HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-12-08, Page 1* With Which .h Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News, , Subscriptions $2.00 Per YearSingle Copies Five Cents /figr7 WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8th, 1938 .................................. —a— * * MISSIONARY GROUP ELECT OFFICERS Goforth Auxiliary Held’ Annual Meeting The annual meeting and election of officers of the Goforth Auxiliary -of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church •was held at the manse on Thursday -evening. . The Scripture reading was taken by Mrs. D. Murray and Mrs, R. FI. Lloyd led in prayer, Mrs. T. A. Currie gave -a splendid talk on Mission Work in India. The following officers were elect- •ed for the coming year and installed by Mrs. Kenneth MacLean. Hon. Presidents—Mrs. A. E. Lloyd, Mrs. Kenneth MacLean, President—Miss C, Isbister. 1st Vice Pres.—Mrs. T. A. Currie. 2nd Vice Pres.—Mrs. G. Scott. Secretary—Mrs. D. Murray. Treasurer—Mrs. W. J. West. Press Reporter—Mrs. W. W. Arm­ strong. Supply Sec’y—Mrs. Roy Lloyd, Mrs. W. Kennedy. Welcome and Welfare Workers— Mrs. W. H. Gurney, Mrs. R, H. Lloyd, Miss Edna Carr. Home Helpers—Mrs. W. W. Gur­ ney, Miss Anne Geddes, Miss Sara MacLean. Pianist—Mrs. Wm. Henderson. After the meeting closed a social ’Jiour was enjoyed. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Christmas Shoes and Slippers—Big .Assortment—Best Values at .Greer’s. Mrs. E. M. Snell has gone for a -week or ten days to visit with her ^sister, Mrs. Edward Effting, Chicago. Mr. John Messer has returned after spending three weeks with his two -sons in Toronto and taking in the "Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Hand and Mrs. •Hugh Anderson, of Caledonia, were •week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Crawford. Winter Footwear — See the new lines and styles—Lowest prices, at- Greer’s Shoe Store. 'Christmas Concert S. S. No. 9, East Wawanosh, Wed­ nesday, Dec. 21st. Good program. Admission 20c. School children free. ^Entertained by School Inspector The local public school staff were •entertained to dinner and a social ev­ ening at Goderich on Thursday ev­ ening last by Mr. J. H. Kinkead, In­ spector of Public Schools for North Huron. Legion to Meet Thursday Evening The regular meeting of the Legion -will be held at 7.30 o’clock, Thurs­ day evening, this week. The meeting •5s being held at an earlier hour as the Ladies’ Auxiliary are entertain­ ing the members to a social hour fol­ lowing the meeting. Bridge Club Results •The winners at -the regular meet­ ing of the Wingham Bridge Club on Wednesday evening last were: North and South: Mrs. L. R. Blackwood and J. H. Crawford; A. R. DuVal and E. M. Snell; Miss Sara MacLean and D. B. Porter; Mrs. R. S. Hethering­ ton and C. Adams, East and West: Dr. Geo. Ross and L. R. Blackwood.; Mrs. D. B. Porter and H. C. Hodg­ son; Mrs. Geo. Ross and F. W. Spry.; Mrs. A. R. DuVal and Ken Somers. DID WELL WITH POULTRY ENTRIES Local Horses in Prize Money at Guelph Mt. "Thomas Bower cleaned up at the Royal Winter Fair -and the •Guelph Fair with Pyle and White Game Bantams. At the Royal he won ■6 firsts, 5 seconds and 5 thirds, also four special prizes including the N. F. D. Kelly Challenge Trophy which •is the prize for the best pair of young birds at the show, all classes. . At the Guelph Show he won all first prices in* the classes entered, al­ so 51seconds and 5 third. They were 48 entries. Another local poultryman who did well at Guelph was Kenneth Rintoul who won a first, two seconds and two thirds in a class of 40 with his black red Old English Game Ban­ tams. Another exhibitor from here, Cur­ rie & Tervit did well with their horse entry coming first, with the team and fourth in the single. FRED STURDY BURNED WHEN OIL EXPLODED EVANS HEADS POLL FOR COUNCIL SEAT COUNTY L. O. U ELECT OFFICERS R. REDMOND REEVE OF E. WAWANOSH LEGION AUXILIARY ELECT OFFICERS COUNCIL HELD REGULAR SESSION Burned About the Face .and Hands In an oil explosion, near