HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-5-11, Page 1W. T. COX, Editor and Proprietor.] $1.50 PER ANN. IN ADVANCE1 • . The Greatost Possible Good to tho Groatost Possible Number." GODERICII, C. W.. TIIURSDAY, MAY 11, 1865. r" VOL. XVIII. -NO 15. .• . La tette rico, •••• Intempi•rance of lireekt Men. The 'niece Wished. The Russian Epidemic. PLANING MILL I A riti.n rerican Filar has the following :-- The eastern origin of Oils tale lealal ari- Wittig to be conclusively settled sloe _ - Bustuns Divcctorn. Business Directorn. Businceo Directorn. • 13usintos Oivatorn. I' A: Mel /ottesoll So ite orator 'modem -col key . Mr. Eirtomt. 10:1 KJ at *widow:eon Nam sin...tow.' door commissioNER COURT OF INSURANCE. OAN BE C /NSIlLIF:1) UP TO 10 A.M., obn Ursine rat references to history will teach deur; hot it iween uNiwatliT (-unspoiled • that the panie excited in Europe by the epi - DRUGS, DRUGS ! Sash, Door, and at that drunkettneee has mot been en uncion• northern land, it is..proltab e that the king detnic raging al St. Petersburg and enewhere teller whit invented such a just termination mortality, moreover, prates to hare been 0 is...waren odd i i periericed the late intended fur his'hero, es a to the London Fever Hospital, writes to the .heh i ad d the world, nor has the dis- fatet eith public and even goon and would have been represented ea dethroned in Howie is quite ground:am. The disease is VENTERS ASSURANCE COMPANY, good men. The lament and succeoful .p- by metua of bribes obtaiiked from hie own pothg new, nor anything ir. the nature of i.a. ea. mu.. ..... .... si.D•. ..t pilYSICIANI.S111,0:4)Notc.,A,..,d01) l' ,„ w iii pies*, and iiill plot claire A aeon, C. W. 1.1:40-ty DuaaanumiFeti. go. 1,1. 9:9 'IT s. 110,14cLeern. lbt• 11.1c, - . _ - _ - , JOHN BRETT,- - - 111,plase Surreal, Ktnation '110.pitat).- Tia, Sheet -Iron, and Copper Smith, 'Oeetce-At Arikue•Hoardottr Bouw. tlueen's Reach Conversitler,&e. A Rea ry kept of Farm and Tows traitor Sale; par. Kraal America flowurancrettnip•iiy; IIvnd peal of the condemned maa •tlrom Philip treasury. le an eastern conntry the story• the so-ealled •• plague " of former times. Its f i • live would moot likely, have ex- much exalt mated. Ir. sons ptiys c es haying 1.,as ler sale, or Jestring tvpurchase thame,T ..... too: Menne, Fire arid Life Insorsoce I iiiveuer'sj tbelericts,C. W.! ree. LATE OF STANLEY-o-CLINTON, 111' Stores, Cultivators, dte., for Sale. EGMONDVILLE, C. W. akes Read. (Mr. Trawatte.t.t-rwer Store Repairing 'Done at Short Notice. I 1.2. DR. A. WORTHINGTON, MARINE INSURANCE. prtvgiciAg, scittitox,..a,., .t opieratioar upon the rye. Mores Vii.I.A.16.11ee.15.1,62. ¶w47-ly 11riti•Is .tmeris•an Inure:ince Co tend partmolerly.to d,raearae• Oland attract, Ir.. L..• n.1 R ILI K It AND A rIORNEli-AT• 14, 1.4w, awl Sodeifor•ireCunrierry, County etoWn Allornev,Owlemii,,*.;arind•West. I oar, • Court House.' M. C. CarniellsOns rtAltRISTElt, AT ruioniy. CONVEY. .11-0 Amu, 31, 'Kingston strret,undreek,C.W. .V. M. teerrelistr. II ARIUS rEli. ,St/LICITtIlt, Ci /N VEY. Li Ascii., Ale. 'like, over the sSure 01 J. V • tailor Si Son,tiodericit. - -floret Me 110..01191. tio mintiTKR. , A r rillIN ET- AT • LAW .;•• 04.1 I/ Notions Pehoo, .ti'l.Welit Strert.Ooder lett Batts 1.11.10rwoor ellectealoil fa vorahle tern., V r Mr J. B. thierso.'s Lam Ch stn. berm ROYAL Insurance' Comp'ny FIRE AND LIFE. CAPITAL -TWO MILLION DOLLARS. JOHN MALIAN, Jr., Agt. iv.24. DOW Aceunoloted l'utas hand,$3,000,000. Marine Department. • GEowik: ituxuALL, Annual income Exceedi 42,500,000. Areal. Goderich. April Volk, I4W1, w ;31; pinK ttratonnee* elle.ted al the LC/ WEN 2 /?.4 TES ,onionlent wr,111salety., British American Assurance Co. i'. CO Ft LS A.. IV; 0„,-,....lon.o.it.,.•011.) 1 NI 4. 41 i e!ra 1 II azI I, rear f •lleid le .%/1/411.11, sea , DISPENSING CHEMIST & DRUGGIS Ilealetia,and Importune' GENUINE Ci S tass 4 drunk to Philip st.ber, shows that the most popular prince Joel shiest politician of his John McDonald & Co. dry was gilreil to het Cup'. Isaiah fell* WI 2Iso that in ha time there were men who got were nu •hty men to mix strong drink. The AV 'NG COMPLETED THEIR NEW p early and aat up late to drink wine, mid seternarr nera 'germ, te a e in o warniod to others how the/ suggeeted sueh London Times : treasonable ideas Here Sintrork, however, •• 11 the details furnished by foreige ph.. neva i/ a Herman tale; but it may have siciaus are to be relied on, it is not anew ye:* to in, even,. e to, in th. ancient heathens, foi, were so devoted to the Iii;d ite origin