HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-12-08, Page 8Jack, of Prestem, spent the with his parents, Mr. and Jacques. Mrs. Andrew Kirk, who Show Starts at 8.00 p.m. Except Saturday * Saturday Night, Two Shows 7.45 and 9.45 p.m. « Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 8, 9, 10 LORETTA YOUNG DON AMECHE ------ In — Under Loretta Young leaves London to evade capture for a crime she did not commit and she is followed by Don Ameche, a detective. The atmosphere is one of adventure and intrigue. Also “Musical Comedy” “Traveltalk” “Cartoon” » THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thurs., December 8th, 1938 week-end Mrs. EK spent the 14, A is be- Farrier Decor-a demonstration on Christmas Table. All the the community are invited Monday, Tuesday, Wednes., December 12, 13, 14 FRANK MORGAN FLORENCE RICE —— In----- Borrow or Steal”u Frank Morgan, a penniless promoter, boasted of his wealth and th'en had to go out and get rich to prove he was right. Also “Musical Comedy” “Golf Subject” “News” and winter scenes he a riiissionary tour in and Labrador, depict- lonesbme and isolated WHITECHURCH Mr. Fred Newman motored to Hamilton on Saturday and Mrs. Newman and the children who have been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hendershott, returned home with him on Sunday. Mr. Jack Pollock, of Woodstock, is visiting at the manse with his par­ ents, Rev. and Mrs.. J. Pollock. Mr. Clarence. McClenaghan was in charge of the services in the United Church at Dungannon on Sunday owing to the illness of the pastor, Rev. Mr. Gill. Miss Marian Hinde, R.N., has been nursing in a hospital in Kitchener during the past week. Mrs. Brayford of Toronto and Mrs. Glarence Russel, of Waubaushene, Spent the week-end’ here with their mother, Mrs. Jack MacGregor and other relatives. Mr. .and Mrs. Malcolm Green, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGuffin and family, of Ripley, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Irwin and family of Fordyce, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jamieson. Mrs. Arthur- Clifton and Miss Martha Clifton, of Lucknow, visited on Thursday with Mrs. Albert Pat­ terson. Mr. George Jacques and his son, pas|; month with her daughter, Mrs. J, D. Beecroft, was able to return to her home at Seaforth Wednesday. The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held in the Hall on Tuesday, Dec. splendid Christmas program ing prepared and Mrs. W. R. will give ating the ladies of to attend. Mr. Ross Patterson, of Lucknow, spent the week-end at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Wm. Taylor. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston, of Lucknow, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will Conn on Sunday and they and Mr. Conn visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hardie Simpson of Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Troupe and children, of Teeswater, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jno. Waddell. Rev. Mr. Rideout, of Toronto, gave his interesting lecture “Down by the Sea’’ in the United Church on Fri­ day evening last. He showed over one hundred beautifully colored slid­ es of summer had taken on Newfoundland ing life on the shores of these countries and the work of the missionaries to 4 try to introduce new industries so they can ‘better help themselves to overcome their terrible poverty. Miss Margaret Murphey, of Inger- sol, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mowbray. At the Monday evening meeting of the Y.P.U. at the United Church Mrs. Lott was in charge of the meeting and the theme was A Friendly Uni­ verse. The call to worship was tak­ en by Mr. H. Pollock. The Scripture lesson was read by Miss Genevieve Watt, and the meditation period was taken by Clarence McClenaghan. Mr. Millan Moore led in prayer. Mr. Gar­ net Farrier gave a special musical number. The topic, on Peace, taken by Miss Jean Johnston, Mr. Harold Pollock led in the cussion period. At the morning service in Presbyterian Church, Robert Andrew, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ait- cheson was baptized. At the regular weekly meeting of the young people on Monday evening Mr, Alec. Rob­ ertson was in charge. Miss Velma Scott read the Scripture'"lesson, and Miss Murdeen Simpson had charge of the meditation period. Mr. Gord­ on Wall, of Langside, gave a musical number playing the violin and the mouth organ. Rev. J. Pollock gave a talk on “How We Got the Bible,” and Mrs. Johnston had the topic, on the Prophet, Jeremiah. Rev. Pollock led in prayer. Many will be pleased to know that Mrs. Henry Patterson was able to return to her home last week from Stratford Plospital. Her daughter, Miss Catharine Patterson, who was nursing her, accompanied her home. was and dis- the S' ft y.Mt . || 1HO&SM4PJ OF GIFTS 1 —............... ■ . . * $/r W5 McKibbon’s Drug Store | _ _______ ______ 3?