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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-12-22, Page 1
WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22nd, 1938 With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News* Single Copies Five Cents < was George- 1l / on the look-out for new Chief for breakfast. of the Lions Club he in audience that they are the Boy Scouts, supply- for food as requir- the call Toronto Leggatt ad- and Officers Installed, by Mrs, Kenneth MacLean J. H. Crawford Addressed Women’s Institute Meeting. MAYOR-ELECT SPOKE TO WOMEN'S GROUP PRESBYTERY MET AT BLUEVALE Maitland Presbytery to Celebrate Diamond Jubilee, Subscriptions $2,00 Per Year tff The December meeting of the Wo men’s Institute was held in the Coun cil Chambers and opened in the us ual manner with the Institute Ode • and the Lord’s Prayer. During the business part of the meeting it was decided to hold a progressive euchre in the Council Chambers on Friday evening, January 13th, An instru mental solo by Miss Cora Phair greatly appreciated. Mr. J. H. Crawford gave an •dress on Community activities relief. Dealing with the relief situa tion here, he said two days’ work was required of relief recipients for a family of four and the man could work at any other job he could get the balance jof 'the time to meet his taxes and other necessities. A man on relief cannot drive his car. He is allowed a certain amount as well as clothes and fuel ■ed. Transients apply to the meal tickets for supper and They sleep in the cells which are air bed and cleaned each day. Community ■activities are closely connected with relief, he said. The Chamber of Com merce he specially mentioned as hav ing public activity without hope of gain to any individual member. He lold of the equipment they had pur chased for the hospital, X-ray, etc. They each year administer the Com munity Xmas Tree F&nd. They are continually industries. Speaking formed his sponsoring ing them with quarters. They spon sored the free medical examination at the public school. They are also sponsoring Midget and Juvenile hoc key. He told of the Women’s Insti tute, Hospital Board and Auxiliary, Fraternal societies and church clubs. ’ If these' community activities ceased more relief would be said. Little Lois Burchill, by Miss C. Phair, sang Manger.” Roll Call was answered by giving a gift to the Institute Kitch en. A good supply of dishes and tea towels were collected. A duet "Star of the East” by Miss M. Mason and (Continued on Page Five) The Maitland Presbytery of Presbyterian church in Canada in Knox Presbyterian church Thurs day afternoon. The moderator of the Presbytery, Rev. G. jM, Young, of South Kinloss, presided. The meet ing was held to deal with from Norval and Union in Presbytery to Rev. Arthur of Molesworth and Gorrie. Rev. D. D. Davidson, of town, and representative from Nor; val and Union were present to pros ecute the call. While the congrega tions of Molesworth and Gorrie were represented by members of the var ious church organizations who com mended Mr. and Mrs. Leggatt for the fine work they had accomplished, ex pressed regret at their leaving and wished them all-success for the fut ure.. Rev, J. R. Greig, Bluevale, was ap pointed interim moderator and will declare the pulpits vacant on Sun day, Jan. 1st. A committee consisting of Rev. C. FI. MacDonald, Lucknow, (conven er); Rev. S. M. Scott, Kincardine, and Rev. W. A. Williams, Cranbrook, was appointed to make plans for the celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of the Maitland Presbytery. ANGLICAN GROUPS ELECT OFFICERS ©m- Hi rightly hiiiuuj ©lirtstniaa €>tar As the star that guided the wise men to ward the manger at Bethlehem twinkles bright ly in the Christmas sky, we extend our heartiest wishes of the season to all' of you who have made 1938 sucli a pleasant year for our firm. To each of you we extend our most heartfelt Christmas greetings and the hope that 1939 will be for you a year of great Joy. ST. ANDREW’S W.M.S. | FINAL SESSION OF ELECTED OFFICERS) COUNCIL HELD Mayor Hanna and Reeve Davidson , Gave Farewell Addresses required, he accompanied "Away in a Elections at St. Paul’s Church last week, held on the occasion of the an nual meetings of each organization, resulted as follows: Women’s Guild President—Mrs. F. Sturdy. Vice Pres.