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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-12-22, Page 4
PAGE FOUR la SRi « Remember Mother or your other Dear Ones with a S gift of flowers or potted plants. There’s something « about potted plants and flowers as Christmas gifts g that makes the day seem even more glorious and K joyful. Just let us know how much — to whom — $ and we’ll take care of the rest. | E. S. LEWIS K Downtown for Christmas week at The Rush Mill- inery, Phone 33. Greenhouse Phone 101 tv RT KG :oe=5Oe:soe&oei 2XOS3OE RESULTS KU 1J cents a word per* insertion, with a minimum charge o£ 25c. OX=3O IOES& o Q oTHESE WANT AB’S FOR RENT — Store property rec ently vacated by Advance-Times. Apply J. H. Crawford. GIVE A CANARY for Christmas-- several choice singers to clear this week. All in perfect song. Apply Airs. Harry Towne, Phone 351. HOUSE FOR SALE—On Minnie St. in the Town of Wingham, the pro perty of the late James Gilmour, ■ immediate possession. Apply to R. S. Hetherington, Wingham, Ont. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route 800 families. Write today. Raw- leigh’s, Dept No. AIL-453-SA-L, Montreal, Que. o n o aorao?[OP^OXS===±SOE=IOX sad bereavement. —Edgar Pattison and Family. CARD OF THANKS Air. and Airs. Harry Angus and family wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for the expres sions of kindness and sympathy ex tended to them at the time of their recent bereavement. GORRIE SALESMEN—If you are not earning $3 a day, you cannot afford to miss, this opportunity. Over 800 mens make $18.00 to $50 weekly accord-! ing to ability with distribution of; over 200 guaranteed products. Cash ls sales. Combination offers. Liberal ( commission. Best time to start.; For complete details and catalogue! free: FAMILEX CO., 570 St. Cle-1 ment, Montreal. | WHEN PAINS. ARE TORTURE' from Rheumatism, Sciatica, Back-1 ache, use Rumacaps—their Two- Way Action attacks the cause. Mc Kibben’s Drug Store. Born—On Saturday, Dec. 17th, to Mr. and Airs. John Wylie, 15th Con. Howick, a son. Air. and Airs. R. H. Carson, also Airs. Walter Simson, left on Tuesday last for Florida where they expect to spend the winter. Airs. Simson will be the guest of her son, Mg Bert Laird and Airs. Laird. To Preach Farewell Sermon Rev. Air. Leggatt will preach his last sermon as the pastor of the Presbyterian Church here on Sunday next, he having accepted Norval. The service will at 2.30 o’clock-, ^.s, usual. a call to commence IN THE .SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF HURON.Y.P.U.Illustrated Talk Given The regular meeting of the Gorrie Y.P.U. was held Friday evening, Dec.- I 16th in the. school room of the Unit- IN THE ESTATE OF ALBERT. HOLAIES, Deceased. 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN et{ Church with a large attendance, that alter the publication of this no- nieetjng was charge of Arlene lice in three successive issues ot The « ® ...Ontario Gazette and of The Wing- J Galbraith. The meeting opened with ham Advance-Times, and three issues - lantern slides sponsored by the Hur- of the Winnipeg bree Press, Winni-'on I’resbyterv Y. P. on the mission- fred Davenport of the City of Tor-.a . Project"“Glad Tidings” on the onto m t.-.e Leunty of York, Alarned: t t T , , , XTWoman, iy:K make application to the’ . as- Goast of Labrador and New- Surrogate Court of the County of i Rmidland. Rev. Mr. Watt gave the Huron tor a grant of Letters of Ad-! talk of th’e slides on the great work mimstratUn to the estate of.the said Dr< B and of tJ hardships of Albert Hornes who ktt Wmgham, J. T-. ,, . H .Ontari-x ab.iut the year 1903 and has?*16 PeoP^» Dr. Bury has made not been seen u tr heard of since the t broadcasting stations along the coast year 1913. and is now believed to ................... . ♦ <• • - dead, It J . . . County o: Har.r a 1 s be administered. DATED th?* 2nd dav of December, A. D. 1938. J. H. CRAWFORD, Barrister. Wir.gham. Ontario. Solicit sr fcr the Applicant. ....... . ... . s and the'5 people out irt their fishing property the^jsaid ? boats nr hunting expeditions get the M T”C ■ sermons over the radio. A short s Christmas Worship Service -was in J charge of Arlene Galbraith singing I Christmas Carols and Scripture read- j ing in parts I Bernice Dav led in NOTICE TO CREDITORS PWL' {Margaret Dane read a poem —— and the program closed with a carol TAKE NOTICE that all persons-and Rev. Air. Watt closed the meet- havufig eiiatsss acassst Estate of i; Intr with ntaver JAMES GILMOIX Tate or the S P 5 Town of Wmgharo Tn the U:usty of J Huroa, Geatfesau. diseased, who