•i Christmas fast it White on white Jacquard Broadcloth, loomed in England. dress shirts. & Today’s Christmas gift special is this marvelous shirt value* Seldom are we able to present such an W outstanding quality at such a low price* Visit us to w see the many other fine men’s Wear gifts on dis- play* Pricbs are always reasonable* i ' —— t ISARD’S Men’s Wear | Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Joseph Curtis! HANNA’S Ladies Shop • — For — Accessory Gifts Smartly Stitched Kid Gloves in Black or Colour - $1.95. Finest Quality Leather Hand­ bags, all colours . $1.95. Smart Afternoon and Evening Bags in Needlepoint Brocade, Rhinestone and Sequin $1.00 . $2.85 Irish Linen Hankies with hand rolled hems, also lace trimmed and hemstitched 25c - $1.00 Not ExpensiveExclusive Thsse GIFTS for MEN Pipes of all descriptions for a man’s Christmas gift. Straight stem, curved stem, fine quality briar, priced from 25c to $3.00 visiting com., for Morris, Mrs. Chas. •Johnston, Mrs. Edward Johnston, Mrs. Alex. McEwen; for Boundary, Mrs. G. A. Thornton, Mrs. John Fischer, Mrs. George Thompson; for Turnberry, Mrs. S. N. Gallagher, Mrs. Herb Shicll, Mrs. Frank Stamp­ er; for the village, Mrs. Jos. Smith, Mrs. M. L. Aitken. ' * Mrs, Fred Churchill has rented her 100-acre farm to Mr. Robert McMur­ ray, of Belgrave. He -will take pos­ session March 1st next. Y.P.U, Officers The foilowing officers were elect­ ed at the regular meeting of the Y. P. U. of the United Church on Fri­ day evening: President, Daisy Holm­ es; 1st vice Pres., George Johnston; 2nd vice Pres., Carl ’Johnston; 3rd vice Pres., W. J. Peacock; 4th vice Pres., Mrs. A. V. Robb; Secretary, Miss Mossie Milligan; Treasurer, Miss Emma Johnston; Religious Leadership convenor, Rev. A. V. Robb; Recreative convenor, Miss Ho­ garth? Press Sec,, Miss Irene Taylor; Pianist, Miss Isabel McKinnon; as­ sistant Pianist, Miss Helen Thomson. Y.P.S. to Send Books The Y.P.S; of Knox Presbyterian Church met in the school room Sun- ,day evening, with Arnold Lillow pre­ siding. Jack McTavish read the Scripture lesson and Eldon Kirton offered prayer. Rev. J, R. Greig gave the third lecture in the Bible study course, dealing with the Books of History. Mrs. Greig spoke on the life and work of Rev. John Black, the first missionary to Killdonan in the Selkirk settlement. During the busi­ ness session the society decided to send’ a bale of books and magazines to a Home Mission field in the Peace River district. The Sunday School is holding the annual Chrstmas Social on Thursday evening, Dec. 22nd. or trim- K) Smartest Christmas Gift W4 They have winning ways—Christmas gifts of lovely lingerie or *nightgowns. You can al­ ways be sure that they’ll please any feminine taste, And no one ever has too many beautiful slips, panties and gowns. You’re sure to be delighted with our collection of unusual styles in rich materials. Costume Slips B<?th tailored styles and models daintily trimmed with fine laces. 1 A A Q A EExceptional Value ...... JLeWto Panties Exquisitely embroidered med with ,ap- "j A A 1 QE pliqued motifs, Special l»vVto Nightgowns In styies that are satins and luxurious silk qrepes ...... s the very essence of flattery. Rich l«95to 3.95 Also a 'full line of finer quality cigars, tobaccos and all stand­ ard brand cigarettes supplied in special gift packages. Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe BLUEYALE open Mrs.’ Robert McLennon, presided. The hymns and scripture reading were appropriate * to the Christmas season. The .treasurer’s statement given by Mrs. Joseph Curtis, showed a substantial balance after a success­ ful year. Eighteen dollars Was voted to 'the missionary and maintenance fund. Rev. A. V. Robb sang a solo. Rev. A. V. Robb presided at the elec­ tion of officers with the following re­ sult: President, Mrs. Stanley Gallagh­ er; vice-pres., Mrs. JohnWickstead; sec., Mrs. James Johnston; treas., Mrs, Joseph Curtis; press sec., Mrs. M. L. Aitkin; organist, Mrs. Wick- stead; parsonage com., Mrs. Robert McLennon, Mrs. Geo. Thornton, Mrs. James Robertson; buying com., ‘ 5. Mission Band Pack Bale . The regular monthly meeting of the Steady and True Mission Circle of the United Church was held on Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Joseph Curtis. The leader, Mrs. James Johnston had charge of the meeting. Christmas hymns were sung and the leader offered prayer. Miss Isobel McKinnon read several pass­ ages of interest on the Work of Mis­ sions in Canada. During the after­ noon a bale consisting of clothing, toys and candy, valued at $31.00, was packed for Northern Ontario. Mrs. A. V. Robb invited-the Circle to hold the next meeting at the parsonage,, when the new officers will be elected. Mrs. M. L. Aitken is teaching this week at the local school in the ab­ sence of Mr. Wheeler who is away on sick leave. Mrs. Neil B. McEachern, Gilbert and Louise, Mount Forest, are visit­ ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Garniss. MORRIS been bales been Presbyterian W.M.S. Elect The annual meeting of the W. M. S. of Knox Presbyterian Church was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. R. Greig. The pres­ ident, Mrs. Alex.'Mowbray .presided. The story of the birth of Christ as .found in the gospel of St. Luke was read by Mrs. Harry Elliott and Mrs. P. S. MacEwen led in prayer. The secretary reported nine regular and two special meetings with an av­ erage attendance of ten. The treas­ urer, in presenting her report stated the full allocation was not quite rea­ ched and the books would be until December 31st. The supply allocation had reached in full and in addition of -clothing and bedding had sent to Northern Ontario. The Home Helpers shofved an in­ crease in members and contributions. Mrs. Greig was elected to preside for the election of officers with the following result: Hon. pres., Mrs. PJ S. MacEwen; president, Mrs. Alex. Mowbray; 1st vice pres., Mrs. J. R. Greig; 2nd vice pres., Mrs. Harry Elliott; secretary, Mrs. Walter Srnil- lie; assistant sec., Miss Hazel Mun­ dell; treasurer, Mrs. R. F. Garniss; supply sec., Mrs. W. S. Davidson; welcome and welfare sec., Mrs. Ray­ mond Elliott; assistants, Mrs. Mc­ Ewen, Mrs. Higgins, Mrs, William Robertson; glad tidings sec., Mr9t J. J. Elliott; library and literature sec., Mrs. R. Elliott; home helpers and press sec., Mrs. Olive Scott; organ­ ist, Mrs. Elliott; auditors, Mrs.' Har­ ry Elliott, Miss Florence Fowler. Mrs. Greig offered the closing pray­ er, Woman's Association Names Officer's The December meeting of the Wo­ man’s Association of the United Churdh was held in the church on Thursday afternoon. The president,- $ OL VER’S GROCERY Phone 116 Quick Delivery You are assured of satisfac­ tion when you. purchase your Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Cured Meats from our store. Fresh White Raisins ......... 19c 2 Pep and a Cream Pitcher ,25c Grape Nut Flakes................ 10c Seeded Lexia Raisins ... 16c lb. Domestic Shortening 2 lbs. 25c Fresh Mixed Nuts (without any Peanuts) ...19c, 2 lb. 35c Maple Leaf Lard ...... 2 lbs. 25c Graham Wafers 1 lb. Box 25c Doles Pineapple Juice, Best on the market .......1 gal. 95c Ivory Soap... 2 large bars 15c Fresh Fruits, Candy, Nuts and Vegetables. We are glad to hear Mrs. Harvey Robertson is home again and feeling better after her operation. Mr. George Hetherington visited on Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Mel­ ville Mathers, 1st line. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moses spent Sunday afternoon with her father, Mr. Thos. Mathers. Mrs. Lee Breckenridge has not been very well after being sick with flu. We hope she will soon be better. A number of friends and neigh­ bors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barnard on -Thursday nigh? and give them a shower of many useful gifts of china and kitch­ enware. Mr. George Mathers and Mrs. Rudd, of Bluevale, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Mathers on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wheeler and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bishop. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Ingles and son, Jack, of Atwood, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milo Casemore last week. /Mr. Clarence Golley spent Sunday at the home of Mr. John Abraham. f Look for this number on the Wallpaper insert in your Tele­ phone Directory. FREE PRIZE— Gallon Floglaze Enamel Noyember Lucky Wmner«-i-301^ ELMER WILKINSON ST. HELENS A. Miller; recitations by Marie Ait- cheson, Marie Swan and Jean Aitche- sorr; a song by the same three girls and a solo by Mrs, E. W. Rice. A name contest was conducted by Mrs. A. Gaunt, after which the exchange of Christmas gifts caused much en­ joyment. Lunch was served with Mrs. J. Lyons, Mrs. J. Swan and Mrs. McKenzie Webb as hostesses. Mr, and Mrs. Irwin McCabe, Sand­ wich, were recent guests at Mr. John McQuillin’s. They were accompanied by Miss Florence McQuillin who has been their guest for several weeks. Mrs. Fred McQuillin and little son Barry Lane, arrived home from the Wingham Hospital on Sunday. Miss'Laurine Miller, student‘nurse at the Stratford General ’Hospital, was a visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller on Sunday, Miss Irene Woods, of Waterloo, was a week-end guest at her home here.. Plans are being made for the an­ nual St. Helen’s School Concert to be held in the Community Hall, on Thursday evening, Dec. 22nd. Keep the date in mind. Mr. John McDonald and his bride, of Leamington, are guests of his uncle, Mr, D. C. and Mrs, McDonald. •Mr. John McAree, of ' Wilton Grove, is a visitor with his uncle,. Mr. John Cameron and Mrs. Cameron. All members are urged to attend the annual meeting of the. St.. Hel­ ens fieef Ring to be held in the hall this Thursday night. Henderson’s Barber Shop Where Service Is: A. " Pleasure Phone 161 SHOP AT Prompt Delivery An interesting meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute was held in the Com­ munity Hall on Dec. 1st with thirty ladies in attendance and with Mrs. Ewart McPherson presiding. The roll call was responded to by “Sug­ gestions for Home Decorations for Christmas?’' A request for fruit for the Wingham Hospital was read and anyone wishing to donate any 4s re­ quested to leave it at Miller’s store. Mrs, Andrew Gaunt and Mrs. Durnin Phillips were in charge of the pro* gram which Included Christmas read­ ings by Mrs. George Stuart, Miss Annie Watson, Mrs, Archie Aitchc- son, Mts. Lorne Woods and Mrs. W. B REDPATH’S GRANULATED SUGAR ....................10 Lbs. 54c With Dollar Grocery Order (Sugar Not Included) CHOICE GLACE CHERRIES WHOLE FRUIT....... 39c Lb. Saxonia Brand Glace Pineapple Red, Green or Clear ... 59c lb. Three Crown RECLEANED CURRANTS ................ 15c lb. AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS RAISINS ........ 2 lbs. 25c LEXIA SEEDED RAISINS ...................... 17c lb. Saxonia Brand Lemon or Orange PEEL .............. 23c Hx. CHOICE' SHELLED ALMONDS'................. 59c., lb. CHOICE CLEAN SHELLED WALNUT QUARTERS. 45c. Ib. Choice Lexia RAISINS WITH; SEEDS ....... 2 lbs. 25c CHOICE COOKING FIGS.......—..........2 lbs. 19c SMITH’S FOUR O’CLOCK BLEND TEA 55c lb. This is a Broken Orange Pekoe y FRESH New DATES,........ 3 lbs. 25c NEW SEASON’S MINCEMEAT ....... 2 lbs. 23c CAKE CANDIES Assorted ...... in 5 and 10c pkgs. Colored SHREDDLD COCOANUT ........ 25c lb. SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR......... 29c. pkg. CHOICE PITTED , DATES ..................... 2 lbs. 25c Nut Crush in Bulk — Makes Delicious Sandwiches ... 18c lb. ICING SUGAR ............ 2 lbs. 19c PICAKE OR DOMESTIC SHORTENING ......2 lbs. 21c Durham or Challenge CORN STARCH .... . 10c pkg. Western Queen Brand Flour ...... 98 lb. Bag $2.27 MADE RITE PASTRY FLOUR .. 24 lb. Bag 45c SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 5 for 25c c'hoice LEMONS ....... 3 for 10 c FRESH CLERY HEARTS ..........-......10c Bunch PRESH SMOKED FILLETS ...................... 19c lb. SWEET JUICY ORANGES1 ... 29c and 39c doz. COOKING ONIONS.................... 10 lbs. 25c Hothouse TOMATOES............ 25c lb. CHILLED FILLET OF SALMON 25c lb. Notice to Teachers I We have in stock? now our Fresh Christmas Candies and Nuts. Special Prices for quantities. We have also received out-Special 5-Lb* Boxes of Chocolates. Order now at a Real Saving. Photic 161 and orders will be promptly attended to, ■