HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-12-08, Page 2ui I ill Ir LUH Pt Gifts fcoin Rae's are Sure to Please. Call and sped our large and varied stock. hi* 3, 4, 5» 6 and 7 Foot Toboggans Sleighs for every purse, Ski Sleds, Coasters and Gliders from 45c to $4.00 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE,-TIMES Thurs., December Sth, 1938 she upset n can nf invited fluor pol­ ish on the stow. The woman had been wftvninu the polish on the stove, and upset the van. The liquid burst into llamv and splashed over her. Almost all her clothes burned off. SMU of guod <iuality $3.00 to $8.00. Ski Wax, Foies 1 and Youxi^ S‘00 out assortment of Casseroles in Fyro» Ovewwore, with Chrome or Silver stands. Xmas tree lights for inside and outside decoration, priced 50c to $6.00 Skiis for Old »* Cattle Rustling Too Common The immvroux instances of rustling in Bruce and Grey counties., with sheep thefts in Huron,, were in­ stanced by Provincial Constable 1\ E. McCoy as he appealed to farmers in this district to brand beasts with some identification mark other than the slitting or punching of a holo in the cuts, McCoy recalled that some time apo two men were arrested in they County on cattle theft charges ami said that Huron police are seek­ ing a third. So far the rustlers have limited their activities in Hurou to sheep, there having been live such raids. cuttle ft SEE REID SEE RIGHT! If you have, atty reason to think your vision Is not what It should be consult a man who KNOWS about eyes. -Latest equipment and methods Of eye ckaminaUon art at your service and if you need glassos^the '.price is Always reasonable. For 'complete eyesight set* Vice see Donald Rae & Son Quality Hardware and Sporting Goods. We guarantee all merchandise as advertised. R.A.REID R.0.>% . . . 'FyealgM Spadalht Lending Gpiomev m uw so ywn. WINGHAM OFFICE IN WILLIAMS’ JEWELRY STORE •Every Wednesday Morning 9 to Noon. Rhone W for Appointment Lucknow Children Toxoided Sixty-live children between the ag­ es of nine months and 10 years have received the last of a series of three toxvid treatments given free to im­ munise them from diphtheria. WOMAN AGED '* ] WITH SCIATICA Now Braises Kruschen When sciatica attacked this woman six -years ago, she eouldn’t move without great pain. Treatment after treatihent. failed to help hen She tried Krtischen and got uuick relief. “Six years ago. I suffered terribly from sciatica," she writes. “1 tried everything, but to no avail. Then I took Kruscheu Salts, The first few doses gave tpiick relief. At the end of a few weeks my sciatica had gone. Now 1 always begin the day with a patch of Kruschen in a glass of wat? er. 1 live a strenuous life, being wid­ owed four years ago, and having a son to keep. I run a hoarding-house, rise at 6 nan., and retire at 11 pan. I am 52, but everyone says I look 82 ** thanks to Krtischen Salts?'— (Mrs.) F.E.R, The severe pain which is charact­ eristic of sciatica is often due to needle-pointed uric acid crystals in the sheath of the great sciatic nerve. Two of the ingredient salts in Kruschen help Nature to expel these dissolved crystals through the natur­ al chahnek so no harm was bone but the case of Mf. Rosger is definitely interest- ing.—Listowel Banner, SALEM Mr. ami Airs. John Gowdy one day last week with Mr, and Mrs. John Hyndman, Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Steurnol, of the B» Line, Hawick, spent Saturday evening with Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Gal­ laher, Mr, cd on day. The rising which The home afternoon when the theme for the year “Making Canada Christian” was followed as outlined in the mission­ ary monthly for December program, The officers for 1939 were elected as follows: Pres., Miss Vera Sharpin; Vice Pres., Miss Eve Willits; Secy,, Miss Evelyn Gathers; Trees., Miss Mildred Dane. The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer repeated in unison spent Herbert Neill, of Gorrie, call' friends around here last Suu- S. S. children are busy prae­ tor the Xmas entertainment is to be held on Dec. 16th, Mission Circle of .Mrs, Gowdy on Saturday met at the Dog and Cat Fight—Caused Fire | W hen a dog knocked over a Ian- kern as he chased a cat, the resulting | fire completely destroyed the large. double barn on the farm of William I buist Kosger ot Linwood that he(a) Livingstone, in Hulkwt Township, vowd» <bLacted as returning of^^ Mr. Livingstone was completing hisi at election; (e) diove Her Ma- ehorcs and had gone to the mowP^8 und Majesty s mail, and when he heard the dog chasing