HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-5-4, Page 2- - - 1 " We meat trust that the Canadtan depots.; itteniaboal F.sploeton ming Aittroit ti.n, when they read, on their erti.al 1,, this 0 Alto • count.y, debate of last treeing, •id, in '411' bulimia,. Slaughter. Telegrams front New Orleans, on the •-•• tea urctremreld'illimeLial"E'lleiith.a nee ltite'rliielc:et GODERIC1I. C. W., NAL2, 1S65. 'h" " e'n"°"'Fh"ical 261h 111'1" ....ini7ttlues l'he true ioteteet o Cwoota uteloehoolly lies Seaton espies...a., and that out of ..:000 that tho steamer • tether or developieit her internal resoutecs souls on board only 60.0 were.saved. It it .LA11011 nEEKIAG ITa LEVEL th!`" throwm$ up "alaaa we:Ls tioilet t most dreadful catastrophe that ever nei,,:hbor who has el, motive LABOR, which enriches countlies by its' t,:on to ati,,ek her it anerevolted. Iler !ht. oceurred ou the river.. tke Pi's"' klesum °mt. kW (dont *ill Pay ' -The barn ty datinii they took refuge wok Lieu. Baker said, Rend out 001if Onsi. bia ...little bah." ______. Booth was shut and killed, aid Harrold Lieut. Beller -• Yeil, you have vat tihr• l'iooth% body aud Remold are row here. 0 (id) . E. M. sTANToN. Watibinoten, April 27. -The Ster,iu slater i edition. hail the tollowitio of Itoott,:- ' Booth awl lionold teeched (Loma some r, I imity til four or live awcieoponied them, who Loin the doot-: tied am! ptaced iii chaos. of • oat rold threat out ho heeds sed wa. pulled ;due am., Booth wit Lies on mulches. A 1111,40 of Rooth as a w000ded Marylander tot , gutitat'Cul• leaver was then eatielied further Ilona there p short tium and would veer/ hat wa 1,4 I to the other sithopt the bean. lle 'mated uut . par,ey oath Ituotli was vaimand he proceeded ! , y Irmo*, and Mao they wieheJ tci lea's I way hy ti„. with. ji„,,th iimi,..d somo„;;;;,. a "tap tal hay rod lighted it i within • "tee Ifired. Ilartold implied, 'I bare noes! ea oared. tied • carbi,. whim you ease re ; you, mutt ban I it ;Mt.' . Booth- • Ile hes no areal, they ars all wilier ; upon my cod as 5 geutleman he has uo mons; all Met art ;brie belong' to an.' Leon Haat, approsched the door, when judicious employment, fir dtpletcs , ,t,',"11., 102,, ;I:,•",„,",1,i.",„"'oll:„rjr'ea"geo-v-': tiodeslchi nen Pltilter 011111111111.1er enervates them by its 0 ithdrunel, will hor 05 A field for eluteratioit. it sire rid only , Itotort. Sod its own lovel just us c,•rtaitilv and thru•lhir """) by squirm? *um. rho eo mouth the/ A gerefeinan mid -7.g in Detroit, wha I as! Althouth it is somewhat irrelevant to the subject in hood, 1 woul..1 wish to speak of dial yotritg led! who tilhe pet III lariat her good pilaw. of the litentry 'doily of your Mutilate, r-sns. 0. to enlist. she good will uf the' A. it* • int ie am; your lady tor. amid her oieture (in coal:dente) -I ten sore *be is liandainie, nay lovely I-- W,!I ',meek *Mohr, likee Waft-. IAA If red 01 119016,111M ? If at', our too.... tool alio lanuoe hut the °Poor Your,/ Milo' •fl',1,1 yet took in the etfe'oent aunshioe of o . o tove ; amino.. the blotto,: lib, liztitest Up the tilt.an • saeanose . P• almost as rapidly as the wafers of one of will eoulitetiance cid oil bee So Irmo lad hi.600114Wid tit ina,17 viaits. and ts • forlid ma se 's0/1 011 CI II1V1MS 1011( 111f II &eV, romplui emir of his mottle. Ile tool Iltoruld 01 the bare. Booth Woe aiseovers411 leaning our itiland seep. Yoe tuay preach polities ake "es aleintuie the tonne:ism oitli us. 1GovIerieli written and publtshed tLe-foliow• United States. ' reouoille look the', meals et the house, and "" 6 ern'el' "I"vh he ttl'ew '''''"1°' "1"1 4Ith " poop' until you are , our power. eur vie cannot do it 1m d you_ our i• 4 lettizr,urideb speaks for itself :- leilh Leo u; appraretices well. enitain. io loa hands clone tonatele the aide there the fire had been kindled, paused, and petriotitin to a se are made to protett Let tO the retool, of hoarse, and yon may write until the power. If we are involved to true ee must i rbe Editor of The Detroit Free Iheas : One doy et the 'hotter table the emit-ere/a d h - eid fingers refuse to perform their Office : but , ,F.';'1",:,,freess.,hn•i',"!".1,, 50t:d"j'e "'!mr' 'he l'e a v i "11 I sel g v." Y i.tuvr.:rttleuilt-1.:a. 'ill '7:01 ir: ::: i'l J'aret titeri:e " David Harold, said to Ise7ne---Uf Hob- th-'s _ arcompliees,. well Loewe Oa the Sixth ward, Ue beteg the eon of the late A. 0. Herold, who fur mail years sae the orincipal clerk M the lideal store. We believe Abet Im was ucated huts and at Charolette Hell, 'St. ary'e COttillf, Maryland, and until fuesintli was a clerk io a drugiust:rserinuplitho•ditilwhitwhetrh; He has hecu knowit South ; but no one *esteemed that lie would t, SIM deoperete lengthe in her behalf. Booth, the assossio, is. uti his molhee'd Gide Wilk"' thy I don, askiug for a reduction of tales Oft ettividi tee'tdurilanfnter"vit is he wits 1141 nom -resident lots, being read, it was hauled.- forchonge. I reaolved, on swami of Mr. Hays, that the tt • be referred to Court of Revirion. it yoa far, to fortai,11. or if a eetubinat ion , ;,„;„.do j t„. to lb,. hulSoelisi liatefetill Or this city lied we e of untoward eircutustances render it int.! at el e!al'imel et b fi,. ,j. suitable ateamer reJular tripe tu the 04 the other hqn.l, eh. thinks 0,Jr dill.' Wow, tht!t 801, the 'oaten' shore of .L.he possible to fornish, renittntritine. labor' ,:nee on these terms puree of danger, we !flue irons bagmaw. Chicago and sarola for the masoes they will Mel ileblY turn ' do Pod /tree If on 0te. Bei ether we sucb comae neatioe has been regularly kept their faces towords sortie country holding • reale.1.1 connected with her or c t the tenni !ui, tor "eh'elris,1 Ys°11:• Shh'"IS""4,1'" t.,t7 1'1'7 Oat 11 richer and snrer reward fir the co- ;oore,;°,.ur jtejes)aal, thut penditure of physical energy. The coun- • aeons fer au re.u•• se, n to. 4:,411. to be! wit1 , hist 011.14Ou111.-ta emending try t hus pat t jelly dernulated tows, of ! ho!d ..116/ any h of p!,dgifir our rrmit hr tripet,e.ttboority le ;whet 01,110411Y 911eded- 1 to eupport Canu.si,in Ariake t.rpotibture. .1".! tO a It 1111,'""‘"O 10 course, in the ratio • that the labor-gi•i• If she esteems hersett psi t of v.v. oho woo !he benefit lhot would tee. to.our (inseam der. SAS liast..ctevo, Api.. 2.1. -The militory Sou turned on the ass isainution tit' the Pres.'. ' , ',. have arie.ted twelve Or tillers% men iti Salons' lowest.' the dtMr. Wee. &want th" mob" ahd (,.0._ _ , . __ y ,... . .1. dem, when Booth deao•meed the assassins- . 