I died ©a er about the Srd day of De- J comber, A.M are hsreby sotif-1 led to s-ead their claims. du5y verified | by dedaratiou to the sxdersigued or before, the dav of December J FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that? ____________, immedukdv after ,."i« «trd date thejcAXriT’A rji-'/'T’rirr’is, assets <♦£ the e.ote wili be distribute •. AN 1A RECEIVED SUXi S^h!as i GREAT RECEPTION DM’ED at Wme&am. Ontario, this I ithv rtf December. A.D. 1933. R. S. "HETHERINGTON, Solicitor for t?w Executrix, “"“card of thanks’*- School Concert Thursday The annual Christmas Concert of the Gorrie public School will be held on Thursday,' Dec. 22nd, at 1.45 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all parents and friends. On Saturday Gorrie was all excit- ? cd, for that was the day that Santa | had sent his message that he’d be f here to visit the girls and boys in this I ciminiijnity, and what a crowd tutn- I cd out. There was just enough snow Christmas WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thurs., December 22, 1938 tuncntj to whom we’re not sure, any way it was very well done, and added in their welcome to the jolly old fel low. The Sports Committee helped too, by taking the children, both young and old, into the township hall, which was dry and warm, and Mr. Neil gave two comic moving pictures. Howev er, before these tlie stor> of the Christ (mild was given by Rev. Watt accompanying his story with excep tionally good slides which even Um smallest child could follow. Several Christmas Carols were sung and at the close of the program, to the ex pectant children Old Santa appeared on the stage, and he was as good as his word, for there was Mrs. Santa as he promised a year ago. Each had their own message for the boys and girls, and asked the children to say, first thing, on Christmas morning, “Merry Christmas, Alother, and Mer- ry Christmas, Dad.” So children, don’t forget. It was Santa and Airs. Santa who distributed the well filled candy bags to the little folk as they filed from the hall. Indeed, the Gorrie Sports Committee are to be congratulated on the success of the day. There is still a deficit in the treasury and for this they are sponsoring a dance to be held in the township hall here on Monday, Dec. 26th, when they have secured the Leechville Alountaineers to supply the music, which will con sist of both old and modern music. This is your opportunity to say ."Thank you” to the Sports Commit tee. INSTITUTE HELD FINE MEETING Airs. Kaine opened her home on Wednesday last for the December meeting of the Gorrie Women’s In stitute, when a fairly large number were present. The president 'was in the chair and after the opening exer cises, the minutes were read by Airs. A. Stephens in the absence of the secretary. Several items of business were dealt with and. a committee named to see about the purchasing of a piano for the township hall. Other committees were named for various tasks Cheer. Afany thoughts were the roll call. The local leaders gave a still fur ther study along the lines of Buy manship when they gave the points, both good and bad in ready-made and home-made Clothing, at the conclus ion of which they gave a short de monstration that drove home their points. The Fish Pond, in which the mem bers and guests had deposited an in expensive gift, was an item that add ed to the spirit of Christmas. After the closing, a social half-hour was spent over the tea cups. regarding Christmas beautiful Christmas given in response to' A.Y.P.A. HELD MUSICAL MEETING The regular meeting of the A. Y. P. A. of St. Stephen’s Church, Gor rie, was held on Friday evening last at the home of Air. and Airs. Chas. Lawrence, with the President in charge. Meeting opened with the A. Y.P.A. hymn “Youth of the World, Arise” after which prayers were led and Psalm 24 was read by Ted Ala- lone. It was decided to have a New Year’s Social at the Rectory on Fri day, January 6th. » The musical program opened when Nellie Dinsmore gave a paper on the “Origin of Alusic” followed by a very interesting paper on many of the modern noted musicians, their life and history, the following being a few of those given, Sir Edgar Elgar, Pad- erewiski, Hambourg, Alelba, Tetres- sina Caruso, John AIcCormick and others. Many A.Y.P.A. songs were sung, and Ed. Bolton gave Several accordion solos which were eHjoyed. Airs. W. C. King read a poem “The Christmas Spirit” and Mrs!" McIn tyre read a poem on “Pep”, the right kind. Edith Ritchie then conducted a contest of “True or False” which was very beneficial, after which many songs