in the East tor all that. w as tiv 1,11,1114ea• slid having etperieneed work , and II practite that they raieed 'the most too.clueatt 01 detteribenkselves hriate among them to the position of deity, popular tale to its surce. Cinderella, fur "The malady n evidently relapsing fever, fil'hy thing nture difficult holm' than to trice • ,easeans relotion whatever to Amatic cholera. ;ed hon under the toime.of Bag example, belongs to nearly all nations, even which, under different desbitiatiens. has been llial_thes • an do se arid worAlii,i 4Gr C) -C7C7 4C0 1" who lived to tee are tIf eighty yarn, end •as ati ontiAtna, t err 4 II pOptilar Wry two centuries, 111* oh conmituted 'great part ittriiesItZeitamsiZi8p4rrI;maltlir:hlit:: tit.. Canada e•rheatia•ing regarded as • model til Romeo virtue, used whieb reed. &Woo exam!, like here is °threthan. T.ork woad wel to tO. get mellow with situ. An the cevo e W. h chug. Horace tells kis that Cite the Ce11 1 nsor, amine the Chutes*, • teople so different to well known in Britain and relend for nearly Alexander the ILireat, who killed his hurt There •to once • • ye emperor E 10 1010 who roads Si esia und other parts of Isermanv. I be his t a fried hell shoeld lee serve& Tile fever in every !articular save 0441 --Vie., ice Clerairn/A, Pert -awry, Hale tooth, and Neal' nearsbee I. :gaiNT.,OILs, Cotallegon 11.01111, FIRE & M AzIll N E., Life Insurance -Ample c --..-I&-. GORSE& CAtTLE MEDICINES -o oder -. • *About drinking • gun of port wine, ant permitted to utter one was eat ay, JOH N ESSO N MeV. LA,,, so,i, A *11 111 TE' I nwrse ?HAY Hayfield, C. W., April la, 140. W.I2\ • ' ' eirk3AIL11(-. Inc sus IMAM. friend in • dranken earousaLatiel died himself a law, that to er. ty 'onager who came to - detesse 'corresponds with relapsing in a fit ot intoxication at the age of thirty cow . I . 'Iliac a. aiso ass queenly of years, is familier to every reader of history. +ertwere dirveleu to take notise 11 when greet Wain, ; hut the difference n &present . . . . . . -------------------1... boue on rather than real, and is attributable to au ati• Minister at the age of twenty four, and wield- . other side. It he did, he waa to be imam- The .4eenir Notional, of Paris, gives • ALL IC I N I 1,.-; Ci Nr .1.1.A N130 :d.thde deniiiiies of the greatest empire u.f the diat.ly wised., and on the third doy thereafter report of the moutons of the French Aud- i , 31 . rl_.fur nearly thirty years with unequalled he was to be put to kleuth. Itat, by • great eller of Medicine SASH. DOORS & MOULDINGS. 'Lecterns. Williant Pitt. oho was Prime one ad.: fie uned it over and began oft the mixture of ordinary typ us. as vise ofgrea men kill and energy, never rose from Ids dineer stretch of imperial clemency, the culprit wu cwbicbi •r•inEvebryrinye.arw,•i•thit istay.s,wp"htusheepeeidteenirnieoinf -- . - To CarpentA3rsac Builders . • never entered the House of Contmous sither. the emparot pledged himself to grain, pro. Europese Iteseis, and especially in Siberia. D. Wilson Ross, B. A., . \ • ofti....1.,,,,, 51...147•. Men punctually atteadedto • - gambler, svol Sheridan; th•INVII of both in alieady perished in consequence of thiii edict, ing •f hvitig beings -cattle and people-dur. Ile rival, Fox, was both • drunkard mid a indedit was qui to apare hks life. Many bail The typhus is merely the result of this crowd- . •0.• &O. nARRIATF.It. Al 1 ORS EY . AT . LAW, sl.,osses Promptly Settled Without at tem..' To•a• i' • N.11.-Phymeolah, Preariptions carefully die. 1 - „ eloquence. uutriralled them in drunkenness. when one day a 19511* and his young sun pre- ing the snow onion. ih,syear the excessive Le ski •• tran-Chan:aor, :rotary thibie, tiro. - likefereno to a Board of Directors pease& • lIRERAL DISCOUNT FOR THEIR 4NORK _ . • peer in leorning, echo is a stattenkan. lawyer, eerved an untie., and Wiled the count had re. have had the natural consequence of causing And Lord Brougham, who stand* without a *meted thetnaelves at court. 11. lislitwer. weverity of the winter, and its long duration, I a tt , r hies nut robably gone 10 Mewed all the fish from one nide, he turned it eapinideual ethz.tennutal.,17niducthierghlav,p.s.mo;e0 be edeadthlye sole origin of all taw sinister rumors repeat- ed by thexpublic press." The sante fever los been well known in Ireiand and Silesia ; in both countries, as in Rumor, it arose Irina the poor quality and «alit of food smog the puor,and in St. Peters. burg the setae cautke hes produced. the same result. There is thus Or, therefore, not the - least reason fur anticipatiug something worse, as, according to all necourts, the epidemic is un the .leclitie. M., r \of 1.41 °Friel*. lirw.e. ylra w12-ly \ CHARLES FLETCHER, oral Land *dent, ,ke , ate, Iiiisoarthar. t mints tot3 LIGHT . LIGHT LIGHT !