HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-10-27, Page 3.......IM—........... ‘*111* Winn............................Ml II.......... ----rrr———----------------------- _______ ___________ .. . * ’ ■; ” ...............................I w * ' . " I Thursday, October 27, 1938 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES HAMCO Wa™.eWftoo-HAMCO! Says Communists Must Go Washington Fred W. Frahnh Detroit’s superintendent of police, told the House of Representatives committee on un-American activities that unless Communist influences are removed from that city’s labor unions an “awful clash” is coming and “a lot of people are going to get hurt.” Worried by Dept, Leaks Ottawa—Leakage of information relating to Canadian defense matters is worrying national defence depart­ ment officials. Reports, however, a board oil inquiry would be set up to probe the source of such leakage were denied.” mole herd Coy by Cas ttioneu «... ** ' ;o I Hoefer HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE OVENS, LIMITED HAMILTON. CANADA SOLD BY J. A. Mac Lean Estate Donald Rae & Son R. J. Cantelon Czechs Drop Red Newspapers Prague — A police decree outlawed the Communist party and suspended the Communist press of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. The order took effect immediately. Royalty Visit May Be Extended1 Ottawa—Representations are likely to be made from Ottawa that the vis­ it of the King and Queen to Canada next summer be extended beyond the announced three weeks, according to a report here. Waterloo Liberals Nominate Preston — The Waterloo Liberal Association nominated May­ or R. K. Serviss, of Galt, as its can­ didate,. in the November 14 federal by-election in the riding to elect a successor to the late A. ,M- Edwards, Conservative. The Conservative As­ sociation of Waterloo South nomin­ ated Karl K. Homuth, Preston, Oct. Uth. ' South More Loans to Saskatchewan Saskatoon The Federal Govern­ ment will give $9,000,000 to the Pro- vince of Saskatchewan toward reliev­ ing destitution, W. W, Dawson, dir­ ector of rural relief for Saskatchewan said,-in addressing the United Farm­ ers of Canada, Saskatchewan' section, in annual session here. Two Men Adrift for Hours Port Burwell —- Exposed for hours to the biting winds of Erie, in a disabled small open two Port Burwell fishermen, Frank Williams and Philip Vaughan, were towed to safety by Charles Bates, Jr., gnd the tug Norman B. seven Lake boat, Explosion Wrecks Boat Simcoe — When his boat, Iris,” blew up on Lake Erie between Normandale and Fisher’s Glen, .John Trafford, of Simcoe, narrowly escap­ ed serious injury and possibly death. Trafford took his boat out at Tur­ key point for a run, The engine was not working properly and he decided to clean out the gas line. When he had the line clean he started the mo­ tor and immediately there was a ter­ rific . explosion which blew him out of the boat into the water. Fortun­ ately, he was alone and not far off shore and he was able to wade in. The Two Giant Teeth Found Glencoe — Interest has been arous­ ed in the scientific implications of two giant teeth, weighing four and a half pounds each, discovered by Jas. Watson, Glencoe district farmer, who turned them out as he was plow­ ing a drained bog. The teeth are be- WP SOUND I REIwlllr £ —a partnership which ensures family protection now and per­ sonal independence in your later years. Consult MRS. A. E. VanSTONE Local SVN LIFE Agent OlC AND THE SUN LIFE OF CANADA lieved to be those of a mastedon and have been taken to the University of Western Ontario. Baby Born in Respirator Fort William, Ont. — A 17-year- old mother, suffering from infantile paralysis, gave birth to a baby girl while lying in a respirator in hospital here. The case was believed her to be unparalleled in medical history. The baby, eight weeks premature, -weighed two pounds, nine ounces, died next day. Guards Take Jerusalem Jerusalem — Approximately 1,000 Coldstream Guards marched into the old City of Jerusalem and delivered the district from the hands of. Arab rebels who had held it for four days. May Suggest Arms Limitation London — fjavas News Angency said it was reported in Government circles that before Prime Minister Chamberlain throws Great Britain’s armaments machinery into high