HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-12-29, Page 41® cents a word perf insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
W. Arm-
with his father,
also Miss Ethel Brunne, Tor-
Unconditionally Guaranteed
R. Hopper and
were Christmas
of Toronto,
home of his
Robert Bur-
to Ottawa
spend the
visitors at
Hugh Halliday,
daughter, Mrs.
Staffa, are visiting
A legal investment for
Trust Funds
neys, antiseptic and invigorating.
Rumacaps attack the cause of
Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago,
McKibbon’s Drug Store.
On Guaranteed Trust
HOLMES, Deceased.
.-that after the publication of this no-;
101=3101 hokum (OESCrt
WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thurs., December 29th,
FOR RENT — Store property rec
ently vacated by Advance-Times.
Apply J, H. Crawford.
in the Town of-Wingham, the pro
perty of -the late James Gilmour,
immediate possession, Apply to R.
S, Hetherington, Wingham, Ont,
JLOST—- Green Kensington Hat, at
corner of Diagonal Road and Sliut-
ey St,, blown north. Name “John”
stamped on band, Notify J. Elliott,
Bank of Commerce,
MAN "Wanted — for Rawleigh
Route. Real opportunity for right
man. We help you get started.
Write Rawleigh’s Dept- No. ML-
453-0-L, Montreal, Que.
IOE3Oez==sio rad?
Miss Ida Wilson, of Toronto, is
visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Roger
Mr. Clifford Yeoman, of Kitchen
er, spent Christmas with friends in
Miss Blanche Irwin, of Toronto,
was a visitor over Christmas with re
Mrs, W. L, Craig is visiting with
her daughter, Mrs. W,
Miss Ruth Tewis went
last week where she will
Mr, and Mrs, Walter
and Ann were Christmas
Mr. Geo. Mundell, of Drayton, is
visiting with his brother, Mr. W. H..
Mundell. (
Mrs. W? H. Willis and Miss T.
Gerry were Christmas visitors at
Mrs. O. Colborne, Jimmy and Bob-
■npSTA’IE OF ALBERT| Uie, spent Christmas with relatives in
XTri'T'Tr'T? tc nv’mrTiv HTAnTXTi Goderich.
Mrs. Alma Falconer is visiting
lice in three successive issues of The ‘ friends in Indianapolis for a couple
Ontario Gazette and of The Wing-1
ham Advance-Times, and three issues;
of the Winnipeg Free Press, Winni-|
fred Davenport of the City of Tor--
onto in the County of York, Married
Woman, will make application to the;
’Surrogate Court of the County of
Huron for a grant of Letters of Ad-’
ministration to the estate of the said
Albert Holmes who left Wingham,
Ontario, about the year 1903 and has
not been seen nor heard of since the
year 1913, and is now believed to be
dead, leaving property in the said
County of Huron to be administered.
DATED this 2nd dav of December,
A. D. 1938.
J. FI. CRAWFORD, Barrister,
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Applicant.
TAKE NOTICE that all persons
having claims against the Estate of
JAMES GILMOUR, late of the.
Town of Wingham in the County of
Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who
.died on or about the 3rd day of De
cember, A.D. 1938, are hereby notif
ied to send their claims, duly verified
by declaration to the undersigned on
or before the 30th day of December,
A.D. 1938.
immediately after the said date the
assets of the estate will be distribut
ed . having regard only to claims
which have been properly filed.
DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this
13th day of December, A.D. 1938.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executrix.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Currie visit
bed in Toronto over the holiday.
Mr. C. H. McAvoy spent Christ
inas with his mother at Exeter.
Miss Inez Finlay visited at her
Jiome in Gorric for the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Louttit were
.Fergus visitors.over the week-end.
Miss Margaret L. Currie, Toronto,
-was home for the Christmas holiday.
Mr. and Mrs'. Bruce Fox, Guelph,
spent Christmas with their parents.
Mr, C. Murray, Guelph, was a vis
5tor with lys mother, Mrs. S. A. Mur
Miss Louise E. Hanna, of Guelph,
-was home for the Christmas week
of weeks.
Miss Mary King, of Sarnia, is vis
iting this week with her mother, Mrs.
T. C. King.
Miss Elizabeth Johns, of Port Col
borne, is visiting with her sisters for
the holiday.
,Mr. and Mrs. John Fowler, Blue
vale Road, are visiting with their son
in Toronto.
Miss Lee K. Robertson, Toronto,
spent Christmas with her parents on
Patrick Street.
Mr. George Allen, of Chicago, was
a Christmas viistor
Mr. Robt. Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. E.
family, of Exeter,
visitors in town.
The Misses Fisher, of Toronto, are
spending the Christmas holidays at
their home here.
Mrs. Nellie Dawson, Shuter St.,
visited over the week-end with rela
tives in London.