Watford, last ’week, Fred (Tex) Sturdy, who was employed by F, L. Davidson, lo­ cal oil driller, was severely burned about the face and hands. A well that they were drilling had been successfully brought in and it was being given a test pumping. The oil was being pumped into a tank alongside the well. Fred used a lan­ tern to look ‘into the ojl tank, an ex­ plosion followed flames shooting 10 feet .in tlip air. Fred was brought home to Wing­ ham by Mr. Davidson and it will be some weeks before he will be to go back to work. Murray Johnson and Frank Sturdy, Two Newcomers to the Field, Elected to Council. I July 12th Will‘Be Celebrated Next Year at Brussels Q Three of Old Council Elected, New . Man, Norman McDowell Polled Largest Vote Annual Meeting Held Thursday Ev­ ening. Little Business Brought Before the Meeting, able OBITUARY Wm. C. Laidlaw 4 Suffering from a heart condition which confined him to bed for the last six months, Mr, Wm. C. Laidlaw passed peacefully away on Wednes­ day morning, Nov. 30th, at his home on Mill Street, Blyth. The only son of the late'Thomas'and Margaret Ar­ mour Laidlaw, the deceased was sev­ enty-four years of age and was born and until 1934 lived on the farm on the Sth concession of Morris Town­ ship which his father, one of the first settlers, had taken up from the Crown in 1851. Mr. Laidlaw was of Scottish ancestry, his great-grandfa-, ther, James Laidlaw, coming from Ettrick, Scotland, to York now Tor­ onto, in 1819, and later settling with his three sons in. the Scotch Block, Halton County. Although of a retir­ ing disposition the deceased was al­ ways interested in public affairs and for several years, served on the Council Board and also as Collector in the Township of Morris and after his removal to Blyth was for some time assessor for the village. Surviv­ ing are his widow, formerly Sadie Code, whom lie married in 1900 and one son, Robert E., of the Laidlaw •Fox Farm,,-Whigham, also three sis­ ters, Mrs. F. D. Stalker, Blyth, Mrs. W. J. Lo.ugh and Miss Annie, Clin­ ton. Mr. Laidlaw was a Liberal in politics -and a valued member and of­ ficer of Si. 'Andrew’s .United Church from ’ which place the funeral' was held on Friday, Dec. 2nd, the service being conducted by his pastor, the Rev. A. Sinclair. Interment was made in ,the Union Cemetery. A man of sterling integrity, many beautiful’tri­ butes attested the high esteem in which lie was held and’ his passing is much regretted in the home and also in the community. Monday’s vote was not as heavy here as usual but considering there was no election for Mayor and Reeve considerable interest was taken. There will be two new faces on the this year, Murray Johnson polling third place ahd Frank Sturdy, fifth. Ex-Councillor H. T. Thomson, who was defeated last year, failed to be elected. Mr. E. M. Snell, a newcom­ er to town, although lie spent his boyhood days here, was also defeat­ ed. 1939 Councillors are: J. J. Evans, R. H. Lloyd, Murray Johnson, Walter VanWyck, Frank Sturdy and Elmer Wilkinson. The vote by polls was first six elected: Ward Evans, J. J. ... Lloyd, R. H. Johnson, M. VanWyck, W. Sturdy, F...... Wilkinson, E. Snell, E. M. ... Thomson, H. 12 3 101 93 127 95 .92'124 76 112 76 102 99 75 70 64 83 70 97 56 41 49 69 58 55 48 as follows, 4 148 129 130 126 86 92 71 68 5 total 65 44 60 36 57 32 27 22 534 484 461 410 407 313 264 251 DISTRICT ELECTION RESULTS Defeated were John Pit- North Huron County L. O. L. met in the Orange Hall here on Tuesday afternoon. Upwards of 50 delegates were present and much business was transacted. Bro. A. Smith, County Master for Huron North, presided. Among those present were Bro. L. H. 