HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-11-24, Page 2i fes m«;rrc3. to £ cf ctoTjhj- erzsiy were the tesd Caiv-5;.ri—:Tbs’; :to a srss-j C^sxcSJ; wi»b to tosvey a beairiy v; *e tpj 2 at 4 g\cx to visit’bee dsmissstm sz’sru -.-■ tfes/evto fcin SStoss ’ito abe Ctossrsy C dJto/toxi was add- 'j J. M. Sebert—MariZ^i Wedr.s?5ay afzer- ■ tontribxi© ■ §25.G3 to i •!F & ♦ Thur*,, November 24, 1938 ■r* fh W —a partnership which ensures family protection now and per­ sonal independence in your later years. Consult MRS, A, E» VanSTONE Local SUN LIFE AgentTHE T" ii SL. IN DEEP SN'OW^JN MUDhJH TOUGHEST GOING e.2 IQ: a. -~a ra‘ J. All FOUR OHLY $ ll •■ * ..4? was a keea shopper ■and quick. to “snap up3* a har^am STUDDED SURE-GRIP Pulls you through! The most powerful Big Tractton Tire ever built for Light Trucks! stoed to parEa-; toaEed. A total 62,W0 yards of’: Objects to Criminal Justice Cost i £sw«2 were glared on the toads; 3Q3; Reeve George MeXedJ of Blytb, a jgg-Wg iisnSes cf toad were sprayed with} member of the Criminal Audit Board, 5xcn rf Mzto-'7 & st a ©“St t-f*-?24.25 yer mile sharply crimed what fee termed the 'sr.d the nesrite todfeate that a dfe-ji exorbitant costs to the county of fiixto advance has been made in toe ^county constables. He favored the wadfe ®f weed control on roadsides; g dismissal of all constables, and three 1®.©W fees &f sew fence have been >! or four appointed situated in key ordered and vriii be delivered 590®. | positions instead of the ■present 29. 7aX3-1T •-&5SL15 7A53-I5 7-30-16 The cost of the admimstraion of criminal justice, he said, has risen from 52,924 to $21/XK> and claimed that there were too wzny constables too much oyer-lapping. "This business of being a county constable is becoming a commercial enterprise—a highly developed rack­ et/’ he said. P. W. Scott said he felt that every county constable should be dismiss­ ed. 2nd a sew leaf started. The discussion dosed with the ap­ pointment of the Warden and Reeves bfcNail and J. H. Scott &» interview the Attorney-General as regard to the administration of justice and es- (Continued on Page Three) ass^sssneni,.! fee ftoaj srsj-Jj ' 5’^To* ..;- tow. u Trk z® ri-to ®’r 35 ffi£cl seec! Jet she year wilO abssrb ail the __! Warden rifeaose esstertauned the - ^■,>yy1A_ri to^nwrs and qwczafe ©f the c©unW ., ,^_ fl- ’■] at a ba®5Eei so Hotel Bedford ©n Jg arishE when fee was present-- •© —-1!with a gjsld 3Esc®ated cane and ad- J5y i-to, . . '« ~ -r» , _ i ’UxlSSS.C2’s^rxp2^tyrt ■ ‘ , - _ ___- >. Sky Harbor "Taken Overrguceer, aflsD. J dn^ to riz-e! CcanraH v©ied ahm©st UEanimtosly I Frifey to take ever Sky Harbor Air-: ___; seto as a Enordriusal enterprise. .. --- /r^\ ^:e tosrifotton bvtogfet an ©y toe . meeitoi, '—;i p^jr-vgy^ Committee reccwnended 1 S feeerj car- i . „ .„ i_ a . : stosngtiv toaz toe Cvunty or HarenassS 3% W33& . „ , i. _ .. . „ I tohe ©ver Sky Harbto as to the leas- to and steeaHT® to!t War-i '*~ - ‘ dfea*s Ctotoafitoe cOHtoerate vritb. the! TrT.Y/'Tf ; I « i’ - ’“* 4 ^fSriaSs (to the artolems that w®! „ ___;• a~se totos toe to ssme^ e© towetary ;|-'*—.er (Aiasses i . ... .■, >to^§a&tos to ae mvzdvea. touts to GassriS vtoed ©n divisions 22 ya.es ’ rad S- aavs foeriig retorded but be- Hto syKtoen"' "e sessrto ended it was made ravra, firtoai Speaksag to the quserian, Reeve .mglerizm ci ■■ S. E. Ttorer <cf Gtderito, rihaar- ad; a can- J man @* toe Frr^erty CErrsniWee. said ; a setofto ; fee fe&Eeved ft vtorid fee toe feist cem- .-rmfey aSipEn to toe ^ravince and S vtoto vras , to vras a splectod: gegtore cd cs-c ger- esx, and toe ,; arise vrito toe MatoeriardL He cem- toads brito rreaded toe 'yezag men vcito toiiated '' 'itSS-’g? il.SffigEr S.eeve E. Cardiff was heartily cd maktog 5t a mumcipal zg. It is a * g totog, he ■tS^SEeSiBWIXSs to». Telrov; S-sfeeS -At* -.• 3&. ---------------------AIL-FAMILY OFFER--------------- THtS NEWSPAPER, 1 YEAR AND ANY THREE MAGAZINES REASE CHKX EHSEE 1.4AGAZXS OSIRED 23 Sfealftsjjs Magtafr® gX4 Sawes-J, TJ S&d «i»3 <Bsm» 1 Year* 13 Snker Ssness^, 3 Ybst. ■23 Awsriesn ftsid Gscteter, 5 ’Ys*y. 23 Ssw&’.SMa, X5 AnsrilccR ®*y, ® M-s. O CfctoSan HesesH, 4> Mt*. 23 <3£®ji .F,*aa 1 Y«s& C Yfenn 23 iJ&sSaDctl SSxkti® MtnsS^g, 3 Ttest. Q CsitKsdtaB Magtosn*?., 2 Year. 23 Cfhirialam^," Tstre. 1T~I KtonAsi &««; 3 Tb=t. 23 Ctohadfenhi OntSr.uhu*fe emd 8t«ns Msigczftntk 3 T®nr. --------------------SUPER-VALUE OFFER MS NEWSPAPER, 1 YEAR AND THREE BIG MAGAZINES 6*03? A — SS£CT 1 jl GROUP B — SELECT 2 © b&k, & Mas. Q M&oWnV WgsrcWu X< sbjjpes. © YitifiSferrji'.fG’Yr* H . U Y*. © fcs^ratiiL 0 Yr. © Jifeism, Q Yt. © 3WteCtril?<r fl Yr. © Mirtftssin®' E3.ityrf, S Mot. I© Ye. © Attrarteft -M Yr. fey Harz ■.tot By Mr Hferatos te r£.ftor£.S r^irsr C:to*±2«8 ttod tt:y 'to2>4??xS tea fetoS atgyrgYg toa ttofe- «2to wfto e.r Jza rd T..G1 ar5 ftoaj to. efi SiLY^t^s—S5. ®\ StoC.5 “*;>*:> fe* fetid as .*> as gc** ilat a< .J ■»' alas tfbm «x>s fee > j © Jteismal Hst» Marik'S’. I Y®, ALL FOUR !gS^“’’*ss=-*>s.iU " ONLY 33 Sauter Ss-ssn, 8 Yr. “ | O fptfteribl Imiw,J Yr. jl23 Conaricr, i *Bb»» [I M32s£t»r, S Yr. ii O j Yr. O MfaaSSj ts Sep ’*"*.......... ............. ,« *........................ -------------------- ----------------