1•••• 1 " 11° "r r•10,•"14-" ' **** Von to Me reverent wring. guying Witt there ot the barn he was snot. Col. Conger and ,Ante. Ile entertains tor hen the deepest eassinatioia of Preeldent Litacate. Ueon tl • ' Lieut. Bitter et once emoted the Imo, end sympathy itt hie suderings, end regarde the tate Met to rejoice over the event. A hody of , , order of the .wer deraitinent, the hotly was to that tif no man in the 1116110n, aod itilpsIli- lif te•ht Booth Mit'. Alter identification be preservation ot the Secretary s afie u second receipt of theo.ses of the Piesident's demi, et , ‘8,1"n latatt"a" "re.° ""e9ith tor the .l.ejr- u nit another time twine one Sail in . • Groomes:4y. Seen., a nuinher of w000ntion. 1700471,%`' roiwot."o, ,e,sord.. , 0 seoo oj b,,,j be I, d r dm; '"nr'• 'd privately interred in the elothitart which wee rotil a'aita the time 'he" he "ill km" she benefit ot Mr. Sewards counsel. I au' shit" is; bin CeliMet, are without foundotiou iu th it the repine In news; authorized to say pawn that the Preeident ut about to te organ - truth. - _ _ of \Yakut street wu referred to It. at B. Committee. Mr. John Hislop wu allowed 510.00 for repatriug the lower end of Nelson street. Several accounts for relief furnished to sundry indigent persons were read and ordered to be paid. A letter fiem C. Hutchinson, of Lon Mk. Stelltl. CIO TUE CAIIINCT. The %Vivito iregton correspondent 4.1 the New Yorleol'inos tented as follows : a-Noteithairodino rumour:A to the contrary, I are authsoised to say the Plesideut will not in any event theme* with e services of Mr. Seward os Secretary of trotos won um to break up the 11101410,/, 1114 that Le would like to talc!) him, wheu Booth as they approached. the rieltereders of .. . '4°1 replied : '• Yis, if wowd be a good haul, 'but setetitton 6 a ei it Mile Se , the amount win doubeem soon he increased und filed 41 the SO.aillfil, Wo.111a.1114 WO of 1 _.... ., Inelva a long while ; th it Booth told Lleue i t.00,000 ..el sereral ol the seeresionisis se,* wouudell. _,. ri , h i , 1 1 • could ahout him if lie oboe« ; that Booth Douvlietty he heal a head drawn 011 tem, end t hem. 'the fi.e was isturned hyott. wili.be•• The two Garretts who lived on the niece ei ter 1 at mey ao no 1. et 11.4t thces. MU. , the whole party thee surrendered. ' pti,,i, Booth ,„,d a wruid. *ere a, owe, Li,. COO•si dee those onniidd *bile obei could not rhe able 11.tech ate fur R 1114 Kong takes what or., r,da, d • .1 see hitu Mode ; that e Iwo the hie was lieht• Upon 11. Ng,/ YORE, April 25.-e The nevoid, eor- tretiennlent tut;s -The pal ley w it h Boort h ing ceninmeity gains the elenients of , hear an equal pert in our tape -lot issation. "'h 1, ' ."" . u! " 1th 447,ied „Ira. • 9,7.t. ter. of a nol.i n ot 4.41.'8. nation.' wealth. say, iimoty be iaid tol It' she esteems beiseir ao imicpende a ally `1",',11„11.1.',i....,...guid•i!hivihrtlio.ut1,,•.i, o'f Gt..4' erh'h' a. a . ao 1 mot. A?ril .26. -rhe eteamer Cie! Th. t ,..., an ..tu.,t.,d (r.uoui.:11 Pth.en:iiii,a,,,,ialio,t0h,,i.titstididhatesa:,r)rrilve1a.1,5. frI,S.1 10„0...d ,,, lose- in a greuter r.itio : Few things .are on} aht,iec m...is1i. *nee e,c5.-0..btt....,..,t twe:finsin,ci.h ia,,,,,,I.t roof r .6 0.,uud mace of summit Moot aelt as grin sk,-weily weroie from Saginaw, sod oisty to les 'reeo• leikeier, iili,,isiiile he.ioh 4 the hahd h; they.aerit,.1, •iitz 1?r the aesaadoia, they elm ,s., d 1 ai wh I, difficult as the piping of one's first then- • 1.0 /ire. Titele are no terms poesda • be, one soveie-arrele ter° te . en t e t atty 1 yond or Mo'de these. alma, Ports Huron Sod Simile. It isotope's a,. ...........,; a...bi..4 h.....,,,,d. woro to Went 1 il thee! 1.0 nee, *me en rut sand dollar.. and few cattier thee doubling tied to return with the boda IlatroO1 re tele mire. ine then', ;smile etl, Booth could he seen, and then Lieutenant Conti ends. so die.s Oh their soy 'Knee. They ise.e.y..oaet ,..„,„1,e p. ird rod Sergeent Corbett to lire, boded through me of the 1,1 sirs's,— at neivilhourItteel and thee I ' d d plate. lo oilier wo..1s. they Misers that they "' elevaton cde hundred tad tw•oly feet kora,. j a. • earn t t .e : food to walk ; • rope war, lasteeeii to .his d b are ocelot 31 giving Ile adsalsoill f I h s L•ph i We hope the' deputation, will explain twowl ro; _Lae, Hattori, a„,j ow, deoth ol o Conoco President, of (loom- 'aid rot comfort, knoeiog totem to be limb. neck uod the other en.1 to the saddle. of • advantages are all with the country fur.1 the fact that a very large proportiou of mtia.b avreenbles Cleve and, Unio. The n ap.1,corrt teem/Mg theCtay oh iga. , follow tb., arena. canc."; aaa p de aisle. wu•speeted sod • er.sis leas expected 1 caTulor man ; 1..011 Re a lunge coutd be. a. , ara, .ate ...6.6eerviJr of 0 * • procered he wee mounted. Nov Tune, April 2S.--eThe 111.wfd I coo. eopleof this Province look Upin their nishing employment. People give the 1 the / . , dsci ia 6,,,rameea.• 0•01,,elc .14t eight, with Homed and -the two . . about tee devreee e.mler. 6.4, Ed, ,,,, p .1,, ,„ mi.,. aio aroma, I ' abanetonment by Britain, if it takes se tee limo liere, and t'he tir,cht. it,.. never telt tu he Ile „...„.d c,,,,. r i at Chi.outiaula. ft we. thouvht Caraera's death! Har aid • resound...it say* :- It is leat ilea Mot Ilorro.d Pm ' I ' -• ' h 1 . 1 . now a, the drat step tovrar.le anneXatiou. ,,p deattive rso -.MAI 14 r to tr-on es the, 1 „11001b. hence their relatives and friends avoid it • ,„,,,,,dja, 1. ,...; ; „ „.r joioed.ltoolL j,,,,t after the ilAs...s.511•11.44, Mal The talk :deem emigration and our own na,, indeenee. ead .i .ets.1 s.17 re'ers'ee tu .0,14 he the signal for Geoeral Barlos to ne I la; - Helios' i''aoor .; ;; •'. ,i--1; -00,.-4:4.• lit is befitted thought the ht.1 illia the a ,d liathin:; ce.09•11, 'V ta H."' ''' 'kw t"" dee... of 11,111 iotercounie with Coat* Rice for c ' hre'l l""el • ! he w 4 kilown as y balk ti ,e y une tuan,l; • a er II , V the sitist..olent of Sergeant Boston New I tom, April 29.- The I dense pepulation to the gotten shores of onl raise I laugh on this ale 'of the rh•"1" . , ,.. The P4rsidr.a, of 11411.13 461 and proceed direct from the centres of r,o;rees is en much " boob," awl will iy eon. ut Cli Go. ewe hie skint* to the Presideutial choir. I frd • . '1° ' ' tiler. re ?sod ot.i,o,es Imenteig. 11.• 111.4,eiti, 4 IV 11,.. als..1 the ss!fwi but . the favored locelity ; or they leave the Atleutte• thinly settled and comparatively weak ; 'ee,r..thLatt. prise, end, coneequently, more coutot,•rs. A great span mi -7y commit very grave ioeon,.071. country for one ernbraeing more of euter- A BEPCTATION ProlLE :atter atnuemocits. Tile ittmela of New Lighted are funed Mt ia the vicanay, aitel froin iiikequeittly ta'se the 0.1•11... Gofer wweial relerene• W the linbiit4 induce *nue nom-med. luso'. trout lioriee !he way soon notion° the use of hie tongue. „ , , tr.07100, jil'26.