HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-10-13, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, October 13, 1938 Show Starts at 8,00 p.m* Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two Shews 7.45 and 9.45 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday? October 13? 14, 15th WILLIAM BOYD HARVEY CLARK — I n --- “Partners of the Plains” Hopalong Cassidy rides again down the rocky road to adventure in this thrilling western picture. -----Also—;— “Leon Errol Comedy” “Walt Disney Cartoon” “News” Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, October 17, 18, 19 MICKEY ROONEY JUDY GARLAND LEWIS STONE CECILIA PARKER Your Friends the Hardys are back again in anoth­ er laughable story of real human family life. Mickey Rooney steals the show as the 15-yr.- old Casanova of the Hardy family. Also “Vaudeville Unit” and “Carl Deacon Moore and Orch.” visiting with their sister, Mrs. Jas. Forester and his sister-in-law, Mrs. Albert Patterson. Miss Muriel Shaw, of Toronto, spent the weekTend at the home of her grandmother, Mrs, MacGregor. Mr. and Mrs, Broomer and their daughter, Miss Eileen Broomer, are spending the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McGee. Mr. and Mrs. .(Malcolm Green of Kitchener spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Henry. Preparatory service was held in the Presbyterian Church last Friday night, and Sacrament service cn Sun­ day, Special Thanksgiving services were held in the United Church. Mrs. A. Fox left on Sunday' with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Patten, who spent the week-end here, to spend a few days at Lucan. Mr. and Mrs, George Robinson of Port Burwell, spent the week-end with her parents of Wingham and with his father, Mr. Thos. Robinson of East Wawanosh. Miss Winnifred Fa.rrier of Toronto, Miss Olive Farrier of East Wawan­ osh, and Mr. Carman Farrier of Blue­ vale, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and.-Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Mrs, (Dr.) Wilfred Robinson of Dryden, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Robin­ son. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McNall of Lucknow spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peppier of Tavistock spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. A. Emerson. BLUEVALE WHITECHURCH This Community learned with re­ gret last Thursday that Mrs. Wm. Norman of Qulross had passed away at the home of her mother, Mrs. Alexander Ferguson, following and illness of over a week. Her husband predeceased her over twenty years ago, passing away in the West. She leaves to mourn her one son, Jack in his last year at Toronto Univer­ sity, her aged mother, and brother, Walter, with whom she resided and two sisters, Mrs. Wm. Simpson of Culross and Mrs. Jas. Wilson of Whitechurch. She was in her fifty- second year. The funeral was held from the family home on Saturday to Teeswater cemetery, with her pas­ tor, Rev. J. Pollock in charge of the services." Her aunt, Mrs. Le Warne of Toronto and (Mr. Johnston Hew­ itt of London attended the funeral, also many friends from this com­ munity, who extend sympathy to the bereaved families. Mrs. Leonard Knight of Lin-wood spent the week-end with her brother, Mr. George Fisher and her aunt, Mrs. Kennedy. Mr. Jack Martin of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of A. .Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarke of herstburg spent, the week-end her father, Mr. Robt. Carrick. Mrs. Buschlen and son Randall and Miss Fanny Patterson of Toronto, spent the week-end at the lume of their brother, (Mr. F. McK. Patter­ son. The ladies of the W.M.S. of the United Church were in Fordwich on Wednesday attending the sectional meeting there, and the Y.P.U. of the United Church are entertaining . the young people of Bluevale United Church on Thursday evening. Mr. Thos. Inglis has purchased the farm owned by the late Mr. Rice in Kinloss. Mrs. Morton of Guelpli and her brother, Alec MacDougal and Mrs. MacDougal of Vancouver, have been Mrs. Am- witli FIRST CLASS Watch Repairing AT REASONABLE PRICES WILLIAMS THE JEWELLER Official C. N. R. Watch