetanti ' I turbance throughout ail agta. Coalmen- i t'ile, thouen fattenirs'i On their substoice, to iturrerme" r teem's.' Ives fur's pulilic tria clear evidence to the co • otrarrt "re must i eing at the head of the . American Repub- .; v.., t a h i.b t d . 4 contbta.,n th it the goverment will en be Wetted out ; rielits of the boniest lelece-in •ontinue to believe that th 1, mod, ati cruel fureloi c story upon lie, it is to be fi.ired that it Inn beeinne dnin" n which l'rettident Johnson's Proclamation 14.db:older to be establishei ; inesseerei by nut in in'ti'ute Peeeeedio,le toteioet them the conimon nicaMs of avenging real or ,steristion in rec.esit years iu be oseored ; If the government shoiril refuse such • prom - aft, other elieree, if they are acquitteJ of tie ' . , oe, it would look as il the semis ttion. hid! beeit made 0,1 iissuffieient evidence, as • ruse; .o procure their surrender under the extort!' I tom treaty, with *ha purpose of trying them 1 on other eharges to which the treaty does not apply. ender the supicion of such double. i deriling, the British authorities Intel t .refuse to surrender them ; awl hence the offer of Ore reward tends to defeat its own objets. They ears he &nevelt in the United ' States only on beine. first kilnapped in estilads ; end the holdine out of a temptation to violate, the Canadian litho in out a promisoig mosso .wieoereide.uriug their extoselitien.-iNete Turk is based haa been concocted by unprinei- fancied injuries. M ith a eegularly anti- e" est et Irene' ""el e pled men, whose 'chief anxit•ty is to ed and „flaw-, hu"dreds-eies, literally huedr s -of laalg hen out by every portaitle menus the ------- — , carefiel acts tu l/n aralled tr010 the tissues 05 eympathire,. but never with the miduight Ireland's renovated courts. I 'nitre are tembs era o ill-gotten, blood stained gain. THE We o New York Mr. Jeffers° ASSASSINATION PLOT. rye with pleasure that even th.e rause( is loth to believe that Davie is, or could have been capable of bein , guilty of the great crime of plotting the ' 'clew murder of Prest• dent trineolo," an declarer! its desire to await the appearanoe of irrefragible evi- dence enkie enters its odemnation of • tnan wlanee antecedents sprove, as em- • phatieally as antecedent' can disprove ooything, that he was not t1 person to barnish a fair name by an act as tal a" it would be dangerous and itupsilitic. Several of the gentlemen mention* President Jobnson'e proclamation a who are now residents in Canada,soletnnly declare before high Heaven and in the tb hearing of a brave, jure, free people, that greenc hey are innooent, completely innocent, of eoln to having committed the " high orioles and Zrytmr. misdemeanors " laid at their doors, either by thought, enrol, or drool. We believe them to be innoceot hocanse we know that if there were satisfactory evidence of their complicity -which, according to assassin. The teleeraph brings us iotelli- o it,. Ise butlt to the mertyred dem . y II and ntan grates to be filled on both sides bete:* this gence of another criwe of this nature :e- I van ha done, STRACCIll, May 3.-II0n. 11111T Dutton, Of thus city, wes eh it by an astiraisin "ahout oue fit:look this illumine, end will not rebate; live the night out. f he murderer ia redo to fire at Ins .1etens, broke out a penitent glee• and as Mr. Benue stepped If, his its,46: nlleeedeeainst him in the recent proclamation clothe's° • .drior in ranr,e of the breken and for which a reward of '25,000 has been glue, tired, the boll stiller,: Illie right breast offered fur his arrest :- • It is scareell past Motet the nipple, and tramline terototh the len b'e that such proclamation would" here been A. Mr. tsurtuti w es a lootoMeot r:Oseells sued wiless some sub 'evidence ' h I n and a Ines:O'er utilie .eitieuthis tir le56. All adOuce4. What such •etidence ' ismilienni — arrest bee been wade. -. tetelly at a fool tO C.riljeflalre. I mn code Mr. "Special" Remelt, ot the London . peiled, therelare, to content taveelf •iili the Times, has Just published • book pornailseadnedbya , . TIM Fiteece 311naloN AID • MR. istste declaration thst whosoever Ifeth "Own to i wel i" defe"rees *hie" ftweh Gioralio2 lisexert-The offer of the French seythitte authoie ne in the Iliglitest deeree the 1•Oreliali reviimere. It informs Great mission was one ot the last acts