- Agent Ooderkh. May.) stir. , IIIITLAND HOTEL,GODERICII - - - • T E M S ted +ober for fifty years. over. and was shout to commence on the ithoitt Distinction t...ist -- We might also say a word about Ametican other, when he wu suddenly seined sod ' statesmen for the attack upon Andrew John• thrown tato prison, slid was told of Is•s ap- pr,iaeliin• (loran. stricken, the coant's young son be- lie emperor to allow him to die in the hi* father ; a favor which the mon. its plesesol to accord bite. The count accordingly meowed from prison, and on was thrown into his cell in his stead. 10100 ad ikon bad been done, the you, an acid to his jailunk-•• You know I bios- e itight to make three demands betioe 1 : go and tell the emogrot to seed me his daughter. and • prient 19 inarey 'us.- The holt demand *as hot Ouch to the emperor s taste; neverthelese he felt bound to keep his word, and he therefore complied with the reluest, to which tlwe pritieese had no knot 01 ROCK •Sz:CO Al OILS . Prtiontembert he plare:roeseirooll• elfiTt4s- son jiistity pertionalitiell. It is recorded TiOSKEIL P1101111F.T.61:. Ti! l• North !British and Me:eantile • I that Doniel Webster, et the Agricultural Sore . steike'is tart pleaantly- yawed ••11 An Augion. leas. • • 30 meeting in itoctirnter, after making iine of 'sought IMuranct Co., 1:Burniug Fluid, Lamp Oils. • tso lert ash. overtrooans tior H•rbor ,L4 Huron (aerosols, Orman.. and - the best speeches ver uttered liy him, got room nAILICISPElt. \l rolomr: 4( s1.1 C ITO It , Ottlee in Mr. Sioriloa'• Law (\embers. nrol I, For Sate bv F. JORDAN. ' 0 11 A L d.na. alas W tight. who stood , arch " 1:433''erY. ‘1"44i" S'I"*"• timo.ar Pod, 1.1 eect•• vlSalalv E next to Webster in loquence and mental I was Conker •11 otraton 41 io.ler.,• , 942 JOHN IFALDAN, Jt Cloderirh.lan. 17.11,19. • power, teas aortic by habit, and frequeutly hit Ito.td, Hay. - 'en upright hy lemony on hie chair. A.mi it we were to 01; the example of Pool Lierroy die I Nattemom• Bmtitts.rEitA, A,proltsr.iN kT LAW, DAYS' HOTEL , ()motor 13,Ihe3. Af-- swIleter WROXETER Not irws, ere .•i0. 1•• thli.e Mc, tay••••orner, We•1 n'0,1enlerieh. 4:42 114 situated on • • Root tannins front . . ' - - 1 trae•itrilt •tn,. ; • 1, une toile ta 10100 11. 114oriton, olgaae, oil., k•••er; mid any .ae Pay- • r, ;,.; Money to Lend, 10 ON very reavinable Woo. Atily to Belmole, W.akertontBouthImpton, B. L. DOTI*, Of aliy .” Ina( dre..10311. Wel MA c01.1.110. • Crabb's new Blink. dation etas o ant• espeatsto Mel CIS.. w5.0.11 (;,,t...ich. 9th Jan'. 1843, , .10 hate* in a I reave• la. A TTORNEY A PL.% W. etILICITOR IN • A. dean orr, N our l'ont A.A./inert. , 11 •kr,b, l'anad• .l. *00 015•••-••11 • e.0.11/1 is,le .01 West Street , lb Id ,10,,f tram • eir1•1101ear Square. • ‘Il' 11,tem, rr r l\W. ,1 ig,-,efiee, over 111.Oard•ner-,f1 • • i net ?Loner to Lend on Reil PrIperty 1:..Alum. TfORNET, rtooe• )I'I1 Auto. Wel...Ides O t..ett, Went ; entrane. Firm Door wept ot id a stew lIceol. Ott, kTTORNIES. Si)I.11 l'Oit4. i;.4 net, C. W. CM • tILAISAV.s NEW flIottni .•• IC rain. ' t.rwi•e 111005%. 11.aleneh.A.stost 111h. la61. aw;03w31 IS. I.. 11 Pyle. OFFICE • Crables Sew Illock.Oodelsea, vIdewaMs .9 . 1'A Aesseret. ItAnntiTi:n. coNYEY- . *neer. rhaton• • .0111. leer ineira ie.rth ol the Paw MONEY T4) LEND. . - - • xvtittaro P`mmaer. ▪ rrottgEY-A kw, souctrou. 1. 01,...,1, Convey.. &w . t • Atkin., Frederick Proudfoot, katui Hilt., AT 1.1 1.1S EV -.i -LAW, ..... an, a., Norerte 7.0.05•041•58,14•14rwe• (041.6mr. 13 ICE ALWAYS ON HAND YnIt II1S Tront-Fishing Friends MATT ROBERTSO 1 9i I 1.1.1,141 en, tot A 1 1 5000 os IILNUREU AND FIFTY FEET CHARLVS DAYS. w4C-1. • Proprietor. cessoesereialtiesei.nitesseti CW aulla ((MX PrroPrietor. Thin ie the .1 1.4,0 sind heat CounIty Itotet WeRerli eanadaosed chances as it...derma et any Oro.. witsge Pr.priettir, 140,1 len i.ris 5(0 Horses. Horses and Carriages for Hoe, on be Snort...a:attire 141 CABINET WAREHOUSE 1 0,6 . (THE OLDeIST IN THE COUNTY.. f 'HY'', EV4111E1:13 AND PROVIN ,IAL D GORDON Thoinis• 'Went 'terabit. ,,c A ./ %and Surveyor, riz., 4.1 Kendra-, • 9 Ile 0.1ton A:reet.11otietir ..• •Ir'""3 (..%‘-1 II 3‘.1.:11' 31 A1C Ell. ..1.... Ispo.N. AND UNDERTAKER, 1 yinvivrtAL 1..kv 9 SURVEYOR ANTI g cmt K„it.,„,e, itsj,„,„.. • jot, ti •„, tannins/leas aril hes now or, b ,,,I a ,.,,,,h,,w, a .