Inspector. Bride Well Known in Bluevale Miss Jessie Katherine Bailey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bailey of Ottawa was married to Mr. Cecil Geoffrey Bruce, son of Mrs. R. M. Bruce and the late Mr. Bruce of Vancouver, by Rev. John W. Wodsoide, D. D. in Chalmer’s Unit­ ed Church, Ottawa on October 11th. The bride was gowned in blue and silver mouisselaine and was attended by Mrs. Shirley Ogilvie as matron of honour in a dress of fuschia mou- issilaine. The groomsman was Mr. George P. Mitchell of Montreal, and the ushers were Donald Bailey, brother of the bride, Ted Stroulger, Angus Stroulger and Shirley Ogilvie. During the signing of the register Mrs. Alex Grant -sang. ' The Bride’s father was born in Bluevale and has been in the Civil Service in Ottawa for many years. The bride has also been in the Civil Service since her graduation from Queen's University. and Groom Showered and neighbors gathered at of Mr. and Mrs. Edward on Tuesday evening last Baptist Church Rev, E, M, Loney, B,Th„ ’Pastor. Fundamental. Evangelistic, Pre-MUlenial Wednesday .8, p.m. Cottage Prayer Meeting at John Fal­ coner’s, Sunday- Il a.m,—“How a back slider was restored.” 7 p.m.—"A Warning—Remem­ ber who was hanged on Ha­ man’s gallows!” You Are Invited. .................... % Mr, and Mrs. Wix, Detroit are vis­ iting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Alex MacEwan, Mr. and Mrs. Enright and family of Toronto, were holiday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Holmes. Mrs. Henry Fowler and daughter Hilda, London, spent the holiday at Miss Florence Flower’s. Mr. and Mrs. Neil N. MacLean and son Neil, Toronto, spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. George Thornton. Mr. Fred Bowley and daughters, Viola and Neta, visited over the week ■iiminiiniiRiiiniiniiiwiHiiHiiiaiiiaiimii =■ ■ ■ i ■ ■®l New Ladies' Store Smarter Styles Better Quality Bride Friends the home Johnston, week, to honour Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ ert Turnbull, who were recently mar­ ried. A short programme of vocal and instrumental music and speches was given. Rev. A. V. Robb acting as chairman. On behalf of three clas­ ses of Bluevale United Church Sun­ day School George Johnston read an address and a kitchen set of cream and red enamel was presented to the bride and groom by Miss Mosaic Milligan and Isabel McKinnon. A miscellaneous shower of- pretty gifts was a presentation of other friends, Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull each gave a brief reply of thanks. Refreshments were served, bring­ ing a happy evening to a close. Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull will live in London. KI a GLOVES PURSES HOSIERY FLOWERS LINGERIE COSTUME JEWELRY MILLINERY FUR COATS ' DRESSES AFTER­ NOON DRESSES EVENING GOWNS ♦ COATS W. A. Held Fine Meeting The Women’s Association of the United Church met at the home of Miss M. Duff on Thursday after- noonu. The president, Mrs. Robt. MacLennah presiding.. Miss Mossie Milligan gave the scripture reading. The minutes of last months meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. J. Johnston, ahd Mrs. Joseph Curtis read the treasurer’s report, $17. was voted to be paid to .the steward’s board of the church. Plans were made for quilting, also for taking part in the Fellowship Crusade of the church. Mrs. W. J. Johnston contributed a solo, and Miss Margaret Curtis, a reading. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. W. J, Johnston and Mrs. George Thom­ son. The members were pleased to have in attendance a number of ladies who have been kept at home by ill health* Exclusive Not Expensive 0 Miss Watson, Reg. N.» and Miss Ruby Duff, Dietian, Women’s Col­ lege Hospital, Toronto, Miss Doro­ thy Aitken and Mr. Donald Street, Drayton, spent Sunday with Miss Mary Duff and Mrs. Allee Aitken. Mrs. J» W, Masters, Park Hill, spent the holiday with her parents, Mt. ahd Mrs. John Mall. Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson and son Ross, Toronto, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Thornton and family. We Don’t Have It! j Or Jeff jeepers pictured above, i thinks a jug of corn licker is a j necessary part of every hunter’s ‘ equipment. If he’s right —- we i don’t carry a complete line of j hunting supplies. But we have ■ everything any hunter could 1 possibly want except the corn j licker. If you want guns, am- j munition, cartridge belts, hunt- I ing jackets, bird calls, decoys j — this is the place. ; ■ Donald Rae & Son Hunting Equipment Peter’s, Super X and Dominion Ammunition. ■ end*with their cousin’s, Mrs, Laura Kirton and Mrs. Joseph Curtis. Mr. and Mrs, Leon Kaufmann, of Oil Springs, spent the holiday with Mr, and Mrs. J. C> Higgins, Miss . Loreen Hamilton, Stratford, spent the week-end at her home here, Mr. and * Mrs, Gordon Hamilton and son Lawrence, Centralia, also Mr. and. Mrs. Earl Hamilton, Dalores and Phyllis, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Churchill, Peterson Pipes Agents for Wingham $2.00 Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe Like New Again Surprising how this n^w and more scientific service makes clothes look like new. Once you try it, you’ll never switch. Woolen Dresses and Knitted Suits $1»OO Each INTERIORS EXrERIOR PAINT eman & Son Look for this number on the Wallpaper Insert in your Tele­ phone Directory. FREE PRIZE— 16 Gallon Floglaze Enamel October LtiCky Winner—2041 ELMER WILKINSON BELGRAVE W.M.S; Held Thankoffering Meeting The Women’s Missionary Society of Knox United Church held their Autumn Thankoffering meeting on Thursday afternoon in the school room of the church with a splendid attendance of members and other ladies of the congregation. They also had as guests the members of the Brick Church Missionary Society1 and the Westfield Society. Mrs. H. Wheeler, the president was in charge and on behalf of the members wel­ comed the visitors, Mrs, Cecil Wheel­ er, the pianist was at the piano, The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. J. Wheel­ er and the visitors heard a little of the work being done by the Bel­ grave ladies. Mrs, J. B. Townend read the scripture reading, Miss Win­ nifred Campbell of Westfield favor­ ed with a solo and Mrs, W. M, Mc­ Dowell and Mrs. William Walden al­ so of Westfield sang a duet. Mrs. W. McDowell accompanied at the piano for both numbers. Miss Clara McGowan of Blyth who spent four years as a teacher of the Missionaries’' children in China, was the guest speaker and gave a splendid impressive account of the lives of the Missionaries -and the work there, also of the 'difficulties and dangers of the leaders in that country. She also dis­ played some articles of various kinds and work which were all hand made in China. Slys also made refrence to her association with Dr. Wilford and his family and Miss Caroline Well- wsood of Wingham, who she was al­ so in contact with in China. Mrs. Norman Keating of the Belgrave So­ ciety sang a solo accompanied by Mrs. J. M. Coultes. A reading by Mrs. Wm.' Carter of Westfield foll­ owed. Mrs. R. Chamney and Mrs. J. Wheeler moved a hearty vote of thanks to Miss McGowan for her splendid address. The meeting was closed with the singing of a hymn and prayer. At the close of the meet­ ing a dainty lunch was served at nice­ ly decorated tables in the basement. Mrs. J. McGill of Westfield and Mrs. S. McBurney of Brick each thanked the Belgrave • Society on behalf of their respective groups for the oppor­ tunity of meeting together and the pleasant afternoon spent together. Large Attendance at Anniversary Very successful Anniversary Serv­ ices were held in the Presbyterian Church, Belgrave on Sunday, Octob­ er 9, at 11 o’clock and 7.30 in the evening. The church was nicely dec­ orated for the services with bright cut flowers in baskets. 'Large congre­ gations were present at each service.