of. the great sespicien of my Muhl ' iliCited, conceled -Britain. atter • cioeful examination of the slid gnus) man who .hes been taken from us, or procured' or of any kniewiedee ohattoter defeneihi illea of Canada, thnt eeen army of and It will remain as part of his history and by me of the attacks, made on the President 150,000 would suffice to h.sid Canada sexiest of the history of the country. At the 'proper and Mr. Seward, or env acts or projecta ot • twice that number." AA thrl force here set time tke pubtic will be lerniehed with all the kindred chenuter, or .4" any plan to kiffitli ' drown is just about equal to the whole regular Ida FROCI.AVATIon. Mr. Beverly Tucker in • Montreal paper thee solemnly denies Lis of tbe crime amat arsenal, a pistol factory 110W England can Hold Canada 31witgomery, 50 utiles distant, destroying ail , I he, indurate. of the different States will b.idges on the Aleberna and Tennessee eilet as bef ea the war The k th is very desirable that we should have a mowd here on the natal day ofour beloved Sovereign. Would it not be well to have a puldic meeting Called at once to devise something Vicente a stir The military ere• The tath.°" e"lifInhie nee ale products of these McNair% vire nut be so will, no doubt, do their share, but civilians ed; the enemy destroyed 2.500 bales of , great, pribeley. for years. Bet tun South sto cote soma troyml sines boats, cam tumplia Ni sI5,000 bees Culumbea, Go, by by 6 the 16th; 1200 pri guris, 7 large cotton of cotton, inarneroe q quartermaster rind corn ; Muntgomery surrendered without I still grow •ad expert all its great staples from 5 guns fee into we hands ; we des. Oil day outessod the most profitable of these staples, ere need not doubt, trill receive the mirliest and most eager attention, whew'', relation capital arid labor may ultimately rolling mtlls end foundries., 2 map. ocomutiges. 63 cars and 5 etesto. red on the river, near the We. Works; the rebe's bur,nest mole ire°. f cotton before ellaclloling, Hoer long the cotton *peculators of Liver. 3 miles distant, was taken pool may be at.ee to hide these fame from Upton, after dirk , ' themselves, we cennot ennp'clole without "en' wer" enl'inredi 53 knowing the maim of the combinations etories, 100.000 bales which now. in the face of the viiit stuck of tones of ordinance, ry 510na, a large an accoutrement fa.:tory, a nava. foundry, a u!lni,4 mill and foundry, an arsenal fosirdry, thirteen loco- motive*, over see hundred c depot and inechine sheers, wire erica. and de. stroyeil. A gunboat mountine 411 !yen inch filled guns num called the Jeceers bet the nettle of which has been recently c need, watt eaptured here. A detoui to 55 est 'ant was made by Legrattge's brigede, who t• tacked the works and earned them by sior ceptuting the garrison 3e0 in number and eons, and killing Gen. Tyler in command - f'itteen locomotives were destroyed, two hon d Orel care two bridges and too factoros in ern the vicinity were destroyed, large quantities end of Qiertermoster and commissary stores at Amon! Grath', •nd the IL R. bridles oil the Selma dehts, in arid Montgomery R. R. We cat tereteleee clean pope the rood 5 guise Maccn wits taken without poesibility oppositron. It leo not been riecersary as yet ary, in re d st vs destroy arly proi•Orty. We raptirreJ liens. Cobb, Gustave* W. Smith-eformer. le Street Inepector of New York city, - Robertson, Mercer and MeCaelitt t he cep woo sea 142 guns in pioniodPfn the field mid by assault, and 200 gene in seermals and its store. with immense &memos of ordnance, quartermaster and etimiaiesery move, tattoo, naschinery, Wiriest stock, de. irms Toe TN2 TRW. "th the fall correspordenee urion both sided. erne authorities, hat aCke I ill 0 or capture reit ler o ht beirn, ornajnyb,s so ei with. army of (Irmo Ilritein. Mr. linemen II hook is wit Oki ly to Carry much COinfort 10 throe perimeters of the offer %%yid uf the declination, true. as has aiready been sue/toted by' d'alletie•I Peri'rf•' Britims who go in fear of • war with the Union, and • consequent conqoest of the Caned**. Great lir item is not "twig enough to hod her Ariverierm Province/if she pro• journal ; mei it is Miro true, es ; London, declares himeelf thus with regard to bve°fret :htehrte ti.n.i!eadmSoLrelteseseienlrentlawkainyl' lahtembeir ,. , lereee tifeelefr that In" "Ire' 