•..rtment www Eurnilowre.st wo. Warerootol, ' , 1.. It. I Intrstin, ' WEST STREET, GODEBICH, .4 cum ENGINEER AND SURVEY() . ..1 Lent Agent ...id coeveyaneer,Asnenntin, , ihre AP 11: Sofas, . I l•i-nang, ' Tah`cs. Ikalatrada. itti:r, alai W 01 grated 1 liiiri, fIit Mon;diay and i., .•.ing f:hae.ei, ir, variety . ot -ARCHITECT, . !Tome • NIaneteture and Imported !! 00..v. ..11, ,,,,ieleArioN: .,r Roil& i .0 0. Yr. e., sot oo ,,1 • neat and ,orrect si. le. • I r 0 a- nt th- itur.n. Ain't.'" Mie't• Nout • P. G• has /dears on hand a corritilete as. •ri Strert.tintlerich. l's• '11171Y1Y' aortntent Or estriss. Also, HEARSES TO 11111E. ' els ',timber and Cordwood taken in es - chimer for Furniture. Stk. 31. '1' IL I T 1.7. Ni A INI fioderieb. Mb Ott, 1•63 wt7 . LAM) AGENT, „X trkot Square, Goderich. , • ... r ..d.c1.1A 1.011 5110f I Wednesday Orem II am ✓ I a II.. RI 1 10 ' • - - - RIFLES SHOT GUNS I Head- A stones 4 M- ORISON & HAZLEHURST, S o Ariwg Lot No. 3.1, nt Ea, Lake epoke in the Senate when he had to. gamma I A &totem' Nice Preadente, we need go bark ISAAC FREDRICK FIRST - RATE LAND 1 , history *quid ItOt he +pare of illuetrations further. than John Tyler, although dor ',early JOM Ca NT 3:=0 11 Terdo any .a"11710"NALD SUTHERLAND. linh„Vdrirera•bink ie., doe:" %'/•nifiline. alinitentra. TO F. NITSCRES* OLD STASD. ! on the premisee, or c Amtunv. God 1 5ovierieb,'"Atyii 0111;1814. w14 frequently unfit for he duties. 'tel Fran rite Pierce won • hebitual drunkard. 1111 {lien dt of the octan of New F.nolanil can t He fell from his horse in Mexico, twee 550 (00 druid( to sit upon it. sod the he received oar thin occuraion tura* W military capital on which he ride 1.4 Presidency ark General Pierce. known ' •dyl inated he .din at the Trem...nt Ili tdrunk t bit he w unfit to STEAM ENGIN WATCHMAKER & JEWELER A \ 11) i•V'ST ST.. GODEBICH, Nett dAr\l‘rest of Mr. Stotts' SaddlerR y BOILE • his trivets 11114/ 1.9 take rare of 1 FOB SALE And coming' down a little la Cie last Democratic Vier I Itt•nr r• 1 t• F.741).a. United Sintes. the trai•tor It WATL:14 MOCKS AND JEWELRY 1 - 1 't): -N . eonhtined end habitual IMP KED 1 • 510117 Ali I,. I W. E. CHACE. he attested by every in M ANUFACTURER in the bes F 1)114 J..; ti. en seA* 81.114,1111, 110faii, 1•01111Cea. 11...n4,1/101 end.ra• •Le/. • liold Piqued Sty & Warranted. ra *wit) 1.1115er et 1...11INI FOR SALE y•Watessem. "'"r"`"'•"!I N WAWANOSH , Col141.11111n1111110;01,,,,,1 aaoto r (Unclad. •15.31 ilAnort. 41o., Yen. renew, It ardrette.. Hook 1latur••.., Caner tables. Manz 'I nide* Kreal.Inst Teel T•Ne., Woe r•tionls;Chalia. and 1.. , other ameba 100 ststornootiO mention. Al: h... '‘ „1 NV()4-1-11) UNDERT K1NG, &c., Arc Mr. It. rtoineetllele inane. an 1,11••.,•••1 •• Ilia Wok. Warrente.1 10 Ite mode irrial and worionatiOnp. wet at auto! • rive, 110.14einiviirr, end bit 0,1 tv0in, ,..7.....rowood tint nil /lamer's Pro - door taken in rio•linn,e. • ?• Wareeeini en Ellin V0reel. tiodertch. March 1.1111,•1•6a. MW.dt THE 11.ITEHP001. & 1.01111011 rim 5 1 tire t041:eixor Csons/...C2,00(1,01)0. Stirs Am. nalsoal F..d a:r.611,12s, Brittania Life. Assui nee Co. of London. TUE underelgtiehavir shpea appointer Asia forthr ..... tattle Com pan terai Trees WI to' *err r' o -oh Firra Llieclake 11 noderat, rem •oirrintittes ,117M.ItOie Aoer•. eleiteeich Jel•let haft! -12n2t fi -ODERICH 7,1 MARBLE WORKS) W. C. TRELEAVEN C . • I w• 1'IsCTOI,e4 A... A (Late Ynow.ov,) Auction & Commission Merchants, C...,0.0,14.8 t, ICP fon 4, 1 And next Door to Strong's Ilotol re hi A le I • lut.T • IlentiOn pool ▪ If. I ea RV 1111 K..11,..*..Mora. Prole Pow., kr. Cavo ot.**1.1..... 1..0011 apoonwl. mews .• •lerie1. landk.oloi .0145..1 •trotp4,15nrerligror.rarineel. lino,. relied. (1,,..,, 1.0101 floe,. 011. tenet in *deo in ma nratscn Aar- ... Illari,nnigook,f eery rttersday. i S dr. *tea ird te 004/0.144 firms 1.1411111.119016. «21-5v, It. 