'Saunders, Toronto, Past Grand Master of Ontario West and now Provincial Grand Organizer; also Bro. W. Carson of London, Associ­ ate Deputy Grand Master of Ontario West, and Bro, Lepard of Stratford, County Master of North Perth. All of-the above officers gave very in­ teresting addresses. A short memorial ceremony . was conducted for all members who had passed on by death. County Master Smith gave an outline of his throughout the county. Invitations from. Brussels Wingham Lodges were read to ,Mr. Peter W. Scott, who has been Reeve of East Wawanosh for seven years, was defeated at Monday's el­ ections by Raymond R. Redmond, who has had five years’ Council ex­ perience. Redmond’s majority was 133, The three members of the Council seeking re-election were again re­ turned to office. They were, J. Dus- tan Beecroft, Harvey Black and Lew­ is Ruddy. The fourth member of the Council is Norman McDowell who headed the poll on his first municipal honours-. The vote,was as follows: bid for wojlc William Falconer Mr. William Falconer passed away Tuesday last week at the home of his nephew, Mr. Jas. Falconer, in East Wawanosh. Mr. Falconer, who was in his seventy-second year, came here six years ago, after spending his life on the 6th con. of Kinloss.’ He was a very quiet and retiring man and had been in poor health for some time be­ fore he passed away following an at­ tack of pleurisy. He leaves to mourn him, two brothers, George Falconer of Culross, and John Falconer, of Caledon, and two sisters, Mrs. Head- Icy and Mrs. Quinn of Mill City, Or­ egon. Six nephews acted as pall­ bearers, Willie, Calvert and Lester Falconer, and Will, Robert and John McInnis. The service was taken on Thursday afternoon by a' former pas­ tor, Rev. James Scobie of Wilton Grove, and Rev. J. Pollock. He was buried in Tiffin’s Cemetery. Those from a distance who attend­ ed the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer ahd Mr. and Mrs. El­ gin Wclwood, Mrs. Arthur Cronin, of Caledon; Mrs. Cloakcy and Miss Allie Cloakey, Mrs. Craig and. Miss Marjorie Collins of London; Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson and daughter, Luck­ now; Mr. and Mrs. Calvert Falconer of Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fal­ coner of Bluevalc; Mr. and Mrs. Jno. | Falconer of Wingham; Mr, Thomas McInnis of Cedarville, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McInnis, Formosa,. Mr, and Mrs, Lester Falconer of Culross. Hockey Team "Rarin1 To Go” - The local hockey club have receiv­ ed their grouping in the O.H.A. In* termediate B.f and will begin to get into shape as soon as possible, The team have a balance of about $66 in the sock to begirt the year with, and with Teeswater and Brussels to draw players from, should give a good ac­ count of themselves. West Wawanosh Reeve—Thomas Webster, with 437 votes, defeated Cairn Aitcheson 258, and Albert Gannie 79. The council­ ors were elected by acclamation. Ashfield Alex. .Macdonald was elected reeve over S. Sherwood, majority 243. Gil­ bert Frayne was elected over W. A. Culbert for deputy reeve, majority 31. Councilors, Anderson 490; Lome Johnston 632; Cevil. Johnston 672. Colborne Township Reeve — George Feagan received 329 votes to be re-elected reeve of Colborne. blado, Sr., with 168 votes,, and Mel­ vin Tyndall with 137 votes. The councilors went in by acclamation. Hallett Twp. Reeve—Janies Leiper was re-elect- •ed with 387 votes against 268 for Ira Rapson. The councilors were elected by acclamation. Goderich Council: Baker 611; Bingham 549; Craigie, 538; Mrs. Hetherington 523; Huckins 404; Salkeld 393 (elected). Unsuccessful were: Hill 391; Johns­ ton 376; Ryan 360; Sproule 355; Miss Josie Saunders 269. All other offices acclamation. Kincardine \ ' Mayor—J. F. Marcus 641; Herbert Bagshaw 375., Reeve—Wilmot Pollock 612; M. D. McCreath 387. Council—G. A. McGaw 689; Wm. Walsh 628; M. L. (Tory) Gregg 588; Albert Maynard 553; J. A. Meyers 447; James McGillivray 427; W. Wat­ son 427. Walkerton Reeve—Wm. Winter, re-elected for fourth term over Cotm. Alex’. McNab by 218 of a majority.- and v, .. ,, cele­ brate on July 12th, and it was decid­ ed to hold this celebration at Brus­ sels. Reports from all primary lodges were received and show Co-unty Lodge in a flourishing state. Grants were made to True Blue Orphanage, Hospital for Consumptives, and Sick Children's’ Hospital. The following officers were elect­ ed for the coming .year: Past County Master—A. Bluevale. County Master—Robert ray, Belgrave. Deputy Master—Robert Chaplain—Rev. E. M. Loney. Rec. Sec'.