'the mutilation of Canada. There is more commen4. Let her make rp her mind that wee respectruity et ine y r. mirett, on tha ground that at o erest er,,,, be emed , truth pi the last sentence than most persons neothing.4 half 50 important to her as the serve the cluntry bet r her* than in Paris. •ln Villein believe :-..Canads, in the (min- afrott,i'tlii,a,,,,..d.,1411.,,,,..willri 's'acifth,,,ellgyreapat Tirie°,614: This much Mr. Beene is 'dhoti to have ten uf the heat jutlies, can be had for the ii. id et I. ' d . h f- d suited in terrier to gratify mil satisfy' ilt ise milking. lOnglend meet be kicked very hard an ip ematiesey, es to eserye t et rren • .. a ri and goodwill. We do net want the who bays devoted so much 1/ suJ attention Indeed. end with • very %harp ho A, tO 1141 0 Ilse therou li elucidation - la eubject. ei,kest into', war with America There is Caftadea, set cen only Im driren into taking English law, would rerooler them guilty of 1 . 4 n 4 e lint for the particumrs aril 110 rresposi• ptemesion of them ; and if all the obligations asunder io the first degree -the Americati denee the lour -isms and the gossips ill be G,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, would i,,,,,,„d,„tely mob, a obliged to wee a little longer. It is cOmain nor rit this article. that the offer ol mission was made try President Lie Mr. Jetties fiortfon Beneett. the Tea P501 sirs. A coo, of the N. Y. Times, writing from POMO bluster left about heinor, •nd of not att. andouille Cionuicif called upon to defeed her, hut it ie vie bosh. In the fli st piece Canasta well-grounded demand for tliefr extradi- ittaaw;,lii:rhezieer perusiei;oen.ipioerned eint tocia:1 01,e07.,oboef eeeteelleeito 1)17 d eIlehned.r.ed osfeidai.en:hiest.nee,,n Mon tinder the provutions of the Ashburtora tion, was by no 1114M1111. uneppreerlei in the the:eine, Can be .cowit:eted at any time, spoil in which it was intendtd. - Nem rork without titioe a gun, with the the free eon Treaty, instead of fulminating a crude fierrod 21,14 Feb. stant cif it large portion of the remit. of Can. od oonfeesedly impotent proclamation arta, and with nothine hut the initiate.. bat offering reward. for their erreet, teoja,, hat,a !dewing to Arnerica that Mr. reel tit *erne ilf the twoisle of Enelaid, and he l'oited States. And we believe Ikon J. Gordon Bennett refused to accept op' entehll aporhetion of a considerabie per- e nooent heoauee he ha* during the past the said appointnient. Mr. Bennett is "cm" kirfy yaw, ,„froof,.,1 a d„ire to he highly qualified, no doubt, by hie assocla- ewe PLOT galldsal by moral principle, bemuse there lions with the sons culotte of New York, The Weehingtnn correepondent nf the la. never .been ezhibited in hie actions a oirit of vindictive blood-thirennees, and MINIM "VIM lea enemies concede him to • ime oft he kretidest mew el' the ale. toe to Ilse efieet thet " additional groom • eltrewd, )=-11111-senne min mint hare twee bee n made, end farther raformetion ob WM the.; • p. st of thin kind, apart from tamed, tkroisseg more light upon the eas- t" sriaelaarlty, tld be the most aerie!" smrsey to tounainete tao Pr...Mont, Vice - Prelude.% and lineretare of State. " and destrwess taperimeat that Ceeil clew _jams]; laden meted tamer. ev., country ! Knell one rye on the " ptug Tba hip 11. ri;:parrhore Ey hdiesis, that a mint. uglies " and the other on Great Britain, mi...1„ of blank discharge' le eeffieeent seas Mgt? ! leave Jrfforeon "- liters te teelesie nearly all of the army. d yet will do well yet tat $ for an appearance in the brilliant salons Phoolelphta / ITU saes 111•1 the ••coefes. 'Mon of Harrod and doeumentery evidence A corresecindent of the Ilemienn Times Aroeriesne would mks his deer logie, his 'be Oho sad !,!. lel' emielion or". Jeff fn•eie 'eye ilia Ite' played • game of Merriest) tetra and refined atmoophere of Paris, but then ' ! h a body, fasten beyond cevil remind on Boot eiadow, hit eemdance et. and his Ceitada commissioners." Booth et Montreal, in October Ian, and that " un eurpaseed - ohe Nes. he wai struck at the time with Ow w•nd-iing ° York i'est has intelligence from Weghtng Character of the actor's eonversation. &nee then, he boo remembered sorest member re marks ha made, as follows : --' ri., pm know 5 hoer pt tao *hareem play laid oot over dem! iii America -I can hat the h,ggegt