HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-10-20, Page 3Thursday, October 20, 1938 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES is si •S ¥s '^.x. i' » Keep Summer at Home! Conad”serfto,i°y Colo <’°n>'i “urnmerV wonnlh of H “br4"*°:i A ”Wco D^rr cn^atic ' I ' ■■ » ' HE4TER5 I HAMCO Cfivet. mv'te fi££^\ CciLi leAA monetA * 1 COKE HAMILTON BYPRODUCT COKE OVENS, LIMITED HAMILTON, CANADA SOLD BY J. A. MacLean Estate Donald Rae & Son R. J. Cantelon HAMgO^'^bw-jTriE'fec>0EST PRICE Ibl YEARS Attempt to Sell Stolen Bonds Toronto—Toronto police have un­ covered an attempt to sell the major portion of the $80,000 worth of bonds stolen from the Imperial Bank of Canada branch at Jordan Station, near St. Catharines,'it was reported. Ontario Securities Commission inves­ tigators were reported working on the case. gotiate a .commercial accord with Germany. in London culminated with his nom­ ination. Will Continue to Investigate Death Temporarily checked in his inves­ tigation of the death of Mrs. Mabelle Horlick Sidley by a judgment hand­ ed down by Mr. Justice McTague in Osgoode Hall Chambers, Attorney- General Gordon Conant reiterated his determination to probe the case fully even though the inquiry would be forced to follow channels of proced­ ure other than an inquest. Germany to Dominate Berlin — Germany has lost no time in following up Chancellor Hit­ ler’s triumph in the Sudeten quarrel by organizing for a drive calculated to make what is left of Czechoslov­ akia an economic dependency of Ger­ many. Germany plans as complete a domination of Czechoslovakia as if the fatherland had annexed its small neighbor. By going about the mat­ ter this way Hitler secures all advantages of conquest without gaging in war. the en- Would Be Ready for War London — Sir Auckland Geddes, war-time minister of national service, appealed for re-establishment of a Government office similar to the one he headed during the Great War to insure “mobilization of the popula­ tion for a total war” yvithin months after the outbreak of flict a few a con- of the Japs Take Action Against Outside Powers Shanghai — High officers Japanese army declared Japann was prepared to take extreme measures to end what they, termed assistance to Generial Chiang Kai-Shek by third powers. They mean Britain and France. ONLYJHE BEST FL '** Z ni twi yis GOOD ENOUGH-7 This outstanding triumph is proof of quality. Twelve first prizes in twelve classes, in this year's Baby Shows at the Toron to and Ottawa Exhibitions, were won by babies fed on ‘Crown Brand* Corn Syrup. ' • What better evidence can there be of the confidence which Canadian mothers and their physicians have in the purity and quality of ‘Crown Brand,’ A delicious table syrup, •Crown Brand’ is a treat for the whole family. Tell the boys that pictures of famous hockey stars can still be obtained for 'Crown Brand’ Corn Syrup labels. ....... «PWA«OSWHS CROWN BRAND CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD The CANADA STARCH COMPANY Limited Defies Britain and France Rome — Premier Mussolini joined Chancellor Hitler of Germany in de­ fying French and British elements he labeled war mongering enemies of Fascism, “Diplomatic information,” in an article believed writeen by II Duce himself, warned French and. British anti-Fascists against hoping for a “preventive war” against and Germany. Italy Hitler May Settle Czech-Hungary Dispute Munich — Possibility that Hung­ ary and Czechoslovakia would settle their territorial dispute aided only by the mediation of Reichsfuehrer Hitler was seen after representatives of the two nations had presented their caus­ es to the German Chancellor. At the same time Field Marshal Hermann Wilhelm Goering’s ^newspaper called on Czechoslovakia for quick evidence that she would assume a loyal atti­ tude toward Germany. Spain Talks Strike Snag London — Italian control of the strategic Island of * Mallorca off Spain’s northeast coast was reported to be one of the principal snags in the current series of talks between Great Britain and Italy to “settle” the Spanish war and put into effect the long-dormant London-Rome pact. Leaps to Death Escaping Fire Sudbury—Oscar Philion jumped 30 feet to his death in trying to escape when