Miss Lorene Haller, Guelph, spent
Christmas with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Haller.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McKinney and
son, Jimmie, Toronto, were visitors
over Christmas here.
Miss Mary Johnston, of Toronto,
spent Christmas with her mother,
Mrs. Adam Johnston,
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Blackwood and
daughter, Betty, were Toronto visit
ors over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Piper, Oshawa,
spent Christmas at the home of his
mother, Mrs. S. Piper.
Mr. Ralph Carr, of Toronto, was
a week-end visitor with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carr.
Mr. W. G. Gray spent the week
end with his son, Mr. H. C. and Mrs.
Gray, Niagara Falls, N.Y.
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Merkley, Miss
E. Bolt and Mrs. Gemmill, were Lon
don visitors for Christmas.
Mrs. W. Mitchell and her son, And-;
rew, spent Christmas in Bolton with
Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Wilson.
Miss Winnifred Smith, of London,
is spending the holidays with her
friend, Miss Doris Armitage.
Mr. arid Mrs. Vic Wilson, of Tor
onto, were Christmas visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Currie.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Rahlvps, Tor
onto, were visitors with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Galbraith.
Miss Alice Williamson, Kitchener,
is spending the holidays with her
mother, Mrs. W. Williamson.
Miss E. E. Wright, of Toronto, vis,
ited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
Wm. Wright, over the holiday.
Mrs. W.. Bayliffe and daughters,
Dorothy and Jean, were holiday vis
itors with Mrs. John MacLean.
Mr. and Mrs, Ray Bonner and son,
Douglas, of Toronto, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Haugh.
Mr. Leslie Deans, of Detroit, spent
the Christmas holiday at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Deans.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Connolley, of
Stratford, spent Christmas at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Town.
Miss A, E. Code, of Dauphin, Man.,
and Mrs. S. R. Byles, of London, are
guests of Dr, R. L. and Mrs. Stewart.
Mr? and Mrs. Harold Martin, of
Palmerston, spent the week-end with
her parents, «Mr. and Mrs. W, Stokes.
Mr. and Mrs, Sid Johnston and son,
Ted, of Toronto, were week-end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. S, Cope
Mr. Harvey Burgess,
spent Christmas at the
parents, Mr, and
Mr, and Mrs.
daughter, M-ary
McKay and
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. R, W.
Miss Mary E, MacGregor, Toron
to, spent the Christmas holiday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Mac
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Zeigler and son,
of Toronto, were Christmas visitors
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. H.
Misses Ann and Florence Barber,
of Toronto, were visitors over Christ
mas with their mother, Mrs. Charles
Mrs. Ollie Thompson and sons,
Rae and Jim, were Christmas visit
ors with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Heth
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Buchanan
and baby, are visiting with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Campbell, in
Mr. and Mrs. Neil McLean and
son, Neil, spent Christmas at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
J. McLean.
Mrs. M. Copeland and daughter,
Margaret, spent Christmas in Wind
sor, the guests of Mr, and Mrs. A.
K. Copeland.
Mr. and Mrs. J. McGibbon and Mr.
Lance Browne, of Kitchener,
Christmas guests of Mr... and
Harry Browne.
Mr. and Mrs.
onto, and their
vey Leslie, of
friends in town.
Miss Jean Currie of Ottawa, also
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt of Kin
loss, spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. David Currie.
Miss Jane and Master Roy Stanley
Smith, of Detroit, spent the Christ
mas holidays at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Town.
Misses Margaret, Jean and Ruth
Mitchell, of Toronto, were Christmas
visitors with their parents', Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Mitchell.
Messrs Carman Coutts, of Ottawa,
and Elgin Coutts, of Leamington,
spent the holiday with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coutts.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Mundy and
son; Douglas, are spending the
Christmas holidays with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Fryfogle.
Miss M. M. Reid and Mr. J. Hill
man, of Toronto, spent Christmas
with the former’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Reid, Carling Terrace.
Miss Myrtle Barbour, of Walker
ton, also Mr. and Mrs. N. Jackson and
Now Praises Kruschen
When sciatica attacked this woman
six years ago, she couldn't move
without great pain. Treatment after
treatment failed to help her. She
tried Kruschen and got quick relief.
“Six years ago, I suffered terribly
from Sciatica,” she writes. “I tried
everything, but to no avail. Then I
took Kruschen Salts, The first few
doses gave quick relief, At the end
of a few weeks my sciatica had gone.
Now I always begin the day with a
pinch of Kruschen in a glass of wat
er. I live a strenuous life, being wid
owed four years ago, and having a
son to keep, J run a boarding-house,
rise at 6 a.m., and retire at 11 p.m.
