HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-12-29, Page 1With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter New*.
WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29th, 1938Single Copies Five Cents Subscriptions $2.00 Per Yen
Unidentified Man Frozen to Death Mr* and[ Mrs, D, D. Sanderson, pf’
Wroxeter, Celebrated their Gold
en Wedding on Monday
Acclamation Given Reeve L. E. Car
diff and 1938 Councillors.
Election ifor Reeve, Deputy Reeve
and for Councillors.
Town Hall So Crowded' Many Turn
ed Away,
Town Without Lights All Day Wed
nesday — Car and Snow Plow Crash
Ministerial Association Arrange Pro
gram for Week of Prayer — Five
Services To Be Held.
Reeve John A. Bryans will be op
posed by ex-ReeveJ. W. Gamble at
the elections in Howick which will
be held on Monday next, January 2;
Deputy Reeve Albert E. Toner, will!
.have as his opponent ex-Councillor break through snow clogged roads as
David L. Weir, .All the 1938 Council ’ a result of Tuesday’s blizzard, dis-
.are seeking re-election, .Hartwell
Strong, John Winter and Robert
Baker, as is Wm, Reis Jr. and Ed.
McCallum. Only three councillors
are to be elected.
A spirited nomination meeting for
Howick Hownship was held in the
Hall at Gorrie, on Monday after
noon. Prior to the opening of the
meeting one could sense .there would
‘be some fireworks over ;a fence that
was ordered off a roadway on Sheld
on Bricker’s property, also a matter
of sending a Gawle resident’s taxes
to the County .for .collection. There
was about f.aur hours tof talk but
mostly it was a matter of a fence, a
• windmill or this tax'business. Anoth
er matter that took up considerable
lime was the sale of some 'property
for a roadway that belong tp1 Coun-
tcillor Winter. The sale was put
through Jno. Armstrong and this
. matter caused no end of discussion.
Mr. Norman Wade, who was chair
man of the meeting, had-his hands
•full as there were times when many
'wanted'the floor at the same time.
When the Clerk, Isaac Gamble,
'closed the nominations, two had been
•nominated for Reeve, three for De-
:puty Reeve and seven for the three
seats as Councillors.'
The complete list of nominations
■was as follows::
For .Reeve
John* A. Bryans, by Wm. Campbell
and Albert Johnston.
J. W, Gamble, by Louis Demerling
•.and W. E. McCrackln.
For Deputy Reeve
David L. Weir, "by 'W. B. Stewart
:and Anson Ruttan.
Louis Demerling, by T. A. Gibson
■and Anson Ruttan.
Albert E. Toner, by W. J. Gallaher.
. -and C, E. Gregg.
For Councilors
Hartwell Strong, by Louis Demer
ling and Robert Paulin..
John Winter, by Harry .Hastie and
John Hyndman.
- ’ Robert Baker, by Cleve
and Tlios. Vittie. •
Sheldon Bricker, by R. J.
son and A. Jacques.
David L. Weir, by Arthur
and R. J. Sanderson.
Wm. Reis, Jr., by David Breen and
Emerson Dickert.
Edward McCallum, by Anson Rut
tan and W. B. Stewart.
to the
Mrs. R. DuVal and Miss Dinsley
W. Spry and. E. M. Snell.building
ference on economic, agricultural and
railway problems, he contracted a
severe cold.
W. G.
Wm. Tbuehl,
C McNabb,
McQuillin, Harold Treleaveri' (tied.)
W. H.
E. Bush elk- Council-—J.
Fraser Patterson,. H,
Reeve—James <%Ross and
Mr. R. J. Deachman Ill
We regret to report that Mr. R. J.
Deachman, M.P., has been ill in Ot
tawa for the past few weeks. While
j y returning from New York and Wash-
ington where he was attending a con-
. Bridge Club 'Winners .,
The regular meeting of the Wing
barn Bridge Club was held on Wed
nesday evening last week with seven
tables present. The winner's were —
East and West: Mrs. G. Ross and
Mrs. R. S. Hetherington; W. H.