—Raymond Brown. Fin. Sec.—Thos. A. Grasby. Treasurer—Graham Wray. Lecturers—1st, Win. J. Campbell; 2nd, H. Dickinson. Director of Ceremonies—R. Smith. Auditors—W. J. Gallagher, Harold Love. Tyler—■Bros/ Samuel Tindall. Bro. J. W. Carson, pf London, As­ sociate Grand -Master of Ontario W.cst, installed the newly elected of­ ficers. County Master McMurray was el­ ected delegate to Grand Lodge which will be held at Niagara Falls in May. D. Smith, McMur- Wallace. Students’ Council Ifot December ^? The following have been .elected to the Students’ Council of the Public School for December: Grade VIII, No rma Brown, Lloyd Mundy; Grade VII, Ileen Morris, Donald Campbell; Grade VI, Margaret Angus; Grade V, Tommy Lockridge. Inducted Into Toronto Church Rev, A. G. Rintoul, B.A., a former Wingham boy, was inducted as min­ ister of Wychwood Presbyterian Church, Toronto, on Thursday even­ ing. His wife was formerly Margar­ et Perrie, daughter of the late David and Mrs. Perrie, of town. Dr. Engagement Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Jas. V. Breen nounce the engagement of their eld­ est daughter, Letitia- Bernice,- - to George Wilfred, son of Mr. and (Mrs. B. A. VanSlyck, of Napanee, Ont, The wedding to take place Ste. Marie, the latter' part comber. an- in Sault of De­ Held Successful Euchre' The Oddfellows’ Euchre Thursday night was a decided suc­ cess. Thirty-four tables were pres­ ent and the winners were: ladies, [Mrs. O. Haselgrove and Mrs. R. Oke; gentlemen: E. Lewis and Art Wilson, Following the play at cards lunch was served. held on For Reeve 1 2 3 4 5 total Redmond,R. ... 57 107 75 60 80 379 Scott, P. W. ... 38 78 55 47 28 246 Majority for Re dmo nd 133 For Coun cil (Fir st Fou r E lect ed) 1 2 3 4 5 total McDowell,N 72 129 73 65 75 414 Beecroft, J D. 44 122 91 ■56 404 Black, H. ....... 53 142 46 48 53 342 Ruddy, L...... 67 89 39 60 84 339 Kerr, G.......... 28 86 131 67 15 327 Xmas Tree Bingo Friday A Bingo will be held in' the' mouries Friday night this- week in> aid of the Xmas Tree and Santa Claus Fund,- under the auspices of- the Wingham Legion. The first 50 buy­ ing 25c worth of tickets will- receive a free ticket on a special. Ar­ SHIELDS PRESENTED TO HIGH SCHOOL This week the Wingham High School received a number of beauti­ ful shields. They are hung in tire main hall and will form a permanent record, which will help to maintain the school spirit of the W. H. S. The generous donors are: Grade IX Progiciency, W. J. Greer; Grade X Proficiency, H. E. Isard; Grade XI Proficiency, Thos. Y. Smith; Grade XII Proficiency, J. H. Crawford; Grade XIII Proficiency A. M. Crawford; Sr. Girls’ Athletics, Foxton Dairy; General Proficiency, ■Dr. W. A. McKibbon. The staff and students appreciate these gifts and thank those who have presented them, Hockey Club in Group No. 8 As'announced last week Wingham will play O.H.A. hockey this season. The O.H.A. has placed them in Group 8 which is made up as fol­ lows: Palmerston, Arthur, Listowel, Wingham, and Lucknow. Teeswater to Form Scout Troop Assistant Com. 'Spittai and Assist­ ant Scout Master Geo. King visited Teeswater on Wednesday and organ­ ized <a new Scout Troop of 34 boys. This brings the total strength of the Huron District tip to 300. Doing Well After Accident Mr. W. E, Chapman, of -Seaforth, Mrs. A. J. Walker’s father, two weeks ago fell and fractured a bone in his neck. He has been placed in a plas­ ter' cast and we are pleased to report is making a splendid recovery. Fie is 83 years of age.