'Mc Howasill. .ICIONED AUCTlO4KEI RAYMELD, of Horne. lades in once or ....Wry 11511t0lelly •1155deillei . went Ltirlavian AUCTIONEER for HURON AI sled Hanes Sales Preciosity attended 10. Aditrem. Boone P.O. waOdstrio John Comm • aNNERAL COMM ISSION MIENT Comreisaionefle Qmers'a Menet., tor latrine altdevite,Convimeneer °Iberia Stud GiNHIME CANADIAN PATIST erer.Y.liereofKieeediee.C.W. elf - SEWING MACHIN ES Vetter Monu- inantz FOR SALE!i Tombs, Tablots, Table To. &c. MADE TO ORDER,• (=ERICH, C. W. 00 J. C. WINNE V - Opposite the Market. Irlpo All kind; of repairing done on moat reaeonehle termt...cl A. C1 A. Pt. . Yr I I irelers.ireed rilli•ra for sn',e Ille tolleveing L pie. ...oiled nn the Oravel Road in ToWeinh p 01 W Within 1 Miles of Goderich I e05005•55 101 eree, 50 of whieli are elenren. On the pre•ninri ere i• • good Frillier Barn 36 y t02. a good Era iv H,inse, point; orchnni- aring. A good reek ronn.t.10 through the ter . Apply to Wax 111611 MeM4TH, leo 1, Sth nmh. Jon. W. and by every cittem attending the sitting+ which Ise pr,retled. A the filet 111111 11 lei eve the Senat• drunk. the Presidential ca heading the Anse John It, then s a drivelliiig sot , while Inc wing et the Democracy pre need Stephen A. Dougas, and the other John E. lireekenrudie, ,both. uukards. rids objection. Thin oeNirred the tinital When king. kept their treasures in • cart. or in a such ia the odd report. 1 t .111 sipert fur the purpose, like the Ear Wound M • or, • in these days; and un the We write these taco inexprereible ml the sec.tiel Jay of his imprisonment the young pain. Neither do we seek be them to justify .14 the With demand' d king•s treason'a the drutika.nese of Andrew Johoeon. But it t is well 11 the hist deinond Wan a bold one, the it wellto.remind thou who have lived all vim nont. seam.) aka not lora of ; still, an ettiperora their 1ives in gloss homies that it is both an ee, Boo ..... wool is *erred, nail having made the prumiee, unthie and &i.h rahle policy to be throwing wee, and he was foreed to lo re it and toe treasures **ones at their tielghltors... Al especially ' of grid and eilver aid jewels were plated at those who clenior for his reeignation may do r. we find that the plisoner's ilispoe.o. On gettiug poses. well to remember that many men who have tat the *ion ot them; lie dint, ihuted them 'prittusey heti, uneful in their day, and have won im- ketiridge, wee., among the courtime, and soon Ile' had utade I perishable fame. were meet more deeply runkaid, 410 will 4 a host of friends by his liberality.' I addicted to this habit Olio is our new Presi- or of that One, 1 1 he emperor began now tO exceeding. dem. sms in the habit of ly wicoinfortable. Eimbla to *Welk, he rose - A young man of family an Eatland, whine relatives have all died of ati hereditary malady before thirty, recently addressed a letter to a 191614 lady tat very pretty, and asked her to become his stater of charity for two veers, he being then twenty-eight, and worth ita!t a million. What reniained *chili fortune at his death, at thirty, sbould be bens, at least, drew Johneon is not I fear iti Ins heart, to the priSult to bear whist - f the Semite over 'early on Ilie third, moritinz and went, with Terrible 40111.10n 44U the Great occupied the eli air of the thitd wieh was to le. • - Western Hallway. od it we lock back to • Nos,' acid he to the prisoner, I vii ,,e , A nerions aecident, which fortunstely was .--- patio of tee0, wo And what your tliiiil deinand is, that it may be 1 not attended by 101*(4 human lite or fracture ean• ticket the mime of areanoyi at. .,.. mai you ',my 1,,,b,,,, out of I of both, occurred abort 3 o'clock on Sunday •Site,' anerrered the prisoner, • I have but went "f PrIo"too Station, on the Great ,immon di enkarihnod nowmorning, the 311111 Aptil, about half a mi,e I band, f 1 eves of *hove ale; raw ray father turn the 1 t.legutr,nniirne,..pero .pr am tired il1 your Jettiands.' Western Roilksay. • one more favor Is millet.* of your to ,jesty . which when you habe granad 1 ohall die curt. From the information we received RP Icon tent. It in naiely *hot you will •cause the aP:di I edt hebYti two 11.111 infer 10 he put 01.1.' teihWde'rthuul'evni'glielean mail going %vest, cane into collision siear ' • • Plinceton, about the hour above stated. Tho d • k ir ery io . I , I . • I train war not on:: very fiat at tho A Lesn 41m-editi Wet tneseea are often gei from 04 .0.5 erool account of a good heart. Let the chamberlain be seited,' he, 0) 11 turn :•;! to bin guards. time, and it is raid t t the driver saw the night 'soli coining. and shut tilt steatn, thus - stupid, but WP t be nett,. denisiel is bet naietal, and sionista from a ' t1, or not. Ile win Boron Maoist. It was de "rutin itn. end • 1 Aire !' cli.a the imi, olnin, • I did not , making the.shima much lett tilsaetrous than Vt.i.1 aired to RING To .411:X2o Ia. AC pr.'irRNR Ig M nTIVKCEKET NI(el AA bottle very tteri ern...rev...0 ha. mem ve,I lenre he e• 11111 n Inman an it. 01 *- rich, not Leo/ eke . f.40.c• oyer One -1 111 the older. broucht boo •I seenoll I 1111 now serure r tor 1005 1111 51 i*s,1 1*101 '.iys he' ;• but the counsel could not make tit••• 4nYll•Init-0 woe the Itewelj•' ' st