French and J. H. Crawford; Mrs. F.
W. Spry and Mrs. M. Johnson; Mrs.
W. H. French and Mrs. J. H. Craw-
ford; North and South: 'A. Wilson
and R. S. Hetherington; ties 2nd and
3rd, Mrs. D. B. Porter and F. Madill,
When a car .crashed a Hydro pole
carrying high tension wires at Green
ock on Saturday night all the lights
in this district went out. ft happen
ed in the midst of the Christmas Eve
shoppihg, about 9.45 o’clock, and the
lights were off for 1% hours. Other
places that were in darkness for this
period were Lucknow, Ripley and
I.ocal merchants solved the prob
lem by bringing Into use lamps, can
dles, flashlights arid in some cases car
lights were trained on store win-
dows. It is a long time since the hy
dro service has had .such a severe in
An unidentified man about sixty
years of age, was discovered frozen
to, death op a concession road, four
miles from. Lucknow, lying in a ditch
under a tree Wednesday afternoon.
Alex, Mackenzie, first farmer to
covered the body. The victim was
warmly clad and wore a new pair of
lumberman’s rubbers. Dr. Gillies, of
Teeswater, Bruce Coupty coroner,'
attributed death to exposure.
There were no marks of Violence
on the body and an inquest has not
been ordered.
Search of the man’s clothing, of
ficials said, revealed not a single clue
as to his identity. The boots, made
by a Kitchened firm, were new, and
apparently had been worn only a day
or .two. It is thought the boots may
help establish the identity of the man I
providing other means fail. '
Only thing found in his pockets
was a piece of binder twine, The
body was removed to Davidson’s fun
eral home, Lucknow.
Henry . Fremlin, 68, an employee
of Sherlock Manning Piano Ltd., of
Clinton, it is feared, perished in the
terrific storm that struck this local
ity on Tuesday. He has been missing
since Tuesday afternoon.
For Reeve—Richard Elliott, Fost
er Moffatt,
For Council—W, J. Irwin, Angus
McIntosh, Alex. McKenzie, John
Emmerson, Earl Hodgins, James H.
McIntosh (4 to be elected), 1st three
are 1938 councillors.
' Blyth
For Reeve—W. G. McNall,
Morritt; for Council
Cook, Deloss Taman,
George H. Johnston;
(accl.) William Mills,
R. McIlroy, Thomas Whitmore. .
Reeve—J. T. Haelzke and
Council—Charles Schefter,
Bruder, R. J. Morrison, Daniel Reu
ter and Robert Kahl.
Reeve — Benjamin Goetz and Jos.
Council — George McKay, Al
phonse Zimmer, Lester Falconer and
Joseph Wall (accl.).
Grey (
For Reeve—Harry A. Keys; dep
uty reeve, Thomas C. Wilson; coun
cil, Alexv Alexander, Thomas Dough
erty, Leslie McKay.
For reeve—W. C. Kerr; for coun
cil, Harry Champion, Wilfred Cam
eron, Finlay Samis, Harry Bowler,
Walter Hdggins; for school board
(accl.)-Dr. W. J. Jamieson, Walter
Lowry, ‘D. A. Rann.
For Mayor — G. H. Elliott (accl);
for reeve, N. W. Trewartha (accl.);
for council,. N, W. Aiken, J. T. ,Mc-
Knight, J. W. Nediger, W. G. Cook,
Fred Livermore, Robert Webster,
David Churchill, K. G. Waters, M.
J. Agnew, Frank Haines.
Mayor—D. D. May; for Reeve—A.
