HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-10-27, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, October 27, 1938 ■RW"' Show Starts at 8.00 p.m. Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two Shows 7.45 and 9.45 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 27th, 28th, 29 SPECIAL a ^etrq^o/i/ziy/i-flayer picture v/erae mbwawv9}, with LIONEL BARRYMORE I Also “News” Admission —- Adults 35c, Children 20c. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Oct. 31, Nov. 1, 2 DOUBLE BILL RICHARD DIX AND LIGHTNING “BLINDALIBI” A novel dog story starring a remarkably trained animal. .And VICTOR MOORE AND VICKI LESTER , ------In------- This Marriage Business” Victor Moore runs for Mayor on a How-to-be- Happy-Though-Married platform. <( —iwin mi iiiimi iim mu hi imiiiiii in WHITECHURCH Mrs. Alec Reid spent a day last week in Lucknow with Miss Belle Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tiffin, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson of Toronto, Mrs. W. R. Farrier and her sister, SPES^L Mrs. Sam Reid of Ashfield spent a day last week with their cousin, Mrs R. T. Phillips of Goderich. Miss Olive Kennedy spent week in Lucknow with Mr. and Wm. Macintosh. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davidson visit­ ed on Sunday with her sister, Mrs. last Mrs. — Fancy Box Stationery at Half Price We have purchased a traveller’s samples, boxes may be slightly soiled, so we can offer you this real chance. 75c boxes For 38c $1.50 boxes For 75c $1.00 boxes For 50c 50c boxes For 25c I IThe regular monthly meeting of the United Church was held last Wednesday with Mrs. J, G. Gillespie in charge in the absence of the presi­ dent and read the Scripture lesson, Arrangements were made to hold a Bazaar on December 2nd. A very in­ teresting report of the Sectional meeting at Fordwich was given by Mrs, Ben McClenaghan, Short read­ ings were given by Miss Laidlaw and Mrs. Cox and the Temperance clip­ pings proved very interesting, Mrs. Scholtz sang a solo and Mrs, Gilles­ pie closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Rev, Mundell and children of Detroit spent the week-end at the home of her brother, Mr, F, McK. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox spent Sunday with her parents, Mr,, and Mrs, Patterson of Auburn, Mr. Pat­ terson has been very ill during the past week. Many in this community were pleased to hear that Mr. Chas Wight­ man, who has been suffering from strokes at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Brigham of Blyth, is improving nicely now. Mr, and Mrs. Eli Jacques were vis­ itors at the homq of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Leggatt of Wingham on Sun­ day, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Scholtz and family of Auburn visited on Sunday Mclllwain of Fordwich. Mt*, and Mrs. Will Conn and Wall­ ace and Mr. and Mrs. Hardie Simp­ son and family of Teeswater spoilt Sunday at Lucknow with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Johnston. Miss Mabel Reid and Mr. Bert Reid of Ashfield were Sunday visitors with Air. and Mrs. Albert Patterson. Mrs. Sewart Scott and children of Culross visited last Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Will Conn. Mrs. Andrew Fox returned form Lucan last Saturday after spending the week with Mr, and Mrs. Roy Pat­ ten. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McGee and Gordon and Mr. and Mrs. J. D .Bee­ croft visited on Tuesday last with Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Kirk of Seaforth, The young folks of S. S. No 9, East Wawanosh are holding a social evening in the school house on Wed­ nesday in honour of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Robinson who leave shortly with their family to spend the winter at Tilsonburg. Tmong those who visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas Sutherland on Wednesday last were: Mr. Alec and Mr. Hugh ‘Sutherland of Holy­ rood, Mr. and Mrs. Avery of Tees- water, M’r. and Mrs. Frank McCorm­ ick cf Culross and Miss Marjorie Preston of Wingham. Mr. Sutherland held a very