the ^l served as postmaster of an On- cat. Before he could get to the stable uno viiJ^e while he was suit a Ger- the lantern had been knocked to theP'laM subject Mr, Rosger got it all floor and had exploded. Within a Ptxed however, when he filed his ’matters of seconds the interior wasLkV‘mal ^Pidteation for naturalization in mass of flames,“«Scaforth Hruon^y'di an officer ot tlie Royal Canad- i Expositor, Not a Citizens But Voted 5 Probably no other man in Canada I can boast as can Sb-year-old Julius ’ Ofte House Less at Teeswater ' Mt. J. J. Reid has moved <me of llhv Skilling houses, lately purchased ; from Teeswater to his farm on the ' 6th concession of Culross, where it ■ will bo to-modelled for a form home, j The house was taken in two sections, ; drawn by a tractor, a team of horses j and a track, from tlie one location to J the other, m excellent style .-“‘•Tees- ; water New«, | ian Mounted Police. The whole thing I was an oversight in the first place, .--------- ---—.--------------------------. Nat- pur­ best The RANKIN’S Hand Rolled Chocolates One, Two, Three and Five Pound Boxes 1 NFWS i- g 41 lUEwt w V bw . ,g i I of the 1 DISTRICT IS :S -A A w> *A bingF iHt J; Cowblkd GiH to Commit tagory | Drbbfog 'deeper into foe case of* Mary Woods, I'6-year-aM Seaiorfo- i&fol sentenced to two years for forg-‘ O'r.x, provinckd police charged Lome' bridges Attd his wife Lillian wifoj ootmxcllmg the girl to comtnit foe’ tbsigcry A’nd to commit nttcring. The" Bridges-, a yoeng Seaforth couple i i Deer Rilled by Gar ; Mr. Gordon Tanner of Tanner & Pearson, the local firm of nnfieruk-s ers, although not a hunter, managed. ; to get his doer this season, but as ’ • the open period for the taking of deer; " 1 had concluded a few days previously 1 , to’ the kill, he vas obliged to tarn the, carcass over to the authorities. While answering an early morning call, Gordon was proceeding along the gravel towards Teeswater and when i a short distance this side of the vil-■■ r- j i montas prematurely to Mrs, KOX rO’f we rasr rr-aA’eumg wacniue -ano; Ladwig, of Gowanstown, is reported .was killed .“—Walkerton Herald-Tim-1 ■'doing fine?’ ps. j Aubiw Minister Resigns j Ten Deer on Fawn Rtv. G. W. Sherman on Sunday \ A vety ptetty sight was witnessed ‘ amtounced his resignation to his Au->by Mr. Gordon Morrell on his form] burn congregation, the resignation to ;sn the township of Minto, known as j become effective the last Sunday in . lot d6, con. f>. Mr. Morrell tn going, IMeenfoer. It was exactly eight years ; to the bam one day last week saw a j* ago that Rev. Sherman took charge ‘herd of ten deer standing not far4 of the eongrtgatioh and his an-p^om the bam. They remained iot; mwtnoemani wa< acct-ived with regret, fobont fifteen minmes before scamp-1 herd ’ ! •) with two young children, were sutn-j moused to appear before Magistrate' Makins at Goderich this week They1 arc fomer employers of the convict-, cd g»ri, ' WOunce 'Baby 'Doing Well In a new incubator at the Mem-' orial Hospital. Ostowel, Western ’ ‘Ontano’s ‘“tiniest baby* a SI ‘Ounce Hagc, a deer suddenly sprang from baby girl, born on Wednesday two * the side -of foe road wirectly in front months prematurely to Mrs. Roy < of foe fast travelling machine and ______ 'cring off. Only one doer in the AUsa <Wg Fatwr Record ‘had horns.-—Harriston Review. M. Stewart, of AUsa Craig.' . established a record at/Cbmplefoly IRw&Wfod :o? Fft’r which vstfey tu-v-■ Friends of Mr and Mrs. ■CsaaUod. when he cay- firsts out of Tant grain is one of the greatest h.e,1 tst-twart hap- Akx Cfocfc c\pfo< Lwtph Wte again be .used st von li .w cr.fo< > W ■ f;s Mrs. Fatito Pike., oideriv fot&fo- ■v-x N in a serious ootttlktoa it’' uvro.ta1 FLwpital w’fo burns abot;t fo< bofo, “Utv. urns kgs., suffer- oa v.hot* hOr clafocs e-htigl't *i?e As FAHW» tWAW, ttWW®» 1 Friends PT.Up wfii be verx glad to hear that their little daughter J.’vm, has saf- fo-iettls reeeverod from an infetrion in her foot to have foe east rt-mr-vod. I" The trouble which has Roccssharcd * ■foe cast fix? the past fifteen months has been eomo’erely cured. — Blyfo Gt&ndatd. Engine Backfires 'Causing Fsty A fiw? which caused some oonster- ■ nation simtod from an engme in foe forn.o vaxn<< plant of K. Winer on Thur-da* mt’iming. A car engfoe had been Jkivd up for running the cletat- which F:;l> the turnips from the 1 onnd floor to the first flute. The ; gitie back-fired and set ;iro to some , gasohm' hiMl oil creating a blaze. a«d ■ si8tt»ke -=*Hxc*fvr Tfoses-Advocate. ; Ihjtiafi by 'Bnw AVkilc n power saw test , woak M.. lames Nwhoi tmt tv oh-a EN tlmmb cattw m i saw and sa stitches ’ eUst Jw truism) ' 3 m-st’. v rs-r.foic) Nab !Foiwy v,. *. k .'i». .1*4' <iu! •'c&.t ;».’ the- cLwhui C-.M»«n<-.vv fctul ■TAnx’mbL : <• nos ?cspusisfok' fo:' p’cksJtg s;p a man g uiag Lis mjsg- as Davs* and aowd L»? .iass,^tfc4irt:?.. it ^egord ?.?> ?;fogfOj’5 c<! Gtik The Gifo pAhcg . had hahcred tiu- wanted ftofj ikss in '.th:* fosfomf w.J had notified Wife-! ; ;W -bo on the <a?ch — aWi I3giti' i Times IT R°LLS ALONG THROUGH C’dfiw/ >* fa > Dcrig.-sod for wse -on •cars Sn rural wtvifcfc <>n mfimprovedE voacls where 'weafocr cxmS* fifous ’would bog down. regular •fox*. -Let «f$ shew St to you. More Canadian Rams Go To Newfoundland Recently the Department of ural Resources, Newfoundland, chased 147 young rams of the grade from Canadian breeders, shipment was made up of 86 Oxfords, 56 Shropslures and five Cheviots, which were purchased for the New­ foundland Government by Production Services, Dominion Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. Eighty-three of the total were bought in Ontario, 50 in Quebec and 14 in Manitoba. They are to be used for breeding purposes. Evidently Newfoundland finds Can­ adian bred sheep very satisfactory, as the recent shipment is the fourth in the past few years. East year pur­ chases from breeders in Canada to­ talled about SOO. •< Hara, Christmas Delicacy Hants, many of them Canadian, are a Christmas delicacy in foe British West Indies-. Canada's ham -and bac­ on trade with foe West Indies ha* been steadily increasing for foe past decade. Noarlj’ 2,DOO,000 pounds of Canadian hams and bacon were im­ ported in .1^37, The value ■ of Aus­ tralian exports to Canada for 1937-8 was -£'2,140,725, a slight decrease from foe previous year, Canadian ex- i ports to Australia were valued at i ^8,645,136 *(appTOXimatcly '-$40,225,- i 680), an increase of more than S2 per I cent on foe previous year’s total. i EXPECTS TO PLACE j 500 BOYS ON FARMS 1 7.1 Choice of the finest assortments of Christmas Gift | Candies, Salted Nuts and Bonbons. j All our candies are guaranteed strictly fresh. Just j in for Christmas selling. | Full line of Xmas wrapped Cigarettes and Cigars. J A gift he will appreciate. I QUEENS COFFEE SHOP ! H. L. SHERBONDY •] If mutually satisfied, the boy signs up for one year with wages at the prevailing rate,. Air. MacLaren, who has already placed over SO boys under the Do­ minion-Provincial Youth Training Plan, states that he selects only the young men who are interested in fanning. He visits each applicant in his home and talks to his parents as well. Boys, if you are interested in stock raising, fruit, poultry, or any branch of farming, write to A. MacLaren, Dtpartment of Labor, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. A. MacLaren, .Director ©f Farm Placement, Ontario Dept, of Labor, Toronto, Sending Selected Young Men to Ontario Farms i Tli-ere arc a number of young men fin 'Ontario eager to learn forming •wifo a good former. These are a ’ nu-mbe-r of goad formers in this pro- | ' vince vho would welcome a good in- i ■ relligent and enfonsfosfo: youth to ’ ;foeh- -broad acres. The Ontario De-1 j panment of Labor knows fols to be ;tr®e .and has appointed A. Marian-t en as Director of Farm Placement. I Roys who would really like to go farming and formers who would like < to -employ young men with a yen for i forming should urhe Mr,. Maclaren, \ Department of Labor, Parliament: Buildings, Toronto. The boys are placed, for one trial.; imonth and are paid by the former. < JFIOOOOD HOUSEWIVES s ENJOY blue coal’ HEATING COMFORT Prove JoryowselL,, as over 100,000 Canadian housewives ■ Lave already proved... that ‘"blue coal’ gives the highest H available standard -of heating value and satisfaction. H let m send >»ow a fan—Phone NOW W r sss|R MacLean Lumber & Coal Co. 9: THE MODERN FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT SIX HOURS SAVED BY NEW C.N JL ROUTE 12*22122 hears fo “She .asaa. s:.a hours,if 1ms been neoesswy to sake foe' .doser w Oifoario. ffisty rich mints ,.branch Erm w Tasdiewi, wl fti via. »?c scutaiOTg-for reashi’y cam- t?bfot Wwsj to wrnjr from Rthtyn -w ffeHw-! ntaed rmire fslimjyfc by iim? rtndi WI TftOtr ardy *00 truTr^ Ttec & tengte Y»rXy<X j on w fit. ijs v.ty tme P: fot- mass wlmbte wn'mg imltls in Gtm- ada, .for fosj jram pvet 'foe ffllt £ “t> wii tte ^Roiiyn, Fbr wmifas -cd foo!" was simfod. a: foe tts malnad. only 2.0 ’Rocyn, bNxw.se msUy WAde it fo Ltrow a bridge aw fo® fdm. Mon focal thcrcbatita Tiwe enjoyed •& hfo?-mobopoly fo foe a