- tn. steamer'''. Mrs. I BOtiln 1111d llY1111111,1 were &eyed, in Con eveniteeiny superior • Ertim l'OSTI.ONEKINT.-The sale of shove in theleouumeth has been still further poet - potted until Saturday next, at noon. Irj• We would tuvite allennun 10 the eaV. 0155 esaelua. mile. of the Fortioute of our ...teemed townsman, T. Meek e Lot, otos we Wady erni•lwrily losin lir Attention is directed to the ad- eertisuent ef Mr. Butler in another col - lowing. Is undo. trbett : ilederate.;!, ay oleo) mitrurias. Harrold seas ; 1'• 1-149.41191t1. tveel.ed to mono' "10.tii1 W 61 nt did gedetef . 1 11 • tWO pe me, antecei in,: 13 thn dkfic, a"a mei of +limn were es'ileavived ati I parulect: F1,1 yiSZOIMO 1110:11. DUO 1 t inquiet:eh. had &mu cut MT apporentot h th""th, "e""11,_''ke 11 "1°,4/.17' eats jar4,111erS, • 011141.41 Witte • elealter tunue4 the • a ocisoura; o od heard ellowed to '•row, ;ceeleu iNtril, W. piece isenry ttlaok Dietterod, a small berg, orator/ler in , . hi h II lett, Omni three wiles (Omni Purl Itoye. el.; !Allot.) emu' era y• . in tire labor, with au inert -sins for bluilders, sed -"military leader ay, win 1 M Letel, nicely looms,' Mow th ths thews an -I ainews of the Oat ly 'As or, much tan-, and at tast Sere entretue hick t liar..., tee li.me't Exeloinore on ., „„,„„, tOil. pains "oil penalties of public pioloic sot are end the Room hotel a.e ' ; o ,,i; t, t' ; Ple t L"'"t h!'d °" funani'' "*"I 11/ wth's bode ii:ch we hove shove des-rih, • utuolly tore it. verdured a man mooed .lctt, who feet d Booth ;sod Coritimoion moose tffe Pot tweet etc.. 1 he Masaischusette seuck the el, wit. at ma.e.laid Oat Oh • Beitch and in" At timt h° '1"""'d `"3""''' Poor General Sheri:use, notwithstanding l'aere 4e..; :g:,"1„1 ,.; d Quietly but surely as the ebbing let the Potoitme river, gem mile (rum the j 7 ti the. diteeiron of llowleig titeen. There • • • 11111 tr fhere was a manifest willingneu oo the part (if eouneilkses to snake a reduction of 10 per ceut on the eegregete amount of taxes in questioo, but as the precedent thus established wight kettl to trouble, it was deemed better to disputa. of it aa we have stated. ' The Council adjourned fur two week& Stir We are informed that Mr. Crabb ha. received a tender for boring a hat well frOm a gent_le_ma_..n in Der Read the adv. of Messr s. Fair at Co. Their stock is large, okillfully select - ted and admirally adapted to the wantaof the public of Iluron and 'truce. Great argaius are promieed. ! Agency uf the Bank of Mo torsi has been removed to the building at sui in on ie port ',le, near the 411.14,1 pluced Otef it. , wboat the metier, be; when threw...0d Stith, ; tie " wyparalleled " eusrcli acmes a coun• week Citeadian feeds. bot:er sie or her in alWut three minute. leaned" to the United StateS. We bar., - • -••• tit ire tt a •ceem'sle rad rt., 114 brand , ; !Jekith if he d.d hot reve*1 the spot *torte the ' ry onitoen kJ' 'uy troops, no1 his elorious all toe emote eut toe e 'moon I o an exodus is taking nlime just now from ! • " reseed, a A the blood h ,s sett el iti the tower ,•"'"1,550 "re secreted' he mid us 'there the/ no statistim at hand -there aro mete aehie.r.weat fel the ea:;11, ba. Tru,ik awl itief.to 1.e.e 11"1.en thaesere, the-eftri leovia: this city 1,1 the eerly mot rain: the two 1:aikoitsn hietiaeileiliers 11 erturiadile a, t 4.1 the laCe and meek. litheiwise f, „di 111"t 14 ett'd " 'fine" j..1 e oild we•re • w ild h ig tard ,y1Oe'es.crici.-TmoTtih.e. , elthltatee, perliaps,-to penes, the &atoll ..igone Sol elate it al laat• Ile has deo. lest through at holdpost th4os I'. M. Fore . 1,7,10..ice1tra.codsoac'il Jr° jumi.-1 0'1.'1,14 ',quintile to the elements end number of those leaving 015 shoree ; but gated to himself the high • ini 1 heir dot :aro greeeb acks There is a...) t. e 141, 11111.1 1.11 Ih..111 Weir thLLS • bor.. was at once "mounded 'he our rover", we feel ireetiefied that the aggregate, IF we o direct M.o..? eolouteneatiou with MAO.. ,t ,e„ e t it I la ird • r „e y • 1.„ 1 • po.were or the Es,-entie 1, the .oii-ree., oboo, .1. • t" • d' ' 't u *** * had it before %le. would aetenleh so we v‘f our astute politiciani. Every buat th leaves our port for Saginaw or Chic '4 aet warm t• Maul,. / r 1. own,. ot hair as door enved akoa dirty, mid apt, a7; Hi, hti The h.had ioe.tst am Cone i• k r tl nt 11"`4"`"k'''''1°' Pr.t" I° ;ill 111" VArt.t" aina, it wipe. •rs 14•M of li e, 0.2 • 07 "-I sir interest or ' • .1 • • Cit our Art/ enveged et con 1 i. tom with Booth from the eutside. Ile ' mode no rep'y to the'd: 2. • I '-'f L. C,Mint,01,6d to su, render serve) tile:et.. blutt r:a,itts t iot a DI . j of Ow Cititei St.tteS. in; "1. Whi.P los') l'e• he' 11", the 1.0.) • 111.1 n • su, utelt toe!, la. r« Lai not bee ...imbed Sine; he took I. t.6 te• ; the 1 ef porton! if the hod: ' •"6 '1)." , 11,1 1/0 nacIrtaitted at jereileol, 11 'eXcee1 t W1'1 -elis • k • I bears away with it scures or the "'ling. strong and vigoreus, to seek in a Fireign , country that which pour Canada ise•:rn, unable to give just now, viz : Wages ler t Work. So it is at every point, of depar- lure flow the l'rovince. Thonsands will lease tut this Firing, many, no, doubt, 5 . never to return. The great proportion of i 'those bidding, us adieu are, •as we bare t said, fine strolg young men. They leave home to enter the arena of life, and life in American cities and towns embrace!, a . on W st street. The rooms are spacious and ele antly fitted up, and the situation ou ;mot is ell 1 k %II 6 will fie uch more convenient to the com- bith to occupied by the Bank of IT. C., Show of telling Stock. The Ipring ehow of horses sod bulls on We'ltieeday last Wad the poorest we have yet IWO, 00•41110!111,4 the feat that it was in connection With .the County of Ilutm Agricultural Society. Thu homes shown were Mr. Joerph Fi•ter's Ilard Fortune," a really spiels. did animal, brought into the County at a haavy ezpense ; Mr Fisher's hone " Ti- ger," a handsome little anitusl, Mr. Thos. Dootli." Tam." a strong, pub - admired c...eture, and Mr. John 11 trris's " Sir William Wallace," aLio a very good horse. The Bulls shown were ;Mr. II. Snell's fine two year old " Claude;" Mr. Joha " Marquis," and Mr. It. Sallow's " Belted Will." The judges awarded the prises am follows :- out.,12. VW bonds a. feet beiuo coveool Y 6.•• ; .r *ea' fifty.. 'Ea • was elear. hut dm- their , te In a tiripa.e.u. ailsed suroolder he as., -4 "C.o. do you; s time fter res o se opt be 5 '1.„I vo,„I io.,,e„, „„1, e„,,, sone _ell; ode, advantar. nearer home mei . 9" "0" .• It 1. V at la, whichl.rmitytted Ida accented life tuently, When A few d. • • ta'.e int ? A. I . Within re Km of se evreph cal the roirrowe wasp% whine the blame for *las disaster 1)/1 2,0 I", na a there ere II,. 