trapped by a fire in the top floor of the McCool Block. The 41- year-old man landed on his head on the pavement. Police said had he de­ layed his .jump, a second or two, he would have been rescued. Mount Brydges Bank Robbed A pair of heavily armed bandits, fleeing westward with $4,000 snatch­ ed at gun point from the Royal Bank’ at Mount Brydges" Thursday after­ noon, apparently slipped through a police blockade of roads and made good their escape. Dodging bullets and outdistancing pursuers, the pair drove madly along dirt roads leading from Mount Brydges, a few minutes later raced through Melbourne and then vanished. ’ So far, they have not been apprehended. o Con­ ant announced that he would appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada from the decision of the Ontario ap­ pellate division which quashed the conviction of Lakeview relief strikers who had been convicted of unlawful assembly. Province Will Appeal Decision Toronto — Attorney-General PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS By Harry J. Boyle “JUST RAMBLING” Con- On- here Macaulay Out For Leadership Toronto—Leopold Macaulay, servative Hpuse leader in the tario Legislature, in an address placed himself definitely in the field as a candidate for the provincial par­ ty leadership; made vacant through resignation of Hon. Earl Rowe. The leader will be chosen at a province­ wide convention December 8-9. the Paris Fears Alsace-Lorraine Next Paris — Debate developed in Paris over, whether Reichsfuehrer Hitler had his eye on the French Provinces of Alsace and Lorraine, which be­ longed to Germany before the Great War. The Chamber of Commerce of Stratsbourg, principal city of Alsace- Lorraine, apparently started it by de­ manding the French Government ne­ London Conservatives Nominate Manion London — Unopposed and with enthusiastic backing, the Hon. Dr. R. J. Manion, 'Leader of the Federal Conservative Party, was nominated a candidate to '.contest London City riding to fill the unexpired term of the late Major Fred C. Betts, Con­ servative M.P. Twelve hundred dele­ gates filled the auditorium of the H. B. Beale Technical School to acclaim their Federal Leader, whose full day Air Service Nearly Ready With an air-express service tween Montreal, Toronto and West­ ern Canada scheduled for inaugura­ tion this week, passenger service be­ tween Winnip.eg and Vancouver ex­ pected some time in November or December, and scheduled flights from Montreal to the Pacific Coast already a matter of routine, Trans-Canada Air Lines moved another step near­ er its goal with inspection of Malton Airport, near Toronto, by Phillip G.' Johnson, Vice-President in charge of operations. be- Strikes Out at Catholics . Vienna — Joseph Buerckel, Nazi commisionef for Austria, announced three measures against the Austrian Catholic heirarchy as a result of what he said were “church attacks against the National Socialist party and Adolf Hitler.” THE NEW RATE FOR FLAT RATE WATER HEATING IS 45c PER MONTH FOR 100 WATTS INSTALLED CAPAC­ ITY. GET YOUR INFORMATION ON WATER HEATING BY ELECTRICITY AT THE HYDRO SHOP. Dodge Died of Drowning Little Current — After two doctors who performed a post-mortem testi­ fied that the death of Daniel Dodge, motor car heir, was due to drowning, an inquest into Dodge’s death, Aug­ ust 15th, was adjourned, until Octob­ er 24. It was reported the wounds from the dynamite explosion did not cause his death. These are the mornings when rime of frost makes the grass look like jewels, and the apples in the box­ es on the verandah are absorbing all taht Nature can given them. They’ll be mighty fine eating, when the snow is in a fair way to bury the orchard and the wind is whistling in the eav­ es. These are the morning when it’s hard to get up. The floor is pold on bare feet, and your overalls are hard and stiff and goose-pimples come out on your skin . . . and you can think of a thousand things to prevent you from getting up. The fire seems to be a long while coming to life, and you begin to get doubts about wheth­ er you will like the country in the winter or not. I’m stabling my cows over night now, and there’s a cloud of steam that meets you when you open the stable door. The cows are munching quite contendedly