were sung followed by the closing hymn "Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven,” and- vesper song, after which Rev. O’Neil led in ing prayer. cios- WOMAN’S GROUP ELECT OFFICERS Wu wish tii exit-res? our sincere au- pu give every thing a beautiful clean yW MkMwx ^^^1;! aispearanee and s*»nie energetic b<>v§ fnends fur their kmduess and expres-t f " " -sions of sympathy during our recent! iasLioncd from the snow a mon- The man’s Church, Gorrie, was held at the par sonage, Mrs. Toner in charge. Meeting opened with hymn and Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. H. Sparling. Mrs. Watt gave a reading “My Heart’s Treasure” and a read* ing ” Thoughts by the Way" was giv en by Airs. J. Hyndman. Rev. Watt conducted the nomina tion of officers for 1930, which are as follows: President—Mrs. Toner. Is* Vice Pres.—Mrs. J. Gathers. 2nd Vice President—Mrs. H. Spar- annual meeting of the Wo- Association of the United Let Us Do Your Xmas Baking Your Xmas table is assured of Good Rakery Products if you - buy at Gibson’s.* CHRISTMAS C'AROL FRUIT CAKE MINCE PIES SCOTCH SHORTBREAD Also all other lines of Cookies, Pies, Cakes and, Tarts. Gibson’s Bakery “Always The Best” Phone 145. itX jr ms’.; jr r.t ling. Recording Sec.—Mrs. Gregg." Financial Sec.—Mrs. F. Hyndman. Treasurer—Mrs. Thos. Earl. Pianist—Airs. H. Sparling. Parsonage Com.—Mrs. H. Ashton, Mrs. G. Dane/Airs. Gregg, Quilt Comm.—Airs. R. Ashton, Airs. Sparling, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Nash arid Mrs. D. Gathers. Flower Comm.—Mrs. Anson Gal braith, Mrs. F. Hyndman, Mrs. E. Toner. Lunch Comm.—Miss Earngey, Mrs. Miller. Auditors—Mrs. H. Sparling, Mrs. Gregg. The meeting closed with the hymn “Joy to the world” and prayer by Rev. Watt, after which refreshments were served by the committee in charge, assisted by the hostess. Auxiliary Enjoyed Xmas Program The Gorrie United Church Even ing Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Art Stephens with sixteen mem bers present. Airs. E. Carson and Mrs. V. Shera presented an excellent Christmas programme based on the theme for December, “For all of us the Saviour came, For all arose the Christmas star.” Miss Evelyn Dane read a poem and Mrs. A. Taylor took the Scripture from Math. 2: 1, 2, 9, 11; Luke 2: 8-14, which was respon sive. Mrs. Sterton Ashton lead in prayer after which “It came upon the midnight clear” was sung. Airs. Michael gave a reading “The Christ mas Spirit.” Airs. Shera took the de votional topic and then Mrs. H. Watt reviewed chapter two of the study book “The World in Canada” entitled “Planting the Church.” A song ser vice of the favorite Christnj^s hymns closed the worship service. Airs. Car- son conducted the discussion of busi ness, The roll call was answered by a Christmas thought. Several items of importance were dealt with and the meeting closed with the Alizpah Benediction. The January meeting will be held at the home of Airs. R. Grainger with Mrs. S. Ashton and Mrs. A. Stephens in charge. Airs. AV. King accompanied her mother, Airs, Earls and Mr. Frank Earls, to Brussels on Monday and visited her sister and family. Airs. Alusgrove and son, spent a day last week in Toronto with the former's brother and family. Air. Hugh Pritchard, of Alontreal, is holidaying with Airs. Pritchard and son, Eric, south of Gorrie. The officials of the United Church Sunday School have arranged to hold their regular Christmas concert in the Township Hall on Thursday, Dec. 29 at 8 p.m, Air. and Airs. Ed. Gamble, York- ton, Sask., are spending this week with Mr. and Airs. John Hyndman. Air. Weir, of Gleriannan, was a guest at the home of Dr. and Afjfst Armstrong on Sunday. , WROXETER Celebrate 50th Wedding Anni versary, Air. and Mrs. D. D. Sanderson, of Wroxeter, will be at home to their friends from two to six p.m. Alonday, Dec. 26th, the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. To Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hainstock, of Fordwich, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Mac- Naughton. Fractured Arm Air. Andy Adams had the misfor tune to break both bones in his arm last week, while operating a turnip pulper at his farm. Dr. I. Campbell set the fracture, and we are pleased to know the atm is getting along nicely. There is great excitement among the children in the village and com munity who are looking forward to meeting Santa Claus in person at- the Community Christmas Tree on Fri-. day afternoon, Dec. 23rd. Mr. J. J. Allen is quite ill at his home. His many friends hope fur a speedy recovery. Mrs. Meahan, Air. and Mrs. Gor don