HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-11-24, Page 4THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES ■(Rm Thurs., November 24, 1938 MW The AV.M.S. of the United Church {uses both hands fid a tea at the home of (Afrs. Ben! WRITE S Christmas and New Year’s. The first aid kits at the three schools had been (replenished. It was decided to send Christmas cards to the shut-ins at Christmas itme. The roll call was re­ sponded to with “an interesting fact about Canadian trees.” A short pap­ er was given by Mrs. Earle Anderson On ‘’Better English.” Mrs. F. Oster, of Bly th, who is district president, was present and gave an account of the area convention held in London and also a splendid Armistice Day talk. Airs, C. R. Coultes was in charge of current events. Miss Nora VanCamp favored with a solo, accom­ panied by Mrs. Jas, Taylor. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Airs. G. Higgins, Jean Higgins and Helen Yuill. * Streets Lighted Resident of the village were quite pleased to see work commence Tues­ day morning last week on the instal­ lation of the street lighting system. As the poles were already erected the lights were turned on Wednesday and are a great benefit to the people of the community. As Wawanosh Council did not co-operate in the work, six lights were installed instead of eight as planned. held a tea at the home of Mrs. Ben McClenaghan last Tuesday when the ladies quilted a quilt. Mr. and Airs. Sam Hutchison, of Wingham, and Air, and Airs. Will Conn spent Sunday at the home of Air. and Airs. Harold Johnston, of Lucknow. Air. and Mrs. Reuben Tiffin and son, and Mr. and Airs. AHctor Emer­ son attended the Martin-McKenzie reception in the Paramount Hall last week. A great many hunters got a deer in Bruce County last week. Russel Farrier and Lloyd Stein were among the lucky number. Air. and Mrs. Chester Fennel, of Culross, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson. Mr. and Airs, John J. AfcGee are spending this week in Toronto with friends. Air. George Ross had another op­ eration on his elbow last Afonday by Dr. Ramsay in Victoria Hospital, in London. His many friends hope this time it will be a success as George has suffered from the former accid­ ent for over two years now. Mrs. R. Ross, Russet and Miss Olive Teriff, R.N., -were in London for a few days. Air. James Sutherland has purchas­ ed the home of the late Thos Ben­ nett on Frances -St,, Wingham, and intends moving the first part of De­ cember. Air. Fred Davidson, Gordon God­ kin and Jim Currie left last Friday to spend a few days with friends in Toronto and attend the Winter Fair. A splendid meeting of the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church was held in, the S.S. room last Friday after­ noon, with the President, Airs. Rob­ ert Afowbray in charge. The Scrip­ ture lesson was read by Airs. Albert Walters, Mrs. R. J. Ross led in pray­ er and Miss Ruby Conn sang solo. The guest speaker for the .Thank-Of­ fering meeting was the returned mis­ sionary, Miss Iris Errey, of Amkhut 1 from the Bhil Field, and she gave a j very interesting and instructive talk | of the work going on there. flAfter , the meeting the ladies served lunch and a social half hour was enjoyed by all.' Mr. and Airs. Cecil Falconer and Angus visited for a few days last ---------------------- week with relatives at Caledon and -------- I also attended the Winter Fair at To- IN THE MATTER OF THE ES-ronto. TATE OF THOMAS R. BEN­ NETT, late of the Town of Wing­ ham in the County of Huron, Ser­ vice Station# Operator, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY* GIVEN, pursuant to The Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the late Thomas R. Bennett, are required to send par­ ticulars of their claims, duly verified, to AV. Bushfield, solicitor for the Administratrix of the said Estate, on or before the tenth day of December, A.D. 1938, and that after such date the Administratrix will proceed to distribute the said estate, having re­ gard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this 15th day of November, A.D. 1938. J. AV. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix. Christmas Savings We Can Help You” We have procured travelers* samples Avhich we are able to offer you at about one-third off the regular prices^ Toilets Sets for ladies and men at excep­ tional savings. They are now on display in windo\Ar and on our counters. Over Two Hundred Toilet Sets in Jasmine, Gar­ denia and Adrienne, also Brush, Comb and Mirror sets. The Rexall Store o If cents a word pen insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. SOR3O? 1 BRING F> E SULTS i O n o onoc ANSWER QUICKS Get an oppor-! ticulars of their claims, dulv verified, tunity to make BIG MONEY! Big to J. W. Bushfield, the solicitor for profits every day taking orders for the executrix of the said estate, on the biggest and most powerful line or before the tenth dav of December, of every day necessities in the dir- A.D. 1938, and .hat after such date ect selling field. Repeat orders ' the Executrix will proceed to distri- come fast. SPICES - MEDICIN-1 bute the said Estate haviner reo-arH ES - TOILET ARTICLES - FARM PRODUCTS - etc. No ex­ perience needed. Write today for Free Particulars and catalogue and get started on the road to better earnings. FAMILEX Co., 570 St. Celement, Alontreal. bute the said Estate having regard j only to the claims of which she shall j s .then have had notice. » j DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this > 14th day of November, A.D. 1938. J. W. BUSH FIELD, ’ Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. I AUCTION SALE—Take Notice that ’ the household goods and chattels of the late Thomas R. Bennett ..will be offered for sale by public auc­ tion on the premises, at one o’clock in the afternoon of the 26th day of November, A.D., 1938. Thomas Fells, Auctioneer; M. Myrtle Met- Calf, Administratrix. DON'T PUT L~P with a defective battery for cold weather starting. Get value for your money by buy­ ing. Mor-Power Batteries for eith­ er your car or radio. Campbell’s « Garage. Canadian Tire Products. FALL CLEARANCE SALE of Us­ ed Pianos. Such well-known mak­ es as Heintzman, Nordheimer, Ma­ son & Risch, AAJ'eber, and otrers, at reasonable prices and terms. AVrite Heintzman & Co., 242 Dundas St., London, for further particulars. No obligations. FOR SALE—Organ, piano style, 6 octave, good condition. Cheap for quick sale. J. J. Kerr, Bluevale Rd. FOR SALE—A lady’s caracul fur c^at, not worn since remodelled, well suited for driving, going cheap. Apply at Advance Office. FOR SALE—Storm porch, in good condition. Apply to AV. J. Greer. FOR SALE—Electric Radio, good condition. Cheap. Applv Advance- Times. JOE’S. RADIO SERVICE—Expert ■ repairs on all makes of radios. Ag­ ency for Sparton radios. New rad­ ios fully guaranteed for 1 year. Joe McGill, Belgrave, Phone 622 r 4. SLUGGISH KIDNEYS impair your health. . Rtrmacaps’ Two-Way. Ac­ tion quickly cleanses and invigor­ ates she Kidneys. Use Rtimacaps. AIcKibbon’s Drug Store. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Air. Shiells and his family from Alt- Forest put on a fine program in the | Institute Hall here last Wednesday jj evening under the auspices of the young people of the Presbyterian | Church. t Communion service will be held in * the United Church here on Sunday, j November 27 and Rev, Robb, of Blue- Ivale will have charge of the prepara- Is tory service on Thursday evening. Mr. Lance Grain, Mr. John AfcGee and Air. Leask AfcGee have had rad-, ios installed in their homes recently. MORTGAGE SALE of Property in the Town Plot of | Wingham in the County of Huron. Under and by virtue of the powers ' of sale contained in a certain mort­ gage which will be produced at the t time of sale there will be offered for sale by public auction at the office of J. H. 'Crawford, Wingham, on I 2v£ond<ivt tlic twolftli daiy of Deccni-! her, A.D. 1938, at 1.30 o'clock in the | afternoon, the following property, | namely: AH and singular those cer- •• tain parcels or tracts of land and pre-| mises situate, lying and being in the I For the Official Weather Forecast Tune in CKNX - every day at 12.35 Sponsored by the makers of Letter From a Man of 90 ‘ He asks us to excuse his writing. ■ We do more than that *— we pan* igratulate him on being able to write I at all at his age, especially as he has | been suffering from rheumatism. I This is what he says in his letter:— I “Three years ago I was in bed for j six weeks with inflammatory rheum­ atism. Since that time I have been taking Kruschen Salts, and have not had another attack. But the com- I plaint left me with inflamed feet, and | it hurt me to walk. My hands were also somewhat stiff. I took Krusch­ en every morning before breakfast, and shall continue to do so, because I am sure they have kept me in good shape for three years. Excuse this writing, as I am ninety years old, and use both hands to write.”'