1,4,40! pettl...rt resole ,„,. eoteret On the lett side at, the hack 01. the to the tmestion at 14 • !nether till•fe • all' ant - 01.11•41....11 inecd a dodo: to eurienter on :11, os. hutloeleo4eberwol ;a fe."1'.4 re9"e" eisw Yone, April 26. -.Advices trem New flock- a polot eheough not far do the oh, h. 0.'4., dio,4. 6-3,11 e'ae ritti litan it, the bion he stated '0;1 trios einiilar to those agreed upon ors '1 A644' 'oi id'Y de`•'°ai';'••1, "u mat'o""k, t,i the 22...1 teccred. The city was m th Tiuthu' uus laM conioar jolty 1lArru totee anofher he calif ,alotion ol Goirrat Lee, he took 1, eratiaute should upend* adielorly " Oroje ,„ „„„ eed tneetitio was lic1,1 P"'1"t' "4" 'h"t' N ordork hove yet teo oiren as to what t. upon t Ite responelbility of atching j We ore ent'•e! h"hewe 11"it 'hilt -3e the deeth e,,,,te„t L." "-it -1 up toa artriodiee with a vi ,w estahli41- time i. not very f.,,r elm., through th• tuin I Sailkilurii Frio, r, ait psowm, condense by l'rze 'ea'wr° "1 I."'" 1." be0e me -e seek• '5' eras Lecutid the reach ur re u clocL or.la efiei th.s. tired. Before the flames %ere h tied the etiltenticm ot us 111, he coo d us but ee rood t h• tab! s •,., „ , „„,„ 1.ba!,,,not ere L..rn. but o 1er 1 Id 1 r IMO; SI 1111.1 d attl tie h , de ere, torsos, ag oust l'he it or 1.istnient r" 1.1 '1.'1 • . ••• 1*,;t4e1:71.1',;TS • ,, 5 that ta, t• 40 ex!es-ssion the sorrow dhi time, • At tiit ug a basis l'or a retorn peace. In feet Ti71."Jois"11•5 7:11.11tme"temr 'red!, r I eii.,11.,1 he tering offorrd to Johnston weir SO very faverat,'Ie that the incite of the North now contend,. that the traneaction bears the great deal that is fasetnating to young and ardent Canadian& With surprieieg facility they fall into the habite.of Awieri- ca--even to the nasal twang, the barber- . ous slang, the tobacco juice end the hoeri- fying oaths. Many of them, however, arc not to be corrupted PO easily, but they become Americans just as surely, ! because America furnishes a field of labor mo vast and so diversified that there is f ul and free scope for every degree of energy or body or mind. Is it reasonable to • al pearance ot a 'wren ler by Sherntan to 6,ith taltd that t ae booth suite,* in uffi oe in„ I es sir Mrs. Lincoln, it is said, will take 1.6'e:teeth ttese owe N th. Tim midi. aeon a 0 . A open' er obi 1C h 000•11 had t r an, wsu n• tlie coelottutionel ealeed.nant 1.1101s111117.. ntarcial co wunity'than the old stand. 24(11 MA .-- tie understand that the Goderieli . . Co , now learning " Lig- gun ilrill,'• wil be prepared to fire a liciyal salute ou the Queen's Ilatleloy. The kloast the town esn do is to furnish' the powder, w ill ioet abort Ea0.00.- Some civilian should take up ailubecription to faille the money. The member. or the corps have been ut great 4xpense already, 1 it • 1,1 u. be I i to /addle thew up her reeideoce Chicegia. • nor out • e. 1, • passed by °lie ot the er..!,Ce$ • '."-a 4 1." !" hint in the ha to the tio be 11'.44 in'the h., I fired al him, and aimed at his with this item. \ o to the Loom streeril ,jeliere I. • BILL. Rooth eel Maitre 11...timun tomtre hoz "'!" 1"i •""Idsr• h"t n'Y "'"' NEW GOOD3 1.T IRiAlta. .1. V. Der- • Seroennt •Lothett. and A e knee wit. a l'onfederate force witic'o, it ie mivertcd, out the "tote, ; b.a . ,; b„ aria ab" h-eiy ; I oot to inn bite. I took.' he could have chetured ur deetroyed at The, people of Kitimiton On Tuesley • Ore S irrilt•11.11 army is in r roe awaaine . he thr .1.„1 thin: natal AG 111 fonts. 1st" prize, Joseph Fisher, 2od an, 't homes Dodd. BULLS. • 1st prise, II. Sucll, 264 do, R. Sal- low.. There was a large setendsnee of fat:m- ere aud others. GODERICII TowNsitir. v...T1N0 05 COI. NCIJr. Tee maniclpal eouticil of Godeneia towa• ship. es at 11 i'itnesreie, on Mondey, the 24th of April, 1.16:r. Preseert the Reeve and all the toenettlorc After revision of asserts. meut roll 6...1 heiiino appeals, the counctl gimp went into township matter.. It WM mined by Ile. Sheppard, seconded bv NI, Ford, That the seas of fifteen dollars IS. glom, James Knots for the porpewe of gettiug ined cal assistance SA be in chinger ,041111; 1114 eye ',ALL and the retee grin an or ler I..!r !no some. Saved by Mr. Shepherd, seconded by Mr. Ford. That A. Bay* Deo, be init meted t• .urvey the le M re et bet valet lots 40 wolf 4 1, ! the ent,"v• .11 400.14.stenC SO the Wititruei - hi411. the bell ettelting hint ie the fin the. ith etia C.111, tO the tth saJ 1050 any "inotoott. 'rii3 iii,li.tnotion . or the;ra'uted ul" thCquestiow.itiether Dinkiit's ha,„, a. ,i,,i a - '". '. on Om mi„;.1io .O the murder of 1,,,,,, v ....,1 te. i h 1.4 1411141 011 jut. b,•lor die tiAt ea,, wad. p.1•11...,: : LOR it SON'fi.-This first -close establi h , . , canc.-erten. bill shoal I b..entos.; law in th it!. -11.,e sortinor ,Coltent',ia. biieee ' ne4o. ho.is ',.....,,, ..,.- ', , , ; ' ' ' ' , eo .rouoto tr. toovoy. p cAing t Mt Jim.' to loch ashore the meet has been refilled by a very large Toe acemmt of 17 ,bert Sterting for asaisting G .vertillatalt at Washiegton is extretne.-rdw"hibitn°2 Slormati's acts are deelar;e1 null. and he city /3f not: They deei lei against it by whim.* tr. too 2 ith. 1 he inlri iteile.. oaf Cue 1 '.. ,.. .i ..1 es, hei,i „. eiii„ arra /or e ; 1 thotk he oadOed to pick up some; sheek of the finest, neisst and mo'l sale- in rumour, ( te surveyel o side road between ,eseleet is sternly ordered to 110.aillij the „pr.„,;,... I a vote of .4. to o. ur ami,4 fu„,,,, 4 d..„ , v .113,1%111 .;Ound ItootO:s ee e 1111 /Nilo. ittiCan 6,18 •ukri0 .to auseatnotion of Prefils•iit ...awed able goods. purch.uied in the best net, kete ""ta 3; "1 3'7' "" th° 9ie s,1 ete cos , cent. at onee. He DAY d" a". but' if "'t: are tit re, .Onderit nays the qucstion eill be ettb• Arnerkeiso resiiionta. Ity w.,ra est. ow, t I it time I outh was eel. e 111. e 1. an i and which, we have nu doubt, will giv.e sfiehdelh,:?.:,11",•TB:.:•,a4seerttese,.:11:ifebirdre,141ars.ike • Moved by Mr. Fo7d. setondeJ by Mr. hen d'ed. 1 0" "i'"'d tb"' '1. 