I am 52, but everyone says I look 32
—thanks to Kruschen Salts.”—(Mrs.)
The severe pain which is charact
eristic of sciatica is often due to
needle-pointed uric acid crystals in
the sheath of the great sciatic nerve.
Two of the ingredient salts in
Kruschen dissolve uric acid crystals.
Other salts in Kruschen help .Nature
to expel these dissolved crystals
through the natural channels.
on the platform, giving recitations.
Others, taking part were: Lois, Jean
and Harold Elliott, Alex and Flora
McTavish, Alba, Jack and Helen
Mowbray, Bernard Billow and Miss
Deens. During the program, Rev. J.
R. Greig presented Jack and Helen
Mowbray with the .St, Andrew’s
Cross and Crown Gold Brooch in re
cognition of the fifth year regular,
almost perfect attendance at Sunday
school. Alex, Mowbray received the
pin for four years' regular attend
ance, Following a round of games,
refreshments were served.
three sons, of Orillia, were visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barbour ov
er Christinas.
Dr. J. J. and Mrs. Brown, Mrs,
Hugh Anderson and son, Robert, and
daughter, Marion, of Caledonia, were
Christmas visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Crawford.
Miss Rachael Ford, Syracuse, >N.Y.,
is visitirig with her brother, Dr. A.
T. and Mrs. Ford. Christmas guests
at the same home were Mr. and Mrs,
Frank Ford and Ruth, of Hanover.
Mrs. MacWilliam and son, Jack, of
London, spent Christmas with her
son, A. D. and Mrs. MacWilliam.
Mr. MacWilliam, who has been visit
ing here, returned home with them.
Miss Edythe Adair, Miss Beth
Thompson and Mr. Russel Foote, of
Toronto, visited over the holiday with
the former’s parents, W. J. and Mrs.
Adair, also with her brother, J. R.
Adair, Turnberry.
Guests with Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Spry on Christmas were Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. VanDyke of Lebannon,
New Jersey, their daughter, Mrs. H.
Davidson and Mr. Davidson of Tor
Fine Christmas Concert
The Sunday School of Knox Pres-
by terian Church held the annual
Christmas social and Christmas tree
in the school-room on Tuesday last
week. The tree and school room,
gayly decorated, made, a pretty set
ting for. a program presented by the
children. Norma Moffat, Louise Mc
Eachern, Billy Robertson and Floyde
Moffatt made their first appearance
When ski enthusiasts wondered taste of the sport which has iner.eas- wetl as from southern Ontario cen-
ecs. ^Marjorie Thompson. (LEFT),
♦when they would be able to count de-1 ed rapidly in popularity throughout; tres, have dotted the miles of ski and < Yvonne Abraham (RIGHT),
finitely on suitable, skiing snow, thote? titu last few j.ears. Skiers fromj trails and sloping hills that make the don’t let little things like spills wor-
ground Huntsville have had a real ’ Huntvillc and snrrettnding district as’Muskuka town the mecca for devot- ty them. IFs all part of the fun,
Play Presented at Xmas Concert
A two act play “Christmas at Fin
negan’s Flat” made a, bright feature
of the entertainment given by the
Sunday School of the United Church
on Friday evening. Patrick and Bid
dy Finnegan gave a Christmas party
for the poor children of the tenement
and "a good time was had by all.”
George Johnston and Daisy Holmes
took the parts of Patrick and Biddy.
Scott MacLennan was the boy actor
representing Little Tom. Other
parts were taken by Carl Johnstop as
Professor Baton, Mossie Milligan,
Eunice Thornton, Isabel McKinnon,
George Hetherington, Will Peacock.
School children represented the oth
er guests at the party, The play was
well presented and enjoyed by every
one. Eight young ladies performed’ a
pretty Christmas drill. An amusing
dialogue “Peace at Christmas”, chor
uses and. recitations and the singing
of Christmas carols were interesting
additions to the program. Rev. A, V.
Robb acted as chairman. There was
•a. good attendance and both old and
young were thrilled by the excitement
of Santa’s arrival to take the gifts
from the tree,
United Church Xmas Services
At the morning service in the Un-’
presented in the com-
by the pupils of S. S.
the direction, of the ea-
Sadie MacCharles and
e Story
St. or R.R. ..
Post Office
Gentlemen: I enclose .., .for which send
Among the visitors home for Xmas
were: Mr. D. J. McIntosh of Vine-
land and Mr. Neely Todd of Stratford
with Mr, and Mrs. D. Todd, Miss
Anna Stuart of Toronto with Mr. and
Mrs. George Stuart; Miss Helen
Thom, of Peterboro, with Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Thom; Miss Laurine Mill
er and her friend, Miss Margaret Seh-
hen, of Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Miller.