Rimpson, J. G. Burt; Council—C. M.,
Scott, Howard McKenzie, John
Grabb, Charites Osier, W. D. Burns,
Aaron Ringler.'^
Reeve—Duncan Munitt (re-elected
for his 14tlr year by acclamation; for
Council — Gordon Scott, Gordon
Stanley, John Bell, George1 McLean,
(accl.). ’
Chimney Fire
.Monday morning the fifemen' had
a call to a chimney fire. The call was
to the Allen residence on Catherine
Street. Fortunately no damage was
Phoned Parents from Los Angeles^
Mr. and Mrs. W.. F. Jackson, Min
nie St., received a pleasant surprise
Christmas Night, when their sbh,
Stanley, called long distance from
Los Angeles, Cal., to wish them a
Merry Christmas-.
During Christmas night the wind
started to blow and coupled with the
snow that was falling, turned out to
be one of the worst storms that we
have had in years. As it continued
throughout Tuesday, snow piled high
as drifts formed, The sideroads were
soon in very bad condition and motor
traffic on them ceased, Many were
caught away from home and were un
able to get back, others were mar
ooned here, Trains maintained gbod
service being very little late, The
highway was blocked Tuesday night
until the pldw came through from the
south near noon Wednesday, This
plow went on through to the Durham
Lights Out
All day Tuesday the lights flicker
ed but the Hydro gang maintained a
service. , Tuesday noon one of the
Hydro Electric Power Commission
transformers in Lower Wingham
burned out to add to the trouble. At
9 p.m. the other one burned out, so
there was no light or power in Wing
ham or rural lines out of Wingham
until new ones were replaced about
11 p.m. Wednesday. As soon as the
transformers went out new ones were
ordered from Hanover. They arrived
about 3.15 p.m. Wednesday by truck.
The old ones were removed and the
new ones installed by 11 p.m. This
was great work as one of these trans
formers weighs 5 tons.
Car and Snow Plow Crash.
On Tuesday morning a new Buick
coupe driven by Mr. Jerry Moir, of
London, and the government snow
plow, crashed on- highway 4 about
1JA miles south of town. Dr. Connell
sewed up Mr. Moir’s cut hip and he
went to London by train at noon.
His car was damaged to the extent
of about $300. Mr. Crich’s car, from
Seaforth, was sideswiped and the one
side badly damaged also. Both these
accidents happened when the storm
was at its height and visibility was
very bad due to the falling and drift
ing snow. >
The Chamber of Commerce takes
this opportunity of thanking those
who donated to the Christmas Tree
and Santa Claus Fund. It is this
splendid co-operation each year that
makes it possible for the*Chamber of
Commerce to distribute goodies to
the children and baskets to many of
our residents. This year 57 baskets
were given out.
The society also wishes to express
their appreciation to those who help
ed in many other ways to make the
administration of this fund a success
and the concert one of the best, if not
the best held so far.
Chimney Fire
When the storm was at its height
Tuesday noon, a chimney fire occurr
ed at Mrs. John Sheriff’s. The dam
age done was very slight.
No Damage When Pipes Take Fire
Fire in the pipes at the home of
Roy Adair caused some excitement
on Tuesday afternoon when the
storm was on the war path. It burn
ed out quickly, however, and no dam
age resulted*
$25,000 FIRE AT
Damage of between $20,000 and
$25,000 resulted Tuesday evening,
from a ’fire which gutted the upper
two floors of a three-storey
in a Kincardine down-town
The blaze was attributed
blizzard which lashed Ontario during
the day. Firemen believe the fire
staffed at the rear of the third floor
——vacant for some * time—-from de
fective wiring.
Apartment of Robert Irwin on the
second floor suffered heavy loss,
while 'the equipment of Dr. R. W.
Blackwell, dentist, was almost a com
plete loss through both fire and wat
er. On the first floor of the building
the W. E. Nephew men’s wear store
suffered heavy loss to contents, due
to the tons of water which poured
down from the upper storeys, while
the New York Cafe, a Chinese oper
ated restaurant, also was heavily
Community Services will be held
jn the local churches every evening
next week in connection with the
Universal Week of Prayer. The
meetings will be held up in the vari
ous churches as listed below and will
convene at 8 o’clock, A hearty in
vitation is extended to all, by the
Ministerial Association to attend the
meetings. ,
The services will be as follows:
Monday, Jan. 2nd, City Mission;
Speaker, Rev. E, M. Loney; Subject,
“Christ, the need of the individual,”
Tuesday, Jan. 3rd, Baptist-
Speaker, Captain Ellwood,
wood, of Listowel; Subject,
the need of the home.”