otherwise would have been. At the MOM. hintronitirehend the form in which he Mile. • 1,01 III...4,5AM be 'oozed,' eau:the hint ant of collision the drivers and firmed ped off . • eit and thus escaped wanted to make hie etatenient. flu the irookit took him liy the heed. • Now. my man, tell to rotai•tly what passed ?. • Yea; my lord. certainly. I tall that I would not hove the pi • T • ;lel]. what was hie miner, t• • He itut the otealeril 1111.4ealed with tears to its eyes lion he had not e nitrated anything with fe r bruiees. whet had been reported, mot meet it Wan Ow 'Elie ail train was compostal of three or lino,. decini.ed ono, he !no lour pessenger care, one of .which was a sleep- tho h the easetigi es were much shaken nothotg, of the matter, and that it meet hkivie ing car, with boggsge end express car. Al. saths.dt_thabte hce.h:addnlostehri.:::•impoil: 'Weil 019. 01 1,10 valets. maths.* heo•-• ' No. tio ; • he did not h'; bit they proomtal thet thee were Uttorle sled • few runted be the eOnetelniffan. yet izno, ant what hod bre.. charged agaltkilt happily no one Wise or Berk/ally rhjUred. the stint vertn„,.• . sgt, ti„, the count : io short it 10•00(.1 out th,,k,,,,,r,„4j rb. ext,le train stiliered very cotipiderablo Scan *10* exact non.' 'There Wan 110 thlri person. bring in the lbird person -0.1,,,„t ht. commit the Ounce, upon which the princess en.ii.+11•1, lie tomtit eede. had Peen the count . dtiaentrit,f:,,,,,,hza;:iiritgrLe,t.eiri...hil.. tthherefekillehighipoecik.:14; tendert were badly smashed, and two cattle • on that spoke, my lord.' 'I mean thiv- "1:rt.,",:".;:9:. is;.y.,..ilOtr..dilonlf1iihf.iinlindnn,1„till•'y ow' L;vb.ek bh.e.rie4t0...r. ;7111,"„Y„?,7mY.hrn4",17; agoryt,o.,.6..",:obwr r.. re.11,4"i ii e•IIP a ei .41 ttAh.rii7 r"S• sSO. 117...1: leinfhe'ZilsisfofcatIlloh. " keeping The pig, :u,:r.raa,,yrii.1:1:. : rini..Th 71::::!:,,,ti.,:t7r,r..1.1,,r, ., Lop. milieu. the count canton be guilty, and ley file.1let.h.r,eeeekhoonnetheewieur,eeki.illre,;11,,i.o,.,,•1 al:is:din... hurt, different stormy, in, nird. ' .. ' latin ; end il anythitor •our lordship I must Carrying on Busine nsively 51141 en101.1111, 11007 1.11 fire10e And sap. A. Indieves Ion rilpericiie OPC0.141 10 none in the Provitiee.lineil O ClI, venvcrely soul v on Iona prinetpriliy viedotners•siel liar lir lie C011.9 in one .1( Ihe Principal Entnblislein E,honw,k, et,•otInntl.. he tearlessly slate.. doieerning poldie 11,al CLOTHING CAN BE MADE all hi. enlehlinhinenlentini Gob, best Eranblialt. nem in Toronto or Montreal. ongench.1,1 30 Ma serner40.111 13 1 !: R4 a` it %•;., LEATHER FIKBINGS MECIT %SIC% j to It. Mw- gniervo itwierie W • J.& J. SEEMELLER ' t't A_INI :NI I MAP; I DE_ALERS Rooms over Ir. F. Jordan's Druz Store J salary Mb. sw2evly Farm in Bosanquet FOR SALE Olt 'IVO 1_41E'r. HE I' N HERS ION El1Th-flers for mute et to let Joseph Vilillamson, of Lantana The faro. enemas of eon.. township of revoinquel, Goderich, Auguet 2n 11164. sw94 comallestioelle in R R Aent Courtn, Cnveenner, R.M. M. WARIER & BUILDER and CONTRACTOR,: ONE HITNDRED ACRES, fad .3/17 /IOUS b• A ALP FRAME or pernounirs apply to (or Wondi n nonelnres) hoot.0 den* owl speeinentione modernle eharirra. worrnn the ..m, to gore net latnel.on. All letter. ori flr roost po*t pod. and if rin•Wers wanted.rontain one ranitAirin marked money, else 11.11•1. The •bove named Rill intend Iifranon,lindeneh. Clntn, liarporhey and (health permittng) an long Ike rna And it 10 71!. iTcmclmlapantrozi, he appeals leilt .m014110,4 le 111/2:93. a. Tries' etyty 01 whieli are cleared. and emitted near ft 10.11,011 /.1 T. Rainey. 'Pherot la a Ltia FORS,/ 41101.A A N CtiMMTSSION Hove taken the Float Prizes Merelia , ley a ane , C. W. Notes and 1118Weents collected. 14 -.none" or any 5.nd en•' T THE PROVisio (Al, EXIHRITION held prsd 544* will receive pr,oripl /X in Mmitreal. September 14111. 1311..18.5,6,d I S'"' , Inii1, over ell other.,• and elan at Inc Pro. F.shillinn held in Kneeton, Septemser tend. Ord, sod 13th mid With, lim. NEw mARBLE WORKS ',similar chareeter were alai awarded to us at the Provineal Eshibinne twld igill'ornito 1582.and i Main Street Szeter.- sties Yomeelal Eihubsionbehl at London in T1 & A. WOON .N ELL, "41. ROINENVR, TOM119TONF,S, Posts, he., of every deeeription owl style workmanship. furnished on seat riotiee, and *1tbe Inwood move. leberel redet.em wiad• tor ell.11. 111 OttUt rolictruat 1111911 ft Deenrosor Movinments Ste . nosy be owSo .1 1(0* 0110p• r8er to, Praia. wri-tv Prices have been Great) Reduced R.. IAJW ABRAHAM Nact Cr ler. h.4*'. 