1 dal mu, sottafoction ismer ever introduce} credit the telegraph, Johneton has oien 1, witted to the'ratepayers or that tity it wie," -0;0.'104 *bet C'1111111111 hod d'eowol 1„ *pork Ote emode. „▪ ..t. he w so,ne of Our Wien. in s advertisement will appear -in our next, but It tt oho d clod M :es .r trout 6 tie .1 000 Conlederelos. hpret tn. atem. and net by tho falling of los TIFFICA, ES he a utareh upon by mot if1g1ttr the Let 41.1•-[1.Catlar" • It IS now otoulla Booth's leo wee frartrired “""e'T in the tio amino: i I " • r• P7Ir ""n 7 • seit w was wound,' I•vieot into tlin by the coterprieino proprietors. Their L i,•is. Apol'28 -Peoorts prevail that to junipoo ou the ;oft, to *Foole. themito "'"' sus Or I. d of his army to South Caoditia, even as Lee is s 'id to have sent off hi. beet man, before hie capitulotisti, or whilst its terms suppose that many of these men cau bear • were under aore.,ideruti,,„.; The hero or ut Jett Tboinvit.i4.11161,1 ..i...While'entle 4.1/01i I; kJ auk.: ho '" ”" the I AA -1.eloye tiro:Wm, am et Pocar mans. as ...e at lire euremetel. are you wowel " die reroled In a teeree w "A 10 come Feel, I hat toe promise ny notes uf James ree Inos1.4,; the etuthoest 11 too.' op000d t (termite ror 1104,11 la rilw „ • "1 he "'I 17-"u h:177 h"gth;":1 wen " call round and examine." JI the ad.:vie:dm reed .1..wanee oo the eth 'sr out ' with the earlieat bloewme, would do Loess wad %%room leitiott • ST • root: v BIAS.. oorang tosado Missouri. A Mrge lo tle• riteetititne, it apteere that Booth sod hi' eY, h" glering with • .1.ecti tbe purcharie let me introieee to tht plain realer, of 11e vies time rre!. out , he, d. ; to return and settle down in quiet, plod- yesterday, it he re ids the public piper.' • • r • 1' State, in c iaseloteice of *treat to I, eoG*0,t1,411,,,oe. but the Wier, tea lie: • . ot• bare ,beei• coo .w,, 'the the h 114.11d too le. o•turneO, retained to • ,• t le y.!!!Ne gentleinsn reihicin4 buodeig into h • o three iei inis hour lketure he hre•th • 1541,11, pray, one of his wisest -storehouses, (the old ding Canada, dixtelellf -1/. bea th°Y know . will-eee in thee) 3 great deal thit i• MI- the noel,. at the heel of tho artic!e. Ho is, rim IS lere 1...a......t...1 y eta,: hire the...1•!ilstawillist.,salli; toe lar..e sofas 'tht"11 ts" i'''," a'd 4 h 1 : d 1«rwil.14 Ahont . WHEAT VCRULS.— On clearing ont _ a , of having been all along too tender of a irone, it he hqs 01 'eructs! liaNitatiIin," and New tr.'. Ap "..2/.-Newliern is.i.e.... . cppcar.d °mouton') a day or two ago, Mr, W. X orrd by Mr.• Fool, seeonded by Mr. :11.to.. eircuinstances, lo:elher with the re. ' f''''''''' '.,'' th'"'ll h'm 11:;r"u heart end cO • we repeat it-Lohor will find its kir!, in''' othersie.e, 1111 O'er! is a 1107 • very • ceveit dee:are:awes on ete desert al...,.' he no do 5,;11",:'',ro5)On7' r5 M ;'''tu ..1 P51''...1". '1.'71'. ' ‘,5",i,"e,"1"ir.,..11,6 111,.._,,c reorme.I.I•Iy 'of ,tito,i.• '" "" ''""'"'• c '1"'";"1; 6":", a ermot 31: :i3V3g,e diecovered that Potailifig.eninue 417171,7:44..,,,T,ope.trt1.41.7 "eki::...iitsrryho:naarsobe fpathl raeceel had bored a late,. bele from be - the soil of title Provinee is head ? No tt,,te lhat ,41,-,elrin , temilted 1,1, ha rse e e, , eremeatee s ot tt. eat, ;eel II trrohl e ice cheer; "4, F,'" "4 ""*";,°' :•415, !" rebels and their 'property, •olove. and es .nanv a rose •• lilu*Ilett unseen, is !,1 w.stee a ,.....1i. b. oto..,r.....1...,.,..; wuti;:::iteic4,. hiiiinii esrkkur t tir sus lin,' ril tile.. : , rireir '.e4,;!.tr.::mt..-ith';.:,:- . L ,_ 41.1'1 1 /pit° Of 011 bebits aud associations, in ! insinuet!ion afloat that he is at heart, more leoW'.:7 re,d'e bot a ostsillo noti re front''os , :l'i-saa-;:ei-i'.it.ne'. - '-'':'' ''r flee:side. •Wireau ht fell, helhau " i hi's o • . " " "". nceih, the fiooring,..an 1 hy kt:eping a ping '3:1:;,7`1::`,77!!.Ir.a•aplort:1,01:,....11:::.,4.1.:, iiii.....L.Itiagis, I.: spite of petriotisni and pride of nationali- . than half rebel himself. The Ne‘a 1.,,,el, e'teoprevla*I•e w"r1,1, wire he not tromortao oeoecao wo,orl'111.:41.;ait°,•..',-.,.;.`er`t:te .0'..i..", I., . told t 1 lest.:',, l'es'll'twhe;("tritirdala'c'rr.i.".1ht7;"!hil.'uud " Pl. i•It ,11,,a;i1e 66;th our cavalry. 'des Booth 1,1!'t b.rn 1 t'd '°7"•"e..r• ."" et hi net " in it, he could draw off a few lege when- t. - . . ty. Cancle is Ihtwring under a eloud ih raj; which t.111.4 loo lly in his praiao a ihsa 1" 11":•-'919 t`''''''. .,....,1,....,..1,',u41..t, witih,Out oi hdorse, an.11- the too ; '...74:..*".:,W,Lni"h",7.1::,`",h;thcchchWe.h.uadic.„."'w."1:.t., ver -the depletion a Le esi.h,,1„,, 1 or the ke,„ dh L..... • ;ire,. see *bar ,,,, 4( ,,i Jobtoom who ompeled be tetis,,ea. just now- For several years back ;re few days sgo, sels ' in it. ioeste of Tuosl.,e 'Y...;"4: fr""!ti fates. leeks li : Ito phis '''.51h•hi,I.5itv„ur•tim4.0.,1,0”ti" . ''' I . 6., w. te of hie wife arid noect cherube ol m.,„„p 1,, m F.,„d; ,,dad by xp have baa a sueceseion of short crepe, and last :— . a hy ne rrtrole iatelectuet, eitee t ii, his 0 oll I mall. infornint•ou in.! g'.:T,Fli..ld'iti . h",::.,11 .., 111.:y iii*;.-ente"re.id,.(ild.crti •'.1.t 1...:e70..d.1 a*,.'.1ftreb.M.o",7.r. • "' • : 7 • ...,,,,,, 0.1„,i,,,,, cm. ,..,4,,i a.ne.,h,....i,.4 ra!o; • ,,,,,r,..e.,,s,..1 t., !et., sno 11,,e• nnr.,.•,1 ad ; chil. m rendere'l it nece•sary to take a peat .e. r,,.." „.,.. :mini or ft,.."' ir a; . .- II d J to the little money that it in the cenintry has I tiehor"1 Stie-rinen 1:10 op.iled a •••••reat , nt.:,',Lh '1", ,i .t.j"; Iln.d 'I ..,,,, i! h e ', ..M.U; id:i; : ..".:0,4:f P.. , gridtto iil. \ How king the operation ha. [peke be poet eattenatiorhe him a rei„;11, 40.ry ali.tht,.I that the Coole'lniateste.. roar 0 t., . • I.__ -an_s of a small. class of - noose by a 'great Lion ler. ki on I i...,,, r ii ' ... -.p.m' '7 .• ...,,,,„,t.. he -los Moir \os. period ...?*".•,,";lier.;.etlittint..,,,14,;I:11:‘,‘•;,...,, .,,i1.1 ti,:e, ...oil cir,".h,;, 7:ilte. , to..klei.o... r, „lion, ji;tr.e.:coilfit intl.V.a. . he. ohs -. . Fremont, mounting t:,0 autl,.. it, or tt,e ;70'...nh.tohm.',7rhiM :i.l'itt:°,,,*,,:ei.1...1:4` ,,,hrn.roh'v tr•un L 1„oit. 8.4 leds al ,a, ; i Loial a. by 11.tuth 6a al 114 r, oid. ' 1: on ...the n'i.itit'oui.cita doctor *teen tha ye loout eb ,ut ll;ier tni:e. , b°c° gm' 44612uwn Into l'o. h d inPr';',,i I'll!' i'''15..*•."1 IIIA•clu.3"eiPitl"". P.Dc. " ! hlir le eery Iiinit-d, and the sweet forehead :: !"°"..".1;'; Sh...kita6".. tl'et, 1:.3.11 st- 'le"' III. inar s'alVat4y t ion Itolliog (Boon, totem 3 I.oire the neer of' tLe occurrence ; :to avhedide inter. lete,U.FL be icituillitteii a ' e,,, ....„,e4 he ..y a ,..e0 ,./ , . • roase!eenerie-,:' 11010114s roali.m. doe:, MI 0 rf,,.•,.4 7 ,,,,, pm:, the (i.,.,,,,,, III, docuo 1.1110.11 Bo..th weir dive!. 11+ o ImCcar.mmarel-thro capiteliete, who grow rich on the neceemi- ----- countries the pose more of money expend Idunil7r a "Filen (Nene rat II uiii...r un ler- ' , e e. out •if the eerie,. it, to ,,,..,et ore., a,,,I nettalk maelvaiteereceivine 1 i, weevil Woen tics of the laboring predue.er. In. other 1;14 rep....yeouthffie... -In MI. -eat ...1t1•111 WAG it in valiols tueful enterprises in order to . Volk "Ito satno toperimetit to S mtli 12 too : ' te,'I ,„ s It I.re as ith:ny with prof. Chris le, Loellioenee of the a„•,,,i or .4,1 Do.i,, ria a eaer to 111••1r•etrjeit•te• do, eied mem I., ..i'.1 1 1 .1 th. ...,1 .11ki l'e 'el' lied -ur ate, 114 isecontimoyini • Sa..tit-ved tai Itt a'nt6 , :h; I.. , ." itilob.'11I 1'1 A: "'keit. "7,'"'"ed t'', 5,...:•:,-:'1% nti,vterti'ul."1:',!Wohea••'.o.7.'illeddid'ain'ul sowing it least a mon Make more, but here the man of money, line he vas guilty of the sAltile I l'a. and •"'',c...tob.:tlot :s.ko2.1 enWni.n..t 1,,a4e, Celli 1.1,,,ok,r,4;. Aboi,i hi. 4..host i.,8 4Si.yiiii,ili 151,1., iiii:au. lush; bah:: rri.;ei..e,1 ta Wool, • u '''.. ° ' "'"'"" ' . wr''''' •-•aettayt'. •1 e or • When 1:,.neral )1eClell.iii vehtureil upon .,'"1 los vol..... tees to give hotioe 1 co but w.. o'ol h•' '''''9"•• generally speaking, finde it more caey land at half or qiarter the price for which 4.:1•14-1. 