—Mrs. W. Connell, Mrs. F. Johnston, Mrs. H, Mitchell. Sec’y.—Mrs. E. Armitage. Treas.—Mrs. O. Gallagher. Altar Guild President—Mrs. A. B. Hutson. Sec.-Treas.—Mrs. M. Swanson. Women’s Auxiliary President—Mrs. E. Nash. Sec.—Mrs. W. M- Connell. Treas.—Mrs. C. Greenwood, ST. ANDREW’S CHURCH CHRISTMAS CONCERT LOCAL AND PERSONAL Skates Sharpened—For satisfactory work—Try Greer’s. • Rev. G. I. and Mrs. Campbell are visiting with the latter's mother, Mrs. Charles Barber. - Miss Margaret Henning, of Chi cago, is visiting with her niece, Mrs. H. C. MacLean. - Mrs, Robt. D. Mason of LucknoW is spending a few days at the home of her mother, Mrs. Charles Barber. Give the Boys and Girls our ex cellent Shoes for Christmas. -Noth ing more sensible — Greer’s Shoe Store. Miss Edith Forward, of Iroquois, and Miss Lottie Code, of London, are visiting with Dr. R. L. and Mrs. Stewart. Mr. Robert Burgman, of iMellville, Sask., who is^ attending the Dental College'at Toronto, is spending the Christmas vacation with his cousin, Bill Burgman. C.C.M. Skating Outfits ■—'.make the best Christmas Gift — See them at Greer’s Shoe Store. Arthur Play Here Jan. 3rd The O.H.A. team will swing action next week when they play at Palmerston on Thursday, Dec. 29th. The first home game of the schedule will be. with Arthur on Tuesday,. Jan. 3rd.' Christmas Concert at Belgrave Trinity Anglican Church will hold its annual Christmas Concert in- t|ie Foresters’ Hall, Belgrave, .Friday ev ening, Dec. 23. There will be moving pictures, recitations, choruses and other musical numbers. Admission, adults 25c, children 10c. Received Call to Atwood Rev. J. R. Greig, of Knox Presby terian Church, Bluevale., has received a call to the Atwood Presbyterian Church. We understand that Mr. Greig has not yet come to a decision regarding the call. Mr. Greig has been minister at Bluevale and Eadies for the past four and one-half years and if he leaves to go to Stratford Presbytery will be greatly missed not only by his own congregation but by a host of friends outside his church. into The annual Sunday School Christ mas Concert was held in St. And rew’s Presbyterian Church on Tues day evening. Mr. R. H. Lloyd, the .Superintendent, introduced the fol lowing program: song, the Hender son children and Gerald Williams; solo, Gwen Blatchford; song, John Hudson; duet, Craig Armstrong and George Lloyd; dialogue “A Doctor’s Busy Day” primary pupils; song, "Christmas Snow Is Falling”, prim ary pupils; orchestra'selection; reci tations, Miss Isbister’s class; song, Connie Fryfogle: recitation, Jimmie. Henderson; song game, Miss Forsyth and Mrs. Pickell’s classes; selection, Wilfred Gannett; song, Grace Hud son; play “Xmas Aid Society”, Miss A. Reid’s class; recitation, Gwen Mc Lean; song, Eddie Carter; trio, girls of Miss King’s class; recitation, 'Douglas Casemore; solo, Craig Arm strong; violin solo, G. A. Schatte; solo, Ken Rintoul; chorus, Mr. Mac- Lean’s class. Following the programme Santa Claus arrived in a very jolly mood and distributed goodies to all the children. Abttaitrr-iiJitttfB The W.M.S. of St. Andrew’s Pres byterian Church held their annual el ection of officers Wednesday and el ected as their new president for the ensuing term, Mrs. Donald Rae- Oth er officers elected and installed by Mrs. (Rev.) I<enneth MacLean were: Hon. Pres., Mrs. H. MacLean; 1st vice-pres., Mrs. T. C. King; 2nd vice- pres., Miss M. Anderson; 3rd pres., Mrs. Alfred Carr; treasurer, Mrs. John Fells; secretary Mrs, Harry Mc Gee; Glad Tidings, Mrs. H. C, Mac- Lean; press, Mrs. George Olver; wel come and welfare, Miss Beatrice Gra ham and Mrs. J. Nicholson; literature' and library, Miss M. Graham; supply, iMrs. J. Porter; home helpers, Mrs, E. Harrison and Miss McBurney; social, Mrs. W. Mitchell; organist, Mrs. K. MacLean; assistant organist, Mrs, Fred Carter; Happy Gleaners’ Mission Band Leader, A, Reid, Mrs. W. W, Gurney; Marion Wil liamson Band leader, Mrs, R. H. Lloyd, Mrs, W, H. Gurney; auditors, Miss Verna McLaughlin and Mrs. George Olver; nominating commit tee, Mrs. W. J. Henderson and ,Mrst J. W McKibbon, McKibbon. Prior to the. election of officers the following program was given: paper entitled “The Church, and the Social Order,” Mrs. Donald Rae; solo, Miss Sara MacLean; Scripture lesson, Mrs. George Olver; prayer, Miss