1'7, A N ZER hro., 1t.00too. SMITH, Agent, SW Market &pare trafiS 14w:t2 BA R .V on the lot. W TIM II ERE& & W ATC It D X. C. CMRT/0‘7, tioderteh As es thh.111114. weft t Addreari finnernnoro P n ont,Ifortherectre. RLANT4_, erril.at On ..... an, Oor.19.h. 1584 ANT. FOR SALE. LOT 12,67.10 13,77, near the RA I I,W AY STATION, Goderieh, for $150 each, At Five Years Credit, nr Inriger if reqnired. Apply tel M C. CAMERON. Goderick April nth, 1464. 11142,11 BOOKBINDING. 1TAYTNO made arrangements with Mr. I), 11 IttrORE,101t. Rookhinder anti Mannfae• twine thationet. (who hes lately retorne4 tram aos loam lath e large Wm k el' Rending and miter it serist), I am prepared to Purnob Plena - Smite 0(611 Med...Ise and stylea lath sal vrth. .rel Printed Hemline, at tee Der rent rheaper ....,.. then Toronto pnees. ....-.. Terms lberal. Apply to Or Allkowla of Mediae nt.1 tiara' witiesetios sae Eleent's ol the Kstste cr.the Ist• Wm• Harrs, ' he leptlifed been( ebony,. Dengannon PO. swide21 JOHN BUTLER. thalwasnon, OM. liv . ISOM. *31-51 0DERICH. C. W. 1....„„,v 12.138' To Rent or Lease. T errs five and six in the First t'oneeseion, .4 township id' Colborne, W. , 'bout two miles from 0Oderich. Apply to M ART ENI.F.T, I•ighthouse at.. Guderielt. December 511). 1914. w4Stf - - - - 1.4 it." 'L, • no Mention of y 101 en IRO ere wes reithird en Lod oteen. "rd ". !.4" tile "Int it" t" *tim it 1•::re' t 7U•th 1.,.. th ' ow it he Mid tools were forward...I Item Hook in Wel 41,1\j tthiM,0 1* The einl.eri or Downed. mid forthwith the extensive, the broken cos, enginee, tenders courtiers he/tho to motateir ; then he smiled. mind Ovid ciittle making a and picture of ruin. nnt1 immediately their tie:tes became radiant. On the accident hecomotz kootvit to the out hortnes,immedlate preps, ations were made Let it be so, sett hi* mejesty ; ' let him • ' d I for cearing the litte.and workmen with tackle u though the witness w only too ready' to r a l't ter ' Ile d and 1 • Lotidon stations. The dieabled suil train tel I he knew. , . mit hung, he is mann . uatice has been cam,. Ihrou;01 to London .r,,,,,t one o'clock \Goh: 's i'terfir .1In0il4,i1m apretty nni story of- • serub.hend boy, hating 1 A runge_es titersoon. • ! We believe we are correct in stating that refuter traffic of the toad took place. :he accident arose through the neglect of Mr. becn brugli befior the court as a wit, St Jerome, in one of his sermons. flKft a 11,...„,„ ou„ .,,,tion ..,,,,,,„ al La?* who tICII., hen thw fiilliiwing colloquy en. rebuLo to the womettoit his dny, • which hoe omitted to give the necresary, instructions to rued :c. %here do you live 7' sill (he atented 1, 10'- ei. apropos 10our own, that 1( 111 the driver' of the express train to wait at Judge, \Live witb my mother.' ' Whore Gir:3111:',:iii:;:t.rweili" 15',764...itree utii:i7e.":111 1 Irritieeton. nail there post the cattle train. - dies you' r mother liver ' She lives with .bat Eire minutes after the exploits had len the f.ther. ' Whire does he lire ?' says the ,771:,.. Minh tI:ir cheeks with red, 11.1 th••ir jtsnrhi1„;‘,:i'llt,"„";.dMii;hilerY.:n..m.aminileZbennr.dwittilholloit acolida lie tchrt7i:l'imill. T hey nretinhienne Juage getting very red, as an audible with black-thiee whose plinter faces, onh.ra -10 stop, u-ri ti -1, ; -,,,-,,, ..‘h- h• -t- o--coliiiko• - snicker goys' &mond the TOOU1. "1101 too while to be human. remind us of idols- would probdtly ochnri otho,lh it v.. noir home :t?h, ornme,e'r,i- ' Atlellerej ui ndgethu. n d e r: That thhaeti,ir ti 40se. twuhrroo.ctt,.noithil,hprarli::,ttzr.:rirt.heoeutoirts tthrn;;; hop... tho, th, cattle train arniil get 10 not in his power to prevent it. His only where Im frm, says the boy, eticking tir.ea-ithosei e whose riiic yeairsi ttahiloto tearh 11,. Pi itireton before the express rhould arrive. his lerivap ifi &corner of ho cheer, etow• , 1.a.'dkri:":11 _1,_ar.." .it,"_' 4,;',.`,:7,-. * 7, .7,, SI r. Bryson Wail naturally much agitated at id (.„,,tritt „ne pp. an tha j„14.. . II, ..M, "el 7,7_017: m.71.77: l'4'1' w'r. ,'," r 1'''.‘P` . • the t oelible eonsequeticee of hie neglect. Conetahle; says the court • ake the witrOse 1 ta "' 4 , the,'"e• II." the S) blame I. ellikelieb;., to the manage - out and tell hint to trai:I; he evidently rIW1 couoterten prese"ment '" /out", 11"" th"" ment, the aceident being the Inuit of an em. , 1,ysho affect the demeunour of leighhil maidens tloyee neglecting to carry out los instruc. BOOTS AND SHOES SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR iiviii•r James Collins,Sen.'s Ittso,tov •T., floo•no 11 Sunday afternoon. No interruption of the A CALL IS SOLICITED. FARM for SALE. roit SAM. Elio AM( alai No. 17. eon E l'...wooe WAMPANOSH. eempriaiss ONE HUNDRED ACRES, not inderstard the neon of an oath. 