7h"' theY can in the far weNt P'"feh '‘e :complimentary, or worse. Ile to accused a. tistituti us. if slot • pripla,rY one ; he bee c!"'" tort.),b0 !loth! over to eve tawnetop *reel liver for 00: e ti ethett due, amounting to el Le 1 carets gh .e11 Ott \in uncertain, probably all this locelity meet of h with their Spring tarlier than lust it .begtne to appearance. 'tired by '.1„,,,„.„„.1 to, ms„;„,,Ipyimo„,,i',4';'''''14".1 over, ed liuoth f. r reeler tiM hut le WI. the ditto. of regulatin,o the war of th-cmt in ""linlwY.5 ile"1 b"i "'" PIPer • h ; ssirreude. J. Oolong Sown in the barn. snore profitable to let his funds nut at a h d i it tIon i a lett r „f cellw, and moo, abet egei a nitre cotore 1 filo 11 ,a • Vit d t e a in it o ro 11 , , high rate of interest.. Ilence there is ito tious, he aeoutued the function of Con. !seart 0. think they fell it) festenelowilli a sA 11, thepott merlon es .nii ,Aii,nr cif liooto s . increased employment of labor. I srmers gems ; but General Sherinan, in las North! 11111 pei w.sh, eit. raft. Ilt e , i , of Canaria! You work hard and cat the ' Caroline peace " uemoranduiy," 'oleo, , Vie '• goreeouiest,' and it not ps,d ro•.‘,.1. ..""u.,. 1 . . bread of carefulness, but think for one at once uts.rt the po.fers or botii Prest.lont :11e 1.1400.00 • clo,4 si'ver wotth, attoth, Poo i that he mull hav'e d.ed a bon ilile , lle does this, too, not upon one measure , Ifs nIikh are atio, hol ' chorms - id the Am. •ss 0, nrifoIete up to the s.ery mouimit 01 Jo ; contrive to live upon you -thick how of priociple of policy, but upon everyrtit ' or little Gle:le. 42 , kl. Hid 'pint:dowel S'"i'm. N'holY a•I the .portina di,evil 5.i slowly money flows into the country and -. ' d aloe id cniinel • • • b v shooed the lad, did not touclothe bray. iiktite,toe 'mood column praidueed s and C•111.2rtest, and Note thefts hoth c.i.le. n greed chain (-ormi matertal so the pioy &eel, the lee h Unlit end Cuiia ims moment of the numbers of revile who • at 131003 bet1TVell the gOntlilitt,:tit, *the heluu,i 10 the peg toe, douhle.flap, lady tiller "lap .ite • General Sherman. in this unfortunate to,"•„rillUra.,:itoalit-qauehdia;•.eitretabuel;irly tied up to the ;;,,a, 2,0 ,u5, •ho,o sheti'd vet loom are weave mad • rentottileg. Cheese; Cats! extravagant. drones generally, contrive to aceure the bulk of it, aud you wilt beaphle bu'inew"'; a ,d Jo soitei'dtemige to the landlord'e croc.. eel tunnel,' hit- sts notes Oros, Sa.11•• doubtless thought he was doine what swornis of jobbers, speculators, and rebellion, and on the si le ot the rehelli in. • The Cal if . Mo. ot the Pocitle railroad , . I is toot, or outo, 5 garment. 1,1 coin memo next wee . I. itty four mt.* at the , would be ailay.reil by his glory an ',maker u,I;i'ou , f..,,o ,.le„,fial. ...wri,d, a,,d i.a made uses a ill lie laid by Septenifter. that year, gust which drives your solid to seek profit- of peace. Ile has fatally blundered, fur ' ' Irmo Jo'y next It is• believed the roskl will he I able employment in the Pelted States ! wtth a few unlucky 'wok,' or his pen, tr' ho'otailed and with a Cott) bele all ro I "."-. in oreration • distenee ot ell todes. esirryinv Labor does not forsake us because there is hu blurred all tite triumphs of los swordv; it well toeards the sommit cf the Sierra Ne elder, it hielt Our uppef put 19. swe'etal in no necestity for it. Our fame requite el il • 1 11'" it i muter ;item,. That is • taint picture of vale. Thereto a prospect of greeter activity • well, and till" his fame as it leader in war o . '1 to find son:e adequate cauee fur the die. gre* 4 hyaline. thon lor 11110Ue pet. r, a in. be 0 Or • draining, our reeourea rt'laire develop. brilliaet writer ; but in diploma icy he hes ftw'It'hul• 'my° met hint "Inn" h1° exposed the ruhierable heel of Achi1left, featly relations in eny or tan' loom or ritiea 111, Gest& A nil 29 -The 11 •ratd's art!. ' ment in every direct:on ;' but, unfortu- ,,. i t w s ilo• 'I lies the se .0, aft r the as and Jeff. Davie has dirought low down, th!“ f0e 15110e '''''t-1, 4'4 0:0' im'rds "'r ents4s.o..:10flere7i,II:it LOohomes..1 the'w,... d tie 1 nstely, our country has not a muffteieuey mid has run off chuckling al hie miClooes. 7 neself 5.17 ri..rwiences iii my hurriel) leserio- intoilerer ot Si cretery Seward' has deselotwil of money..to carry „on its ordinary busi- . tioa. AdoOphoseil o it. as • .geronti 1111.1/, is welt laid and deltheratoly metered pan of - ,, Dele, and, IS a natural consequence, Pro -1 The tient h of Booth.. poptear rimmig.t his masculine aortunietaneee 1.949`111191.111.9 ‘ild 93.'"1"" rut*I'17, murder! by whom ha it. sot d,,..0 an h.o. ‘uoT and rbc and 1•1111111 ueretralle'rel 111 the annals ot mill*. 1 e gi e elnewhere a full desetintion of ',leant" imp .7 but he M or faintee' I e iS I lie insedlikstiOns hove not yet .ruched the 1 rens is at • cznoplete etan I still. We 1 w _ .‘, — hope, however, for better limit. - - Thal li - ,. • • 5 • , . ' • peon *hem it id proper to docent* the Patent , the as, greatly iti tavor with a cc tein c es4 of young nod earplug ramiticatioos of pis in oferoos! crops have been eown *hie Spring, under ; "4 4m11/1 -u-1---1!-1_ s usein of President Lincoln. iiiiiner-J*1-'11. glories in their society. en. 04. M -une.i.locted and 101.1.11 «ging 1 • .art ies ure love vi id. evil the evideoce ts com extreme y ',it ur ' in which the broken -legged Tercet+ was shnt ga•I'' in • ; ! bravery of' the -twenty e, g • h 119,4 pu,.,uts prosi t tar I° 104. of 1114 at^. a o home thee,. tod hy •0 ot the rebellion' Grand Funeral Pageant at De... trait. year, an he braird whe how prese a fine. bealt he fall who was somewha . 1 On Thursday, the Detroo people, arid tbele Detailed \Iterative of the Cir. or ri.e ai.,,,,....di„, r.,a,d..y. ,,;„„a e,„...„ ottemetanct • Aiteennieg Booth?* ----... ispo,.t. the oboe -laws of the lete President [ Laueoln. Ike I) twit lepers giro corm'. o•„•0,,,,,,,,,,,,,•„, ,.,‘. 1.,0o, 5 „,,L„,. 