HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-12-08, Page 3Thurs., December 'Bib. 1938
Christmas Gifts to
Cheer the Home I
n *
— At —
A. J. Walker’s
World Wide News In Brief Form
'Bennett ' to 'Live ’-in ^Surrey, ’ Eng.
Mickleh-aro, rEng.-AWhen "Rt. Hon.
■R. B. Bennett comes here’to'live in
. the old re'd'brick ’ house-at Juniper
Hill his next door-neighbor-will'be a
little millionaire who once worked
'for Him as-a'law'apprentice. ’Richard
Bedford Bennett, was a partner'in a
Chatham, ‘N.B., law’firm at the- age
of '24. Max Aitken, : 16,-was ■fiis -ap-
'pitenfiee. fit: is -a’long'time since that
association ended but now’Mr. Ben
nett, after being Ganada’s-prime1 min
ister, and Mr. 'Aitken, after becoming
Lord Beaverbrook, will ’be 'living
within easy walking distance of each
Nazi Youth ’Will 'Never ~Be 'Free
‘Reichenberg, Germany — Hitler
-told '30,000 cheering Su'detenlan'd
Germans in a "5’5-rriinute campaign
(Speech that he was not worried about
l1ie 'future ’because 1 “the - new genera
tion is growing up and we are edu-
-cating it” 'The ’Fuehrer-’described'all
the various Nazi youth organizations
in vw'h'ich young 'Germans 'enrolled
and said “they never will be free in
■their ^entire ’lives!”
Would ’Trade Jews for 'Goods
Beriin — A •prominent .'Nazi -editor
-disclosed plans are Wing -studied .'for
making Jewish emigration;possible in
return for increased Germant exports,
Although he declined ito(outline spec
ific details, the editor ••said the pro-
pect had advanced to :a • point where
Field Marshal Goering, ’director of
the four-year economic plan, could
announce it soon.
School Closed Due to 'Smallpox
■ St. Thomas — The centire ' Colleg
iate Institute enrolment was ’dismiss
ed and the school closed until the
danger of smallpox threat is past.
The first
came when the physiican attending a
Sparta girl, who was a student, at the
collegiate and boarded in St.'Thomas,
reported her to have the disease.
intimation of smallpox
Under Ice 15 Minutes, Will'^Recover
Brantford — Four-year-old Gra
ham Malcolm, of St George, was ex
pected to recover after 'falling
through the frozen surface of-a pond
spending 15' minutes under
He was unconscious when
’Britain Wants Air Supremacy
New York — If Great ’Britain
’bent on- attaining commercial sup
remacy in the air, as announced in
'London, the empire faces an -.uphill
The way to a woman's heart at
Christmas time is a :new electrical
appliance to lighten her kitchen
duties. Here are just a few sug
gestions of popular, everyday
needs, any one of which will make
a big hit with any housewife.
[v - .-</
and one
Electric mixing
usable in a dozen
ways for cooking rand bak
ing. Guaranteed lor one
year. In various sizes.
A’ new, fool-proof waffle
iron that will make up a
batch of delicious waffles in
a jiffy
when unexpected
Electric c
with special tray.
coffee percolators
Special electric toasters, fin
est make. Guaranteed for
one year. With special serv
ing tray.
Many (Other items and new
electrical appliances for gen
eral home or apartment use.
1939 Dodge Custom Four-Door Sedan
fight fraught with international pol
itics and complicated by the demands
of rearmament. Captain Haorld Bal
four, -undersecretary for air, declared
Sir Kingsley Wood, secretary for air,
was aiming at '“world supremacy for
British aviation.”
West Has New Political Party
Saskatoon — F. D. MacCulloch, of
Saskatoon, was appointed provincial
leader of a new Western political
party named the "Western Secession
ist party” at a closed convention held
here. The slogan of the new organi
zation, according to its literature, is
a dominion of Western Canada,
Plan for War Basis
London — The British Govern
ment is laying plans to place the
whole industrial life of the nation on
a war basis a few hours after an out
break of histiljties. The general ideas
of the plan were learned after Sir
John Anderson, lord privy seal, out
lined to the House of Commons a
new policy to build up civil defences.
Jailed for Conducting Lottery
For operating the National Trans
portation Mutual, which Crown At
torney Newton charged was the larg
est lottery uncovered in Canada in
recent years, producing "tremendous
profits" of thousands of dollars
monthly, a London father and his
son were fined and the father sent
to jail.
Alberta Will Default1 Bonds
• Ottawa — Under present circum
stances Alberta will be unable to re
deem two bond maturities
uary 1 and 15 next, for a
$3,500,000, Premier William
on Jan-
totab of
France Protests to Italy
Paris — Foreign Minister Georges
Bonnet protested officially to Italy
against Fascist demonstrations be
lieved here to herald the opening of
a campaign to get Tunisia from
France. Bonnet called Rafaele Guar-
iglia, Italian .ambassador to Paris, to
the foreign office and expressed a
firm protest against cries of “Tunisia!