Mrs. R. J. Woods left on Friday
to spend Christmas with her daugh
ter, Mrs, Dougherty at Guelph, She
will spend the next few months with
members of her family.
The January meeting of the Wo
men’s Institute will be held in the
Community Hall on Thursday, Jan.
5th. This will ‘be Grandmother’s Day
ited Church on Sunday, Rev. A. V.'and the ro11 cal1 is "W, Mother’s
Robb took as his subject the signifi
cance of Christmas, dwelling on mer
riment, giving, forgiving, childhood,
peace incornation, saving from sin,
which all have a special meaning as
connected with Christmas. The an
them "Hark, what mean those holy
voices” by D.anks, was beautifully
sung by the choir, under the leader
ship of Mrs. W. J. Johnston. Miss
Eunice Thornton sang "No Room in
the Inn.” The sacrament of baptism
was observed when the infant dau
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton
and three daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Sanderson were baptized. At
the evening service the choir and
congregation joined in carol sining.
The minister spoke on "Christ as the
Servant of Men.” Rev. A. V. Robb
sang a solo and a trio “Star in the
Christmas Sky” was sung by Rev. A.
V. Robb, Will Peacock and Carl
Week-end visitors in the village:
Miss Evelyn Masters, Parkhill and
Norman Hall, Lindsay, with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turnbull, of
London, and Mr. and Mrs. .Harold
Harris and two sons, Tillsonburg,
with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnston.
Neil-B. M’acEachern, Mount For
est; with Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Garniss.
Miss Marie Wettlaufer, Bly th, with
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wettlaufer.
Miss Annie Greig, night supt. at
the Walkerton General Hospital, with
Rev. J. R. Greig and Mrs. Greig at
the manse.
Carman Hetherington, Ont. Veter
inary College, Guelph, with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Hethering
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Higgins
Mrs.’ Mary Moffatt in Toronto.
Miss Mary Duff, Mrs. Alice
ken and Miss Dorothy Aitken, with
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Oke, Wingham.
James McHardy and Geo. Green
way, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ait-
cheson at Ripley.
JACKLIN—In Howick, on Wednes
day, Dec. 28th, 1938, Christina.
Wright, beloved wife of Elijah
Jacklin, 'in her 71st year. The fun
eral service will be held at her late
residence, at 2 p.m. on Friday, De
cember 30th, 1938. Interment in
Wroxeter Cemetery.
RITCHIE—In Wroxeter, on’Sunday,
December 25th, 1938, Janet Ren
wick, widow of the late Robert
Ritchie, of Ayr, Ont., in her 86th
year. The funeral service was held
at the residence of her son-in-law,
Mr. John Adams, on Tuesday even
ing. Interment in Ayr Cemetery.
Teachers and students home for
the vacation included: Misses W. D.
Rutherford of Kirland Lake, Irene
Woods of Waterloo, Dorothy Web
ster of London, Zylda and Dorine
Webster of Toronto, Jean Webster
Wingham Jet, Norma Weatherhead
and Mr, Gordon Miller of Wingham
High School, Misses Muriel, and
Gladys Wrightj of Leamington H.S.
Maiden Name.” The subject is in
charge of Mrs. E. J. Thom. Mrs.
Joseph Gaunt and Mrs. Jas. Lyons
and the program ifi charge of Mrs.
W. I. Miller and Mrs. Jas. Gaunt.
Hostesses, Mrs. Jas. Aitcheson,. Mrs.
Chester Taylor, Mrs. Andrew Gaunt.
On Thursday evening a splendid
concert was
munity Hall
No. 4 under
chers, Miss
Miss Beatrice McQuillin and Miss
McDonald, of Lucknow, music in
structress who was accompanist. Rev.
H. M. Wright was chairman. The
program included recitations by Dor
is Lyons, Bobby Lyans and Willie
Bolt; piano solos by Dorothy Webb
and Grace Weatherhead; dancing of
the Highland Fling by Florence and
Margaret McPherson, and of the
Minuet by Dorothy Webb arid Marie;
Swan who sang "The Second Min
uet”, choruses by the school
songs by Jean Wright, Florence
Margaret McPherson; by Marie
Jean Aitcheson and Marie Swan
by Billie Bolt and Jack Aitcheson; a
pantomine "Sauta Claus’ Party Line”,
"Advice to the Love-Lorn” and “The
Time Machine” and three drills, The
Bell drill, a military drill and a but
terfly drill. At the conclusion Santa
arrived and distributed gifts from the
nicely decorated tree.
At the meeting of the Y.P.U. held,
on Sunday evening, the Scripture les
son was read by Stanley Todd, Grace
Weatherhead read a Christmas story
and Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rice favor
ed with a duet. Miss Irene V^o.odfr
told the story of The Other Wise-
• The alert reader will recognize at once that here
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