5 acOounis of the. oterriinsti site iii, is Web is 0111 • 10 hese et. ere. 3 .07 pretioiln 1.111/lie anther Nte l0111, April 2 4. -It .! Oe• . ) '' , mg. A ii itioneitse prime maim formed, tool rold's secon,a thso Col. ilok lent 1,1'.;1."1. 'i trevaised 11.6 t.oeri, acoo..q.uipeti. ',piously with Li mi. D at:betty 0o,i his i.i.di;I:;."4.7o' leloto h, hy • tweet( ear, iin whit h e -es plat - Co tgers col L cut Baker, ot rr,...h.,,";,r,oii."ir.,, thi .0,.r. II* i 6 tl r•-• n n me ly collo. the 11 h.,?... being got up in 1.5- a . immoio,ro, th.• ',or conveying Mr. L14.14.10.1 om .1 Gar* -Il that they weie ie tne ril...• . 1 rewe,,,s. Gro,orso, Or Oaf And (1/11111 were te..iiiiiX to the here. Ist Baker eas mot • ,. I the r.r, _ .. 1154 wAG at two n 1, :.1,11: 111141.N. V4:11111.11,111cif.. ,...\ twl: it\O WWII. ailll called u \klu.ra 011.111111 06011 of the ceremony. 1 he MI ss and he the miadsart Cm . tau Iv 1 ine„..r..o. eoiloe.notitel, and deatonel in &min _Ore up hie armee awl morn -niter, mid Viet. aorcesaton ultimadety reached R nosed, and ph%f.. y..,..4 6a1,11 would g i into the, barn ti ; , ..,0hoial o.o. o.‘h.o.ht ....a., :id ,he . t,,,,,,, levei.e. them On entereig the Stern, Booth I ars ora . .54 1„,,,,,,,..,,ed ciy the ie.. :F", H. exclaimed :-•. Get oat 01 here ; you here I ,. , steward. rile teoron r ree ,08118gAys: 1:1'Llire:1::e"II.1::11!:.;k1.:-7-inA•1 ye;9101u1:111eM.:'::!::1:t'ga'nni•f7t:''p'ed;e101: III '„ i ; it: ' '„8';'',71.1ti.hyidwi'ell",m‘ hi: i "their!' ibt7einitl:alyirigwit'''111: hi 6. je:rdPer°I.epe'eit Amid A111 elirrenaler: We hare come to hike ' soled OW" str."e14, itrh,n it is hilosett that It au tuu • poroner. Ike Will rive you hae min ,,,,,,,I, .„ h„o.,, •,.d ., ri,..,,,,,,r id p.m"( a :1:1,tiln10:h."'-. re.. 4171:or.i'vrer ;it,' lubauintd the:Itio"rd'.:, you mo,,,, ri, length."' !, oiven mom, end won nearly, ir nut quite, two lestrie•tions had hr4g given to Lt. Baker ;,/,‘1.1„dh*:,,h,1",17iwYitire*diriiii*utlimiethi!)theh'inveriethecont" pile': not to diechiee the cluirseter Or those who jtcooss.- Free Press. \ . a . were iii inirelit. -_-,...-.............2-,.._--..7 1„,.,,j, j1,,k,.••-• We went you f we intend ; lite The Detroit Freo Preto, of the to taiie yoe prisoner.' late date, ray. that front careful estiinatee !node by me, .• heels, mitlet I, and nt hem, Oh,. have means et khowing, it is bcievre full the ulk-l° will gile uP all the t!'"'f1. "011ww it Ze;'5:srnoilri:trillec*taoti'"o",11hLrItilial7h7.7tea,11b,:r. from all sections we have cheerine: Ile" down does not Teak very much fur i !tonnes of their appearance. It' Noel knee • siftir hut it was et•i lonely hieintention to lleeing but iitee ',nine. he date not re mire sed re 4.1 too.. hy them te t hoer ot their smiles upon ue in this particular, the • - country will epeedilyr rally from its law ' to ...ate meets time on their ePtivetiim. Ile 18051 4.•*Oe'''Ite deed as oile o he memo of !tooth-. Thu/ iG A hard cute ; it may be Goo I am to he taken be niy friends.' A fl", a`"we e"'''"tef th's 50", halt of last yeer s whi at crop va Still in the fro th. weetniog ,nVii•Ced that he was in the , nand' of farmers Om Siete. toil% ol Federal sooliers, said : 'Give me a die whet than suffer capture and trial, I; IIINICense their tr,11.1•Inable 'Mt met, condition, and ere the return of another ids inane Id 'Miele enough to endue his „N"Ir Yont. April 21—The Pus • end a bullet saved him from the rope. neanieelese4 r venee. and he tomtits r, hegira, if not, Licked, the setting in nf a h with torch an ennr- hauele 1,:r m•rel'ier, her lather, hie groom, et f tonosiier„,5*: toist SUCreter, 111.,1111 summer we tuay wieners a ttoppage of the 111a „pore or dea, mous rewaid haneing over his head wss h", ","'•/ his carrivri•hen eeeneied! order will dOrntss fr .m the militt,y se ice nt tide of emigration Itithertrard. Our advice to Canadieos woul I be to be '• f he tome advicet show thet the ire cautioue how they rush f:om hotne to seri • Ile it ty or a meter, loclife atilmervienef to our mind, a foregone conciusioo. wh.cl, an intelli.fent, rime% clad terrner's boy ATLANttr MONTIILT eon MAT -The employment in the States. Th"nunds °f contents of this popuisr -american 'Maga- men will be discharged from the Armies- ! sine for Mey are : With the Bird I ; Gol 1 thousand. tnore wiil be compelled to turn ' Feag-.1k Dream Fanatifty ; Out of the themselves from 11m productien of war ' 8..„, ; My Ftu lent iuni. at Itorwyl ; The material to the arta of peace, and the "' (Inure by the leake ; lee end Eeriesant. sult must be a great rednetton in the prioe v.; Notes of a l'ianist. III. ; Diplomat], paid for labor. Canede, when the secures of the Revolation ; Our Rattle Laureate; et little more -money and shakes off • por- Doctor Jame. IV. ; The Chimney -Coe. lion of her present einbarra.esmenr, will not net. v. ;. Neeji. and osid.„. v .; ci. be such a bad isountry to live in after all) Oa; Fair Play the Best Policy ; Ile. Tient and Litetary Notices, Tieknor rf ' quite Enrosiraging. — ' Fields, Boston. We hare alert Our Young no &Cowin' (1091 an artiala 1" 'he L"'"don Folks for the irionmine chetah from the Daily Nem, m • (di' '''''''gre "Pseis"es 00 some estahlie?reent. The book is filled velem ii. seid about Canada by We British press. loth intermits, liatur. Ileve tis ?Taxes enire•s 1 - 'you'd scorn irt hie toll, and bit. lack. the very first 1101**,11 of oh sracter to/paced hy the man who pt*ratf0111•1 enter L.te's salt esti*. eager 911 i int to strive Isw some prize that is 0,1.th the immessmo. The loamy it6d purity of Adolphe.' hotds 415,. a ors not, neither doth men." Ile is the drone of the s h,ve- a nonnrodiacer, and, Singe ae relete, lie aroma to procier and coupe sett, • the reel workers eon hardly, Ity the eeserest keep the wolf rotor thetr doors. With •11 his plif1140. siot bluver, •rol loot' "wearily, our 1.,0111 aecompIndi to little. Ile commoner.. mot, as , lawyer'a else% and Inds bt mosing behied • Iler-be fleshes MT.* • woo ehenes clerk, seeks to marry • tertnee, loos his foot in it, and on& Ity off ,„ ttelf•Io. Y/M, A1101004 IS known to the &tiling ;while, snit happy it th. =Preheat who melte/ ha custom aod the tailor, jeweler , 6 . oerfettoo "rho is not bo or owlet int-. 0,4A toroapeel of emplacing Jeff. llorts opt 1.1 bilk/air treio, if nut himself and cal, - met." We home Now Orleans fyles the, 22,4 ;wet, Th. roue ,11 the saaitedriatiln Pr'eli deol Loneoln wAli resolved 011 the leth. and i•istAnt opried o rail of gloom and despot,. deer., over tee city. ,The coy wee 'towed in 010.1111111,r. *Viol% wore h -id end expres- sion* nut forte of heartfelt publk .iet. The 0.17 Woe n‘ver more slioeked. B3oth th) Ann tssin Shot, - - •11 Acconsplice Captured. Wein,,orto, Aleil 27, 9,20 a. m. Woe fhpaareese. To Mojor (111101111 1110 J. Woke" Booth end Harrold were 0404 fooe the •••,np in St M.try*e eounly. Mary• lend, to 2arroti's farm near Port Royal, oe tbe Itemetbaaoeck, be Col Baker's flee/. to ehaoee for wlf -1!"9, • "10!" 