M. And- - erson, Mrs. G. Tervit and Mrs, Geo, | Wilson. RETIRING MAYOR AND REEVE BANQUETED ST. PAUL’S HELD XMAS CONCERT The Annual Christmas Concert.,of St. Paul’s Sunday School was held in the Parish Hall, Friday night, with a splendid attendance of parents and friends, and at the end the usual visit of the jovial Santa Claus who distri buted candy to all the members of the Sunday School. The concert opened with all sing ing one verse of “Hark, the herald angels sing” followed by prayer by Rev. E. O. Gallagher. Mr. S. G. Kidd, the Sunday School Superintendent, acted as chairman for the following program: Christmas Greeting, John Armitage; recitations by Wilbur Hart, Billy Pollo’ck, Alan Wild, Ernest Buckman, Iris Temple man; solos given by Buddy Wild, “When the Toys All Come to Life”, and Lionel Gallagher “Who Is Com- BAPTIST CHURCH CHRISTMAS TREE Schools Close Thursday Both the High School and Public School arc closing for the Christmas holidays on Thursday this week. The schools will re-open on Tuesday morning, January 3rd. . Entertained Turnberry Council A very pleasant time was enjoyed at the home of Councillor Roy Port er, of Turnberry, Thursday noon last week, when he was host to the mem bers of the Turnberry Council at a dinner. An Old Winghamite Dies Word has been received of the death of Edward Mulholland, at his home in Gersham, Oregon. Mr. Mul holland will be remembered by old residents, having left here fifty years ago moving to Miklmay where he conducted a photography business; from there he And his family went West. Hi§ wife, who was a sister to Mrs. August Homuthr predeceased him twenty years ago,. CITY MISSION XMAS PROGRAM The City Mission Sunday School held their annual Christmas concert, Thursday with H. Hopper as chair man. The following program was given: address and welcome, Yvonne Gardner and Dorothy Stone; recita tions, Violet Bowman, James Stoak- ley, Ramona Dennis, Betty Finlay, Doreen McDougall, Dorothy Wells, Robert Finlay; song, Ramona Den nis and Kenneth Dennis, Robert and Betty Finlay, Violet Bowman, Dor othy Wells, Doreen McDougall, Ivan and Lome Gardner, George Phippen and James Stoakley; exercise by five girls, Irene and Marjory Tucker, Es ther Bowman, Alice Bachman and Shirley McDougall; reading, Kenneth Dennis; instrumental, Jack Carter; Young People’s chorus, Dorothy and Melvin Phippen, Ruby, Bernice and Goldora Dennis, Mrs. J. Bowman, Fred Saint, Robert Simmons, John Patterson, Mr. Tucker; Christmas Memories, Miss Hoover, accompan ied by Miss E, Raymer. The pro gram was concluded with the distri bution of gifts, Suffered Two Strokes We regret to report that Mr. Peter D. King, of Bluevale, who is spend ing the winter in Toronto, suffered two srtokes of paralysis a week last Sunday. His many friends in district will wish him a speedy covery. Former Resident Badly Shocked Mr. William B reen, of Alymcr, Superintendent of the Hydro of that town, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Breen, of town, was badly shocked when he came in contact with a live wire while at work on Thursday last week. He was rendered unconscious and was rushed to St. Thomas Gen eral Hospital. Latest reports are that he is making satisfactory but slow progress. ago this re- CAPT. ADAMS’ XMAS. PARTY A Free Show for Children will be staged by Capt. Adams at the Ly ceum Theatre at 2.30 o’clock Satur day afternoon this week, Dec., 24th. The feature presentation will be Jane Withers in "Rascals.” For some years now Capt. Adams has staged this free matinee for the children and his generous action is greatly appreciated. The annual Christmas tree and concert of the John Street Baptist Sunday School was held Friday in the church auditorium with Rev. E. M. Loney acting as chairman. The following program was rend ered: address of welcome, Helen Louise Pocock; recitations, Jimmy Loney, Yvonne Gardner, Mary Pren tice, Milton Loney, Jimmy Stoakley, Fred Tucker, Jean Wellwood, Lorene Prentice, Norman and Harold Po cock, Laura Collar; reading, Louise Kelly; arostics welcome, Primary class, solo, Anita Cruickshank; duet, Grace Hudson and Violet Bowman; solos, John Hudson, Grace Hudson; trio, Grace Hudson, Anita Cruick shank and Violet Bowman; trumpet solo, Jack Carter; saxaphone solo, ...... ------- -------a— .. J George Falconer; exercise, Irene ing on Christmas