Wednesday, Jan. 4th, St. Paul’s
Anglican Church; Speaker, Rev. J. F.
Anderson; Subject, “Christ the need
of the community.”
Thursday,'Jan. 5th, United Church;
Speaker, Rev. Kenneth MacLean;
Subject, “Christ, the need of the na
Friday, Jan. 6th, St. Andrew’s Pres
byterian Church, Speaker, Rev. E.^O.
Gallaher; Subject, .“Christ, the need
of the world.
of Lis-
Fractured Ribs
Mr. W. H. Haney fractured a cou
ple of ribs on Wednesday last week.
A chimney at his home took fire
he rushed home from his work,
scampered up the stairs but in
haste missed a step and slid to
bottom fracturing two ribs. The
did little or not damage but Bill is
still suffering from the effects of his
Sang Carols
On Thursday evening under the
auspices of the Lions Club a large
number of citizens gathered at the
Community Christmas Tree at the
Bank of Commerce corner and sang
Christmas carols for a half-hour.
The crowd continued to gather'dur
ing the singing and all took part and
appeared to enjoy themselves. This,
no doubt, will be made an annual ev
ent by *the club and we believe if it
was held between 8 arid 8.30 instead
of the half hour earlier it would be an
even greater success.
Mrs. J. W. Dodds spent the holi
day *with friends in Stratford and
Embro. *
Miss Alice Reading spent Christ
mas in Hamilton visiting with her
The fleeting passage of time brings us once
again' to1 the turn of another year. May the
new one so rapidly on its way bring you pros
perity' jitf unusual measure. * May it find you
and yours' happy and healthy. That is our
wish to4 Wall for the New' Year of 1939.
The free concert held in the Town
Hall Friday night under the auspices
of the Christmas Tree and Santa
Claus Fund of the Chamber of Com
merce was probably the most suc
cessful held so far, The hall was
packed and many were unable to get
into the hall.
The program was a novel one re
presenting Santa’s Toy Shop. Mr, J,
H. Crawford, Mayor-elect, was chair
man. Miss Cora Phair who was pi
ano accompanist, played “Santa Claus
Is Coming to Town.” Mrs. Walter
VanWyck then introduced the pro
gram and also introduced in clever
style each member as it was present
ed. The first number was a chorus
and dance “The Santa Claus Ex
press.” The girls of the chorus were:
Doris Armitage, Verne Walker, Jean
Cruikshank, Mary Julia Preston, Bet
ty Rae. Mr- J. R. M. Spittai was next
in the. program with a Highland
song. He was followed by Charlie
McCarthy, Tom Currie; Dr. George
Howson appeared as Darling Dopey,
and was assisted by the girls’ chorus
singing “Heigh Ho”. Barnacle Bill
the Sailor was represented by Jack
Reavie. Dr. A. Irwin was Pop-Eye.
Miss Sara MacLean and Mrs. Har
ley Crawford as Dinah and Rastus
did the Lambeth Walk. Barbara and
Mary Ross as Topsy and Turvey
danced well. ^Mrs. Art Irwin was
Snow White and was assisted by the
chorus in singing “Whistle While
You Work.” Ann VanWyck and
Margaret Connell did Scotch danc
ing in Highland costume. Mrs. Geo.
Howson was the Mama Doll. Craig
Armstrong was a cowboy and. sang
“There’s a Gold Mine in the Sky.”
Santa Claus then appeared and
what a reception he got, even bigger
than that received by his toys on the
program. Bags of goodies were dis
tributed to the children by Santa and
his helpers with Mr. G. Kidd
ducting the parade of children.