| Rev. Hugh Jack of Seaforth was the guest speaker and gave two very im­ pressive addresses. The choir was as­ sisted by members from Calvin Pres­ byterian Church at b'oth services when special music was contributed to the service. Mr. and Mrs. R. McCrea are spend­ ing a holiday in Windsor. . To Hold Children's Service A special Children’s Day Service will be held in Trinity Anglican Church, Belgrave, on Sunday next, October 16th, at 11.30 a.m. Next Sunday is Children’s Day throughout the Curch of England in Canada—an important day in the life of every Parish. x Mrs. R, M. Weekes, of Blyth, will give the address. The Rector, the Rev, R. M. Weekes, will conduct the Service. It is earnestly hoped that all the children of Trinity Sunday School with their parents will be present at this Service. A cordial invitation to attend this service is extended to all. Y. P. S. Well Attended The Young People’s Society of tilt United Church met in the school room on Wednesday night with the Fellowship, Committee in charge. Miss Anna Grasby presided; the les­ son was/read by Jas. McCrea, The topic consisted of a paper with a devotional theme, "The Power of Example” and was ably given by Miss Edith Beacom. The special mus­ ical feature of the evening was a solo by Miss Doris Scott with Miss Eileen JMcCallum nt the piano. There was a good attendance for the first reg­ ular meeting and a fine spirit mani­ fest, Some (ho-ught is being given* by the officers of the society to the pos­ sibility of a special singing practice on Sunday evenings in preparation for a special Sunday evening service KING BROS. Announce a Special Showng of TIP TOP TAILORS Fall and Winter Woolens and Styles IN SUITINGS AND OVERCOATINGS by Mr. C. A. Rafeiman Tip Top Tailors Special Representative on Monday, October 17 th BE SURE TO COME IN AND MEET HIM! Those who appreciate rich' Quality fabrics, will be intrigued by the infinite variety of Tip Top Suitings and Overcoatings shown by their representative. r PRICE $24.95 PRICE I KING BROS. at the Christmas season. The date December 21 has been set as the night of the Knox United Church Sunday School Chirstmas Tree Concert in the Forester’s Hall. Miss Kay Townend, Verna John­ ston, Nora Wheeler and Mae Young all of London, spent Thanksgivng at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs, J. Little, of Win­ throp spent Sunday with the lady’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Geddes. Rev. J. B. Tow’nend took the serv­ ice in Brussels United Church on Sunday night owing to the illness of Rev. Mahoney, pastor of the church, Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith of Lon­ don, spent the holiday with Mr. and. Mrs. W. J. Cole. Miss Gertie Armstrong of Wind­ sor was a holiday visitor at her home herev Mrs. W. Messer and Vernon of Palmerston, visited Mr. and Mrs. Willard Armstrong. Miss Myrtle Yuill, teacher north of Whitechurch, attended the teachers Convention at Ottawa, held the end of the week. Prompt Delivery FOR Phone 161 ! SHOP AT Smith’s Economy Food Store Redpathl’s GRANULATED SUGAR 10 Lbs. 54c With Dollar Order —• Sugar Not Included Clover Leaf Red Cohoe SALMON ........... 29c Tall Tin CATELLFS COOKED SPAGHETTI ...16 oz. tin 10c READY CUT MACARONI .......... 5c lb. BUTTERNUT PEANUT BUTTER ................. 2 lbs. 25c DALTON’S FRENCH DRIP -COFFEE ........... 35c lb. CHOICE PITTED DATES ................... 2 lbs. 25c WHOLE GLACE CHERRIES .......... 39c lb. FRESH SALTED PEANUTS ............ 2 lbs, 25c SMITH’S FOUR O’CLOCK BLEND TEA 55c lb. THIS IS A BROKEN ORANGE TEA MAPLE LEAF PEAS No, 2 Size Tin...........2 for 19c Tip Top Choice Tomatoes ......._..... 2 Large Tins for 19c Libby’s PORK & BEANS 16 Oz. Tins---------3 Tins 20c ICING SUGAR .................... 2 lbs. 15c Tip Top GOLDEN BANTAM CORN ..................... 2 Tins 19c GOLDEN WAX BEANS No. 2 Size Tin ......... 2 for 19c HELMET CORNED BEEF ....... 15c tin Libby’s Tomato or Vegetable SOUP ............................. 3 tins 25c\ BUYASACK BREAD FLOUR .. 98 lb. bag $2.75 MADE RITE PASTRY FLOUR .. 24 lb. bag 51c Fresh Fruit and Vegetables in season. Also we carry a full line of Bacons, Cottage Rolls, Picnic Hams, Weiners, Bologna and other Cold Meats. See them in our New Refrigerator—keeps everything nice and fresh YOUREYES 4B MAY BE THE CAUSE OF YOUR HEADACHES! Seven people out of ten have headaches from eyestrain, Proper glasses fitted by R. A, REID bring quick relief* Always moderate prices, toot R. A. REID, R.0. Sight Specialist For Twenty Years at 21 DOWNIE 1ST., STRATFORD Wingham Office In WILLIAMS JEWEL- ‘ RY STOPE Every Wednesday Morning * 9 to Noon Phone 5W.