Night? , Patsy Gal- Giousher, Edith Giousher and Lois lagher "The Cradle Song’; piano j Hayden; harmonica solo, Elgin Lon- solo, Jean Towne; solo, “Daisy,” by Pauline Swanson. The primary class sang sweetly "Christmas Snow Is Falling” and “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town.” A short play entitled “The Christmas Spirit” was given by six girls. The Senior Boys presented the Christmas story, around the manger, with the Innkeeper, the Shepherds, and. the Wise Men, all taking part. FoUr of the.Junior girls gave a four- part recitation. The Senior girls gave a very effective singing pantomine of "The Little Dutch Kindergarten.” The Intermediate girls pantomined the hymn “O Little Town of .Beth lehem” with Eva Lediet as the solo ist. The Primary girls gave a 7-part recitation of the Christmas Symbols. Rev. E. O. Gallagher presented prizes to the following who had won these for general proficiency: George Towne, Lionel Gallagher, Helen For bes, Mary Forbes, Mary Forsyth, Mavis Newell, Eva Lediet, Mary Lcpard. Rev. R. M. Weekcs very kindly came from. Blyth and presented a moving picture film of “Soap Sculp ture” which was most interesting to the children already doing some of this work in our public school. After the distribution of the candy, by Santa Claus, "God Save the King” was sung, bringing to a close a very happy cy; exercises, Vivian Cantelon’s class and Mr. Falconer’s class; reading, Louise Kelly; recitation, Donald Mc Leod. At the conclusion of the program Santa Claus made his appearance and candies were distributed as well as Sunday School awards. 'Men’s Spats, Slippers, Fancy Sox, or Overshoes make lovely Christmas Gifts—Best selection at Greer’s. Visit Tervit’s Model Dairy and Milk Bar. Pasteurized Products. Homemade Baking every Saturday. Phone 74. S.S. No. 8 Held School Concert The annual School Concert of No. 8, East Wawanosh, was held day evening. The school which presented a with Great s.s. Fri- was recently re-decorated, splendid appearance Christmas decorations, is due Miss L. MacDonald, the er, and Miss V. Wheeler, the .... teacher, for the splendid program. A play by the young people was great ly enjoyed. lonely credit teach- music SPECIAL SHOWS FOR CHRISTMAS WEEK evening* His 93rd Year behalf of -the people of this Starts On community we extend sincere con gratulations to Mr, T. K. Powell, who to-day (Wednesday, Dec, 2ist) is celebrating his 92nd birthday. Two special shows will be present ed at the Lyceum Theatre Christmas week. Monday, Tuesday, and Wed nesday, Dec. 26, 27, 28 "David Cop perfield” starring Freddy Batholo* mew, will be staged. The show for the last three days of the week, Doc, 29, 30, .31, is "Carefree” featuring Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Following the Council meeting on Friday night, a very pleasant time was enjoyed at the Queen’s Coffee Shop when Mayor-elecet J. H. Craw ford and Reeve-elect R. S. Hether ington held a dinner party for the Council members in honour of May or Hanna and Reeve Davidson,- who are retiring from municipal .office at the end of the year. The two new members of the 1939 Council, Frank Sturdy and Murray Johnson, were al so present. Making Satisfactory Progress We are pleased to report that Bet ty Lewis, who underwent a mastoid operation in London on Tuesday last week, is making a splendid recovery. Struck Oil for Second Time Reeve F. ,L. Davidson has not only a good drilling outfit but one that must be charmed as he has success fully drilled two oil wells recently. Three weeks ago we reported that he had drilled a well that is a good producer of oil, To add to this suc cess he finished drilling another well on Saturday that appears at present to be just as good as the other one. The wells were drilled near Watford. Carol Singing Thursday Night On Thursday evening at 7.30 p.m. and under the Community Christmas Tree, the Lions Club will conduct Carol Singing until 8 p.m. The Wing ham Band have kindly offered their services, and it is hoped that as many as possible from the various organi zations will, turn out to assist the Lions in an effort to revive this Old World Custom which, we believe, will help to foster the real Community Christmas Spirit. HELD SERVICE OF CAROLS In. St. Paul’s Church, on Sunday night, Congregation and Choir join ed in the singing of the old