—J1R.G, The pain and stiffness of rheuma­ tism are often caused by uric acid in the muscles and joints. Kruschen helps to dissolve and remove excess uric acid in a gentle way through the natural channels. Renewed health and vigour is the result. The following young folks from the United Church attended the train, ing school in the United Church, at Wingham, and secured the diploma for their work: Genevieve AATatt, Dor­ is McClenaghan, Anna Alay Carrick, Agnes Gillespie, Jean Thompson and Mrs. Jas Falconer. The young folks held their weekly meeting on Thurs­ day evening last with Alillan Aloore in charge of the meeting. Garnet Farrier played a claronet solo, and J. D. Beecroft had charge of the topic, The Need of Co-Operation. Many in this district were sorry to learn of the death of Airs. Gordon J* Cane, of Toronto, formerly Gwendo­ line Annie Ida Thompsons daughter [of the late Sam Thompson and Airs, Thompson, of Donnybrook. Besides the immediate families from here who attended the funeral were: Airs. F. Thompson, June Irwin and her niece Mrs. Roy Alarion, of Goderich. Rev. D. Ridout, of Toronto ,is giv­ ing his illustrated lecture “Down by! the Sea” of hand painted scenes of Newfoundland and Labrador, in the! United Church here on Friday, Dec. { 2nd, under the auspices of the Y.P.U. 1 Other unions have been invited to at­ tend. The ladies of the church are holding their annual bazaar in the In­ stitute Hall on Dec. 9 and the S.S. are holding their Christmas concert on Dec. 16th. Rev. George AV. AfacICay, returned missionary from the Presbyterian Afission in North Formosa, who has been touring Afaitland Presbytery during the past week and speaking at various points, was a guest over the week-end at the rrianse with Rev. and Airs. Pollock, and spoke on. Sunday evening at Calvin Church and ad-> dressed the young people’s society on Monday evening. Ale. MacKay is a' son of Rev. adn Mrs. George L. A£ac- Kay_. the famous “Black Barbarian”; of Formosa. Airs. Wm, Robinson celebrated her seventy-seventh birthday on Monday. Alany happy returns. East AVawanash are holding their' nominations Oct. 25th. Mr. Blake at the home AfcClengahan. Air. Tom Wilson spent the week­ end at Toronto. Air. and Airs. Roy Patten, Lucan, spent the week-end with her moth­ er, Mrs. A. Fox. Air. Gus Devereau, who was oper­ ated oh in Clinton Hospital two weeks ago, returned to his home on Sunday. Air. and Mrs. AVni. Robinson and Ernest spent Sunday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson, of AValkerton. The old blacksmith shop has been re-opened by Air. Alartin Clark, of ■Alount Forest and he also has a man working as a wood-worker. AVe wel­ come them to the village and hope they find plenty of work. Air. and Airs. J F. McLean spent Sunday at Walkerton at the home of their daughter, Airs. S. H. Cross. Air. and Airs. Btischlen and son, of Toronto, home of Paterson. Newly-Weds Showered A large number of friends and nei­ ghbors gathered *at the home of Mr. and Airs, Jas. Scott on Thursday ev­ ening ip honor of their daughter, Airs. Art Scott and husband, who were married the previous Saturday. The evening was spent in social chat and dancing. The young couple were presented with a miscellaneous show­ er of many pretty and useful gifts. The groom thanked all for their good wishes .and remembrances. Lunch was served by the ladies. 0 { Community Club Elect | The annual meeting of the Bel- | grave Community Skating Rink was j held in the Orange Hall on -Thurs- i day night with the president, C. H. j Wade, presiding. The chief business «was the election of officers which re- . suited as follows: Pres., Alex. Young, i Vice Pres., M. Leitch; Treasurer, H. I AlcGutre; Secretary, Ken Wheeler; | Directors, Geo. Cook, Alex. Manning, C. R. Coultes, C. H. AVade, AA’m. Dunbar and Alartin Grasby. Presentation to Bride and Groom On Friday night a gathering of 8 neighbors and relatives met at the . Red School in honor of Air. and Airs. I Cecil Coultes who were married re- i cently. During the evening they were I presented with an occasional chair j and end table. Cecil in a few well j chosen words thanked the gathering •; on behalf of his bride and himself for ; the good wishes and gifts bestowed j on them. John Taylor read the pre- j sentation address and G. Johnston s and R. H. Coultes made the presen- | tations. Dancing was enjoyed during | the evening and lunch was served by k the ladies. Airs. J, Aruill, Airs. Lyle Hopper, at Belgrave on Friday, Gaunt has been very ill of his sister, Mrs. Geo. You have the opportunity of consulting a SPECIALIST about your vision, so why have anything less than the best advice you can get? Mr. Reid will examine your eyes, using the very latest methods, and if you do NOT need glasses, he will gladly tell you so. And if you DO need them, you can procure them from him at most reasonable prices. Mr. Reid of Stratford is at his office in Williams' Jewelry Store every Wednesday morning from 9.00 till noon. Make ap­ pointment with Mr. Williams, phone 5W. 0 R. Procter and Robt. Coultes are the delegates attending the United Far­ mers’ of Ontario Convention in Tor­ onto this week. Several from this community went deer hunting the past week. Air. and Airs. C. R. Coultes and Airs. J. AL Coultes spent a few days in Toronto. Miss Lawrence, of Mitchell, is spending this week with Air. and Mrs. Yule. Airs. G. B. AAffay, of AAtoodrow, Sask., 'who lias been visiting with Airs, J. A. Brandon for the past six months, has returned to her home. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. B. Thynne, of Brussels. . BORN FRASER—In Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, November 15th, to Air. and Mrs. Addison Fraser, Bluevale, a son. HAYDEN—Jo Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, November 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hal- den, a daughter. MUFFIT—In Kirkland Lake General Hospital, on Sunday, November 20, to Mr. and Airs. Norman Muffit, Kirkland Lake (nee Betty Walker) a son. ■an WATCH DOMINION FOR EXTRA VALUES STANDARD QUALITY TOMATOES - OCEANIC LIGHT MEAT TUNA FISH- TEXAS PURE UNSWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT WESTON'S CHOCOLATE ECLAIR BISCUITS lb .15 DOLE'S PINEAPPLE SUNFLOWER FANCY PINK SALMON BULK READICUT MACARONI - SHORTENING < These Values Effective until Saturday night, November 26th' kQ< Feeds TORONTO Fitty-stx On the south side of Queen Street; Sixty-three to Seventy-five, (inclusive) on the north side, of Queen Street; Ninety to Ninety-nine (inclusive) on the south side of Mait­ land Street, and One" Hundred and Seven to One Hundred and ten (in­ clusive) on the north side of Afait- ___________,___ land Street, in the Government Sur- Turnberry, Black vev of the said Town Plot of Wing- »ld, with mark on left t ham. This property is well located on vi the Wingham - Whitechurch road - j about one and one-quarter miles west STRAA ED—Onto the farm of Johni of Wingham and is convenient to Webb, Whitechurch Road, one school, and church. heifer. Owner may have same by On the property is said to be a proving property and paying ex-1 veneered brick house, frame cottage penses. « and a bank barn and straw shed.J TERMS OF SALE: Ten per cent. | of the purchase price to be paid on | the day of sale and the balance with- j in thirty days thereafter. The ptoper- 1 ty will be sold subject to a reserved bid. Further particulars and terms of, sale may be had on application to the; Undersigned. DATED this nineteenth day of No­ vember, A.D. 1938. THOS. FELLS, Wingham, Ontario, Auctioneer. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario. Solicitor for the Vendor. STRAYED onto the farm of Earl Dickson, two head of cattel. Own­ er may have same by proving pro­ perty and paying expenses. STRAYED from Lot 19 and 20, Con- cession ’“B’' Steer, 2 year ear. Please notify Frank Thomp «on, Phone 620r34. STRAYED onto the premises of Afiller Procter, one steer. Owner may have same by proving prop­ erty and paying expenses. STRAYED^-Onto"’'LoT2o7con. R, Turnberry, a yearling Heifer. Own­ er may have same by proving pro­ perty and paying expenses. James Godkin, WOOD FOR SALE—Cedar, Hard­ wood and softwood. Best price in town. Phone 239 or 21. AL Brown. NOTICE TO CREDITORS t IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF. SAMUEL McBURN* EY, late oi^the Township of East AVawanosh in the County of Hur­ on. Retired Farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, jHirstttttit to The Trustee Act* that all creditors and others having claims against ’the Estate of the late Samviel McButney, are required to send par- WHITECHURCH M iss Marioti Hinde, R.N., has been nursing its the home off Mr, and Mrs. Graham Moffatt, »>t Langside, where a little daughter arrived last Wed­ nesday. , • Pn. 2I; ' You gave your furnace a hard workout last winter. And yet no furnace can be expected to give clean, efficient perform­ ance unless it’s properly clean­ ed every year. Have your fur­ nace cleaned now> before you need it, you’ll be repaid a hund­ red times over when thermom­ eters tremble zerowards, Machan Bros. PLUMBING AND HEATING PHONE 58. :onoc=ssjlaorso; spent the week-end at the her brother, Mr. F. McK. o II © BELGRAVE Institute Plan for Ettchre Airs. Carl Procter; 4th line Morris,« I was hostess for the November meet- png of the AVomen’s Institute meet- png in her home Tuesday afternoon when there was a good attendance of Hi:members. Airs. N. Keating, the pres-’ g.lident, was in charge of the meeting ! ' »which was opened with the Institute | !! Ode and Lord’s Prayer. The minutes I i of the previous meeting were adopted 5 | and treasurer’s report received. I : S A committee was appoined to make | h arrangements for the euchre and | | dance which will be held between ' JUICE 18-ox. •Tins 2 Tall Tins lbs. <9 i-ib. Jfe Pkg. Iceberg Head Lettuce 2 for 19c Choice Grapes 2 lbs. for 19c 9 4 f> s0t>p u,. , Pj i Chateau Plain CHEESE Pk9. ,17 Fleischmann's YEAST - < _2_ New Season's Golden Hallow! DATES - 2 >bs .19 or Pimento ** Cake .04 RATES Neilson's COCOA Woodbury's SOAP Lemon Oil HAWES' K-ib. n. ..19 ★ Facial - 2 .IS 12-oz. Btl. .23 r IT'S HERE! THE NEW FRAGRANT EXCITING DELICIOUS RICH and MELLOW RICHMELLO COFFEE One Pound Package SHlRRlFF'S orangs marmalade .29