successful sale that day and lealized good prices for his stock and implements. (Juile a few young folks cf the, United Church,here attended the op­ ening meeting of the Congress in •Wingham church on Monday night. Miss Genevieve and Master George Watt of Toronto spent the week-end with their sister, Miss Muriel Watt at the home of Mr. Wm. Barbour Miss Muriel and George returned to Toronto on Monday. Mr. Frank Henry spent last week with his daughter, Mrs. Malcolm Green and other relatives at Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McGee and her brother, Mr. Clarence Purdon 'f Tor­ onto and Miss Gladys Brownlee of Goderich, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Purdon. Many old friends in this commun­ ity were sorry to hear of the .serious illness of Mrs. John Norman, at one time a resident of E. Wawanosh, but who has spent the past few vears with her daughter in the West. About two we^k-, ago Mrs. Norman, accom­ panied by Mis. Albert Tisdale, re­ turned home to be with her daughter, Mrs. D’eyel! cf Wingham and last Thursday night was taken ill and an emergency eperation was performed during the night. Pier daughter, Mrs. Walter 'iisdale is expected home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos., Hackett Ash- f-cld spenr Wednesday last at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Corne­ lius. Many oid friends of Angus Mor­ rison of Turnberry are sorry to hear of his serious illness. Mr. Mac lb. ss had the misfortune io lose on" c>f his team of horses last week. Mrs. Harold Sparling and children of Owen Sound are visiting w'th her parents. Air. and Mrs. Thos. H. Moore. Air. and ,Mrs. Harry Brown and his family moved on Monday from , their home hi Kinloss to Lucknow. Look for this number on the Wallpaper Insert in your Tele­ phone Directory. FREE PRIZE— l/z Gallon Floglaze Enamel October Lucky Winner — 2041 ELMER WILKINSON T Peterson Pipes Agents for Wingham $2.00 Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe FIRST CLASS Watch Repairing AT REASONABLE PRICES his brother, Mr. Ezra monthly meeting of of the Presbyterian her daughter, Mrs, Ward Shickluna and Mr. Shickluna, at Port Colborne. The November meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held in the Community Hall on Wednesday, No­ vember 2nd. Roll Call, Peace Mot­ toes. Subject, Peace Education a/id International Relationship, with Mrs. Ed. McQuillin in charge. Programme Committee, Miss. Annie Durnin, Mrs. Will Rutherford; hostesses, Mrs. G. McPherson, Mrs. E. McPherson/ Mrs. John Cameron. Please note the change in'the day. A lantern lecture on “China Chang­ ed and Changing” was the special feature of the meeting of the Y.P.U. on Sunday evening. The new offic­ ers were installed by Rev. H. M. Wright after which the new presi­ dent, Dick Weatherhead, took the’ chair. A Hallowe’en Social under the auspices of the Y.P.U. will be held on Monday evening .when. member of the Whitechurch Society will' be guests. A small fine will be imposed upon those who do not come in costume. When returning to his home from Mr. Hugh Rutherford’s on Sunday evening, Mr. Louie Grant had the misfortune to fall off the bridge in the lane.. Fortunately help happened along and Mr. Grant was carried to his home. Later he was taken to the Wingham Hospital where the X-ray revealed a broken bone in his hip. Mr. Grant’s many friends hope for a speedy recovery. at the home of Scholtz. The regular the W.’ M. S. church was held last Thursday after­ noon with the President, Mrs. Robt Mowbray in charge. This was the special Glad Tidings Day. The scrip­ ture lesson was read by Mrs. Ab Mc- Quillin and the following took part in the season of prayer for mission­ ary work and workers, Mrs. W. J. Coulter, Miss Annie Laidlaw, Mrs. David Kennedy, Mrs. Murray and., Mrs. Robert Ross. The special, “Ar­ ound the World Topic” was taken by Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw, Mrs.” J. Pollock, Mrs. Jaques, Mrs. Godkin, Miss An­ nie Kennedy and Mrs. Emerson. The ladies are expecting to hold their Thank-Offering meeting on O.ctober 18th, when they expect their special ,speaker will be Miss Iris Errey, R. N. of the Abbey Memorial Nursing Home at Ankut, India, who is now on furlough in this country. Miss Margaret^ Taylor of London visited last week with Mjss C. Laid­ law and on Sunday Miss Laidlaw and Mr. John Laidlaw and "Miss Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Laidlaw vis­ ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Haggitt of Blyth. Mr. Melville McClenaghan, Mr. McKenzie Mowbray, And Mr. Ken­ neth Laidlaw, who have been work, ing at gravel at Exeter, spent the week-end at their respective homes here. Mr. Elroy Laidlaw left on Mon­ day to work with them at Exeter too. Mr. Robert Mowbray has purchas­ ed a new Dodge sedan. The young peoples meeting in the Presbyterian Church on Monday night was in charge of the President, Mr. Alec Robertson and the meeting opened with a song Service. Miss An­ nie Kennedy read the Scripture les­ son and Miss Janet Robertson gave a splendid talk on “How can we get along even though we have handi­ caps.” MisSes Janet Robertson and Velma Scott sang a duet. Miss Nix­ on, then read the Scripture lessen for the 'Bible Talk given by Rev* J* Pollock. The young folk ate holding their Hallowe’en social next Monday .Wight and the congregation is asked to attend the meeting. ft WILLIAMS THE JEWELLER Official C. N. R. Watch Inspector. PAIR HOLLAND BULBS We still have a complete assortment of Bulbs — Narcissus, Tulip, Hyacinth, Daffodils. McKibbon’s Drug Store The Rexall Store Wingham Fur Coats Again in Demand This Season Lowest prices in first qualty* furs are being carried in stock and guaranteed in Persian Lambs, Mink - striped Muskrats, Hudson Seals and Fox Scarfs. from Priced $97.50 to $375.00 liberal allowance on your old coat A made when purchasing a new one. Hanna’s Ladies Shop Phone 28 « Exclusive — Not Expensive HI Prompt Delivery FOR Phone 161 Have Your Eyes Examined NOW! By a specialist in his wqrk. Mr. Reid has been in Stratford over twenty years and has had his Wingham <office nearly five years. Modern equipment and latest methods of eye examination await you here. Glasses at moderate prices. Call 5W to-day for an ap­ pointment. ■' R. A. REID Registered Optometrist Office in Williams* Jewelry Store. ' Thorough and complete eye ex­ aminations and proper glasses ^exclusively. Every Wednesday Morning 9.00 to Noon With the arrival of the formal sea­ son you’ll be wanting exquisitely sheer hosiery to glorify your dress- up Costumes. We’re featuring Our gossamer hosiery at a very special price this week. You’ll be delighted with the perfection of its texture and its long wearing qualities. EVERY NEW WINTER SHADE ISARD’S HOStE^V . ST. HELENS SHOP AT DALTON’S FRENCH DRIP COFFEE .. 33c lb. THE COFFE WITH A REAL FLAVOR Obtainable Only At This Store Gorman Eckert’s Famous NUT BUTTER__ 25c 16 oz. sealer AUSTRALIAN SEED- * LESS RAISINS.......2 lbs. 25c WHOLE GLACE CHERRIES .... FRESH MINCEMEATu 45c lb. 2 lbs. 25c LEXIA RAISINS With Seeds...............2 lbs. 25c FRESH CURRANTS ...n................ 15c lb. FRESH SHELLED •.WALNUTS ............... 45c lb.1 TIP TOP PUMPKIN __. Large Tin 10c SMITH’S FOUR O’CLOCK BROKEN PEKOE TEA ... Domestic, Picake or Coleman’s SHORTENING..... 2 lbs. 25c FRESH SALTED ,PEANUTS .............../2 lbs. 25c MILD CANADIAN CHEESE ........... 19c lb. CLOVER LEAF FANCY PINK SALMON ... 2 Tins 25c 55c lb. KELLOGG’S ALL BRAN .......... 22c pkg. BUTTERNUT PEANUT BUTTER ...____„...., 2 lbs. 25c FRESH PITTED DATES ..—2 lbs. 25c MADE RITE PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb. bag 51c Mr, And Mrs, McKenzie Webb, Dorothy and Billy, were recent visit­ ers with Mr. and Mrs., R, C. Mc- Gowan, Blyth. Mr. Neely Tdod, of Stratford, was a week-end visitor at his home here. Mrs. Jas. Gaunt is a visitor with Redpath’s GRANULATED SUGAR .. 10 lbs. 54c With Dollar Order (Sugar Mot included) . , We recommend the above articles because of their Freshness and Quality at Reasonable Prices. We also recommend to you out Fruit and Vegetables, also Our display of Bacons, Weiners, Bologna, Fresh Sausage, Cottage Rolls, Ejtc., iti the Sanitary Counter, ■ ■ * ' ■