................■- \
/ R. S. Hetherington, local lawyer,
was appointed a King’s Counsel in
the Christmas honor list announced
by Attorney-General of Ontario, Gor
don ConantrjOn behalf of the citiz
ens of this community we extend
congratulations. Forty-nine received
their K.C.’s on the Christmas list
which included J. E. Pritchard, Har
Morris Township hall was filled al
most to capacity for the nomination
meeting which was held on Friday
i afternoon. The old Council were giv-
j en an acclamation as follows: Reeve
L, Elston Cardiff, this will be his 8th
term as Reeve; Councillors, Francis
Duncan, Cecil Wheeler, Robert Wal
lace, Edward Bryans.
Only one other name was brought
forward for Council, Robert Forest,
but he did not qualify. Besides Mr.
Cardiff, ex-Reeve W. James Hender
son, Couns. Cecil Wheeler, Ed. Bry
ans and Francis Duncan were nom
inated for the Reeveship but Mr,
Cardiff was awarded an
For Reeve
L, Elston Cardiff, by
and Geo. Bone, elected
Cecil Wheeler, by Martin Grasby
and John McGill.
W. James Henderson, by Gordon
Shortreed and W. Joseph Henderson.
Edward Bryans, by James Peacock
and David Johnston.
Francis Duncan, by W. J. Hender
son and Jas. Clark.
For Council
Francis Duncan, by Stanley Rut
ledge and Geo. Bone.
Cecil Wheeler, by Jno. McGill and
Martin Grasby.
Robert Wallace, by Leslie Fear
and James W. Scott.
Edward Bryans, by L, E. Cardiff
and Russel B. Currie.
Above elected by acclamation.
Robert Forest, by Jas. H. Van-
Camp and David Johnston.
James Kerr
by acclama-
Wm. Turvey
After several months of sickness,
William Turvey passed away o.n Sun
day, December 25th, at his home on
the 2nd concess of Morris Township,
where he was born and where he had
always resided. He attended Brown
town school and when a young man
learned the framing and house-build
ing, with the late Mr. George Han
ey, with whom he worked for many
years, laterj going into farming. His
wife, formerly Miss Ettie Mustard,
predeceased him a few years ago. He
is survived by one daughter, Mrs.
Wallace Agar, Morris Township, and
two sons, Lome, of Brussels, and Jim
at home.
The funeral was held from his late
residence on Tuesday afternoon, the
service being conducted by . the Rev.
A. V. Robb. Interment took place in
the Binevale Cemetery.
Mrs. James Emmerson
Mrs. Eli Jacques, of Whitechurch,
has received word that Mrs. James
Emmerson, of Saskatoon, died’ in late
November in her 83rd year. She was
formerly Lizzie Burke. She was twice
married. Her first husband was Rob
ert Currie, of Turnberry, and they
went to Fargo, N.D., in 1885. Mr.
Currie passed on and she married Jas.
Emmerson. They have lived retired
at Saskatoon. She had three daugh
ters and two sons, Mrs. Ward
(Frankie) Sutton; Mrs. Tiffin; Mrs.
F. H. (Roberta) Fulton, of Maid
stone, Sask.; Howard of Detroit, and
Fred, of Saskatoon.
Received Civil Service Appointment^
Mr. A. M. (Scotty) Forbes has re
ceived word that he has been ap
pointed caretaker of the local arm
ouries. This position entails consid
erable responsibility as under the of
ficers of the Battery he will have the:
expensive artillery equipment to look gressa Tempera,
after. We congratulate Scotty on his
Celebrating Thek 59th Anniverssh;^
and Mrs. James Lockridge
celebrated their 59th wedding anni
versary on Christmas Day. The old
couple were married by the Rev. H.
McQuarrie at Mrs. Lockridge’s home
in Lower Wingham7|They have been
continuous residents ever since and
both are enjoying good health. Mr.