9"" A Washita:ton letter says that the stale. leg Withdraw your men hon,to.d /Reda ;nem *het Proodoot doliteiton deciines all I f ilbin the barn. ami I will "11141°111 11^11 ''precitutions for ies iersoeal steely is utterly flekeree! ttet nct elute here 19 idant, cone!stoi; ef foie wore* man front emh erroneous. The body guard if the late I 6014 tAlt talco You l'nec"er ; lay doe" C! rutty to Oho., is cootinued in the smite /Mir onto sod surreoder.' . Hooth-o Let me have time to consider.' melba tent bore et that geed 11 Upon &II, at earn..., under new and loirorert reit'. A A em.versatioe in the loon hetweef. 111•01h „ii om„, 5,1,1 who eal. opo,, ih„ met Harrold then took place, ehirh was not President at h4 temporary Mention, le con oreeward by the pert, esetaide. lo shout fronted, immotaely Upon appruathing thc door, hy thole to four soldie.s. won do, not permit bun to "demos" farther until his name nAs been sent in, tool the order iy by the Freeideot to adriot hon. 1,. tte Mill adjoining the reception rnom are slso found so'ilerts ol griller, deportment, alto quietly remain •heut the elitrarde, atthirt a ...ew I -et Or Mr. 4.414 son. S-•,,teet• 5,110 conotantly Dortmund the upon the garret@ and 111 1114 lot nem. whieh the building shook. In feet, eiery re moulder, preceetroti ie taken to peevent any •ioliaore being ettempted epos the Irfeerdeut. - lismittest Tient. 1116 4 -- The late"' dietovery with nlefard to the AIMUPI,e.11011 *that Fleoth had an oettowtphoe it ham', to despetch any nue who Ought por• sue his. A Weebioren porn& sew- 011ren or tweedy mottoes Booth eat'ed out : Who ere you I could have picked off half a ,1,4en cot Tour hien while 1. teem 'elk ing• I roiiii have shot yoe two or three' times, but I don't went tn ti anybody.' Lieet. flaker-ol hen ;nye up your AM. anti morender. Se have come here to take you ' Rooth- '1 will never serren•ler. 1 will utter he oaken al . ee.' floaer- ' If y don't do so Moue. diateiy •id stet A.6 to vs b..ro.' !tooth - Weil, sly brave hOyd. prepare a S tretcher tot OW.' ens, this a conveniatine took pile. he. twee, Booth end Harrold du ing which Ittnith wss heard to eay. 411101 fool' me-lion't want seething to do troth p.a.' Harfeld Mime te the deer end eekerl to he let eat.- it.huet ww,,:tighhoet of, I t winter s BOO tri any•fitlrhs t Ate% !ito..,1 by Mr. Ford awe ottel hy Me, eiheoperd, That i tezeen cephoard the urooerty orates Cori10/1111./11 be *leen 1; Jetta Aches in. towiaehip to -teatime, fee hia Die awl eons. Near*. The eccourt of Wm. Melte* for petting in culre7t on the 7th eon. certified by Ye. Petton, amoutitrig to fiv• Moved that the aecount of 11r. Melte& be ^WIR Itore-ri Mr. Ford, seconded by Me. Weeton, That the Clerk purchue two mad., menuals for the use of council. ise a I rge return f the time and, 111 hy Shimpord Pomaded b Mt. expended upon them. The crop prespects Petion, Thin Henry Steep; Charles J. 'Mid: e re decidedly good. a few weeks we '1,1;01;eatt;inica.ncn'ew.refe",r,"'iottahel'orts,7awat;r1:rtheyraerat" thefts: expect to have a full accnunt of the statc of the crops from tvery toonelop in the ..011 by Mr. Sheppard seeonded b Mr Ford, neat Geo Cox David Cox, and John Onuntics. If -no late ferrets ur there W. Cox do their • statute Iabor. ,r on the ode w be • etrI beef,' crop of it et ail road betteen bets 20'end 21.on the 6th e0II. Wye,' by W. Sheppard, eeconded hr Mr. kIngerjs. The etatinch little steamer " 13 tehoed.0,47Zrley do their statute labor on Ford,. That Ileum Young, Joseph Young between loss 30 and 31 on the is pow making her tripe from Smiths 1014 and II th concessions. ton along the coast. We believe that will be run only between Goderieh •• 66. A !tired hy Mr. Patton seeonded by Mr. and Weston, That the Reeve 'deliver up the late Southampton, calling at intermediate I'lftherlioro'soub::tf M. C. rein on, Faq for ports, which will ensure mach more 'Tan. law Oro.' and oinking oat 'Led. for" the lar trips than ever before Her time. "I'n,,,,"nin •simnunshan't Inift?4* d.d m LAW will appear in • few days. The Pa'llon, 17et air'''. relP70•1117C0C0onttnt-bbeip•-kri: " liOnnie B nit," is also running, but we Morel Hltite&tv• Forth lemooded he Mr. Sheppard. T t the Tremiurer pey no money have no inl'ormation BP to her " time."- or4er nitlese si Med by the Reese In our opinion' there rn y MO. Patton, seconded by gr. crease of bee -Mese beflee . ust be a vast in- Moved b ^ both boats can be Ford, 11" 0 by ldw he framed for the 11101. - made to pay on this:coast. Competition pole of levying &A daising the sum of two , hundreddolliws to relieve the indigeot of this is not al way,' the 11r of trade, as we Self township. the owatere of our coasting craft will soon • Moved 1117 Mr. Ford, riecooded hy Mr.. paid Henry Youeg (tor extras service') fee collectilicAharentee Taxes for 1064. Town Connell Meeting. Moved by Mr. Sheppard, serentied hy Mee ...-- Ford, That Om sem of ten dollars be paid Friday evening, April, 28, 1865. widow leavis, on account of indigence*. Moved hy Nr. Patton, erconded by Mr. The Town Council met this evening. w„tee, Tint Henry Young be Collector for 11is Worship the Mayor preinding.- ihe current year, and that hie salary he fitly ford, 'Lineman, Smith, II ays, Booth, I he Council then edronrned in meet &guilt for elleeting school and township l'reocot, Meters. Giblone, McKay, Clif- ideallra ilorton, Longworth and Dailey. Letter from C. &ebb gating that he "m"" bi °rd.'? °I. thejuit.H.N"ri A wi on the hut Monday in May. unleas previously had ceased to be prepsred the title deeds , off his property in accordance with the Thereto. Clerk, di -cover. Sheppard, hat the sum of twenty dollars be ____ terms. of his agreement with the Council, MAYFIELD. and demonding a definite annwer se to the We ere gle4 to noc• that the spirit tif course intended to bo pureued by the enterer's whirl; ham always charaeuoised the board, this being his lard applieatirm pro- oolahitaios of Bey0eld ie font demerit sol- vents to an appeal to the courts of law. withatonchno the ery of hard tones. At • After a good deal of conversation, it Was esr's"S m's51'"4 it '66 46"Wwl 4""n"'" th• Market Spare, hy planting trees all amend. The liberal Deputy rtetire has kuriered hia yterly allowance granted he the County for attend meettage Leo amounting, we beliemi, to spwerds of 120, es well enetributiag lItientry few prioste feerlo We are ant resolved on motion of Mr. Ilays that 'Mr, Cribb be informed that the Cemneil did net intend to take action in the matter at prevent. 11 A petition for improving the draieer •