on their cuds and not worrying a great deal about whe­ ther winter is coming or not. They feel reasonably sure they will be tak­ en care of. There’s something about the coun­ try this time of year that’s quite fas­ cinating. Every would-be writer, for as long as I can remember, went in­ to ecstacies over the .line of smoky hills or the colour of the trees. The would-be humorists all raved about having to put up stove pipes. They Wingham Utilities Commission Telephone 156 Bulgaria Moves to Stop Revolution Sofia, Bulgaria — The Government invoked nationwide police precautions against political terrorism after the discovery of a revolutionary plot ag­ ainst the government Precautionary steps ^apparently were directed chief­ ly against the outlawed Imro, an or­ ganization of Extremist Macedonians. Officials believed the assassination of General Yordon Peyeff, chief of the Bulgarian general staff, was to have been the signal for revolution. Nazis Golt What They Wanted London — An official map teceiv- ed in London disclosed that Chancel­ lor Hitler- had carried his new fron­ tier with Czechoslovakia forward to lines' corresponding roughly to those of his Godesberg map which t’rime Minister Chamberlain refused to ac­ cept SMALL FRY FILLETS may be right . . . I can’t quite label the feeling for Autumn that I have. It’s also the open hunting-season for all the cats around the farm. With the grain in the granary now, all the field mice and rats are moving in by storm to take up residence where the provisions have all been thoughtfully stored for them, Tabby, our tiger-colored one-eyed pugilist, has had one of her best sea­ sons in my memory, She has gloried in bowling them over, and then after bandying them to death, tossed their dead bodies over in a rather con­ temptuous way to the young fry. She also feel? that she is privileged be­ cause of her prowess as a mouse­ killer to come in and have a daily snooze on the rug in front of the kit­ chen stove. Mrs, Phil has other ideas and I get really told off for letting “that cat” in now and again, This is also the season for little known relatives to call in , and see you, They come in cars with baskets scarcely covered in the back seats. They are very solicitous about how your crop has been, and they hint so broadly about your apple crop. Common decency, of which they have none, makes you ask if they would like a few apples to eat or for baking. That is the signal for them to grab up the baskets, pick out the best apples you have picked, fill up the back of their car ... head for the barn and skedaddle with a bag of tur­ nips and three or four bags of potat­ oes. For all of which you are invited to come and help eat them some time. They depart without your ev­ en knowing where they live. You scarcely get rid of your great aunts first cousin before your grandfather’s secopd cousin’s grandson calls in for his share of the spoils of war. It strikes me that the majority of city cousins have the idea that living in the country is a lark. Nature each Fall, up and dumps in your lap about twice as much as you will need for the next year. They never even consider that you have to it. No, you just sit around ure provides for you . . . shouldn’t you provide for relatives. Well, I don’t mind giving in the full flow of the milk of human kindness, but I sure do hate to have the well pumped dry. And so this is the season of Aut­ umn . . . and I hope that my readers will forgive this letter, because I have a basket of apples and a nice grassy spot picked out in the sun, to while away the afternoon with. work for and and why all your Nat- DRESSED OF HADDOCK 1 cup of milk Vi cup of flour 1 tablespoon of mustard 2 cups of grated old Cana­ dian cheese .. 