Tunisia!” voiced by Italian deputies
during a speech by Count Ciano, Ital
ian foreign minister.
More Territory
Italy — Il Telegrafo,
of Foreign Minister Ga-
Italy After
leazzo Ciano, indicated Italy would
advance formal demands for Europ
ean and African territory in the near
Australia to Take Refugees »
Canberra, Australia — The Aus
tralian Government will admit 15,000
European refugees (Jews) within the
next three years, John McEwen,
minister of the interior, told
House of Representatives.
King’s Birthday Set for May 20
Ottawa—Celebration of the King’s
birthday will be observed next May
20 while His, Majesty and Queen
Elizabeth are in Ottawa, it was an
nounced here by Prime Minister
Mackenzie King.
^Parliament to Open Jan. 12th
Ottawa—Premier King announced
[Parliament will meet January 12th.
This date, he said at a press confer
ence following a Cabinet meeting,
had been considered most suitable
'having regard to the convenience of
members coming from a long dis
tance, and to the desire of the Gov
ernment to have its legislative pro
gram ready.
Many 'German Jews Suicide -
' Berlin — A. wave of Jewish suicid
es was reported by responsible per
sons to have spread throughout Ger
many as the Nazis decreed new
■“Ghetto” measures. Rabbis worked
long hours conducting funerals. They
and other authoritative sources were
forbidden to disclose how many kill
ed themselves or died suddenly
causes attributed directly to
Jewish actions.
Rumania’s Fascist Head Killed
Bucharest — Mass shooting
killed Rumania’s "Little Hitler” and
wiped out leadership of the outlawed
Fascist Iron Guard, had
effect on the country at
nelio Codreanu, 39, chief
ret organization, and 13
lowers, fell on the road
nik-Sarat prison to Bucharest under
the volley of a prison guard detail.
a stunning
large. Cor-
of> the sec-
of his fol-
frotn Runi-
Demonstration at Tunis
Tunis, Tunisia — Blood was spill
ed in an angry demonstration by 500
French colonists against Italy’s ap
parent campaign for Tunisia, French
North African protectorate. Police
restored order after several skirmish
es in which an undetermined number
of rioters were injured,
Daladtef Suppressed Strike
Faris Premier Daladier quickly
suppressed a geueral strike by a show
W Mp'
is Here
AJ ■fin Wk
NEW IN DESIGN, this new Dodge Custom is
startling in its sheer beauty of form and line.
It is a worthy climax to Dodge’s 25 year record
of fine car building.
The completely NEW wider bodies have grace
ful sloping lines which flow from the top of
the windshield back to the tail light in one
smooth unbroken contour, completely con-
The roof line swoops in one unbroken curve
from the windshield to the rear bumper con
cealing a big trunk with 27% more luggage
capacity than formerly.
cealing the new luggage compartment—which
is actually 27% larger than the old style trunk.
NEW deep cushioned chair-height seats... gor
geous new upholstery... stunning new hard-
ware.., and the most beautiful instrument
panel Dodge ever built make this new interior
a"Leader inLuxury” in every senseoftheword.
NEW location of the Handy-Control gearshift
on the steering column and removal of the
hand-brake to the left of the steering column
completely clears the front compartment
floor of obstructions.
The NEW "Safety Signal” speedometer is your
speed guardian for both city and country driv
ing—especially at night. Up to 30 miles per
hour it shows a green light... from 30 to 50
a yellow light and over 50 a red light.
The NEW* individual action front wheel
springs and Dodge advanced weight distri
bution together with new steering control
give you an entirely new sensation of driving
sureness and control.
Your Dodge-De Soto dealer will gladly let
you drive this 1939 Dodge Custom.
Individual Action
Front Springing
with A mala steel
coil springs and
airplane - type
shock absorbers.
“Safety Signal"
Speedometer on
all Dodge cars for
1939. A speed
guardian for night
Dodge Features you can see and
try out for !
Gear shift lever is '
now on steering
eolumft. , . Front
compartment floor
is clear — lots of
room for three
people. Standard
equipment — no
extra cost.
Murray Johnson DODGE AND
of military power and ordered for
France a three-year state of “econ
omic mobilization.” The general
strike, by which organized labor tried
to tie up France for one day in pro
test against the Government’s econ
omic program, was the first big chal
lenge to Daladier’s regime.