'loll would think &Kama,wa s the boy, potent toward the doorway, • it .1 wits to give you a Cennin." Thertericetta..-Robert Carew, the Merl, it •ill be remembered, who wee Serrated tn this town for outraging the non of his eldest 19 Os, Presence ot trooPs of demidchlir"." tions. An enquiry will at once be Owitituted Mtn the circumstances of the oecurrence by the oflicials.-(Free Pres* 6p/Siz To 00. Costs,- nee our lent report • ...ma- th"e "le hPen " ""Y " In" ffn.d weA8 M11.90VR511 13CM? ON ()mo. -A cones. obtaind. Mr lie witn hae struck a aid indel peininnt ot, the umon ,l,imes„ «rising la tial show of oil Vei0 feet. Mr. Merchnnt, et ,a paper on tb• 2Stlt Jemm. states that stela. depth of 4 t, ha* found a SOW kind of i 1 pp who hubeen coofined CI goal for the hot sis much ighter ands more limpid than any yet that time, 4e. n enraged in sinking a some, months for breaking ptison,.. well :Wede, I hewn diectivered eihce the flowing wells in ostensible for the purpose of striking • ' deep tried ter • similar crime, conimitted on the Indult is now called tlikt Campbell Well. It lead ' in nue of the suburbs of NIelhourne. protein of his second dsughter, (the eldest on. tree nem* on Thereto. last, and gave very and.the members of the Company were look - The ophratinos in that iine were laughedeore, baring left for parts unknown), woe consieti.,I, gni.1 iiidieatinns of twing a flowing well. A and aenlanced to four revs' impriemossent in pump was at once pot in and in ahout sot ed upoil am bombes, until about a foitnight the Penitentiary. Until the conserimion of Altura fitty barrele of good oil were seen . before the date of the letter, when gold mut there crimes. Carew occupied a very fair p0e.1 Thi. Ion creaed con.iderable excitemei, found in the shafts and that too irk paying lion. and their discovery created no little 1atol the fortunate owners -emcee Whom W.M..,... quantities. The shares previously unseleabie Tuunt:f Inembnra of him I Cm"Pi*Ii• IllI'' ill 1"inciPsi-are rth.n.n '`',:ifi.tehti..- - at onee went up to • premium. All at once excitement. The family. we believe, hue en taken 101.00,4 enitratuln0"On 01 n,ii*ho Tei°4"*ti 1........r---.. hy some of the unfortunate criminali fele- frtilf "r 1"''' "1:hb^sre• Ikni' mr", is the company for the first Orme awoke to the feet that they had little other land than that reward 1.I____e leknor...0.:r...1 S_ prinp CArontri. lives.- Sf . Catherine's Journal. in which their shaft was sank. and that how. any te.wn as " The Collirigwool Geld daughter --a girl &bout 4 years of age -and from w hee 'itherto been found. It i Lein, company 1 64, fa? month, riot to ever valuable the mine might prows A masa Fetal or C• Colthsesd, of Grum peseiecw -The Free Prem. •ftya a be either run under private propterty Or under Pilkington. brought into our °nice hot week. fight tn,sk place et the London station nn the 0104.111. They have sine* obtained the O... 0115*,' moot centre. ohjects •ver• even by rhoolday aftertmotio four oclock, between pernusion of the municipality to mine ender oh. It w*sa larah-,,t 1,0m Willsea, bon,. Robert Abraham, one of the passeneen, and tee street... mid it is said will be able to roma ever-*hi'h heti been PmItooted n• nature Frank McConville of that r y. 1 hey erre to tern,. with private owners of land. Mean. with one eye only,end OW is the sidale olio taken in charge by the eonstables. brought while other Companies are proplielag to aink trrhP511. 1 111Mr.d11,1/ neer ha eye wae before Ald. McBride, trid, convicted, fined other shalt* in the same neighborboel, and • pendstit • smell tsl. and below the ere • $1 and crate each, and sent about their busi sulothan mining district is among the posse ss ihs „,,„,„ nem in about • tputrter den hour. It occur bakes of the foam, noetrils. altosether it wari • treasure for sel while the Sarnia totin waa waiting, sad the Itarnum,and,but for atootion tonther matters femmsre"" bed in reit eeitlly to retrain it The people of Sienna gon, • sapper to aika a ease upon tmeh shrift notioe. volunteers who brava been relieved -from ate equal of it not vaster importence, RP would before mottling. We question if many towns The tenth lived about two hien °sly. in that town, They left amid the pea er4 of ail. h.. dinustehed it to 114 'matrons Ohio..., in Canada could harsuppo e ed panic * to Inch