2 tablespoons of butter fresh chopped parsley Prepare a white sauce with the butter, the flour, the mustard, and the milk; add the grated cheese, season. Wipe the fillets with a damp cloth, cut in individual pieces, cover each piece with the cheese mixture, sprinkle with chopped parsley, place on well buttered oven dish, and cook 20 minutes in moderate oven. Fillets of any other kind of Canadian Fish may be used instead of Haddock fillets. FRUIT And MEAT OVEN GRILL SF » 9 »« The kiddies’ eyes will sparkle when you bring in an appetizing platter of Fish. It’s a dish fit for a king, with its delicious, palate­ pleasing flavour ... yet so inexpensive that: you will have money left over for extra meal­ time treats. < You can enjoy Canadian Fish and Shellfish all the year ’round — over 60 different kinds — fresh, frozen, smoked, dried, canned or pickl­ ed ... as often as you wish. Many tempting recipes make it easy for you to offer delightful variety to hearty appetites. / DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, OTTAWA. write for i i i Please send me your free Booklet, "100 Tempting Fish Recipes". Name..................................................................... (Please Print Letters Plainly) 424 ■ I i 4 4 4 4 (Serves 4) green-tipped bananas, peeled orange slices, % inch thick tomato1 halves lamb or veal chops, % inch thick Place on greased broiler rack. Brush bananas with melted butter. Salt bananas and tomatoes. Broil for 10 to 12 minutes with broiler rack 4 inches under moderately high flame. Turn once to secure an even brown. Serve on a hot platter, seasoning meat with salt and pepper. Garnish with lemon, quarters, sliced stuffed olives and parsley. This is a quick, easy, economical, well-balanced main course. The man with the suitcase chased the train to the end of the platform, but failed to catch it. As he walked back, mopping his brow, an interest­ ed on looker remarked: “Miss the train?” "Oh, not much,” was the reply. “You see, 1 never got to know it very well.” FACTS REGARDING THE RESTRICTED AREA PLAN Huron County cattle owners are to be given the opportunity this fall of voting in favour or against the “Re­ stricted Area Plan” for the eradica­ tion of bovine tuberculosis. Before the petitions are circulated in each school section, a large number of ed­ ucational meetings are being held throughout the country, by the Agri­ cultural Representative, Jas. C. Shearer, to outline the rules -and reg­ ulations of the Area Plan. Every tie owner is invited to attend meeting nearest his home. The following questions and swers cover two most important points: Question: How many cattle arc Huron County farmers likely to lose through the T.B. test? Answer: It is impossible to answer this question but the results obtained in areas tested may give some of what to expect. Cattle Tested 45033 23259 16106 18960 19492 54883 cat- the an- heavier in dairy than in beef sections. Abnormally high losses were encoun­ tered in sections of York, Peel and Halton Counties. In most instances these losses occurred on farms where cattle of unknown origin had been in­ troduced to the herd from time to time. Question: Is the T. B. Serum Test accurate and square? Answer: It is the only accurate test for tuberculosis in cattle so far discovered. An ocasional cow may be so bad that she won’t react but she then may show the disease by her condition. Many that react have on­ ly a slight amount of disease. One never knows when such a cow may break down following illness or heavy work and become a spreader of the disease. All animals that re­ act have tuberculosis in some form. The staff of veterinarians on this work are at it all the year round and they hold their jobs because they are skillful, accurate and honest. They are anxious to have as few reactors as possible but they must be accur­ ate. No government inspector is fool enough to pass tuberculosis animals. Someone would soon report him and his job wouldn’t last the month out. He must tag all the animals he tests and ear punch all reactors. HE’S THE IDOL OF CHILDREN County Northumberland Halton ............. Feel ................ Durham ............. Johanna Hofmann's face fell when she learned Guenther Gustave Rum­ rich had confessed to spy charges with which she is jointly charged, < The defendants were termed small Ontario fry by the prosecution at the New York? ... York spy trial idea Re­ actors 1959 3179 2954 991 2637 3634 % 4.3 13.6 18.6 5.2 13.5 15.1 Results show that losses have been Once the toast of Canada, Tom Longboat, famous Indian runner, is now employed by the Toronto street cleaning department. Forgotten by mosj, he is remembered by the child­ ren in the neighborhood whore he works and they look up to him as an idol.