HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-10-27, Page 2*{ PAGE TWO THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES ♦ Thursday, October 21, 1938 touched "threw up its head, striking' Mr. Roney In the nose with enough force to break the bone at the side. •‘"‘’’“•K’Otcli ell Wlarton, Walkerton, Waterloo and Kitchener that'municipalities be per­ mitted to bar outside bakeries mak­ ing house-to-house sales. Don’t take chances with unidentified fuels. Follow the example of over 100,000Canadian homeowners who have changed to better heating. Burn ‘blue coaP for the finest, most trouble-free heating you’ve ever enjoyed. Order a ton today. MacLean Lumber & Coal Co. Phone 64W Scarlet Fever at Kincardine Two cases of scarlet fever have been reported to Kincardine health authorities. Both are a mild type and measures are being taken to prevent any further spread. Hit-and-Run Driver Hit Pole South Bruce Telephone Company would like to receive a“call, long dis­ tance if necessary, from an unknown hit and run driver who, swinging ar­ ound a sharp bend on the eighth con­ cession line about a quarter of a mile northwest of Mildmay, smashed a telephone pole off at the base, left it leaning across the road amid a tangle of wires and severed telephonic com­ munications between Mildmay and Teeswater. Alleged Hit and Run Motorist In less than an hour after John Grant, of Clinton, was reported to have crashed into the rear of a far­ mer’s wagon, he was found by pro­ vincial officer J. W. Calendar in bed in a Clinton Hotel with a doctor in attendance. Grant is charged with failing to return to the scene of an accident and reckless driving. The accident happened east of Clinton, when the wagon of Robert Freemay, R.R. 4, Clinton, was struck front be­ hind, Mr. Freeman escaped with a shaking up. SHE GCUVoTo let me tell you) fesp ABOUT MY Az Joh h&rofJ 1a u [♦K’a A r 1 HERES A SPECIAL CONSOLAHON PRSZe FOR. YOU, MAMlEj BECAUSE YOU HAD SUCH BAD LUCK r~^ ( KVOW AWAY*. TO FIX , HER J - Kincardine Barn Burned Kincardine’s worst fire in five years razed a barn on the. property of Jos, Wilson, butcher, Cause of the <blaze is not known. It was noticed by a neighbor who phoned in an alarm. Pumping from Penetangore River, 250 yards distant, firemen limited the blaze to the barn and saved a nearby granary in which were 1,000 bushels of grain. Stock in the barn was mov- e.d out before the blaze got too much headway, Six-Headed Cabbage An . oddity pn the vegetable world was found by Mr. Edward Fangrad in his garden when one of his cabbages grew to maturity with six heads, each the size of a fist. He has several with two or three heads, but the sextette “beat them all”.—Hanover Post. Brussels Woman 90 Mrs. AV. F. Stewart, 50 years a resident of Brussels, celebrated her 90th ’ birthday anniversary. Mrs.- Stewart is remarkably alert in all her faculties, has good health and pos­ sesses an astonishingly clear mem­ ory, She has recently completed a quiit and also some oil paintings that are well worth seeing. She spent her childhood in Woodstock. You must PROMISE /1 WAS FEELING SO WRETCHED ToDAYJ^ttJoPEN i I COULDNT SEE ^-xMY CARDS> 4 > IT until YOU GET HOME S J / WHEN I FOUND THEY HAD edVENy^ > ME A PACKAGE ( K^LLbOGS zall-bran., I TWN I SAW/ tTHE POINT ) 4TA - V7 7#,. Asa SALEM CA j $ GAY, ITS good! AND ftL BET ITg A WHOLE LOT BETTER., FOR YOU THAN TAWA/G THOSE HARSH CATHARTiCS^^A '‘Breeding tells", on the farm and at the auctions, as’ well as in the show-ring. Better strains in all livestock produce better returns year in and year out at no additional cost in keep. Money to buy stock that will make money for the purchaser is regularly loaned* by this Bank. We welcome the oppor­ tunity of lending money to responsible farmers who can make profitable investments in pure-bred stock. THE DOMINION BANK ESTABLISHED 1871 Grows Spanish Onions Mr. John Segsworth of West Lu­ ther, has raised this year a fine lot of excellent .Spanish onions. Many of them weigh a pound each or bet­ ter. They are of splendid sample” and Mr, Segsworth has perhaps discover­ ed a new product which may be grown profitably in this municipality to still further add to its future’ greatness. It is thought that Mr. Segsworth’s experiment is the first with genuine Spanish onions to be grown in the township.—Arthur En­ terprise-News. Mrs. Frank Coates, from Dominion City, Man., is visiting her aunt, Mrs, Wm. Weir and other-friends, A number from thi$ locality at­ tended. the plowing match near .Bar­ rie last week. Mrs. W. C. Weir and Miss Margar-, et Mitchell, of Molesworth, spent a couple of days last week with the former’s daughter, (Miss Edythe Weir at Bracebridge. Mrs. Sangster, from near Lakelet, spent Sunday with her sister,- Mrs. Edwin Bennett. Mrs. McTavish, of London, espent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. D. L, Weir and other friends. * Wingham Branch 4 J. R. M. Spittai, Manager A Cycling Mishap Mac Schaefer and Alex. Hihn, both of Greenock, while cycling on the Walkerton-Kincardine highway, near the Enniskillen corner, crashed into each other with 'such force as, to break Hihn’s collar bone and to ser­ iously injure Schaefer’s hip.