earn* *hie aide of—s jest remember nu addrees- you'll bear of wif,r10,10 COCOS nne of thew .days. I like your Canedien style ; I must pest myself in flaeadien eire. foe Onfial of us sterile rime bars to settle Imre stionly.' of tosiolthorly tompect are remit y obserted by the imperial Administration in thou Presen- ces, we Mill not merely keep %hem in good Order, bat stake them te.mtnally as mach • source of profit and pleasure in Great Britain as they now are of Antoci) and expellee. - [New York World. elte A few weeks sieee, in Poriamouth, N. IL, a lerge bull dog seised an inherit I'M% iri a cradle, and tore away one eels of its fere ; and before the brute enuld be 'teemed, he graseed the child by the throat, and shook it until life 1•1011111101C1. the dangerous Renentionslurm of the day, late eam erudition, and hie calm, earefel tone aa journliat. Take our adeim, Bennett, and stay in year adopted mitten on hetid, keeps the market so buoyant al it ill• -(Ness York Times. Interesting from Japan --Trade Prospects _itrig.tetening. From the World • nper•al Correspondence. Yokehame, Janan, Jan. 24, Is163.-The new yeer of Christendom has gone by, and thet of China soli Japan is close at hithd.e- The 27th inst. is the first day of the first moon with these two great wawa. Tbe people of botb these couritnee have the laudable eus m el settliee all accounts and tropes •Il is before the olJ year diem Ma who can OM! up tn time 4 counted • bankrupt, nee there eager efforts just now the Japanese to timer -late all their rib•r vs commence the year rith The Irian oho apprehends the failing in this. ie, makoto hunt its, and nothing so hrtehteris his eountenance as the receipt of payment from some befn douleful source. There ere two or three pe s in the course of the year when the Jepan are expected to torn. pare accounts with sac other, and make et least partial payment ot heir Indebtedness ; bet no one ran get oft got ut sqoarine his accouets with his neighbor a the end et the year. Men are often occupi bout this till tnidnight on the last day. Ths hour termi- nates their day of grace, anti happ he who before the noun of that nigh: Can "No man is my ereditor." It is • good time to bey Jspanese ties jut now, for eeerybody wishes to ree all the ready money he ran. The sailor' Ai aceordinelrfull fif hissineee in the shopplog line, noying nicknacks for their wives and sweethesi is at' home. Jeek is very apt to g rail the marluo for buyer*, especially if he takes • driest before be goes I -shopping; then a dollar loses numb of its value in his eyes. asel his perception of Om value ot the enm• marlines for mile is corsiderebly dimmed.- Cislearviestelyotwre are mute fifty grog shops tho town of tee European and American residents tn overheat hint on the way in the market. We are beginning to see the fruits ef the Isla eoneentio• mod* between the foreign minjetere read the Taiken's Gofers - meet. irroJe revived at one*, sod tome ef the remit raleshle cargoes of eille ever carried from Otis country were immodstely exported. The Japan...or Goterewrent bee nearly com- pleted • fine carriage mad to Mrammippi Bay, tied Welt. Watts finished, it will Carina a The Tribianis.Washingtoe epeeist had the renewing -Tbe court roorns Isar the 5.1.1 of the Prestdentust ~sine tisee been heed up et the ,tre.oril and the trials will proceed without delay. The number likeie to be put on trial in shout to. ty. and others now In custody will probably be dischareed the case progresses and their testimony given in. IOW 11 the Recorder be. eorreet, I:teakettle is an &strut town. Ile gays, " It swarms with young thieves. Daily and nightly potty pil- fering Kamen, sue,em emboldening the young ✓ ural* till they ars noir &mat reckless " A nameer of enempinyed Generals will he neutered out of the serrire in a week or two, it they do not Othe the hint sod ?nevi. ft is intended to retere only snout i5 Major. tionerals, 40 Rogarberg, and 150 Colereele. g.:". Kennedy, the spy end hotel trorner, was executed on Seturday, Ges. Die heeler( signmi the order to that effect. Kennedy attempted to eseape last sarday eight by horsing the pawl of his eell deer with a red- hot foam. oat should not be 'behind them in patriotism or pubiie epirit , We have only a little more than a week for preparation -let us take ileum immediately I linvroar Or CANADA. -We