time car ols of the Christian Church, and in Christmas hymns. Interspersed be tween carols, the rector read Scrip ture sections, ment of down to Promise, Christ. During the Offertory the choir sang .Sherwin’s Christmas Hymn, "Hark, what mean those holy voic es”. Rev. Mr. Gallagher gave a brief meditation entitled "How far is it to Bethlehem?” On Christmas Eve, at 11.30, the Holy Communion will be celebrated also at 8.30 and 11.00 a.m. on Christ mas Day. carols will Church has orated with symbolic of i, tracing the develop- the Plan of Redemption, the actual fulfilment of the in the birth of the Saviour On Christmas evening again be sung. The been appropriately dec trees and evergreens the sacred season. The last meeting of the 1933 Coun cil was held on Friday evening with all members present. Mayor Hanna and Reeve Davidson, who are retir ing from municipal, office, both gave short talks. Reeve Davidson said he had enjoy ed his term, five years, as Reeve, also his years as a councilor and was sor ry to leave this work but his business required hi? undivided attention. He congratulated the members of the Council who’ were re-elected also R. S. Hetherington who is taking his place as Reeve. ■ Mayor Hanna said he had enjoyed working with the Council members and congratulated them on being el ected. He expressed the wish that the new Mayor, J. H. Crawford, would have every success and al though not now in the Council he would fee pleased to co-opcrate in any way possible. He said he had splen did co-operation given him by the Council members, the Town’ Clerk, stable Platt, Mr. town officials fpr vices during his term of office. He hoped that 1939 would be a very suc cessful year. Coun. Crawford replied and on be half of himself and Coun. Hethering ton, invited the Council to refresh ments at the Queen’s Coffee Shop. A letter was read from the Board of Health for the Township of Turn berry sfah'iig aiilluli wotiJd be taken against the parties whd dumping garbage on the roads of the TdWiv ship. A warning was sent to Council by the Canadian Underwriters' Associa tion asking them to guard against the freezing of fire equipment. This was referred to the Fire Committee. The London Skating Club sent rat es for 25 skaters and 12 skaters. This was turned over to the Arena Com mittee. The report of the Medical Officer of Health, Dr. R. L. Stewart, was read. During the year there had been no epidemics. Toxoid had been ad ministered to the children and child ren at the school examined. The us- (Continued on Page Five) He congratulated. Chief Allen, Con- Stokes and other th?ir splendM ser- NOTICE Eighteen Wingham stores will re main closed until 1 p.m. on the Tues day following Christmas, Dec. 27th. Christmas is on Sunday but Monday will be celebrated as a holiday with all stores closed. The stores will remain closed on Tuesday ing are: King Bros., FI. E. Walker Stores, Chainway, Hardware, Machan’s, Seirite Hanna & Co., Hanna’s Ladies Willis Shoe Store, Harry Browne, George Williams, W. R. Hamilton, A. J. Walker, Green Front Stores, Hydro Shop, Greer's Shoe Store and Mason’s. * which morn- Lsard, Rae's Store, Shop, Get Pokon Plant Food from your local Greenhouse, Lew is, Florist, Phone 101. Christmas Slippers Well, just come and see our dis play—that's all we ask. Greer's Shoe Store. Sale Was Success The Home League of the Salvation Army held a very successful sale of work and baking in the Citadel on Saturday afternoon. Euhcre and Dance at Belgrave The Women’s Institute will hold a Euchre and Dance in the Foresters* Hall, Belgrave, on Wednesday even ing, December 28th. Music for dance by Kirby’s Orchestra. Admission 25c* Caucus Supports Prime Minister Expressing himself as "greatly pleased” with the outcome of the day’s deliberations, Prime Minister Mackenzie King was guest at dinner Monday night of the Ontario liberal caucus which unanimously voted to give him unreserved support and de votion so long as he remains party leader. It was the concluding event of the caucus of Ontario Liberal members of the Senate and House of Commons and Liberal candidates de feated in Ontario in the 1935 general election. Purpose of the caucus was to consider the situation created by the dispute ^between Premier Hep burn, of Ontario, and the Dominion Government as represented by Mr. Mackenzie King.