Solid Vote for Nazis
Berlin — A vote of more than 99
per cent, for Chancellor Hitler and
the Nazi party list in 'the Sudeten-
land elections for the German Reich
stag'was indicated in almost com
plete returns: number eligible, 1,212,-
801; number voting, 1,204,448; “yes”
votes 1,195,194; “No” votes 7,045;
ballots void 2,209.
Canadian cheesmakers confine their
activities almost wholly to the Ched
dar type. Originally cheddar cheese
was made in the Cheddar district of
Somersetshire, England, but later was
manufactured in other parts of Eng-
This outstanding triumph is
proof of quality. Twelve first
prizes in twelve classes, in this
year’s Baby Shows at the Toron to
and Ottawa Exhibitions, were
won by babies fed on ‘Crown
Brand’ Coth Syrup.
What better evidence can
there be of the confidence Which
Canadian mothers and their
physicians have in the purity
and quality of ‘Crown Brand.’
A delicious table syrup,
‘CroWn Brand’ is a treat
for the whole family.
Tell the boys that pictures of
famous hockey stars can still
be obtained for ‘Crown Brand’
Corn Syrup labels.
the famous energy food
■ land and Scotland, and still later in
• Canada, Australia, New Zealand and
I recently in .South Africa. Cheddar is
I one of the oldest English cheeses on
■ record.
In 1655 in -Samuel Hartlib’s “His
Legacy of Husbandry,” cheddar is
described as the best cheese in Eng
land, made in England, made in diff-
( erent weights from 20 pounds to 120
I ( pounds, and on the 5th of July, 1695,
John Houghton, the author and agri
culturalist, wrote as follows: “Ched
dar being warmly seated on the south
side of the Mendip hills in Somerset-
> shire, and at the foot of them near
the town of Axbridge, is exposed on
ly to the south and southwest winds,
and has the moors
the south, being a
soil for pasturage,
, is rendered famous
has been long a custom there, as well
as in some adjacent parishes, for sev
eral neighbors to join their milk to
gether, as occasion requires-, to make
' the said cheese; which is of a bigger
size than ordinary; and contends in
goodness (if kept a due time, viz.
from two years to five according to
magnitude) with any cheese in Eng
land. The sizes of the same cheeses
are generally from thirty pounds to
one hundred ^pounds."
Cheese of abnormally large size
has always excited considerable int
erest. One of the first famous mons
ter cheeses was made in 1840 as a
present to Queen Victoria on her
marriage. The cheese was made from
the milk of 750 cows by the people
of East and West Pennard, in the
Cheddar district. The cheese was
nine feet four inches in circumfer
ence with a depth of 20 inches, and
weighed 1,232 pounds. Naturally this
cheese was regarded in Somersetshire
as the greatest possible, but it was
a midget in comparison with some of
the cheddars turned out a few years
later in Canada.
Before 1860, Hiram Ranney, of
Salford, Ont., made several large
cheeses in his dairy farm, one cheese
of 1,200 pounds, and in 1865 Andes
Smith in his factory near Norwich,
Ont., made a cheese of 4,000 pounds.
In the following year, Mr. Ranney,
in conjunction with his son-in-law,
James Harris of tile Ingersoll Cheese
Factory, turned out a cheese of 7,000
pounds, which was shown at the New
York State Fair at Saratoga and also
at the Ontario provincial exhibition
at Kingston. From 1882 to 1802, Jas.
Ireland of the Galloway factory made
35 large cheeses, eleven of which
weighed 5,500 pounds each, but the
largest cheese “The Canadian Mite,”
which weighed 22,000 pounds net,
stood six feet high, and measured 28
feet in circumference, was made at
the Dominion Dairy Station, Perth,
Ontario, in 1892 for the World’s Fair
at Chicago. It required milk for one
day in September of 10,000 cows. It
was encased in a mould of steel in
which it was pressed.' The cheese
maker, assisted by 12 well-known
Ontario cheesemakers, was J. A. Rud-
dick,.who for many years was Dairy
Commissioner, Dominion Department
of Agriculture. It was a wonderful
cheese, and after the Fair was Ship
ped to London, where its prime con
dition ensured rapid demolition in the
restaurants and homes in the -Eng
lish metropolis.
Win Your
adjacent to it on
warm and fertile
whereby Cheddar
for cheese; and it
Christmas Turkey
Huron Motors
A Free chance on a prize Gobbler with every
purchase of 4 gallons of British American Gasoline
or Oil Change.
Drawing date will be announced later.
British American Petroleum Products
Firestone Tires
Wingham Phone 99
Has For Sale
Six re-conditioned Pianos, including Heintzman
Upright Grand (Mahogany), Mason & Risch,
Heintzman (Oak), and others as low as $35.
New Miniature Piano......... $239
New Semi-Grand Piano............$350
& Sons
Midmay Ontario.....