have re- ceived from the publisher, Mr. John Lov-II, Montreal, a copy of a new book intended for echoole nd 'private libraries, entitled " A linter of Canada and the other British North American l'rovinces : by J. G. Ilcelgine, Lf L. B., F. II. 0. S." The compilation of' tbis little work of ROM, 300 pp. involves an immense amount of careful research, and from a eureory in. spection we are kd to believe that the author has succeeded in scoomplishin,e purpose in a most satiefectory manner. - It is well printed and erofusely illuetrat- ed, and should meet with a very large sale. We would be glad to see it intro- duced into our common echooLs. _ Gomm*, May 5, 1863. To Ihe &lam alh• Mims x.ssst.„: Deem elle -I think it is high time some- thing Was done towards melong the auntie.; 24th of May propitioue. Will not our worthy Mayor call a meeting or will no one shew their energy. De not let Gederich behind this year. Remember there is only about twenty days More. Will you oblige me by giving Ott an insertion in your valuable columns. TERRY FINNEGAN. Destructive Fire sa Platteville. We learn with aineere regret that the estensive foundry and establishment for the manufacture of Agricultural ioiple- !bents at Platteville, owned by Mr. Platt, of Nis town, and Mr. M'Arthur, of the former plaee, wee burned to the gmend op the Morning of the 2nd inet. The loss to the owtMrs ia 18000, not 11000, se erroneously telegraphed to Toronto perm. We onderstand that Mr Platt holds • pnlieg of inenrinete on the hnilthng amount- ing to 112000. Mr. Platt's Immo have been suffietent dtaeoarage any ordinery man -this being the third Perlman fire he has suffered from within a year, to say nothing about dame earried away, and ether heavy drain. npnn his puree. a fall front his wagon. Deceased was years of age. • A Tworrr loi%Df..0RD -In • beck town. slop of l•poer Chneds, a magistrate, vibe alit 'tavern, 6014 lepsor to the people till they Oist doink andlocieht in his hems. He then mud a warrant, appeeheadeo them sad tried ibew on the epot, and hes.des fining there. made thetnereat each other to make vp Ins qu'Rrrt:ni.tor lays the landlord holds eta en the Darla int Line, Co. of Brutle.—Eii. SOT There Os a rumo7 in town that Mr. Budges has been superseded by Mr. Walter Shaely in the management of the Grand Trunk Itaiiway. To ibe Folder el the • Bums Signal. Dees SIR. -A tierseraph having appeared its the Sigoof some tune aeo regerffing • tub °limner which we reemeed partly filled wish wheat ; snd as there is a rumor to the effect that the mild tub came form Mr. Jame. Leys, tioderich township, we wish 11 to be. cos. tradieted. m Much is not the cue. By 11114111, tins no above pee will oblige F. STEWART. Goderich, Oth Msy, 1161. 110Nonitil.T DInclISMIED.-Some ex- citement was emoted in this tows a few weeks ago by a rumor that Mr. Nellany, expreu messenger, had Seen apprehended at Brantford for enmping, and that he had escaped and fled to the States. The facts as we now leant them, are simply al follows : Mr. Nattily was accused of ertmething of the aort, and aeoided the trouble and anxiety of trial by going on to Buffalo ; but, feeling that he was inoo- cent of the charge laid egairet him, he, by the advice of his friends, proceeded to Brahtford and denaanded a full investiga- tion. The trial wan held before a bench of magistratem, from whom, after a rigid examination of •Il that appeered in the way of evidence, he received a certificate of discharge, there being no penal what- ever of hie complicity in the nefarious' erimping operations whieh it is suspeew•I several officials along the line had a hand is. Mr. Nellany's character ham stood well thus far and we Ara glad to know that Its is innocent of the cnme alleged against him. lie in to take hie old posi- tion es exprene messenger. 111.SeKMOoD'Ili MA0Aetee for April opens with a continuation of Mies Mejori. banks, a tale of English Pickle' life. The number oontaine a warm-hearted sketch If the career or Leath, the artist ; " Pio- eadilly," a hit at some of the convention - 'Mine of the present day , another sone - what tame a Dnerd perm, a review or Lord Derby's translation of the 'laid ; very readable • , nein no Dress, had • enntinnation of the papers headed Karl Rnmell, together with other interlining matter. - L. Soon CA., New York, T. J. Moorhens.% fkiencb.