- - Institute Notice « The December meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held in the Council Chamber at 2.30 on Wednes­ day, Dec. 15th. Motto: It is more- blessed to give than receive. Roll Call will be answered by a gift for the Institute Kitchen. Mrs. Oster, the district president, will be present and give an account of the London Area Convention. Mrs. Clarkson Martin, Convenor of Community Ac­ tivities and Relief, will address the meeting, Hostesses: Mrs, G. Orvis, Mrs. J. Robinson, Mrs. W. Burchill, | Reception Held Mrs. J. W. iMcKtbbon held a recep­ tion in honour of her daughter-in- law, Mrs. Walton A. McKibbon, on Thursday afternoon and evening last week. Mrs. McKibbon was formerly Miss Annie (Nan) Russell of Luck­ now. Receiving with Mrs. McKibbon was the bride’s mother, Mrs. William Russel/ of Lucknow. During the af­ ternoon Mrs. (Rev.) Kenneth Mac- Lean and (Mrs. H. C. MacLean pour­ ed tea. They were assisted by Mrs. A. W. Irwin, Mrs. J. R. M. .Spittai and Miss Sara MacLean. Presiding at the table during the evening were Mrs. A. Peebles and Mrs. W. Con­ nell, who were assisted by Miss Doris Traill and Mrs. C. B. Armitage, Christmas Tree and Santa Clans Fund Leave your donations at either of the local Banks. >w SUBSCRIBE NOW! to the Children’s Free Concert pm. Fri., Dec. 23rd Under the auspices of the Winghani Chamber of Commerce The annual meetinf of the Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Legion was held on Thursday evening when the follow­ ing officers were elected: v President—Mrs. W, W, Armstrong. 1st Vice-Pres.—Mrs. A. |M. Forbes. 2nd Vice-Pres.—Mrs. W. Kennedy. Sec”y.—Mrs. Lloyd Kingston, Treas.—-Mrs. Geo. H. Ross. Standard Bearer—Mrs. H. Browne. Relief Officer—Mrs. A. Peebles. Executive Com.—Mrs. T. Y. Smith, Mrs. Frank Edgar, Mrs. H. Garlick, Mrs. P. Harris. Social Com.—Mrs. H, Browne, Mrs. H. Howard, Mrs. A. Peebles, Mrs. FI, Campbell. Visiting Com.—Mrs. D. Kennedy, Mrs. P. Harris. Mayor Hanna was in the from the National ,Milk and Consumers Associa- OBITUARY James Gilmour Following an illness of over a year James Gilmour, one of our town’s most highly respected citizens, pass­ ed away at his late residence, Minnie Street, Saturday evening. Mr. Gil­ mour, who was in his 72nd year, was a native of this district. He was born in Turnberry Township, the son of Mr..and Mrs. Thomas Gilmour, pion­ eers of the Township. As a young man he went West and lived for twenty years in Moose Jaw district. He returned east fifteen years ago and has since resided in Wingham. He was an elder of Wingham Unit­ ed Church and took a very active in­ terest in the Masonic Order being a Past D.D.G.M. and a member of the Valley of Moose Jaw Scottish Rite. He was also a member of Maitland Lodge I.O.O.F.. For two years he was a member of the Town Council. His first wife was Margaret Getty, of Moose Jaw and twenty-two years ago he was married to Mrs. Thomas McFadzean, of Brussels. He leaves to mourn his passing be­ sides his wife, one daughter, Mrs. Leslie (Catherine Elizabeth). Jones, of Toronto, and a step-son, Dr. Wl- frid McFadzean, Port Dover. Surviv­ ing also are two sisters and two bro­ thers, Mrs. Wm. Haugh, Turnberry; Mrs. Wm. Mundell, Wingham; Hugh and Thomas, of Turnberry. One sis­ ter, Mrs. John Mundell, passed on last year, and one brother, John, died many years ago. Following a private service at the home a service was held in Wingham United Church, on Tuesday after­ noon. The service was conducted by his pastor, Rev. J. F. Anderson, as­ sisted by Rev. Kenneth MacLean, of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. The members of Wingham A.F. & A.M. attended the church in a body and conducted the service at the graveside, The pallbearers were: J. O. Hab- kirk, W, F. Burgman, E. R. Harrison, W. G. Gray, T. H. Gibson and A. J. Wilson. Interment in Wingham Cemetery. : Notice to the Public Homuth & Bennett coupons will be honoured at the Royal Service Stat­ ion up to December 20th, 1938. Af­ ter this date these coupons will have no value. Subsidy Received Town Treasurer W. A. Galbraith has received a cheque for $1079.79 from the Province of Ontario, being the town’s portion of the one mill municipal subsidy. This amount equal to one mill of the tax rate. is Here Is One For The Book East Wawanosh election produced a Ripley. In Ward 3 George Kerr, running for Councillor, polled 131 votes, one more than the two