—Walk­ erton Herald-Times. Appeal for Northern Fire Sufferers One of the greatest, catastrophies in the history of Northern Ontario was the recent fire in which 20 per­ sons lost their lives, some 300 men, womeq and children are homeless, some 400 others have seen the results of their* years of labour, their barns, their stock, even their seed for plant­ ing, all swept away. Requested and supported by the Provincial and Fed­ eral Government, the Red Cross has undertaken the arduous task of relief and rehabilitation in these burnt-out areas of 3,0Q0 square, miles. * $100,000 is urgently required. Your contribu­ tion whether large or small, will be welcome. Send it to Red Cross Head­ quarters, 621 Jarvis St., Toronto. SOMETIME LATER row <5IRLS! YOU KNOUT ) HOW I USED TO (complainABOUT \ 1 MY CONSTIPATIONJ | ( forget it, ) / MAMIE, < . YOURE ONE ' OF THE , REGULARS, \y t----n I I Sn ‘v clue i .’ Wftm of Se°.M of 4j£,ls. mon fon^n is oae nf ?e "bulk” Cru^hy, $ ’S ^richest of^,aeed- __ erved by rG„Lond°n> i ............. esfaUft}nq- i8 I NEWS j of the | DISTRICT | Hand Severely Injured Mrs. Gordon McHardy was taken to Alexandra Hospital for treatment of a badly lacerated left hand. She -was operating the washing machine At her home when her hand was .drawn between the rollers of the nvringer. Without stopping the ma­ chine, Mrs. McHardy ripped her hand free and in doing so tore off a large portion of skin.—Goderich Signal- Star. nursing a family increased to four­ teen. The first was born at 10 a.m., the last at 6 p.m. .Mother and bab­ ies are in excellent health.—Goderich Signal-Star. Fourteentuple ts? Max Frankel is scratching his head with amazement. One morning last week his three-year-old Scotch col­ lie, Quccnie, gave birth to a little of six puppies. Max left for Toronto on a business trip and when he returned at night he found Queenie proudly Fined for One Hand Driving A young man from Guelph appear­ ed In court there, charged with reck­ less driving. Provincial Traffic Of­ ficer Charles Hunter told of follow­ ing him for a mile and a half and all that time, he had his arm around a lady—and probably had no idea that he was being followed. The young man blushingly claimed that he was going at a moderate rate of speed, but that did not prevent Magistrate Watt from fining him $10 and costs. He did not say whether he consider­ ed it worth the fine.—Fergus News- Record. Nose Fractured When Struck By Horse Fred Roney, R.R. 2, Mitchell, sus­ tained a fractured nose and other nose injuries in a peculiar manner. He was in the act of harnessing a horse to go out in the fields. The horse had a sore mouth and on being Celebrated 94th Birthday Celebrating her 94th birthday on Thursday at the home of her brother, Dr. A. Moir, Hensall, Mrs. Samuel Thomson was the guest of honor at an enjoyable gathering. Mrs: Thom­ son, who was formerly Mis^ Eliza­ beth Moir, despite her age, is in splendid health and thoroughly en­ joyed the party in her honor.—Sea­ forth Huron Expositor. Two Cars Collide Two cars collided on the road in front of Mr. Henry Bolton's farm near Fordwich. Mr. Alex. Wray of Fordwich was the driver of the car coming out of the ’lane, while Mr. John Elliott of Molesworth, was the driver proceeding towards Fordwich. Mr. Wray was brought to the Mem­ orial Hospital where it was found ne­ cessary to put several stitches in scalp wounds, while Mrs. Elliott had a few abrasions.—Listowel Banner. PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS By Harry J. Boyle “COUNTRY CONCERT” air Maitland Creamery Buyers Of Bush . Fite Caused Scare A bush fire which started tn Harry Fergusoh’s bush, on Con. 16, How- ick, gave the owner and his neigh­ bors quite a scare. It is said that the blaze started from burning leaves in an adjoining field, and it was with sotne difficulty that it was controlled. —Mildmay Gazette. , . « ------- 13 BlosSOms on Stem When marigolds grown by J. Pol­ lock branch forth with more than a single blossom to a stem,- they do it in no small fashion. In Mr. Pollock’s garden a single stem was found to have 13 blooms. Unlucky or not, Mr, Pollock thinks they constitute a re­ cord growth.