gear he will make a personal appeal to Chancellor Hitler for an arms limi­ tation agreement. Sonja Picked Toronto Partner Sonja Henie, famous screen star and queen of the ice, has picked a new partner . . Stewart Reburn, well known in Toronto and throughout the, United States for his many out­ standing appearances in skating car­ nivals with Louise Bertram, Ar­ rangements were completed in New York a few weeks ago and Mr. Re­ burn is now in Hollywood rehearsing with Sonja for a transcontinental tour. Farmer Killed as Team Bolts John O’Hanley, aged 60, of Park­ hill, was instantly killed when he was thrown from a farm wagon at the end of a two-mile race by a run-away team. He suffered multiple sk-ull fractures. His employer, Alex', Mc­ Donald, of the fifth concession of Mc­ Gillivray Township, was thrown out of the wagon at the commencement of the run-away, but escaped injury. Daladier Supported by Senate Vote Complete returns in the French Senate elections showed a slight swing in favor of more moderate el­ ements in the Upper Chamber, a trend regarded as supporting Prem­ ier Edouard Daladier’s policies. The Radical-Socialist party, mainstay of the Government, kept its strength al­ most intact with a loss of four seats. PICOBAC PIPE TOBACCO FOR A MlLDCQOL SMOKE w □F HAMCO--NOW T^E: lowest price: in years The state department was said to be insisting upon a substantial rather than a superficial agreement. To Consider Western Secession Saskatoon — Decision to consid­ er Western , secession was made by the United Farmers of Canada, Sas- * katchewan section, in annual conven­ tion here. By resolution, the conven­ tion decided unanimously to instruct its board of directors to “assimilate and prepare authoritative.material on the subject of setting up a western autonomous state within the British Empire, governed by a single west­ ern government, elected democratic­ ally by the people.” \ r._____ Says U.S. and Canada to Wed New York—In an editorial title “Canada and America hear wedding bells,” William Randolph Hearst’s New York Daily Mirror commented on a magazine article predicting the eventual anschluss of the two count­ ries. The editorial agreed with the writer of the Mercury Magazine ar­ ticle that straws in the wind indicate Canada and the United States stead­ ily are drawing closer together. TEA-TIME in BRITAIN t t read TODAY S mW More Population Needed Victoria—Hon. Dr. R. J. Manion, Dominion Conservative Leader, con­ tends a bigger population in Canada would do milch to insure the perm­ anency of Confederation. Germany Wants Trade Treaty Berlin — German economists indi­ cated that Germany would like to be­ come a third partner to. the British- United States trade treaty now und­ er negotiation in Washington. Czech-Russian Pact Shelved Prague, Czechoslovakia —..Foreign Minister Frantisek Chaikovsky was .reported to have told the Soviet min­ ister Sergei Alexandrovsky, that Czechoslovakia is “no longer inter­ ested” in its alliance with Russia. U.S.-Britain Treaty May Collapse Washington — The United States Government has given Great Britain to understand, it was reported reliab­ ly, that substantial concessions on Certain American products are neces­ sary or negotiations for the Anglo- American trade treaty must collapse, .warfare. Japs Take Canton Canton — The Japanese conquer­ ors of Canton, birthplace of Chinese nationalism, deployed in force throughout the city, confident of complete occupation without firing a shot. The South China metropolis was captured after one of the most astounding compaigns of modern THE NEW RATE FOR FLAT RATE WATER HEATING IS 45c PER MONTH FOR 100 WATTS INSTALLED CAPAC ITY. GET YOUR INFORMATION ON is 5 PM TEATIME //z/^OLD COUNTRY That is why you Old Country news-the SAM E DAY in the TORONTO DAILY STAR* The five-hour difference enables the * Toronto Daily Star to receive, sum­ marize and print, the same day, the news from England, Ireland, Scotland and the Continent. That’s why sub­ scribers to the Toronto Daily Star read the news from the British Isles the same day it happens. Do you know that over two hundred and ten thou­ sand people buy the Toronto Daily Star? More people read The Star than any other Canadian newspaper! AT THE HYDRO SHOP. 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