Lockridge is in his 82nd year and
Mrs. Lockridge is three years young
er. Mrs. Lockridge is a daughter of
the late Mr, and Mrs. James Wilson
and was born in Rochester, N.Y.,
will le Mr, Lockridge was born in
Napanee and came to Lower Wing
ham in 1874. Their family consists
of four sons and one daughter. We
wish Mr. and Mrs, Lockridge many
happy returns.
A very happy event took place afc
“Nob Hill” Wroxeter, when Mr, amL
Mrs. D. D, Sanderson, life-long resi
dents of this community, celebratedL
their golden wedding,
On Sunday evening, Dec. 25th, the.
family circle of two daughters ancL
four sons, with the members of their
families, twenty-four in number, sat:
down to a Christmas dinner.
On Monday afternoon and evening
Mr, and Mrs, Sanderson were at
home to their friends. A large num-*
ber called and brought congratula
tions and best wishes. The dining
room was approriately decorated,
with candles, pink streamers and ros-*
es, the bride’s table centering the fes
tive table. Tea was served to the
happy gathering.
In the Visitor’s register the follow
ing clipping appeared. “On Christ
mas Day (in the year 1888) one of •
those events which is becoming very-
fashionable just now in this section,
took place at the residence of Mr. F.
McClement of the second concession,
of Howick. It was the marriage o£
his second daughter, Katie, to Mr.
D, D, Sanderson, of the fifth con
cession. The knot was tied by Rev.
Mr. Muir in the presence of over 130
invited guests. We wish them a long
and happy life together.”
As well as being a successful far
mer, Mr. Sanderson was agent for
the Massey-Harris Company, serving
for twenty years as local agent and.
for eight years as district represent
ative. He is Past Master of the Mas
onic Lodge and is still active in the
office of President of the Wroxeter
Telephone Company. Among other
activities he was chairman of the
United Church Board of Managers,
aqd, the Wroxeter School Board.
We join in wishing this Bride and.
Groom of fifty years ago many addit
ional happy years to their splendid
Kiddies Packed Theatre '
The Lyceum Theatre was packed,
to capacity on Saturday afternoon,
when Capt. Adams gave the presen
tation of his free show for the kid
dies. Each year he holds this Christ
mas party for the youngsters and.
they certainly appreciate his generos-<
ity. '
Sorry — Paper Late This Week
Due to the interruption in power
it was impossible for us to publish
our paper on time this week. This
trouble, combined with the holiday
Monday, made issuing a paper this
week very difficult. We were held
up considerably on Tuesday as the
power was very unsteady and of
course we could not operating the
machines on Wednesday as the H.E.
P.C. transformers in Lower Wing
ham burned out and power was not
restored until 11 o'clock Wednesday
The Christmas meeting of the:
Wingham High School Literary Soc
iety was held on Thursday, Decem
ber 22nd. The programme opened,
Willi an Overture “Flag of Truce,”
played by the orchestra, under the
direction of Mr, G, A. Schatte, The.
second number was a Mexican*
Christmas dance “La Jesusita,” per
formed by Edna. Hogg, Jean Wcl-
wood and Mary Tcrvit, Harry Pos
liff, editor of the School Journal, read
the special Christmas edition of “Pro-
i.” The orchestra ren
dered another splendid number, a se
lection from “Bohemian Girl.”
. A programme featured an Operet
ta “Yuletide in the Court of King Ar
thur,” very successfull presented by
the Glee Club, which was traihed by
Miss M. McLarty. The cast
follows; King Arthur, Harry
Saida (wife of Pcrcevale)
Reid; A Palmer
Meliadus, Smith Robertson; Bars,
Bill Burgman; Launcclot, Gordon
Miller; Gawain,- Jim Coulter; Geraint,
John Haines; Men of the Yule-Log;
Chorus of eight Pages; Monk, Ralph
Baird; Knights and Ladies of the
Mr. W.S. Hall, President, gave the
critic’s remarks and extended season’s
greetings to the staff and students*
The meeting closed with firn singing’
of the National Anthem,'
Quineverc, Isabel
was as
Richard Roberts;
Smith Robertson