-—Kincardine News. There’s a tinge of frost in the and a cheery fire of good dry maple in the little heater in the front room, and I’ve been sitting here for an hour trying to collect my scattered wits. I just can’t figure out why I’m not writing anything . . and then I real­ ize it must be the fowl supper at the church. We attended .it last night, and as usual T shocked Mrs. Phil be­ cause I ate too much. She said that people would think I never got any­ thing at home. Well, last year I wrote one letter on the fowl supper. This year I want to speak about the concert. Good-( ness knows, there’s been practising for it almost every night during the past two months. At first it was once a week, then twice a week and it’s been every night for the past two weeks. The young folks were as tick­ led and tense as if they had been op­ ening in a command performance be­ fore the King and Queen. Everybody was well fed . . , the 11 THE UNITED FARMERS’ CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED. Wingbam, • • Ontario. Phone 271 Walkerton to' Vote Again On High School By-Law The Walkerton High School Board has petitioned the Town Council to re-submit to the* ratepayers at the December election, the bylaw for the expenditure of $99,000 for the erec­ tion of a new high school and which was defeated by a substantial major- ATTENTION Our 25 Point Scientific Examin­ ation enables us to give you Cleat?, Comfortable Vision F. F. HOMUTH Optometrist Phone 118. Harriston A A R» K in car dine Bakers Object To Outside Selling Representations were made to Hom Horman O, Hipel, minister of labor, by bakers from Kincardine, h tables were cleared away and we sat down to wait for the play. There was the rumbling of tables apd chairs and the excited giggling of Millie Simpkins, and occasionally a face would peer out from a rent in the curtain to see if we were having a full house. After two or three false starts the orchestra under the direc­ tion of Jim While started off with Yankee Doodle and then evidently thinking better of it, they changed to playing something that was a cross between a very sick Turkey in the Straw and a dyspeptic kitten on the keys. They came to an abrupt stop, but Ed Jenks, playing second fiddle, kept on bravely and played to the end . . he was quite a way behind. Everybody applauded, Then that Daniels boy from town, the one who works in the chain gro­ cery and we’ars “smelling-grease” on his, hair, came out and made a very pretty speech. He sounded to me as he expressed hope that people would enjoy their humble efforts, as if he would talk the ‘same way trying to pawn off a pound' of wormy raisins. But everybody applauded that too. Then the curtain was drawn back, and there was the same scenery on the stage that has been there ever since the Uncle Tom’s Cabin show broke down in ’08. Of course, they had one of those gilt-edged mottoes “God Bless Our Happy Home” on the wall and a new calendar on the wall, but it looked pretty Well con­ sidering the fact that it’s been doing service for thirty years. As usual George Hendry was sit­ ting up on the red settee with the false whiskers on (there’s one pair) and with his stockinged feet Up on the chair beside the table with the three legs. He is always pretty fair at acting, and he droned on about the price of wheat and the condition of the farmers for about five minutes. Then catastrophe entered the scene Apd the whiskers .dropped off . . .! But that was where George showed himself to be a good trouper. He just Went right On talking and said ; . , “Yes, sir, times sure are tough. There hasn’t been enough rain to ev­ en give a man’s whiskers encourage­ ment' to Stick with him.” Then while everybody was laughing he slipped the whiskers back on. There were several mishaps includ­ ing the time when Tom Dicson’s Stomach started slipping down, and as he hitched it tip the front of his shirt came open and you could see the top of the pillow, Then when Emily Laws forgot her lines* and the coach back stage whimpered two or three times in a stage whisper and at last yelled , « . “Clean out your ears# Emily?’ Whew the young man and the young lady clinched in the last scene everybody gasped, and her beau Who was down In the audience was halt- A a I .III I ■ ■stI | X J :: I j ............ ; — ■y way up out of his seat before it broke . . . it’s mighty fine to see the peo- up. Everybody thought it was too pic you know play-acting on a stage realistic. But those things are what makes entertainment in the country so good . . . and if they do make a few mis­ takes it only adds to the spirit of the. occasion. Varnishes* Paints Enamels -Wa VARNOLAC [The New One Coat 4 Hour Enamels BUCHANAN HARDWARE Wingham GOODYEARS We’ll give you big tire value for your money •** guaranteed Goodyear Speedway tires . • • built to give you long, depend* able’service. Drive in today • • •our low prices will please you. GET GOING ON NEW™ GOODYEARS £S5=' TODAY! ROYAL SERVICE STATION (Homuth & Bennett. Prons.) Wingham Phone 174W Ontario