Gibson and Mr. Jack Taylor spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. G. A. Gibson motored to Strat ford one day* this week. Young People's Union The Y.P.U. held their regular meet’ ing on Monday evening. The pres ident, Stuart Alusgrove, was in the chair for the devotional period and opened the meeting with the hymn “O Lamb of God, still keep me” fol lowed by prayer by Jack MacLean and the Scripture reading by Jean Gowdy. Following the hymn ’‘Sav iour, Thy dying love”, Vera Wright gave a fine readiqfe’l The discussion was lead by Rev. the subject “Steps ing.” During the $5.00 was donated $2.00 to the Glad Tidings project. A hymn “Of Thy love some gracious token” and the Alizpah benediction closed an interesting meeting. At the close a period of games was enjoyed. A. A. Grant and to Creative Liv- business period to Missions and § I Women’s Institute ft The December meeting of the W. Q I. will be held on Thursday, Dec, 29 at the home of Airs. H. Waller. Each member is expected to contribute a number to this Every Member pro gram. Donations for the Shut-Ins are to be left at the home of Mrs. J. Ad ams not later than Dec. 22nd. Lunch Com.: ,Mrs. Rae and Aliss Lily Wall er. And the, message they re carrying across the snow-covered landscape is one of holiday friend ship, A Merry Christmas to all of you who have done so much this past year to make every day a pleasant one'for us. t 1 t Rink Open Christmas Plans are being made to have the rink in readiness by Mondajr, Dec. 26th, weather permitting. There will be curling in the afternoon and skat ing in the evening, with music, Wrox- eter is fortunate to have such a fine rink and it is hoped everyone who can will take advantage of the win ter sports which it makes possible. United Church Social The annual Social and Sunday School Christmas Tree of the Unit ed Church will be held on the even ing of Dec. 28th, at 7.30 p.m. A per iod of games will be carried out then the programme which includes a Christmas play, followed by the Tree and refreshments, to,which teachers and parents are asked to contribute. Mr. and Airs, Geo. Allen is at pres ent spending a few days with the lat ter’s mother, Airs. Ewing, of Tees- water, who is confined to her bed as the result of a fall. * Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill made a business trip to Guelph one day recently. I J ej CHRISTMAS WEEK SHOPPING HOURS Wed., Dec. 2L...8a.nv fe,8.30 p.m Thurs., Dec. 22.,9 a.m. to 10.00 p.m Fri., Dec. 23........8 a.m. to 11.00 p.m Set., Dec. 24......8 a.m. to 11.00 p.m CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY DECEMBER 26 Quaker Bread Flour 2.29 Sack ROSE BRAND STUFf ED QUEEN OLIVES 26-oz. Jar « ■» Re SHED To those who have a yearly ticket for use of the shed I beg' to notify you that the: year is up at the end of this month (December). If you are still desirous of using the shed please-renew your ticket this month. Th’e fee is Five Dollars’ per year, payable in advance. SPECIAL OFFER Each Jarmei* who buys Twenty-Five dollars worth of flour and feed at my new store will be en- • titled to a free- ticket for use of the shed. This offer does not include Bran, Shorts or Screenings. 0 H. T. THOMSON BSH FANCY MIXED NUTS * .23 Mr. and Mrs. Nelson iMcLaughlin, of Oshawa, spent the week-end with the former’s mother, Airs. McLaugh lin, who returned with them to Osh awa to spend the winter. We are pleased .to say Mrs. Stutt, who has been confined to her room, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McMichael spent one day recently with the lat ter’s brothers, Messrs. John and Rob ert Harris, in Turnberry.- Fi5 I 1 CHATEAU PLAIN OR V'nEd&sBJZf PIMIENTO SHIRRIFF'S JELLIED CRANBERRY ROYAL MINCEMEAT FRESH ASSORTED CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATES CHRISTMAS CANDIES SATIN MIXED DELICIOUS VACUUM PACKED POTATO CHIPS TATOE CRISPS HEINZ CREAM OF c MUSHROOM sour ■ SPECIAL! DOMINO BAKING POWDER 'tY.15 2 d 1 .1 5. 2 12-oz. Jar lbs. 4-lb. Box lbs. Tin 4B Med. Tins .25 .11 27 X BRIGHT’S FANCY PEACHES SPECIAL! HEINZI KETCHUP PURITAN OLD FASHIONED FRUIT PUDDING XMAS CRACKERS 47 XMAS FRUIT SPECIALS il II If Ki i alii McUWS J5 'fr.19 HALVES 2 Tin? .27 - - ’^.19 * Values Effective Un til Saturday Night, Dec. 24 th, s KI Choice Cel ery Hearts 10c Bch* Stalk Celery l&Y* Bek CHRISTMAS WRAPPED CIGARETTES All popular brands in Attractive Christmas Wrapping Tin of GSift Fifty Head Lettuce 2 15c Navel Oranges 2 d0*‘ 55c Fresh Cranberries Choice Emp eror drapes 2 25c The New Rich and Mellow RICHMELLO COFFEE Lib. 9 Q dominion bread ®T .CRACKK WHEAT plain or SLICED