con­ testants for the reeveship received. In this poll Redmond received 75 and Scott 55 votes. Presented Play at Literary The second regular meeting of the Wingham High School Literary Soc­ iety was held recently at the school. The meeting opened with singing of "O Canada.” The president, Richard Roberts, was in the chair. The sec­ retary, Doris Armitage, read the minutes of the last meeting. The members of Form III presented the first act of Parker’s “Disraeli”. The Journal was read by the Editor, Har» ry Posliff. Mr. Stuckey gave the Critic's Remarks. The meeting clos­ ed with the singing of the National Anthem. The regular meeting of the Town. Council was held Tuesday night with all members present except Reeve Davidson, chair. A letter Producers tion of Waterloo protesting compul­ sory pasteurization of milk was filed. A letter from the City of„ Stratford requested Council to concur in rais­ ing the business assessment on chain stores from 35 to 50 per cent. This letter will be dealt with by Council at a future meeting. A report from General Accident Insurance Company, stated that the boiler had been inspected and found in good condition. , , \FThe finance committee presented a number of accounts that were order­ ed paid on motion of Coun. Craw­ ford and VanWyck. A By-Law was passed fixing ex­ emption of part of the taxes on farm lands within the town. Another By-Law that was passed set the Poll Tax at $2.00 for all males over 21 and under 60 who do not pay taxes or are otherwise exempted. The fine for nonpayment was set at $5.00. A motion was passed to refund to A. Orvis all dance fees paid above $25 for 1938. This arrangement was made by Council early in the year. 66 WERE EXAMINED AT CHEST CLINIC The third Chest Clinic held by the Provincial Department of Health at Wingham General Hospital last week was in charge of Dr. J. S. Hazen of the Department, with Mr. David Moore as technician. Sixty-six were examined, X-rayed and given the tuberculin test. The* results of the examinations will be sent to the pat- tient’s own local doctor in a time. Keep the Feet Dry—Rubber Wear for every member of the ily-—Grcer’s Shoe Store. short Foot Fam- ---- - _ • f. Donation Appreciated - *• The Women’s Institute wish to ex­ press their sincere appreciation to the Chamber of Commerce for their don­ ation of ten dollars. St. Paul’s Bazaar December 10 The Ladies Guild, of St. Paul’s Church will hold their annual Bazaar, home made baking sale and after­ noon tea in the Parish Room of the Church on Saturday, December 10th, at 3 o’clock. Girls’ Slass Held Social Evening ” A very -happy evening was spent at the United Church on Friday ev­ ening-when the Philaletha Class en­ tertained the Triple V Class, also the teachers and officers of the Sunday School, The evening started with a treasure hunt after which relays and. games were enjoyed. A Sing Song about a fire-place proceeded lunch. This very pleasant evening was clos­ ed with the singing of old songs and the Mizpah Benediction. , SCOUT BANQUET HELD AT CLINTON Mr.R. L. Stratton, of London, Was the Guest Speaker On Friday evening 13 Scout Lead­ ers and three Scouts accompanied by Messrs. W. S Hall and S. G. Kidd, members of the Scout Committee, at­ tended the Annual Banquet of the Huron District Boy Scout Associa­ tion The banquet was attended by some 50 Scout Leaders, 25 Scouts and 25 Committee Men. The guest speaker was Mr. R. L. Stratton, Com­ missioner of London District, whose humorous talk was very much enjoy­ ed. Other speakers were Mayor El­ liott of Clinton; Assistant Provincial Commissioner F. C. Irwin; Field Sec., retary B. Mitchell of London; Assist­ ant District Commissioner J, R. Spit* tal. The meeting was in charge of Nelson Hill, Goderich, Chairman of Huron District Committee, This banquet was held in conjunc­ tion with the Patrol Leaders Train­ ing Course which was attended by the following Wingham Scouts: Quartermaster Roy Dark, and Acting Patrol Leader, Lloyd Mundy, Geo. Lloyd, Craig Armstrong and Frank­ lin Pickell. I Q J